THE OREGON STATESMAN, SAEEM. OREGON. TUESDAY MORNING MAY 1928 y .vf- ' 0 akl REAL ESTATE I - DIRECTORY ANDERSON iaV xnnR. Walton 19 8. Hix-h. UIM4 , BARBER BOSIe 200 Gray Bids. '-A,' ' BECKE A HZXDKICKS 164 JT. High. -. - - TeL 161 . . a boussstsot 14T JT. CwmtiU ' . ToL 177, W. 9V BRUWX .'A f " tT5 Stow. w. Jtei - LEO N. CHILB8 Ott, f JO Stat t. Tal. 1797 f&ed a. d&lajto- 100 X. Outre. TeL tUI homer D- foster bxaltt oo. 91 klxei Nat-Baa k. Midi- TaL 441 GASKILL EARLS 144 8. Liberty St. TeL 1244 W. H. GRABEXHOKST Ca 114 . Lsberty St. Tat 614 KELVIN .OBXBOX iio p. a. ma uu. TeL i W. Q. KBUSOXS 167 X. Cwm'L TeL 917 IOFLAB A LAFLAB mm Bash Baak Bid. TaL 444 LAJL3EN Ok KICK j - Oregon itiig. Tat. 374 W. A. LISTO 604-5 Maenads BUg. TaL sttl ABTHCB BAD SEX 9076 Xorth Capites. TsLMOT : MELLINGEB OOATITTI MOtHMtlii: TaU4179 W. o. KILLS Stilt SUh 84, TeL 179 W. B. M02XS 451 Court St. ToL 1919 JOHN W. OBB Kew BUgh Bid. TeL S4M GERTRUDE . St. PAGB 4(4 Court. TaL HI PEBRIKK HABSTERS 911-211 Qrmy Bid TaL SOT BICH L. KEIMiMB. Boa )tor 912 N. High Si. ToL 464 SALTM BEALTT CO. 482 Stata at. ItoMl 1. Tal. 1004 C11AB1XB SI'UBKJSI S10 Oragoa Bldg, Tai. 1919 KocoLorsKi a sob 804 S Pirat Nat. Monk Bldg. ToL, 7 : 9HJUABK DEAL BBALTT D. S. Baft Back Bldg. tfaL 47b TBIAXULv' BEALTT CO. 421 Court at. Tal. 851 ULBJCU 4t KOBKKTS 119 K. CoamareiaL TaL 1854 u. a. bxalte ca 441 State St. TcU 86t 9. L. WOOD 841 8tate St. Tal. 794 Lodge Roster CHEMEalETA lodge so. i, l o. o. f. Maata arj Wedneaday avaaaig at 7:80 o'clock; tkird floor of I. O OT F. Temple, corner ( Court and High Sta. AUCTIONEER F. N. Woodry 11 Tra. Salen'a leading Aaatloaaar and rurartirro JUaclar. ota.a, laio X. SamaMr St. Pkaaa 911 Ha F. .Woodry 3t Son Bight dewe town. Caaa paid for aad farniura. Store 271 K Canaa'L TaL 75. Agaate for iag Baagaa, 2 COL. A. L. STETXXSOB ACCTTONEEB 28 yaara ezparioaa ia the WilUaatte rallejr, for dates or arraagemaata aaa r. A. ioenier, rarm aartaar. rim am tioaal Bank, Salem. Phone at write, A. L. Steraaaon, GorvaUia. Ore. BATTERY-ELECTRICIAN 3 B. D. BABTOX EXIDS BATTERIES 8tartr aad gaaarator work; 202 Baatk High. 8 C Willed 3 ToL 198 i WkJlTu4 JUS KlLLtAMS ruCEXER ELEClhUO CO. HOUSE wiring by hour or contract. Eetiaaataa faraiaked. TeL HO 471 Coart St. U. S. L. Service Station i .latomo'tit Electrieiaaa Vick Bros. High St. at Trade. TaL 1841 Maruna & Harnsberger U S L AND GREAT WESTERN BATTERIES AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICIANS 215 Canter Street. Tel. 1915 ' In Connection witk Capitol Super i Service Statian BICYCLES Repairing 4 JXOTD X.' KAJfSDEhl COLOMBIA BI cyelea aad repairing. 987 Caoxv CLEANERS AND DYERS 5 CHEBBT CITY CLEAXERS. O. P. Uuaaa, 250 X. Liberty. TaL 884. CHIROPRACTORS 10 DR. H. R. SCOFIIELT. P. S. O. 991 Frrat MaUoaal Bank Bldg. DR. O. L. SOOTT. PfC. CHIROPBA0TOB 254 M. High. TaL 83 8-R, Baa. 2 104-J FLORISTS 11 FLOWERS FOR ALL OOOA810XS OUew'a. Coart High St. TaL SOL COT FLOWERS. WEDDIXO BOUQUETS Fanaral wraataa. deooratiaaa. C F. Braitbacpt. Doriat. 919 abate Street, - Tel. 80. INSURANCE 12 Insure Tear Homo or Car now. BECEJC 9) HENDRICKS Pkaaa 181 Bid. -.99 x. High FARM LOAX8 FLESTT OP MOXXT a loan aa a-aad tarm aaa art tr. ' CITY JJO'JiU are loaning Prar daatial Inaaraaea apaay aaoawy ea aitr reeideaee cad buaiaaaa prayarty at 9Vi per cent. y4as a oaramioaioa fiw ' kina. Bobona. Iaa, tvt , Oragak f Balldias. yoB kALE PIBST AXD SECOXD Mart . gag a. . Trent Oaoda. Caanraata . a heeaee will not t u 10 par eeaa.. -' BECKE HEHDBICKS Bailig Bldr. 189 X. Bigk St, WAFiTEDEmployment 13 HOUSE WORK OR HOUSEKEEPING. TaL X832-J. FOR RENT 14 TOR B EXT BUTCHER SHOP AXD . aqalpmoaw - Haaay ta g; aa taveat- FOR RENT Apts. 15 DUPLEX APT. t)l B. WlXTiaL IKOQM COTTAGE, FABTLT FCBNISH- 4. t Phone 1390-J. AP ARTM EXT. EMMA i MCHPHI Brm. TeL 1179-W. ;: GOOD S ROOV APARTMENT ' BEASOX able. 565 8. Liberty. S BOOMS AMD KTTCHBJiETT,- WA tcrr light u4 xaaL cteea In. $22.50. 655 kUrioa. 9 BOOMS KITCHENETTE, WA ter. light k fuel. -920 moot." Alfr4 Btrf, SU Xuim St FCBXISHED AND UNFCRXI8HED S apartments. I irginia Apart- inU, 879 X. Liberty. FCBXISHED APABTMEXT. 2 BOOMS watar. light foal. 918.00. Garaga 92.50 a month. 