-tfc-l THR OREGON STATCSMAK." SALEM, "OREGON. SUNDAY MPRNING.1IAY 6. 1928 tTZ IS f J 4 4 I DIRECTORY ndersor- a rupekt. a'tsra REAL ESTATE I a High. TsL IMi -r: . BAJLBXB a Stoat. 00 Gray Bid. ' TL m BZOU A HXXDB1CKA 189 5f. HJg. Tl 1SI . o. BoaorsTror '47 M. CemtwerciaL TaL 877 w. jr. ibutv 17S State. uw n. cbuci co, rikw (20 wtto c. TJ 1T3T FRXD B. UKAXO t90 X. Charts. XaL 1119 UOMEA D. FOSTER atXALTY CO. fit 3-trat JUL Baak Bids TL SS OASkULL A KAJLLR K IMt Liberty St. TeL 3243 W. & gBAHEKHORST CO. -84 s. ukMF at. i-j Tsi. SI I Vei n mniAit jL? -0 U. S, BnnA bat. TL 931 W. 0. XJtUXGXat 1 -47 y. j TsL t7 . . LAFLAR A LAFLAB ''M Bwk Bui Bide TnL 548 LAKSEW OK KICK Omim Bid. . Til. 114 w. A. LISTO XumIi Bldf. Tat. i92V ARTHUR MADSEX t974 art. Capitol. Tat HOT MxxxixaxB covim 409 Oregon BMc. TwL 11T9 .... "W- a MILLS 191 KM St, TeL 17 . W. X. MCSXS 481 pom. St. TeL Mil -r JOHN W. ORB ew &Lgh Bid. TL ItU wXSTKUDB d. 44 Court, FAQS Tat. 1UV PEfeRTNX B MAB-STEBS Ti til Onr Bids. TaL 90T I T. RICH L. KEXMAXX. Realtor f .19 N. High St. Tat Ml . . w ' Diru tin -ww rwr. 62 State St. Room 1. TaL 1004 cuarixs aruKua 210 Osegoa Bldg. I BOCOL0FSKT B YOB .04 5 rWat Kat. IStutk MIA TaL sT SQUARE DEAL BaaXTY 8. Mai 'I Beak Bl XaL " TRIANGLE KXALTT CO. ill Caurt tit. "ML 951 ULRICH Bt-BF-KTS l .a H. CemmsreiaL TaL 11S V. 8. RXALTT CO. : 8 tat St. TL S64- r. L. wood : 41 Stat St. Tal. TO AGENTS WANTED 75 WEEKLY DE.AX.IJiG WITH MFB. of Cl.JCl.Vi4.SY Lias Demsskoid Tar bla Clattt. Saa-t In. liaaacUta Co.. no W. Uaiuaoa. Jat lUKTBLBLTOa FOB. 100 BTOBX BOOTS tbia eoontj; aapatiaaiea aa oaaaaty; no .aaUiBC diataibuta aa4 call art; khoald at 870.OO waakly. PERIB UFG. CO.. riurim, Ja. iI8TKIBUTOBS OUICKLT np awn independent baaineaa handHns Hrotmratr Xaaat Uaady; Naw row t'rea; eiciuatva territory. ScotminU - 'u. lae., 443 Scotminu BIdf., Jemey ( ity, S. J. ..1RECT REPBESEXTATIVK BEOIX nruil at once. $5 to 810 daily, show lnf charminf Mary Kuee ftack. law t priced. Esperiaoea uaneasary. tree ktart now! HOUASI CO., 1030 Rodati Bldf.. Ciaaiaaati. Ohio. 10 TO $15 DAILY TAKING OEUEKS for lSaUa Tailored Siiirf" TCjeri enea uneceaaary, part or fall time. Factory pricea, splendid quality, heft elevttaa. Big bandaome oatfit KRKE. Haa you aoid btfore; for whom I WrUf-r today. JjiSello Shirt itig. Co.. JOaTP Chicago Aa., Chicago. IC HEX WAXTEO QUICK Tu. . . . 1imi ruirMBtftttT for TC0.U00 KR1S8-KKOSS 8T HOPPER CORP. ?5 weak and ep! Oar -id man cleared 85300 laat yaar with th; aoiaiing ahava iaveation. Write M. H. RHOOKS. Dept. K-8'288, 1418 Pendleton Are., St. Lonia. Mo NURSES 9A QK A DC ATE AND PRACTICAL XTJRSES male ana iemoie n . . J I ..It.!,. aay or wwrm i " Bpaeial Kurara for particular diieaee IU4 miumu;, ew vaii " your terrico Salem referancea of ef liciancy. Balaaa Viaitlag Nana Bar c.u. 81 Marshy Block, Phaaaa 8871 I artk 4B4UIB - a a. teaaaaaaajeaJaoaaaa'ap ajajaiajp aajfajiajajaji aa CHIROPRACTORS 10 DR. O. Lk SCOTT. PfC. CHIROPACT tbii m. Hick. XaM. aaat, sea. iwm ,R3. ACOPIEIUD, XRay. CHIRO praetor, acd Naaroca-caieter aarrica. Offiaa phone 3184. Ra. 3187-aV and ZMtfi-J. Butt 414-18 15. rirrt Nat'L Ha ah. FLORISTS 11 xiAvrzR roK aio. ocoasjonb Olkam . Qaart a itigh St. imu mm. CUT PLOWS RS, M-EDDIKO BOCQUBT8 Paaarai vraataa. deearattaa. C T. Broatka.pt, floriat. 818 Btata Straat, TL : . INSURANCE 12 aagaa. Trust Itaada, Coatraet aa hoaaaa Will aet a to xu per eaaa BECKE m HKJtDRICKS Bailig U.df-. hM K. Jtish . Insure Tor Hoeae or Car aw. BtuCKB B HX5DBICKB Phnaa 181 J v. I. O. U. r. Bh - uga 'AJtaf LOANS PLKJTTT daT MOKKY M htaa aa goa aaraa aeauiei. -CITY IfO.'Jis a aa laaabaa; Pra- -(..ail T at ein e-aa e A avatkaBhVhaKai W BBaaiaVaBrW 4BBB ity reelaeaae tai hailain yreperty at iu per coat, plaa a aaiaaitnlaa; Haa Build ka J- itaeiMaaaWaeaaha' WANTED Employment 13 SHEEP SHEARING WANTED. AD drea V. Heusoa, Route 3, Bos 1, Sa lem. Tor rent 14 X'RXISHED FIVE ROOM HOCSE. Apt- Sleeping Roonia. Owner, 160 Ca. .on. rm lumAvn'""'"' J i i..iiiir'-r.-f FOR RENTApts. 15 I IHLKX APT. R. WIHTKB. VICE FURNISH ED APARTMENT. 890 Unkan. . J ROOM COTTAGE, PARTLY TURNISH id. Phone 1390-J. URSISHED APAKTME5T FOR RENT. 2381 HazeL Fbone 1939W. . . URMISHID APARTMENT. 1 'BOOMS water. Ughi taaL 818.00. Oarage f2.ft a aaaath. aH Maria. 8. FOR RENT-rApts. 15 APARTMEXT. EMMA MURPHY Brown. 684 Bo. Cota'L Tel. S17S-W. BOOMS AND K1TCHEXITTX, WA 1 tar, tight aad faaL liaM la. 2i.0. a-S Marioa. S BOOMS KITOHKXXTTB, WA tar. light faaL IQ a saaatk. Alfred Bare $35 Marioa St. FCRXISHED AND UN1TJRHISHXD t raaa apaaaieata. Vtrg-aia Apart ments, I9 f. Labarty. PiTION APARTMENTS C O Z T. aleaa. camfortable, atcaiy fornished. Prirata bath. tHaaaa haat. Daw tava aVstxu-t. Reaaoaabta ia prUa. Fat kaaperuea call Pattaa'rBook Btara. XUactricai Bairigamti. aladara, hnek. banted. Apt. High elaee reaidaatial d-striaA, Iheerfal. attractive, Lght. 8 room apartsaaBt, S Veda, 940.00. On fnrn !