The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 06, 1928, Page 18, Image 18

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ulcm on Mreral prrloat occa
sions and hor fttnflaff U ahrmyt. aa
addition i to any program.
Tno prof ram for Tnosday cra
nia will ba as follows: V
"Sextatta from - Lucia" ; .Vardl
TO a Wild Roaa! MacDowell
Mra. Arcnla Holt
"SaluUtlon- .-.i.i.Galne8
"April Wind" .
"Cradle Sons"
'"Greetings to 8pTla-,
"Farewell to CucalUan" Knelslen
"Song of the volfa Boatman"
h-t St. Salzedo
Florentine Trio
Pilsrlm's Song" Tschalkowsky
Serenade" Raff
An African Lot Song" ..Nerla
J. Scott Mllno
"The Highwayman" Deems Taylor
Sacred concert. Vested choir of
Knight Memorial church. Church
audltoralm. 8:00 o clock.
Art section, Salem Arts League
Fireplace room, public library. 7
o clock.
Concert. Miss Dorothy Pearce,
Miss Lucille Roes. Presbyterian
church. 8:30 o'clock.
Salem Garden club. Chamber of
Commerce auditorium. 8 o'clock
American Legion auxiliary. Mc-
Cornack hall. 8:00 o'clock.
MacDowell club chorus. In con
cert. Assisted by Florentine Trio
or 1 South Capitol street boa-
tasa. Its v o cioca. ;--r' , ; , --'
R. N." A. ; Sewing club, , All-day
meeting. Hn. Oaa Sharp. 85
North 2 0 tk. atreet hostess. : ;
Chadwick chapter. Order of
Eastern Star. Social: jneetlng. Ma
sonic temple. I o'clock. v
Barbara Frletchie tent. No. . 2.
Woman's club-house. 8:00 o'clock.
W. F. M. 8. First M. E. church.
Mrs. A. A- Lee, ISIS SUte street
hostess 2:80 o'clock,
i Piano recital. Schubert program,
presented by piano department.
Willamette uairerslty. Frances
Vlrglnie Melton, director. .Waller
Hall. 8: IS o'clock. Public inrlted.
Mletlonary society. First Con
gregational church. Mra. A. N.
Moores, 855 Chemeketa street hos
tess. 2:30 o'clock.
W. H. M. 8. Jason Lee church.
Church parlors.- 2:80 o'clock.
Piety Hill Club Entertained
at W. E. Kirk Home
Piety Hill Club members were
delightfully entertained Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. W.
E. Kirk, 1450 State street. As
sistant hostesses were Mrs. E. T.
Barnes, and Mrs. W. P. Fowle.
Baskets of tulips and lilacs
were arranged about the living
room. The same lorely flowers
centered each of the small tables
arranged for the tea hour.
Mrs. T. B. Say and Mrs. C. K.
Spauldlng gare interesting ac
of their recent trips to the Ha
waiian Islands.
In the group were Mrs. E. C.
Cross. Mrs. Russell Catlin, Mrs.
of Portland. Bligh's Capitol thea- Frank W. Spencer,
ter. 8:15 o'clock. Whittle. Mrs. John
Needlecraft club. Mrs. A. J. Bas- Charles H.
Mrs. J. T.
Albert, Mrs
Robertson,' Mrs. C. L
v ;-.- t
-mr ... .:- .
r ei
1 If you stole the tint of a sunset sky
V Y When rose to amethyst turned,
If you caugrht the gleam Ji mother-of-pearl
i While mauve and lavenders burned.
If you pressed the hues from a thousand blooms
Of royal fleurs-de-lis,
Or held the empurpling shadows that lie
On a deep-ninr twilight sea;
You never could fashion so fair a thing
As rises from earth's gray tomb,
With the magical touch of Spring's light hand-
A lilace bush in bloom.
Elizabeth A. Thomas.
Miss Lenta Baumgartner. Be
comes Bride at Lovely
Miss Lenta Baumgartner be
came the bride of Mr. John R.
Caughdl at one of the loveliest
weddings of the late spring last
night at eight o'clock at the Baum
gartner home on North Winter,
street. I
Rer. H. D. Rice of Portland
read the single ring service in the
presence of 40 friends and rela
tives of the bridal xouple.
The bride who was given4n mar
riage by ber father, presented a
charming picture In a period, wed
ding gown of white georgette with
pointed hemline. The exquisite
lace of the wedding veil was Worn
by the bride's grandmother at her
own wedding. The veil t was train
length. The bridal bouquet was of
Ophelia roses and white sweet
Miss Josephine Baumgartner, as
her sister's maid of honor, wore
a gown of flowered chiffon and
carried an arm bouquet of sweet
peas In pastel shades and roses.
Dr. Milton Stelner acted as best
Immediately preceding the ser
vice, Miss Pauline Knowlandsang
- At jjawnmg" accompanied by
Miss Ruth Griffith. Miss Griffith
also played "Lohengrin's Wedding
fMarch" as the bridal party took
their places before an Improvised
floral altar. The entire fireplace
was banked with fern. At each side
stood art baskets of pink carna
tions and bridal wreath. A gorge
ous basket of the same flowers
was used on the mantel, while
palms completed the lovely setting.
