The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 06, 1928, Page 9, Image 9

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John R. Lee, Dodge Brothers
Sales Manager Reviews
Portable Radio on Graham School Bad
With production and employ
ment at top peak to meet the de-
mand for the three lines of Sizes.
Dodf Brothers, Inc., anticipates
the most prosperous year In his
tory, according to John R. Lee.
general sales manager.
Nearly 6,000 men,: hare been
added to the payroll since Jan
nary 1, the figures now standing
at 24.124 compared to 18,223 on
the first of January.
Shipments of ears and tracks
from the plants of Dodge Broth
ers In the United States and Can
ada daring the first quarter of
this year totaled 60.187 units,
according to preliminary figures
announced by the company.
Compared to the first quarter
last year, when 46,566 units were
shipped the gain la 29.7 per cent.
Shipments In March totaled 26,
895 units compared to 13,272 for
March 1927, a gain of 102.6 per
cent. J
"Reports reaching us from deal
ers all orer the country indicate
a record breaking spring buying
Pfason." said Mr. Lee. "The In
troduction of the Standard Six at
prices within the reach of millions
of families not only met with pub
lic acclaim, but stimulated inter
est In the Senior and Victory lines
as well.
"The low priced automobile
. these days, if it is to be built and
sold on a quantity scale, must
possess style, high speed and
comfort as well as dependability.
and it must be produced by a com
pany whose reputation is estab-1
lished by years of successful op
eration in the automotire field.
"With the Introduction of the
Standard line, the transition to
six cylinder cars Is complete in
the Dodge factory. For thirteen
years. Dodge Brothers based its
bid for popularity on the prlncl
pies of economy and dependability
In a single price field. During' this
time, the company has built up
an organization of 5.600 dealers
In the United States and foreign
countries, forming a sales and ser-
Tice group of international scope.
"The Victory Six introduced
last January with engineering 1m
provements years ahead of its
time has met with popularity that
stamps It as one of the most wide
ly discussed cars on the market
today. The Senior Six. introduced
nearly a year ago to meet a de
mand for a larger car with super
fine appointments, is giving pur
chasers custom built quality with
out a custom price. It was only
natural that the Standard' line,
selling substantially under 31.000
should follow to complete the
range of automobile values for
buyers who want a moderate pric
ed car with a high standard of
re ' rir&wro'
.;" 'r . :.- . :- : r rt--
CITATION KGGAI, one of the few portable rail stations in tU country carrying
3 'Frml sanction for wave length, is operated in a Graham Brothers school bus, 1
truck Is accompanying runners in the ceast-to-eoast "bunion derby" from Los An
geles to New York, and broadcasts the daily standing of, the contestants as well as mn
sic ml programs. The runners are now in New Mexico headed eastward.
teems to be aa uneven . action
which is carried through to the
brake pedal. What can you sug
gest?" Here's the following solution to
this problem: There is no doubt
but that youifficulty is entirely
doe to eccentric brake drums and
it would be my suggestion you
hare your brake drums trued-up
by turning while they remain on
the wheels. I am sure this will
overcome your difficulty. . i
Could you endure In five hoars
the equivalent of three months of
the hottest June sunshine? : Ton
chance it if the question were put its resistance to light. The limit of
to you in the middle of the winter
but you would surely long for Al
aska before many seconds had
passed, while your eyes would pro-
H. KW -nmmA tnrr of Oculists to
repair the damage caused by this
intense light.
"Such a test, however, was ot
devised for human beings," says
J. M. Watson, chief chemist and
mctftllnrrtat at th Hubd faetorv.
"It is used for cloth, to determine
time that material will retain Its
original color can be established
accurately la this. way.
"The object to be tested is plac
ed la a cabinet fitted with a series
of powerful violet rar lichts. The
strength of this light is so great
mat just five hours of it is equal
to three months of mid-day Jane
sunshine. By regulating the dis
tance of the object from the light
bulbs the cloth la protected from
In selecting the nnholsterv tar
the Hupmobile closed cars, vari
ous grades and makes of uphol
stery in a specified color are tried.