-- ruaffad. 950.00. A two rws faraiahod. 37.50. , Inspection invited, chlldxea wtUsaia. One Pullnmn now Tacant. 30. Ambassador Apartments 530 X 197 FOR RENT Rooms 16 rLRNISHED KOOTtT MOT LARGE, eleoa mipuaata on the : clean raaut. 39V . Church. FOR RENT Houses 17 FOR RENT 4 ROOM MODERN BUN gaWw, 85 Richmond Ava. F. L. Wood, 341. StaU St. rWO FIVE ROOM MODERN HOCSE8 for raat corner lash and Belleae. In quire 851 N. Cottage. ROOM. BOAKxt. tttROLB MKALS, SUM day dtara. AUxandrta, 1080 Cha aakatav Psoas 1839. DANDY LXITLE HOCSE, TaASAflE. bath, bailt-isa, Hghta, watar, gnjelen. 430 Emfwaud, 'Wast Balaaa. ALMOST NEW FOUR RUQM MODERN hangaiow, farnaea, jaraga. 1718 North Cottage. Fhsa Z337-R. FOR RENT Farms 18 KOB RENT 10 ACHES BJTEB BOT tarn land close in. F. L. Wood, 841 8tsta St. BOARD AND ROOM 20 ROOM AND BOARD, 875 North 14th Bt Phono 3861K. SICKLY FURNISHED BOOMS WITH hoard. 405 Marian 8t. LAUNDRIES 21 THE NEW waLEM LAUSDRY TBB WEXDR KAUNDRY Tatsphoas 8a. SB8 a. Hick f RY THE BOBTB WTT ary. TaL IT. 1S8 B WA8S LaUJ. CAPITAL, CITY ULVVVAVt "The Lssavdry C Fwjw MaSeaisls" Teicphan 18 J. 184 Bassdwiy TA1L0KS 21 WANTED Efisc. 231 FUKNtTURR FlCKTuer FOB SBXF Bants. Giesa-Pswera rFnrairsas Oaw TEAM WORK OF ALL KINDS AND XX caTsting. Phos Mayfiald T3F1. WANTED AUTO A8 FIRST PAYMENT on rood home. Address F. O. Box asz, Satan. WANTED raUTATB HOITEY FOB farm loasa. Wa ha tions a haad. .' Ham lac. 90S Orajoa BhtB. WANTED OOOD WASHED COnON Rags not taaaStn tss 1 yard a t fsi wrDiat sshUery. ma-hast ai paid for gsad alas tsa. appiy at H la teaman ante a, -sss attnat. -HoIlywood-Needs Automobiles ' HIGHEST CASH PRICES ALL MAKES 435 No. Commercial. Phone 1037 MAI irttSSLS 24 MATTRESSES BENOYATED BT THE Capital Oty Baddiag Co, llso Nana CspitaL Called far aad delivered A8 work aTsarantrod. Tat. 18 For Sale or Trade 24A 5ALE OR TRADE SERVICE STATION with camp ground, 3)a acrea ob Pacl fi highway. Gaa, oils, air, small gin eery and confectionery stock. City water, lights, $5500.00 clear. Take good smsil honso around 93000.00 for first payment. U. S. Camp, Woodburn. Oregon. FOR SALE 25 PEREKNIALB ' 3 PLANT, CHRYBAN thamvasa aad Paaaiea 35a Dosea. Hall, end 8. 13th 8t.. Bsz 38. Phone 718-M WANTED Live Stock 26 WILL, FAY A LIBERAL PRICE FOR sss ef 1 to 9 good dairy- cow far a term of months. W. F. Brown, 1780 Oxford Str. BEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL. KINDS f beef stock. Telephone 178. Mid get Market. FOR SALE Lsive Stock 27 HIOH GRADE JERSEY COW DUE TO f rashes soon. A good eaa. Coma and sea hat. Clem X eager, near Pinter statiea. Five ila sosth fret Salem ' on Riverside drive. . VETERINARIAN 28 FRED W. LABOR, YETERIBAK1AB Wfiss SZ9 a. Ciaamlil. Ta 3199. Ban. TaL It. WOOD SAWING 29 WOOD S A WINS. FHOBB 18TT. 1918 North - WOOD FOR SALE 30 GUARANTEED DRY WOOD COAL TaL IS. Salts Fast ew T88 Tib a. WESTERN UNION TIME. TRUCKS far Bwaliac. Wasd t bar. 011 38. 18 INCH OLD FTB. DRY IBB GROWTH. aad ash. C U. Harhaagh, 1038 B3a teas" A, raiat Avw. 28 lae drw nUTtBBti at 98.89 16 iaah gres asillwad at 99.08 par Wad. TRACT TEL. 3818 OLD FIR WOOD; PRACTICALLY SEA- sonad. 8.80 eors. tiesst grewta ., on track, ear lata, aatanw 4. m. Mas. Fn City, Orsgoa. - OOOD COAL TJRT WOOD PROMPT PFXIVERIXS HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELKPHOVB lUt. a (BEX) A. AXPEKSON FOB WOOD TO BUM 8ALEM TRi VS. A VTJKX. M. GENYRAL T1ANSFER WORK. TXL. 819 BEST GRAVB OF WOOD Dry wwd 4 rt, aad 184. 7srr tessa sro aaaapa a tar. auu wees la aajg tpttlalty. Freaapt sail and taaaetahia Brtas. FRED X. WXLLB . . TL 1843 WOOD FOR SALE 30 0OOD DRY WOOD. rKOMM TUS. M. a. mayriosn. SOOO DRY WOOD FOB TOC & A, TaL 930, 18 IB. OU FTB SaLia Fl ttak) Tal. 8188. OOBBw aasjaiaiaatjsatpatjgasfeas POULTRY AND EGGS 32 CUSTOM HATCH1MO. OREOOX CAFI tal Hatchery. 9144 Rank Fifth a treat. ctaiaia. Fraaa 8010. BABY CHICKS Tin Br, AT Trinvra. aay. Oregon Capital Katehary 814V4 aarta. mis auaas. aejaai. traaaa 3020. FOR SALK WHITE ORPIX0TOS ahsekaaa 1 yaar eUL B. W. D. tested 83 aaah. Mrs. J. U. Wright, Bt. X. Bu 17. TaL lril. JABY CHICU EVEKT WUNDAY AND Taaaday. leadiag raruM as. Reat-f tarsi atack. incae raaaaastia. Batoet Caickartaa, 34 korth CUag SUaat; a Kaport atrvtea asesae (if leiaavry ess aiga anaiisy. aui aoay eaiasa irsai pwrt atask Offiasalry teal ad aad Of Leiallr Appravad. Baiaak'a Cas tas Uateisi3c aiaat. Fkaso lSSiTA. as'a dsXihery. Pullets Pullets Pullets Rsds, Rooks, White Leghorns, Brow Lajghaaaa, BuXf OrpiBktana, Black Mm rcaa, Whita M i Boreas aad athara. Im asadiste deli eery, big hosed stack ia haat condition; arooJiag sjsksrals and sated peas. Phone 13SF3. Lse's liatcaary. UUSIC STORES 33 rott BKNT MEW PIANOS. Stiff Fanlrass Csmpsny. UEO. O. WILd. PXABOS. PBONtt- graphsv asartag nmaThiatt. sheet a Bake said ptaas atadisa. Bspsiriaaj yhsa grspha aad aewiag iscbfea. 