THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAY 16, 1928 REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY ANDERSON CinCJn-. fljtlltn ICQ jk Hi.w ri tin BARBER SKNs Cray Bidg. . TL TM -BECKK A HENIRICKS 1M ST. High. TwL 161 w. r. tutu wa ll State. Te. Xl LEO A. CH1UI OU. Realtor tso bita xt. ru. ira? FRED U. LEi-LEO soo jr. cfcuth. asso UOMEJt it. iXjaTXlt at Si I TT OO. IS htaat Mat. Besdt Bldg TaL I aw S. Libert atk . TeL 24i W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 194 8. Liberty Sk TL 41 MELVIN JOriASON 120 U. B. Baas ltidg. TeL 4l W. 0. KRCSGER 147 N. Cobs' L TaL S1J LULlB k LAV-LAB. LedJ A b ieh Baak Bide. TaL 444 LARaKW Oil KICK BS5 Oregoa Bias. TaL 174 V. Mm LIBTOat 404 6 Meeonle Eld TaL i8Tl ABTHDB MAOaEH 1074 Uorth Capita. TL tHt MELLINGEB OOiHTTI 09 Oregoa Bid. TaL 1170 W. O. MILLS 81 Stato 8V i TaL 17S , Tal w. x. mczes 451 Court St. TaL tail JOHN W. ORB New B'.ifh Bid. TaL S48 Ot.liTV.VUt J. at. PAGE 484 Court. TaL 188V PERR1NE UARSTERS Vi?'2 y Bids. TaL 901 RICH L. REI5.A.KN. Realtor tl N. High Sk i TaL 864 BALTIC REALTY CO. 462 fitste St. Boo T. TaL 1004 charies spur&jsi aiO Oregoa Bldg. TaL 1U1 SOCOLOF8K1 ft COM 04 5 First Nek Hank Bid. TaL 97s SOU ARK I'EAL REALTY V. 8. Kil l Back Bids. TaL 4" TRIANGLE HK.XL.TTl CO. 421 Court tit. TaL 85J ULRICH ROBERTS 10 N. CommeretaL TaL & U. 8. REALTY CO. 441 Stat 8. TeL 264 r. l. wooo 41 SUta St. TaL TM SALESMEN TWO ENERGETIC SALESMEN WANT ed by a Portland Manufacturing Co. References required. Call 301 Senator Hotel, between 12 and 1 P. M. Wed nesday or Thursday. CHIROPRACTORS 10 DR. O. L. SCOTT, PfC. CHIROPRACTOR 15i n. High TaL 828-ak, uea. SIQ4-J DKS. 6COFIELD. X-Ray. . . , CHTRO praetor, acd Neuroralometer service. Office phone 2194, Ret. 2 187-J; and 2H'J2 J. Suite 414 13 15, First Nat'L Bank. FLORISTS 11 FLOWERS FOB ALL. OCCASIONS . OUea's, Court A High St. TaL Vl. CUT FLOWERS, WKDDINO BOUQUETf Funeral wreathe, Seeeiatieas. C. f. Braiihaipt, floriak 8L2 State Street, Tel. 80. INSURANCE 12 Insure Tour Home er Car aow. BECKE A HENDRICKS Phoae 161 I. 0. O. r. Blag, -.89 X. High St. FOR BALE FIRST AND SECOND Mart- VlBfea. Traat Deeda, Coaarectt oa states will aot s to ZO pee aaav BECKE m HENDRICKS Hailig Blag.. 149 K. High 8k FARM LOANS PLENTT CF HON EI te Maa aa good lrm security. CITT LO'.Ns Wa are Soan'.na- Pra- denial laaarraca eompmoj oooey oa eiiy reaideaee cad eusitM property at V par coat, ptaa a eauaisataa Uaw-k-iaa Itobarta, 1m, iiu Oragva building. FOR RENTApts. 15 rCPLEX APT. fci . WINTltB. 1X8 REXT F CRNISHED APART rat. Tel. 398. PX'RXISIIED HOCSE; APARTMENT; rooms. 160 Union. TX'RNIStfED APARTMENT FOR RENT. 2361 HaseL Phone 1939W. KEWLT.-FINISHED 2 ROOM FURNISH ad or unfurnished. 1133 Court. t ROOMS A I'D E.1TCHESETTB, -WV ter. light and fueL doaa 13. 822.54. 655 Mariea. 2 ROOMS KITCHENETTE. WA ter, light At fuel. $20 a month. Alfred llerg, 555 Marion St. Fl'RNlSHED AND UNFTTOSISHED t room apartments. Virginia Apart ments, 879 N. Liberty. FURNISHED APARTMENT. 2 ROOMS 1 water, light A fueL 818.00. tiaragai 82.50 a month. 555 Mariua Sk S ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. 412 North 21st Street. 2 Rooms 267 South Church Street, telephone 1987B. JPATTON APARTMENTS COXY, lean, comfortable, nicely faraished. Private bath. 8Uam heat. Dawn town district, keasoaable in prlea. For inspection call Patioa'a Book Store. Madera, brick, haatad, Apk High elaaa residential dutrick Cheerful, atuactire, lghk room apartment, S Led a, $40.00. Oaa turaisk4 overstuffed, fSO.OO. A two rev .4 furnished, 8 7.50. Inspection iarited. chlldrea welcome. Ambassador Apartments 40 N. ummer. 197, TOR RENT Houses 17 1 B RM. HOUSE, VERY CLOSE IN 825 A month, good range connected. Winnie Pettyjohn, 175 S. High. . - FOR RENT a furnished and soma unfurnished houses. - KELVIN JOHNSON FOR RENT v. r. t. r. n 213 Owens 970 8. Church $25 22 20 20 15 12 905 N. 22ad 555 Cross 795 Judsoa 812 Judaea . W. G. KRCEGER Realtor 147 K. Com'l FOR RENT Houses 17 4 ROOM HOC8E 860 COLUMBIA Straet. newly papered and kalsomiaed. ran at Iirst hoase Eask BOARD AND ROOM 2. NICELY FURNISHED BOOMS WITH board. 405-Marion St. ROOM. BOARD. SINGLE MEALS. SUN day dinners. Aleaaadria, 1030 Che meketa. Phono 1539. LAUNDRIES 21 TUB NEW SALEM LAUXDBT t THE WEU'ER LAUVDBT Talaphoao S5. 