The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 08, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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Mac Dow ell Club Chorus Will
Appear in Concert This
The MacDowell club chorus of
30 voices under directorship of
Minnetta Magers will sing Deems
Taylor's "The Highwayman" at the
Capitol theater, beginning at 8:15
o'clock this evening. The club will
be assisted by the Florentine Trio
and J. Scott Milne, baritone, both
of Portland. The trio which in
cludes the beautiful and unusual
combination of violin, harp, and
violincello, will play orchestral
parts to "The Highwayman."
The chorus, Mr. Milne, and the
trio, will each render a number of
selections. Miss Ruth Bedford will
be accompanist. The cantata takes
thirty minutes to sing, and in one
of the most interesting cantatas
written for women's voices.
This will be the second annual
concert of the MacDowell chorus
and the last program sponsored by
the club this season.
Music lovers from Portland, Sll
verton, Corvallis and, Albany are
coming to Salem for the concert
nvhcih will be an outstanding mu
sical event of the year.
Mrs. Frits Slade. Mrs. Dan J.
Fry, Jr., Mrs. Frank Spears, Mrs.
Ercel Kay, Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry,
Mrs. Gus Hlxson, Mrs. T. A. Rob
erts, Mrs. W. C. Dyer, and Mrs. W.
Carlton Smith will assist as bos
""Tesses for the evening.
The complete program follows:
"Sextette from Lucia" Verdi
"To a Wild Rose" ........MacDowell
Mrs. Archie Holt
"Salutation" Oalnes
"April Wind" Wright
i Social Calenoab
O i o
MacDowell club chorus. In con
cert. Assisted by Florentine Trio
of Portland. Bligr's Capitol thea
ter. 8:15 o'clock.
Needlecraft club. Mrs. A. J. Bas
. ey, 691 South Capitol street hos
tess. 2:30 o'clock.
R. N. A. Sewing club. All-day
meeting. Mrs. Osa Sharp, 985
North 20th street hostess,
Chadwick chapter. Order o f
Eastern Star. Social meeting. Ma
sonic temple. 2:00 o'clock.
Barbara Frietcble tent. No. 2.
Woman's club-house. 8:00 o'clock.
Junior Guild, St. Paul's church.
Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, 895 North Cot
... tsge street hostess 2:30-o'clock.
Lincoln-McKlnley-Leslte Parent
Teachers' association. Leslie
school 7:30 o'clock. Election of
Sons of Veterans auxiliary.
Woman's club-house, North Cot
tage street. 7:30 o'clock.
Business Girls' Bible class. First
M. E. church. Miss Eulalie Lind
say, 1909 Center strtret ..stess.
W. F. M. S. First M. E. church
Mrs. A. A. Lee, 1515 State street
s hostess 2:30 o'clock.
" Piano recital. Schubert program
j Tesented by piano department.
Willamette university. Frances
Virginie Melton, director. Waller
4-Hall. 8:15 o'clock. Public invited
Missionary society. First Con
gregational church. Mrs. A. N.
Moores, 855 Chemeketa street hos
tess. 2:30 o'clock.
W. H. M. S. Jason Iee church.
Church parlors. 2:30 o'clock.
Sweet Briar club. Mr. R. L. Bin
egar, hostess. 2:30 o'clock.
Veterans of Foreign Wars. Mrs
B. J. Woelke, 1650 South Winter
street. 2:30 o'clock.
W. F. M. S. First M. E. church.
Mrs. A. A. Lee, 1515 State street
hostess. 2:30 o'clock.
Hanna Rosa Court, Order of
Amaranth. Masonic temple. Dinner
served at 6:30 o'clock.
Thursday club. Mrs. E. C. Cross,
1185 Chemeketa street hostess.
Child Study classes, A. A. U. W.
Tenth floor. First National Bank
building. Dr. William DeKleine;
speaker. 7:45 o'clock,
"Open House." Salem General
hospital. 25 o'clock, Public invit
ed to attend.
Mothers' and Daughters ban
quet. First Methodist church. 6:30
II. M. S. Pinafore. High school
students. Auditorium.
Woman's club. C 1 u b-h o use,
North Cottage street. 2:30 o'clock.
"Cradle Song" Brahms
"Greetings to Spring" Strauss
"Serenade" Herlert
"Farewell to Cucullian" Kneislen
"Song of the Volga Boatman"
St. Salzedo
Florentine Trio
"Pilgrim's Song" ....Tschaikowsky
"Serenade" Raff
"An African Love Song" ....Nevin
J. Scott Milne
"The Highwayman" Deems Taylor
Miss Pearce and. Miss Ross
Play Delightful Concert
An interesting musical event of
the week was the delightful organ
and piano concert given last night
at the First Presbyterian church
by Miss Dorothy Pearce and Miss
Lucille Ross, assisted by Miss Iva
Clare Love.
