THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 22, 1928 V The Oregon Statesman Published every morning except Han' ay. tl EiIm, th capital ef Oregon. O ; O Local Rates For Classified Advertising Daily or Sunday One time Three time... Bis times 2 ctnu per word ...... 5 cent pr word 8 cents er word 1 ano. daily and 8un20 cent pr ward In order to earn the mora than on Mm rat, advert. sing mut raa ia coa secative issae. Na Ad takaa for liu J'i -5c. Ada ran beaday ON 1.1 caarged at oee-time rata. Advertisements (aieept Personals tad Situation Wanted) will ba taken -ear the telephone if the advertiser ia a subscriber to phoae. The Statesman will recaive adver tisements at J time ef the day or ight. To insar proper classification Ada ahould he in. btre 7 p. m. TELEPHONE 2k OB 533 ALVEKTI.-EMKNTS HONEST ADVERTISING Theae col asas aut be katt ao front anything of a questionable nature, attarepreaen tation will net be tolerated. Inform tiua showing any questionable intent a the r.-- of tba advertiser ahould be reported to this newspaper er th galena Ad Jot. Lodge Roster CUKUEKETA LODG.E NO. 1. I. O. 0. T. Meata every Wedneaday evennig at 7;0 o'clock ; third floo- of I. O. O. V Temple, corner of Court and High Sta. . AUCTIONEER F. N. Woodry 13 Trk. Salem'a leading Aactieneer a.4 n j ore Dealer. Stow 7 10 N. Sui PVeue Sll Re. St Ii. F. Woodry & Son ftVgat down tow a. Caj paid tor ass furniture. Btors 271 N Comm'l. TsL 75. Agente for Langj Range. 3 COL.. A. L. STEVEN 805 AUCTIONEER tt yara experience in the Willamette valley, for date or arrangement ee r. A. Iomer, rerm aavtser. rirsi na j tienel Bank, Salem. Phon er write. : A. L. Stteveaaon, Corvsllie. Ore. BATTERY-ELECTRICIAN 3 at D. BARTON EXIDX BATTERIES Starter aod generator work; 201 South High. Tel. 1S8 UIOH AND jolt Y.XL.UIAH3 W.KfclVKR fl tiTRlfi CO. HOUSa wiring by nour or contract. Estimates furnished. J el. u ail court u U. S. L. Service Station uteraotue Electrician Vack Bros. High St. at Trad. Tel. 1841 BICYCLES Repairing 4 LLOTD E. KAM8DK COLUMBIA Bi cycle and repairing, f S7 Court, CLEANERS AND DYERS 5 tHrRRT CITT CLEANERS. 0. W. Uoane. 2S0 It. Liberty. TeL 94. HELP WANTED Male 6 MEN WHO LIKE TO TRAVEL AND wtnt work in romantic South America write for free list. South American Service Bureau. 1 4.600 Alma, Detroit. Mich. U K.N MfST HAVE CAR AND WILL-i-ur. to be imt from borne part of time. Money earh w-k. Steady position. Woe Mr. MrCatl, tilf X. Com'l St., Sun day afternoon. WANTED BRIGHT INTELLIGENT bay 14 year of age or over to deliver newspapers. nroriiir.g route, in Holly wood district. Apply Circulation assaager, Oregon Statesman, 215 South Oosaaaercial. SALESMEN -"tiReal Opportunity ,'?' - rontrel a business of your own ia -- sae man it woman in every fi a oniric! representative ior na f rL-iweei'T1 tTi rorporation. Orders are f " oaay to aecure ae every bank, businea httwae. profeaaional mil and individual ovYrwh4re usee 4mmerrial or 8ocial etaionery, Anneuneements. Buaines Card. Uo our HxliTidually monegnmed n-aanal and Bnatceta Cbriatmaa Greet ing Card. Large cemini&iion ia paid daily alio liberal monthly bonus, and tam Jea together with everything necessary to start you In bneiuett are furnished free by iu. A real opening to the big money. - THK PROCESS ENGRAVING CO.. INC., Try at 21 et Strt. Chicago, 111. ATTENTION: 8PF.. JAl.TT AND CLOTH ittg Salesmen. Faatett selling tine to- . day. One suit r tp eoat gl.V eom miaaion 3.60 Two for $28 50. com 'BMaim $6 plan Usnus. Cnion Tailor iag Company, IVnvrr. CeJo. HELP WANTED Female a TfrRESER iK MAIL ORDER. c ltaae. Home, spare time; eacloee taed. addraaael envekipc. Lurile'a I . 1906 San Pablo. Oakland. Calif. wWtREgg r.?vVFUPE8 AT HOME pare time. Experience oanecesaary. Tigaifid work. 1 13 25 weekly eaay. Sewd 2- stamp fr particulars. Maselle, De. E452. Gary, Indiana. WrtMKN F.ARN -17 DOZEN SEWINO erssi. Ezperieare unnecessary; ne ailing. ' Easy, steady work, material natt. Addnesi i. -aarrelape bring de tail. Goshen Iress. Goshen. X. T. WOaiKN INEXPERIENCED WANTED law anaaafaetnrer who can earn f20 weekly spare time sewing aprons. Ma terial rut; N selling: stamped ea TiHup bring particulars. Morning Qtory Apron t-o , Mt. Vernon. N. T. mrPREaENTATIVE. DIRECT DO yaw wrat 92 an hour showing charm tug Mary Roae frocks. bigget variety, rice heat ceenpetitinn. Experience smnoceasary. Free equipment. RODASI CO.. 852 Rod fi Blag., Cincinnati, Ohio. IF ANTED WOMEN TO PAINT HAND kerchief