268 8. High fST THE HOME WET WASH UaVS ry. TeL 171. 1854 B Btraak CAPITAL CITT UAPVDRT "The Laundry al Para Matariaia Tetophaaa 165. laa Broadway TAILORS 22 D. II. MOSHKB TAILOR FOB ME3 and womaa. 474 Coar Sk WANTED Misc. 23 TEAM WORK OF ALL KINDS AND EX cars ting. Phone Mayfield 72F2. FURNITURE PACKED FOB SHIP masfa. Qiese Powers Fnraitaa Oa. WANTED PRIVATE SivTXET "OB farm loaaa. Wa haea several aa plica tiona oa haad. Haw kiaa jasinui lne 205 Oregoa Bkdg. WANTED GOOD WASHED OwrTO.t Itaga aat smailxc thaa 1 yard aaa fai 'wiping machinery. Higaaat -prica paid far goad cloaa taxa. apply at Kutsaus ottiea, aaa Sttfloc ' -Iiollywood-Needs Automobiles HIGHEST CASH PRICES ALL MAKES 435 No. Commercial. Phone 1027 MATTRESSES 24 mattresses kettotated bt the Capital City Baddia Ct, 1199 Nona Capital. Called for and delivered. AM werlc guerantved. TaL IS. FOR SALE 25 MILK GOATS FOR SALE. PHONE 26. PORCH AND BEDDING PLANTS, Chrysanthemums and Pa nates 25c Dos cn. Hall, end S. L2tu St., Box 26. Phone 713-M. OR SALE: First mortgage 81500, drawing seven per cent interest. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 184 S. Liberty St. WANTED Live Stock 26 BEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS of beef stock. Telephone 176. Mid get Market. FOR SALE Live Stock 27 AUCTION SALE HORSES. 22 HEAD gentle, work hores, Wednesday, May 16th. -1 mile north of .Salem oa Port land Highway, commencing at 1 p. m. John Looey, Owner. VETERINARIAN 28 EED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN Office 829 S. Warn martial. TaL 1198. Baa. TeL 1644. WOOD SAWING 29 OOD SAWINO. PHONat 147. 1818 North OaaoaoroiaL WOOD FOR SALE 30 jOOD DB1 WOOD. raONE Til 8, U. 1. MayfUld. . eWOD DatX WOOD FOB YOU a. A. Lama. TaL 980. .0 IN. OLD FIB 44-40 BJ CO Hi-. C rick) TaL sin. j-wARAM'EKO DRY WOOD OOAU TeL 18. Salem Pa el Cax. 758 Trad. rtESTERN UNION TiME. TRUCKS lor haoiing. Wood t bur a. Call 629. NOTICE TRUCKMEN 118 CORDS OF first class wood at 83.50. A. Kafaer, lU. 7, Box 180. lit IJiCii OLD FIB, DBX 8NU GKOWTB, aad aaa. C. v. uaraaagm. load ruga laad Ave Phone 1980 to iaehadry muiwooa at 8a.50 par Iwad. Id iach seen millwood at 63.00 per load. TBACY TEL. 2616 OLD FIR WOOD. PB4CTI0ALLT SEA soned, 6.50 cord, second growth 95.j0, oa Uack. ear lota, Salem. J. M. Pee bles. Falls City. Oregoa. GOOD OOAX. DBY WOOD PBOMPT DELIVERIES H1LLMAN FUEL CO. ltLEPHONr 18ra. tji (SEE) A A.M.bJM0.4 FOB WOOD TO BL'BJI SALEM TRAMS. FTJmu OO. 6ENERAL TBAN'EB WOBK TEL. 62 BEST 6KAVC OF WOOas Dry wood 4 tk aad ltdsmh. Iarya loaaa are aaaapar to awy. Jttu wao ar apeoialtr. Prveapt tJrvery aaa taaaasabla pnaa. FBED EL WELLS 280 B. Charck TaL 1541 POULTRY AND EGGS 32 JABY CLUCava EVEBT VON DA. Y AND Taaaday. a lee-ding variet ea. Boat Icral atack. Prices reason tie. So lam Ckickeriea. 844 North Cottago SUeet, Salesa. BABY CHlCKf AND CUSTOM HATCH tag Expert service meaaa cffieiaaey aad high quality, ah aaoy caicas iron fart at atack Officially tested aad Of lciaU Approved. 8alaa'a oldest Cus tom tlatchi-g plant. Pheaa 133 12. aa'a hatchery. Pullets Pullets Pullets Beds. Rocks, White Leghorn, Browa Leghorns, Baff Orpingtons, Black Mia orcss. White Mi notes s and others. Im mediate delivery, big boned stock ia bast condition; breading ejekerel aad mated pens. Pheaa 13P2. Loe't Hatchery. MINUTE MOVIES THE MOtERH UP-Tb-DATfe INDUSTtey MvOV0 ON S CUT AND DRIED K HAMD VP ANOTHER &OTV1JL)0 UUSIC STORES 33i FOB MKT NEW PIANOS. If. X Stiff Furaitaro Campaay. OEa at WLU. PIANOS. PHONO BTmpha, oawiag machiaoa. and piaaa atadioa. BapairiaaT ahaarn fnpu aad new ng aiathia aa, Saleaa. 8S ataaa MUSIC TEACHERS 33a MODERN PIANO JAZZ TKANK BUT- tea. Wstermaa course. Sttdia 910 JL CatUge, 'phono 2 14 5-J i'ii"iiaa"B"ar "arhyv-aarhJXflfkr KODAK FINISHING 34 FREE ENLARGEMENT WVHH EVEBT 0a ardor Kodak work. Baviiaga, Partlamd. Oaa. Newspapers Magazines 35 TrtX PORTLAND 7KL.EQCA21 BAJJCM Aganew. lae Aaa. TaL Hi. tUK UBEeUN STATESMAN, 40 CENTS par mwita delivered to pout hems -eas-ir even morning. TeL n ar aa. iT kOU WANT TO GEV THE BEST latm paper send fire 2 ent stamps to taa laeuie fiomostead. fcaism, Oregon, lar a three aavatua' trial aubexripiioa. Maatioa taia ad. fOCLTKYMXN SEND EIUUT TWO coat staoipa for apactai tar re montha' trial ht Uie avst aaa oldest Journal 1b the A eat. lae aruclea aad adver uaamaakt ere cf asocial interest to the paanry kreadera of taa N or In we. I 2ortaoat Poultry Joaroai. 