555 Marion St. ATTRACTIVE CXFURXISHED WELL heated v5 roam flat. Fireplace, sleep ing porch, (tnft. 1580 Center. Phosae 1362M. - PATTON APARTMENTS C O S T. , alexa, cttatortebla. mucoly (mraithao. PtivaU batk. Staaaa haat. Oowa toira distrtrl. Baatao! im priea. Par iatsparttaa call Pattoa't Baa Stora. Etectrfcal BofricoKtlom. raafea. Madtra, brick, kaatad. Apt. Bisk claaa roaidaatUl Siatriet. Ckaerfal. attractiva, Ugk. S raaai apartaanti t kaoa, 4&M. Oaa faniab raraaifiaa. S0M. A two row. faraiaka. 98T.&0. Iaapaetioa laTitad. cklMraa waleaaa. Ambassador Apartments M0 K. 1979 FOR REfiT Houses 17 5 BOOM BCXGALOW. GOOD COWDI- tiaa. Call 1540 Stata. 5 ROOM HOUSE 147 X. 18TH ST.. 913. STAN DUET FOLEY. Pboaa 947. ROOM DUPLEX HOUSE PCRXI8HED or aafaraiahad; u kalsooaiaa and paint. Call at S87 Miaaioa. FOR REX T ROO M MODERX bouaa; raoga and aoma furnitara; largo lot witk (rait. Phono Stifdar S89 or 80F13. . BOARD AND ROOM 20 ROOM AND BOARD 925.00. Com'L 1840 8. ROOM WITH 2 MEALS NEAR STATE House, 880 Chemeketa. Paoaa bi'li ROOM. BOARD. SIX OLE MEALS, SUB day dlnnera. Alexandria 1089 Cha maketa. Pnona 1588. LAUNDRIES 21 THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRY v Talaphaaa 15. e 208 8. High PST THE BOMB WET WASB LAOX ary. TaL 171. 1258 B Street. CAPITAL CITY LACXDBY "The Laundry afaPnra Materials" Telephone 185. 1S94 Broadway TAILORS 22 D. n. MOSHER TAILOR FOB MEX and woman. 474 Court Si. WANTED Misc. 23 FURNITURE PACKQ.O FOB SHIP Oiese- Powers Furnitara Co. WANTED: SHOWCASES, COCXTERS, Safe, Mirrors: must or in good condi tion. Pleaie notify P. O. Box lOd, City. WANTED PBIYATB MOXET FOB farm loans. Wa hare several epnlien tiaas aa hand. , Haw - kin A Re erne. inc aos uiagoa Bldg. WANTED OOOD WASHED OOTTOX Rags not amaaar than 1 yard w naa ; .k. I. aflw . .v, wifi mhu,.. uaVVSK frm paid far good claaa tajca, apply at Honyvood Needs Automobiles HIGHEST CASH PRICES ALL MAKES 435 No. CommerciaL Phone 102T More Than a Tonic More Than a 1 Health-Food A Natural Remedy! Pacific Health-Ore This prod net suppOss Xatrire with vital working and baiidiag ma I aria la provide. element to maintain the normal eh ami eat balance to insure the natural harm any and proper functioning of glnndn and er- gaaa and to maintain a net aad healthy blood ttreaa. Used aa a laiaaral water pleaeaat ie take one packaca is oafftoiaat for thne oaths treatment. Sold sader a aosltivo money-aaak guar an loo. MATTRESSES 24 Mattresses renovated by thb Capital City Bedding Co, 11S0 Sortk CapitoL Carted far aad delivered. Ail wark guaranteed. TaL 19. FOR SALE 25 PERENNIALS 5s PLANT, CHRT8AN- themama and Pansios 25 Dasea. Hall, end 8. 13th St.. Box 29. Pkone 719-M. FOR SALE Live Stock 27 GOOD FAMILY COW. REASONABLE. Giving between 8 nnd 4 gnlloa a day. Write Box 64, Statesman. HIGH GRADE JERSEY COW DUE TO freshen soon. A (pod one. ' Come nnd are her. Ciem V eager, near Finsar station. Fiva miles aontk from Salem oa Rivcraide drive. JERSEY, DARK. RICH 'AND PERSIS tent milker, gentla and nice. Xow pro ducing profitably and doe to f re ben again August 10. 85 takes her. Will be at the barn at the rear of 771 North Commercial Street Wedneaday afternoon. '. MINUTE MOVIES ED VVHEBLAH arpsaooto g9 03ekviN THE- O . . . ,if-vT- ARC hd ey the sEnuy. ?9"EX VENT TO THtt -CPUARTER-S W AnMCH WE AS. EL EANC3VDO VAAD VNSTAUED SENORtTA INEZ I - f 11 VETERINARIAN 2 PRXD W. LAXGE. ' YnTEBZXABIAB Offmw 530 8. CammarilaL .Tat. 118. TaL 1844V' WOOD SAWING 29 WOOD SAWTXO. PHOXB 19Tt 1919 Mortk CawmaraiaX V0F0irLir 30 OOOD DBY WOOD. rHOXB 7299. M, L. MayficM. GOOD DBY WOOD FOB TOC D. A. Larmar. TaL 99Q. 18 IX. OLD FIB 9M PI ft tick) TaL 9199. OOXD- GUARANTEED DRY WOOD COAL. TaL 19. Snloas Feel Caw 759 Trade. WESTERN UNION - TjME. TRUCKS - far kavliag. Weed to bcra. Call 919. 19 IX CE OLD FIB. DBY 9XD GROWTH, aad nab. C V. Hnrbaagh. 1418 High land Ave l-ftaae law. 18 Ueh dry mniwead at 99.90 par Wa4. 18 inch greem millmsad at 92-00 per load. TRACY TEL. 1919 OLD FIB WOOD. PRACTICALLY 8EA seaad. 98-50 card, aoeoatd growah 85 50. oa track, ear lota, Salem. J. M. Pee bles. Falls City. Oregon. GOOD GOAL OXT WOOD PROMPT PEL1YEBIES MILLMAX TOEL CO. TELXPHOblF. 149. ; C (SEE) A. AXlUtSOX FOB WOOD TO BURX SALEM TRA VS. s FTJIXi OO. GENERAL TSAXS7EB WORK. TBI. 929 BEST GBADB OF WOOD pry wood 4 ft, aad 14-taak. 7arga ktaas are aaeepaw ta hay. auu west ia wag aasaialty. rMast walrvaay aad raasstaaas prtan. FRED M. WELLS 940 S. Ckarcst TaL 1949 POULTRY AND EGGS 32 CUSTOM HATCHING. OBEOOX CAP! tal Hatchery. 