at borne. Experience un axraHary. We teach you Free. Good pay. Permanent. Hilk free, hut not paints. Send for fYe samples. Text Art. 1045 Clement St., San Francisco, Calif. WOMA WANTED POR TRAVELING POSn'IOX open May 1st. not married, entirely unincumbered, with high school wdnoation, .between -5 and 40. Salary, bonus and transportation. Give full information. P. E. COMPTOX A CO.. 1002 N. Dearborn, Chicago. AGENTS WANTED 9 DISTRIBUTOR FOR 100 STORE ROUTE this connty; experience unnecessary; no selling, distribute and collect: should net $?.P0 weekly. PERIS MFG. CO.. Florin, Fa. , ' - flO TO $15 DAILY TAKING ORDERS for LaSalle Tailored Shirts. Experi ance nnnecessary,. part or full time. . Factory prices, splendid quality, huge selection. Big handsome outfit FREE. Have yon sold before; for whom! "Write today, LaSalle Shirt Mfg. Co. 100 W Chicago Ave., CfckafO. AGENTS WANTED 9 AGENTS SELL LADIES' FINEST line fall fashioned ilk Hosiery and I'nderwear, no experience needed. Spare; full time. Sample absolutely free. Salarv baaia. Mill Hosiery Corp., 80S Fifth Ave.. N. T. MAKE $50 TO "5 A WEEK. EVERY one need ahoea. Sell Maon' all leather shoes, amaxingly low prices. 85 styles men's, women', children'. No experience needed. Big outfit FREE. Mason Shoe Mfg. Co., Dept. NC 422, Chippewa Falls. Wise. CHIROPRACTORS 10 DR. H. B. SCOFH ELP-. p. a. a. to Firet Kational Baak BUj DR. O. L. SCOTT. PfC. CHIROPACTOm 25 N. High. TeL US-R, Re. 114-J FLORISTS 11 PIOWERa TOR A LIr OOOASIOMaV Olaaa's. Cenrt k IligH St. Tel. 01. CCT rLOWSRS. V-EOPIKO BOUQUTt Funeral wreath a. deeenati jo. C. F. Braithawpt. florias. Sit aUate fltree. TeL Sao. INSURANCE 12 losore ear Home or Car now. BECKE HENDRICKS Phawo l"l I. O U. F. BMt, $9 N. High 8. FARM LOANS FlU-TT OF MONET so msi oa a-ood tars lacnritF. CITY IX) Vh We -or loaaing Pru dential' IaBfaeo ooaspaar money a city residence i-nd busiaeaa property at V pet coat, plo a oo&aMaaioa Uaw ki'aa A Hoberta. I, 2Ui Oregon Building. OR BALK FIRST AND S1COND Mort gage. Treat Deeds, Contracts on huBkC Will aet to 20 per cent BECKE m HENDRICKS HeJlig Bldg.. 1H If High SL WANTED Empioyment 1? HOCR WORK WANTED, 340 UNION. Phone 193 M. (JIRL EMPLOYED FROM to 6 WISH es to give services mornings and eve nings, in exchange for room sod board. Box 25, Statesman. FOR RENT 14 PASTURE FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. V. H. Croissn, Route 3. Salem. FOR RENT Apts. 15 DUPLEX APT. ti S. WINTER. NICELY FURNISHED APARTMENT AT 590 Union. - ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. 292 X. Summer. 2 ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE. WA ter. light and fuel, close In, (22.50. 555 Marion. APARTMENT IN DUPLEX FURNISH ed. new and clean, desirable location. Phone 7S2-R. 2 ROOMS KITCHENETTE, WA ter. light A fuel. $20 a month. Alfred Berg. 555 Marion St. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED 8 room anartment. Virginia Apart ments. 879 N. Liberty. FURNISHED APARTMFNT. 2 ROOMS water, light & fuel. $13.00. Garage $2.50 a month. 555 Marion Bt. PLEASANT THREE ROOM APART - ment; heat; bath; parage; storeroom; closets: close in. $30.00. Inquire 127 Union Str. PATTON APARTMENTS COZY, eleen, comfortable, nicely furnished. Private bath. Steam heat. Down town district. Reasonable in price. For inspection call Patton's Book Store. Electrical Refrigeration, ranges. Modern, brick, heated. Apt. High class residential district. Cheerful, attractive, light. room apartment, 9 teds, $40.00. One furniahed overstuffed. $50.00. A two room furnished, $37.50. Inspection invited, children welcome. Ambassador Apartments SS0 N. Vummer. 1971 FOR RENT Rooms 16 FOR RENT Close in 4 rooms. $25. 657 Center. Also vacant house with furnace, fireplace, garage, for $82.50 at 650 N. 16th. Others. BECKE HENDRICKS, 189 N. High Street FOR RENT Houses 17 FUR RENT MODERN 6 ROOM BUS- galow. Telephone 1351. $20.00. GOOD 7 RM. HOUSE, OAR- age. Paved St. 754 S. I3th St. PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSE. 438 Wa ter street. Inquire at 44rt Water. FOR RENT: MODERN HOME OX WAL- lace Koad 1 mile out. Telephone 121F11. HOUSES FOR RENT. $18 $20 $25 $30. l-urmshed $30 and up. See Louis Hechtel J. D. Seara, 341 8tate St.. Room 4. BOARD AND ROOM 2Q ROOM. BOARD. SIN OLE MAU, BUS- eay euaaara. a i aaa aria, itfas vse asoketa. Fhoao l&JS. LAUNDRIES 21 THK NEW SALKM LAUTDhTY THK W EIDER LAUNDRY Televhoao S. Ml S. High FRY THK BOMX WET WASH LAUN- ry. Tel. 171. ISO a aMrwat, CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY The Lawndry af Pure Materials" Talaphono 111 i;V4 Broadway TAILORS 22 D. H. MOSHXR TAILOR FOB MEN new. si uoart . ETTA KETT I kEr ESS? AT -L HUCXET IS teKC Geu f f OH ! J) ' T,! tv MrI V wooc Hontr To S ( TooR-ou-net 1A I -'. VDn M2'fv50i:ce-) SS-A .T Ccw(?SCTnr?1rVDTo TVV C uKsl sVT V Y M Aw 1 T"Tr"" JD L?