t 7 4 V REAL ESTATE I. DIRECTORY I anderson inrm. ! ICO 8. High. TL l(4i s. . . liaVSLnava. B Bdav BECKS A HENDHICK. 189 !f. High. TeL 161 147 X. Commercial. TL 177 W. jr. BKUVV IIS 8tato. Te". 1961 LEO 14. CHLLt CO, Roaltne 20 fctaia art. TU. 1737 rBJLD O. DKAJTO 100 K. Church- IsL U HUM Lit 1). VCIFI EH atXALTT CO. 16 suet Mat. Beak, Bldg. TaL s2 GASKILL EARL 186 fl. Liberty 8. TaL 224i w. u. eitip.raoiuT co. 134 a. Liberty tk Ti- $1$ MiXYlrf JOHSSON 20 U. 8. Baa Usag. TaL 681 LAJLAB 4 LAPLAR i-aUd ttusb. Bank Bid. TL 546 LASSES OB KICK t-S Oregoa Bide TaL 174 W. A. lUSTOas 404 4 Maeoal B11. TJ. a 821 ABTHCB HADSEN 0"4 North Capitou TeL 280". MELL1 NOKls COXITTI 409 Oregon Bid. ToL 1176 W. O. KILLS 31 StaW St. Tot ITS W. K. M02X8 451 Court St. TaL' 7818 JOHN W. OBB w Bligh Blag. Ti- 248 T GLliTVUDB J. 3f. FAGS 4 94 Court. Tel. 188. PEHatNS A ARSTERS 111 2)2 Oral Bids. TL 907 KICH L. RELttAKN. Realtor 119 N. Higa St. ToL 835 SALEM REALTY CO. Stat St. Boom 7. rL ioo C11AIUE3 SrCBJJN S10 Oregon Bids. Tat. 1931 SOCOLOFSKT fON S04 5 First Nat. Hauk Bids- TaL 97V SQUARE DEAL Ka.iTTT C. S. Nat' I Back Bldg. TaL 47 TRIANULE REALTY CO. 421 Court St. TeL S ULBJCH ROBERTS 1-9 X. CommarciaL TaL 135 U. 8. REALTY CO. 441 StaU St. TL 266 IT. U WOOD 41 Stat St. Tal. 79 FOR RENT Apts. 15 MKNISHED AND UNFURNISHED i room apartment. Virginia Apart inents, 879 K. Liberty. 1 AT TON l?ARTatNTS COZY, clean, comfortable, nicely famished Pnvato batb. Steam beat. l)oi town diitrirt. Reaionable in price. Fi inspection call Patton't Book Store, Electrical Refrigeration, ranges. Modern, brick, heated. Apt. High class residential d.strtet. Cheerful, attractive. l-ght. t room apartment, 2 Led, $40.00. One furnish" overstuffed, $50.00. A two ro..4i furniahed, $37.60. Impaction invited, children wl,-o. Una Pullinan now vacant, $30. Ambassador Apartments 550 K. tinnir. 1971 FOR RENT Rooms 16 FIRMSUKU KOOM NICE LARGE, clean emphasis on the clean room 29u . Church. FOR RENT Houses 17 KOOM, BOARD. SINGLE MEALS, DN day dinners. Alexandria, 1030 Cna meketa. Phona 1539. BOARD AND ROOM 20 KOOM AND BOARD, 873 North 14th St Phone 2361R. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board. 405 Marion St. LAUNDRIES 21 THE NEW SALEM LAUDKT THE WELDER LAUNDRY Talepbo . 23 8. High tRY THE BOMB -WTET WA8H UaLi ry. TaL 171. 1SS B Strew. CAPITAL CITY LAU3TDBY "The Laoadrs.wf Fur Matajrtaln" Telephone 145. 14 Ba4wa TAILORS 22 D. II. MOBHKlc TAILOR) FOB MSB and women. 474 Court St. WANTED Misc. 23 FDRNITUBA riCEXtiO FOB SHIP manta. Qiasa Pawers Famltar Oa. TEAM WORK OF ALL KINDS AND Ex cavating. Phona Mayfield 72F2. WANTED ACTO AS FIRST PAYMENT on good kens. - Address P. O. Box 243. Salem. WANTED PBITATB MOJTET FOB farm loans. Wo have several asDUsa tioas on hand. Haw kiaa A Roberta, Inc. 205 Oregoa Brag. WANTED GOOD WASHES OOTTO Bags not smaller than 1 raid o ase for wiping aaacBUrOry. , uigaost price paid for good dona lacs, apply at tatasmaa oinca, soa Btulor. WANTED Man and wife to live in and care for house near Salem rent free inclnding garden and orchard. Write or phone owner 10 Exchange Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. Phona Beacon 5524, Portland. -"Hollywood Needs Automobiles HIGHEST CASH PRICES ALL MAKES A3ft No. Commercial. Phone 1027 MATTRESSES 24 MATTRESSES REJfOYAYED BT TH1 Cnpiut City Bedding Co, 11 90 Xartk CapitoL Calted for nam dalivarod. AB work fMitttieL - TaL 19. . . ji w r, " " - - . - -,---,-. FOR SALE 25 FEREKNIALB Be PLANT. CHRYSAJf thammma and Paasiaa 25 Dosaa. Halt, ad 8. 12th 84. Bos 28. Phono 71I-M. WANTED Live Stock 26 BEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS of bef stock. Telapaoao 17$. Mid get Market. FOR SALE -Live Stock 27 JERSEY COW. DARK COLOR. EXCEL lent aUlker, gentle, now prodaeiag ap proximately gallon par day, aao to freshen in Angnst. Mast sail aa 1 can not keep her in town. Call of tor p. m.. at 1590 Booth Liberty St. VETERINARIAN 23 BED W. LAJfOE. VETEBIBAB1AB Office SC9 8. commercial. ToL 1199. Boa. ToL 1M. WOOD SAWING 29 WOOD SAWINQ. PHOVB 147f. K19 aarth Commercial. WOOD FOR SALE 30 JOOD DRY WOOD. .'. Mayfieli PHONE 7211, M. UOOD DRY WOOD FOB YOC U, A. Larmer. ToL 990. 14 IN. OLD FIB MAO PEB CORI-. U rick) ToL 91S9. GUARANTEED DRY WOOD COAL Tel. 19. Salem Iraol Cc.. 752 Tradr. WESTERN UNION TiME. TKtfCKS for hailing. Wood to burn. Call 529. 16 INCH OLD FIB, DRY 2ND GROWTH, and ash. C. V. Harbaogn. 103d iUga land Ave Phone K Ineh ilrv mll'a4 at 93.50 Hf La J 16 inch green millwood at $3.00 per load. TV 1TV TT . 