443 Statt t)CLajCYMXX aaat atsaws far ha tW , Tss srs at Mr t read it f TWsiUy I ear as I, in a. Csai auSIC TEACHERS 33a MODERN P1AKO tas. Wata Cattaga. phseja A14VJ. - KOUAK TTilSHIFsG 34 FKKE aUMaaTCtrB 8TA7B aa 0a sass Jrtlad, tevwpapers iCEgazines 351 taK POHriAJID -TntsJBBSAJK UALdtM ksjiaey. Tas Aa. Tai. 9a. rUK OBtWOM- STATESMAK, 8 CENTS psr asussa aajirsres t 7s ssrly asah aseraiag. TaL S8 a .F tOii WIBT TO OSTt TBB BEBX (asm papsr sand fivs S sent -asanas a ts-Fstfis Msasestswd. (Is Isan Orsswa. for a three aasstna' trial aakstnpxiss. PAPtflHANGtCtr 3 PirOItX (VLBNN ADAMS FOB. BOCSk tfspsrkssgtBg. lialins. sac PAJNTlfiG 33 CBAK RHBtn, w'aisTTav' CD3 traai hiaatar mamm. XM1 was m. MISCaUNEOUS 39 rOB KsVLXM SCATENwEB BBaHICB FURNITURE TJWHOUFT BR L3W AND BX (rial NOTICE I WILL PAT HO BILLS OR aeeaiTBta eicept those contracted by ajyasM. O. L. Morgan. UH BALB OLD 19 axTkVa, 3li swath JOHN H. BOOTT HAS MOVED HIS OF fie to 1088 Court Street pending a new office connection. Phone 643. WANTED: USED PIANO IN EX cksago o Radios, Phonographs, or EarDitsra. H. L, Stiff Faraiture 2m paay. WHTTH SCOTCH ODLLIB AT trTTTTA aaleam'a Wait aUag. Batdawr a amber aaeasi. asrviea gnaraalesa. Puppiaa aad grown ataek tar aala. Mrs. Bau nett, 1080 CkomekaU. Pkeaa 1588. STOTES AXD BTOTB BSFArKEia STOYKS FOB S4I I StIIUILT ARB hy . AU kJBda ml wwvan as. . Faasr aad sssin. Ma a baakata aad bosk, legs aak. Baiaai roBc a a snewa nrarka. Saw Uosn street. CAPITOL BAWUU AND 4UNK HOUSE, 103-148 Caster. TaL 899. AU kiaaa Jaah bought aad nU; Baga, Sank Battle. Barrela, Hldea, PuT WWla, Fart. Tallow, Csasara Bark, Orapa Boot, Pitch, Peppermlal OiL All kinds at Iron A Maul everythiag fram a nsadla to a locomstiv. Onion Skin Carbon Paper Typewriter Ribbons W. S. Du Fresno T38 B. SOth St. B. ' Psrtiaad, Otajan PERSONAL 43 IF YOU WANT A WEALTHY, PLEAS ing awsatbaart, writ Far Gray, Stt tio B. Cleveland, Ohio, (stamp). MARRT IF LONELY: JOIN "THE Successful Correspondence Club." Re liable; Descriptions free. Box 556, Oakland, California. IF YOU ARE LONELY SEND 10 CTS. for information to Tha Portland 'Oorre ipeadaae Clnh. 1009 E. Slat Na Poftland, Or. Strictly reliahU and confidential. HAVE YOU BEEN ABLE TO DETERV mine the vocation you are beat adapted fort Psycho Analysis will outline tha true road t happiness and anaassa, FU inatractioB course- 99. Da't watt time is aimless drifting. Writ today. Pros lafaraxatlos. Mary J AM, station v. xmx flit, Ln Asm let. Calif asia-anisansx.aniaa.mi -yraTlJJXnTJ-rcnri PRINTING 44 FOB aTTATTOSTKBT. - an nary kis sf in 18 TaL 88. asaaanaantaaa m m - - -i-B-Lnj-LnrLfin MONEY TO LOAN 45 FEDERAL FARM LOAN 914. T. U Was. Sdl Stats St. . 3189 STRAIGHT LOANS. CITY tad farm. w. O. Wright, s04 tnlt Bids. F. H. BJCLU 919 O. Bw BARB, BLDA ; Reeidtate aad Bwatssast laaa. Ta. 81 sr assv - .-. - v..- , riDXRAL FARM LOANS REDUCED TO 3. F L. Wilkinson, 309 U. 8. Bank Bldg, Salem, Oragan. M0XST TO LOAN FOB BUILXtlSO AXD aa alty prapsrty B. S. Marti aad L a. stnrttn, ausraeyt. 418 Oragot BaTUiag. TaL 084. OTY Ah. I TRACT LOANS Roaable Rates -Na Daisy STATS SAVINGS AND LOAN At k T08-8 Flrtt Kttiossl Bank Bailiff Fhana 457. - Salem. Orsgsa. SALARY AND OOLLATKBAL LOANS Ropayabla la Wsekly er Maatbly Ia stallments. GENERAL FIX ARCS COR PORATION. First A'at'I, Bank, TaL 8Ka jwer ir aad asdsat -dsawaa ajtisiaa aad adear- aiUlial tal sat as ah aertsej UONEY JO LOAN , 451 CITY AND FARM XAyABB AT lWEST L at terms aaeaisns-s, ran dFrtsM fiar T aa j j ..i 11 Baa. AW SI IN S a ROBERTS UT1 TaL 1491 I 905 Oraa sUdtV raanwhfawhatk WANTED LOANS 48 v WJXTXO Fltvata BasBsw to W. H. eRABEHOBaTf .CO. 184 S ULsrty St. WANT 9800.00 PRIVATE MONEY rOK UUU1 KAALi tatAl : SALEM REALTY CO. 43 StaU 8t Salem. PLUMBING 47 PLUMBINO AND t?FKSXL BXPAlB wsrh Oraasr Bxso. 344 B. tsaany Tad. 850. aaaaaaaavavaa BUSINESS OPPR. 48 OS LAAik: AWearai assrsetivs aaoaad floor s' er office rasasa. well losatod. W. H. ORARENHORST A CO.. Baa Hart 184 SL Lihsity St. TaL 919 Business corner wner Grocery store ha hssn can8af tad for ysars. . Cosfaetienary doiag good butiness aad i aptdid loosuoa. Grocery store, Bldg, and trade, fix tures. ; 9?750. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Court Str. OR SALE DANDY BU81NE8S IN SA- Issa. Did 84000 business U April. No competit;bn aa it is the- only store of its kind in tha Valley. If you aet promptly 34000 will buy stock, fix tures, and gsad will, might take good property In wxchaaga. Address P. O. Ux 66. 