The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 08, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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The Oregon statesman
, Iaaoed Daily Except Moaday l.y
SIS Sen Onaaretal gtraat, Satan. Orfa
BV J. Jendricki
Iri S. Mcfeierry
BaroJi C. Cortis
1mIU Bunch
- Manager
Maaacins EdRor
- City Editar
Society Editor
Ralph H. KkrtaiBfc Aivartiata Manaf.r
Llayd . Sufler - - Sup.rinUa4.ot
W. H. Henderaon, Circulation Manager
E. a. Rhotra - Uveatock Eitor
W. C. Coaaer - - - Posliry Editor
The Associated rm it, exciesiTely entitled to the em t." pbii&t. of H
eve diapatcbea credited to it or not uilierwia. credited in thia paper and alio -be
local newt publinhed herein.
business omen --
Maaaber Selected Orea-oa Nroipaper Pae.f.c Coatt Bprewttiee Doty a
Sni. Ine-. Portland. Security BK'f.; gu f rjacitco, aharon Bio.; Loa
AngeVi. Chamber of Commerce HUlg.
Thoaaaa F. Clark Co.. New York. .23 136 W tlat St.. Chicago Uarqaetta B.dt.
Beaineat Offiee....SS or S8S TELEPHONES Job Dprtaunt 5
Society Editor .-...106 Xewa lept. 23 or 53 Circulation Office S3
Entered at tlie Post Office in Salem. Oregon, aa aecoad ew matter.
And go quickly, and tell His disciple that lie is risan from the
lead;-and. behold. He goeth oetore you mio uaiiice,
see Him: lo, I have told you. And they departed quickly from he
sepulchre with fear and great Joy; and did run to bring His disciples
wora. Aiattnew z: -s.
B. F. Irvine, at the noon meeting of the Salem chamber of
commerce yesterday, had some pertinent things to say about
; the way California people advertise their state
And what better opportunities Oregon has, if she would
only take a leaf from California book on publictiy
How much more Oregon has to advertise.
H. A. Sprague, publisher of the St. Joseph, Mo.,News-Press,
recently had the following appropriate things to say about
. community and other advertising:
"Publicity is to a community what gas is to an automo
bile. 1$ is that indefinable something that pushes ahead and
develops growth, that brings people together for the com
mon good, that eliminates crying evils, creates public enter
prises and produces 100 per cent fine civic consciousness. It
is a modern business tonic, which once inculcated into the
gray matter of a populace, sooner or later induces every man
to respond to the call of improvement, thereby dissipating all
dry rot, bringing men into closer and better and more unsel
fish fpHnwshin. It is then and not until then that the
highest type of a true, intelligent, public spirited citizen be
comes an actuality. The mere gathering together of many per
sons who live in houses does not of necessity constitute a city.
Wehave a city only when men come to have common ideals,
when men come to develop a love for the community in which
they live and are ever ready to sacrifice time and money and
jenergy to the end that those common aspirations are realized.
' ProDerlv created advtrtlsinir develops character for a
community as well as for an individual. It creates this char
acter whether the investment is made by an individual, a
firm, a corporation or by the community itself. Publicity up
lifts the moral tone of a city more than all the ordinances and
courts and metroplitan police systems, combined and its ten
dency is continually to elevate. It generates desire waves that
groove in with the scheme of the city beautiful ; it pricks the
pride and warms the cockles of the hearts of men, which
condition germinates latent civic energy; it tends to curtail
adverse criticism on the part of 'sour bugs when the pro
gressive element of a population is extending itself to the
utmost in an endeavor to create and wish on the people much
needed public improvements, while the rest of the popula
tion, passively interested but . apathetically inclined, looks
idly on. It is one of the most deserving, hard-working, stim
ulating known influences in the development and elabora
tion of a city's resources and prosperity. Its value to a com
munity, therefore, cannot be measured by cold dollars and
"Publicity is a harbinger of constantly improving pros
perity. And your newspapers your chief mediums for talk
ing to the world are undeniably the truest, cheapest, most
dependable and most thorough disseminators of dent-producing
publicity yet discovered."