9111 TEL. 231$ OLD FIR WOOD. PRACTICALLY SEA aoned. $6.50 cord, necoiid growth $5.50, on track, car lotf., Salem. J. M. Pee bles. Falls City. Oregon. trOOD OOAL. DRY WOOo Ptti)MPT DELIVERIES HILLMAN rVXU CO. TELEPHONE lafh. O. tSE&) A INi'ERSO.f rOR WOOD TO BURB SALEM T Bit No. FDho UO. GEXESAL TBA.Si'ER WORK. TEL. S2 BES1 GHAjjE OF WOOD Dry wood 4 It. and 16-lace. Jrre iota are eneaper to buy. Mill wo i or ve-'-'tx. Prumpt tolivary aa4 icatbtaol pnew. i'Kti ii. WELLB 280 S. Church TaL 1541 POULTRY AND EGGS 32 CUSTOM HATCHlNU. OREGON" CAPI tal Hatcbery, 2144 North i'ifth street, balem. ptne 2620. 1ABY ClUCltS- TUESDAY, WEDNES day. Oregon Capital Hatchery 2144 North t ilth street, Salem. Phona 2020. FOR SALt WHITE ORPINGTON chickens 1 year old, B. W. l. tested $2 each. Mrs. J. II. Wright, Rt. 1. Box 137. Tel. 1E11. JAB V CHICKS EY EST WON DA Y AND Tuesday. S leading varmt'ea. Beat local slock. -Frices reaaonatlo. 8al Caickanea, 2tt4 North Couago SUeo eaiem. UABY CUlCKf- AND CTJ8TOM 2IATOH uig Expert service means efficiency ana high quality. All baby catena I rota pannt stojk Officially tested and Of liciall Approved. Balaam's oldest Cus torn Halcbi-g plant. Phono 132. Lev's -datche'-y. Pullets Pullets Pullets Reds, Rocks, White Leghorns, Brown Leghorns, Buff Orpingtons, Biack Mm orcas, Wbila Minorca and others. Im mediate deliver', big boned stock in bei-t condit.on; breeding c.-ckerels and mated pens. Phone 133F. Lee's Hatchery. MUSIC STORES 33 k'OB RENT NEW PIANOS. Stiff Furniture Company. U. U tiEO. C. WILL -- PIANOS. PHONO- graphs, sewing machines, ahoot gaoaal and Diano studies. Kopairtng phoao- grnpoa and sewmg machioea. 4aBty iret. Salem. 'OULTKVMEM BEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three month' . trial lot tun best and oldeat Journal in the -Vest. The article and advar iMintau are ct e;ecial interest to ta pooltry traedbra of the Northwoat Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 8. Com taerciai St.. alem. Ureawav MUSIC TEACHERS 33a MODERN PIANO JAZZ ton. Waterman course. Cottage, phona 2 165-J. -FRANK BUT btudio 980 h. KODAK FINISHING 341 riiKS ENLAisOEMENT W1IH EVERY 60 order Kodak work. Bawling, Portland, Or. newspapers Magazines 35 Cut PORTLAND L.EOEA3t BALEM Agency, lha Aeo. TaL 64. THE ORLOON 8TATESMAB, $0 CENTS per month delivered to your horn early each morning. TaL 2$ at S83. LP lOU W2MT TO GET THE BEST farm paper sand five 2 rant atamp to ta lacaic Homestead, Sataas, Oregoa, for a tare moutaa' trial aahatrtpttoa. Maatioa thia ad. ; PAPERHANG1NG 37 PHONE GLENN ADAMB FOB HOUSE deroratbig, paperhaagiag. tinting, etc baliabic orhmaa. PAINTING 38 CHA8 BENMEThs rlCnOO CON tractor, painting, paper aaagiag. 2284 J. 187 West aiillar. MISCELLANEOUS 39 FOR SALEM all 187. SCAYKSGEB BEBMCB FCRNITTJBB UlrOMTTERINO AND BE pair in g. Olsae-s'ower Fareitaxo Btor. NOTICE I WILL PAY NO BILLS OR ceouat except those contracted by myself. C. L. Morgan. FOR BALE OLD KEWBTAPEb. 10 ceata Landl. Btatoaavaa affic. 31$ South CemmoralaL JOHN H. SCOTT HAS MOVED HI8 OF- firo to 1089 Court Street pending a new office connection. Phono 622. WANTED: CSED PIANOS IN Ex change oa Radio, Phonoctoph. r Furniture. H. L. Stiff Faraiture a pa ay. MINUTE MOVIES wuwer ev ED; VvHEElftH WEAHJJUl AT VJUV CELLS DICTATOR 30MEZ. ? WAS V!&n,N VtS Barracks wwere HE HAD VN STALLED Don GaSRCsR? AhJt Wb OTHER 40 MISCELLANEOUS 39 WHITE BCOTCB OOLLIB AT BTC1. Balam Wait KOag. Sagmtor aambar 8$99L Borvico gairactood. Tappua aad grown stock for aaW Mrs. Boa- xwau caw sefceta. Paa 1599. STOVES AJTD BTOTB BXFAtrUNO BTOVE8 FOR atl I BEBP1LT AAD repair ay oxpora. All kind of wave wir feaeo. rnaev aad sdala. m raawi oaaketa aad hooka, togaa hwoka. Baiom reaco aa ajiae Mart, saw a treat. CAPITOL BiBwdia AND J UN at HOUSE. 105-145 Center. loL $99. All kind of Jank bought and rold. Bags, Socks, Bottles. Barrais, Hid, Palta. Ua-k Far. Taliow, Caaoara Bant, Orapa Boot, Pitch. Peppormiat 00, All kino ot xroa Metai everythtag from a aooaio to i Onion Skin Carbo. Paper Typewriter Ribbcu W. S. Du Fresne 738 E. '.Ota St. B. Pertiaxd, Oragaa LOST AND FOUND 41 LOST 30 PrJNeHOS CHECK. FINDER pleaso return to 353 Leslie Street. PRINTING 44 FOR 8TA1 ION KB Y. CAKDt, PAMPH Wta. proran.s, boooa. or any kind of printing, oall at too l?tatem Print ing ivprtmat. 215 8. Cotnaaicial TmL be 4. MONEY TO LOAN 45 FEDERAL FARM LOAN 5. F. L. Wood, 341 btate 8l. 5 6 STRAIGHT LOANS CITY nd farm. W. U. Wright. 