6s lam. Business Opportunities Service Station a mossy maker -Apartment housa 18 Apt. Grocery-Canfecttsmery, with living rooms All are payiag propositions Sss Louis Bechtel or J. D. Stars - ; Earl Tucker 341 State St. Roe ma 3 4 i THE SALEM REALTY 403 State St. HATE Portland Income property to ex change fur Acreage sear Salem. A cash buyer for Hardware store ia or near Bales. A cash buyar for good filling sta tion aad garage. Good Salem reaidanea to exchange for sereage. A small confectionery with living room for A800.0O. RADIO 49 Radiolas For wanty aarneaev All standard sua ad Bads Taha EOFF KUCOTRJUAL SHOP. 885 Coan at. Tai. FOR SALE Houses 50 NEW FOUR ROOM , HOUSE. BATH woodahad, garage. Owatf. '4011, Maple jiva. HOUSE BARGAINS 9300 down.' bassnc terms, buys a new bungalow, 4 rooms and nook, fire place, modern plumbing, paved street. Fries 93050.00 plus street improve meat. Fear room housa, located an N. 18th and Kay St., firaplaoa, garaga, paved street. Price 92950.00. Reasonable arms. 9250 dawn, halaaee 995 per month buys a 5 room hone located ia South 8a leas, large lot. aaat front. Price 92050. Fivt room bangalow located oa 8. 15th t rest, fireplace, plumbing, nil fur aiahad. Thit plaet it n bargain at 92750.00. Six room modern homo located on Ms r kat St., furnace, fireplace, garage. This home is worth the moaey. Price 94750, easy terms. Modern 6 room Fairmoant Hill home, large lot, narth front, double garag first class condition. Will consider tmalltr home In part payment. Price 98500.00. W. H. GRABENHORST CO., Realtors 134 8. Liberty St. Phone 515 .REAL ESTATE 51 BUNGALOW SNAP New cozy 5 Rooms, lights, bath, lo cated on Marion St., garage. Price 92000, terms, for a quick deal. See I-ouis Bechtel J. D. Sears Esrl Tucker, 341 State St. Rooms 3 4, Bayne Bldg. AN ESTATE MUST BE SETTLED AT ONCE 8 room modern house, a lot of furni ture. All shades, draperies, Waah ma chine. Wood In basement 8 bearing cherries. On pavement. 8fc blocks from State Hoasa. In very good con dition. Price 33500, 91000 cash, bal ance 3 years at 6. 92000 private moaey to loan on olty property. SOCOLOFSKT SON 98600 FURNISHED A real eoty 4 room house completely furnished with tha best of furnishings, Is located on corner lot, eloaa to State s treat, hat bsseasent, feraase, garage, good garden plot, beautiful shade trees, t treat pavsd. Owner leaving Salem would eoatider lata or smaller place for hit equity of 91400, or will tell on tty term. SEX Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILD S CO.. Realtors 320 Stats Street. - Phone 1737 For Sal. New strictly aasdern, Eng lish type home, good location, 93500. Te acre Poultry ranch, good build lags. 3009 capacity, incubators and brooders eoarplat equipment, 600 lay ing hens, lota of orders booked for ba by chicks. Owner hat two ranchea reason for sailing. 94350. - Cheic 20 acre farm, new buildings, good land, seven miles tut. Owner go ing away. Prict with stock gas equip ment, 96000. T. L. WOOD. GEO. F. FEED 841 State St. Real Snap 5 rooms tnd bath, plas tered house, vary close in, 99850. Easy term. 94780 bars now 7 rosm Eagliak type. eove calling, sak floors, gd location, ? taring paid, base meat, turners, strict y modern ; garage, 91800 for two lota 52x137 each, with 5 room bona, bath, large not and fruit trssa. On paved street block of tut. Far rest email bona 88.00. Sea FORKNEBwitk MELVIS JOHNSON 918-890 V. 8- Bank Bldg. Fhsaa 8ST 2 propertise in Silverton to trad for Salem property aad pay difference. 8 room hoaae large 1st. to trade for acreage with VstCsiage fsy soma dif -fereaoe. 13 Acres 8 tti. frsst good town, good . bulldiaga beat f river bet Ism land. Srunae, strawberries, peaettet; some syland Etty terms. 94300. 5 room plastered bungalow, pared St. ksrdwood floors, garage. Eatitst of terms, A tnap at 92700. T room , plastered house pared St. 9 bedrooms on ona floor. Prie 99300. Ulrlch & Roberts Realtors 189 N. Com'L Fbone ISSd For Rent Kew bout and garaga. d rooat 930.00 per mo. 5 room new bosse. very fine, all furnished. 950.00 par mo. 3 Aptt. On 4 room sad one 5 room tt 915 aad 917.50. These are elote in. Immediate possets is. Several good trades of all kinds. Insurance written. Loans made. liaflar & Laf lar ' Ladd A Bath Baak Bldg. REAL ESTATE 51 MOUNTAIN CREEK a or trade 14 scrsa xaar a- less .J ataln. 4 aarsa epos falrir laveL aaJaaoa Brat aad IT. Ti. .1. . . . " Sen right land, fatal I I CMBBor. Dandy aroah 1 !; f -J auis i rest ( tnaambr. Priee balld 3 -roam cabia cWe A a A S , LT x-roam cabia a to eraek f.. tuui . " mwwm. m ess sr uli "ll l3' Pnrpertr r near Ss- nsT 'rF J"1 f- . , " wirtm, owner, laaa North Slat atrast DELANO DOW' 8 SPECIALS Cinch tkU Aftr ail thai i so better locatisa than Caurt 8t in Salem and aa hotter -r uywBor than thU atx raws sua J, dra home, with big 50x19 lot, Jbl?ck -P"a cosrv arroanded hy fine hsassa and noigh aj. Coart st. vahtsa srs atahla and aiwaya wiU h. Thia hoasa te prtosd - osiow tjoart Bt. velse. 9S.50O Rasaoaahlo terms. Daa't delay. a0 H. Church Phist 9880 FBS RWIiIabm V C . m. A . n . n - V.UI , D... f 1VJU. J!,?1 fsrmitnr. f v . - ilea la. Oosd xdsatared 8 rasas aoasa aad taraga. aasrlflse 91800. 