The spreading popularity of Champoeg park is a good
omen for that proposed $300,000 federal memorial building,
of my sett "however, and sir him
a good education to fit him to
reign after ma.
The red and black baseball nine
will be seen in action on the Ox
ford Park diamond at 3:30 o'clock
.thU afternoon when they will
meet the orange and black nine
from Dallas. This will be the
first game on the home grounds
for the Salem high ball tossers. as
they had to cancel all of their
former contests ljere on account
of rain. Last week and they were
in ; SEugene where they played
three games, returning Sunday.
The Salem high team got off on
a poor start this season due to
the fact that they were kept back
in their practice on account of
stormy weather. Secondly Coach
Luke Gill bad practically a green
team to start the season with.
They have been going through
some strenuous workouts lately in
preparation for the scheduled
coatest during the remainder of
the season. In nearly every con
teat the red and black nine have
had to compete with teams who
were by far superiror in the pitch
ing box. They are determined to
win this afternoon's contest.
mayor, are republican candidates
who have insisted that the present
party leaders and those they sup
port must be ousted, if victory is
to be gained in November. Fred
erick E. Schortemeler, secretary of
state and considered a favorite to
lead the field of ten, has main
tained a strictly neutral attitude.
Bits For Breakfast
(Continued from pa 1)
listed In the dry league's "slate
aa wet of record, and this led to
, tho filint; of an affidavit last week
against E. S. Shumaker, superln
teadent of the Indiana' Anti-Sa-toea
league on a charge, of violat
ing the corrupt practices act. Car
ter, was listed as having" made
"wet" speeches.
iSValter Myers, one of the throe
democratic candidates for senator.
has been as outspoken In his eon-
damnation of the klan as has GH-
The two year old political cor
ruption investigations, resulting In
the indictment of mora than twen
ty public office holders and polf-j
. ticJans. most of them republicans.
nas played a prominent part in the
gubernatorial campaign." Thomas
H.' Adams, t VIneennes. publisher
sad a leader in the Investigation;
- farmer Congressman Frederick
Hidls.'-Xogansport,v and Char las
Carnation day Saturday
When the American War Moth
ers win seu carnations, the pro
ceeds to go, as they do each year,
for the benefit of the disabled
World war veterans, for whom the
war os not yet over.
There is a movement to proper
ly support the work of the Salem
Associated Charities, which hae
been doing a great deal of good,
with little help. This call should
be heeded. There is much -dis
tress in Salem, owing to many
conditions that are unavoidable.
Noble Andrews. th man
discovered and propagated
Noble French prune, finds,
trary to first impressions.
the trees of this variety are form
ing fruit, and the prospects are
now for a full crop.
The American commander in
Nicaragua has issued an appeal to
the girls down there not to marry
hla marines. Evident' he doesn't
want to risk the dictum that the
marines are never conquered.
"Insanity Is contagious." says a
specialist, It's natural that he
should come to such a conclusion
along this stage of the political
Reports la Conflict
BUCHAREST. Rumania. May 7
(AP). Statement of the gov
ernment and of other 'sources dif
fered greatly tonight as to the
importance and volume of the
peasants' march on Bucharest in
protest against the present gov
ernment. There was no doubt
however, that t he regency and
caSinet were seriously disturbed.
The ministry of the interior to
night issued a formal statement
saying that all delegations to the
congress at Albajulia had return
ed to their. starting points. Th!a
was certainly true for the most
part, but of the 200,000 who had
attended the congress, 6,000 were
reported by other sources to be
marching toward the capital.
Meeting Called
After the regents today had told
Julhi Maniu the peasant leader
that they would not ask the res
ignation of the government of
Vintila Bratlanu, they summoned
before them the premier and the
minister of the interior, J. C Du
ca. They were closeted with these
two leaders for more than two
hours discussing what reply
should be made to the demands
of the Deasants.