204 Maaonie Blag. P. II. BELL. 219 U. 8. BANK ULDO. Boeidacca ana buauteM- an. 11 ou7 or 211 W 2000 private motu'- to ln on city propert v. SOCOLOrSKY A SOX FEDERAL FARM LOANS REDUCED TO 5U. V. L. Wilk.nson, 202 U. 8. Bank Bldg., SaTetu. Oregon, ilONtV TO LOAM FOR BUILDING AND on ei!y property. B. 8. Mart.a a .14 L. R. Marun, auvraey. aii Cregoa Bu.lding. Tel. iWJ. CITX A K.I TRACT LOANS Kaasonable Bates No Delay STATE bAVlNC-S AND LOAN Amk v "703-C Fir.t National Bank Bjildv' Phone 457. baiem. Oregon. SALARY AND COLLATERAL LOANS Repayable in Waekly or Monthly In stailmenta. GENERAL UN AM K COR PORATION, 1'rrst ial'l Bast. ieL 120. CITY AND FARM LOANS AT i.OWWI rates. Best terms obtainable. Our insnrsnce dersrtment offer yoa tx pert adrics aud aervice ia all lines. HAWKINS A ROBERTS (Ire) TeL 1427 205 Oregon Bldg. WANTED LOANS 43 WANT $800.00 PRIVATE MONEY FOR GOOD REAL ESTATE LOAN. SALEM REALTY CO. 4o2 StaU St., Salcai. WJKTED rrivat money to ioaa aa BE 11 ESTATE. W. H, GRABENUORdT CO. 134 B Liberty St. Sroova PLUMBING 47 PLUMBING AND t?FJCEnL IsEPAiB work. Graber Bra. 144 8. Linorty TeL 550. BUSINESS OPPR. 48 FOR A.EA8E: Several atiractivo gioond floor stars or office rooms, well located. W. H, C BABE N HOR8T A CO.. Realtors 184 S. Liberty St. TeL SIS Business corner close in $8000. Grocery store, money maker, well located $7800. Center Str., lot, pavement paid. $8"0. 5 rm. house, pavement p;d 2ooo. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 44 Court Str. FOR SALK DANDY BUSINESS IN SA- lem. Did $4000 business in April. No competition as it is the only store of its kind in the Valley. If yoa act promptly $4000 will buy stock, fix tures, and good will, might take good property in exchange.1 Address P. O. Box 60, Salem. THE SALEM REALTY 462 State St. HAVE Portland Income property to ex change for Acreagu near Salem. A cash buyer for Hardware store in or wear Salem. A cash -hoyer for good filling sta tion and garage. Good Salem residence to exchange for acreage. A small confectionery with living room for $800.00. RADIO 49 Radlolas For ve. y t-su-poaav for every parse All stardard sue of Radio Tahoa EOFF Et.ECTRIOAL SHOP, 995 Coan St. TaL -. FOR SALE Houses 50 HOUSE BARC AINS $300 down, balance terms, buys a new bungalow, 4 rooms and nook, fire place, modern plumbing, paved street. Price $2650.00 plus street improve ment. fur room honse, located on N. 18th and, Ky Sta fireplace, garage, pavod street. Prtc $2650.00. Reasoaabl terms. $250 down, balance $35 per month bays 5 room house located ia South Salem, large lot, east front. Price $2850. Five room bungalow located on 8. 15th atreet, fireplace, plumbing, all fur nished. Thia place ia a bargain at $2750.00. Six room modern home located on Market St., furnace, fireplace, garage. This home is worth the most;. Price $4750, easy term. Modern 6 room Ksinnount Hill home, large lot, north front, double garage, firat class condition. Will consider mailer homo in part payment. Price $8500.00. W. H. GRABF.NHORST A CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 515 pX0 AS "We FIESTA J-TIMP APPROACHED. Don pablo had mot TCBN IDLE EiTHlrR. -FOR MOURS HE MAD CpUESTlONED WZJVO E. SOLDIERS ASTbTUE APR ANC reAffCF THE PCOMS IN "THE flfislACJO AND "WE HABITS GOMEZ THIS CHANGE FROM OUR DUNGEON ) ? VlWy HAVE VOU GNEN US UCOBNI s-UJIMirifj REAL ESTATE 1000 Down Bow modora hoeaa at 945 aad 95 Taataraek. Each maea, firapUe. hardwaod. aemaat boeomoat, arag M 6250, pavement paid. BECKE HENDBTCKS 189 H. High et. NEW BUNGALOW SNAP 4 Rooms strictly modem and ta the minut except basement. It real boauty. Close in, only 7 , from Post office north. Price 2'50. Home terms. Sea Louis Bochtal J. U. Sears Earl Tocher, 341 State St. Rooms 3 and 4. MOUNTAIN CREEK Soli or trad 14 acres more or less right op in mountains. 4 acres open land, fairlv leveL balance brush and timber. Dandy creek. 1 mile from town. Clear of incumbrance. Price $400. Will build 2 room cabin close to creek for $100 more. H cssh or will trade l.i Drooertr in or near Sa. lrm, cattle, sheep or anything 1 use. Sea WalteT Corbet, owner. North 21st street. can 1385 DELANO A HOW'S SPECIALS Cinch this uue : After all there is no better location than -Court St., in Salem and no batter buy anywhere than thia six room kun ny modern home, with big 50x165 lot. only 4V blocks from Supreme court, sarrounded by firft homes snd neigh bors. Court t. values are stable and always will be. This home is priced mucti below C'onrt St. value. $5,500. Reaonab.e terms. iin't delay. 230 N. Church Plioue 2830 I'me Ktidence Lot Court St., $1050. Leate on Apt. house snd furniture, snap $375. Close in. . Good plastered 5 room home snd garage, sarnfice $1500. 