1 Local News Briefs Mlllen Visit Messrs.' G. O. and F. O. Miller were visiting Miller's department store bere Monday. In Jeff. Professor W. H. Hertiog of Kimball School of Theology was In Jefferson .Sunday where he gare an Illustrated lecture at the Jefferson Methodist church. A New Shipment of f 25.00 Suit At G. W. Johnson it Co. Ia Shelburn Sunday Dr. and Mrs. John M. Canse of Kimball School of Theology were in Shelburn Sunday where Dr. Canse held serrlces in the Metho dist church, both morning and erenlng. Return From Cre swell C. J. Andrews of Kimball School of Theology returned from C res well yeaterday where he has been for the past couple of days attending the jCreswell week-end Epworth leagne institute. Old Time Dancing Crystal Garden, Every Wednes day night. ; - Stolen Al Tollen. 712 South 14 th street, reported to local police A. - ... mat a motometer naa been stolen from his automobile which was parked In front of the Catholic church Sunday morning. Visits in Woodbnrn Harold Massey. 1313 East Lin coln street, risked at the home of Sis brother Floyd Massey at Wood burn Saturday and Sunday, re turning to Salem last night. Mr Massey mored into' the Schreiger cottage last week. Furniture Upholsterer And repairing. Giese-Powers Furniture Co. Fined $300 J. A. Nyland, 544 Ferry street, who was arrested by prohibition operatives and Officer Edwards of --the city police force Saturday night charged with possession of intoxicating liquor, pleaded guilty to the charge in police court yes terday and was fined $200, which he paid in cash. Auto Stolen Local police officers were in formed Sunday afternoon to be on the lookout for a Chevrolet coupe bearing license number 14 5-268, belonging to J. Richard son, of Portland, as the machine -had been stolen from Oregon City, ana was oenevcu iu, ue uum( for Salem. 1 The Best $25 Knits At G. W. Johnson Co. IlewitU In Oorvallis - Dean and Mrs- Roy Hewitt were In Corvallis Sunday where the Dean lectured before a group of the Parents' school in the af ternoon. In the evening they visited their many friend in that city. Mr. Hewitt is dean of the Villamette university law school. A Gift Room Devoted Entirely To inexpensive gifts for bridge and party. Pomeroy & Kene's. MrCormick Returns Dr. John Dale McCormick of Kimball School of Theology, was in Portland last week where he met with the state Epworth league committee for the purpose of making plans for the league con vention at Falls City in the near future. Plans were also drawn up for the summer school session which will be held at Kimball this summer, starting about the mid dle of June. Hpcrial Today, lOOO White Leghorn baby chicks. Flake's Petland. 273 State. To Meet Wednesday Tha Southeast Salem Improve ment club has invited all candi- dAta for etate representative and city recorder to meet with them oh Wednesday. May 9. rcacn can didate will be given 10 minutes in which to make a short talk con cerning his respective office Mayor T. A. Livesley will also at tend and address the grojup. Wanted Strictly Modern Slem Home in exenange ior iuuuu Portland home. Triangle Realty company. 421 Court street, phone 651. Meeting for Primary Teachers A meeting of all primary teach; ers in the local schools will be held at 3 o'clock Wednesday aft ernoon in the office of the ele mentary supervisor. .Purpose of the meeting is inspiration and all r - teachers will be expected to pre sent their best devices -for teach ing first grade reading of phonics, according to notices sent teachers. A La Carte service In dining room Marlon Hotel Notary to Hear Reports Reports on the convention at Seattle will feature the - Rotary club luncheon Wednesday. Presi dent R. E. Lee Steiner and other delegates will be the speakers. ' - Students to Nominate Nomiattlou for student ' offi cials for the year 1928-29 will be held Wednesday at the senior high school. Election day is scheduled for Tuesday, May 15. liefore You Buy a Suit See G. W. Johnson Co. Drive Completed A concrete driveway to the Sa lem General hospital, which has been under construction for the oast few months Is now completed and open to public traffic. It Is! on the west side of the building Was Pioneer of 1945 Mrs. Amy Sheppard Johnson , who died at her home near Bryant station last week was an Oregon pioneer of 1845. her