-v f WANTED Misc. 23 rrjRjrrrcu packing oa maiw eieaa-rewwrs rnmiws w. WIVTXD PR IT ATM MOJTXT TO (an tnaaa. XT have awveral aapHea tiea on hand. Haw klna JUhert Ine 205 Oregon Bid. WANTED GOOD WASHED OOTTOJf Raga not amaUer Uaa 1 yard to ae fat wiping machinery. Highea prlee Said far good cUaa tax, apply a leteamaa eltiea. aoa aUifler. More Than a Tonic More Than a HealthFood A iNatural Remedy! Pacific Health-Ore Tkia prodwet aapplia Satnra with Tita. working and building tnateriala previa, ataaant to asaiatain the normal ehemica balaaea to iasara the natural harmony and proper functioning of gland ana or fan and to maintain a rich and health o.ood strana. ir a . imI iur nlaaaanl take aaa package t anffietent for thrto months treatment. Said eader a aoitiv any hwrk gearaatea. MATTRESSES 24 MATTRESSES RENOVATED ST THJ Capital City Moddiag Co, ,- North Capitat. sjajiea ior ana work guaranteed. TeL It. FOR SALE 25 PERENNIALS e PLANT. CHRYSAN themnms and Paoaiea 25c Dosen. HalL end S. 12th St., Bos 2. Phone 713-M. BEAUTIFUL PIANO. CANNOT BE TOLD from new. There ha been aioa.uv paid on it. Yon can have -for unpaid balance. Juat take up payment of $10.00 monthly. See thia anap at oace. Tallman Piano Store, 12th and Mill. NURSERY STOCK, PRICES FORGOT- ten. W have a email aioca oi poti ly selected apple, pear, peach, cherry, plum and other trees, and few choice ornamentals that mast be sold at once to clear the yard. You name the price or will trade, what have you! Come and get them. 1050 North Capitol St. WANTED Live Stock 26 SOME POOR CANXERS. ALSO MEDIUM and good beef cattle wanted. Phone 2541. CATTLK WANTED. A BUYER IS AT my place for sixty head 01 dairy came to be shipped to California. Let me know what you have for sale.' E. A. Rhotea, 1595 South High street, phone 2538 R. FOR SALE Live Stock 27 A LARGE 8 PAN OF MULES for aale. Good pullers; also one horso. JOHN H. SCOTT 305 Oregon Bldg. Phone 254 or 622 HORSE8. MULES, JERSEY COW. 1710 Mission. JERSEYS AND GUERNSEYS HEIFER Calves, week old, from high producing cows, $8.00. Phone 2541. PIGS JUST weaned snd sow with pigs for sale. JOHN II. SCOTT 305 Oregon Bldg. Phone 254 or 622 VETERINARIAN 28 FRED W. LA NOR, VETERINARIAN Office S20 8. Comma re iaL TeL 119a, Boa. TeL 166C WOOD SAWING 29 WOOD SAWING. FHONR It 77. Hit North OommereiaL WOOD FOR SALE 30 GOOD DRY WOOI. FHONR 731. M. I. Mayfield. GOOD DRY WOOD FOB TOG O. A. Tel. 990. IS IN. OLD FIB -0 rick) TeL 9189. FEB) OORPw. GUARANTEED DRY WOOD COAX. TeL 18. Salem Fuel Co., 75 Trade. WESTERN UNION TIME. TRUCKS for hailing. Wood to burn. Call 829. 16 INCH OLD FIR, DRY 8ND GROWTH, and nan. C. U. Her ban gh. 108 High land Ave rnene jo. 16 inah dry mlHwood at $8.50 par kad. IS inch green mlllwood at $8.00 per load. T24ACY TEL. 281$ OLD FIR WOOD, PRACTICALLY 8EA- oned. $6.50 cord, second growth $5.50, on track, ear lots, Salem. J. M. Pee bles, Falls City. Oregon. SOOD GOAL, DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES HILLMAN FUEL CO, TELEPHONE 18fl. O. (BEE) A. AN PERSON , FOB WOOD TO BURN 6ALKM TRANS. A FUEL OO. GENERAL TRANSFER WORK. TEL. 529 BEST SRADE OF WOOD Dry wood d ft. and 16-laeh. Iarg haads are (Boa per to lay. Mill wood is onr specialty, rrumpt coiivery and reasot abla prion. FRED K. WELLS 980 S. Church TeL 1541 MEDICAL 31 EPILEPSY HOW POISONED BLOOD cauaes fits. How to stop, fits prompt ly. Free treatise and instructions. Write Western Medical Ata'n.. 133 W. 62nd St.. Chicago. POULTRY AND EGGS 32 CUSTOM HATCHING. OREGON CAFI- tal Hatcbory, 2h44 North Fifth street, Salem. Prone 2620. BABY CHICKS TUESDAY. WEDNE8- day. Oregon Capital Hatchery. 2144 North Fifth street. 8lem. Phone 2620. SPECIAL ON BABY CHICKS WEEK of Anrit 2Brd onlv. AaaArteJ ! f chicks, fourteen varieties. $12,00 per hundred and np. Order early. Phono 13JF2. Lee's Hatchery. BABY CHICKP. AND CUSTOM HATCH tag Expert servieo asoans affleaanc and high quality. All tawy chlekaJrooi parsat stock Officially tested and Of fielall- AppTorod. Salem'a alaeet Caa tons HatchiLg plant. Fhono IMF. a .na senary. POULTRY AND EGGS 32 WHITS OBPIJrGTOX B, W. D. TI8TXD egg. 91.0O par setting 94.00 per hun dred. Mrs. J. H. Wright, BA. 1, Box lit. TeL 1F11. BAB T CHICK I VERT MONDAY AXD Tuesdsy. leadiag variet'.e. Beat local stock. Price reasonable. Sales Chick riea. tM Mortk Cottage ttroot. Bales. MUSIC STORES 33 FOB KENT NEW PIANOS. H. L. Stiff Fnrnitaro Compaay. GEO- a WILL PIANOS. FHONO graph. sawing ssachinea, aheoa annslo sad pin studio. BopolrUc phaao gmpho and sewiaug machraea. 