The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 06, 1928, Page 10, Image 10

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I 10 694
PLAN No. 634
Use of shingles for the
main part of the exter
ior, and half timber
and stucco for the
front gables, has re
sulted in a very at
tractive appearance to
the six-room house
shown here. t
Through using the up
per story for two bed
brooms, six major
rooms are provided by
the floor plan.
The living room is at the front of the house, with a fireplace at one end, the other
opening into the dining room, which occupies the wing and bay.
To the rear of the dining room is the kitchen with breakfast nook at the back end.
The kitchen has a large number of built-in features and was designed to save steps
for the housewife.
A central hall at the rear of the living-rosm provides access to the downstairs bed
room the stairs to the upper story and 1 the kitchen. The two bedrooms on the up
per floor are large. Lavatory accommoda ions are provided for these two rooms.
Spaulding Logging Co.
Salem, Oregon Telephone 1830
lift - cunwt : m : CIJfflBH
I' looin A ' III. . H
I 1 1. - I
1 ivf-rmsTTLOJV i
Beautiful Residence District
Three Miles South Ready
' For Viewing
before, also wu I tor In the
record bmlnesa. 3 v
:n if arch 19. moro retail de-
llTerlef ot Jrpa.ltX1f h.t-e,JhU
were reported to the factory thau
on aoy other alalia day la com
pany hlatory. hut ttta record waa
exceeded by 23 par cent on March
2f. Early in the month S00 whole
sale ordtre were receded In a
inri. iv to eatabliah another
hlrh water mark.
A material lncreaae In the dla
tributor and dealer' organliatlon
that immediately followed the in
troduction of the two new Marmon
atraicbt-eichU waa one of the
;rateat factora In the record buai-
With factory unfilled ordera con
inning to mount, the company ia
jreparing for. the areateat apring
auaineea In ita history and in April
and May will greatly lncreaae ita
production schedule to supply the
requirements of ita retail organl
Alderbrook. the first rural res
idence district adjacent to Salem
to be offered for aale under build
ing reatrictiona. haa been opened
by Mra. Winnie Pettyjohn, local
realtor, she announced late laat
Alderbrook ia on the Pacific
highway juat three milea aouti of
the Ladd ft Bush corner, and ia
jne of the moat admirably located
residence districts anywhere in the
Salem ricinlty. especially from the
standpoint of appearance.
Two beautiful modern six room
bouses hare been built, aa models
showing what can be done in this
Mrs. Pettyjohn states that this
addition has been designed espe
daily for those people who appre
ciate high class houses.
Inspection of the district is es
pecially invited today from 2 to
7 p. m., or any afternoon during
the week.'
. These homes include one acre
of ground approximately, and are
equipped with modern convenien
ces Including garage built into the The engine lubrication system
house, furniture, fireplace, tapes-f' the new Model A Ford car is a
try wallpaper, frigidaire and auto
matic electric pump.
From Available Figures
Group Leads In Making
Straight Eights
U.S. A. P
Engineer Tells of Practical
Tests Given New Cars
On Mountains
; Where are the best automobile
proving grounds in the United
Statesf Frank E. Watts, chief
engineer of the Hupp Motor Cai
Corporation, gives a reply which is
at once epigrammatic and prac
"The best automobile proving
grouds in the United States," he
ays, "are all over the Lnited
The remark illustrates the
method by which Hupp cars are
tested for performance and dura
bility before they are permitted to
go Into the hands of buyers.
"Wherever and whenever we
flail unusual conditions, especially
In concentrated forms," the Hupp
chief engineer explained, "we take
advantage of the facilities which
Nature has provided and man can
not duplicate even at very great
Hills can be built, Mr. Watts
went on to observe. So can race
tracks. But you can't manufac
ture unusual climate, wide atmos
pheric variations, high altitude
and real mountains. When Hupp
deslrea to make sure of the stam
ina of new cars or new car feat
ures, it subjects them to the ac
tual conditions they will have to
face in owners' use. .
, "Proving new cars, as we do It,
Is a rather expensive but decided
ly worth while practice," said Mr.
