The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 17, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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Jonesmere Gardens Attract j
Admiring Throngs at Open
ing Yesterday
An unequaled display of choice
columbine at Jonesmere, the coun
try place of Mrs. W. Al Jones and
Mis Mabel Creighton was viewed
yesterday afternoon and evening
by several nunarea nower lovers,
Miss Creighton is a particular
connoisseur of fine columbine and
her planting is, without doubt, the
most extensive in this vicinity.
Starting eight years ago with a
single speciman of the famous
long-spurred type. Miss Creighton
now has a total of 38 distinct var
ieties. The loveliest of the varieties ob
served were those which Miss
Creighton has developed in her
own garden pollinated by the bees
on the farm.
The most delicate pastel shades,
imaginable are found in these
beautiful hybrids. Many shades of
light rose, pale coral, salmon pink,
and even a transparent wine red
have been developed. On the other
hand there are delft and lavender
blues, yellows, cream and white
Srieties and any number of two
ftable colors in combination.
By actual measurement it was
found that these amazing colum
bines have spurs 2 inches long
and a diameter of 4 1-4 inches.
The lacy foliage and slender stems
to say nothing of the delicate pro
fusion of bloom make columbine
an excellent flower for cutting.
For the dining room table nothing
more charming can be imagined.
Miss Creighton manages to ger
minate this difficult, hard-coated
seed by planting it in July. It takes
nearly a year for the seedlings to
flower, but once they are estab
lished they afford a mass of blos
soms from May to August year af
ter year.
Miss Creighton allows her guests
to choose for their own gardens
the plants they wish to buy while
the specimens are all in bloom.
Many prominent names were noted
yesterday attached to choice, re
served clumps-which may be trans
ferred during blooming season
with no Impairment whatsoever to
the plant. In fact. Miss Creighton
moves her columbines about free
ly to gain more interesting color
The entire garden is enclosed
within trellises of roses and walls
of delphiniums and hollyhocks.
Punch was served under the
trees. Miss Creighton and Mrs.
Jones were assisted by their sister,
Mrs. W. H. Dancy.
Writers' Club Entertained
at C. P. Bishop Home
Miss Edna Garfield was hostess
at the meeting of the Writers club
Tuesday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bishop on Court
The varied program opened
with a children's story read by
Miss Lucy Higgins. Charles J.
Mle read an article entitled. "My
Mother's Wars."
m An excellent paper on "The Mi
gratory Laborer" was read by Mrs.j
C. A. Kells. who is taking research
work at Willamette University,
Miss Renska Swart read a let
ter from Mrs. F. S. Barton, a for
mer member of the club who now
lives in Montana.
Miss Blanche Jones spoke of the
winners of the Pulitzer prizes the
names of which were announced
Tuesday, and Mrs. W. F. Fargo
read a prose, description revealing
Professor J. O. Hall told an In
teresting short story! and Dr. Mary
C. Rowland described an attractive
art panel which she has just com
pleted. ';
The evening closed with a de
lightful talk on .Hawaii" given by
Mr. Bishop' who with Mrs. Bishop
spent a month of the winter in the
Others in the group who did not
take part in the program were
Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney, Mrs. John
Rowland, Mrs. E. Hobson. Mrs.
Roy Anderson, Mrs. Gustav Ebsen,
Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Hall, Mr. and
Mrs. C. P. Bishop Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Paulus, M?ss Edna Gar
field, Mrs. Ora F. Mclntyre, and
Mrs. F. G. Franklin.
Regular Meeting of H. S. B.
Club Monday Evening
The regular meeting of the II.
S. B. club was held Monday nignt'
at the home of Miss Letha Pelley.
Officers were nominated at the
business session. Election of offi
cers will take place at the next
meeting, the last for the club year.
The evening was spent playing
In the group were Mrs. S. M.
Pelley, Miss Cecil Pelley, Mrs.
Irene Abst, Mrs. Russell Patter
son. Mrs. Nile Hllborn, Mrs. Byrd
Johnson. Mrs. Henry Gortmaker,
Misa Ora Williams, Miss Beatrice
K JpNon, and the hostess, Miss Le
tha Pelley.
North Salem W. C. T. U.
Entertained Recently
-V- The North Salem W. C. T. U.
held an interesting meeting last
Thursday afternoon at the coun
try home of Mrs. Ed Olsen, east
of Salem.
Reports were given by the dele
rAtpa to the recent county conven
tion held in Salem. The Mother's
Day program consisted of readings
and short talks. Mrs. Hadley and
Mrs. Fuestman sang a duet.