It id believed in political quar
ters that the "regency is entirely
on the side of the government,
but nevertheless there is much
speculation and anxiety regard
ing the outcome of the peasant
demands. It is thought in some
circles that the regency, ae a way
out of the dilemma, may ask
Nicholas Titulescu, the present
foreign minister, to form a cabi
net in order to placate the peas
antrv. among whom he is popu
lar. The government press says
that it would be foolish to allow
a "peasant minority" to speak in
the name of the whole country.
French government. All countries
without doubt har egrasped by
now the lmmanee algnlfleaaos and
iiapnuc oi meaa negotiations.
The conference was opened to
day with a special massage from
President Coolldga, honorary
chairman of the centennial com
mittee. CaJatbraHnar th in nth
birthday of the American peace so-
aI.I- .l mm
ma presiaeni explained
that he was finable to attend be
cause or pressing duties and ex
pressed the belief that the confer
ence will be helpful In promoting
a better understandlnr inonr na
LADD &BUSH, Bankers
Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
k Elephants with the Al. G. Barnes Circus have to carry tbeir own
water as pictured here. This photograph was made on the opening
udj ui muuui, auu iuc uiciuuerg oi me legiuii ui Miiau uuja wuo us
ually 6ee that the elephants do not run short of water, were absent.
This, however does not happen often.
Al. G. Barnes Circus will exhibit in Salem Wednesday, May 16, giv
ing performances afternoon and night. The management announces
an entirely new program for the Circus this year, in which many
novelties and foreign acts are to be seen.
meeting rigid scrutiny before
transmission is allowed.
Order prevails everywhere but
the Rumanians are apprehensive
that unless the government tries
to appease the peasants who have
become thoroughly aroused, the
rural population may try to bring
about a change in government by
6000 Reach Sibin
SIBIU, Rumania, (By Tele-
nhone td Vienna! May 7. (AP)
With -army airplanes hovering
over them ready to drop Domes n
they attempted to start a revolt In
rural Rumania. 5.000 peasants
fresh from the Alba Ju congress
reached this town late toaay in
their march toward Bucharest
where they will present the Ru
mania regency with a demand for
a change in government.
To reach Sibiu they tramped
most of the night preceded and
followed by government cavalry.
Perfect order prevailed among
them and the cavalry escort has
instructions not to empede their
march unless they try to incite tne
countryside -to Insurrection.
Quarrels Noted
Serious differences terminating
aiinrr in nnen ruoture between
the two peasant leaders, Manlu
and Mihllachl on the question of
the march have been revealed.
Mihllachl who is a deputy chief of
th nartv. insisted that the entire
Alba Julia assemblage of 200,000
should march to Bucharest but
Manlu refused his sanction, say
ing ho had given the government
his pledge that no such march
would take place.
Mihllachl who Is a peasant him
self, remained adamant until
Manlu threatened to resign his
leadership, when he gave In. Sev
eral thousand of 'the peasants
however took matters Into their
own hands and began the march
hlch had ended tonight at Slblu
so that the weary barefooted
walkers might obtain food and
Martial Law Ordered
All of Transylvania resembled
an armed camp. Maitial law pre
vails nd the entire Rumano-Hun-garlan
border has been closed for
three days to automobile traffic
All travelers are sharply interro
gated and searched.
The government's nervousnes
has been lncsgased greatly by al
leged threats of Prince Carol ii
England to return to Rumania
severe censorship has been reir
stituted and news dispatches a:
(Continued from paga 1)
erable discussion on the motion,
but it was not put to a vote.
Acting Mayor W. H. Dancy said
that when he was chairman of the
bridge committee" it year, the
matter of changing the stream or
of Installing a culvert and fill was
submitted to the engineer, but
that so report had been made so
far as he knew.
A petition requesting a new
bridge on Cross street, where a
narrow span is dangerous to
school children who use it, was
introduced. It was stated that a
bridge is badly needed at this
point, although it is not on the
bridge program.
The council approved the plans
for the East State street bridge.