211 U. Cam taeveavi tot.. raiem. Uraaoav PAPERHANGING 3 PilUNE ULE.SN AlAdH FOB HOU Uero rating, pe perna a m g. Uating, ate, hkoliab aarkmaa. PAINTING 33 FOR PAINTHKi AND KALSOMIXING call O'Brien 759. Good work, reason able prices. CHAS. BEN MET. eACTIlNO CON traeter, painting, paper hanging. MISCELLANEOUS 39 rOK SALEM -call 147. 8CA V EA GEE &! O rtaiMTUUK UUOLSTEEINO AND Bar pamag. Oieeo-t awets luniiiuxe dtora. rOK BALE OLD NEWSPAPEBd, 19 rente a tunale. Stawamaa a(fit, 815 Jboute Cummore.aL WANTED: USED PLkNOS. IN EX change oa Badioa, Phunectaplu, er Furniture. H. L. Stiff Furniture vom pnny. WHITE SCUTCH OOLL1B AT 8TUO. Salem's White aUac. Reiiiever number 605941. Set vice guaranteed. Puppies aaa grows stack tor naie. airs. toa nett, 1030 Cheiueketa. Phono 1539. STOVES AND STOVB SXPAIR1NO STOVES FOB SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. All kin as el weveo wire fence. Faacy aad vlaia. Hoe baskets aad hooks, lagaa hxeke. Balaavl reaca aad a tore Marka, xw wan streak CAPITOL B4BOJ1N AND iVSK HOUSE. 105-145 Center. ToL 898. All kiada of dunk bougnt aad fold; Bags, Socks, Bottles. Barrels. Hides. Pelts. Wovla. Fark I'aliow. Caseara Bark. Grape Book Pitch, Peppormial OiL All kiada ot xroa m Jtetai every uiiag iroat a Beadle to a locomotive. Onion Skin Carbon Paper Typewriter Ribbons W. S. Du Fresne 7SB E. 60th Sk S. Portland, Oregoa LOST AND FOUND 41 LOST HAND GRIP BETWEEN MEHA mi and fish hatchery, reward. Call 5G0 N. 14th. PRINTING 44 FOR STATIONERY. CAJEDa, PAHPU leta, programs, booeaa. or aay kiaa of Driatiaa-. aatl at taa Statesmen) Print ing IV part seat, 216 8. Conirctai : ei. aea. eWWaaaeeAvKemmreeee"e w MONEY TO LOAN 45 r'EDEUAL FARM LOAN 5V7. Weed. 841 State Sk 6 STRAIGHT LOANS. CITY and farm. W. G. Wright. i04 Masonic Bldg. 1. H. BELL. 819 C. 8. BANK BLDG Beaidenea aad baa ia aaa tosaa. Tel. evi or 8141W, FEDERAL FARM LOANS REDUCED TO 6)4. F. L. Wilkinsoa, 202 U. & Baak Bldg.. Satem, Oregoa. B0NEY TO LOAN FOB BUILDING AND oa city property. B. tk Marks aad U B. Martin, aUoraeya. 18 Oregoa BoildiBf. Tal. S064. CITY Ah. TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates Na DeUy STATE SAVINeS AND LOAN Ar, v 708-4 First Natioaal Baak BaiUv Pbene 457. Saiam, Oragaa. (SALARY AND COLLATERAL LOANS Repayable ia Weekly ar Moatbly la st ail men ta. GENERAL FINANCE COB POBATION. First Nat'l Baak. TaL CITT AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST ratek Beat tanas obtainable. Oar inearaBce deyartmont offers yea ea pert advice aud service ia all Baas. HAWKINS 4) BOBERXS (Ire) TaL 1427 804 Oregoa Bldg WANTED LOANS 45 WANTED LOAN: 2250, oa aew Salem residence. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St. WJNTXD Private Boaey to tea as RJLkL ESTATE. W. H. GRABENUORdT A) CO. 184 S Libarty Sk PLUMBING Al PLUMBING AND OFJfSmL RXPale wars- Graaar Brae, lad a. Liberty TeL 550. THE RAW MATERIAL a Tobacco PLCiHTATiCPM AT CrAESTlMA VA. . mm 4i fABVELOUeS tRy S CALLED i INTO PLAV, NOT Tb tNTiON TM5 t$ WBlTER - , MARVELOUS IMAGINATION BUSINESS lOPPR. 48 FOB SALE. STOCK AND FIXTCBXS, aad Lease. Stara aa the Highway, goad ten. Boat 25 par Bsaath. Priea 1800. F. U Wood. Gee. W. Faod, 341 State Sk roa LEASE: . , Swewcal atdractiTe ft oaa d fiaar aaata or effiee roams, wall haaataf,. W. H. eBABXNHOKST CO.. Boaltara 1S4 8. Lihajty Sk TaL 414 Exchange weU improved 20 acres for grocery or eonfeetioaory with or with out living rooms to 84000. BABBEB A BOND 200 Cray Bldg. 125 N. Liberty Bosinesa coraer close m 88000. Grocery store, aroaey maker, watt located 87800. Center Str, lot, pavment P,df"0' 6 ra hauao, pavemoat paid $2000. GEKTBUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Court Str. FOR SALE DANDY BUSINESS IN SA- lem. iMd 941MJW business in apni. competition as it is the only store of its kind in the valley. If you act promptly 84000 will buy stock and fix tures and good will. Might take good property m ezenange. Auaress - v. Box 66, Salem. RPFOAL r. !