2144 North Fifth street. Salem. Preoe 2420. BABY CHICKS TUESDAY, WEDXXS dsy. Oregon Capital Hateaary 2144 North Fifth street. Salem. Pkone 2820. FOR SALE WHITE ORPINGTON chickens 1 year old, B. W. D. tasted 92 each. Mrs. J. H. Wright. Rt. 1, Box 137. TeL lril. aVABY CHICKS EVERT MONDAY AXD Tuesday. 8 leading varieties. Beat torsi stock. Pnees reasonable. Bait Chieksnest 24 Mortk Cottage Street, aniens. BABY CHICKS AXD CUSTOM HATCH. ing Expert service men a efficiency aaa alga quality. All baby aniens tram narmt alecs, oincwuv veataa ana oi ficisllr Approved. Satom's oldest Cut- a . i i . wn i a au wu ntictu.1 piani; sraoao asaaa. s -datchary. MUSIC STORES 33 FOR RENT MEW PIANOS. Stiff Furniture Company. U. L. GEO. a WILL FIAX09. PHONO- grsphs, swwing mashiaea, aaaat asaste aaa ptaaa stndiaa. Repairing pkaaa grnpha aad aewmg mscblnea 442 State aurees. Bsiean. . MUSIC TEACHERS 33a MODERN PIANO JAZZ FRANK BUT- ton. Waterman eocrie. Stadto 980 N. Cottage, phono 2 163-J. KODAK FINISHING 34 FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH XVBBY 60s order Kedait wark. Kawuaga rartiaao. ura. Newspapers Magazines 35 TnE PORTLAND IjEGSAH SALEM A fancy. The Ace. TeL 848. THE OREGON STATESMAN, 90 CENTS par month delivered to your horns early each morning. TeL 99 at 588. IF XUU WANT TO GET THE BESf fans, natter saad five 2 rant stamps the Pacific Homestead. Sal am. Oregon, .far a three monta' trial sabstrrpttea. Meauoa this a a. POCLTRYMEM SEND EIGHT fWf coat atsmDS far sneeiat threw manias' trial for the : best aad aidast Journal ia the West. . Tks articles and adver- . tisemeats are of apeeial inter eat to tks penury breeders of tha Northwaas Martkweet Poultry Jaurmal. 211 8. Com- mmvial 8s. Salem. Oraawcv PAPERHANGING 37 PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE deroratenc, pa perhn aging, tinting, a BeliabU aarkmaa. PAINTING 33 CHAS. BENMETU rUTTIHS COX traeter. paiatiuc, pepar kaaging. 1281 J. 187 Weal VlUar. MISCELLANEOUS 39 FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPER. 19 eeats a taadla. Statesmen tfic, 215 Mouth Commaralal. WHITE SCOTCH COLL-IB AT STUD. Salem'a White King. Bogistar auaabar 58408 L Service guaranteed. PapplsS aad grewa steak for sale. Mrs. Ben nett, 1080 Casmaksta. Pkaaa 1589. Are You All There? Ckemieal aaalrsla of tha haman bad skews thai it la cemieeed of tha follow ing elemaate: Oxygaa. Carbon, Hyaiw Kb. Nitrogaa, Calcium, Pnaspherns, 4saiaai Snip bar. Sodium Chloride. Magnesium, Iron, ladiaa, Fluariars S1U aaa,'- Xiac. Manga naaa. - j Yaw aopply year body with tbaas ckemieal elemaate through tha oa4 yaw oat, the air yaw breathe nam tha watar yea driak. Oood kssttk depeadt mack spa law ehsmietry of tha body, aa tkss sopplwd sad maintained. Many reftnrd foods Is sunoa aaa today srs laexing to as slarmmg axteat ia theaa vital aad heahh Caaninag praparuea. aaft tola aefldeney rasaoaaibla for many ckxonia allmeata. Pacific Health-Ore is rick la tha majority of three elements and its use kaa aeeompHsksd marvelous resaits ia rasfsriag health. Give Natais s chance -yea U bo surpruod at bar t spensaa SK XOUJt DKL'UOJST TOUAT I fiLS .?AMT. MDCM 9P ING- TWeVT DOr4 f7ELO PRCED ixjna velasco . don gaspar. taken from his Dungeon cell AND bROUGV4T EE- - fore bctor Gomez ii13!i BUENOS WAS. J OH tXCELLENli sEAORTA : IW I I -NOdE GOMEL- MD0 VOU TO DAY Mave come, ME FROM THS bASDVT FlENn rfcC VOU NOT wd n i&j 1 f r 111 I n f I i MISCELLANEOUS 1 39 FOB SALEM 8CAYENGEB BESniCX oaB 197. t - . FTJBNITTJBB rjTOOlTERMO AXDBE. airing, elaee-s'owera Faraitara isiara. WANTED: USED PIANO cksaga oa Radios. Phonographs, or JraUmra. H. L. Stift Fsraitnia 0o- py. - STOVES AXD aTYOVBnBA10 STOVER FOB BALaV-RXUULLJ AD repaired by expert. Ail kxnda of wovaa w&o fanaa. Faaey and Ula. Hop baskets snd hooks, ksgasi h-aka, Sam Fanaa and Stove Works. 24 Oaart atrast. rs.rnvtr. osbukw iTD JL'XC HOUSE. 105-145 Coaler. TeL 898. All brads wf Jeak bought aad raOd: B Sock. Battlas. BaxraU. Hi dan. Pelts. We la, Pars. Tallow. Caaaara Barn. PO Bawt, Pitah, Pay perm mi OU. All kinds af Iran m mesa siwimw ta i Onion Skin Carbon Paper Typewriter Ribbons W. S. Du Fresno 79S E COtk St. X. Port land, Oragwa LOST AND FOUND 41 LOST LADIES YELLOW GOLD WRIST watch April 23. Phoae. 