The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 05, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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    Pioneers and Others Interested in Doing Them Honor Will Gather at Champoeg Today for Annual Founders' Day Observance
DeMolay Conclave. Willamette University Max Day and the Kiivanis Division Confarenrp RnnwrJ
-.--.-' . . r s J -wuv.v ii,vii .a. ksjj iiiuimji C 1 COtCl etc y
- Weather forecast: Generally fair but un
settled - probably with showers In north
west portion; moderate temperature; sen
tie variable winds. Maximum temperature
71, .minimum 44i river 4.9, rainfall none,
atmosphere part cloudy, wind west.
Notice how many nice looking, trimly
dressed girls walked down North Liberty
street past the chamber of commerce head
quarters yesterday? Of course, the fact'
that the DeMolay boys were meetins there
had nothing, to do with it.
- ' ..ft,
nrnnun iiiiiiiii
1910 Honor Roll Pupils Will
March at 10 a. m.; Event
Holds Interest
Marks Advance That Has Been
Made in Practice of Health
Principles In Schools; Unique
Event in West
Promotlr at 10 o'clock thisJ
aborning the second annual Marion
county honor roll parade will get
under way from Marion Square.
with, approximately 1910 heralds
-&T nealth representing 113 county
schools in line to make today's
event one of the most picturesque
JLJfO and interesting paraaes to ne stag
ed in Salem.
Throughout the present school
year teachers have been talking
health and diligent study: the
county health workers have been
preacHing health, "measuring'
health and health advancement in
the numerous clinics that have
been conducted in the schools; and
lastly, but first in importance, the
children have been practicing
health. Today those children who
have corrected remedial defects.
who have been good boys and girls
at school, and who have other
wise fulfilled requirements to be
come heralds of health are cele
brating their attainment in the
honor roll, parade.
'Unique Event Here
The first honor roll parade was
held in Salem last year and was
the first health, march west of the
Vf-y crson," county. -school auperln
IT tendent, and the members of the
ia- county child health demonstration
the hug march of the county's
healthiest school children.
Complete line formation was an
nounced yesterday and will in
clude: Color guard furnished by the
American Legion.
Heralds of health banner car
ried by two boys.
Steelhammers' band of Salem.
A Tilting DeMolay band of 30
piece sin uniform.
All county and city officials.
Members of the staff -of the
county health demonstration. -
The If 10 heralds of health, di
vided into four sections with each
school designated by a small post
ter carried by the leaders. '
f I Form by Districts "
School children will form tin line
by districts, beginning with number-one,
with section leaders as
' (Cos tinned n pf 4)
r-r a tw vr -v it-
rrji uivco Kivjits
Exciting Scene leasts for Approxi
mately One Minnie at Portland
. PORTLAND, May 4, (AP)
Stinging epithets punctuated
-' the hearing here today of charges
made by Senator George W.
, Joseph against John L. Rand.
chief justice of the Oregon su
preme court. Despite efforts of
the , committee of attorneys con-
ducting the hearing to preserve
an atmosphere; of dignity, such
terms as "skunk," "scoundrel,"
'liar," and "blackmail,'' were
bandied back, and forth in the
courthouse, to be accompani
ment of a near fist fight and In-
imitations to "go outside and set-
tie it.' The climax was reached
with the arrival of a deputy sher
iff who threatened to take the
belligerents to Jail.
During the course of the bear
ing. Joseph and Thomas Mannlx
who recently in his open letter
said that there Is some mysterious
- person . who knows damaging
' things. But Joseph would not re
Veal the Identity of this unknown
and he Reminded . the committee
that it had no power to summon
the: person or to administer an
oath if the Individual should vol
, natarlly come.
' . -?he : near ' fight, with dramatic
features and activities, came with
- startling suddenness, held the
I stage for scarce a minute and was
over before 'many of the specta
, i.tors could recover from' their as
... tonishment. Joseph was t on his
'; feet. Inferring that the " option
which Mannlx held on the' Rand-
'iyr' McCarthy mine was Influencing
1 CCM A TAD 1X7 A I CLf v'l
Montant Senator Makes Graceful
Exit From Presidential Pri
mary Campaign
Formal withdrawal of Senator
Thomas J. Walsh of Montana from
the race for the democratic pres
idential nomination: furnished the
high light in another day of rapid
ly moving political! developments
in the national capital.