-.. anil rnuir shoo. best of equipment and location, close in, " long leaae. storage alone takes care of large shsre of rent. ' Ulrich & Roberts 129 N. Com'l. Realtors Phone 1351 RADIO 49 Radlolas Fee aeair caraosa. for every purse AU sUfdard iimi ei Bad- Tahaa, EOFF EUCCTBJCAi SHOP. 86 Court Sk ToL Aaa. eeeeeenkBhyV'W,AWaakerNe FOR SALE Houses 50 4 rms., furnace, fireplace, hwd. firs., gsrage, 8350 cash aad remainder like rent. 82850. 5 ruts, and jiook, all modern fea tures, south, corner lot, 8500, very easy terms. 6 rms., well located eask living rms., in gum wood, fine arrangement and best construction. 86500. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 S. High 8k' REAL ESTATE 51 New Home, V vearooms, full base ment, furnace, large breakfast nook, hardwood floors, paved street, price 3350, and will take cash up to 8500.00 as first payment, balance good terms. SALEM REALTY CO. 462 SUta St. GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST Wa have ever 3000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property. every price, every location. Wo eaa match yoar exchange EXACTLY. If you would like to trade yoar property TO DAY, come in TODAY. Sea - GASKILL 4: EARLE, Realtors 166 S. Liberty. Tel. 2242 MUST BE SOLD A home with a grand view. Modern 7 Rooms, has furnace, built-ins! wired for an electric range. Everything in top shape. A real 95000 for (4200. MaLe your own terms. Immediate pos session. . See my agents Louis Beeh tel J. D. Sears or Earl Tucker, 341 State St.. Rooms 3 and 4. Shown by an appointment; 3 autos at your serv ice. King 75C. DELANO ft DOW SPECIALS One of those cosy artistic little nc&ts for two; garage, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, bath, airy cheerful :ooms, and the price listen 82650 if you come quick. Some down payment, balance less than rent. 84000 firat mortgage drawing 7 due 1930; on 180 acres highly improv ed first class land. 290 N. Church Tel. ,230 For Sale. New atrtcrJy modern, Eng lish typa heme, good location, 83500. Ten acre Poultry rsaeh, good build ings, 2000 capacity, incubators and brooders complete equipment, 600 lay ing hens. lots of orders booked for ba by chicks. Owner has two ranches reason for soiling. 4250. Choice 20 aero farm, aew buildings, good land, seven mi lea ouk Owner go ing sway. Price with stock and equip mi-nt, 86000. F. L. WOOD. GEO. F. PEED 341 State 8k Have you a good lot to trade for equity in a brand new 7 room house close ia; hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, nice large rot, east front. Wiii take a reaidence to 83000.00 in exchange for going chicken ranch. 5 room plastered bouse with gar age, in fine condition, completely lur nished. Reduced from 8 1500.00 to 82750.00 for quick kale as owner is leaving town. Small payment down will handle. GASKILL ft EARLE, REALTORS 166 S. Liberty St. Phone 2242 HOMES- ON EASY TERMS 8100.00 Down balance like rent for 5 room, on paved street. 81500.00. 8300.00 Down --balance to suit for 6 rooau, view property. 84300.00. 8250.00 Down balance 825.00 monthly. o rooms new, near school, 83000.00. 8300.00 Down balance like rent, rooms strictly modern. S. High. 84700.00. We have a four apartment Hoase in Se attle to exchange for Salem Residence, now rented for 8100.00 per month. McClLCHRIST ft PENNINGTON 209 U. 8. Bank Bldg, Ssiem. Ore. REASONABLE PRICED HOMES Shack bouse. 2 lots, block off pav ing. Part in garden. Price 8600 2 Room bouse ia EnglewooJ, lot 56i 100 ft.; two large cherry tree. Price 8700. Sacrific price on two houses; with some repairs will resell at a good pro fit. . Both , houses are oa large lota, nice ' shade trees, and close to school and bos line. Price for Both 8200. 8 room house partly furnished, lot 60x100 ft. Sk payed, location N. Sa lem, aear Linen Mills. Price 82400. 300 cash. baL 825 mo. 6. 9 room boase, famished, arranged ia 8 nice apts., nice yard with lawn, shrubbery and flowers, paved St., loca tion only 4 block to business district A real snap for 94000. Will take small boase ea vacant lots as part. Oaa acre tract not far out, 4 room house, part ia berries and garden, fur aitare aad chickens to go with place, priea reduced from 92100 to 91600 for quick sale. For good buys ia homes See LEO N. CHILLS CO, Realtors HQ State 8k Phone 1727 niv the heart wof the Tobacco ueap is used -tmerefdre -all plants yttm weak NEARTS ARE FJACED UNDEJ2THE CARE CPA PRACTiClMO- -j-ei REAL ESTATE 51 SNAP: Five roam mod era home completely faraished located 4S5 N. 19ta Sk 4750. flooo dawa win handle, W. IL CRABESHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty Sk FOR SALE OB KENT: uood sevea room homo at 1585 8. Liberty Sk Priea 84350. Terms. Rental 830 per month, largo lot 75x162. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty Sk MR. HOME BUYEN: Here is aa attractive new nodera seven rooad home tors ted on coraer lot, fine locataon. finished in mahogany in the living aad diaiag rooms. Doable garage, interior is all finished in the latest style. This property is located oa the corner of X. 18th aad Center 8ts. Phone 515 aad let us show you this BEAUTIFUL HOME. W. U. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. CAPITOL BARGAIN 84730. Modern Fairmount Hill home. Large beautiful eaat front lot. Best view of mountains. Fruit and nut trees. You're sure to like this. 81725. Just completed new six room nome. tvery modern convent ence. This is a REAL BARGAIN. turr irom f.UUU to i:u,uvu. We can supply your requirements and " 1 . bi jw-jr ici? n c v e ua. Capitol Realty Co. 216 V High St. Phone 1143 10 acres eaat ot Salem with fair buildings all clear of incumbrance to trade for a good home in North Sa lem, will aasume some. 30 acres south 5 miles at 83000, to trade for a house in town, all ia cul tivation. 5 room bouse and two lots with plen ty of fruit end garden space in North Salem to trade for land near Dallas. 1200.00 bays a sew 4 room all modern in every. way and furnished at 500 down. 825 a' month and int. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 202 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. SPECIAL 84200 New 6 room English type home. oaa iioors. casement, luraaco, iito place, 3 bedrooms, coraer lot, east front, paving pa., close to far rish Junior and grade school, on bus line. Easy terms. $2500 Semi modern 4 room bungalow, bsth, garage, a neat home, 9100 down. $1300 3 room home, bath, paving, close to school and bus. $250 down. $4000 New 5 room bungalow, modern in every way, garage, paviag, east front, corner lot, just ready to move into. Insurance. Money to Loan MELVIN JOHNSON 320 C. S. Bank Bldg. Pheaa 637 4 room famished stucco hanse close in. Price 92850. 8300 down. Rented for $35 per month. Fine little heme or a good investment. 7 room house and -garage on large cor ner lot. Located in South Salem. A beautiful home for $6250. acre 1 mile from Salem with new 6 room house, modern in every respect. Fruit trees. Price $3050. 1C5 acres 6 miles from Salem, 45 acres nnder plow. Good dairy or sheep ranch. Water year round. 5 room bouse. Price 97500, will trade for house in Salem. Ulrich & Roberts Realtors 129 X. Com'l St. Phone 1334 REAL ESTATE Trades 52 LOS ANGELES. CALIF, PROPERTY TO change for Salrm City Property. Write Box 123k Statesmen. LOS ANGELES, 6 BOOM MODERN EES idence trade for farm. Owner, MeKia na. 4200 York Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 592 Acre Stock Ranch in Alberta, well stocked and equipped, to exchange for small acreage in Willamette valley. SALEM REALTY CO. 462 State St. SHEEP RANCH FOR EXCHANGE: 160 acres located ten miles south, old buildings. Price 965 per acre, clear of encumbrance, will consider clear city property ia exchange. W. 11. GRABENHORST ft CO. - 134 S. Liberty St. 66 acres river bottom laad on paved highway. Goad -buildings. Price 6500. Will take Salem property to full amount. 129 acres joining city limits of goo! sawmill town. Good buildings, well fenced. Price 96800. Will consider Salem property. 223 acres Sentient River Bottom. 2 houses. Big barn. 8 silos. Good road. Well fenced. Will trade for smaller farm near Salem. Rich L. Reimann Realtor 219 N. High St. Phone 865 REAL ESTATE Farms 53 FARM BARGAIN: 160 acre farm located 5 miles out on main road, this place is all in cultiva tion, fair buildings, all machinery aad equipment and part of stock goes with aale. Eight aerea of bearing cherries. Price for qaick tale 920.000. Te W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 184 8. Liberty St. 80 A. free dark loam soil, nice loca tion, 9100 per A., for residence. 