Etkota Club Members Enjoy
Picnic at Champoeg
Members of the Etkota club mo
tored to Champoeg Tuesday after
noon for their last meeting of the
A business session followed the
picnic dinner which was served at
noon. The following orncers were
elected for the year: president,
Mrs. A. J. Vick: vice-president.
Miss Gertrude Eakin, secretary;
Mrs. Vard Hughest and treasurer,
Mrs. Mason Bishop.
Albert Toiler, caretaker at the
park, gave reminiscences of pio
neer days in Oregon and of the
founding of Champoeg. Among the
many interesting articles which Mi
Tozier has in his possession are
the first city directory of San Fran
cisco which is no larger than an
address book; a paper published
on the day of Lincoln's assassina
tion, and arithmetic written in
long hand; and a number of inter
esting old letters.
The group included Mrs. Harry
Elgin. Mrs. Clifford Elgin. Mrs.
Eric Butler, Mrs. MacKenzie, Mrs.
Erickson. Miss Gertrude Eakin,
Mrs. Mason Bishop. Mrs.'S. B. Gil
lette, Mrs. A. J. Vick Mrs. Vard
Hughes, Mrs. Morarity, Mrs. R. J
Pemberton, and Mrs. Claude Van
Mrs. U. S. Dotson Hostess at
Meeting of Three Link Club
Mrs. U. S. Dotson was hostess
at a delightful meeting of the
Three Link club Friday afternoon
in her home on Union street.
The interesting program given
in the afternoon included numbers
by the Sacred Heart Academy or
chestra, composed of the follow
ing members: Miss Norma Maier,
Miss Patricia Dungan, Miss Bcr
tha Ryland. Miss Monica Ruth,
Miss Venita LaBranch, Miss Mar
guerite Estudillo, Miss Tessie
Brentano Miss Margaret David
son, Miss Agnes Saalfeld. Mist
Margaret Kelleher, Miss Agnet
Moisan, and Miss Lorraine Zielin
ski, as well as a piano solo by Miss
Norma Maier, and a vocal solo, giv
en by Miss Margaret Thompson
both students at the academy.
Leonard Chadwick, violinist.
played several numbers, accompan
led by Miss Lois Plummer, ant.
Miss Gladys Lachele gave a group
of piano solos.
Refreshments were served Aat
the tea hour.
Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Styles
Entertain Salem Music
Mrs. Henry Lee and Mrs. Mollic
Hill Styles entertained the Salem
iusic Teachers' association Tues
day evening in Mrs. Lee's home at
733 Stewart street.
Members present were Mrs. Wal
ter Denton, Mrs. Martin F. Fer
rey, Mrs. Ethel Roberts, Mrl and
Mrs. Frank Churchill, Miss Eliza
beth Levy, Miss OUie Chandler,
Mrs. Lena Waters, Mrs. Joy Tur
ner Moses. Mrs. Mollie Hill Styles,
and Mrs. Henry Lee.
he state music teachers' con
vention which will be held in Med
ford May 21 and 22 was discuss
Refreshments were served at the
close of the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Churchill will be
hosts at the June meeting of the
Sixty members of the society
were present for the afternoon.
United Artisans Will Have
Mother's Day Meeting
The United Artisans will have
a Mother's Day meeting this eve
ning. Artisans and their mothers
or other invited guests will as
semble for dinner at six-thirty
The general public is invited to
ittend the open meeting which will
follow the dinner.
Loyal Berean Class of Court
Street Christum Church
The regular business and social
meeting of the Loyal Berean class
of the Court street Christian
?hurch was held Tuesday evening
in the church yarlors.
A large number of class mem
hers was in attendance. Games
were played and refreshments
served following the business ses
iion. A. N. MOORES
Native of Marlon county.
Graduate of Willamette Un
iversity is a candidate - for
PRESENTATIVE on Republican ticket. He be
lieves in a sound economical
and business like adminis
tration of public affairs.
For qualifications see voter's .
Vote for 54
Social Calkndax
Salem Arts League. Business
meeting. Library. 7:30 Iock.
Annnal election of officers.
Faculty Woman's club. Lan-
sanne hall. 2:30 o'clock.
American Legion auxiliary Glee
clnb. Musical numbers. Hollywood
American Legion auxiliary. All-
day meeting. Mrs. King Bartlett,
South Commercial and Waldo ave
nue. Luncheon at 12:00 o'clock.
