THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON. WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL, 18, 192S Whe Oregon Issued Daily Except Monday by 'the statesman publishing company 215 South Commercial Street, Salem. Oregon It. J. Hendricks Irl g. McSherry ftalph C. Curtia ftaxella Bunch - Manager Managing Kditor - City Kditor Society Editor i j MEMBER OF THE mi Afeoeiatea tress a exclusively en tit led to the ue lor publication 01 an new dispatches credited to it or net otherwise credited in this paper and alae the i local newa published herein BTJSIHESS orncEs Member Selected ' Oregon Newspaper Pacific Coast Representative Doty Stypea, Int., Portland. Security Bldg. ; baa iraneisco. Sharon Bldg.; Loa . Angeles, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ' Thoaiaa . Clark Co., New York. 121 IStt W 31 tt St.. Chicago Marquette Bldg. -tm .Basinets Office ! Society Editor.. .21 or 83 106 Katered at t a Post Office in Helens. ! April And ther crucified Him. and that It might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet. They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast leU. And sitting: down they watched Him there: Ana set up over Kla head His accusation written. 'JEWS. Matthew 27:36-36-37. THE COMMISSION FORM The vote on a commission government is put over till I Giving time for fully considering and whipping into shape I the draft that was submitted some time ago j And giving' time also for a thorough discussion of its ad I vantages by the people who will pass upon it at the polls. TVto rnmmissinn form of Should make for economy. It should call for expert manage ment in the various departments of the city government ; It should make for efficiency. ! The writer believes that, to rv umpnHpd to rail for one ward, elected from the various wards. This will tend to give the voters in -the wards a better sense of security for their own local interests. The councilmen serve without pay, and as the work of that body is done largely through committees, the number will not make the body unwieldy. All the other provisions of the be preserved That is, the mayor elected council, and the heads of the the councilmen, or by the mayor with the consent of the council. ,, This will in effect be what form of municipal commission government, the one that, in various adaptations, is being used more generally now than any other, where American cities are adopting the commis sion form. The writer believes that the people of the city will vote for that kind of a commission form of their city govern ment. They may amend it in future, if they come to feel that amendments are desirable. BUFFALO HERDS GROWING Those whohave thought of America as disappearing will be interested to learn that early in June the Canadain government will ship 1100 more buffalo," principally year-olds, from Wainwright national park to the Mackenzie river district in the north, as has been done in the past three years. A quarter of a century ago, anxious to save the buffalo from extinction, the Canadian government bought a herd of 715 from Montana and estab lished Wainwright park. Within a few years, the -herd grew to so many thousands that a slaughter was necessary, and buffalo meat came on to the market. Then the scheme of shipping the surplus animals north was adopted and found to be very satisfactory. Plans are nearly completed for the extension of the Wainwright park boundaries to the jma m e v a a . , a Canadian iNationai Kanway their way to and from Jasper national park and the Pacific coast may glimpse the herd from the windows of their train. AN HONEST (Eugene Register.) Here is question that is frequently addressed by the laity to the writers of editorials: "How do you manage to find something to write about every day?" Let us answer that question and answer it frankly. We write about some thing worth while if we can find something worth while to write about, and if not, we do the next best thing. The next best thing, sometimes, is to write tommyrot. A current example of WTiting tommyrot is provided by an editor who gets all steamed up over the fact that color has come into the kitchen. He waxes particularly lyric over red dishpans. We had always that blue is the proper color for a dishpan. At any rate, too much association with dishpans is apt to give the housewife the blues. But our hero of the editorial pen doesn't entirely lose his poise in