4S2 State atroet. Salens. MUSIC TEACHERS 33a MODERN PIANO JAZZ FRANK BUT ten. Waterman course. Studio 960 Af. Cottage, phono 2165-J. KODAK FINISHING 34 FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERY Oe order svoaast wore mm Portland, Ore. Newspapers Magazines 35 THK PORTLAND TatLEG RAX SALEM Agency. The Ace. TeL 99. THE OREGON STATESMAN, $0 CENTS par month delivered to tout homo early oaon morning. TeL 88 or $88. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send f iva 2-eaa sumps so the Facffts Homcataad, Salem, Oregon, 'for tare moata' trial suhs ripiioa. MeaUea this ad. POCrRTMEN SEND EIGHT TWO eeat stamps for special three months' trial lor the hast sad oldest Journal ta th West. Tha articles and adver lissmonti are oi special interest to the poultry breeders ef the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 811 8, Com sseeaial B. Salem. Or ana a PAPERHANGING 37 PHONK GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE deeorsUxg. paperhaigmg. Unting. etc, RoUahla workman. PAINTING 38 OH AS. BENNE-rU AnrrTNO CON traetor, paintiag, paper hanging. ma-w. isi noes minor. MISCELLANEOUS 39 FOR SALEM SCAVENGER SERVICE call 197. FURNITURE TJP HOLSTE RlJt Q AND RE pairing. Glese-towers Farniture Store. FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERA, 10 cents a handle. Statesmen office, 21$ South CoasasoraUL WANTED.! OSKDFIAir;J(:j change on Radios, PhonogrspnT; or Furniture. H. L. Stiff Furnitur Com pany. WHITE SCOTCH OOLLIE AT STUD, Salem'a White King. Roglater number 56698 1. Servieo guaranteed. Puppios and grown stock for sale. Mrs. Ben nett. 1080 Chemeketa.' Phono 1589. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES FOR BALK REBUILT AND repaired by expert. All kinds of woven wire fence. Fsnoy aad plain. Hep basket and hooka, togaa ki-eks. Salem Fence and Stove Work. 860 Court street. Free Garbage Can Will be given away by the City Garbage Co. by paying your garbage bill six month in advance at 75c per month. Call 2290 CAPITOL BAKOJUr AND JUNK HOUSE, 105-149 Cantor. TeL 898. All kinds of Junk bought and eold; Rags, Socks, Bottles. Barrels. Hides. Pelts. Wools. Furs, Tallow, Ca scare Bark. Grape Book Pitch, Peppermint Oil. All kind Of iron hiatal evaryimsg I rem a needle to a locomotive. Onion Skin Carbon Paper Typewriter Ribbons W. S. Du Presne ' T8S E, ftOth St. H. Pertlaad, Oregon Are You All There? Chemical analysis of the nomas, body shows that it ia composed ox tae tol low ing elemental Oxygen, Caroom, Hydro gen, Nitrogen, Calcinm, Phosphorus, Potassium Sulphur, Sodium Chloride. Magnesium, Iran, Iodine, Fluorine, Sili con. Zinc Manganese. Yon sappiy pour body with the chemical elements through ths food yea at. tha air you breathe and the water you drink. Good health depends ma eh npom the shemutrp or tae aooy, aa tan supplies aad maintained. Many refined foods la eoaamoa as today aro lacking to -an alarming extent in these vital and health promoting properties, and this deficiency is reepoBsiDie ror many caronie sunian Pacific Health-Ore is rick In the majority of those elements aad Ha aae has accomplish ed marreloos resoits in restoring health. Give Nature a ehane you ll be surprised at her r pons. BGI IUUK DKUOC-IST TODAY LOST AND FOUND 41 STRANGE HORSE IN GEO. BALLOD'S pssture. Pay for ad and take horse. Geo. Ballod, Rt. 4. Box 116. Lost Diamond Ring Gold setting. On Center street be tween S narmer and Cam' I Sts. Reward. Leave Statesman Office. PERSONAL 43 IF YOU WANT A WEALTHY, PLEAS- tag sweetheart, write rem Grey, Sta tion B. Cleveland. Ohio, (stamp) MARRY IF LONELY; JOIN "THE 8UC- cesslM uorrespoaaeneo jin.b." .Reliable; Descriptions free. Box 566, Oakland, California. IF YOU ARE LONELY SEND 10 CTS. for information to The Portland Corre spondence Club. 1009 E. 91et N. Port land, Oregon. Strictly reliable, and eonfideatial. Taking Him at 44 .insiir OAJbDS, fahph- lag lpJrtmani, tl ft. Cimaxunlil . TeL I a. MONEY TO LOAN 45 FEDERAL FARM LOAN . F. U Wood. Bias StA STRAIGHT LOANS CITT and farm. W. O. Wright, 204 Masonic Bldg. F H. BELL. S19 U. S. BANK BLDG. Beeideace s . ki or 8141-W- MONET TO LOAN FOB BUILDING AMD en oity property. 