sister Julia being the stepmother of Senator Charles L. McNary of this city, Meeting at Champoeg The Champoeg historical high way association will meet at Champoeg Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, prior to the Founders' Day program. It was announced Mon day by Dr. Henry Morris, presi dent of the association. Hear ex-Governor Nellie Tayl Ross, of Wyoming epeak In behalf of Gov. Smith. Tonight Ar mory 8 o'clock. Meet Tonight Members of the Salem Rod and Gun club will hold a banquet in the White House restaurant to night, which will be followed by an interesting program. Each member Is urged to attend. Tick ets may be had at Brown's sport ing goods store. Will Open for Pusfness At my new location 721 South 12th st. a full line of fresh and cured meats. Phone 462. Qeo. E. Tomkins. Cars Collide Two automobiles, one operated by Glen Nash and the other by Frank Perkett, both of Salem, col lided at the corner of .State and Commercial streets yeaterday noon, doing little damage to either machine. Wet pavement was the cause of the collision. Mtes Huff of the Baby's . Boudoir. Portland, will demon strate the value of their stamped goods all this week in Miller's Art department. Pendleton Court Soon The spring term of the state supreme for Eastern Oregon will open at Pendleton May 7, accord ing to announcement made here Members of the court will leave for Pendleton Sunday. It will re quire three or for days to dispose of the docket. Any Portable Phonograph In our stock delivered for 31.00 down. H. L. Stiff Furniture com pany. Spellers Get Awards , Certificates for spelling pro ficiently were prepared yesterday at the office of the county school superintendent for the pupils who scored a hundred per cent in the county-wide spelling contest held nere paiuraay. A Good Suit For $23.00 G. W. Johnson & Co. WCTU Will Meet Today The regular business meeting of the WCTU will be held this after noon at the hall on South ' Com mercial street, beginning at 2:30. Mrs. Mary Charlton will be. In charge of the meeting, and de votions will be led by Mrs. N. J Reasoner. Chinese Chow Chow Puppies on t display today. Flake's Petland. 273 State. Teachers OutMonday Two teachers in the local schools were reported absent from claases Monday, due to Illness. They were Mrs. Maybelle Burch. Rich mond, whose classes were taught by Mrs. Will Evans, and Miss Fay Spauldlng, music teacher at Par- rish. Miss Louise Findley substl tnded for Miss Spauldlng. Notice to the Public . I. E. J. Summervllle have pur chased E. M. Williamson's interest the Willamette Valley Supply Co. Issue Reading Certificates- Reading circle certificates to cover work dona- under plana three and tour are being Issued to Salem teachers from the office of the city superintendent. Ninety-seven cer tificates are In -these going out now, 47 for those who took Super intendent George W. Hag' course on supervision. 46 who satisfied reading circle requirements through Mrs. Clara Pomeroy's course la penmanship, and three for the health course conducted by Miss Anne Simpson. A total of 4 6 certlflcatee were also sent out the forepart of April to those those . who had r done summer .school rrk ia iai2-ReadlagJ4g, "(ioO(0)H 3 0 0 0 SAYS. We have If 23 Willys-Knight touring equipped with 79 new rubber, bumpers. S. AM. Spotlight, automatic swipe, fin ish and mechanical , condition Al. with oar price at S223.00. TWW MMMML The Hpus That Set-rice Built circle work through one of four plans, summer school work, exten sion study, approved courses con ducted for that purpose and Indi vidual projects, is required of all teachers in the state, requirements being outlined by the state super intendent. . Writers Meet Tonight The Writers' club will meet this evening at S o'clock, in the pub lie library. H. A. JxrreaU Is Receiving Appointments for , permanent waving and haircutting at the Model Beauty Parlor after a week's illness. Suit to Quiet Title . Daniel Finley yesterday filed suit in circuit court against Clar ence Crane and a long list of oth ers to quiet title to several lots in Oak lodge addition to the city of Saltan. Evans Gives Bond R. L. Evans, who was arrested April 28 for "operating a motor vehicle when unable to control the same" appeared in justice court and furnished bail to the ex tent of (500. He