10 A. close in; 8 A. berries, small house and barn. Snap $4800, eay terms. Snap in several nice residence lots. 80 A. river bottom dairy farm, fine bldg.. t toe it nod equipment. $12,500, take residence for part. PERRINE A MABSTER3 212 Gray Bldg. An up to date little home for only SiOO.OU down payment. Si J.OO ma. just like rent. 2 big'beJrooius, large kitch en, urnix and t omb.na t toil sitting and dining room. Total price 3000 o. Double garage. Garage house and large lot For quick sale at 550.00. 5 room plastered house with garage, in fine condition, completely furnish ed. Uediinc-d from f45iu.oo to $2750.00 for (ju ck sale a oai.tr is leaving tpwn. Small psn:ent dowu will han dle. GASUILI. & EARI.i:, REALTORS 166 S. Liberty street 1'hone 2242 For Sale. New strictly modern. Eng lish type home, food location, $-'1500. Ten acre I'o.iitry ranch, good build ings, 2oo capacity. incubators and brooders complete equipment, 600 lay ing hens, lots of orders booked for ba by chicks. Owner has two ranches reason for selling. $4250. Choice 20 acre farm, new buildings, good land, seven miles out. Owner go ing away. Price with stock and equip meut, $6000. F. L. WOOD. GEO. F. PEED 341 State tit. Real Snap 5 rooms and bath, plas tered house, very close in, $2350. rlasy terms. $4750 buys new 7 room English type, cove ceiling, oak floors, good location, paving paid, basement, furnace, strict ly modern ; garage. $1800 for two lots 52x137 each, with 5 room house, bath, large nut and fruit trees. On paved street Vs block of bus. For rent small bouse $5.00. See PORKNER with MELVIN JOHNSON J18-320 C. S. Bank Bldg. Phoue 637 2 properties in Silverton to trade for Salem property and pay difference. 3 room house large lot, to trade for acreage with buildings pay some dif ference. 12 Acres 3 mi. from good town, good buildings best of river bottom land, prunes, strawberries, peaches, some hayland Easy terms. $4200. 5 room plastered bungalow, paved St. hardwood floors, garage. Easiest of terms. A snap at $2700. room plastered house paved St. 3 bedrooms on one, floor. Price $320 ;. terms. Ulirich & Roberts Realtors 129 N. Cora'l. Phone 1354 $12004 room house, hot and cold wa ter, bath, electrie lights, paved street. Easy terms $2500 5 room house, full basement, pav ed street, east front, close to school. Your own terms. $2800 Almost new, nice 4 room bouse, full basement, fireplace. hard wood floors, laundry trays, gar age, fine big lot with soma fruit, well located. Your own terms $3300 New" 4 room house. Full base ment, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, wired for electric stove, garage, paved street. Close to school. Very easy terms. Fine home on N. Winter street to trade for suburban property. Have several thousand dollars of private money to loan on Salem prop erty. : RICH L. REIMANN Realtor High St. 219 N, Phone 805 BUILDING LOTS AND SMALL ACREAGE ON EASY TERMS $310 Good lots, 50x100 feet located oa Madison st. Plus pavement $152. $10 down, $10 per month. $750 Lot 50x100, located on paved street, sidewalks in, located near Rich mond school. Terms. $750 Lot 56x105, east front, located near Loall school. Terms. $225 Lot 50x137 feet, located on N. 20th street. $10 down. $10 per month. $315 North front lots on Jefferson St. $10 down, $10 par month. $300 Lot 50x100 located on N. 14th St, near Market St. $10 down. $10 per month. $1000 Lea-go view lot,. located tonth, just "outside of city, $100 down, $10 per month. SMALL ACREAGE ON EASY TERMS $700 One half acre, located north, near city limits, good gravel street, block from pavement. City wster. $25 down, $10 per month. $650 On acre, ail in bearing fro it, oath, near city limits, $50 down, $10 per month,. $1000 On acra, view property, south. near bus line, $100 dowa, $10 par month. - $1000 Five acres. located east near paved road, $50 down, $10 per month. $1500 Five acre on good gravel road, near pavement and school. $25 dowa, $10 par month. $1575 Five acres on paved road. ft block from school, $25 down, $10 per month. FOR LOT3 AND SMALL ACREAGE, SEE US. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty Stret Phone 515 -AND THE DWCTATOR- ALUAyS FINAL AT NU3HJ ECAUSE,DONGi&- AfiAlH) PAR I WANT VCO ALL TO LOOK PRE SENTABLE U)HEM I MaRR SOUR daogh- Tfco TUf DAV AF- REAL ESTATE 51 A good summer boos aad aa acre af $rad $1250. Boat af terms. A good, modern 4 room strictly mod orn horn oa eornor lot for only $3500, $350 down- This house Is ia splendid location. South of Highland, close to bus. store and school, and i worth more money than u asked for it. A classy 6 room ho la splendid locality comer lot. house shews op well you can't find a flaw in it. $4900. Houaa ia equal to most houses priced at $5500. but cash buying bat enabled owner ta keep price down on this and yon get the advantage of it. BARBER A BOND 200 Gray Bldg. , 125 X. Liberty 10 acres ea.t of Salem with fair buildings all ciaar of incombranre t trade ior a good home in North Sa lem, will assume some. 30 stc south 5 miles at $3000. to trada for a house in town, all in cul tivation. 