The three young women are tal
ented musicians and the program
which they gave was greatly en-
Joyed by the audience which filled
the church auditorium.
The concluding number, "Varia
tions on a theme by Beethoven"
(Saint-Saens) was particularly en
Miss Love's violin solo was i
marked addition to the success of
the concert. '
The complete progra mfollows;
Two pianos (a) "Nocturne (A
Midsummer's Night's Dream")
(b) "Two Etudes in G Flat"
(c) "Norweigan Dance"
Miss Ross and Miss Pearce
Piano (a) "German Dance"
(b) "Arabesque" Arnold
(c) "Le Staccato Perpetual"
- Dupont
Miss Pearce
Violin "Andante from Violin
Concerto" Mendelssohn
Miss Love
Two pianos "Valse" Arensky
Miss Ross, and Miss Pearce
Organ (a) "Soeeur Monique"
(b) "Lyric Theme (Symphonic
Pathetique) ....Tschaikowsky
(c) "Hymn of Glory"
Pietro Yon
Miss Ross
Variations on a theme by
Beethoven" Saint Saens
Miss Pearce and Miss Ross
Musical Program Will Be
Given at Girls' Industrial
The following program has been
arranged by Mrs. Martin F. Fer
rey to bo given Wednesday evening
at the Girls' Industrial school un
der the auspices Qt the Institu
tions' department of the Salem
Woman's club:
Soprano solo "Spring is Here"..
Mrs. Julia Harms
Reading Selected
Mrs. Clifton Mudd
Vocal "Cuckoo" Filtey
Mrs. Martin Ferrey Mrs. I. M.
England. Mrs. J. E. Maddson, Mrs
I. A. DeFrance and Mrs. R. D
Contralto solo "Pomengrante on
Your Lips" Woodford-Flnden
Mrs. Ferrey
Vocal duet "Across the Stilly
Lagoon" ,
Mrs. Harms and Mrs. Ferrey
Accordian solos Selected
This program is one-of a group
which the Institutions' department
will sponsor in observance of Na
tional Music week. Mrs. S. M. En
dicott is general chairman of the
department, and Mrs. Fred A
Erixon is chairman of the Girls
Industrial school division.
Mrs. Cross WUl Be Hostess at
Meeting of Thursday Club
Mrs. E. C. Cross, Mrs. C. P.
Bishop, Mrs. H. B. ThleUen, and
Mrs. Rassell Catlin will be hos
tesses at the meeting of the Thurs
day club on Thursday afternoon in
the Cross home at 118 S Chemeke
ta street.
Hanna Rosa Court Will Meet
For Dinner
Ha&na Rosa Court, Order of
Amaranth, will meet at six-thirty
o'clock this evening for dinner at
the Masonle temple.
Members of the Amaranth Court
of Portland will be guests for the
evening and will initiate a large
class of candidates for Hanna Ro
sa Court.
Sweet Briar Club Will Meet
Wednesday Afternoon
The Sweet Briar club will meet
Wednesday afternnon at the home
of Mrs. R. L. Binegar on the Wal
lace road.
Miss Lucile Ross Honor Guest
at Banquet of Beethoven
Miss Lucile Ross whose bethro
thal to H. J. Brandrup was an
nounced several weeks ago, was
the guest of honor at the banquet
of the Beethoven society of Wil
lamette University Saturday eve
ning in the Green Gate room of
the Spa.
Miss Frances Virginia Melton
was toast mistress. Responses
were given by Kenneth McCor
miek, William Wright. Bettie Cor
skie, Iva Love, and Louise Find
ley. Those present were Miss Lucile
Robs, the honor guest; Miss Fran
ces Virginia Melton, Professor and
Mrs. T. S. Roberts, Professor and
Mrs. E. W. Hobson. Miss Eugenia
Savage. Miss Louise Findiey, Miss
Margaret Lewis, Miss Florence
Young, Miss Evelyn Lindberg,
Miss Helene Price, Miss Bettie
Corskie, Miss Helen Bridgeman,
Miss Dorothy Ryan, Miss Kather
ine Everett, Miss Marjorie Miller,
Miss Iva Clare Love, Miss Rosa
lind Van Winkle. Willie Hatha
way, Walter Kaufman. Kenneth
McCormick and William Wright.