20 A. suburbaa home, 7 A. in ber ries aad fruits. Good income stock, tools and crop, snap, 99090, easy terms. Highly improved 16 A. tract all in berries and fruits, good income, 98000, good terms. Take residence. 4 A. tract, berrtee and cherries, aear Salem, 91850, easy terms. 21 A., Good Bldgk. 94D00, for resi dence. PERRINE ft MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. FINE 68 A. FARM SNAP AU Equipped For 96000 With stock, crop and implements. Best of sandy loam soil, has a good house 6 Rooms. Fair Barn, garage. Poultry house; 3 fine Jersey cows, 1 heifer, 2 good horses, lot of chickens and chicks. Everything in farm ma chinery and tools. Close to store, school on stage, milk, cream, and Ru ral Routes. If yon went one of the best farm buys in the valley see this one. Price cut to 96000, from 93500. for a quick deal, as owner is expect ing to leave for the East, soon. To see it See either Louis Bechtel J. D. Sears or Earl Tucker, office at 341 State. St., Rooms 3 and 4. TTS--LS -1 MEVPO SMI SO I raVr.V Ul 1L1 sWAinn rn Dr- l; sa. W v w e W in WffwW V "f"V aWl a f W ARB VDU UAVHG- end vcu uuf hse immedktey -my one MEXICAN riffiavl OV6VDJMP USED CARS For Sale 61 HOLLYWOOD 435 No. Commercial Save the first Depreciation 1927 Chrysler 50 Coupe 1927 Ford Coupe 1927 Ford Touring - -1927 Dodge Roadster 1927 Jordan Eight Sedan -1927 Type Dodge Sedan 1927 Star Roadster 1926 Pontiac Coupe 1926 Chevrolet Coupe 1926 Hudson Brougham 1925 Hupmobile Eight Touring 1925 Type Dodge Coupe 1923 .WillysKnight Touring 1923 Ford Coupe 1926 Type Hudson CoachA 5s to Mechanic only We Invite Mechanical Inspection Save $S3 at HOLLYWOOD Fords Old but in Good Condition 1920 Roadster, pick up box. 9 5o 1922 Coupe - ,...$ 6a 1923 Touring, Ruckstell, good side curtains siwu 1924 Truck with Wartord 6 speed transmission, as is price 9125 Valley Motor Co. Center st Liberty Telephone 1995 REAL ESTATE Farms 53 For Sale. 20 acre farm all nnder cultivation, new buildings, mod en. rood road. 7 miles ouk Owner mutt leave on account of other business snd has cnt the price to 8500, including stock and equipment. A going busi ness, good income. T. L. WOOD. GEO. F. PEED 341 State St. FIVE ACRE HOME BARGAIN New 5 room plastered bungalow, gar age and wood shed, 500 - black cap raspberries, some strawberries, young family orchard, paved road, close in. If you are looking for 5 acres, do not tail to see tnis tract. i rice juu 8500 down, balance 910 per month, in terest 6 per cent payable monthly. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO., Realtors 134 S. Liberty Sk - Phone 515 ACREAGE BU?S 1 63-100 acres in Salem. 3 Room house. Only $J 100.00. $-00 down. f, APKKS unimnroved. 1 V miles east of city limits on paved road, good soil, f ine Duiiaing site, irica iouv $200 down. in on. inn ITRFS North of Salem HamI rr,l rnml. All in fruit. No buildings. Price 93000. Exchanje for Salem house. in irnKS Finn sail on Dalles Highway. Unimproved. 6 A. under plow. 3 A. timber, bal. pasture. Creak. Unly I2UUU. iduu casn. 10 ACRES WALNUTS. 17. years old two room house, walnut dryer. On nuil rrevel road, near Pacific High way south. This ia going to be a good walnut year. 1 rice iuuj, some terms. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 121 Court Sk Ground Floor Transfer & hauling 57 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 916 tat Sk ToL 988. Distributing, for warding sad a'orage ear specialty. Get ear rates. We Move Store and Ship Household goodk Oar .pee i alt y Is jiaao aad furniture moving. We also stake country trips. We handle the beat Coal and Wood Call us fo prices. We give good measure, good quality aad good serviea, Larme; Transfer Co. TeL t30. WATER 58 OREGON WASH. WJTER SERVICE CO, Office 804 South Commercial 8k Tea per cent discount ea domes tie st rate paid, is advance. Na deducties for ab aaace ar aay aaaae aaless water is ah at off your praarraea. AUTOS WANTED 60 CASH PAID FOB FORDS C1K.EB AUTO TRAVEL 59 A FINE NEW WArTTN0 ROOM IN THE NEW HOTEL SENATOR Frequent Schedules Thirty Ride Book at Reduced Rates A Swift aad Reliable Package Service Coarteeua Attention Frota All Employees Those Are a raw at the Offor-ngs Made the PmbUe By PARKER STAGES, Ufa Stag Leaving Times: Dallas: i a m., :iu a. as i ... a. an :10 p. m., 6:15 p. a. ladependeaee ft Moamouth: T a. am 9:15 a. at . 