SAVE AT MORGAN'S Every Spring Coat --Dress Reduced $22.50 to $35.00 TOP . COATS NOW $15.85 to $24.85 TWEED ENSEMBLES $19.85 Formerly $29.50 Coat and Skirt 2-Piece r2Ggaim & C, Just 3 Doors From Elsinore BILL BRAZEAU'S With Stiffs on Court Street SPECIAL SAXOPHONE Like New I $05 FREE LESSONS 'Play m Yon Pay" Orchestrations "BUESCHER" Instruments SPECIAL TRUMPET Gold Trimmed $65 Come la and Try It Popular Sheet Music "WEYMANN" Banjo IF, E. SCaaOei? "Your Music Service Station - Dealer in Leather Goods Established 1891 That nothing takes the place of leather or wears longer. I have in stock a complete line of harness for the horse ; harness for the dog. Suit cases, hand bags, brief cases, ladies' hat cases, ladies' overnight bags, men's gloves, golf bags. F. E. SHAFER 170 So. Commercial n - . IP E5KIiQcB0Qge Furnished apartment house in best loca- v tion in Salem. Owner unable to take care of it. Will sacrifice. Price $10,000. Will take small acreage or other Salem property as part payment. CONFECTIONERY New fixtures; all modern conveniences; in city of Kelso, Washington. Will take good Salem home as part payjnent. Wo (So Etoraegei? 147 No. Com'L Phone 217 Call and find out The Commercial Book Store A. A. GUEFFROY That will appeal to any" one looking for quality, style and price. Come in and look around. You are not obligated to buy. The Wadle ttai?e 220 N. Liberty Street Li iQJJj4 Sumday-Moinidlay, April 22-23 ,- r AILS1 6 6 m.m 9 9 PlHKBtf MI&A. WOTS JJ. ftHLJIML&Tr 5 DAYS STARTING TUESDAY Harold Lloyd in 66 IBacganonc Children's Rayon Silk Hose Sizes 7 to 10J4 regular $1.00. Sale 69c Girls' Sport Hose 50c Try our Pointex heel, guaran teed pure silk hose for ....$1.00 Co-ed Silk Pajamas in all colors $3.95 Our three piece combinations, Saturday and Monday ....$2.50 Hats in silk, straws and felts $2.98 Saturday Monday New Location Agnes E. Lyons. 124 So. High St. A Vital Lesson! More important than any lesson to be learned in the text books is the habit of perfect grooming. Teach your boys and girls to remind you when their clothes need dry cleaning. It is one of the first lessons that they should learn. Standard Cleaners & Dyers 860 X. Commercial Thono 1433 Dont let tire trouble spoil your trip. Drive in and let us look over your tires before you leave. Better take a Miller spare along. 11 I "l a?irj Eusssiiiiris MILLER TIRE SERVICE " ' V 199 South Commercial Telephone 113 BETTER DENTISTRY FOR LESS MONEY "Why Pay More" DR. P. O. JONES TELEPHONE 2800 P- BELLINGER Dentist ; . Dental Technician EXAMINATION FREE Plates-$10; $12.50;and $15 Si- I Guarantee Yog a Fit or Your Money Back ALL WORK DONE PAINLESS Extraction f 1, third tooth and oTr Tie per tooth. XII Gold Crown $(.00 Gold Brldcework f 5.00 per tooth. V7LLINGS SUrer $1 to fl.SO; Emamel 1; Cement 80c .?WHEN YOU SEE MY WORK AND PRICES ' I WILL BE YOUR DENTIST' BO. F. C. JONEG, Dentist ROOMS 10-11 LADD & BUSH BANK BLD'G. BUY YOUR TIRES ON CREDIT USE MY PAYMENT 2S PLAN Credit privileges at cash prices No red tape No restrictions A new service for you y i 7 ml ill II 'mjl- 1 Sf Vt "OS TIMS PHONE 685 245 CENTER Liggett's Sweet Milk Chocolate One Half Pound Bar Regular 35c Perry's Drug Store The Rexall Store 115 S. Com'L St. Salem, Oregon ;