the presence of Jhe vermilion pan. He senses that in its very allurement there is an element of danger ancLso, true to his calling, he sounds a warning. He says : "But beware of too much red. The reds and oranges are lovely, but they need to be handled with care. Small doses are enough. Too much stimulus makes for weariness, and the weariness of nerve exhaustion may be hard to cure because its causes are not suspected." That is where the tommyrot comes in. It isn't the color of the dishpan that brings nervous exhaustion to our good housewives. It's the everlasting persistence of the darned thing. Give the lady of the house a good electric dishwash er, brother, and it may be cerise, or scarlet, or brilliant or ange, or even sky blue pink, and she will manage somehow to ward off the "weariness of nerve exhaustion." National reforestation week till Saturday, the 28th. The stress is. to be placed upon in dividual planting of trees with the idea that it Is better for n milUrtri rustrtla rrt nlanf a -tarn tvnjia amid 4Ua people to combine together and'plant a million trees. Six hundred and fifty new families have been brought to Marion county by land settlement activities, and this means more than 3000 new people on the land. Linen mill enter prise has added some 65 workers and paper mill extensions about 100 workers. And with more people, at work, the re port from Salem reads, "Business is good." Portland Jour nal. !:. - ' St a TESMANiStase Ability Ralph H. KMiing. AdTertiaing Maaager Lloyd E. Stiff ler - Superintendent W. if. Henderson, Circalation Manager E. A. Rhoten - Livestock Editor W. C. Conner Poultry Editor ASSOCIATED FEE 88 TELEPHONES Jto reparteat....: S81 Xew Dept 23 or 3S3 Circulation Office 58S Oregon, as aecond class matter. 18, ll28 Darted His garment, casting lots THIS IS JESUS THE KING OP THE or council manager form of city the November election government has advantages. It begin with, the draft ought to or two councilmen from each draft in its present form may from the membership of the various departments named by is known as the corporation the buffalo herds of North tracKs, so tnat travelers on CONFESSION begins next Sunday, lasting By Pupils in By Rozell Banch A real discovery In dramatics was made last night at the Elsl nore theater when a cast of 300 children, students at the Sacred Heart Academy and St. Vincent de Panl school, presented "Snow White and the Seren Dwarfs." an operetta in four acts. The audience was remarkably large and the quality of the operetta was sur passing; in every way. The entire cast of characters took their parts In a manner that will give a lasting reputation to the two institutions and,. for the audience, gave an evening of un broken delight. The operetta, which is adapted from the popular fairy tale of the same title, was engrossingly de picted from the first act through the fourth. Miss Helen Carroll, as the Prin cess, carried the leading role and proved herself ably competent for the part. Her voice, a dramatic soprano, was well controlled and of unusual beauty. Francis Saalfeld, as Karl the huntsman; and Augustine Meyer, as Prince of the Neighboring King dom, player throughout the eve ning with the necessary confi dence and understanding. Miss Margaret Thompson, who took the role of the Jealous Queen, played her part with commendable sincerity and was as consistent a character as has been seen in an amateur production for some time. She sang in a pleasing voice, with perrect modulation and enuncia tlon. The seven sprightly little dwarfs with their pointed caps, and turn- ed-up toes, added zest and dis tinctiveness to the program. tjtaer attractive dances were given by the court dancers; the forest knights, in their suits of m b. mm george American Has No Chance To Ask Questions During Dinner At London L.UN1XJX. April 17. (AP) nenry rord saw Lloyd-George at his beet today. The war time pre mier, just back from the Easter holidays, was as keen as a whistle, and so inquisitive about the Unit ed States that he almost forgot to eat his chop. Mr. Ford accepted Mr. Lloyd George's luncheon invitation with pleasure, and anticipated hearing much about British politics. He had already met the king and the Prince of Wales, but, of course. no foreigner ever thinks of talk ing pontics with royalty. So the American automobile manufactur er thought an opportunity to learn all about the Ins and oute of Eng lish