The Montana senator, famous
as the prosecutor of the senate's
Teapot Dome inquiry, expressed
the view that recent events quite
clearly Indicate that the demo
crats desire as .their candidate
Governor Alfred E Smith of New
York who now is well ahead of
his field in the fight for delegates.
: Announcing that he would carry
on bis fight to the finish. Senator
James A. Reed of -: Missouri said
he wished, the Mostanan had ar
rived at his conclusion before he
muddled the waters by entering
the California primary, and added
that if he were a general in a war
he would not surrender his army
because he had "lest a skirmish.1
While the democratic cam
paign thus was taking a new
twist, the special senate campaign
funds committee laid plans to be
gin its investigation! into pre-con-vention
campaign financing next
Monday by examining first candi
dates for the republican and dem
ocratic presidential nominations
who are members of congress.
Governor Smith advised the
committee that he would' be glad
to appear one day the middle or
last part of next week. Chairman
Steiwer said the committee prob
ably would not ask the governor
to come to Washington but would
proceed to Albany to hear him
there. The same procedure may
be followed In the! case of Gov
ernor Ritchie of Maryland, the
only other active state governor
now In the presidential race.
On bohaAt Jt ficreUry Hoover
it was stated that Jhe would ap
pear, whenever called but if the
committee received any reply;
from Frank O. Lowden, the other
leading contender for the repub
lican nomination, the fact was not
made known.
The committee received prompt
acceptances of its Invitation from
these candidates: : republicans.
Curtis of Kansas; Goft of West
Virginia; Watson of Indiana;
Borah of Idaho, and Norris of Ne
braska. Democrats? Reed of Mis
souri; George of Georgia: Walsh
of Montana, and Hull of Tennes
see. ' ! .
Another interesting event of the
day was a Msit paid to Senator
Borah by Mrs. Clem Shaver, wife
(Continued on Pl )
Pioneer Aviator Suddenly Dives to
Death in Machine
(AP) Leonard Bonney, a pioneer
aviator was carried to his death
today when hte strange wing-flapping
airplane crashed in its first
flight. . '
Bonney. who was taught to fly
by Orville Wright, called his craft
the Bonney gull, because he had
shaped its wings as closely as pos
sible to those of the sea bird.
A large crowd witnessed the
take off and cheered as the ship
left the ground after a run of ap
proximately four hundred feet. If
rose about SO feet and appeared
to function excellently for a dis
tance of 3,000 feet.; 4
Just as the ship cleared the
boundary of the Held, it suddenly
nosed down and crashed on the
old Westbury golf course.
The flier had spent approximate
ly two years in designing and
bnilding the plane which was
equipped with a motor of his own
design, , It was said that he ob
tained many of his ideas for 1 he
ship from a study of a motion pic
ture of a sea gull in flight.
Dirigible to Complete Trip to J
.Spitsbergen Today
OSLO; Norway. May 4. (AP)
Continuation of the flight of the!
dirigible Italia to Spitsbergen bast
been postponed, until tomorrow by
General Umber to Nobile owing to
snowstorms and the forecast of
gales In' the arctic ocean during
the night. - .
The Italia arrived at Vadsoe, In
northern Norway.' this morning
after a non-stop flight from Stolp.i
Germany. -
A small rent was made In the
envelope of the ship In landing bat
this was not?-expected to 'delay
further flight.' Fresh- sappliea of
fuel were taken on at Vadsoe In I
nninntlnn fn- th. vnfc 4.L
arctic waters at Klnrs Bav Snlf.
. .... , ; ...
oergen. . - : -
Woodburn High School Glee
Club Wins First Place in
North District
All Community Club Entries In
I-t District Contest Excell
ent; Close Race Predicted
For Finals Xest Week
With every available seat in the
Elsinore theater taken and the
overflow standing in the lobby
and aisles last night. It was prov
en that interest Is still at Us
height In the Friday night com
munity club competitive enter
Picking a winner out of last
night's series was no easy task for
the judges. George Arbuckle.