10 A. claaa to; I A, barrlae. samsll : - ssrs. snap f A.OOO, easy 8ap i several alee raaidcBC lota. 90 A. rivar li. .1 J.w- . ja Mgo, stock sad oiBt, 91800. rasiooaca for part. PEBJUNE A MARSXERS 313 Gray Risg. INTERESTING I.OCATtOV A Morning Side tnsct atoae ia, Oty Barries, fsrtila soil, sic creak, iads- PendsBt Of citv aaanlatlas aW Mar.t- d dletrict. 935 cash. bat. at 915 psr Baautiful lVa sere treat with wild "w IC,llenl tew, eity watar. iCluoe in, corner lot. fir aad oak treat. 9- lots on N. Com. St, iat 91050 far them sit Sheep, cattle aad tiaahox aad. GEISER REAL ESIATR 441 Court St Aa up to data Uttla home for waty 9300.00 down paymaBt, A30J5O au. Just like rent. 3 big bedrooms, Urge iuteb a. nook aad combination titting aad diaiag roast. Total pries 9S0uO Ou. Doubio garage. Garage house and large lot For a,uick sale at 9550.00. 5 room plastered hoasa with garage, ia fine condition, completely fnrniah ad. Reduced from 94500.O0 to 93 740.00 far e.u-ck tale aa ewasr It" Isorbig town. SmaU paymsat daw will kaa dh.' 6ASKILL A EARLH RBALTORS 166 S. Liberty St rest Phone 3343 A good summer bouts sad an acre af ground 91250. Rett of terms. A goad modern 4-room strictly mod ern hoene on comer 1st for oaly 33500, 9850 down. This hoasa ia in splendid location, south f Highlaad, class to baa, store and school, and It worth mare money than it atkad for it. A classy 6 room housa in splendid lesality corner lt, boats ehows np well you esu't $ 1 a flew ia It, 94900. House ia equal to most booses priced at 35500, but cash buying haa enabled owner to hasp pries down oa this and you get the advantage of it. BARBER A BOND 300 Grty Bldg. 135 K. Liberty 24900 BeatrUfal new English typs h-me 6 rooms, oak floors sawn stain, basement, furnace, fl replace, gar age, psviag pd., bssstifsi visw. good location. A REAL BARGAIN. 9500 down. 93750 For a new bungalow 5 rooms, at ti: stairway, sak fleeia. hats ment, furnace, firepiso, gsrsga. paving, east front. 9500 daws. 92800 New ream bungalow, basement, fireplace, oak Hears ia Using and dining room, fa rag and fin lot. 9100 dowa. 83400 4 room bungalow, basement, bath, garage, good lot. Easy terms. $1300 3 rooaa bungalow, bath, paving pd., good location. 9350 down. MFLVIN JOHNSON 820 C. 8. Rank Bldg. Phone 837 94750.00 bnyt tha biggest bargain oa Fairinount HilL Baautiful loca tion with," watt frant, fruit and eh rob bery. Ptvtng paid. Ysn caa't afford to pass this up. 95100.00. Beautiful new five-room home just off of State St. Lots of built-ins, hardwood, faraaee, refriger ator, sad everything. A REAL BAR GAIN. Other homes, new and old, priced from 91800 to 920,000. Soma of thee are EXTRA good buyt. Let ut show yon today. Capitol Realty Co. Real Estate Real Insurance Real Service 316 N. High St. Phone 1143 91300 d room house, hot and cold wa ter, bath, eleetrie lights, paved street. Easy terms. $2500 5 room house, full basenrant, pav ed street, east front, close to school. Yenr own terms. $2600 Almost now, nice 4 rjtom bouse. full basement, fireplace, hard wood floors, ltnndry trays, gar aga, fine big lot with tosne fruit, well located. Year own terms $3800 New 4 room bowse. Full base ment, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, wired for electric ttove, garage, paved street. Close to school. Very ossy terms. Fine homo on N. Winter street to Undo for tubftrbsn property. Have several thousaad dollars of prirata money to loan oa 8 a lam prop erty. RICH L. RELMANN Realtor , 219 N. High St. ' Phone 885 91200.00. Four room heats.' Hot aad cold watar. Bath. Elect, light. Pavsd St. Wall toes tad. Essy terms. 93700.00. Fivs room house. Base ment. Paved St. Clots to achooL Vary easy term a. 82350.00. Fir ross Wata. N. 5 th St., near Hood. Full: lot, Garage. Year own terms. 93800.00. On 31st St., near D St. Strictly modem. . Gsrags. Year wa terms. 99800.00. Kew 4 rooat boos. Baa msat. Furnace. Fireplace. Wired for elect. Stove. Pared St. Clot to School. Very easy terms. '58 acres Santisat Rlvtr bottom. Oood buildings. Widow moat toll, 33500.00. Will taks a small house np to-93000.00. 144 acres near CowalKa sa pavad road. Ranter ia axUking 53 cows. Last month milk cheek was over 81000.00. 8 tilea. Elect, light. Owner hat good resssn for tailing. A bargain at 921.000.00. Wa bar many good bargains oa eur list. Com In aad let as hctp you. Iaturaaee. Money to Loan. Rich L. Reimann Realtor 319 North High Bt. Phone 865 BUILDING LOTS A5TD SMALL tniinr nv risr rrtui 9310 Good lots, 50x100 feet located e assanaoB rt. ria pevenient a 1U Jk tin . l. $759 Let 50100, located on paved uw aiaewsuts I, locate near jsicn- 9750 Let 66x105. east front, located near Lea Ha school. Terms. 