; Watts. "We send teat cars thous
ands. In fact hundreds of thous
ands of milea to subject them to
the experience that subsequent
owners will meet in their use ot a
; When we were developing our
Century cara and wanted to know
what they would do in extremely
cold climates, we aent some to
Minnesota in the dead of winter,
when the thermometer was suc
cessfully flirting with 40 below
temperatures. Thus we could test
them in actual and severe winter
conditions and were able to check
the cold weather efficiency of va
rlous starting and lubricating sys
teuns beyond all question.
"Other cars went in midsummer
to Phoenix, Arizona, when It was
120 in the shade and no shade.
Cooling systems can receive a test
there never possible anywhere
else. Upholstery and paint prove
theirun resisting qualities in Ar
izona; and oil and air cleaners are
(tried to capacity with alkali dust,
which is extremely destructive to
engines. In fact, general hot
weather performance can be ac
curately determined in the Ari
zona test.
"To find out what a car will do
in high altitudes we take it to
Colorado and Utah and when It
has climbed over the Rockies for
a few months we know all about
ita axle gearing and Ita power and
hill climbing abilities all about
the effect of high altitude on car
buretors and cooling. But high
altitude conditions don't exist in
Michigan and can't be reproduced
"To test the 'mud hog' ability
of a car we choose Kentucky, Ten
nessee Or Missouri, each of which
can boast a special brand of mud
unexcelled for etickineae and gen
eral contrariness. Here we ride
for milea, running boards drag
ging through mud, carrying, in
addition to a fall load of passen
gers and luggage six hundred
pounds or more ot juat plain mad.
Then we know what road clear
ance and engine power mean.
"We send cars south and stop
off for a moment at the famous
Uniontown hill but not for long
for there are hills in the Carolina
even more difficult. We try them
out and pass on to get the effect
of sea level altitudes on carbur
etors and other features that must
suit both low and high altitudes
The salt alr'e effect on perform
ance and car finish are incidental
revelations which are carefully
"Before wo ever show the pub
lic any of our new models, we
know juat what they will do in the
hands of their owners. We don't
have to use slide rules and add
ing machines to figure out from
theoretical data what their hill
climbing abilities are or what ef
fect altitudes or temperature vari
ations will have. The cars have
already shown us. They have
passed the acid test of actual road
performance on the precise kind
of roads and in the precise condi
tions where owners will use
House Paints, Barn Paints
and Stains
Manufactured in Salem
Guaranteed white lead and linseed oil base, manufac
tured by experts with more than fifteen years experi
ence with the largest paint manufacturers. Cat your
paint cost. Buy a home product direct from the fe
tory. Save SL60 per gallon. Phone us for free estim
ate on painting and suggestions. ' ' - - .
White Lead Oil and Turpentine V M
Varnish for Less
Factory 2649 Portland Road
Phone 2783
i .
Parasitic growths of a high pow
ered civilization, one cynic has
declared, remove the surplus in
come of Inflated travelers painless
ly but with Unerring skill. Wom
an's Home Companion.
PARIS Mile. Teresina, who at
20 weighs . S00 pounds, plans a
home of her own-. When she retires
from the show business she will
have a . house with made-to-order
doors, beds and chairs, and will
spend the rest of her days, she says
knitting and reading. ,-
In March, for the second consec
utive month, the Marmon Motor
Car company broke all monthly
production records In its history
and, at the same time, established
two new daily sales records and
shipped more cars to foreign coun
tries than ever before.
March shipments of the Mar
mon '6S" and "78" exceeded the
previous high record established
in February of this year by slight
ly more than 20 per cent. A sim
ilar increase was recorded in ex
port shipments which were 19 per
per cent greater than last May, the
per cnt gratr than last May, the
largest month in 1927.
From all figures available it ap
pears that the company so far this
year has manufactured a greater
number of straight-eight automo
biles than any other company in
the Industry. In the first quarter
of 1928 the company more than
doubled its business over the same
period last year and has a produc
tion schedule for the remaining
nine months that shows an even
larger increase over 1927.