This test. In connection with an
acid test which determines the
quality of the texture, enables us
to choose material which will not
only glTe the longest satisfactory
wear hut will also retai-. ' -i-
?inai color so as to remain. In har
mony with the boy TISia.
"WJn you consider the average
amount' of sun and light that
reaches the Interior of the i car
it is evident that short but effi
cient test is a safe precaution
against the loss of aa upholstery'
original color in a short time.
"This test is typical of the
thoroughness ef many that are
Motorists Often Find Their
Automobiles Inclined to
By Erwia Greer
(PrnWnl Grur Co! Ufa of . Efertriral
nd .Automotive Trsd. Ckiraro. 111.)
Motorists at times will Tind
their cars Inclined to play peculiar
antics when certain nnder-tbe-
frame parts become out of adjust
This much I will publish of the
answers I gave to peculiar ques
"When operating my car at
high speeds it develops an up-
and-down bouncing motion, which
increases noticeably soon as I
reach a speed of 25 miles an hour.
What, in your opinion, causes this
Answer: A small diameter wheel
and tire, such as your car is
equipped with, will show up and
out -of -balance In a .very pro
nounced manner when -traveling
at a speed in excess of 25 milee
per hour.- No doubt your trouble
Is entirely due to either an out
of-balance, wheel, an eccentric
wheel, or an out-of -balance tire,
Any one of these three conditions
will cause a similar reaction and
can be detected and corrected
very readily by any one familial
with wheel alignment.
Another motorist Inquires: "My
car is extremely difficult to hold
on the road, a it has a tendency
to pull to the right. I have had
the car inspected and it apparent
ly checks okey and yet thecondi
tlon continues. "Wnat Sis tht
I analysed this problem asfol
lows: The cause of a car pulling
to the right or left Is doe -to the
friction of the road, and this It
brought about by either a twisted
- axle, bent steering knuckle, or
shifted axle. Also a variation of
air pressure will bring about this
condition to a certain extent, as
to do is to obtain a proper align
ment of the front axle with the
frame and yon will not have any
more trouble.
... ...' m m
resented another question, a mo
torist writing as follows: X am
having considerable difficulty In
keeping my rear brakes equalized.
,Whea".apling the -brake thers
ilqc hjg inc5 ntt
With SEIBERLING TIRES We Offer a Full Year'.
Protection Against
Blowouts. Bruises or Accidents
No risk on your part You have protection for a year
En cip
199 S. Commercial,. Telephone 471
Call our service car when you have a flat.
Vote for the Airport May 18 "
gtresx to Hapmoblle cars. Not an
item of the car's total equipment
but what nndergoes a close in
spection test at the factory labor
atories. To this care In the selec
tion of materials is due the long
life and durability that has al
ways marked Hupmobile cars."
Anger Aide Basteeee FtoOwr
The man who is easily frighten
ed or easily angered ii hopelessly
handicapped in the normal world
of business. The American Maga-
, rhett A ftiaa'a a. Bull
An authority on women's shops
complains that the expression "A
man in a gift shop -should super
sede the bull la the eats ahep aa
a symbol of the Inappropriate.
Woman's Fome Companion,
Oar Insect Enemies
Insects are man's rivals. Jo r this
planet. They are damaging us, In
finitely more today than at any
other time since civilisation be
gan. American Magaaaiae.
, Motor Co.
Corner liberty ft Chemeketa
Telephone 1111
Pay as you ride! You can
easily afford one of these
splendid cars. Why wait ?
See them west of fire
Motor Co.
Corner Liberty A Chemeketa
Telephone 1 183
"The House of Courteous
Service" j
An Invitation
Fine Gar Buyers
We believe you will find in
Graham -Paige models 619 and
629 those features of beauty, com
fort, and performance to which
you have oeen accustomed plus
the delightfully new experience
of driving with four speeds for
ward, standard gear shift.