Auburn Woman's Community
club. Mrs. Ivan Hawkins, hostess
United Artisans. Dinner, 6:30
o'clock. Open meeting later.
School's Art Exhibit, Senator
hotel. High street, 9 a. m. to 3 p.
m.; 7 to 8 p. m.
Chemeketa chapter, D. A. R. No
hostess luncheon. Elks club. 1:00
o'clock. Reservations Mrs. Ho
mer Goulet. Mrs. U. G. Shipley.
A. A. U. W. Willamette program.
Gray Belle. 12:30 o'clock. Phone
333 for reservations.
School's Art Exhibit. Senator
hotel. High street, 9 a. m. to o p.
m.; 7 to 8 p. m.
Art section. Salem Arts League.
Dr. Mary Rowland. Court street
hostess, 7:30 o'clock.
Piano recital. Music department.
Willamette University. Miss Helen
Bridgeman. Waller hall. 8:15
Ecclesia Club Entertained
With Elaborate Costume
Members of the Ecclesu club
ere entertained Monday evening
it the Fred Erixon home on State
itreet with an elaborate costume
party. Hostesses were Miss Ruth
Moore. Miss Louise Bryan, Miss
tvy Bowden. and Miss Marcella
Baskets of spring flowers in a
i-ariety of colors were arranged
ibout the living rooms.
Miss Melba Robinsont wearing a
lack taffeta period gown, won the
jrize for the cleverest costume.
Musical numbers were given and
four new members formally initia
led. They are Miss Irene Hughes,
Miss Patty Rowe, Miss Laura Mc
3ee, and Miss Erma Reynolds.
Miss Golda Wheeler was reelect
ed president of the club at the
hort business session. Other offi
ers elected for the year were:
'ice-president, Miss Charlotte
Jndquist; secretary, Miss Leolyn
larnet; and treasurer. Miss Melba
Refreshments were served late
n the evening.
. Mrs. Fred Erixon was a special
;uejst. Members present for the
evening included: Miss Thelma
Uesch, Miss Gladys McKey, Miss
.leta Claggett, Miss Melba Robin-
ion. Miss Marguerite Wann Miss
Flora Turnbnll, Miss Leolyn Bar
jet. Miss Vera Olmsted, Miss Lou
se Hiller, Miss Ruth Cole, Miss
31a Volkel, Miss Zelma Bush, Miss
'elma Rominger, Miss M y 1 a
Jhambers, Miss Edna McElhaney,
4iss Mabel Alrick Miss Hattie
irown. Miss Charlotte Lindquist
llss Bernice Strand. Miss Violet
Jowden, Miss Ruth Kitchen. Miss
Vnn Mclntyre, Miss Esther Erick
jon, Miss Margaret Brown, Miss
Irene DeLisle, Miss Lillian Mar
shall, Miss Irene Hughes, Miss
Patty Rowet Miss Laura McGee,
Miss Erma Reynolds, Miss Golda
Wheeler, Mrs. Mabel Erickson, and
the hostesses. Miss Moore, Miss
3ryan, Miss Bowden and Miss Cas-
All Sections of Salem Arts
League Will Meet This
All sections of the Salem Arts
League will meet at seven-thirty
a'clock this evening in the fire-
Lplace at the public library.
Election of officers will be held,
"ollowed by a round table discus-
Officers of W. R. C. Will
Meet This Afternoon
The officers of the Woman's
Relief Corps will meet at two-thir-'v
o'clock this afternoon at the
borne of Mrs. Minnie D. Baker
147 Marion street.
Dr. W. Carlton Smith
Active Representation for
Marion County
Alpha Phi Alpha Entertains
With Delightful Venetians
Party The annual spring formal of the
Alpha Phi Alpha sorority was a
delightful event of Saturday eve
ning May 12, at the home or air.
and Mrs. N. C. Kafoury on North
Summer street.
The Venetian motif was carried
out in the decorations, program,
and refreshments.
The guests were met at the door
by Miss Helen Kafoury. Miss An
na Mary McKinley introduced to
the receiving line which inciuaea
Mrs. Bernice Groth, Van Bateson,
Mica Uir. manfiplri. Mrs. O. P
Hoff, Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney, Pro
fessor and Mrs. Robert Moulton
Gatke, and Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Ka
foury. A variety of lavender and yellow
flowers were arranged about the
drawing room.
The beautiful gardens along the
banks of Mill creek were lighted
with colored globes. Rustic seats
and benches were arranged about
the garden.