9235 Lot, 50x197 teat. Wanted oa N. svta street. iu aewa, fig psr masts. $839 North front lota on Jefferson St, iw sown, bio par moat. 9300 Lot 50x100 Iscated on X. 14th St.. was maxaai av aiu asw a. niu pox It 91000 Large view lot, located touth. jsss vataios oi city, Vtuo aown, giw par montk. niriT.T. irannr nv nn ttdus 9700 Owe half aers, locstsd north, sear i. unite, goo gravel street, 4k block from pavement. City water. 929 9650 One acre, U In bearing fruit. awata, near city limits, xu down, f to aa? manth 91000 Ont sere, view property, south. saar dub una, gioo olown, flO per mnntb 9100O Five arret, located east near pavad rwas. au sown, aiu per montn. $1500 Five acrea on good gravel road. swsr psvrmeai and tckool. 835 Aown, 910 aav niA.lk $1575 Five scret on paved road. siocs irom scnooi, 922 down, flO psr month. FOR LOTS AND SMALL ACREAGE, SER U8. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Kaa 1 tors 134 S. Liberty Street ; Pboaa 51J - 1 REAL ESTATE 51 9190a Daw Xaar me asm asmse at 98 and 988 Taassxssk. Bash haa far naea, ttrapato. hardwood, large das aemeat be at at est. gsrags, 94900 and too, pevetssst paid. BECXX A HENDRICKS 188 tt. High, St, Alderbrook Opa t the puhiia Saaday, May 9tb from 3 te 7 p. as. 3 baaatiful strictly mad era hosnaa with ,lunt grssad. beeotifa! treat aad native sarssssry. VB.1U11JS.XM.JI AND DBL CO AUTOMATIC XLXOTRIO BUMP, fins watar, best cons trust lost, reetric- ttona. farBUasd by Otsss-Powara. If tsss d not meat year seeds wo will wait to as tv COME OUT SUNDAY. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 8. High St. 10 acrea estt qL Salam with fair baUdinrs ail clear af htrambranea to txas Jer a good hoasa la North Sa lem, will aertnae aoats. 80 arras tooth 5 milss at 93000, ta trad far a he-aae la tow, all la si tivatloa. 8 rant house and two Iota with plas ty f trait aad gardes tpae tn Narth Salens t trade for land near Dallaa. 94AO0JM buy: a asw 4 roast all modern m awry way aad fnrwtshwd at fdOO duwa. 935 a maath and int. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 303 U. 8. Kat. Baak Bldg. IN ENGLXWOOD DISTRICT Ceaveniaat to Ursds, Junior and High Schools 985008 ales rooms and good floored at- tie, suitable for 8 roam, base ment, garaga. esmsnt driveway, pavsd sli eat, E. frant. sow as sent. A Kttle paiat will make tai aa a ssoww aeons, a 193800 d reoma and nook, tightly loci? tioa. Chsngt of bsurrseea forces owner to lease Salats. 94000 Oood 8 reoot English bouts, sow v scant, bast of terms. 94290 A well built 8 room Bungalow, lets or built is, large lot. E. front, psvtskg la sad paid. 94600 Practically asw 5 room English Bssgsiew, besattfal nardwooa floors, double garage. Bias Iswa aad ah rubbery. 500 down, ossy payments ob balaacs. 95750 To can't beat this for ths prie. 6 large rooms and nook, besati ful hardwood fieors, tUsd bsth sad drain board, wails aH decsr ated. one ef the roast attractive flraplasea in tha aity. corner 1st sad both streets paved. Tbett are all good valuoa aad can be sea at any time. Call for an appoint ment, or , SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 330 State. Street. Phone 1727 REAL ESTATE Trades 52 WANTED FARM OR RANCH FOR IX- Essas property. Ad axes P. O. Bos 343, Ssism. EXCHANGE: CLOSK IK 8 ROOM haute, dandy 1st. for property further ant. 3726 Cherry Ave. LOS ANGELES, CALIF. PROPERTY TO Chan re for Kslsm City Property. Wrrt Box 133, Statesman. LOS ANGELES, 6 ROOM MODERN RES tsence trade for farm. Owner, McKu lit, 4206 Ysrk Blvd., Lo Aasmlvs. Calif. FOR RALE OR TRADE. SEASIDE BUS issae property for homo or tacoase property in Sslom. Bex 486, Seaside. Oregon. TWO MODERN HOUSES, THREE LOTS, two Trust Deeda payable meatbly to trade for Orege farm. Ko agents. Zsao Hobson, Orange, Calif. WANTED TO TRADE FOR SALEM property. Nearly new 8 room house. Modern with garaga. Near Prom, is Seaside. Box 79, Statesman. WANTED TO TRADE My modern 5 Room bnngalow, built about 3 ysars ago, 93500. Trade for improved acreage tract 2 to 5 acres. Sue Earl Tucker. 341 State St. Room 4, with Bechtel-Sears, FOR EXCHANGE GOOD COUN TRY HOME, consisting ef 9 room house, til necessary outbuildings with 84 acrea of land, nearly all ia bearing fruit. This place is located on main Pacific highway, sonth, 1 4 miles from but line. Price for quick sals 912.500. Mortgage 95500 to be aaaamed, owner will consider residence in Salsm tt part payment. The owner is sacrificing 95000 to make a qaick sale oa the property. Act at once. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phono 515 SPECIAL 354 acres 4 mile N. of Salem. All fins bottom land, good modorn hooee. bsra and chiekea house. Some fruit and hemes. Price tt a bargain and will take part in a home in Salem. 15 tees close in. K. of Salem, hat good new bldg.. Price 95000. Will trad for homo in Balsa. 5 acres 4 miles 8.. most all in fruit tad berries, has good bldgs. Will trade for city property. SEE 1 horns. on wit) LEO N. CHILD 3 CO., Realtor 320 Bute Street. Pboae 1727 TRADES SIX ROOM HOME. North Sslom. 