5 room bouse and two lvts with plen ty of fruit a-jdi garden space in North Salem to trade for land nesr Dallas. $4200.00 bark a new 4 room all modern in every way and furnished at $.i0U down. $25 a month and int. SQUARE DEAL RFAI.Tr CO. 202 V. S. Nat. Rank Bldg. IV ENCLEV.OOD DISTRICT Conreuient to Grtde. Junior and High Schools $3500 5 nice rooms and good floored at t'' suitable tr 2 rooms, bsse-n:-nt. garage, cement driveway, paved street. E. front, now . riant. A little paint will make this a good $4500 home. $3600 1 rooms and nook, sightly loca tion. Change of business forces owner to leave S!em. $4000 Good C roo:n English hous?. now vscsnt. best of terms. $1200 A well built 6 room Bungs'ow, lots of built ins, large lot, E. front, psviiig in snd paid. $4000 Practically new 5 room Fnelish Bunualow. beantiful bsrdwood floors, double garage, nice lawn snd shrubliery. $500 down, easy payments on balance. i $5750 -You isu't fst this for the price. 6 Urge rouuis and nook, beauti ful hardwood floors, tiled bath nl drain board, walls all decor-st-d. one of the niot attractive fireplaces in the city, corner lot and both streets paved. These ri- .ail good value and cn be se-n at any time. Call for an appoint nient. or SEE Mrs. Kiln with LEO N. CH1LDS CO., Realtor .120 Suite Street. Phone 1727 REAL ESTATE Trades 52 WANTED F.Kjl Oil RANCH FOR IN i ome property. Address 1'. O. Box 242, Salem. l.i IS A N't K I.KS. CALIF. -PROPERTY TO change for Salein City Property. Write liox 123. Statesman. LOS ANGELES, i KOOM MODERN RKS nience trade for farm. Owner, McKin 7io. 4206 York Blvd., Los Angeles. Cslif. FOR EXCHANGE GOOD COUN TRY HOME, consisting of 9 room house, sll necessary outbuildings with 31 acres of land, nearly all in bearing fnnt. This plate is located on main 1'irific highway, south, 1 Vi miles froi-5 bus line. Price for quick aale $12,500. Mortgage $5500 to be assumed, owner will consider residence in Salem nt part payment. Tho oaner is sacrificing 15O00 to make a quick saba on the property. Act at once. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. Realtors' 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 515 REAL ESTATE Farms 53 FOR SALE 10 Acres mostly in bearing cherries. $4200, terms; or would discount for cash. No incumbrances. See W. 0. KRCEGER. Realtor 147 N. Com' I Phone 217 REAL VALUES 5 Acres 1 Vi miles East, large chick en house, 500 hen capacity, will ex change for Salem residence. 10 Acres lhk miles from Marion Polk Bridge, good buildings, Imple ments, etc. $5000.00, good terms. 160 Acres in Lake County, Oregon, will exchange for Auto or Lot. 10 Acres 3 miles South of Salem, House and Barn, 5 Acres Orchard, will exchange for Kalem Residence. 10 Acres Garden Land. River Road South, very easy terms, $2500.00. McGILCHRlST PENNINGTON, Realtors 209 U. S. Bank Bldg. FINE FARM THIRTY ACRE FARM on paved highway just 10 minutes from business center of Saleui. Best sandy loam soil. This soil cannot be excelled for early garden truck. About 12. a. fruit. Family berriea, 1 . pasture. New 4 room bungalow, has bath; electricity; pressure water' system. Large barn; machine shed, poultry house, garage. If you want SOIL. LOCATION and GOOD IMPROVEMENTS be sure to see this. Price $20,000. Some terms. Will consider modern Salem or Port land horn or business for part. So , TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor "Headquarters for Farms'" 20 ACRES OF FERTILE SOIL New buildings, basement and bath, 8 mile from Salem, 3 acres set to cher ries, filberts aad walnuts, 3 acres strawberries, 1 acre raspberries, bal ance also under cultivation. This is your chanc. Price $6000. SPECIAL 125-acre farm all under cultivation, fin buildings with modern conven iences, 8 miles of Salem. Fin black loam soiL Will consider smaller farm or city property as part trade. MODERN SUBURBAN HOME 5-rooaa bungalow, all modern - city conveniences, oa pavement close to school and bos. Fin walnut grove and fruit. Will consider city home up to $4500. ' ANDERSON A RUPERT 169 S. High 68 aarvs river bottom land. 40 acra la caltivation. Faces paved highway. Good buildings. Price $6500.00. Will take Salem property ia trad for th full amount. 