Little Miss Shirley Huntington.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hollis
Huntington, greeted the guests at
the door.
A reception for the wedding
guests followed the ceremony. Mrs.
Lenta Westacott cut ices and Mrs.
H. H. Stapleton presided at the
serving urns.
Assisting in -serving were Miss
Delia Sherwood, Miss Prudene Pat
terson, and Miss Erma Bollander.
Out-of-town guests at the wed
ding reception Included Mrs. H. H
Stapleton of Roseburg, Miss Delia
Sherwood of Coqullle, and Mrs. B.
T. Benson of Seattle, Washington.
Mrs. Caughell is the daughter
or Mr. ana Mrs. Joseph H. Beam
xartner and has held a prominent
place In the younger set. She at
tended the University of Oregon
and Is a member of Delta Delta
Delta sorority.
Mr. Caughell who Is also one of
the most prominent of Salem s
younger group. Is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. John D. Caughell. He
also attended the University of
Oregon. His fraternity affiliation
is Beta Theta PI.
After May 15. Mr. and Mrs.
Caughell will be at home at the
Robert's apartments.
Final Concert of MacDowell
Club Season WM Be Pre- .
sented Tuesday
The concluding concert of the
MacDowell club season will be pre
sented at eight fifteen o'cock Tues
day evening at the Capitol theater
by the club chorus, assisted by the
Florentine trio of Portland, and J.
8cott Milne, baritone soloist, of
Deems Taylor's beautiful com
position "The Highwayman" will
be sung by the chorus, the person
nel of which, tncludes: first so
pranos Miss Eleanor Moore, Miss
Elva May Amslerv Mrs. R. W. Wy
att. Miss Charlotte Lindquist, Miss
Sally Lansfpg, Mrs. H. E. Russell,
Mrs. Flora Headrick, Mrs. Earl
Pearcy, Mrs. Ivan Stewart, Mrs.
Phil Newmyer; second sopranos
Miss Hilda Amsler, Mrs. Grover
C. Bellinger, Miss Helen MacHir-
ron, Mrs. William L. Phillips, Miss
Doris Allen. Mrs. Lloyd Payne, and
Mrs. W. J. MInklewitx; first altos
Mrs. Grace Sherman, Mrs.
George Allen. Mrs. John J. Roberts
Mrs. Arbutus Rudle, Mrs. J. E
Law, Mrs. H. J, HJort, Mrs. Jesse
George; second altos Miss Myra
Gleason, Mrs. Emil Carlson, Miss
Grace Fawk. Mrs. Walter Zosel.
Mrs. Ruth Swart, Mrs. S. J. Oa-j
trander, and Mrs. Arthur J. Rahn.
The Florentine Trio Is compos
ed of a harp, violin and vlolincel
lo. The Oregonian spoke of - the
trio as "beautifully matched." The
gentle and unobtrusive sounds of
the harp blend admirably with the
varying effects of the strings. Each
member of the trio Is of the cali
bre of a concert soloist.
Miss Milne bas been heard in
operating tk
ilri. Hairy w one of the first in Oregon to be awarded diploma by
ene of the firat to iaatall the Teztometor, Salem it to be congratulated on
baring two suck progreasiTe, moderaly equipped ahops aa Mrs. Haley conduct.
The Textometer gradei the hair girta a prescription ae it were for
class 1
is yen 7
dad ta 1
f this Information to insure more efficient ear of tout hair.
ear own indiTidoal case so that the class to which
ses Nestle Clreuline -WaTing will be
mad knows, to
era tor who gtres
rlad to
Tonr hair belong
yen your ware. Any shop which
e lta operator mako us
A laboratory service has been instituted whereby for a deposit of On
Dollar, a reading or teat, of your hair will be made and eemplete waring
instructions' supplied yon. These Instructions assure you a perfect war
based upon scientific laboratory readings. And your One Dollar deposit
win be credited en the waring prle at either ef Mrs. Haley's shops.
Merely bring or send a sample ef your hair bout tbc thiekaei of a.
lead pencil lead and at least fire laches loaf sad one dollar to cither ef
Mrs. Haley's shops.
Centonratlea Treatment, Shampooing. Scalp Treatment, Manicuring,
racial Masssge, Ladies' and Children's Hair Bobbing.
- - - We use the SUN AERO Hair Dryer
Room 7, Miller's Store, Phone 1047
1U New BUgh Bldg., Phone 1178
With erery Permanent Ware girea during the month of May we are effes
ing free service for three months.
"Every Day la Sunshine Day In Our Shop
Lends, Mra. Reuben P. Bolaa, Mrs. (b) -Arabesque" --.Arnold
S. P. Kimball, Mrs. Frank Snede-) (c) "Le Staccato Perpetual"
cor, Mrs. E. C. Richards, Mra. Carl
Gregg Doney, Mrs. T,- B. Kay,
Mra, 1 Charles K. Spauldlng, and
the the hostesses, Mra. Kirk, Mra.
Baraeg and Mrs. Fowle.