11:14 a. at, 8 p. m, l:li p. au. 8:80 p. m. (Suaday ealy ) t'ilvertoa: 1 e. m.. 11 a. m 5 p. m. Falls City. McMiaaville, Newberg. Hilh bore. Forest Grave, Sheridan. Tilla mook: 9:19 a. av. 8:10 p. .m-. 4:11 p. m. For Informatloa Call 52 ar 694. MANV Taster the leaves ARE CURED. TWE' ARE PLACED IN LARGE TO&ACCO POUCHED AND SHIPPED F.0& To THE BltS DAV LISHT TACTOR.y AT ptEDeo&ouGw.vr - I THE FtH.fcHED. PfcOOOCT fSi vic&czH cie- ARETTE. IN "ME GREAT aORWA-0ft VUORLD ABOUT Tb RECEWE A StfELL TesTioaal l ft - 1 .'.' USED. CARS For Sale 61 Phone 1027 $585.00 3365.00 $265.00 $575. $1275.' $585.00 $365.00 $485.00 $385.00 $850.00 $675.00 $385.00 $150.00 $85.00 $250.00 1928 Chevrolet Coach Bumpers, spare tire, license, swipe and mirror. Terms. Phone 2555W evenings and Sundav. McKay for Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts 19J1 Fori Touring $100.00 19J3 Chevrolet Touring $1J5.00 1921 Ford-Roadster $ 75.00 1923 Ford Roadster, Ruttell $175.00 19J5 Dodge Sedan $445.00 19.'7 Chevrolet Coupe $525.00 1923 Chevrolet Ton Truck $330.00 19'J6"Ford Truck closed cab. stake body, Ruxlell. starter. .$375. 00 430 N. Commercial. Tel. 1302 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company Packard Oldsmobile Used - Car - Specials 1926 Packard Si Club Sedan $1900 1926 Master Six Buick Sedan 1000 1924 Oakland Sedan 550 1924 Oakland Coupe 450 1924 Oldsmobile Coupe 82S 1925 Overland 8dsa 250 1924 Ford Coupe 225 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM ON L Y FEW L I ST T. D A BO V E TEN GOOD RUNNING AUTOMOBILES ALL KINDS ALL MAKES UNDER 9300 Capitol Motors, Inc. Biddy Bishop 350 No. High Sk Special Light Six Nash Sedan 1927 Mode!, finish like new. Bumpers front and rear, Motometer, Road Lite. 1928 Licen.e. spare tire, step plates, rear view mirror, wind.bield cleaner, upholstery in -fine condition. 1926 Nash Advanced Six Roadster 1926 Buick Coupe 1926 Essex Coach Many other excellent values. Some ss low as 905. Call in and. look them over. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 North Commercial Street Telephone 1.160 "After we sell we serve" -O -A Salem Markets ftp anr No. 1, wheat, white Red wheat, sacked Oats, per bu. mlinsyg 91-81 4122 8 .lit POSK. Mw'TTOB AND MZZT Top hogs Sews .07 K Top steers 10 .11 Cows 03.08 Spring lambs , - .. - .12 Dresaed veal . .17 Dressed bogs ... .13 H POTJLTRT Light bens ... Heavy heas . Broilers .18 Jl .80 EGOS, BUTTER. BTJTTEXFAT Standards ,, .31 .42 -'.'44V4 Bntterfat Print butter VEGETABLES Beets, sacked ' , New cabbage -49,H( .48 At Potatoes 91 25. 9175. 9.l Rhubarb, local outdoor .08 Vb Oaioas. local Z $5.00 New potatoes .08 By Ed Wheelan GEXERAIi MARKETS TRODTJCB . t PORTLAND. Ore.. May 15. (AP). Raw milk 4, 82.80 cwt., fob Portland. Batterfat le lower; 40c statioa, 4 la' track. 49944e fob Portland. Poultry steady; heavy heat 23c; light neiOe; broilers 2330c; pekia white ducks 27c: colored nominal; tar- - keys 'alive 252?e. Onions steady; local 91.75(82.25 per cwt; potatoes 5y$1.23 sack, steady. -Wool ateady. eastern Oregoa 33fcf40c; valley medium 43c; coarse 34c peuad. . Mohair steady; long staplea 60a lb.; ditto abort 33a40c; kid 70c PORTLAND GRAIN PORTLAND. Ore.. May 15. (AP'i. Wheat bids: BBB, hard white $1.56 T soft white $1.36; western white $1.45; hard winter $1.36: northern spring 91.37; western red 91.36. Oata. No. 2. 3S pound W. F . 94(1. Barley. No. 2. 45 pound B. W., 841.50. Corn. No. 2, E. $44.75; No. 3. ditto $14. Millruu. standard $3 4. HAT PORTLAND. Ore.. May 15. (AP). Hay buying priift: Katern Oregon tim othy 42ti.5ui -JI ; ditto valley $19il9. 50; alfalfa $1WS19 S0; oat hay $15.5d (16; straw $9.o per ton. Swilling prices e a ton more. SAIRT PORTLAND. Ore.. May 15 (AP). Uairy f.xchange, net jiru-es: Butter, extra 4'.'c: (.tandardt 41c; prime first. 