2 THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 6, 1923 i HEROES OF FORMER IS Cooper Retired Twice From Racing Track and Now Comes Back Sport fans ol America like to look back on days cone by to 1 compare the , heroes of yesterday with the prevent holders of titles and crowns. According to -many old timers, Tanney would be a set up for "Ruby Rob Fltxsbnmoas; Hans Wagner and Larry Lajole wonld relegate today's diamond stars to the dogont. America's : heroes die hard and feats of the present rarely dim achievements of the past. Moreorer, the enthusiasm of the throng is doubled when the faror ; Jtes at yesterday eontinne to break Into the headlines with a seem ingly endless repetition of their j feats. Ty Cobb amd Jack Demp- sey shine as data tan ding examples, both of them old, as age Is Judged in sports, yet each still holding generous portion of public affec tion. To a list of former beroes of . sportdom who continue to appear on the horizon, creating comment - sAd speculation In their activities, must be added the name of Earl Cooper, whose slight form has rested In the pilot's seat of racing cars for. two decades and who'se once abundant hair has disap peared under the tight massage of racing helmets. Twice in his tumultous career. Cooper has retired from the track and twice he has come back, heed- in In part the pleas of his ad mirers and the lure of the game, but making his final decision be cause, through constant associa tion with automotive experts, be knew that the speedway has come to be regarded as the real labor atory of the automobile Industry. Cooper is now captain of the Marmon racing team which will guide the destinies of two Marmon 68 Specials entered In the forth coming 500-mile "drive to no where" at the Indianapolis speed- war May 30. He is working side by side with Col. Howard Marmon, world-famous automobile engineer. In the development of the re nowned wartime Liberty motor. Strange as It may seem, the Tery workshop In Marmon plant unit No. 1 where the first Mar mon racing cars were built seven teen years ago Is again the scene of the research, experiment and development in connection with this year's race. Cooper and Mar mon the one the driver, the other the engineer are now work- lag and planning, side by side, at the Marmon factory. From early in the morning until late at night the lights glow in their little workshop, screened from the eyes of the curious, while they keep at it as tat racing crew assembles and tears down the cars laboring tirelessly so that each detail will be exactly correct. The assistance of a pair of hands as cunning and a mind as keen as their own is given them by Reeves 1 Dutton. a racing me chanic whose ability Is summed up by Cooper, laconically as "the best". ' He Is the one who assem bles the tiny parts of the motors, regarding the tightening of each nut, as a rite and looking uiJbn careless work as nothing less than sacrilege. Towering over the slighter builds of his ;fellow workers Is Pete Krels, who has been selected as one of the drivers of the Mar mon 88 Specials. Although one of the younger drivers. Kreis Is well versed in the science of rac ing and has provedhimself an apt pupil at the hard school of expe rience in the game that makes yonftg men old and keeps old men young. After long experience in the un stable seat of a motorcycle racer. Johnny Seymour has brought his mechanical skill to the Marmon factory and is working with Mar mon, Cooper, Kreis, and Dutton on the Marmon 8 Specials. From now until May 30 this quintet win work tirelessly super vising the preparations for an other advent into the facing spot light. An engineer, a veteran driver, a skilled mechanic, a young driver noted for his heavy foot and a dare devil motorcycle racer, these fire bring all their talent and skill together, while the sporting world watts, giving silent encouragement to their efforts. plant win be In operation in the early summer. , The Willys-Overland plants in Pontine, Mich., and Elmira, N. T., also are at capacity production while the facilities at the Willys- Overland Canadian plant , In To ronto hare been enlarged to bring about increased production1- to meet the buying demand for the Whippet four cylinder models. ' The Willys-Overland expansion program got under way early In the year when the prices of the Whippet four cylinder models were reduced to a price that set anew Tela, to th. light car VALLEY MOTOR HEW I am ucnawxi . Mies . ucmua lot I Whippet fours has established a new sales record for the company, and Is a major factor which en abled the company to produce the new Whippet Six at the lowest price ever reached tn the six cyl inder field. These two lines' of Whippets, company officials declared, will continue at capacity production, the Toledo manufacturer depend ing ; on the i Whippet market for volume sales. HOME TO BE OPENED C.tinn! frM sag 1) ! largest and most attractive In the state, equipped with the best of lighting systems. The window on Center street measures 99 by J J feet while the show room oa Lib erty Is 1 9 by J feet. Here the latest models of Ford cars will be on display at all times, plus the new models In trucks and tract ors. The coloring scheme of the show rooms plus the attractive me mm TO BOOST WHIPPET Great Demand for Light Fours Enables Company To Produce Better TOLEDO, O., May 5. Willys Overland's expansion program to Increase the production of Whip pet six models to meet the great est buying demand In the com pany's history Is taking definite form, officials of the organization declared here this week- The new addition to the export and body building departments, which provides 800,000 more square feet of factory space la nearly completed, this extension being necessary when the output of Whippets waa stepped up to the greatest production mark ever reached by the company. Willys-Overland is concentrat ing Its efforts on increased pro duction of Whippet fours and sixes, this being the dominating class in the automobile industry. In quantity output this com mits Willys-Overland to highest production on its two Whippet models which provide the major business for the sales organisa tion, the balance being devoted to the production of the Willys- Knight models. The Willys -Overland expansion plan is not devoted to the Toledo plant alone but stretches out Its plants in other