1S7 ers, 142 ia cultivation. Fenced Into 7 folds. Excellent baildiagt. Good roads. It is a bargain at $15,000. Owner will take a good house up to $6000, a first payment and will give long time oa th balance. 65 acres near Oervais. 60 acre an der caltivation. Good buildings. Mort gage of $3250 at 6H. Owner will take good car for his equity as he has to leave for California. 233 acres Santiam River Bottom land to trade for small farm close tl Sa lem. MONEY TO LOAN INSURANCE RICH L. REIMANN Realtor 219 N. High St. Phone 865 SlVES U 'OF DON PABLO SUrAMONED DCT4A AN HA ANTTbLD HEls tuff THETwE VA6 RiPE TOR ACTION TQu hoor or SO LATfeR. ' DoAa anTa WAS USHERED STD TriE PRES Efsjce OF THE; UNSOSPECTlHq- DICTATDR- cm, ca GNE REAL ESTATE Farms 53 50 ACRE SNAP All cultivated land, good soil, fam ily orchard aad S A. p ruses. 4 Room honse. good well. Price reduced from $7,250 to $5000. with terms, locawd seven miles south of Salem on good gravel road near Highway, in Sunny aid district. So Louis Bechtel J. . Soars Earl Tacker, 341 State St. Room 3 and 4. 20 acre overlooking Salem, 10 acres ia cultivation, om timber, house part ly finished with concrete basement. 2 springs. $4000, terms aad will tsk city property. eO A. stock or dairy farm. 22 A. bot tom land, on river, family orchard, stanchions for 11 cows. comfortable house, large barn, - chicken houses. 3 sawmills near give plenty of work, near school, good road, expect to pave this year. 935 an acre and it's yours. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 S. High St. REAL ESTATE Sub. 54 FOR SALE 5 seres all cultivated, paved road, hou-f partially finished. Price $2200. $.t0 down. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 515 KINUWOOD HEIGHTS. A HIGH CLASS restricted residence addition. Marvel ous Tiew beautiful trees large sites Kay Terms City water lights streets. Telephone owner 2716. $25 DOWN, balance $10 j.er month buys 5 acres located east of Salem, good, dark prairie soil, gravel road. Price $l.t'0. Interest 6 per rent. W. H GRABF.NHORST CO.." Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 515. BEAUTIFUL VIEW 5 acre tract, lo cated close in to Salem. Will exchange as part payment on modern Salem home. Price $3500. W. H. GKABFNHOKST A CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 515 FIVE ACRE HOME BARGAIN New 5 room plastered bungalow, garage and wood shed, 500 black cap rasp berries, , some straw berries, young fam ily orchard, paved road, closo in. If you are looking for 5 acre--, do not fail to see this tract. l'riee $350. $5o0 down, balance $10 per month, m trrest ti per cent payable monthly. W. 11. GRABENHORST CO.. Rea'tors 134 S. Liberty St. l'tiune 515 WANTED REAL ESTATE 55 WANTED CAMP GROUNO OR FARM IN EXCHANGE .'or new strictly modern apartment bouse. 14 three room apartments, stoma completely fur iiifhed. Income around $500.00 per month. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor TRANSFER & HAULING 57 JAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 929 8Ut St. Tel. 9X3. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get ear rate. We Move Store and Ship Jtoasehold goods. Oar specialty la jiano and furniture moving. We lao asak couulry trips. We handle th best Coal and Wood Call on as for prices. W give good measure, good quality and good servicx. Larmer Transfer Co. TeL 930. WATER 58 OREGON WASH. WiTER SERVICE CO. Offic 804 South Commercial St. Tea per cent discount on domestic flat rate paid in advance. No deduction for ao aente or any csus unles water is shot off your promise. TRAVEL 59 A F1NB NEW W AITINO ROOM IN THE NEW HOTEL SENATOB Frequent Schedule Thirty Rid Book at Reduced Rates A Swift nnd Reliabi Package Service Cuurtecus Attention From All Employees These Are a Fsw of th Offerees Med th Public By PARKER SIAGES, INC. dtaga Leaving Tim: Dallas: 7 a. m., 9:10 a. m.. 11:35 a. m 2:10 p. m., 5:15 p. ny. Independence k Monmouth: 7 a. m, 9:16 a. m. 11:15 a. m., $ p. m, J:li p. m., 8:30 p. m. (Sunday only.) filverton: 7 a. m., 11 a. m, 6 p. m. Falls City. McMinnville, Newberg, Hills bore, Forest Grove, dheridaii. Tilla mook: 9:10 a. m., 2:10 p. .ta., 6:15 p. m. For Information Call 223 or 696. AUTOS WANTED 60 CASH PAID FOR FORDS Clfc"ER AUTO USED CARS For Sale 61 1928 Chevrolet Coach Bumpers, spars tire, license, swipe and mirror. Terms. Phone 2555W evenings and Sunday. Pettyjohn's Better Used Car Values 1926 Bulck Coup jf 1928 Essex Coaeh 1926 Nash Roadster 1928 Nssh Coupe 1926 Nssh Enclosure Oakland Tearing Franklin Touring Essex Touring Ford Coup Ford Touring Hupp Sedan - Excellent vslues. Merchandise that will give yoa fall measure of perform ance. Prieea