4V lisrKt aad U jj Martin, attorneya, A6 Oregon BniUing. ToL 80o4. gXVA&t AND COLLATERAL LOAN 8 Repayable in Wsekly or Monthly In stallment. GENERAL FINANCE COR PORATION, FirsNafl Bask. Tal. 1200. CITY AND TRACT LOANS staaaoaablo Rat Ho Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN A88 H. 708-1 First Nattonal Bank Builaiag Fheno 457. Salon. Oregon. CITY AND FARM IOANS AT LOWEST rates. Boat terms obtainable. Oar taanraaco depaxtaaeat offers yon e aert ad rice and servieo In ail Unas. HAWKINS ROBERTS (Ins) TeL 1427 80$ Oregon Bldg. WANTED LOANS 46 WANTED Private money to loan on Real Estate. W. E. MOSES 451 Court Street WJKTXO Private money to loaaj on REAL ESTATE. W. H. GRABENHOBsTT 184 B. Liberty St. COt PLUMBING 47, PLUMBING AND GP-NEKoL SEPAiB work. Grsher Bros, 144 S. Liberty Tel. 650. BUSINESS OPPR. 48 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BUS INESS FOR SALE, DOING GOOD BUSINESS AND CHEAP RENT. WRITE BOX 21, CARE STATESMAN. FOR LEASE: Several attractive giound floor store or office rooms, well located. W. H. ORABKNHORST ft CO., Realtor 134 S. Liberty St. i Tel. 515 GROCERY with FOUNTAIN k CONFEOTIONE5RY Owner will give good' deal as he is anxious to sell. Price includes stock, fixtures and building. Will invoice $3123, for quick ssle $2000. SOCOLOFSKY & SON, 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. RADIO 49 Radlolas For every purpose, for every parse All standard sixes of Radio Tubes, SOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 885 Court St. Tel. 488. FOR SALE Houses 50 BY OWNER NEW STRICTLY MODERN 6 room house. Phone 97F12. Eve nings. 9 RM. HOUSE, $7500.00. 4 RM. HOUSE $2000.00. Phone 505-W. Route 5, Box 13, Salem, Oregon. CALIFORNIA PROPERTY FOR SALE or trad for Salem, Ore., property. Write Box 123, Statesman. FOR SALE 3 ROOM COTTAGE, PAV ed street, close to schools and bus line. $1600, with $100 cash, balance $20 mor.thly. f W. A. LISTON, ' Masonic Temple REAL ESTATE 51 CLOSE IN APARTMENT HOUSE, IN come $90.00 per month. Prise $6500.00. Call 10ti4 Oak St. NEW ENGLISH TYPE HOUSE A Real Value 1 G rooms, nook and bath. Strictly modern throughout. Large lot, garage, pavement. Priced for quirk sale. Let us show you this. , SOCOLOFSKY & SOX, 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. $1000 Down New modern homes St 935 and 955 Tsmarsck. Each has fur nace, fireplace, hardwood, large deep cement basement, garage, $4900 and $5250, pavement paid. BECKE A HENDRICKS 189 N. High St. Builders Attention! Close in on paved street North; 132 ft. frontage: two houses on property. Just the place to build a Court apart ment. $3200 and sssums psving. For location, call or see W. G. KRUEGER -147 No. Com 1 Phone 217 LOTS LOTS LOTS We can sell you som choice lots at half price. 6 fine lots for $900, buyer assume paving. Also 4 others at $800. Or one of the best corner lots in North Salem, with both streets paved and paid for $750. Terms. Buy your lot of Louis Bechtel J. D. Sears, or Earl Tucker. 341 State St.. Rooms 8 and 4. Three Autos at your service. 5 room east front house $1850, pav ing paid. 4 room new bungalow, garage, fur nace, fireplace, $93w. East front, corner, 6 room house, $3350. East front lot, small garag house, $2000. Storked farm, 240 seres and good buildings. $16,000. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Conrt FOR SALE Nearly new d room house. Base ment, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floor, garage. Fine lot. $2850. Yon caa hay this on your own terms. Five room house on K. 5th St. Pull lot. Prved street. Garage. $2350. Very eaay terms. Nearly new 4 room house. Bsse--nent, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, garage. Paved street. Close to school. $3800. Essy termt. Five room honse on S. Liberty St. Basement. $2700. Your own terms. Fine home on N. Slimmer St. to trade for suburban property. INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN RICH L. REIMANN, Realtor '19 N. High St. Phoaa $65 Hit Face Value PRINTING REAL ESTATE 51 TO TRADE FOR FARM OR WILL SELL 25 Portland lots. No inenmberaaeo. 8 war and water ia. By Owner. Writs Box 33 Statesman. BUSINESS LOCATION. 