Miss Lucille Ross and Miss
Dorothy Pearce Will Present
Mlas Lucille Roes and Miss Dor
othy Pearce will present a concert,
assisted by Mlas I vc-Clare Lore,
at the old Presbyterian church
Monday evening, April 7; at eight
thirty o clock.
This concert, which will be one
of the most Interesting programs
of music week, will be a benefit
for the organ In the new Presby
terian church.
The program will be as follows:
Two pianos (a) "Nocturne" (A
Midsummer Night's Dream
; Mendelssohr
. (b) "Two Etudes In G Flat"
(c) "Norwegian Dance"
Miss Ross Miss Pearce
Piano (a) "German Dance"
Miss Pearce
Violin "Andante from Con
certo" . -Mendelssohn
Iva Clare Love
Two pianos "Valse" .Arensky
Miss Ross Miss Pearce
Organ (a) "Soeur Monique"
I Conperin
(b) "Lyric Theme" .... Tschai-
.. . kowsky
(c) "Hymn of Glory" Pietrd Ton
Miss Ross . :
Two pianos "Variations on a
Tbeme by Beethoven".
Miss Pearce Miss Rosa
Two Attractive Affairs Given
at Douglas Minto Home
Outstanding affairs of the past
week were the ttridgei teas on
Thursday and Friday afternoons
for which Mrs. Douglas Minto and
Mrs. R. E. Downing were hostesses
In the Minto home on Saginaw
A profusion of spring flowers
in shades of lavender and rose
iris, lilacs and tulips predomin
ating;,- were arranged about the
Irving rooms.
The first prize among the eight
tables In play Thursday afternoon
was won by Mrs. Lewis Griffith
and the second by Mrs. George
, Friday afternoon; Miss Zoa
Stockton won the high score prlxr
and Mrs. Spauldlng, the second.
Mrs. Edgar Hartley, Mrs. Lewis
Griffith, Miss Katharine Hartley
and Mrs. F. E. Hallk assisted in
serving Thursday afternoon. Fri
day. Mrs. Prince Byrd. Mrs. J. T.
Whlttlg. Mrs. Paul H. Hauser and
Miss Katharine Hartley assisted
Mrs. Downing and Mrs. Minto at
the tea hour.
The guest group for the two af
fairs Included: Mrs, Edgar Hart
ley. Mrs. Hollls Huntington, Mre
pail V. Johnson. Mrs. W. A. Jones,
Mrs. Lodls Lachmund, Mrs. W. H.
Dsncy, Mrs. Karl Kugel, Mrs. Wil
liam McGUchrist," Jr., Mrs. John
H. McNary. Mrs. Milton L. Meyers.
Mrs. Frank G. Meyera. Mra. Roy
H.- Mills. Mrs. A. H. Moore, Mrs.
Lewis Griffith. Mr. Henry S. Pol
sal,. Mrs. William B. Thlelsen, Mrs.
Percy Cupper, Mrs. F. E. Hallk.
L. P. Albrich, Mrs. Charles Elli
son, Mrs. J. N. Smith. Mrs. W.
(Continued on page S.)
La Bette Shop
Owned and Operated By,
Oregon Building 494 SUte SL -
Specializing in Ladies' Coats and
S 1 : - - Dresses ;;- ' -
In The Newest Styles, Colors and Fabrics Including Many
" "- 'New Sleeveless Sport Dresses At !
$10.75 $12.75 i- $14:75 $16.75 :
- e-
' t -:
1 j"?' . iliv
fleaim HJjp
i- : . .
i ' :
Georgettes and '
. Crepe de Chines
Plain pastel shades or dark col
ors made up in single and two
piece effects Dresses that are
, finished in workmanship and
leaders in style. v
: ' : : : f ;
- 1 . w
i .. rT a - . ... J -
A day when gifts are appropriate and certainly most appreciated
especially if your gift reflects genuine thoughtfulncss.
No gift will please her more tfian exquisite Holeproof Hosiery,
in charming tints Mended ty Luetic of Paris the world
famed stylist.
Especially will she be delighted with the soft mistiness of
Paulcttc the smart, chic sunburn effect of Caprice or the
refreshing coolness of Diane.
AllLucilc's creations have that touch
of refinement and charm so pleasing
to fthe smartly dressed Mother of
$1 50 L'3,t wcsnt, full fashioned
J service hose of exceptionally
uniform texture. Pure Thread Silk
over the knee to mercerised flare top.
The mercerised heel, sole, and Ex Toe
insure long service.
All Silk Picot Top Chiffon. Narrow
silk hem lined with heavier silk for
elasticity and wear. Ex Toe and Toe
Guard for extra protection. jt- 5
iiurvw spucva nccu
ffoleproof Jfcmory
3 .
'- -o ..iU eJ! '
km 1.
at a price
THE easiest thing to find is
price without style; the hard
est is style at a price. This is one
of those rare places where one
may always be sure of both. Our
fashions haye a subtle, difference
our prices' an outstanding ps
1 sameness .'o they are always.
.... &
if iT I
1? f irn' m
Ml. . ' y
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