tower than you would ex pect. Be them today. F. W. Pettyjohn Co., 365 North Commercial St. Tel. 1260 "After w sell w serve" Ungrateful Engles INTER LAKEN Switzerland passed a law to save eagles from extinction. Now the are preying on lambs and mountain goats. GO t GOMEZ -ruts rwv "THE BESlA, 7 UAVE MOUi UNCOVERED THE WOLE. OinT AA1N9T THAT HE VJ1LL ECEUENC, AT LAST SOU FULL WFORKAPCrM J I : Hid A K I cm) CONCERNJNX5' THE. VILE PLOT. AfiAlNfiT VDUR LIFE USED CARS For Sale 6T HOLLYWOOD 435 No. Commercial Phone 1027 Our Stock Again Very Complete We Specialize In Late Model Transportation We Invite Mechanical Inspection We send junk and We Mean You Can Always Save S$ at HOLLYWOOD" McKay's for Used Cars an O. K. That Counts 1922 Chevrolet Touring ,. $ 6.1 1923 Chevrolet Touring $12.1 1923 Chevrolet Sedan . 1916 Chevrolet Roadster 1926 Chevrolet Coupe 1927 Chevrolet Coupe ' 1920 Ford Truck 1326 Ford Truck. RmtelT, ed cab, factorv bodv ?l'l .u' i $300.00 t $3A.V00 $100.00 clos .00 I 430 N. Commercial. Tel. 1803 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company Fords Old hut in Good Condition 1920 Roadster, pick up bos 1922 Coupe .... 1923 Touring. Rucks tell, good curtains $ 50 $ 65 side $100 1921 Truck with Wsrford C speed transmission, as is price $1 Valley Motor Co Center st Liberty Telephone 1995 Packard Oldsmohile Used - Car Specials 1926 Packard Sir Club Sedan $1900 1926 Master Six Buick Sedan 1000 1924 Osklsnd Sedan 550 1924 Oakland; Coupe 450 1924 Oldsmohile Coupe 825 1925 Overland Sedan - 250 1924 Ford Coup - 225 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM ONLY FEW I.ISTF.D ABOVE TEN GOOD RLNMNO AUTOMOBILES ALL KINDS ALL MAKES c UNDER $300 Capitol Motors, Inc. Biddy Bishop 3&0 No. Higsi St. o- -O I Salem Markets GRAIN No. 1, wheat, white $1.38 Red wheat, sacked $1.28 Oats, per bu. milling $ .70 ?0BK. MTJTTON AND BEEP Top hogs .i - $10.50 Sows 07 Vft Top steers 103-11 Cows 03((J.08 Spring lambs .18 Dressed veal .16 Dressed hogs ... .1$ POTTLTBT Light hens Heavy hen Broilers .IS .21 .80 SGOS. BUTTER. BUTTEBFAT Standards, - - .20 Bntterfst ..-r .4f Print butter 42.43' VEGETABLES Beets, sacked . New cabbage ... Potatoes .... .6$ ,07 $1.25. $2.00, $1.50 sU GENERAL MARKETS PRODUCE PORTLAND, Ore.. May 7. (AP). Rsw milk 4. $2.25 cwt. fob Portland Butterf at steady; 40c station, 41c track. 13 0 44c fob Portland. Poultry steady; heavy hens 24e; light 15 (3 20c; broiler 27g35e; pekin white ducks 27c; colored nominal; tar keys alive 2527c. Onions steady: local $1.75(32.25 pot cwt; potatoes 75e$1.25 sack, steady. Wool steady, eastern Oregon 33 040c; valley medium 43c; coarse B8e pound. Mohair higher; long staple 65c pound; ditto short 3$45c; bnrry 17c; kid 75e. PORTLAND GRADf PORTLAND, Or.. May 7. (AP).- Wheat bids: BBB. hard whit $1.63; soft whit $1.50; western white $1.49; hard vcinter $1.39: northern spring $1.40; western red $1.39. Oats, No. 2, 36 pound W. P.. $46.50. Barlev. No. 2. 45 pound B. W.. $42. Corn, No. 2, E. Y., $46.25; No. 8, ditto $45.75. Millrun, standard $33. HAY Or.. May PORTLAND. (AP). By Ed Wheelan AND EXPLAIN "WAT VOU 5EE TO n SURELY FALL .KID OUfc "V TRAP? J- 0mm ii. SUALL MOT FAIL PAHS. To-wcmjisJ'S EPISODE liXli PUIILE AV n by i n USED CARS For Sale 61 to the wrecker Hay buying prices . Eastern Oregn tim othy 2 ...0!i 21 : dUCi vallev l!'rl - 50; sllalfa 1 9 a ia.50; oat hay $15.51 tl l'i. straw t'V.'.O par ton. Selling prices $2 a ton more. DAIRY PORTLAND, Ore.. May 1 .- ( At). - Dairy Lxchangc, net prices: iiutter. extras 4 1-; standards 45c; jirme firsts .Is'jr; firsts .Ifc Eggs, evtras 2 5c; first 21c; mediuasS eMras 23 'sc. medium fusts 21'c. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. Ore.. May 7. -CAI Cattle: ri'i-i-ililH l.iS",: ralves'.V steer, i alves $52.00janl she Mock .i;dy to strong and sealers 5"c higher. '. Sipi.fi I lull t l.tOO tuinn i-it.i ,i alt . L Hi 12.25; do !.1n ti l10.i pounds;' goo! 1 1 ..lO'o 12 5": do. 800 and upward. m dmm $!t.75'i 1 1.50 ; do common $. 2 "'" U 75. hifer, do. common 'to medium j . . -.ii i Sk -. i, -? . . ao. common to tncaium vi'uv.--': us, low cut $.).'! 7: bulls, yearlings excluded. trood beef $7.75fi)it..iO: do. cutter to rae lium $7117.75. calves 500 pounds dowa, medium to choice $.50r.i' 10.50 ; do. cull to common $ii.50?t rt .io ; vealers. milk; fed, good to choice $12.50(13.50; do. nedium $ln.50'i 12.40, do. cull to com mon $7 i 1 o. 51. Hog receipts 3795: lower than lt Monday. ; Heavyweight. 