political events had arrived at last. Mr. Ford had many questions In mind to ask the liberal leader. But Mr. Lloyd-George started ask ing about the presidential cam paign, what were Hoover's chances, and Dawes, and Al Smith's. Then he got Mr. Ford's views on prohibition, on Industry, on export?, on agriculture the former premier being particularly interested In farmers. He asked about tractors, and inquired about rubber, about Wall street, about Dearborn, about Detroit, about America's vlew on the League of Nations in fact Just about every thing under the American sun. And the first thing Mr. Ford knew the luncheon was concluded, and Mr. Lloyd-George rushed off to at tend the opening of the house of commons. "My goodness." exclaimed Mr. Ford afterward, "but that man can aek questions." WIN FIRST PUCE PORTLAND. April 17. -(AP). With what is looked on in bowl ing circles as practically a novice team, four of it members having never tossed a ball before last September, the Sohe! Clothing company of Salem crashed its way tnrough the ten pins on, the Ore gon alleys tonight to capture first place in th out-of-Town commer cial team event In the 16th an nual tournament of the northwest ern International bowling con gress. The Salem entry collected 2,910 pins, a figure which has m'aay of the veteran wood collect ing squads worried, as this score has been bettered but twice be fore in the history of the north western congress. The Schel bowlers won first prize for visiting commercial teams hands down, finishing 225 pin ahead of the 8outh Tacoma Merchants, who. with a 2,(85 score rolled earlier In the week, took second money. Eugene, with 2,675, was third, and the Broad way Bowling academy at Tacoma, fourth with 2J26. The fifth and last prize wenfto the Puget Sound Power and Light company of Se attle with 2,589. Salem's crack pin smashing crew also la eligible for the five man event prize In class A. The team en its showing tonight Is well balanced. There was not a member of the team who was able to climb to the COO mark, bet they were net far from that figure. H. Stein bock led his team mate with B99. 8. Stelnbock had 588, Hemenway 580, Karr 57S and Newton 565. Read the Classified Ads MP ctiDnnim mil. I uiiu UL SALEM BOWLERS Revealed 'Snow White8 green and rea; me loresi maio ens. wearing flowing reees or preen: the brown gnomes, who made merry until the first rays of light came to their playground in the forest; the golden sunbeams; and the silver raindrops. Seventeen maidens portrayed the breetes la dance. Little fire flies, with wings of red and black, and gleaming eyea. added Interest to the evening. All dances were given nnder the direction of Mrs. Rolph White. Elaborate stage settings were an other Interesting feature of the production. The first act of the operetta showed the forest knoghts, maid ens, court dancers, and eourt at tendants, fathered to celebrate the birthday of the Princess Snow White. In the midst of their revel ling, the haughty Queen, who is extremely Jealous of Snow White's beauty and position, appears and casts gloom over the heppy day. In the second set, Karl, the huntsman liberates the Princess whom be has led at the wicked Queen's behest into the deep for est to murder.. The Prince from the neighboring kingdom comes in search of SnOw White. After wandering through the forest many days. Snow White comes to the home of the seven dwarfs. In the third act she Is seen keeping house for the dwarfs who have come to love her and protect her from the Queen. The operetta closes with the dwarfs, forest knights, forest maidens, court attendants, court dancers, and archers come to hon or and welcomt Quoen Snow White and the King ast heir rightful sov erelerns. and the former Queen is banished from the kingdom. -Added interest was attached to the program lest night as MUs Margaret Mary Nathman and Miss Norma Maier played all organ ac companiments for the prductlon. This was the first time that any young artists have presided at the console of the Elsinore organ. The theater organist, Mr. Qrandln, played numbers between acts. This operetta, the annual pro duction of the Sacred Heart Aca demy, will be presented at a local theater again In the near future. DETAILS SHOW CLOSE ESCAPE OF AVIATORS (Continued from page 1) was sighted and a landing made. As the fliers stepped from their damages plane, the Grenfell nurse said, they all exclaimed "thank