2 large lots. Prie 83500. Will take 2W r 3 to track for part. FIVE ROOM HOUSE. Butte, Mont., completely famished, large lot. Price 93,000. Exchange for modern Salem residence te 95500. NINE ACRE8 fruit and berry tract, near Roaeburg; 6 room hews ; bsra : poultry beaes. Price 83100.00. Want small acreage near Salem or other cannery town, tame value. 6V ACRES near Silvertoa. 'Good toil. Poor improvements. Price 91800 Exchange for Salem hoasa ta 925O0. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Conrt St. Ground Floor "Exchange Headquarters" REAL ESTATE Farms 53 FULLY EQUIPPED 910.000 for 98000 Terms Good building. Sandy loam soil, fer tile, aad most productive. Especially adapted for cor, alfalfa, clover, pott tost, grain, all kinds of vegetables, fruit and berries, in fart the best soil in tha valley. 40 A. rnder plw, 20 A. more easily cleared. 5 A. tiae fir tint- J bar, ttvertl springs ol good water. Fivs cows, horses, calf, chickens, til fsrm implemeata and tools, cream sep arator; located close to store, school. Oa . stage, cream, milk, rural routes, pax bouts daily. This farm ia for tale at sacrifice priee 98000, tanas. No trad, aa owner la leaving ate to. To tee tbia farm taap So my Agents Lovit Bechtel J. D. Start Earl Tucker. 841 Stats St. Rooms 8 tad 4, Baynt Bldg. SOME BARGAINS IN ACREAGE HOMES NEAR SALEM 18 asroe, 5 room house, only 3 miles out on ptvtd rood, gravity spring ws ter piped to boot, good location; 10 a ere botteat land. 0 acres upland, fsaeed and mostly In eultivttlon, gar agt. poultry house. Price 99500, 9700 cash, good tan on balance. arret, good 5 room hoasa, bath room, eleetrie lights, garage, choice lo catisa, 3 miles frees Sslaaa en paved highway, all level laad ia cultivation. 94500. 91000 essh at will exehange for Stlem property. S aera on paved highway. Jntt out t!de of Ssism eity limits. Choice land, ? room hesae. bath, water srs teas, large poultry honso, bsra and fangs, plenty :' of trait for family ass. Pries 960OO. 91500 eath or will exchange for a lar ger acreage farm. 300 tera ataek farm with good build ings, plenty of spring water for stock handy. AboaA 70 aeret 1 cultivation. Owner too old to handle farm. Priee jadaced to 905OO. Owner will tell on good terms er exchange for email acre age near Salem. Same party haa a store aad rssidenes, oil sad ga sta tion with 7 lota at Silver Crook Falls. Prie 93000. Will txehaag thit prop erty sad farm for property at or aear WHEN YOU- ARE LOOKING FOR GOOD BARGAINS ia 8a lam City prop erty or farms JUST STEP INTO THE WELLS TALLMAN REAL ESTATE AGENCY, 411 OREGON BLDG. Phase 717. , . - - USED CARS For Sate 6T HOIXYWOOD 435 No. Commercial Late Model Automobiles In Beautiful Condition We Invite Mechanical Inspection 1927 Ford Sedan Rucksteil Axle 1927 Type Dodge Sedan 1927 Jordan Eight Sedan j - 1927 Dodge Roadster - - 1926 Chevrolet Coupe - 1927 Star Roadster 1925 Hupmobile Eight Phaeton 1927 Ford Tourings Very Late 1923 Ford Coupe -1923 Willys knight Touring -AU True Values Save $$$ HOLLYWOOD Fords Old but in Good Condition Ia0 Roadster, pick ap box 9 80 923 Cssw 8 85 19x3 T oaring, RackstelL goad aide curteiBa .. .8100 1924 Track with War ford 6 apssd trteamriarea, as it price . 9125 Valley Motor Co. Canter st Liberty Telrphoao 1995 REAL ESTATE Farms 53 FORCED TO SELL My 18 seres located 8 mi. from Sa lem, -place is Beglectad but a little werk will bring it back. For ioormat os SEE 11 Y AGENTS LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 Statt Street. Phone 1737 FOR SALE 10 Acres mostly ia bearing cherries. 94290, terms; or would discount for rash. No incumbrances. So W. G. KRUEGER, Realtor 147 N. Com'l Phono 317 REAL VALUES 5 Acres 1 V miles East, large chick en house. 54)0 hen capacity, will ex chant for Sslom residsnxo. 10 Accss 1 '.4 miles from Marion Polk Bridge, good buihttage, imple ments, etc $5000.00. good terms. 160 Acrea in Lske County, Oregon, will exchange for Auto or Lot. 10 Acres iht miles South of Salem, House sad Barn, 5 Acres Orchard, will excesses for Sslem Residence. 10 Acres Osrdea Land. Rrver Rosd South, very ssay terms, 88500.00. MeOILCHRlsr a PENNINGTON. V. S. Bank Bldg. 66 aeret river bottom land. 40 seres in cultivstion. Fares psved highway. Oood buildings. Price 96500.00. Will take Salem property in trade for th full amount. 157 teres, 143 in cultivstion. Fenced into 7 fields. Excellent buildings. Good resds. It is a bargain at 915,000. Owner will tske a guod house ap to 86000, ss first payment and will give long tuna oa the be aiice. 65 acrea near Oernais. 60 acrea un der cultivation. Good buiidings. Mort gage of 93450 at Owner will take good car for hit equity tt he was to leave for California. 223 acres Ssntiam River Bottom land to trado for ernsTI farm close ti Salem. MONEY TO LOAN INSURANCE RICH L. REIMANN Realtor 219 N. High St. Phone 865 REAL ESTATE Sub. 54 FOR SALE 5 acraa all cultivated, psved rosd, house partially finished. Price $2200. 