Nine Certificates of
Assumed Name Filed
Certificates of assumed business
name were filed with the Marlon
county slerk yesterday as follows:
C. T. Pomeroy and A. A. Keene
of Salem, Jewelers Supply com-panv.
Earl Dunn of Gervals, Tourist
F. E. Turner of Gervals, Tour
ist Garage.
J. H. C. Campbell of Gervals.
Checker Board Auto Camp.
W. Howard Ramp, Edna Ramp
and W. H. Ramp, all of Brooks
Ramps Corner.
W. H. Moore of Brooks, Brook-
side Garage.
,H. B. Snyder of Salem, route 9
Wenatchee Auto Camp.
Edith Corner of Brooks, The
Rose Grey. -
Ed Storts and Leah M. Stortz
of Salem, Virginia Apartments.
Chicago's oldest and largest firms
in their respective fields. Both
were founded in the same year,
1872. Montgomery Ward and
company has for many years serv
ed millions of customers by mail
in every state in the . union
through branches located in Chi
cago, St. Paul, Kansas City, Bal
timore, Fort Worth, Oakland,
California and Portland, Oregon.
A year ago an extensive program
embodying the establishment of a
national chain of retail Btor&s over
the next 10-year period was initi
ated. Lord and Thomas and Logan,
one of the oldest and largest ad
vertising firms in the United
States, of which Albert D. Lasker
is head. Is credited with many
outstanding advertising successes.
It will. serve Its new client not on
ly through the Chicago office, but
also through its other offices lo
cated In New York City. Los An
geles, Washington. D. C. San
Francisco and London.
nn a
INTERLAKEN. Switzerland
passed a law to save eagles from;
.1 ,
nui;uuu. nuw vuejr are preying
on lambs and mountain goats.
(Continued from pafa 1
concernine a
the renunciation of all war which
have been proceeding between the
united States government and fhe
Remember the Larmer Transfer and Storage has mov
ing vans and good supply of blankets and pads for furni
ture handlers.
Have just completed our new three story concrete
warehouse and are now well prepared to handle best of
furniture and pianos.
When ready call 930 and let us serve you.
ILsm3 smew IF&smsSer?
' mw-m 1 1-1 1 i i , in -MM in m i m
els d
Montgomery Ward Selects
New Advertising Counse
Montgomery Ward and com
pany. the nationally known mail
order and retail Institution of Chi
ago, announce the appointment
if Lord and Thomas and Logan as
idvertising counsel.
This appointment brings about
. business connection of two of
180 X. High Telephone 1S1
Cetlaae4 frwa pafn 1)
paper I signed.- promising not to
return for IS years. Is not valid.
ThU was tacitly admitted by Bra-
uana (tne late premier) who
wrote me s letter only three days
batore the king's death, asking me
to send another written promise.
I paid so attention to this.
"I cannot say what I shall do
about obtaining a divorce when I
return to Rumania or what will
bo the Iutura position of Madame
Lupeacu. These ara my personal
and Storage
Lone and Short Distanc Hauling
Public and Private Storage
, Fireproof Building
Free Delivery to anj part of tns dt j.
Farmers Warehouse
Day Telephone 28 Night Telephone 1267.W
mi ml mm,
SAVE $50.00
Automobile refinishing casts from $50.00 up de
pending upon the quality of work.
You can lacquer your automobile yourself, at a
trifling cost, using a ROYAL ELECTRIC CLEAN
ER and its marvelous new SPRAY ATTACH
MENT. Just a few moments' practice and you can apply
lacquer smoothly and beautifully.
For Thirty Days Only This New Attachment Will
be given absolutely FREE with every ROYAL
Come in and see the wonderful new Super Royal
see how to it cleans rugs and everything else
about the house. How it waxes and polishes bare
floors and linoleum and how beautifully it ap
plies paint and lacquer. 1
- NO
w. Jewtt. former
Indianapolis affairs.
I want to- regain control
. - - ' ' . ..'.!"- -. -