Charles R. Archerd and Fred
Theilsen. Each performance was
seemingly as good as the other.
The Judges declared the Wood
burn club winner or the first
prize which was 10 in cash pre
sented through the courtesy of
the Bishop Woolen Mills store.
The Woodburn club presented its
high school glee club which is un
der the direction of Miss Rhoten.
The club consists of both boys
and girls voices. While the
chorus sang a small girl came to
the front, giving a feature dance.
They were applauded for several
Hubbard Band Second
The second prize of $5 went to
the Hubbard club, which featured
Its large community band under
the direction of Dr. De Lespanas-
e. "Members of the band ringed
from lt tof fyars old." and' In-!
eluded both men and women.i
dressed In white uniforms. The
timing and harmony of the music
was nearly perfect and it could be
(Continued on page 4)
Accident Takes Place Near Rose
burg; Was On Way Here
y ROSEBURG. May 4 (AP)
John W. Mott, of Astoria, repub
lican candidate for congress, es
caped serious injury today when
his automobile went into the ditch
about four miles north of Rose
burg. Mott had started to Salem
and had turned partially around
in his seat to adjust a hand bag
in the rear, and in doing so
swerved his car to the right and
off the grade. Mott received a
few bruises and was forced to
cancel a speaking engagement at
Salem tonight.
II SL if ' XI II
China scrambled political map confounds eeosraphers, bnt Washington's freshest Information
fixes factional control approximately a shown abo ve, thongb it change efteau Peking, held by Chang
MKiw pmiiw approximately a an
A? f to ? Prtofip-1 prUe In
. ueiweew nia lerriiory
der Chiang Kal Shek. . '
Anti-Foreign Feeling Runs High
' With Japanese Bearing Chief
1 Brunt of Attack
Americans in Tsinan are safe,
says a dispatch dated noon yester
day and received here today from
the consulate at Tsinan.
PEKING, China. May 4. (AP)
The capture of Tsinanfu, capi
tal of Shantung province, is the
greatest nationalist victory since
the Nanking affair In March 1927.
and has been the occasion of a
able with that at Nanking, threat-
ening even more serious Interna -
Tn tha BtfoAb ..!..) fAnln.
the Japanese have been the!l " " '
vcicuucrg which iDlv.nM
Anglo-American warships filled at
Nanking. However, whereas dis
agreements obviated positive in
ternational action against the na
tionalists after the Nanking affair.
Japan has virtually a free hand
to deal with the present situation.
Already a Japanese brigade
from south Manchuria is moving
toward Dairen,genrout to Tsing
tao, from which place 600 addi
tional Japanese infantry depart-;
ed today to succor their hard
pressed comrades at Tsinanfu.,
With General Chiang Kai-shek,
commander in chief of the na
tionalist troops, himself at Tsin
anfu, uniformed nationalists yes
terday morning invaded and loot
ed the foreign quarter. A battle
between the Chinese and Japanese
ensued and so far as can be learn
ed It has not yet ended. There
were considerable casualties on
both sides among the troops with
the death of many civilians and
heavy loss of property belonging
to British, American and Japan
ese ; residents, duo. to the looting
H. M. S. Bacchus Limps Into Port
At Portland, England
PORTLAND. England, May 4
(AP). The crippled warship
Bacchus reached a haven here to
night with the survivors of the
crew of the Greek steamer Ioan-
nis Falfalios, which it had sunk
in a collision in the channel to
day; Ten of the Greek sailors'
were drowned and two others died
after being picked up from the
The Bacchus was so badly
crushed forward that it was in
grate danger of sinking. Its
crew was able to navigate it slow
ly, stern foremost (since it was so
down by the head) toward this
port until two tuga and the bat
tle cruiser Tiger came to its aid
and took it in tow.