God." The baron and Captain Koehl In German and Major Fitz maurice In English. While these first authentic re ports were coming in preparations went forward for the Bremen's crew to continue to New York, teaving their trans-atlantlc plane behind them to be shipped later to Halifax for repairs. The news that the Bremen's lighting system failed toward the end of its journey was wirelessed to the Canadian Press from Point Amour, the station which sent-out the first word of the Bremen s arrival. The baron was quoted as estimating that the plane flew 400 miles without any lights by which to read instruments, and to this he attributed the fact that the Bre men flew far to the north of its in tended course. Heavy Gale Encountered At dawn of the second day, he said, a blizzard forced the plane dangerously low as it approached the Newfoundland coast and when the light on Greenly Island was seen it was at once decided to try a landing. The Grenfell nurse was Miss Greta Ferris, who with other mis sion workers traveled 15 miles across the Ice from the mainland for the first interview with the fliers. She said that although the avi ators had been through a terrible ordeal in the air and the baron had been near exhaustion and still felt the cold keenly, she and her companions were received cordial ly. The fliers signed their auto graphs and posed for pictures and when the women left the baron kissed their hands with punctllous old world courtesy. Miss Ferris said she learned that fog was encountered during almost all the 36 hours the Bremen was in the air and that when the Green ly Island light was first seen the fliers thought it was a fishing steamer caught in the ice. Flounder Through Water Her account Indicated that aft er the landing, in which the ice of the little pond on which the Bre men was brought down was bro ken, the airmen had to flounder through the water to safety. She said that the first thing done for them at the island lighthouse was to give them dry footwear, and then they were given a meal of fresh milk and biscuits. It had been hoped that the Bre men could be repaired sufficiently to continue its flight to New York. But this plan has been abandoned. according to reports from com munication stations in touch with the island, and plans were made for the crew to complete the Jour ney to New York In the Bremen's sister ship F-13. Major Fitzmaur Ice flew to the mainland In a ski equipped Canadian Airways plane jvionaay and it was reported that his German companions wonld loin him there and all would go on to gether. Miss Ferris spoke In her of a plane landing at the island Sunday. But she spoke of it as the 8caip. presumably the official des ignation or the airways r.lan which was piloted by C. A. fDnVi. Schiller and Dr. Louts Cnislnler. HAVOC WROUGHT BY EARTHQUAKES IN PERU (Continued front page 1) blocked with debris. Communica tion with Coranl has been en t off and no information has been re ceived from there." RIO JANEIRO. Apr. 17. f API Residents of several towns in the state of Rio Grande de Norte have been frightened tor several days tyw hat they believe were earthnnakaa. It was explained te day, however, that ne teal earth quakes occur In Brasil, the eels- moa-raDhs here registering only distant shocks. Alexis Delemoe. director pf the Clonal observatory, said that the na supposed Quakee were merely ge ological phenomena. He said that the formations underlying Bratii are such that genuine earthquakes are not possible. MEXICO CITY, Apr. 17. -(AP) -Residents of Oaxaca, capital of the state ot that name, spent Mon day night in the streets In pitch darkness fearing a recurrence or the earthquake which early In the evening cracked the walls and roofs of their dwellings and cut off their lights. Reports of the shock which reached here today said that no deaths have been reported in the state and the only injured person was i child struck by a falling brick. The worst property damage was caused by four landslides which have 'disrupted train service. The largest slide was near Tomellin. Dispatches from other southern states. relate that the quake caus ed much excitement but that no serious damage resulted. POLITICS STAGE IS SET, FOR MAY 18 ELECTION (Continued from pace 1) J. C. Siegmund. who Vi an. pointed county Judge by Governor! The Mead people have not lost any. Patterson to fill the unexpired but they have been obliged to keep term Of J. T. Hunt, is