40 S-c: .firsts 3ijc. Eggs, extras 2ffc: firsts 2 tc ; medium extras 23 'c. medium firsts 2 Mac. LIVESTOCK Pobti ivii ).. r... -. i ri . Cattle steady; receipts :00 including 22 billed through. Hugs steady; receipts 610 all direct. lower. Yearling wethers, 110 pounds down, medium to choice 88all. Other classes steady aad uuchaned. No re ceipts. FRUITS AN VEGETABLES PORTLAND, Ore, Msy 15. AP. The Oregon strawberry sesson is here. scattering crates have been coming ia for 10 day but today supplies are ar riving in sizeable quantities from Canity, pringbrook, Melrose snd several other section. tiold Hollars in 24 pint crates are moving at J-t V ..). mostly . Some growers are using the 12 pint crates and asking $J So New potatoes ire weak on account of liberal supplies of Texas stock which the dealers ere securing for less mmiey. The aenara- gus market ia about steady. Cinu- ioupes are moving slowly st $3.50 fur flats, $6.,-0 for ponies, $6.35 for stan dards and 3 1.8 J fur jumbos. n-nm s rzn nsitv CHICAGO. Msy i.V Unfavorable ur- iipeau crop advices wilh indication.! Of setter export demand fic shipment jirora North America led to a decided upward swing in wheat values today. Corn and oats as well as rye alt went higher with wheat. . Closing quotations on wheat were strong 'J 3 8(rf:ic net higher with eorn 1 4 (" '- 3-8c up and oats 19c dowu to 1 3 8c up. NOTICE OF FIN AL SKTTLKMKXT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, his duly verified Final Account, as execu trix of the estate of Jacob Becker, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 12th day of June, 1928, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House at Sa lem, Marion County, Oregon, aa the place for hearing said final ac count and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 9th day of May, 192S. MARGARET BECKER, Executrix ot the last will and tes tament and estate of Jacob Becker, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executrix, Salem, Oregon. - M9-16-23-30J NOTICE OF IXTENTIOX TO IM PROVE RURAL AVENTK FROM THE EAST LINE OF HIGH STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF YEW STREET. Notice is hereby given that tho Common Council ot the City of Sa lem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to im prove Rural Avenue from trje east line of High Street to the east line ot Yew Street, in the City or Sa lem, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, , except the street and alley inter sections, the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem. Oregon, by bringing said portion of said street to the established , grade, constructing Portland fe- f ment concrete curbs and paving said portion of said street with a - six-inch Portland cement roncrcto pavement, thirty feet in width. In accordance wirto the plans and specifications for said improve ment which were adopted by the Common Council on April 16, 1928, now on file in the office of the City Recorder, "and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby de- - clarea its purpose and intention to make the above described Im provement by and through tho Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem, Oregon. By order of the Common Coun- , cil April 16. 1928. M. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof May 13, 1928. Date of final publication hereof ; May 25. 1928. M13to25Inc xothjE of Intention to im prove McCOY AVENUE BE TWEEN HOOD AND SIIIP. PINO STREETS. Notice Is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Sa lem, Oregon, deems -it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and Intention to lm-. prove McCoy Avenue between Hood and Shipping Streets, in the ' City of Salem, Oregon, at tho ex pense ot the abutting and adja cent, property, except tbo street and . alley intersections, the cz- ' sense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem. Oregon, by bringing said portion ot said street to the established grade, constructing Portland cement con crete curbs, and paving said por. tion of said street with a six-Inch Portland cement concrete pave ment, tntrty feet in width. In ac cordance with the plans and.rpecl fications therefor which Wwere adopted by the Common Cornell on April If, 1928, now on file in . the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby de clares Its purpose and Intention to nake the above described improve ment by and 'through the Street Improvement Department ot the City of Salem, Oregon. - By order of the Common Coun cil April 16, 1921. M. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication fcereof May 13. 1928. . Date or final publication hereof May 25. 1928. M13to25Iae.. Phone 117