was given time in which to consult an attorney before entering a plea. Report Unfounded Some time ago, there was a story published in Salem to the ef feet that Merle Putnam had been mixed up with a hold-up at his place of business in San Francisco Word has come by letter from dis interested parties that the story was unfounded, and that Merle Putnam was exonerated from any connection with that affair. Mr Putnam formerly lived in Salem and is now in business in San Francisco. He was always a square boy when he lived in Salem, and never in his life has been in such trouble as the rumor here had it Plan "Betted Music Wek" i The churches. of Salem are co operating in observance of "Better Music Week." At a recent meet ing of the Salem Ministerial union it was voted that the choice of Salem present concerts in their re spective churches and that the Ministers in sermons and addresses emphasize the need and influence of better music. Church notices will carry information covering the musical programs and ad dresses for next Sunday. Several of the larger choirs of the city plan elaborate concerts. The pub lic Is asked to support the Better Music Week movement by attend ing tho services. Ckulos Gives Bond Tom Chulos, 1 who appeared In justice court Saturday to answer a liquor charge, yesterday furnished bond in the sum of $1000 and was released pending trial. A warrant has been out for Chulos since March 29. when Nick Promatias and Tom Promas were arrested for selling liquor. Chulos, who was al leged to be also a member of the party, escaped at that , time and was not taken until Saturday of last week. Meanwhile Promatias and Promas have been convicted in justice court and have appealed their case Into circuit court. SEX OF CHICKS UNDER CONTROL, ANNOUNCED (Cautioned from par 1-1 deformities. ' Dr. Diffenbach recalled the ex periments of Professor H. J. Mul ler of the University of Texas with the effect of x-rays on the procre- atire nature of ordinary fruit flies. At the time of Professor Mailer's discovery 4hat new species of fruit fly could be produced virtually ad i infinitum1 by .; subjecting the germ cells to x-rays said Dr. Dif fenbach, the general feeling among scientists was that it would be a remarkable achievement if the same mutations could be induced in. a higher anlmaL This now has been accomplished and althouch the details of the experiments still ate closely guarded. Dr. Diffen bach; is known to feel that he is on the verge of a fundamental troth concerning the life force, its re production and the origin of spe cies. FOUR ON HONOR ROLL PRATUM, April 30. (Special.) Four ''pupils of the Pratum school, district No. 50. are on the honor roll and eligible to entei the Heralds of Health parade in Salem Saturday.1 They are Charl sea Rice, and Zlna, LeRoy and Robert Darts. The first two men tioned were on the honor roll last yer. Fishy Cargo BOSTON One Job of customs inspectors here is to look over frozen herrings brought In barrels from Newfoundland or the Grand Banks. They're not. always her- LICENSES, DIVORCE COIflBE 01 Dan Cnpld barely held his own In Marion county yesterday, four dlvnre mmnlilnti beinc filed In circuit court and four marriage licenses issued. . - Marriage licenses were as fol lows: " '" Michael B. ODowd. 25, to Caro im DsPsw. 26. Both are em ployes at the state hospital in Sa lem. ' Joaonh M. Thomas. 23. Salem, and Agnes E. Allenby, 20, of Sa lem.- ' r' Lawrence M. Wells. 34. Port land, and Emma E. Beckley. 41. Portland. ' The marriage is fits second and her third.' Craddoe Meredith. 57. Newport, to Helen B. Kenesky. 20, Newport. The marriage is his second and her first. Divorce complaints filed yestes day were: Leona Richards vs. Edwin Rich ards, on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment and personal indignities rendering life burden some. Among other" things sne charres that at one time be hit her with his fist, knocking her down. They were married m ai banv on February 27. 