911. Reward. LOST -BAUSCH LOMB PROOF READ ing glass.. Silver and ebony bnndle. Return to E. Hofer- LOST ON NORTH CHURCH ST.. BE' twwen High School nad Bridge, brown leather pnrss. Finder plests lesvs at Palm Confectionery. FOUND PABCEL BETWEEN ECOEXE and Jnnetioa Ctbv Hun day, about soon. Person identifying ssme may hnvo it , by paying for nd. Write Albert O. Woodsrd, 1238 So. 4th St., Cottags Orovs. PRINTING 44 mm ITSVIIMUT. OIKlBl PA-hTPH tete, progrnm a, baseks. ar eay kind of nrtntlnc. anil at tea Stall ami a Friae. ing IVpartmaat, 814 TaL 94S. MONEY TOILOAN 45 FEDERAL FnRM LOAN 5. F. L. Wood. 841 8 tai St, i 548 STRAIGHT I LOANS CITY aad farm. W. O. Wright. '404 Masonic Bldg. P. H. BELL. 918 U. S. BANK BLDG. Boaidoaca nnd bastaeao Vaaaa. ToL 807 or S141-W- FEDERAL FARM LOANS REDUCED TO 5Va- F. L. Wilkinson, 203 U. 8. Bank Bldg., Salem. Oregon. SALARY AND COLLATERAL LOANS Repayable ia Weekly or Monthly In stallmants. GENERAL FINANCE COR PORATION. First Nst'l Bask. Tel. 1200. MONEY TO LOAN FOR BOILDZXG AND aw sitv nroporty. B. 8. Mortal aad L. . B. Martia, attorneys, 418 Oregon BaUdiac. TaL S044. CITY llj TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates Xo Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAM ASS'X. 708-8 Fin National Baak Baiidiag Phono 457. Salem. Oregon. CITY AXD FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Bast terms attainable. Our in aranca department offers yea, ex pert adfiee snd ssrvics in all Unas. HAWKINS ROBERTS (Ine) TeL 1427 905 Orrgoa Bldg. WANTED LOANS 46 WANTED Private money .te loan a KE1L ESTATE. v W. U. GRABEXHORsTT CO. 184 S. Liberty St. PLUMBING 47, PLUMBING AND GPJiEK L REPAIR work. Grabar Brat, 144 8. Liberty TaL 550. BUSINESS OPPR. 48 FOR LEASE: Several attractive ground floor store or offie rooms, well located. W. H.; CBABENHOBST A CO.. Realtors 134 8. Libeity St. TeL 519 DISTRIBUTORS If yea are looking for an exclusive proposition a apecia'.ty of merit, where money makinr possibilities are unlimited, wa have it. Wa want men financinllv able to carry stock, open office aad mnnsare salesmeu. Choice territories now open. Write or wire Premier Specialty Co.. Suite 601. Com mercial Exchange Bldj., Los Angeles, California." RADIO 49 Radio las For avory pwrpota. for ovary porno--All standard sisee of Radio Tubes. EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 085 Coart St. Tel. 484. FOR SALE Houses 50 HOME BARGAINS 91200 bnys a 2 room house and s good lot, 9 blocks out on Commercial St.. one-half cssh will hsndle. 91900 buys s 4 room bonae with nearly 5 lots located on V Broadway St. 9800 down, balance mortgage pay able monthly. 92650 bnys ' sn attractive bunr!o -lo cated on N. 18th St.. near Marcel, 9250 down, balsnce esay terms. 93150 new modern with bssemeat, fur nace, fireplace, r a rage, oak floors, located st 1030 Jefferson St. 9280 down, bslsncs liks rest. ' 95750 bnys s good 7 room koane located ... -"nt 1625 Court atreet. large lot, full basement and furnace, bear inn fruit trees. '. 94750 buys an attractive 8 room mod ern noma located st tntn . ana Market St.. immediate possession. , THIS HOME IS A REAL BAR . OA IN. Reasonable terms. 96500 boys air-sttrsctive 4 room home with sleeping porch, east front, located oa N. Summer St., 93500 cash, balance mortgage to be aa aumed. 410.500 8 room modern home with 2 large lots, located on corner st 910 N. Capitol St.. reasonable terms. W. H. GRABENHORST tc CO.. Realtors 134 8. Liberty St. Phone 515 SlMO SCHOR THERE -THERE- smss ' , . . I 1 I V "LTuar DOS Or A Grupiez. m VJAE NO FEAR..- -EL to save BAHWDO" SHALL NEVER tHWH r v.riJ5rk 4 FOR SALE Houses 50 ROOMS. CLOSE IN. CHEAP. EASY terms. Pkone 2158 W. -- REAL ESTATE 51 LOTS LOT8. Two knadred fine building lots. Pick yours now. Prices from 8250 ta 9500. 910 down. 910 per month. ; - GRABENHORST ft CO.. Realtors v. laoerty St. Phona 515 CLOSE IN 4 ROOM HOUSE E. Str. Don bio construction, firs piece, furnace,, hardwood floors 93SOO. K. B. KUGEL i Phone 534 175 8. High St. i 8peetal '-lO well improved acres ful , ly equipped 1 mil from Salem, best of ami. owners old snd must sell this is s bargain 385O0. fi 2 good houaea for rent st 920 per month. McGILCHRIST A PENNINGTON ! 