. x i mm fki i
the civil war. mm d the northern dictator H now hurrying force. Into
ana mat or toe .tuiKUg government
whole Valley iv whth
Five Billion Gallons of Water
Turned Loose; Six More
Structures Threatened
tAP) Several thousand persons.
residents of the South Saluda river
valley, along a fifty mile stretch
late tonight fled for their lives as
some five billion gallons of water,
breaking through the new earth
dam of the Greenville water sys
tem threatened their homes and
' Six other dams were in the path
0 the expected torrent and it was
feared some of them might break
"fng oth" b,11l,ons of a"ons f
'f " lue
The dam which was 700 feet
long. 140 feet high and fifty feet
thick at the base, this afternoon
showed signs of weakening about
a drain pipe in th ecenter. Super
intendent Perry was summoned
Immediately and reached the
scene 31 miles north of here, and
in an isolated section, shortly be
fore ten o'clock tonight.
. From the nearest telephone,
nine miles from the dam, he re
ported at 16:30 o'clock tonight
that a half hour before the dam
still was standing but that water
was shooting from a hole com
pletely surrounding the central
drain pipe and that the structure
was apparently certain to collapse.
The drain had been opened be
said, and all possible efforts were
being made to lessen the water
pressure. J
Meanwhile word of the menace
was telephoned to all towns along
the valley and couriers were sent
to warn residents at outlying
points. Steps were taken to
strengthen 'dams at Greenville.
Pledaon.-Ware A Shoals, Pelxer
and Bel ton.
Residents of the lower sections
of Piedmont, a city of 4.000 per
sons, were warned to flee and late
(Continued on pge 4)
Ruby Richter Seeks $23,000 for
Care and Affection
Alleging that the love, affection
and general caTe bestowed upon
T. W. Steiger up until the time of
bis death has been worth $33,000,
Ruby Richter yesterday began
action in circuit court to recover
that sum from his estate. The es
tate itself is said to be worth ap
proximately that amount.
F. N. 'Derby, administrator of
the estate, is named defendant.
The action is brought on two
ment between Ruby Richter and
Steiger and the other for the
value of her services to him.
to repei the latter' troops
iiiiiiiii iii niirrii
.H hr U hr 111
Anna Mae Wells to Preside
at Formal Dance Tonight
at the Armory '
Business Meeting, With Selection
of Nxt Year's Meeting Place
and Election of Officers,
Slated For Today
More than 400 representatives.
including delegations from every
ueiioiay chapter In the state.
each wearing his little purple and
gold cap. Invaded the city yester
day to attend the sixth annual
state DeMolay conclave which Is
being held here this week end.
Much interest was aroused over
the election of the state DeMolay
conclave queen, as nearly every
chapter had a candidate In the
At 4 o'clock representatives of
each chapter locked themselves in
a small room at the Masonic tem
ple and the queen of the conclave
was chosen by lot, with hundreds
of DeMoIays waiting outside to
hear the result. In a short time
it was given out that Miss Anna
Mae Wells, queen of the Medford
chapter, had been chosen as ruler
of the conclave for this year. She
will be presented with a beautiful
silver loving cup which is being
awarded by the Chemeketa chap
ter of this city, and preside over
the formal dance tonight.
Rev. Ferrey Welcome
Delegates registered at 8 o'clock
yesterday morning in the cham
ber of commerce rooms, registra
tion being in charge of Homer
Richards. At this time some 245
delegates-formed a line down the
stairs and onto Liberty street.
At 1 o'clock the delegates were
called to order in the Masonic
temple by Master Councillor
Charles Bier of Chemeketa chap
ter, who is directing the activi
ties of the state conclave this
year. The conclave was opened
by inging "America." followed
by invocation by Rev. Norman K.
Tully of the Presbyterian church.
An address of welcome was given
by Rev. Martin F. Ferrey. re
sponded to by Harold Tomlinson,
senior councillor, Chemeketa
chapter. The roll was called of
all the chapters represented and
(Continued on pe 4)
Coolidge Voices Decisive Disap
proval of Farm Measure
Even before finishing touches
have been applied at the capitol.
the shadow of a presidential veto
arew perceptibly darker today!
over two of the major legislative)
efforts of the present congress
the Mississippi flood control and
McNary-Haugen farm relief bills.
President Coolidge has been giv
ing careful study to the two meas
ures and as far as he has ascer
tained, neither has been revised
sufficiently to meet the objections
he previously had raised.