The evening's program includ
ed a piano solo "A Day in Ven
ice" by Miss Margaret Warnke;
"Italy Speaks," a reading by Miss
Margaret Garrison; a violin solo,
"Love's Song of Venice," played
by Miss Claudine Gerth, "Song for
a Gondola" sung by Miss Esther
Dieff?nbach. and "Venetian Syn
copation." played by Miss Bessie
Mrs. Groth presided at the punch
bowl. Pink tapers in crystal hold
ers and a crystal bowl of sweet
peas and roses centered the long
table where appropriate refresh
ments were served.
The favors were leather address
books, embossed with the Alpha
Phi Alpha seal, for the men, and
lovely Venetian lace handkerchiefs
for the girls. t
The guest group included: Mr
and Mrs. N. C. Kafoury, Professor
and Mrs. R. M. Gatke, Mrs. O. P
Hoff Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney, Miss
Mary Clanfield, Miss Liletta Leigh
ton. Miss Claudine Gerth, Mis;
Bernice Newhouse, Miss Mary Mar
tin, Miss Mary Rettie, Miss Irene
Breithaupt, Miss Ella Pfeiffer
Miss Georgia Fairbanks, Miss An
na Mary McKinley. Miss Mabel
Flatt, Miss Loretta Varley Misi
Sarah Poor, Miss Dorothy Gard
ner, Miss Donna Hildesheim, Miss
Alvina Breithaupt, Miss Helen Ka
foury. Miss Leone Clothier, Misi
Dorothy Taylor, Miss Ruth Burch.
Miss Bessie Weaver, Miss Mar
garet Warnke, Miss Dorothy Est
ling Miss Marian Michaelsoa, Mife.1-
Lysle Scheldt, Mis" Susan Chad
wick, Miss Gladys Miles, Miss Mar
tina Pruitt, Miss Esther Dieffen
bach, Miss Mary Kafoury, Mis:
Mildred Cannoy, Miss Grace Hen
derson, Miss Henrietta Bishop
Miss Helen Moore, Miss Margaret
Garrison, Miss Betty Hyde Mls
Velleda Ohmart, and Mrs. Bernice
Van Bateson, Louis Oberson
Russell Hills, Homer Roberts, Nick
Zylstra, Patrick Dahlin, Henry Ob
erson, Reeve Betts, Barnie Cran
or, Wilbur Swafford Leo Kafoury,
Merle Larsen, Basil DeLisle, Ste
phen Mergler, John Gilhousen
Harold Mumford, Paul Allen, Le
land Sprecher, Theodore Long
Ivan Kafoury, Edwin Goodenough
Lawrence Deacon Francis Dellar
port, Frank Girod, George Baker
Frank Mason, Donald Middleton,
Richard Praetorius, Forrest Lung-
2T, Frank Shafer, Wilson Brown
lee, Lars Nelson, Everett Patton
md Kenneth Wylie.
Guests at Rex Sanford Home
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brosius of
Seattle are spending a fortnight
in Salem as the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Rex Sanford.
Drop in today sit down at
a quiet table lean back,
stretch out and order one
of the most delicious soda
fountain specialties you've
ever tasted.
And take your time enjoy
your cooling; refreshment to
the utmost There's plenty
of room for everybody to
take plenty of time.
1S5 N. Com'l. St.
Phone 107
The Original Yellow Front
Carl LNelson
Candidate for
from Marion county
The new state office build
ing, the welfare of state in
stitutions and the flax in
dustry are of prime import
ance to Marion county.
They are entitled to active
and effective representation.
Chapter A. B.. P. E O. Enter
tained With Attractiv :
Dinner Party
Members of Chapter A. B. of
the P. E. O. Sisterhood entertained
their husbands with an attrac
tive dinner party Monday evening
at the home of Dr. Mary C. Row
land on Court street.
The guests were served at small
tables centered with lovely French
Special guests were Miss Fran
cis E. Richards. Mrs. Clark of La
Grande, Mrs. H. J. Hathaway, Miss
Merle McKelvey, and Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Fellows of Portland.
The group included the follow-
ing members of the chapter and
their guests: Professor and Mrs.
W. E. Kirk, Dr. and Mrs. W. D.
Smith. Professor and Mrs. E. C.
Richards, Dr. Mary C. Rowland
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Morris, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray L. Smith. Miss Grace!