209 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 140 LOTS LOTS LOTS 810.00 down- and balance 910.00 per month buys one of those fine lots ia Roaedale addition close to the New Linen Mill, building reatrijs . tioas 82600.00 W. :H. GRABENHORST ft CO., Realtors ISA S. Liberty Street 91000 Down New modern hssass St S33 snd 959 Tsmsrsek. Each baa fur sea, firanisea. hard wend, large deep cement basement, garage, 94900 aad 95250, pavement paid. BECKE ft HENDRICKS 189 N. High St, DELANO ft DOW SPECIAL TODAY j Forced ta sell owner West 81 rm must go East Juae 1st. will sacrifice nearly new .4 room, bath, garage: lot 85x100; worth 92300 price 91800, easy terms,. j: 290 X. Church. Tel. 2830 ; EIGHTY ACRE R.VNCH 8TOCKKD AND EQUIPPED TO EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY OR ACRE AGE. VALUE ABOUT 34.0OO.0O. NEW HOUSE. H, ACRES LAND," CLOSE IN,. FOR SALE CHEAP. F I N E CONFECTIONERY AND I.UNCIL CLEARING GOOD MONEY, FOR SALE AT ATTRACTIVE PRICE. SEE SALEM REALTY CO. 482 State St., Salem. A REAL SNAP. Two seres with 3 room house snd bsrn, nesrly all in cultivation, located close in. Price 92100. 9100 down, balsnce 920 per month st 6. WHY PAY RENT WHEN YOU CAN BUY LIEE THIS 1 W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO.. Realtors 131 S. Liberty St. Phoae 515 i Well located confectionery, has good trade. Grocery store, atockl fixtures, trade and bldg., 97750. I Close in bua. lot $13 000. Old piece of property with large grounds 91950. I ' 4 rm, house, furnsco, fireplace, hard wood floors. $2300. f ; GERTRUDE J. W. PAGE 4S4 Court St. WEEK END SPECIALS 1 acre and small new hoots on hill side West Sslem. 91250. Two lots North corner. Csn make them at bedrock price. A splendid corner on X. Summer street, both paved and paid for, 4 room house on corner room for 2 more, j Barber &. Bond 'J00 Gray Bldg. 125 X. Liberty Grocery and confectionary, fixture and household furnishings for apt. with store, good small business for 91750. 5 rm. modern home, corner lot, south, hwd. floors, nook, gsrsge, con struction excellent, fireplace, large closets, 94500, terms like rent. Two beautiful view lots sooth, one wiih mi, room housa at 2725. other St50. both corner lots, terms. 1 These are unusual buys. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor : 175 8. High St. NEW BUNGALOW SNAP Strictly modern and up to dste 4 Rooms ha 2 bedrooms, built-in kitch en, living room with s beautiful fir plsce; Basement. Furnace, Sta. wash tray. : Paved St.. garage. Located North Salem not far from Hollywood, faatest growing part of the city. Price 93250 Easy terms. Bungalows from $750 and np. 9100 or more down, balance like rent See l.ouis Bechtel J. I). Seara or Earl Tucker, 341 state St. Rooms 3 and, 75 Acre farm, 05 in cult. 40 A. bot tom land. Bldgs., fruit, timber. $8500, take acreage or residence for part. ; J 50 A. fina level dark loam soil n cult. Near highway. 9100 per A., terms. i I Good cottage and nice lot, Newport, sacrifice 9650 caah. ; Suburban SO A. farm, good income, flna aoil. $6000. take residence for part. All modern bungalow N. Salem, e change equity for vacant lota. PKKRIXE ft JklAKSTEKS 212 Gray Bldg. STOP sod see how CHEAPLY YOU CA' LIVE oa this sera trsct, only n city block from Bns line. Your phone cosjj yon $8.10 paw year, water only" Hie price of electricity for pumping, taxes lesa, than $20 per year, largo garde, strawberries, etc. Walnut trees tht Should net you 9150 or more. Hue has 5 nice rooms, basement, fumntt and fireplace. School ia very eios. Place earriee $2400 Soldier's Boo Loan, baL arranged. Let US show you this. SEE LEO X. CHILDS CO., Realtors I 320 State Street. Phoae 1727 LOOK HERE. One half acrs wi city wstsr, good gravel road close to psvamenf. near city limits. PrisS 9700. 925 down, 910 per month. FOR BAROAINS SEE US. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO.. Real to 134 8. Liberty St. Phone 515 9 375 for a nice lot tn X. Salem, pari paid. i i 9 423 for a let aa Broadway 50x120. Term. 4 9 600 for a mice lot oa X. 4th. saving paid. i 9 500 for a Lot on Haael Ae. S. of Cl- ambis. 925 down, 910 par mik, subject to paving. i 1 ( 91050 fsr two lots on the corner af 13th and Nebrasks, subject to paving. 9 625 for a lot on X. Winter SL, subject to paving. F 9 700 lot oa N. 14th X. of Nebraska. Easy terms. : $1600 lot on Summer and Market 50x 120. Easy terms. i 91500 fine lot on Saginaw. Terms. ? Melvin Johnson i 820 U. 8. Bank Bldg. ;' Phono 637 ' AV4.SEN0R. C GUA)Rt I eers the CRAFTY faC TAToR RE CEIVED CON GASWsR AS , X? THEV wRE OLD FRIENDS' - SEiORnA gjHEWaAToR.,y PA ppoMiSiNCV1! I MAP Int. e ,;, SURPRISE. SOU !! HEP TCJ'THE ' ROOM W : ' WHICH HE ; HAD LEFT ! DON GAPAR REAL ESTATE 51 FOR SALE OB RENT. Good 7 room borne located at 1535 S. Liberty 8t. Price 94S5O.O0, easy terms. Rental 830.00. i W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. Realtors 134 8. Libertv St. Phoae 315 REAL ESTATETrades 52 TRADE 82000 EQUITY NEW 7 ROOM North Salem Home for Acreage aaar Salem. Address Box 522. Statesman. FOR EXCHANGE, Store building in Portland. Price 3 "504. Owner will exrhaara for Salem property. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 515 EXCHANGE 90 ACRE DAIRY. CLOSE in, two large barns, silo, pump house. . hot and cold wateT in bouse. Price 910.000. accept half trade. balance long aa you 'wish at 6Ts- Owner, 1148 Shipping St., Salem. TO EXCHANGE 40 acres with fair bldgs.. some fruit and berries and some good timber. Plare is near Koseburg. Ore. Price 92500 clear. Will trade for smsll farm near Salem, and assume. We have 60 acres on the Cosst with 6 rm. houset J Price $23O0, clear. Will trade for Frnit farm aad assume. 160 acrea near King Valley, clear. Trade for new house and assume. SEE Thwaasoa with LEO X. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street. Pboae 1727 REAL ESTATE Farms 53 FOR 8ALE 10 Acres mostly in bearing cberrias.; 94200. terms n or would ' discount for cash. No iacjumbrsncsr BSS W. 0. KRUEGER. RW 147 X. Com'l V Phoi .qe 217 J .For Sale Tiiratie ; 61 acres one mile from Albany to trade for Sslem residence or will sell for 975 per acre. U. S. Realty Co. j 442 State St. j : Tel. 2600 j SPLAKINO OF BARGAINS 20 seres. 7 miles from Sslem, all under cultivation. Two wells. 5 room bungalow, electric lights, hog house, machine shed.l garage, good barn, sile, and brooder bouse. I acre walnuts, 1 acre red raspberries, spplet, 2 A. strawberries. 1 A. filberts, 4 cowa. 25 hogh. 600 bene, 2 horaes. : Price 96000 with terms. Be sure to see th at F. L. WOOD GEORGE F. PEED 841 State St. f ; i LARGE FARM; . ; RALE OR TRADE I 200 ACRES dark loam soil, sll In cultivation: 8 milea from Salem, near Pacific Highway: good B .room plas tered bonae. with bath aad water sya tem; barn 60x100; granary; poultry house: milk bouse: garage Price 825.000. Terms. Will exchange for Salem residence or business property. tsf" . i , TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY j 121 Court St. Ground Floor "Headquartere For Farms" 10 ACRE SNAP All equipped, erop stock snd j Implements , 4 A. berries, 2 A. clover, rich black loam soil. Stock; 1 good horse, cow, chickens; 6 hives of bees; all imple ment and garden toola. Located about 4 miles northeast of Salem; has a sqw 7 K. house Barn, garage, chicken and hog houe. Owner ia leaving, cut the Prie to $4500 for a quick dieal. 8ea My Agents. I.ouia Bechtel J. ! D. Sears Earl Tncker, 341 State f St. Rooms 3 and 4. We specisliie in : farms 92350 buys a 5 room house 4 yaars old. furnace, fireplace, pavement, side walka. N. E. Salem. $90V down. f Buy s couple aTee close to Salem, North, on good road, build your own buildings, 9 '60 an acre, two or mors seres. 200 seres to trade for smaller prop erty in or near Salem, fine land, 125 acre in cultivation, good buildings, electric lights, water! system, near achool. 94200 buys 12 good acres with lots of fruit close to Salem, north, fair buildingsj reasonable terms. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 202 IU. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. TRANSFER & HAULING 57 jWe Move Store and! Ship 1 i Household goods. Oar specialty ntss and furniture saovinc. Wa snake eouitry trips. Ws hsndle tho best Coal ana wooa Call on oi for price We give good measurs, food quality and good aervlaa, Larmer Transfer Co. ? TaL 090; . Frank M. Newton Local sad long distafc.. hauling uight Country hauling a specialty TaL 644 JAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. S29 State St. TeL 988. (Distributing, for warding and storsgs ear specialty. Gas WATER 58 OREGON WASH. WATER SERVICE OO. Oftlea 804 Baatk Commsrelsl 8t. Tea per sent discount aa domestia flat rate paid ia advaaea. Na deduetiea for aa eeeie or any caasa aalssa water is shat aft your TRAVEL 59 ' A FT NX NEW WAITTX9 ROOM IX TUB NEW HOTEL SENATOR . Freaneat Sehadelea Thirty Rid Books fc Redacad Batea A Swift and Reliable Package Serviea Coarteons Attention Frosa All Empleyesa Tkass Ars a Fsw of ths Offsr'-ags Msda tha Pabtto By PARKER STAGES. INO. Staff Leaving Timss: Dallas: 7 a. as-, 0:10 a. at, 11 :S9 a. m, 2:10 o. m- 8:15 n-n Independence ft Meamenth: T t a. 9:15 a. m. 11:15 a. at, 8 p. at, 9:19 p. 8:80 p. an. (.Bnaaay aaly.I Filverion: 7 a. m., 1 1 a. m. t p. m. Falls City. MrMianville. Newberg. HlUa bora. Forest Grave, Sheridan. Tills mook: 9:14 a. m., 2:10 a. .ax, 8:19 F.r" Infermstloa Call 329 or 699. ALLOW ME 7D RELIEVE: IStoU OP M3UR. CWA1N5 - TVClUfTD1 SHOULD WAVE KNOWN 1 I PvTHFD - FATHER - OH. SAUTA ajiAOlA Ws. pt?AlCFD - VtXJ AJJVC; ANL? 1 Mvfc rwni YOU S USED CARS For Sale 61 HOLLYWOOD No. Commercial See the nicest bunch of Used Automobiles in Salent And Save $3$ ' on 1927 Chrysler 50 Coupe 7 , 1927 Jordan Eight Sedan 1927 Eaaex Sniper Coupe 1927 Type Dodge Sedan 1926 Chevrolet Coupe c 1926 Chryaler 70 Coach 1927 Ford Sedan Ruckstell 1927 Ford Touring ! 