U. D. Club Entertained With
May Day Luncheon
Members of the U. D. Club were
entertained Tuesday afternoon at
the Elks Club with the last of a
series of luncheons for which the
club group has been hostess this
Mrs. Harry Weis, Mrs. S. Breft-
enstein, Mrs. F. X. Albrich, and
Mrs. Frank Jaskoski were hos
tesses at the affair, having as spe
cial guests, Mrs. DeNytt, Mrs. M.
Petzel, Mrs. A. E. Huckestein,
and Mrs. Coffey.
Mrs. James Heenan won the
club prize as a result of the after
noon's bridge play. Mrs. DeNytt
received a guest prize.
Thanks to Lydia, E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
Denisoa, Texas "I think there is
so tonic equal to Lydia E. Piakham's
Vegetable Com
pound for nerv
ousness and I
nave used Lydia
E. Piakham's
Sanative Wash
and the Pills for
Constipation. 1
can certainly
praise your medi
cines for what
they have done
for and . I
wish yon success
in the future. I can do any kpnd of
ork now and wnest women ssk w
what has helped me I recommend
vow medicines.' I will answer any
letters I receive asking about them.
!Mms. Emma Gkxso, Route 3, Bo
3 Peaison. Texaa,
Harry Q. Mills Appointed
Organist at Warners'
Salem friends will be interest
ed to know that Harry Q. Mills
has received the distinction of be
ing appointed organist at Warner
Brothers' new two million dollar
theater in Hollywood. For the past
five years, Mr. Mills has been or
ganist at Loe's State theater in
Los Angeles.
On the opening night each of
the 3,000 seats sold for $5.50. Mr.
Mills plays the features and the
overture with the orchestra, vita
phone furnishing the music for the
Mr. Mills also plays an hour and
a half concert each day at Barker's
department store in Los Angeles,
Barker's and Wanamaker's la
Philadelphia are the only two de
partment stores In the United
States that offer these daily con
certs for the pleasure of their pa
Mr. Mills is the son of Mrs. J. A.
Mills of' Salem and visited in Sa
lem for several weeks last sum
WeefeEnd Guest in Salem
Mrs. H. D. Arnold of Vancouver,
Washington, was a guest for the
week-end at the home - of Mrs.
Frank W. Power, lira. Arnold was
the guest of her daughter. Miss
Margaret Arnold, at the May day
festivities on the Willamette Uni
versity campus. ; -
Meeting of Sons of Veter
ans Auxiliary
A meeting of the Bona of Vet
erans auxiliary will be held at sev
en-thirty o'clock Tuesday evening
at .the -Woman's dab-house on
North Cottage street
Schubert Musicals Will Be
Given by Mrs. Martin F. - ,
Ferrey , v ,
A Schubert xnuslcale will be giv
en by Mrs. Martin Ferrey and sev
eral of her music pupils as on9ol
the offerings of Music wek. The
muslcale will be firen the home
of Mrs. Ferrey, Tuesday afternoon.
The program follows:
Piano duet "Hark. Hark the
Lark"; Louise F. Ferrey, Flor
ence M. Ferrey. .
Vocal solo "Who is SylTia";
Frances Randall.
Paper on the life of Schubert;
Evelyn Ogden.
Vocal solo "The Erlking ;
Mrs. Martin Ferre?.
Piano molo "Serenade"; Lou
ise F. Ferrey.
Vocal solo "Ave Marte";
Frances RandalL
Piano duet "March Militaire";
Louise Ferrey and Mrs. F. Fer
Accomnanlsts for the singers
will h Mrt Ferrer and Louise
Four-M Club of MacCleay
Entertained Wednesday
An all-day meeting of the Four-
M Club of Macleay was held
Wednesday at the attractive coun-
'try home of Mrs. John Amort.
Mrs. Georite Berg was assistant
Luncheon was served at twelve
o'clock. " Covers were placed for
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Miller, Mr. and
Mrs. Tekenburg. Mrs. Guy Young
Miss Shirley Young. Mrs. Schell-
berg, Mrs. H O. Taylor. Mrs. J. M
Martin, Mrs. Marvin Wells, Mrs
Bartel. Mrs. G. A. Spellbrink, Mrs
Arthur Snellbrink. Mrs. Bottlin-
ger, Mrs. O. J. Berg, Mr. E. B
Patten, Mr. George Berg, Mr
John Amort.
The next meeting of the club
will be held June 5 at the home of
Mrs. Fuestman.