250 to n50 pounds, medi um to ehi.ee $:Kf(10; medium weight 200 to 250 pounds, medium to choir. S.25i 10.50 ; lightweight 160 to 20O pounds, medium to rhoice $11: packins sows, rough an.i smooth, $7.50 to $H.50: lan.kt.i. nil.. 0 1 1 , rt I 1 1 1 nitaiiiii tnettinnt to choice, $tf.35(i(K'; feeder and stocker pigs. 70 in 120 pounds, medium to choir $H.75((19.50. ( Sort or oily hogs and roasting P'gs excluded in above quotations.) Sheep and lambs fcteady, receipts 171. . including 291 direct or thmugh. Lambs, 92 pounds down, good ta choice $12.2 'tT 111: do. 92 pounds down, medium $10.75 (i 12.25; do. all weights, cull com mon $9.50(f(10.75; spring lambs $13.5il (it 14.50; yearling wrthers, 110 pound down, medium to choice $10 to $12: ewes, 120 pounds down, medium to choice $e.5it 6(7.50; do. 150 pounds, medium to clioic" $5.50(4 7. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PORTLAND. Ore.. May 7. IAP). rtright weather sent more asparagus to market and prices are slightly lower than prevailed last week. Loral stork is sell ing $1.25(rl.85 per dozen bunches. A few blackberries arrived by express from California and are offered at $2.25 per -rate of 12 pints. Strawberries are fair !y steady; a few Oregon berries were oW the markrt Saturday and supplies are xperted to be regular after this week. Navel oranges advsnred 50 per bos f ir best stork. The season ia drawing to a .-I os.- and supplies, are reported 1 ght. CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO, liiay 7. (AP). Liberal r rivals of spring wheat from Minneapolis to deliver on May contracts hero did good deal to turn Chicago wiieat prices downward today. Speculative holders who were rather free seller of May. however, were at times conspicuous buy ers of July. Closing quotations were nervous st 1:8 e net decline with rorn 3 He off to 1 8c up and osts g 5 8 down. O LISTEN IN TUESDAY MORNING ;OO fl:00 KXL (220 . Esrly Riser progrsm. 9:00 10:00 KKX C!7L Pattie Cooke 9:00-10:00 KTBR (229). Women's pro mm. fl:00 10:00 KXL. Portland Flarly Birds 9:00 12:00 KWB3 (200). Housewife's hour. 9:30-11:00 KOIX ($19). IiousewifVs program. 10:00 11 :30 KGW (492). Iloiueholl helps. Pf'V programs and music. 10:00 12:00 KXL. Live Wlr and courtesy programs. TUESDAY ATTERNOOW 12:00 1:00 KOIN, Organ concert. 12:00 1:00 KKFC (214). Weather re port and music. 12 :00 6:00 KFX. 12:00 6:00 KXL. t:ns. '2:30 6:00 KWJJ 1 :00 i :15 KOIN. 1 :00 2:30 KTBR. - gram. 2 :30-nil-K7RR. 3:00-4.-00 KOIN. 4:00-5:00 KFKC. 5:15 6:00 KOIN. Concerts. Afternoon presents (250). Concerts. Kara flash. Varied musical pro Baseball report. ! News aad musie. Music. Topsy-Turvy Times. TUESDAY WIGHT 6:00 6:30 KF.X (276). Announcement 6:00 6:80 KXL (20). Organ concert. 6:00-6:30 KOW (492). Concert tro. 6:00-7 :00--KOIV (319). Organ concert 6:00 7:00 KTBR (229). Dinner coneer' nd road report. 6:00-7:00 KFEC (214). Waather repot and music. 6:00 7:00 KWJJ (250). Dinner concert 6:30-7:00 KEX. Children's hour. 6:30-7:00 KOW. Concert. . 8:30 9:00 KXL. Courtesy progrsm. and popular entertainment. i 7:00-8:00 KPIP (229). Orad shoo geography program. 7:00 8:00 KOW. Concerts. ' 7:00-8:00 KKX. Dinner dane eooeer: 8:00-8:30 KKX. Male quartet. 8:00-9:00 KTBR. Gardening, fan talks and mnsir. 8:00-9:00 KOW. PCN programs. 8:00-9:45 KOIN. Diversified program 8:00-11:00 KWBS (200). Studio pr- gram. 9:30-9.-00 KFX. Ramblers. 9)O-10rO0 KWJJ. Concsrt. 9:00-10)0 KEX. Seventh lofant - - wnd. : 9:00-10:00 KCW. Orchestra sad aa' 1st, r ' 9:00 10:00 KTBR. Courtesy progrsm 9:00 10:00 KXL. Musical features. 9:45 End KOIN. Fight broadcast 10.00 11:00 KOW. PCN dng progr 10:00-12:00 KEX. Dane frolic. 11:00 12:00 KOW. Stndi dance pi. grsm. OUT SIDE STATIONS PCN 10:80-11, travelog; 7-6. Memo Ine; 8-8:30. orchestra; 6:30 9, e eheatr aad violin; 10-11. daae mosi KOA Denver (826). :0-7, farm qe tion box; 7-6, band concert. KOMO Seattle (806), 6r news; 6:1 orchestra; 7-9, PCN; 9, movie asm 10, PCN; 11, news; ll:15-:30, as aaartot. KJR Seattle (348). 6. 6:30, coneei 7:80, troobadours; 8, 9. trio; 10, dan music. KHQ Spokaai ($70). . arr.aestra; T. ' - PCS; 9. orchestra; 10-12. da no arshe KYA-l-Saa rraBeiaca (852). :. waiians; 7.' poet; $, 8, mosi; 1 daae musie. KGO Oakland (4). a, T-t, FCJft f Pilgrim. KIT Lo Angele (468). 6, mI sroa tot; 7,- detective stories; 7:80, com diaa; 8, PCN; t. concert; 10, PCN. KPO Saa rraaelsc (422). , masl 6:80. orchestra; 7:80, 8. PCX; 9, 1 12. daae orchestra. - ' ' . . KHJ Loa Angeles (400). 6 dolag :15, asasic; 6:45, mi; T, T:$- -svrehostra; 919. iaaagoral program .!. .Aaaaa-arehostr. KFRO Saa Praneisc (454). 4), T, T:$( CoclIUns; 9-10. taaagarai prgrat tVaaa KHJ: 10-11. daea orchestra. rOAO Corvallis (270). 6:30, asasi l.i U!ks; 7:20. hommar.