172 Mar ion Stj.. with ten room housa. Reducad priee from $6000 to $5500 for quirk ssle. SALEM REALTY COMPANY 462 State St. WOULD! TAKE LINEN MILL STOCK up to8 or 9 hundred dollar on new modern 5-room house North rented for $30 per mo. Win. A, Bond, 1340 N. Cottage. For' Sale. New modern four room bungalow, 865 Richmond Ave. Make an offer. F.L. Wood Geo. F. Peed 341 State St. A SACRIFICE 5 room English Bungalow with $1500 worth of beautiful furniture all for $4900 with easy terms. This is iu a splendid residential district, and shonld be seen to be appreciated. Let us show yon this today. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 DELANO k DOW SPECIALS $1,000 actual aacrifiee. Thia beau tiful new 6-roora aightly view home among the fiaeat in Salem, on the swelleat reaident street. Don't delay, see us at once. 1 10 acres Bartlett Pears full bearing 6 miles Salem. Priced right. Trade Salem home, pay difference. No infla tion either aide. ! DELANO k DOW 290 N. Church Phone 2830 New 4 room Bungalow, fireplace k built-ins, garage, $2250, $250 down. Oood 7 room home in Roaeburg snd well improved 8 A. tract near sama, $7500, clear, for ranch. Store bldg. k residence on large lot, Stste St. $5500, easy terms. Nice all modern 6 room Bungalow k Garage, nice location. $6500, for acre age. 18 A. fine loam soil, several acres berries, Bldg., stock k equipment for residence. PERRINE k MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. WEEK END SPECIALS 3 room for $1350 $550 cash. Shack plumbing Al lot. basement partly dug all lumber can be u&ed to wards modern home $750. Two lots North for $228 , each and assume street improvements. Can you beat itt 5-acre peach orchard $2000. 6 acres logans small bouse barn $2000. Splendid buy in 4 room strictly mod ern well located home. Let ua serve you. BARBER k BOND 200 Gray Bldg 125 N. Liberty OLTB OP TOWN OWNER 6AYS "SELL" ' FINE MODERN HOME 5 large rooms snd floored sttic. Hardwood floors; fireplace; built-in buffet, full Dutch kitchen; Kohler bath and show er; full cement basement (one of the best In Salem) has piped furnace, laun dry atove, laundry traya, fruit room, etc. Double garage. Large lot 75x110. Flowers, shrubs; berries. Price reduc ed for quick sale from $7,000.00 to $6,000.00. This was built for a home and is a REAL BUY. See TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor "Headquarters For Homes" 6000 Modern 7 room bungalow, modern in every way, fine corner lot. well located to school, bus. etc. $1000 down. $1500 New modern, English type home 5 rooms ft attic stairway. oak floors, basement, furnace, garage, east front corner lot, (300 down. $2900 New 4 room bungalow, oak floors. basement, fireplace, garage, $100 down, $30 per mo. including in tereat. $1800 New bungalow, 3 rooms and nook, bath, garage. $100 down, $25 per mo. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 V. 8. Bank Bldg. Phont 637 PRICED FOR QUICK SALE New extra well constructed 5 room bungalow fully modern, east front lo cation, paved street psid, stairway in and plenty of room to finish 2 rooms on second floor. Gsrage. Yon just can't best this at the price $4000. $1000 cash. 7 rooms, English type, practically new all modern and furniahed; good location, paved street paid; price re duced from $5000 to $4600 for quick sale. - $1500 cash. Good terms on bal ance. 6 room bouse and garage, good lo cation, paved street. modern except basement. Price $2800. $500 caah. New 6 room English type house and garage. Choice location on bus line. Hsrdwood floors, fully modern. $5500. Only $500 cash. Good terms on bal ance. When you want to buy, sell or ex change for Salem residences, close in acreage, home or farms see WELLS TALLMAN 411 Oregon Bldg. Phone 737 SEE Laflar & Laflar Ladd ft Buah Bank Bldg. FOR A good farm of 30 a.-res with mod ern Bldga., to trada for modern home in Salem. Another fine farm of 160 seres with modern Bldgs., at a sacrifice Will take in good modern Salem home, bal ance Mtge. Good 7 room house well located in Gwrvais Lot 100x100, at a give away price. Lots ef good lots in all psrts of the eity easy pay'ts. Apt. Houaa paying $50 a month. North Lib. St., close ia. Sacrifice for quick sa la. Honey To Losn General Insurance 17 Year in Salem Laflar & Laflar Ladd ft Bush Bank Bldg. - BEAUTY PARLOR DIRECTORY THE CAPITOL BEAUTY 8HOPPE 223 K. High. For Appt. Tel. 366 THE MODEL BEAUTY PARLOR 112 N. CommsrcUl. Tel. 956 THE MODERN MARIN ELLO For Men. Women and Children 206 Maaonic Bldg. Tel. 379 HOTEL DIRECTORY Salem's New Hotel Senator The finest chain if Termiul Hotels in Oregon Now Open Officisl Depot for All Oregon Pickwick, Hainraand and Parker Stages Strictly