1926. Eva Hall Goodwin vs.1 Herman L. Goodwin, on the grounds of cruel aiM inhuman treatment and personal indignities rendering life burdensome. They were married in Vancouver, Washington, on June 9 of' last year. Lorena R. Thompson vs. Cecil R. Thomnson. on the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment and personal Indignities rendering life burdensome. She alleges in her complaint that she Is of ' a very del icate temperament but that ner husband has treated her wrongly. He slapped her, called her names, and sometimes even placed his hand over her mouth to keep her from talking, she states. The two were married in Medford on July 4, 1926. Faith S. Morgan also alleges cruel and inhuman treatment and neraonal indignities rendering life burdensome in her complaint against C. L. Morgan. They were married in Brooks on March 1917. She is 26 years of age and he is 52. according to the com plaint. He is strongly addicted to the Use of liquor, she Indicates, and furthermore she has had to work in the fields and milk cows and do other work. ALL NEW YORK TURNS OUT TO WELCOME TRIO (Continued from pag 1.) and all expressed their wonder at the honor being shown them. When the Macom docked at the battery, 50,000 people were mass ed there and the cheers rolled over the lower city like thunder, led by 10.000 troops and surrounded by police, the fliers rode up Broad way through a blizzard of ticker tape wafted down from the high windows of the financial district. Over all the route they traveled crowds were packed from curb to buildings In- a solid mass and never ending cheers rolled over them like waves. It all was evidently exhil arating and exciting to the aviat ors and standing in their automo biles they waved back to the throngs that greeted them and joked among themselves. At city hall the wives of Fitz mauriee and Koehl and the Irish major's seven year old daughter Patsy who had arrived in this country while the Macom was tour ing the bay, were waiting for the fliers- but family reunions had to wait. While sneeches of welcome fol lowed one after another, the wives smiled over Intervening heads at their husbands and little Patsy yawned In unfeigned boredom. Once she made a dash over two tables to reach her father but was caught and restrained. When all tho , sneeches were made, medals Dinned on. scrolls read and other formalities com plied with, the husbands and wives at Jast -were permitted to greet each other. After Mrs. Koehl kiss ed her husband she- threw her arms around the mayor and kissed him for good measure. He had barely time to get his high hat off to receive the kiss uncovered and seemed considerably flustered. "Kiss Mrs. Fits." the crowd yell ed at him, but the mayor was not taking the initiative in any kiss ing that was going to be done. The narade continued then, still through cheering crowds that ov erflowed Into the side streets. At Madison Square the fliers laid wreaths at the base of the Eternal Light war memorial and at Fifth "Our Chicks IJveto make your Flake's Petland 273 State FOR INFORMATION BOUT LOCAL OR EASTERN RAILROAD TRIPS i- PHONE 727 Or eon Electric Ry.A Willamette Taller Line lea ttXT TOKIO rUi&f Uaava. Thosapuoi Olutnchr Optical Cm. 119 X. C 'I at. 3 avenue and 42nd street they paus ed while 12,000 children in front or me library sang In their honor s For f Ito hours the treetin l.t. ed nd when at length the fliers and their wives were back in the hotel that la their home here, they were ready for a day of quiet after all the tumult. Tomorrow tha it tenders them a dinner and then tne go to Washington for a recep tion mere before continuing with iut new xork festivities. Their reception in New York has convinced th thrs fi vera that America is not the dollar grab- mnv nation the old .word thinks she is. Major Fitzmauriee said so to- nignt while Captain Koehl nodded agreement. "It wa3 like nothing I ever saw before," the major told reporters when asked his impression of the reception. EG. Prominent New:York Writer Picked as Temporary Chairman for Meet WASHINGTON. Apr. 30 (AP) The keynote at the democratic national convention will be sound ed by Claude G. Bowers, author and educational , writer on the New York Evening World. He was selected as temporary chair man today at a meeting here of members of the democratic na tional committee , charged with making arrangements for the Houston convention. It was Bowers who at a get-together of democrats here In Janu ary stirred his party colleagues with an appeal for adherence to the principles of Jefferson and Jackson and with an arraignment of present day republican party leadership. Since