Sunday School Class of First
Methodist Church Entertained
Members of Miss Hetta Field's
Sunday School class of the First
Methodist Church were enter
tained Saturdav evening; with a
dinner party at the home of Mrs
Almira Hale on Marlon street
Those present were Miss Hetta
Field. Miss Florence Cunningham,
Miss Lina Heist, Miss May Hale,
Miss Mildred Simons, Miss Adona
Cochrane, Miss Maude 8imons,
Miss Laura Hale, Miss Amy Mar
tin. Miss Adella Capler, Miss Avis
Hisks, Miss June Phillpot, Mrs
Edith Bagley, Miss Jessie Martin
Miss Ina Koon. Miss Edith Rob
erts. Mrs. Koon. Miss Margaret
Sutherland. Miss Sutherland.
Mrs. Josephine Taylor, and Mrs
Almira Hale.
Guest in Salem From
Mrs. Thomas McGilchrist (Mar
jorie Brown) of Portland is spend
ing several days with her parents
Justice and Mrs. George M. Brown
Any trip East
can be a Circle Trip
. if you go via Southern Pacific,
through California and circle
back over Northern lines.
This summer get more' for your travel funds. No mat
ter what jour eastern destination go one way, return
another. You can see the whole Pacific Coast and much
of the United States at only slightly higher fare.
First to California over the spectacular Shasta Routs.
Enjoy cosmopolitan San Francisco, Los Angeles, Holly
wood, San Diego, world-famed beaches and resorts
can be in the enchanted circle of your trip' east.
From California, go eastward over any of the follow
ing routes, with choice of routes returning via northern
United Sates or Canadian lines.
The Sunset Circle
Mrs. David Bennett Hill '
Hostess at Delightful Affair
One of the moat delichtful af
fairs of the oast week was the
eight table bridge tea for which
Mr"; I?id Bennet Hill was hos
tess Wednesday afternoon In her
home at lit 5 South Church street.
Doseu of tnllss In a varletv of
shades were arranged about the
living rooms.
Mrs. W. H. Mvtle and Mrs. Prince
W. Byrd assisted Mrs. Hill through
out tne afternoon.
The first prize tor hiah score
honors was won by Mrs. George
F. Rodgers. Mrs. H. O. Maison re
ceived the second award and Mrs.
John H. Carson, the third.
The guest croup included: Mrs.
Oliver C. Locke. Mrs. C. A. Downs.
Miss Verona Stowe of Chicago, Illi
nois. Mrs. Join H. McNary, Mrs.
II. H. Olincer. Mrs. H (I Malnn.
Mrs. H. E. Stock well. Mrs. Rex
Sanford. Mrs. Clifton Erwin. Mrs.
enrrord Farmer, Mrs. G. W. De-
Beck of Vancouver. B. C. Mrs. Dan
J. Fry Jr., Mrs. T. A. Roberts. Mrs
bnelley Saurman, Mrs. George
Rodgers, Mrs. T. A. Liveslev.
Mrs. Fritz Slade. Mrs. John J.
Roberts. Mrs. Paul R. Hendricks.
Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, Mrs. W.
H. Dancy, Mrs. E. V. Mechan. Mrs.
Koy Simmons, Mrs. W. A. John
son, Mrs. Ed Vlesko, Mrs. John H
Carson, Mrs. ; Don Young, Mrs
narry Cram. Mrs. William De-
Klein, Mrs. Prince W. Byrd. Mrs.
William Walton. Mrs. Arthur J.
Rahn, Mrs. Frank Spears, Mrs. C.
E. Stricklin. and Mrs. Robert N.
Stanfield of Portland. Mrs. W, H.
Lytle, and the hostess. Mrs. Hill.
Mrs. Vernon A. Douglas and
Mrs. Charles Hudkins were addi
tional guests at the tea hour.
Mrs. Robert N. Stanfield a
Guest in Salem
Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Lytle have as
their house guest for several days.
Dr. Lytle's sister, Mrs. Robert N.
Stanfield of Portland.
Chapter G, P, E. O. Enter
tained at Suverton
Members of Chapter G of the
P. E. O. Sisterhood were enter
tained Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mr. Thomas Hardie In
Mrs. H. S. Hughes read an in
teresting paper on Interior decor
ation as a feature of the program.
Mrs. Hardie is a member of the
P. E. O. chapter at Miles City,
Montana, and has been a frequent
guest at meetings of Chapter G.
Motoring to Sllverton for the
afternoon were Mrs. F. E. Church
ill. Mrs. A. L. Godfrey. Mrs. E. J.
Huffman. Mrs. W. M. Hughes, Mrs.
Harold Hughes. Mrs. P. J. Kuntz.