He regards the farm measure,
which today formally was sent to
conference between the house and
senate, as still embodying the fun
damental principles to which he
has expressed strenuous disap
proval. As to the flood bill, he
believes that but little has been
done to meet his views.
Will Urn Kroeplin and E. L. Hisch-
"kcron Arrested Today
Two .more were added to the
lone lists of arrests made here
lately on charges of having pos
session of intoxicating liquors.
William Kroeplin and B. L. Hisch
keron were both arrested shortly
after midnight this morning by
city traffic Officer Edwards and
Officer Zimmerman, federal agent.
charged with -baring nearly a
quart of liqnor la their car at th
time of arresLBotn were under
thwntlnenco of the liquor and at
the tamo time trying to operate a
machine in the city, the officers
ilalaneeBoth are being held- In
tne cxiy jau ana win presamy nave
a bearing In police court this aft
ernoa. t
About the same time the police
were notified that a small touring
car with glass enclosure had been
stolen from off the streets of 6a-
lem. The machine belonged to R. Jin
Cantll of Canby. .
- . - i , . .
Many Prominent Men From Tbls
City to Make Trip to Famous
Old Place
Today will be a busy day at
Champoeg park.
The Champoeg Historical High
way association will hold a meet
ing this morning, followed by the
regular Founders Day progrsm be
ginning at one o'clock in the after
noon. The afternoon s program is
sponsored by the Oregon Histor-
cat Boneiy ana iauve ouaj iuui
Daughters. Judge Peter II. D
Arcy will preside.
This morning's meeting will be
presided over by Dr. Henry E.
Morris of Salem, president of the
Historical Highway association.
Addresses will be made by Tom
Kay of this city, state treasurer.
and Milton A. Miller of Portland.
The usual arrangements have
been made to have the ButtevIUe
Grange ladies serve chicken sup
per at the grange hall from S to 8
p. m. '
A strong recommendation has
been made for those who are able
to see the proposed bridge site at
Butteville to do so. It was here
that three men from the Ladd Hill
chamber of commerce and three
from Butteville grange started the
first wheel turning for a new his
torical highway. This was on
March 10, 1927.
For -those coming, dancing and
other entertainment will be pro
vided at the hall, beginning at 7
p. m.
Machine Comes Down As Wing
Drops Off Suddenly
DAYTOX. Ohio, May 4 (AP)
Three mep were killed here to
night when an airplane crashed on
Johnson field. Those killed were
Harold Forshay. an army reserve
pilot; Walter Clark, machine op
erator and Blair Cross, a plumber.
all of Dayton. . , , j ,
Forshay borrowed the airplane
from Alfred Johnson, owner of
Johnson field, to take Clark and
Cross for a ride.
The plane was 1500 feet in the
air when a wing fell off.
Heralds of Health Affair flnd
ISO Pupils in Procession
Silverton schools had so many
pupils on the county honor roll
they will not be able to attend the
gigantic, parade in Salem today.
But that none might be disap
pointed, Silverton schools Thurs
day united in having an heralds of
health parade and program of
their own, reports Miss Anne
Simpson of the Marion county
child health demonstration, who
attended the event.
Silverton has 139 heralds of
health, the largest number in any
town in the county.
Following the program, held in
the Eugene. Field auditorium, the
139 children paraded through the
streets there.
Numbers on the program were:
Oregon song, all students; talk by
Robert Goetz, superintendent of
Silverton schools; dance of greet
ing; play by Eugene Field school;
a song by Mrs. Bennett's group;
play by children from Washington
Irving school; song by Intermedi
ate grades of Eugene Field
school; talk by Miss Anne Simp
son who Is cooperating with
County Superintendent Fuikerson
in staging the parade; song, Am
erica, all.
Banquet at Marion Ends Division
Conference Here Today
Over two hundred Kiwanians
and their ladies attended the ban
quet at the .'Marion Hotel last
night which concluded the divis
ion conference of Kiwanis here.
Hal E. Hoss of Oregon City was
toastmaster. , ... t .