then his desig nation as keynoter had been al most a foregone conclusion. Bowers, a former resident of Indiana but who will sit In the convention as one of the New York delegates pledged; to support Gov ernor Smith for; the presidential nomination, ras proposed for tem porary chairtman by Mrs. Jeroy Springs, national committee wom an from South Carolina. His selection was quickly made unanimous, after Chairman Shav er of flie democratic national com mittee had advised his party co workers that only one other name had been suggested to him that of Senator Dill of Washington. Shaver said he had told Dill there appeared to be a universal de mand for Bowers and reported that the western sentor readily showed a willingness to have his name withdrawn. Designation of Bowers as key noter was one of the detail? worked out at - today's meeting without the slightest trace of . dis cord. Present was a score of na tional committee members, most of them old party wheel horses who in many Instances were at odds at the Madison Square Gar den convention four years ago. WHEELER OPPOSED HELENA. Mont.. April 28. (AP). Sam V. Stewart, Mon tana's war time yovernor, today announced himself as a candidate for the democratic nomination for United States senator to succeed Burton K. Wheeler. Mr. Wheeler has not yet filed for re-election. NEW LOGGING CAMP PORTLAND, April 30. (AP)- The Carney Logging company of Cook. Wash., is installing a new logging camp In that city, officers of the company said tonlcht. Donkey engines and trucks will be used, and a commissary depart ment is being arranged. TYPEWRITERS Xk O. WITI COftOVA stnrDSTajuTD adds as An IbkM Usad MackiM THOS. XOEW MMM 951 S1 ONlt St. PILES CURED WtthMt pntMtB r nwa of tlm, DK. MARSHALL Stt Oregmi BUg. Tubes? Tested Free IMPROVE YOUR RADIO WITH NEW TUBES ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewound and Repaired, Ke , CT TJsed Motors CLAUD BOB BOlBfi'imiTEfi VIBBERT & TODD Thtege ClrctHeat 191 South Mlg Tot. 2112 .. ... -. , , -. ..!", SEUATEQUOP GIVEN rjFWPOWERa Leases of JSalt Creek Field in Wyoming Will be Investigated WASHINGTON, Apr. 30 (AP) -Ready to wind up its inquiry Into the operations of the Con tinental Trading company with the examination tomorrow of Har ry F. Sinclair, the Teapot Dome committee was gives a new task today by the senate that of In quiring Into the Irases of the Sail Creek field in Wyoming. Chairman Nye said a consider able amount of research work would be necessary and that the taking of testimony in Salt Creek inquiry probably would be defer red until the next session of con gress unless voluntary witnesses come forward in the meantime. Inquiry into the Salt Creek leases was proposed by Senator Norris of Nebraska, a leader of the republican independents, whose resolution was adopted without debate and without a roll call after it had been favorably reported by the audit committee. The leases on Salt Creek field, which adjoins the famous Tea pot Dome naval oil reserve In Wyoming, were- granted during the closing days of the Wilson administration and the early days, of the Harding administration. Charges of fraud in connection with these leases have been made by Senator Robinson, republican. Indiana, who presented to the sen ate In support of his charges a report from an assistant attor ney general in the Wilson admin istration recommending against the leases. REDWOOD FOLK LEARN OREGON TOURIST LURE (Continued from pace 1.) told of the Redwood highway mar athon, started a year ago, which thia year will have 40 entries and will attract much greater interest than it did in the first attempt. ; Entertainment features includ ed some stunts by a couple of Grants Pass Cavemen in character istic "open air" garb, and "num bers by the bugle and drum corps of Capital Post No. 9. George F. Vlck, president of the Saelm chamber of commerce, pre sided at the banquet. Presidents of the other civic organizations were introduced. The caravan, numbering 22 cars BIG F. N. WOODRY'S AUCTION MARKET 1610 X. Summer St. Wed. Xite 7 P. M. Sharp 1 electric range,, white trim; 1 walnut dining table and 4 wal. chain; a lot of candy, 1 walnut library table, 1 Ax minster run 9x12 like new: 6 used rugs nil sizes, a num ber of used linoleum rugs, 4 new linoleum remnants, 1 Brunswick console phono graph And records, 1 large ivory dresser, 1 S. O. dress er, 1 S. O. chiffonier, large; 4 used Simmons beds, 4 used matresses, 1 oaJk and leath er duofold, new card tables, sheets, pillowslip and com fortors, curtains, utensils and dishes, 1 oak ext. table. 