1925 Series Dodge Coupe We Invite Mechanical inspection by your, own mechanic 1 HOLLYWOOD- Pettyjohn's Better Automobiles i !, 1926 Nash Special Six Coup. ' , 1926 Essex Coach. V ; Ford Coupes. Ford Tourings. Franklin Touring- Hupp Sedan. 1926 Buick Victoria. 1926 Nash Roadster Advanced Six. Essex Twuring. Blatter values in need eara than or dinarily found. Come in nnd look them over. Open in evening. F. W. Pettyjohn Co 365 North Commercial St. Tel. 1260 'After we tell we serve.' McKay's for Used Cars With an 0. K. That Counts J 1917 Ford Touring 1920 Ford Roadster 1922 Chevrolet Touring . 1923 Chevrolet Touring ... 1924 Ford Touring 1925 Ford Touring 1926 Ford Coupe 1926 Chevrolet Coupe 1927 Chevrolet Coupe 1927 Chevrolet Cabriolet ...9 25.00 .. 9 40,00 ...3 60.00 ... 9 85.00 ...9100.00 .. $150.00 ...9425.00 ...9425.00 ....$525.00 ..$575.00 430f X. Commercial. Tel. 1805 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company FORD TRUCKS WE HAVE 'EM. 9125 buys s good on. Bonesteele Motor Co. Packard Oldsmobile Used - Car - Specials 1926 Pseksrd Six Club Sedsn $1000 1926 Msster Six Bulck Sedan.. 1000 1934 Daklsnd Sedsn 650 1924 Oakland Coune . 450 1924 Oldsmobile Coupe . 925 1925 Overlsnd Sedsn 150 1924 Ford Coups 125 MAXY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM ONLY FEW L18TED ABOVE TEX GOOD RUXNING AUTOMOBILES ALL KINDS ALL MAKES UNDER 9300 Capitol Motors. Inc. Biddy Bishop 350 Xo. Higk SL AUTOS WANTED . 69 CASH PAID FOR FORDS E1KEB AUTO -O I A- Salem Markets GRAIN No. 1, whest. white 9L1 Rsd whest. sacked 91-14 Oata, per bu. milling.-.-. 9 .70 PORK, nTCTTOX AMD BEEP Top bogs 910.50 Sows .07 Top steers , 10. 11 Cows - us t0.uo Spring Ismbs Drsssed veal . Dressed hogs .18 .19 .13 P0TTLTBT Light baas Heavy bens Broilers .19 .11 .80 EGOS, BUTTER. BT7TTBBFAT Stsndsrds .10 .41 , Butterfst Print hatter .420.49 VEGETABLES Beets, sacked . New cabbage Potateee Celery, bunches J0t J01 91.85. 92.00, 91-50 91.35 L75 . .18 New potatoes Rejuvenated potatoss .... , - J Locsl onions 84. oil Local tplnsch, box.. Grsea peas -O General Markets I 1 PORTLAND GRAIN PORTLAND. Ore.. April 30. (AP)v Wheat bids: BBB, hard white 91-68; soft whits 91.58; western whits $157; hard By Ed Wheelan this ia to ee an occasion OF HAPPINESS SO LET Me OrfTR VOU ONE OF My J H UT THE 30V Or SEZ WAS OF SHORT DURATION AS WE 3KALt SBE, ARE i 4- -14 USED CARS ForSab 61 Phone 1027 winter 91-46: northern spring 1.47: western red 91.46. , tats. No. 2, 36 pound W. F.. 447. I -Barley. No. 2. 45 pound B. W 941.54. Cera. No. 2. E. Y 947.50; New 3, ditUi Uillrun. sUadard 932.50. HAT PORTLAND. Ors.. April 30. (AP).H Hsy buying prices: Eastern Oregon tisa othy 920.50(421; ditto valley $19(0 14 50; alfaUa $luel9.50; oat hay $15(4 15.50; atraw $H.i0 per ton. Selling priceJ 92 s ton more. DAIRY . PORTI-AXD. Ore.. April 30. (APJ. Dairy Exrbangs, net price: t I ' Butter, extra 40c: standard 90s prime firsts 39c; firsts 38se. i Eggs, extra 35c; firsts 24c; mediam extra 23c; medium tints 22 c PRODXJCE PORTLAND, Or.. April 30. (AP).H Haw milk 9L55 cdt. fob Portland Bntterfat steady; 40c station, 41e trsek 43(1(40 fob Portlsnd. 1'aultrv steady; heavy hens 24c: light 15ti20c; broilers 27ffi85s: pvkiui white ducks tic: colored nomiaalt tar keys alive 25W27c. i : Unions stesdy; Iocs! 9 L75 0 2.75 i fieri cwt; potstoes 7.rl$1.25 ssck. steady. Wool, eastern Oregon 33 6 40c: valley medium 43r; coarae 8Xe pound. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. Ore.. April 30. (.VP). Cattle and calves: Receipts 1440 cattle 140 calves. Higher. Steers 1100 13uo nounds. good $11.2'J b ; 12.25; do. 950 to 1000 pounds. gOO! $11.5012.50; do. 800 and up. mediunJ 50i 11.50; do. common $8,2509.75 heifers, 850 pounds down,, good 810.30fa 1 ; do. Common ro medium $i.75(f 10.50 : cows, good 8,2.'i 9.75; do. common medium $7(9.25: do low i rut $ 5t 7 bulla (yearltngsfxcludedV good beef 97. i jU( H.oD ; do. ' cutter to medium $74' 7.75; calve (KID pounda down) anediuu to rhoice8i 10; do. cull to rommoii ;.50t7rti vealera (milk fed), good t choice $12((13; do. mediam, $10 (a 12 do. cull tio common $7 W 10. Sheep ( and lambs steady, receipt 2020. . ; fr'ollowing auotstions. except on SDriad lams, nn iresn anorn oasis: ijimns: a pounds down, good -to choice 912.75u 3..0; do. 82 pound down, medium. 91' W12.7.; do. (all weights) cull to com linn $10(all; tprinr timbi $14ftil3 yearliug aethers 110 pounda down, mrd mm to r noire iu(tr 12 ; ewes, uu to down, medium, to rhoice $8.50(f7.50; da. 120 to 150 Ibis., medium to choice 95.5 r7: do. al weights, cull ta common $3.5i (i 5.50. '. Hogs, feeder pigs higher, ethers stesdy receipts -2973. .Heavyweight. 250 to 850 pounds, med iura to choice M.baasnOXkwt-weaedian weight 200 te 250 pitns,ds. medium t choice $fl.75ail0.75f lightwelgiit 14 t 200 pounds, medium to choice 9 10.75 Gi 11; light lights 130 to 140 powads. med ium to choice $10r 10.75; packing sow rttngh snd smooth., $7.a0(t4.50; slsagn ter pigs. 90 te 130 pounds, mediam l- choice $9.50(310.25: feeder snd sterkv pigs. 75 to 120 poands,-medium to choic $9WKi. - Soft or oily hogs snd ros sting pigs e rinded in above quotations. V LISTEN IN TTTESDAT MORNING ': 8:00-9:00 KXL (22). Karly Riser p-M (Tin. : - ' - J 9 :00-10 :00 KTBR (229), Women's prt rom. r - .: r" 9:00-10:00 KEX (179). Psltie Cooke. 00-10 KXL Portland Early Birds. :40-12:00 KOIX 1319X. HoaMwife" program. r.X ' ' -. - 10:00-11:30 KGW ' 482). 7 Heaaehel. helps and mnsic; PCN oregrsm. 10:00-12:00 KEX. Pevotiaaal so. thopptng guide. ' . 10:00-12:00 KXL. Live Wire and cwar tesy progrsms. f. -' .. C ,. TUBSDAT FTEBXOOX - 12:00-1:00 KFEC (214. r Weather re port and music. 12:00-1:00 KOIX. Organ concert. Aftsraooa praseata 11:00 4;00 KXL. tions.' 12:00-4:00 KEX. Recording eoaeerte. (2501. ,. Coacwrta. 12:80-4:00 KWJJ in :00-3 :80 KTBR. i sried masieal pnA gram.i . 3:00-4:00 KOIX. New aad muaie. Concert. ' ' . (200). Concert. Topsy-Tarvy Tissas. 4:00-5:00 KFEC. 4:00-8:00 KWBS 5:15-8:00 KOIN. TUE9SAT NIGHT f 4:00-6:20 KKX 278). Aanoaarement- 00-4:80 KXL (220). Organ ceaeert 00-7:00 KGW. (492). Diaaar evaesn 8:00-7:00 KWJJ 350). Lh aster eoarcar 6:00-7:00 KTBR L229). Cancert as rosd reoorta. 9tO0-7:00 KOIX (819). Orgsa convert 6:00 7:00 KFEC (214). Wssthdr reper aad music. - , ; 4:00-8:00 KWBS (200). Concert.' 8:80-7:00 KEX. Children's 6:80-8:00 KXL. Kecordmg prograns. T:OO-a:0O strir (22t). Jiuaicai prv gram.5 -..- .. j. 7 :00-9 :00 KGW. Concerts. 7:00 8:00 KEX, Dinner dines eoaeor 8:00-8:30 KEX. Male quartet. . 8:00 0:00 KXL. Feature pregran KXL and Krjl. Aatoria. 8 :00-9 :00 KTBR, , Varied program. 8:00-9t45 KOIX. Varied programs. 8:00-9:00 KGW. PCX progrsms. 8:00 11:00 KWBS. Studio program 800-9 :00 KEX. ' Rambler.1 V r 9:00-10:00 KWJJ. Cancers. I- 9:00-10:00 KOW. Concert orirhestra, 9:00-10:00 KEX. Studio program. 9:00-10:00 KTBR. Courtesy program 9:00-10:30 KXL. Progrsm witk KFJ Astoria. 9:43-end KOIX. Ffght broadesst. 10:0011:00 KGW. - PCX danca r gram. ' - ' 10:00-12:00 KEX. Danes frolic. 10:30-1:00 KXL. masieal feats res. 11:39-12 :00 KG W. Deace program. POX 10:30 11:00. Travelog 7-6. hte or y Lane; 6-8:30. jsrebestra; 8:80 ' rchcxtrs sad viofis; 10-1 i, dance m sic. i . '.- - - KOMO Sesttlo (806). ff. news: 8.IJ, o chsatrs: 7-9,. PCX; 9, rnkle quart 10. PCX; 11-12:30. varied mtfsie. . KHJ Los Angeles (400). 6, doiag 4:15, mnsic; 0:45. news; 7. 4, arch tra aad soloist; 10-12, orchestra. KHi Spoksne (870). 4, orchestra; 4:2 7. 6, PCX; t, rehestr; 10-12, ercae ; trs. - '- KJR Sesttle (849). 8, :90. coaear 7:30, 8. twins; 9. with EGA; 10, aaa orchestra. f KYA Ssb FrsaelsceT (952). 6:15. II waiians; 7, 8, mnaio; 9, 10, danea m etc KFRO Ssa Francisco (454). . 7. 7:2 . Cecnisns; 8, 9, orchestra; 10-12, dss orchestra. ' ; ' .-' KPO--6sa Frsnclsoo (423). 9. Musis; 8. PCS; 10-19, dsaea archsstra.M KOO Oakland (884). 4, 7, t, PCX; orchestra end soloists. KFI Los Angeles (468). 6, msle ana tst: 7. detective stories: - 7 :30, eoi poser; 9. PCX; wiU KFI; 10. PCN. K0A Denver (92ff)c 9, orchestra; 4:8 farm questions. KOAC Orvallis (270). 9:30. music: V Bacteria ia Relation to Milk," Pr feasor O. V. Copaoa ; 7 :30-4rtT Orer any rogrnav 7.:. , : ;y. ..- . Stat r it- i.. :"- . ' I j it ' aaaat. for runaraa. : a. n. u.