6600 dowa. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., Realtors 134 8. Liberty St. Phone 515 K1NGWOOD HEIGHTS, A HIOH CLASS restricted residence sddition. Msrvel oat view beautiful trese large sites Easy Terms City water lights streets. Telephone owner 2716. $25 DOWN, balance $10 per month boys 5 acres lorsted esst of Salem, good, dark prairie soil, gravel road. rrice $l,0OO. Interest 6 per cent. W. H. GRABENHORST k CO.. Realtors 134 8. Liberty St. Phone 515 BEAUTIFUL VIEW 5 aero tract, lo cated elote in to Stltm. Will txebange at ptrt ptyment oa modern Salem home. Price $9500. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. Realtors 134 8. Liberty St Phone 515 FIVE "ACRE HOME BARGAIN New 5 room plastered bungs low, garage aad wood shed, 500 black cap rasp berries, -Mint strswberriss, young fam ily orchard, psved rosd, close in. If yoa are looking for 5 acres, do aot fail to tea thit tract. Pries $3500. 9500 down, balance 910 psr month, in terest 6 per cent payable monthly. Jf. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. Realtor! 134 S. Liberty St. Phono 515 sawwet TRANSFER & HAULING 57 :afital crrr transfer co. nt Stat St. Tel.' 988. Omtribatiag. fa warding Bad s to rags tar specialty, tret ear rats. We Move Store and Ship Hoseehuld goods. Oar apoafarty kj tea aad furalture xaovisg. Wo alee saake eeantry trips. Wo handle the bast Coal and Wood CaR os sa for pricea. Wa give good sat, goo qaaiity aaa goo asrvMav Larmer Transfer Co. Tat. 92S. WATER 58 ORSOOB WASH. WiTXW SZBVTOB CO. Off is SOd SU Commercial St. Tan tear coat dlteewat a demos tic flat rt Mid ha awTaao. Ko deduttiaa far sk seaH.e or aay ess as ssUss wsttg it skat U year prstaiitt. wwaweMeMMwwwwweeWM TRAVEL 59 a FTsra new wArrntt room IN THE new hotel senatob Piesssat SshsAalaa Thirty Bid Book as Rodacod Rates A Swift and Rsliabta Package Ssrric Courteous Attsntam Ft at All Employ - Art a Few of th Offsr'-aga Man , tka Pabtto By FARKkVR STAGES, IXOL Slaw Leaving Tint: Dsllas: ft., 9:19 a. av. 11 :25 a. nv. ' a :so p. ax, ;xa p. an lnAapaadeae a Moamoutk : T a. nv. 9:15 a. nv. 11:19 a. av. 9 p. at, 5:15 p. at, 9:8tt p. am. (Sudsy ly Sirvortont T a. nv, 11a. av, 5 a. m. Fall City, McMiaaviUs, Newbsrg, Hill bora. Forest . Oravo, ShsriasM. Tills. Btookt 9:18 A. nw 2:10 . a. itU rs"laformstIn Call 3 23 tar 899. - AUTOS WANTED 6Q CASH PAID FOX FOBSaaXXB AUTO USED CARS For Sale 6) Phone 1027 5335.0U $585.00 51275.00 55&4.00 $385.00 $365.00 $685.00 $275.00 5100.00 $150.00 1928 Chevrolet Coach Bumpers, apart tire, license, twips aad mirror. Terms. Phoaa 3355W e van i aga sad Sasdsy. BERRY GROWERS ATTENTION HAVE 10 LIGHT CARS WE OAK REMODEL FOR LIGHT TRUCKS. ALSO OXE TON FORD TRUCK. .AND ONR 01JSI9OBILE TRUCK. ONE FORD WITH BOX ON BACK. ALL ARE REAL BARGAINS Open evenings and Sunday. Cottage A Ferry Bla. Fbone 409 Willamette Auto Supply Co. Packard Oldsmobile Used - Car - Specials 1926 Packard Six Club Sedaa 91900 1926 Master Six Bulck Ssdaa 1009 1924 Oakland Sedaa 850 1924 Oakland Coups d30 1984 Oldeanobile Coupe 935 ms Ovsrland Ssdaa 259 1924 Feed Coups ...t 221 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM ONLY FEW LISTED ABOVE TEN GOOD RUNNING AUTOMOBILES ALL KINDS ALL MAKES UNDER 9300 Capitol Motors. Inc. Biddy Bishop 350 Ko. High St. WILLYSKNIQHTS ARE BETTER ! USED CARS We have several, all PRICED RITE and sold under Gaarantoe Alfred Billingsley Motor Co. 833 Crater St. Phone 1460 MARMON MARMON Free Free Free WITH EVERY USED CAB SOLD BY US SATURDAY AND SUNDAY A NEW EX TRA TIRE WILL BE GIVEN WITH THE SALE ALT. CARS MUST BE SOLD. BARGAIN SEEKERS ARE INVITED Oldsmobile Sedan nearly new. ' Chrysler 50 Coup nearly new, Buiek 4 Cotclt a good bay. j! Peerless 7 Pasteager Sedan. Dodge Touring like new. Ford Roadster. Ford Coepe. 10 CARS PRICES FROM 935.00 TO 9200.00 Convenient terms Cottage A Ferry Sts. Pbene 409 GET THE HABIT A SHOP WITH MACDONALU WILLAMETTE AUTO SUPPLY CO. MARMON MARMON Pettyjohn's Better Used Car Values 1928 Baick Coupe ' 1928 Essex Coach 1928 Nash Roadster 1996 Nash Coop 1926 Ntth Enclosure Oak la ad Tosriag Franklin Tosriag Easex Touring Ford Coupe Ford Touring Happ Sedan Excellent vsluaa. Mercbandit thtt will give yos full aaessur of perform ear. Pricea lower than you woald ex poet. See them today. i F. W. Pettyjohn Co., 999 Ktrtb Commorei'tl St. . Tel. 1260 "After wa tell we servt" McKay's for Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts 1920 Ford Roadster 9 0.0 9 40.00 9 60.00 9100.00 9250.00 9300.00 ..$525.00 192, 1S23 1929 1928 1938 1937 1929 Chevrolet Touring Chevrolet Touring Chevrolet Toariag Ford Roadster Chevrolet Roadster Chevrolet Cospt VA ev.,L , w-.t.n elaa- ed onb, factory tkt body..937S 00 430 K. ComatersUL . TaL 1903 Douglas McKay . . Chevrolet Company