Mrs. G. W. Laflar, Mrs. Fred
Lange, Mrs. C. K. Logan, Mrs.
William McGilchrist, Sr., Mrs. B.
J. Miles. Mrs. W. M. Smith. Mrs.
C. F. Temple, Mrs. A. T. Woolpert.
Mrs. A. E. Robins. Mrs. W. W.
Moore, Mrs. Willard Wirtx, and
Mrs. J. Gardner Knapp.
Art Section of Salem League
Will Meet
The art section of the Salem
Arts League will meet at seven
thirty o'clock Monday evening in
the fireplace room of the Salem
Public library. All persons inter
ested in promoting the study of
the Fine arts are invited to be
Miss Ruth M. Urauti. art direc
tor in the Salem High School, is
leader of this section and will dis
cuss art in the high school at this
Yotnaieo Class Meeting
This Evening
The Yomarco Sunday school
church will hold a social meeting
this evening at the home of Mr:
and Mrs. B. E. Sisson, 1635 Sag
inaw. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holt.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Minier and
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hicks will be
additional hosts.
Lincoln-McKinley-Leslie Par
ent-Teacher's Association
Will Meet
The Lincoln -McKinley -Leslie-
Parent Teachers' association will
meet at seven-thirty o'clock this
evening at! Leslie school.
Election of officers will be held
and a musical program given.
Dr. B. F. Pound is president of
the association and Mrs. Bryan
GoodenourJh Is secretary.
Mrs. Stockton Congratulated
on Birthday Anniversary
Mrs. J. L. Stockton and her
daughter. Miss &oe Stockton, had
the great pleasure of talking with
Mrs. Stockton's daughter. Anna
CulbertKon, and her grandson over
the telephone from New York City
sending congratulations on Mrs
Stockston's birthday anniversary.
May 6.
Mrs. Kuhn Will Entertain
Junior Guild
Mrs. V. E. Kuhn will entertain
the Junior Guild of St. Paul's
church at two-thirty o'clock Tues
day afternoon in her home at 895
North Cottage street.
Mrs. Lee Will Entertain
W. F. .XL S. of First
M. E. Church
Mrs. A. A. Lee will entertain
the Woman's Foreign Missionary
Society ot the First Methodist
Church at two-thirty o'clock Wed
nesday afternoon in her home at
1515 State Street.
Mrs. Charles J. Lisle will con
duct the devotions, and Mrs. U. G
Boyer will have charge of the pro
Mrs. Crawford-Newcomb
Hostess at Out-Door Sup
per Party
The super party from 10 to 1
Friday evening for which Mrs
Crawford-Newcomb was boetesat
at her attractive cottage home on
Falrmount hill was a delightfully
informal affair. There was no
formal program beyond the sup
per which was prepared at the out
door i fireplace and served in . the
lovely rustic garden. " " -
Among those present for the
evening were Mr. and Mrs. Chester
M. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D.
Thielsen, Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Down
Miss Beatrice Walton. Dr. Estella
Ford Warner, Miss Lola B. Barnes,
f lea Maro-nArit taTVnall Miaa
Helen Hope Rodolf. Miss Kathryn
Gunnell, SI Leadbetter. Earl Jen
sen, and Thurio W. Smith or Pen
Attractive Bridge Tea Given
Friday Afternoon
Mrs. Fred Stump entertained
with an attractive bridge tea Fri
day afternoon In her home on Fair-
mount avenue.
The guest group included Mrs.
W. I. Irvin. Mrs. E. F. Smith. Mrs.
J. Lyman Steed, Mrs. George King,
Mrs. c. R. Lester. Mrs. Rex San
ford. Mrs. William McGilchrist,
Jr., Mrs. George Alexander, Mrs.
(Continued no 9 )
Stop Getting
Up Nights
I F YOU get up many times at night by
A reason of Bladder Trouble, hava
pains in back, weakness or disxmeaeJ
general debility, painful, smarting ana
difficult urination, lack of control of
markable treatment baa been need suc
cessfully by thousands. So confident
that it wul succeed, we will send a trial
treatment ABSOLUTELY FREE to
any sufferer who has never used it . Ne
obligation or cost. Write today.
OO Calhoun St. ltatu t ref. .Mich.
Round the rim of the United States. First on the
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The Golden State Circle
From Los Angeles to Chicago "Golden State Lim
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Emit Jannings' Triumph!
ONCE in a decade comes a motion
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Such a picture is Emil Jannings' latest,
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More powerful, more sensational than
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never has there been such a story fthe life
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A Paramount Picture r j
Begins TODAY! !