Elizabeth Smith, Miss Dorothea
Steusloff. Mrs. Bessie Barrett,
Mrs. W. F. Fargo, Mr. and Mrs.
Flagg, Miss L. May Rauch, Mrs.
Mary Rauch, Mr. and Mrs. Eric
Butler, and Mrs. Mollie Hill Styles.
Professor E. C. Richards Jay
Morris, Lester Fellows and Eric
Butler were initiated into asso-
iate membership.
Guests in Salem From
Mrs. Gertrude Fisher West, her
daughter Mrs. Allen Philipp Cal
vert (Gertrude West) and Mrs.
Calvert's small son, Allen, all of
Coronado, California are guests
of Mr. and Mfs. L. B. Davis.
Mrs. West,; a former resident of
Salem, is a sister of Mrs. Davis
and also of Mr. O. L. Fisher. Mrs.
Calvert, whose husband is a lieu
enant in the! navy and chief en
gineer of the U. S. S. destroyer
Thompson, islenroute to Bremer
ton, Washington where she will
join Mr. Calveirt who has been as-
igned to duty at the Bremerton
aavy yards upon completion of his
ruise with the fleet.
Members of American Legion
Auxiliary Will Meet Today
An all-day meeting of the Amer
van Legion auxiliary will be held
oday at the home of Mrs. King
iartlett. South; Commercial street
and Waldo avenue.
The day wilt be spent making
poppies which will be placed on
he World Wat Veterans' graves
n Memorial Day.
Lycfia E. Pinkham's
Gave These Women Strength
R, 1, Woodleaf, N. C.
Woodleaf. N. C. "I was nervous
and suffered most of the time and
sometimes I would have to go to
bed. My sister told me she was in
the same condition and bow Lydia
r : -
V' '
r .:: , 1
i ...
i".'V' ':t
I ?U.,'n i iii hut iii iiniMW irmmJi
John H. Porter (X 67)
The present incumbent as County Com
missioner seeks re-election asking your
support on his record for fairness and im
partiality to all sections of the County and
to a constructive, yet economical, handling
of County affairs.
(Paid advertisement
Miss Melton Will Present
Students in Piano Recital
Miss Frances Virginie Melton
will present a group of her stu
dents in piano recital Monday eve
ning at eight-fifteen o'clock at
Waller hall. Miss Helen Bridge
man will be soloist for the evening.
The program will be as follows:
"Unfinished Symphony" ..Schubert
Allegro Moderato
Andante con moto
Helene Price Edith Findley
(Violin obligato Iva Clair Love)
"Sonate Op. 31-2" Beethoven
Helen Bridgeman
"Concerto Re Minor" Mozart
Rosalind Van Winkle
(Orchestral part, Edith Findley)
"Gavottes I and H" ..Bach
"Impromptu Op. 90-2" ..Schubert
"Scherzino" Schumann
'Arabesque" '. MacDowell
Helen Bridgeman
Members of Salem Arts Lea
gue Will Meet This Evening
All members of the Salem Arts
League will meet at seven -thirty
o'clock this evening at the public
Election of officers for the year
will be held at that time.
Art Setcion of Salem League
Will Meet Monday Evening
The Art Section of the Salejn
Arts League will meet at seven
thirty o'clock Monday evening at
the studio of Dr. Mary C. Rowland.
Miss Ruth M. Brauti, section
leader, will conduct a sketch class
which' will be a part of the prac
tical program to be carried out
during the year. Members are ask
ed to bring pencils and sketch
All who are interested in the
section are invited to attend.
Auburns Woman's Club
Will Meet
The Auburn Woman's Commun
ity club will meet this afternoor.
at the home of Mrs. Iran Hawkins.
Miss McAlpin of the Marioi
County Health Demonstration will
be present and will speak oa the
needs of the linen loan closet. The
afternoon will be spent with sew
Dentists Few in France
PARIS France has onlv one
dentist to every 11,00 persons
i ?arm dwelers make up 4 3 percent
of the population.
Vegetable Compound
E. Pinkham's Vegetable -Compound
had helped her. After taking the
first bottle I found I was stronger
than I was before. Now I have taken
three bottles, I can do my house
work and most every other kind of
work that I want to do. I will rec
ommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound to anyone. I will
answer all mail received asking
about the Vegetable Compound."
Mrs. Rosa Swicegood, R. 1, Wood
leaf, N. C.
Benefited Beyond Expression
Jacksonville, Fla. "I read an ad
vertisement of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and have been
taking it now for four years and
find it a wonderful medicine for
weak, run-down women. I do my
own housework and work in an of
fice besides and I would get cross
and irritable and too sick to work.