6 oak and leather diners, 1 oak buffet, 1 large kitchen cabinet, 2 kitchen Queens, number of common ..chairs, number of oak and leather rockers, 3 burner oil stove and oven, 1 good 6-hole range, 1 new Royal drop head serving machine. Many other articles coming in. So don't miss dig sale if you want anything in house furn ishings. Cash Paid for . Used Furniture PHOXE 511 U at BLANKS THAT ARE LEGAL We carry in stock over 115 legal blanks suited, to most any business ' transactions. , We may have just the form you are looking for at a big saving as compared to made to order forms. ' Some of the'forms: Contract of Sale, Road Notice, Will Forms, Assign ment of Mortgage, Mortgage forms, Quit Claim Deeds; Abstract forms; Bill of Sale, Building Contract, Promissory Notes, Installment N6tes, , General Lease, Power of Attorney, Prune Books and Pads, Scale Re ceipts, etc. These forms are carefully prepared f or the courts and private use. Price on forms range from 4 cents to 16 cents apiece, and on note books from 25 to 50 cents. I i -! ' : PRINTED AND FOR SALE BY The Statesman Publishing Co, LEGAL BLANK HEADQUARTERS At Business Office, Ground Floor ' entered Salem at 6:15 o'clock last evening, and will he on its- way again this morning at 7 o'clock. The visitors were escorted from Albany by a delegation of Cherri ans. They will go as far aorth as British Columbia. GERMANS GIVE PEACE TREATY FULL SUPPORT CoDtia4 front pre 1) League of Nations and the Locarno treaties, which are the only inter national agreements as far as Ger many is concerned, which might be affected by the new pact, it was declared the obligations under ihose agreements must, in the opinion of German government. remain inviolable. Rights Not Violated The note continued: "The German government pro-1 ceeds on the belief that a pact aft-; er the pattern submitted by the the government of the United States would not put In question the sovereign right of any state to defend itself. It is self evident that If one state violates the pact the other contracting parties regain their freedom of action with ref erence to that state. The state af fected by the violation of the pact Is, therefore, not prevented from taking up arms on its own part against the breaker ot the peace. In a pact of this kind to provide expressly for, the case of a "Viola tion seems to the German govern ment unnecessary." "Grapefruit Cure NORTHAMPTON. England So ciety folk are patronizing a new neaitn resort advertising a "grape fruit cure" for health. It lasts a month, and embraces a fruit diet, sun and air treatment and games. FLORAL DESIGNS CUT FLOWERS, PLANTS GOLD FISH, BIRDS G. W. BltllTEAUFI Telephone 310 Sll State It EXTRA EXTRA Big paper drive. Highest prices paid for (magazines or newspapers must be in bundles) CAPITAL BARGAIN and JUNK CO. 105-145 Center St. PHONE 398 LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1868 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 pv m. IRAN amd Storage Long and Short Distance Hauling Public and Private Storage Fireproof Building GRAIN, J'EED and SEED Free Delivery t any part of the city. QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION Farmers Warehouse PAUL TRAGLIO, Prop. Day Telephone 28 OIWTUARY Benson Lee Benson died at a local hos pital on April 29. Funeral an nouncetments ; later from Clovgh Huston, formerly Webb's funer al parlors. Shalt -In this city, April 30. Katharine Shutt died at the age of 81 years. She was the mother ot George W. Shutt and grandmother of Mr. Theresa Eggler of Salem and Clare Shutt of Walla Walla. Fun eral services will be held Wednes day, May 2 at 1:30 p- m.. from the Rigdon mortuary, after which the body will be ahipped to the Portland Crematorium. mt. crest abbey mausoleum Vault entombment LLOYD T. RIGDON. Megr. TERWILLIGERS Perfect Funeral Service For Leas licensed Lady Mortician 770 Chemeketa Street Telephone 7114 dough-Huston ' Company FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant Formerly Webb's Funeral Parlors PHONE 120 Night Telephone 1Z67W SFEE