First Class, Up to the Minute in service and 'V Accommodations Mextanine Floor With Baby Grand Piano Large Writing Room Ladies' Dressing Room 111 Rooms 99 with Bath and Sbowera Stage Terminal Hotel Company W. W. Chadwick, Pres. W. A. Cummings. Loral Mgr. Chas. V. Cooley, Ass't Loral Mgr. INSURANCE DIRECTORY Anderson k Rupert General Insurance 169 8. High. Tel 1644 BECKE ft HENDRICKS 189 N. High. Tel. 161 C. B. WILLIAMS, Central Life Agency 306-7 Oregon Bldg. Tel 490 R. D. GRAY General Insurance 147 N. Com-1. Tel. 2125 LAFLAR ft LAFLAR Ladd ft Bush Bank Bldg. Tel 546 W. A. LISTON, General Insurance 404 5 Masonic tildg. Tel. 1321 RICH L. REIMANN Gen. Ins., Loans 219 N. High St. Tel. 865 WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGENCY 215 Masonic Bldg. Tel. 9A1 REAL ESTATE 51 FAIRMOUNT HOME English house, 6 rooms, breskfsst nook, hardwood in living and dining room. Tile drain boards, modern in every respect. Open Sunday 1. M. 1630 Saginaw Street. LOTS LOTS LOTS $10.00 down and balance $10.00 per , month buys one of those fine lots in Rosedale addition close to the 'New Linen Mill, building restric tions $2000.00 W. H. URABENIIORST CO. Realtors 134 8. Liberty Street CLOSE IN 4 ROOM HOCSK E. Str. Double construction, fire place, furnace, hardwood floors $3800. K. B. KUGEL Phone 534 175 S. High St. A HOME AND AN INCOME 2 houses on a nice corner lot in N Salem, Atreet paved and paid, one house has 5 nice rooms and sleeping porch, rustic fireplace, oak floors, built in kitchen, piped furnace, full base ment, garage, etc. Smaller house brings good rental. Don't fail to let us show you this. Price for a few davn reduced to $4750. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 WHY PAY RENT i When yon can buy a good home with $100 to $250 down, balance for less than rent including interest. Here are a few specials : $100 Down. Plastered 4 R.. attic, Bath, lights, Basement. Price $1800. was $2500. One 5 Room plastered $100 Down. Price cut to $950 from $1500. Owner away, house rents for $10 per month. Get out of the rut of paying rent. Do It today. See LOCTS BECHTEL or J. D. SEARS or EARL TCCKERi Rooms 3 ft 4 at 341 State 8t. HOU8E BUYS $250.00 down will handle a new Modern 4 room home and attic. Fire place. Furnace, Basement. Ready to move into, located at 1630 Jefferson street. Price $3150.00. 2.10.00 down will handle a New 6 room Home located at 1695 N. 17th, street. Basement, Fireplace, Furnace, Oak Floors in living and dining room. Price $3150.00. $300.00 down buys a New F.ngliMi Type house located 1525 N. Iflth street. Four room and Nook. Furnace. Fireplace. Price $3H50.O0 W. H. GRABENHORST CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street Beautiful 8TRICTLY MODERN home. Eaet front Extra large lot VERY desirable location in best resi dence district. Paving paid. This has six lovely rooms, hardwood floors, lots of built-ins, hot wster nesting system. In fact everything to make a Teally nice home. The lawn and shrubbery are beantiful, and there are grapes and berries for home use. Thia is a REAL LY GOOD BUY. Let us show you. Capitol Reality Company 216 North High St. Phone 1143 We write all kinds of insurance. $750 t buy 4 room ceiled house, two Iota, garage, woodshed, one year old. West Salem, an excellent buy, he has dropped his price $500. 486 acres, over 190 acres in mltiva tion, 40 acres of orchard, mostly ap ples. 15 miles to Salem, roost of lsnd could be cultivated, lots of oak timber, some fir, fair bldgs., an estate, st $30 sn acre. $4000 buys sn all modern 5 room home, new, eaat front, all clear except mortgage of $2700. some terms, fine paint job. A fine boy in a home, N.E. Salem, close to bus line. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 202 U. 8. Nat. Bank Bldg. By PAUL ROBINSON New First National Bank Building Directory BASEMENT Ie Shining Tsrlor Experts for I.sdie, J t-vntlemen SECOND FLOOR Coffey ' Photo Sfrvic Tel. 70S. Over the S;i TH1HU H.IKIK Morris pt:rsl Co Sill 302 3'1 Dr. Henry K M,,rr,s Optometrist Telephone '39 C. F. Gillette Suit 310 1111 Lswjer Telephone 105i Dr. DsviJ B. Hi'.!. Orthodontia ( Straightening of irregular teeth' FOURTH FLOOR Drs. O'Neill ft Bnr4ette. Ootometn-1 Phone 625 . 