Included in the record March
were four solid trainloads of auto
mobiles, one to Montreal, Canada,
which was the first trainl6ad ever
to be shipped by Marmon outside
the boundaries of the United
States. Two trainloads were ship
ped ' to the eastern seaboard and
one to the Pacific coast. The Bos
ton automobile show, during which
Marmon sold more cars than ever
Special System Now Exclu
sive Development and
Very Efficient
combination of pump, splash and
gravity feed which is an exclusive
Ford development.
In design and in operation it is
simple and positive and repeated
tests have shown it to be ideally
suited to this somewhat revolu
tionary type of four-cylinder, medium-speed,
The oil pump is located in the
bottom of the crank-case and is
run off a gear on the camshaft. It
is enclosed in a fine mesh wire
screen through which the oil filt
ers before it is pumped up into
the valve chamber. The screen is
surrounded by a shield so that the
oil is pulled through it, rather
than flowing in by gravity. The
oil flows into the valve chamber
in a continuous stream whenever
the engine is running, but is in no
sense a "forced" feed. It is rath-1
er the full load of the pump being
delivered in a smooth, flowing
stream. The principal purpose of
delivering the oil to the valve
chamber is to provide direct grav
ity feed lubrication to the bear
ings of the crankshaft. However
it also supplies exceptional lubri
cation for the valves, giving bet
ter and quieter action, - and by
gravity to the front and cam-shaft
Small pipe openings lead down
from the valve chamber to the
crankshaft main bearings and oil
flowing down these by gravity pro
vides an abundance of lubrication
The bottom of the valve chamber
is so arranged, through the use of
small, inbuilt dams to provide res
ervoirs of oil for each main bear
ing pipe opening.
As the engine rests in the chas
sis on a three-degree angle, slop
ing to the rear, the oil arriving in
the valve chamber flows back,
filling the first reservoir; then
over the little dam, filling the sec
ond reservoir, and then over again
to the third and last reservoir.
From this point the overflow oil
Is carried by . an external pipe
down to the front end of the oil
pan In the crankcase where it
flows back over the pan, filling
the troughs through which the
connecting rods are lubricated and
. Remember the Larmer Transfer and Storage Has mov
ing vans and good supply of blankets and pads for furni
ture handlers.
Have jut completed our new three story concrete
warehouse and are now well prepared to handle best of
furniture and pianos.
When ready call 930 and let us serve you
from which all other moving parts
are sprayed by the splash system.
From the pan the oil flows to the
bottom --of the case to bo pumped
back again.
This rather unique system of
engine lubrication is responsible in
large measure for the excellent
performance of the motor at a
wide range of speeds and under all
climatic conditions. When the
Model A car waa In Ita experi
mental stages much of the road
test work waa done In midsum
mer, yet there never was a single
Instance of engine overheating.
At 665 North 21st Street T
Whose Motto Is
Invites you to see the last word in decorating and in
spect a home which is now offered for sale. .
. - f - ? f
A ft
"The Battery Man"
See him today: He'll save you money and
give you service that satisfies
Corner Center M a
Telephone 198
C Willie a D
OH lllM(ll(DaiDl
f wmieirfiiM
. liar iif uiui l' '"'nil ' i . r?. m
W""V', HSHfSu
t it i a aaBak a - w -i;r ::::i;::n. jtiijL-T.ri:;'i :i;
j$ mm
m j Automatur jltWiBi
& f 9 - p . T WmSmm &y
. - t&kw-hsWgy
t? ' . I l,:iTr-i"':
INSTALLED ready to prepare your first meal in
Hthe flavor zone" upon the initial payment of
fouweventy-five! If you are not now using an electric
range-ybu'll taste the best food you've ever served.
During May. we're offering these standard, depend
able electric ranges at the most attractive terms in our
merchandising history.
Come in and let us point out the advantages of electric
cookery. Fuller flavor less cdrudgery--hb?&r hours!
No interest on deferred yments.t i
X37 North liberty Street ' Salem, Oregon