I have benefited beyond expression
by the Vegetable Compound end
will gladly answer letters from
anyone who is suffering and jieeds
help." Mas. Rose Morsis. 214J
Walnut St, Jacksonville, Florida
Republican Candidate
38 Years in Marion
Born in Clackamas
County in 1880
Economy, Good Govern
ment, State Develop
ment, Honest Service to
by John II. Porter)
CLEAR LAKE, May 15. (Spe
cial.) A delightful evening was
enjoyed at the Christian Endeavor
social held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Smith. The evening
was spent playing games, and re
freshments were served later.
Two of the young men came to
the social after they had taken
part in the light opera, "H. M. S.
Pinafore," given by the senior
high school in Salem. They were
Robert Meredith and William
St oik.
Others present for the social
were: Mkss Alice Massey, Robert
Massey. Merle Beckner. Miss Wil
ma Garner. Miss Claire Collard,
Miss Marie Harold. William Col
lard. Mrs. J. O'Neil and Mij
Frances O'Neil. Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur Baker and Miss Pearl Baker,
and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Boyd.
The Clear Lake people regret to
see Rev. and Mrs. Abel and sons
leave for Bellingham. Washing
ton, where Rev. Abel will be pas
, i I. ,., .. -
i: x V PJ KIIW I
Dentist TELEPHONE 2800
We wish to thank the public for their patronage in the past.
From the large number we have served we feel that the Pub
lic in general appreciates our high quality dentistry at lower
prices. Business has surpassed our expectations.
SILVER FILLINGS as low as f 1
22 K Gold Crown and Bridgework low as $5. Examination Free
Here is a List of Week End Stimulators:
You will find them interesting we think:
About a dozen 4 burner Clark Jewel Oil Cook stoves
equipped with the famous Loraine Burner, l A PA
Each, Only : )17.)U
A few dozen 2 qt Icemount Ice Cream Freezers, they
are just right for family use, they go for d A A
Each tPl.UU
Pint size Tin Sprayers, just right for household use.
We have cases of them and they go for 1 f?
Each, Only : J IdC,
It's camping time and we are ready with a fine assort
ment of good white enameled ware. We have Cups,
Mugs, Piates, Pans and Bowls, and fine ware remem
ber, and you may have any piece for I A
only .
See us for Refrigerators
and Coleman Stoves
tor of the Evangelical church.
The local church will be without
a pastor until late in the summer,
when a man from the east will
have the appointment.
Jordan Farmer Injured
Seriously in Runaway
Joe Swendt, former of Jordan,
Oregon, was seriously injured
Monday when the team of horse
which he was driving, hitched to
a disk harrow, became frightened
and ran away. He received sev
eral deep gashes about the head
and suffered from loss of blood
before Dr. A. G. Prill of Scio ar
rived. He was immediately taken
to the Albany general hospital
where his chance for recovery was
found to be doubtful.
Howard Sanders, son of Mr. and
Mrs. T. L. Sanders, of near Salem,
painfully injured his foot Mon
day afternoon, when it became en
tangled with the drive chain of
his motorcycle. The ligaments
were torn loose, and it will be
some time before he will be able
to use his leg.
Read The Classified Ads
Republican Candidate For
Was for Two Years Acting
Secretary of Stale and Chief
Efficiency Endorsed by the
"H. II. Corey Is acknow
ledged to be one of the most
efficient officials in the state
house." Oregonian.
"Mr. Corey is conceded to
be one of the most efficient
and most competent officials
in the state's service at this
time." Oregon Journal.
"Mr. Corey is fair-minded,
he has a good head on him
and cannot be stampeded.
This is saying a good deal.
He has not played politics In
his rulings." Oregon Voter.
Paid Adv. by H. H. Corey,
121 Bllgh Bldg., Salem Ore.
Dental Technician
We have a limited sup
ply of these Beauty
Banquet Ranges to sell
at the extremely lowv
price of $75.00 each,
with coils connected. '
Compare the finish,
construction and beau
ty with any range sell
ing at $50 more. It
weighs 410 lbs.
Also we offer you a
lighter Buffet Range
that is a wonderful
value at a price no one
will touch. This large
size Charm Range with
full enameled trim
mings is a good com
panion to the Beauty
but Is lighter and sells
for only $45.00. You
will be well paid for a
little time spent in
checking up our range