linnnnniieilLln.a u. itl nt Ihoir hlvm nnrt tn for reelection to that office. COUNTY-WINNER, LAND GRANT REFUND APPEAL (Continued from paf 1) each subdivision will receive the aatne amount as though the mon ey had been paid by a taxpayer for each year Definition .jCeneral "The words, state, county, port districts, etc., as used In the act are clearly words of general defi nition, embracing all oossible ben- enciaries or the funds, and the general terms are restricted by the last clause of section five, whtch provides the method of Identifying tne actual ana particular bene nciarles intended by the act. This construction Is further strength ened by the fact that the title of the act and the first four sections thereof refer only to the counties. "No one would contend that a port district, or school district, sit uated in a county, or counties named in the act of 19 26 would be entitled to have a portion of the money paid to a county, appor tioned and paid to such district by a county.' unless there wonld have been some tax upon such grant lands that would have been as sessed, levied and collected by such district during the period, so that it would receive the same amount as though the money would have been paid by the tax payer. "It does not appear frem the writ tnat Aianon county has re ceived from the United States or has In its possession the sum of S24.059.4l, or any other sum, which the law requires or directs to be paid to the state of Oregon or which belongs to the state. "Therefore, the peremptory writ of mandamus Is denied and the judgment of the circuit court sus taining the demurrer to the writ and dismissing the action is af- In the dissenting opinion Chief Justice Rand wrote: "The parties to which the mon ey Is to be distributed are express ly named and designated In sec tion five of the act and, as so des ignated, the state Is expressly named as one of the parties to which a part of the money shall be paid. "In determining the Intention of congress, the fact that the state is so named cannot be over looked for, unless congress had intended for the state to receive a part of the money, it would not have expressly named the state as one of the corporate entities to which the money should be dis tributed. "In express terms the act pro vides that the apportioned moneys shall be prorated, apportioned and paid to the state as well as to the other parties named In the act. It Is obvious from the language of the act itself that congress In tended for the state to receive such a part of and that particular part of the appropriated moneys, that would have accrued against said lands in favor of the state. If the lands had remained privately owned and taxable. "Congress Intended by the act to reimburse the state as well as the counties and districts named in the act for the amounts of money which would have accrued to them separately from the landF themselves if they had not been withdrawn from taxation." Other opinions handed down by the supreme court today follow: L. J. Ruble, appellant, vs. R. J. Kirkwood, appeal from Multno mah county; action for alleged libel. Opinion by Justice Belt. Judge Walter II. Evans affirmed. Vincent Forrest, an infant, by Winifred Forrest, guaTdian. vs. H. S. Turley, appellant; appeal from Columbia county; action for damages. Opinion by Justice Belt. Judge J. A. Eakln affirmed. J. E. Beach vs. M. F. Cooper and Mrs. M. F. Cooper, appellant; ap peal from Multnomah county; suit to foreclose mechanics lien De cree of Judge T. E. J. Duffy, af firmed with modification In opin ion by Justice Belt. Lloyd G. Trulllnger, appellant, vs. Dooley and company, et al; ap peal from Multnomah county; pe tition for rehearing denied in opinion by Justice Coshow. James A. Douglas, appellant, vs. C. E. Rnmelin and M. A. M. Ash ley, doing business as Ashley and Rumelln; appeal from Multnomah county; petition for rehearing de nied in opinion by Justice Coshow. James R. Burke vs. C. W. Par dey. apellant; appeal from Mult nomah county; action for dam ages. Opinion by Justice Bean. Judge Robert Tueker affirmed. Egfbo E. Tortora and Anna Tor tora vs. William Albert Wyatt. ap pellant, and I. H. Jackson, defend ant: appeal from Benton county. Suit to enforce performance of agreement to exchange land. Opin ion by Justice McBrlde. 