sections of j the United States and Canada. The latest move waa tbe announce ment of an assembly plant in Los Angeles which still have a produc tion capacity of about 10,000 cars a year, of which about 22.000 will be Whippet models with the Whippet four cylinder cars pro viding the major portion. This Are You Hunting j for a Tire Bargain? f Dont grope in the dark. Don't look up and down side streets. Dont watch tor red and yellow signs. Wick Brothers ' . ! S327 CHEVROLET COACH equipped with bump ers, 80 new robber, in perfect condition and has the appearance; of a new car for $525 Early 1927 FORD ROADSTER with 85 new rub ber. A car that has run but very few miles with our price at...j.. , $250 1926 PONTIAC COUPE equipped with bumpers, 70 new rubber and in Al condition in every way at $575 1926 GARDNER SPORT TOURING fully equip ped, is in Al condition and a fine car for $595 1923 .WILLYS-KNIGHT TOURING equipped with bumpers, S&M spotlight, electric swipe, cur- tains, top and finish. Al with a motor that can't be beat . 1 $250 2S0 So. High St. The House That Service Built Phone 1841 lighting fixtures mak it one of the most beautiful in . the state if not in the northwest, 'A small ' auditorium, furnished very attractively, is built Hbove the main office rooms. Here lo cal dealers will confer with visit ing representatives and hold their regular meetings. The various offices; are also fully equipped with every kind of office equip ment and are located and built so that they can be viewed from the display windows. At the present time there are 48 people employed In the new. mo tor company. Including mechanics and sales people. It Is the largest auto company In this city, and so far known to be the largest and finest In the entire j state, includ ing Portland. BUICKS CARRY HIM ONE MILLION MILES w tvuicainu! me tan torce o. the explosion upon the piston. I?. no other engine is this principle the same as is applied in art Hi lory, possibla of use. (ContInu4 frotm pat. 1) chamber, which fits over the bore in the cylinder block perfectly, so PARIS "What can be done, to halt the fashion of rolnr halless? asked delegates to the hatmaker association meeting. "Pray tor rain," said one, ""to give hatless men colds In the head." Read the Classified Ads Always . olP ' V 756555 The most imposing array of motor cars WC. Durant has ever offered id The sensible, business-like, time-saving way to solve the tire question is to buy a good tire at the right price from a reputable, established dealer. Here Are a Few Examples of the Bargains We Are Offering in Genuine Goodyear Tires 80x3 Pathfinder Clincher Cprd "29x4.40 Pathf inder Balloon: . 4 7.60 4 9.45 80x3 All-Weather Tread Clincher Cord, i Oversize - - ftl iff 29x4.4 eather Tread Balloon 4i2io Unequalled beauty of finish, unapproach ed quality of construction andunsurpassed perfection of performance thus we tell the story of the new Durant Silver Anni versary Models) three distinct lines of rixes, each a leader tn its class. For twentyfive years automotive history has been written around the name ofW.C. Durant. For the past quarter of a century this outstanding genius of motordom has been one of the world's i greatest contributors to modern in dustry. The new Silver Anriiversary j Models fittingly rnmmanorate W. C. Durant twenty -five years of service as a master motor car manufacturer. Since 1903. when he became the head of Buick and laid the foundation for General Motors, W. C. Durant has ever been responsible for America's most sensational motor car values-r-for motor cars that start new trends. Today the tradition of Durant quant is gloriously upheld. The new Silver Anniversary Models crown W.C. Durant's career. Rare expressions of beauty and mechanical excellence. The Durant "75 Masterpiece 0 the master builder. The Durant "65 - " a e A revelation in conv pact construction-.The Durant"5j"-nAcckinied the finest six ever offered mitt price class. Vahja, 0 ; IDOIKHT Silver Anniversary Sixes THB DUR ANT-STAR FOUR AtSO ON DISPLAY (CAR fal The Buick dealer is in business to stay. His future reputation depends upon his treating used car buyers fairly. He wants to please used car purchasers because he knows that satisfied used car customers are pros pective new Buick buyers. The man who buys a good used car honestly rep resented at a lair price receives splendid value in transportation. In his enthusiasm for the car he has bought, and the value he has received, it is only natural for him to look upon the dealer as his friend. The Buick dealer has many such friends because he represents the true condition of the used cars he offers for sale. And that is good businesi for the Buick dealer, as well as the used car buyer. worn buick Gold Seal Busch Are Guaranteed Used Butch MOTOR. COMPANY FLINT, MICHIGAN DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION OTTO J. WILSON 388 North Commercial Telephone 220 WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT . . BUICK WILL BUILD THEM II MEW and critics say, two years ahead jjr ' j! Body byitlW ..... . "Two yr ahead In spparanoa mad mechanically, H. F. Blanchard of Motor . . . T4ew in everr Gives the impression of being in a much higher prios dajM," A. P. Denham of Motor Age . . . "An important advance in the art of car tnuldinc" Walter C. Boynten fek Automotive Daily News. According to men whose opinions count, there is the spirit of tomorrow in this new OkUmobue Six. A new, high-compression 55 h. p. engine oners an abundance oismooth, quiet, economical power resulting in flashing get-away, speed, and long-lived endurance. The smart line and rich finish of fisher bodies itch the advanced of and Two-pof sapAW '925 ..SwlMMfta 1 III I New roominess and silenced interiors provide new com fort and enjoyment. A score of other new chassis and body features features which heretofore have, identified high priced cars -definitely establish this new Oldsmobile Six as the Fine Car qf Low Price. Drive it and learn why thousands are buying Oldsmobile why engineers and critics declare it two snare ahead. sssEsB LDSMOBtLE' i PRODUCT OF OBNBftAL MOTORS ' CAPITAL MOTORS, INC. I SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. BIDDY BISHOP b' Wo 350 North High Street 235 N. Church St Telephone 97 H. J.WOOLEY PHONE 2125 SALEM, OREGON H. E. SHADE Telephone 68. 294 N. Commercial SL a J.TAYLOR Vi7