Fire chassis sixes and eights prices beginning
at Si0. Car illustrated is Model 629. five-pass
enger Sedan, with 4-speed transmission, (stand
ardgear shift). 198S. Six wire wheels 75 ex
tra. All prices f. o. b. Detroit.
fbo no of
Trumm Motor Gar Co.
' P
ore olwious with every passing mile
a Successful Six
Tin cuss
In eke New Series Poadac Six you get
nil the) style, roominess and staunch
noes of Fisher bodies. You get the
biggest, smoothest most flexible en
tine in any carof itacLua. And, above
all, you get value that grows more
obvious whh every paeaing mile!
For long life and reliability have been the pri
mary qualities demanded In this car from the
start by General Motors and Oakland. Years
of development on General Motors Proving
Ground oversize dimensions in every vital
partsuch fine car features as a full-pressure
oiling system supplying 250 gallons of oil per
hour to moving engine parts at 35 m.p.h.
VDoor SU, $745t Coupe, $745i Sport Roadtter, $745 Phaeton; $775; Cabriolet, $795; 4-Door Sedan, $825; Sport
tsmrfmi Sodom $87$, Oakland AJUAmerlcan Six, $1045 to $1165. All price at factory. Delivered prices include
minimum handling charge: Eaty to pay on the liberal General Moton Time Payment Flan.
all have contributed to the un
matched stamina for which the
Pontine Six is tamed.
You can drive the Pontiac Six for
hour after hour with the
throttle wide open. You can give
it consistent hard usaee with a
minimum of attention. And after you've driven
it tens of thousands of miles youll be amazed
at the value it retains.
A great car when you buy it and still great
with every passing mile unquestionably the
New Series Pontiac Six is the finest,
most enduring six-cylinder value ever offered
at $745. I
GAIN Chevrolet introduces Into the low Drice
field an entirely new conception of style, distinction
and elegance
a new Convertible Sport Cabriolet with body by
Fisher a vivid, dashing, two-four passenger model that
offers the practical comfort and convenience of die
Sport Coupe, plus the-smartness and distinction of the
Sport Roadster! . ' J-.!v
Finished in Romany Red Ducp, with black body bead
ing striped in gold and embellished with artistic
touches of gleaming polished nickel this distin
guished new model is one of the most attractive cars to
be seen on the streets and highways. r. v
Come in today and see this sensational new car!
Douglas McKay Chevrolet
430 N. Commercial Street. Tel. 745
i 5585
TW '--:
C mt v
Tfc CbhUU
aOu,. .695
Tblapirfit 7
JDrilirrTnMh 9AQ
Listx MhT '7
AB ptkM
BodybyFiMhar - .- -.:,, . , m0m
Dallas Chevrolet Co Dallas
Geo. Dorr Woodburn .
Ass jciate Dealers : -l ' Ball Broa, Turner
V Hallady's Garage, Mcnmotrth
:.. WnuPrcdeek, Mt. Anje? MrbrjrrLTi t?. V
The 4-Door Sedan
VICE BROS., Salem, Oregon
, . .y:-. ASSOCIATB DEATJCR8 . - ' " . '.
Srnr Motor JAaay, Ontmi BBta Motor O. Zae, OarraQIa, Oram; SOrvrva Xatof Oa,
tiUTUton. Oncsa: rri T. BUtm. Seto. Oneea: Bats Brthts. Yaiaar. Onaoa: C. 3. SarMvs Sea.
DaQaa, OratM; Umay C. HaUaaua. KrrUkrf, Orasaa; T. X. Tmmeef, Ia4oB4Bi, Onf; 7. X.
auiiar. AmiMa. Onmis V. J. AtmM. Um
r . . i- product 'mffl)&lljn
0sa; Tatoaa Bay Sarvtca Statioa. Tatoa. Orafoa