The principal guest of the day
was A. H. Syverson, district gov
ernor of Kiwanis. who was here
from Spokane. Dr. Henry Mor
ris, division lieutenant governor.
presided at the afternoon session
at Nelson Hall;
Whitrier, California. Led Wins Or.
v ' " atorlcal Meet' " '
Harold P. Ptatee. Jr.. represent
ing Whlttier, CallL; union . high
school, won first place tonight In
the Paelfls southwest final of the
fifth national oratorical contest. !
Pettee won' the right to repre
sent 'the Pacific southwest in the
national semi-finals at Oklahoma
City. The final each- ttr fcLt
Washington! D. C. Pettee spoke
a ''Liberty ad the Constitution."
Corortation Ceremony and
Dances Surpass all Pre
vious Presentations
Governor Patterson Crowns Queen
Virginia Merle; May Morning
Breakfast, Track Meet on
Program Tolay
Never before did nature smile
so beautifully on Willamette uni
versity's annual May day events ae
it did yesterday.
: And never did the students par
ticipating respond so admirably to
the inspiration of that smile. The
coronation ceremony and May dan
ces in the afternoon attracted
record crowd of townspeople and
high school student guests, and
every detail of the program '
outstanding In Its perfection.
Governor Officiates
Queen Virginia Merle and her
retinue led by the men's quartet
slning the traditional "Make Way
for the Queen," entered the court
at 1:10 o'clock. After introductory
remarks and a welcome by Prrl-
dent Charles Redding of the Wil
lamette student body. Governor I.
L. Patterson performed the cor
onation ceremony. Margaret Ar
nold and Frances McQilvra sang a
duet appropriate to May day.
Then came the dances, and ev
erybody agreed that they were be
best ever presented by Willamette
students on May day. Best of all.
perhaps, were the butterflies, Ae
nes Enamel. Harriet Hjigeman, Ha
zel Sbutt, Mildred Pugh and paal
ine FIdley, and then again PlerctUs
and Pierrot, Florence Power and
Mary Allen, perhaps were Just s
perfect they gave the best pres
entation of this characteristic
dance, at any rate, that has ever
been seen on this occasion.
! Dances Best Ever
The excellence of these danors
was due to the direction of Mies
Allda G. Curry, head of the wens.
en s physical education lni
ment at the university.
The queen's retinue included
the heralds, Ronald Craven, Wen
dell Robinson. Willis Hatha.
and Walter Kaufman; the attend
ants, Genevieve Junk and Phoebe
Smith; David Smith, Jr., crewa
bearer;! Robert Findley and Rich
ard Steeves, pages; Suzaeoa
Schramm and Valerie Karr, flow
er giirls.
i Dancers in addition to those al-
Continned on ptf 4)
Methodist, , General Conferee'
Takes Strong Stand For
Prohibition Enforcement
Opening of the trial of Bishop
Anton Bast, of Copenhagen, te
night on charges of imprudent
conduct unbecoming a minister
found another bishop of the Metaw
edlst-Episcopal church, the Rever
end Francis Jr McConnell, of Pitts
burgh, jalso facing possible action
on charges of rlolatinr church
dogma iand discipline brought by
tne Rev. George A. Cooke of Wil
mington, Del.
The charges against Bishop Mc
Connell attack his conduct of an
annual conference In. March lit!
at Wilmington, and his approval
or the teachings of the theory
of evolution which he gave la a
pamphlet Issued by the American
Civil Liberties Union In January
The PHtsburgb bishop, known
as one of the liberal leaders at
Methodism, was designated today
to sit al Judge in the trial of Bish
op Bast, who several years age
served a three months jail term fa
Denmark on conviction of mi saw
ing charity funds.
Mr. Cooke filed the charges late
today at the office of the secre
tary of the quadrennial general
conference of the church in ses
sion, here.
" Dr. R. J. Wade, the secretary,
said! the charges were .not a mat
ter for trial but "simply the cons-
plaint 'pf a ' minister against his
bishop which will be referred. to
the Episcopal committee."
- The 1 papers. Dr. Wade said,
were not properly signed bjr a del
egate to the . general conference,
which Is reqnlred by church rules.
He Indicated that the general con-
(CaatiaB(4 on 4)