THE OREGOw o,a.ecmaj MARKET AND MERCHANDISE SECTION, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 20, 1928 3 1 MUKUAN 5 1 Every Sp Goat --Dress Keduced $22.50 tor $35.00 TOP COATS NOW $15.85'to 32435 - TWEED ENSEMBLES $19.85 Formerly $29.50 -Coat and Skirt 2-Pieee Just 3 Doors From Elainore BILL BRAZEAU'S With Stiffs on Court Street SPECIAL SAXOPHONE Like New cos FREE I.E8SOX8 "Play m T Pjf Orchestrations f '"BUESCHER" SPECIAL TRUMPET Gold Trimmed 065 Come Im and Try It Popular Sheet Music "WEYMANN" "Your Music Service Station it r.3c?. E. SEnaCei? jc'-. " . Dealer in Leather Goods mm Established 1891 That nothing takes the place of leather or wears longer. I have in stock a complete line of harness for the horse ; harness for the dog. Suit cases, hand bags, brief cases, ladies' hat cases, ladies' overnight bags, men's gloves, golf bags. F. E. SHAFER 170 86. Commercial IT Furnished apartment house In ' best loca-' tion in Salem. Owner unable to take care of it. Will sacrifice. Price $10,000... Will take small acreage or, other Salem property as part payment. - CONFECTIONERY New fixtures; all "modern conveniences ; in city of Kelso, Washington. Will take good Salem home as part payment 147 No. Com'L Phone 217 Call d4J and find out The Commercial . Book Store A. A. GUEFFROY .EBaffgaJflnp. That will appeal to any one looking for quality, style and price. Come in and look around. You are not obligated to buy. The Wade tti?e 220 N. Liberty Street A ft .4 11 IEIL snisj IBS s namday Monday Apri -23 foinrn rr 9 J nn o G UVUgllFDulLQli lo) L2)(o SI n ) AILS1 mmmm 5 DAYS STARTING TUESDAY Harold Lloyd in Children's Rayon Silk Hose Sizes 7 to 104 regular $1.00. Sale 69c Girls' Sport Hose ....50c Try our Pointex heel, guaran teed pure silk hose for ....$1.00 Co-ed Silk Pajamas in all colors $3.95 Our three piece combinations, Saturday and Monday ....$2.50 Hats in silk, straps and felts 1. $2.98 Saturday Monday New Location Agnes E. 124 So. High St. A Vital Lesson! More important than any lesson to be learned in the text books is the habit of perfect grooming. Teach your boys and girls ta remind you when their clothes need dry cleaning. It is one of the first lessons that they should learn. Standard Cleaners & Dyers 360 X. Commercial Phone 1433 Don't let tire trouble spoil your trip. Drive in and let us look over your tires, before you leave. Better take a Miller spare along. . , RUSS SMITH'S . , : MILLER TTHE SERVICE V i 199 South Conuaerclal ;: Telephone 113 BETTER DENTISTRY FOR LESS MONEY Why Pay More" i . Dvntlst . DenUl Techalclan ? V EXAMINATION FREE Platt$10iltti50;anu I Goarantee Yog a Fit cr Yoor Money Back ALL3VQRK DONE PAINIJESS'ff . XxbacUona third tooth and orr Tie per tooth." : ? "4 K21 Gold Crowa fl.OO Gold Brldcrrork 8.09 pr toeth.1 TnjJXQS-rGUnr 1 to $M; Xnam! IS; Cement Ie. i. , "WHEN YOU SEE MY. WORE AND PRICES , : i v ! - 1 WILL BJ YOUR DENTIST? t i noo:.:s io-iiiladd & ousir: daiiimcld'gJ BUY YOUR TIRES ON CREDIT USE MY PAYMENT 3X2) PLAN Credit privileges at cash prices No red tape No r reatrictions-rA new service for you ill r 1 1 it i wrfry -Mrv Pim:.'2Cr3 -245CEUTB7 MHk Ghocolate One Half Pound Bar as Regular 35c Perry Drug 115 S. Com'L St. The RexaH Store Salem, Oregon " ' J1- 3?i 1