'Judge G. F. Skipworth affirmed. v Pearl Nickson vs. Oregon-Amer-i lean Lumber company, appellant; Wadbame and company and 8. J. Domnlsse, defendant, and Carl Davidson, appellant; appeal front Multnomah county; action for damages. Opinion by Justice Mc Bride, judge" Louis P. Hewitt af firmed. M. E. Barr vs. Yamhill county.; appellant; appeal from Marlon ounty; decree of Judge Percy Kel ler affirmed in opinion by the court. Mary B. Mannix. administra trix of the estate of Joseph Man nix, deceased, appellant, vs. N. E. Harju and J. C. Clinton; appeal from Clatsop county; decree of Judge J. A. Eakln modified and case remanded in opinion by the court. Petitions for rehearing denied In State vs. Aetna Casualty Insur ance company. Request for advancement out oW regular order granted in Yamhill Electric company vs. McMiunville involving constitutionality of state public service act. A. F. Lacy of Hood River ad mitted to bar on Iowa certificate. William R. Barnes of Los An geles granted non-resident certif icate to practice law in Oregon. RAIN'S DAMAGE, FRUIT HERE BELIEVED SLIGHT i Continued from pace 1) ey company, leading bee man in the Salem district, said laHt night that there has been a little loss of bees in this part of the state feed some of their bees: especially those brought from California for the pollination of the orchard blooms. These bees, and others, started off very well with the fair weather of a few weeks ago, and the queens in consquence laid their eggs free ly. The nursing of the young bees takes more feeding than at a later stage. When the heavy rains came on, in the last spell of wetness, the bees in such hives would have starved; but for the feeding. They could not get out in the heavy rains and gather honey. Mr. Mead said last night, too, that in this condition the bees could not be effective in the pol lination of the fruit blossoms. He has .heard fears expressed for the consequences to the cherries, but he is not certain that the cherries or other fruits have suffered. The weather prediction for to day is fair east , portion, cloudy west portion, and rain in the northwest portion. This may mean most anything for the Salem dis trict. Let it be hoped that it means fair weather, a condition very much needed right now. BUILD NEW QUARTERS FOR HOSPITAL STAFF (Continued from page 1) tions for the building. Delayed Over Yar Construction of thi unit was deferred by the board until this time hoping that the expenditure might be avoided during this bi ennial period In view of the short age, of finances. At a recent meeting of the board the crowded condition of the institution in Salem, and the one in Pendleton, was brought to its attention by Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner, superintendent. He was request ed to submit facts and figures of the present condition, and future need of the Institution. The action just taken for the immediate construction of the new unit will provide for the accom modation of 168 additional pa tients, and the board decided that it would be necessary to construct the building Immediately due to the following facts submitted to the board by Dr. Steiner: "First: The maximum capacity even under crowded conditions, of the Oregon state hospital is 1900. The population of this hospital to day is 1877. The capaeitly of the Eastern Oregon state hospital is 1050. 'The population of that In Storage We do not only furnish large clean vans for moving: furniture and experienced fur niture movers, but sell first class Utah coal, briquets, and dry wood. Local and Long Crating Give Us a Trial. CALL 930 ILJkRMER TRAlFER and Storage Co. stitution on the first of this month was 102S. The population of the 182 fA State hospital at the be- nnlng ofthls bUhnium (October 1. 1986) was 1S7S. "There were transferred from Salem tp th? Pendleton, institution on October jf. 192$,J140 at!ent3; and on December I. 1917, lo3 pa tients, or a. total of 2IB. "Now, let us remember that we have six more months to go to complete this present blennlum. This will undoubtedly add a con siderable increase of numbers. Had these 242, patients not been transferred to the Eastern Oregon state hospital, where legislative provision had been made, we would have had that number ad ded to our present 1877 today, which would have made over 2000 population at the Salem hospital, Indeed, an intolerable and dis gracefully crowded condition in which the helpless patients and the public m,ust suffer. "Should the nurses' home at this hospital still be constructed