4ul 40 403 ioi X i SIXTH FLOOR Geo. R. Vehrs M. V.. I'hyticisn Surgeon Suite b03 Tel. U379 Ke. 775 KobinlD. Day and Donald W. Miles Attorneys at Law Telephone 193 C10 611 612 EltiHTH FLOOR Dr. C. Ward Davis, General Dentistry Tel. t!16. Evening by appointment. Kuum on2 Dr. H. B. Scof.eld V1 Chiropractor. .N eurocalometer Service TENTH FLOOR Dr. W. A. Johnson. Dentist Telephone 125 1001 REAL ESTATEV " 51 9S acres $1200. One mile from good vsliey town. Clear of incumbrance To trade us part payment on tin acres or more. 5 rooms $K'J00. House in South .Sa lem. Knob Hill addition, or will trade for 4 room house in Los An geles. Cal., up to $3500. 22 acres bottoro land all in crop, good barn on good country road. A bar gain at $1900. G room housn $6300. New fully mod ern English type, fine location, large corner lot. See this beautiful hoinc. Easy terms. 2 lots to trade towards 4 or 5 mum house in North Salem. I LRICH ft ROBERTS, Realtors 1-29 N. Com I Phone irt .4 REAL ESTATE Trades 52 CORNER LOT, IN BUSINESS ZONK TO exchange, light used sedan. Socolufsly Son. Tel. 970. Trade: Good Salem property for a farm up to 100 acres, must be good location and priced right. Fourteen acre farm on pavement priced right, want good citv property. F. L. WOOD. OEO. F. PEED 341 State St. EXCHANGE HOME FOR BUSINESS SEVEN ROOM HOME. New and modern, except basement. Two lots. 50x125 each. Will exchange for busi ness in Salem or other town. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor "Exchange Headquarters" EXCHANGE YOUR FARM FOR INCOME PROPERTY Choice corner 100x100 ft., streets paved, two story bldg. 011 part of lot. two store fronts, 8 apartments upstairs, full basement, two garages. Stock aud fixtures of grocery and con fertionery in one of the stores to r. balance of building brings a goitd r 11 tal. Price for all $12,000. Will tuLe 10 to 40 acre farm near Salem up t $S.000. SEE LEO N. CHILDS CO. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 17. '7 8 seres very productive soil. 2 vetch. bslanc m variety berries, grapes and fruit, mnall lio;ie, Rood road, near Salem, $1400 15 a. near Suleui. S a. logans, 1" in cherries and prune. ." rm. hou.-e aud 2 barns, $4000. 90 a. with 80 a. in cultivation, very fine soil, well 'located. fll.5U. will take city property in trade. 200 a. with 100 under plow. K-'i level. 40 a. timber, 6 rm. houe. ln barn, near school, an extra good buy at $40 an acre. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 S. High St. THIS IS THE PLACE 20 acrea equipped, 8 miles from Sa lem, modern buildinss, . electric l.ghts. well drained black loam soil, all under cultivation. Equipment includes 4 corns, 2 horses, chickens, implements, etc. Price $6000. 80 ACRE8 EQUIPPED $10,000 15 miles from Salem a real good farm good buildings. All under cul tivation. Will consider tradea on either one of these properties. These ar only two of assay good propositions. Come in, we may harve just what you want. ANDERSON k RUPERT TARlf 8 CAN TOU 8 EE THEM 20 acrea near Wood bora, all good, improved anil equipped, pears and ber ries. Price $5500 and can use im proved acreage or honse in Salem 6 seres with modern improvements, in fruit aad berries, close on good road, $5000 and can nse Salem home. 40 acrea 6 mil on good road, mod srn bouse, dairy barn, alfalfa a won derfal farm aad yon can trade a Salem horns. 12 lfc acres 1 mile of good town, good house and barn, best of land, equipped, oows, team, hogs and farm machinery, all far $4350. 10 splendid improved acres sll equip ped and planted, east of Sslem and very close for $6500. We have a good 5 room moJn boose for rent. UcGILCHRIST ft PENNINGTON 209 10 TJ. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 140 TO EXCHANGE 25 seres just a few mils North of Salem, all good bottom lsnd. ail in ' i' tivation and part in crop, has a 1 modern 6 room house, barn and ri-.v -k boose. Price has been ift 'om $10,000 to $8,000 snd is sure a ir gain. Will consider a new home 's part payment. We would like to show you ;' place. 65 acres all good Mark soil, 5'"' in cultivation, part in oats, vrf h i clover, a few acres of timber has 1 good 5 room house, 2 old barns, ;' chicken house. This place is M'.'lv 1 and equipped. Would consider '"" ' trade. Price $8000. " 35 screa, s real Chicken farm, 1 large chicken houses and brooder h n-e Good Dairy barn snd good 5 r-"'' house. 400 laying hens, 1 Jersey . a fine team of horses and all th" " 1 chinery goes for $8000. Would "" sider in exchange a small at r ;,e Must be on a good road. We have a bargain in a one a .-r tract with 7 room house. Close In Tor $1600. FEE Thomaaon with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Resltors 320 Stats Street Phone 1"2T