this year, it will liberate 84 day nurses' rooms, which could be utilised for 168 patients by plac ing two in each room. Even then we will have an incomplete build ing program to care for our ine vitable increase should present conditions obtain. "By the end of this present bi ennium it appears that we will be more than filled up at both insti tutions. And should this provi sion be made at the present time, and the coming legislature not make provision for increase, be fore another legislature could con vene and provide, we would be confronted with a crowded condi tion for our insane which would reflect seriously upon our care for them." "I therefore ffrge upon you my request that immediate steps .be taken to provide this very neces sary relief." I Bits For Breakfast I o Too much rain But, as Mark Twain remarked, people are always complaining about the weather, and nobody every does anything about it. S "What Children Know About Their Community" will be the subject of the talk before the Salem Rotary club today by Dr. W. H. Burton, professor of edu cation, University of Chicago. In the case of this city and the Salem district, the children cannot know too much about their unusual op portunities and advantages. S If the growing generation here can be brought to fully realize what may be done with Salem and the surrounding country, this knowledge will do more than any other one thing in having the great things done that can be and ought to be done. V Chautauqua time is coming. The heads of the great chautauqua as sociations of America report that the movement Is getting back into srT. BECKE & 180 N. Hlgli 1 . e" III 1 i I Y a W - Fuel - Transfer Moving th aiamp mai iojiowea te World war. The staple ot galern did not oollce the elump here. But it is evident lhat the association heads did see it. In other sections of the country. S Every week is some kind of a week, these days. Next week ij national reforestation week. What is this week? Perhaps, If we can. not think of the right thing, rain week will do for the Salem sec tion. "The first woman to smoke in public appeared at the Hotel Port land this morning. Naturally, there was much excitement among the guests and employes. The smoker was a young woman tour ist from New South Wales." So reads a paragraph in the "Twenty Years Ago" column of the Port land Journal qf yesterday. Na. 107 SynoDsii of Annual AtatBtnant f THE FIDELITY MUTUAL IJTR iMarro. AMOE CO MP ANT of Philadelphia.. the State of Pennsjl ranSa, on the thirty firet day of Dec am ber, 1927. made to the insurance Coai misaioner of the State of Oreron nuMu nt to law: 1 Capital capital sttk Amount of paid up Meae Income income Tot.! jiremiuin for the year $ 1S.S1S.S4S.S1 iBlfieit. dividend muA rwnu received duriuj the year .... ,.. Income from other aeur ce received during the year A,i3S.80.8 371. SS4.SS Total income J $ 18,048.638. 91 DlabursemenU Paid for lotaei, endow- menta, aunuitiea and eurrender valuee $ 6,214.TTY1 DiTtdends pa d to policy holders during the year 2.611.384.40 Diridfiidi paid on capital Mt'k during the yiar Koae Commissions and salaries paid during the year . . 3,S45,S5S.5j Taxea. licenses and feea paid during the year ... 348,439.71 Amount of ail other penditurea 1.133.9S2.78 Total expenditures ... Aaseta $ 13,635,1)0. 81 Value of rl estate own ed (market alue) $ Market value ot Hooks and amortized value of bonds owned (market or amortised valuer... Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc. Premium notes and policy loani , Cash in banks and on hand .. Net uncollected and de ferred premiums Interest and rents due and accrued a. 471, 163. 48 23.JJ7, 795.21 34. 155.808.31 13,140.313.84 614, 392. S 1,713,009.4$ 1.138.1 J 92 Noue Other asset ineti .. Total admitted assets. 9 Liabilities 76.583,319.17 03,252.347 Of) 3 5 6. 54 ".ft 4 8.716,7(il.7d Xet reserves - $ Cross claims for losses unpaid All other liabilities Total liabilities, exclu sive of capital stock of None $ 72,325.834 Vl Business in Oregon for the Tear (fi-oas premiums received during the year $ 104.24 :.60 Premiums and dividends returned during the ytar i iac::.ij Lusse paid during the year 2.VVM 04 THE FIDELITY MUTUAL T.IFK INSl-K- AXCK COMPANY Walter LeMar Talbot, President. R. F. Tull. Secretary Statutory resident attorney for service: T. J. Mendenhall. Portland, lire its stride thoroughly, t foi. -vet yb - a - M - sr HENDRICKS Telephone 161 Hauling