The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 18, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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Woman's Union, First Congrega
tional church. Mrs. H. K. stock- officer. Mis Bertha Babcock and
bel Settlemeler, past worthy high
priestesses; and Samuel Gillette,
past watchman of the shepherds
were escorted to the platform.
Following Investiture of each
well, 135 Washington street hos
tess. W. F. M. S., Leslie M. E. church
Mrs. J. L. Ingrey, 240 Washington
street hostess.
Entre Nous club. Mr. and Mrs.
Goodenough, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Bassett hosts. Dinner and cards.
Past Noble Grand's association.
Mrs. Owen Cotterman, 1535 High
land avenue, hostess. Election of
Daughters of the Nile club. Ma
sonic temple. 10:30 o'c lock.
Luncheon served at noon.
Circles of Ladies' Aid society,
First M. E. church. East Central.
Mrs. J. O. Powell, 1295 Market;
South Central, Mrs. R. N. Allen,
South Commercial street; West
Central, Mrs. A. B. Hansen. 663
North Liberty street; Southeast
Circle, Mrs. A. H. Patchell. 4 22
South 23rd street; Yew Park, Old
People's Home; Naomi, Old Peo
ple's Home; Lucy Anna Lee, Mrs.
F. Herron, 1553 State.
B. and P. W. club. Woman's
club-house. North Cottage street.
7:30 o'clock.
junior Guild of St. Paul's Epis
copal church. Dance. Castillian
hall. 9:00 o'clock.
Eagle Pot-Luck dinner. Fra
ternal temple. 6:30 o'clock. In
stallation of officers, 8:00 "o'clock.
Missionary society. First Evan
gelical church. Mrs. St. Clair, 633
Front street hostess.
Barbara Frietchie Tent, 210
Center street. 8:00 o'clock.
Central Circle, Ladies' Aid so
ciety, Jason Lee church. Mrs. W.
L. Lewis. 1090 North 5th street,
hostess. 2:30 o'clock.
Benefit Card party. Sponsored
by Westway club, W. B. A. Fra
ternal temple, 2:00 o'clock.
Chicken dinner. Served by
United Artisans. Fraternal tem-
aoon u
her horn on Capitol
Miss Margaret Gillette presented
the new officers with a lovely
bouquets of, flowers. The new
worthy high priestess. Miss Bab
cock, was presented with a gavel
made from oak from a tree grow
ing in the yard of her home. Mrs
Percy Cupper and Mrs. Rose Bab
cock sang at the ceremony, accom
panied by Mrs. McCall
Mrs. Herrick was presented with
the past officer's Jewel by Arthur
Edwards, retiring watchman of
Shepherds. A beautiful silver gift
was presented to Mrs. Herrick by
Mrs. Maude Scott on behalf) of the
officers who had assisted Mrs
Herrick during the past year.
An informal reception for old
'and new officers concluded the
evening's ceremonies. One hun
dred members of Chadwick chapter
Order of the Eastern Star, were
special guests for the ceremonial.
Preceding the installation, din
ner was served in the Masonic
lining room. Old and new officers
and members of the winning side
in the recent attendance campaign
were honor guests. Mrs. Alice
"oolJdge was chairman of the din
ner committee.
Covers were placed at the long
lining tables, particularly attract
Live with oblong baskets of Jon
luils. spirea, and white and purple
iri3 combined with fern, and light
ed with tall green tapers, for: Jul
ius Aim, Carrie Aim, Grace Bab
jock, Ida Babcock, Lena Beechler,
Katherine Bernardi, Fannie
Brown, Helen Bohannon, Alice
Coolidge, Mary Curtis, Laura
Douglas, Agnes DuRette, Arthur
Edwards, Tina Edwards, Carrie
Fowle, Hazel Gillette, Samuel
Gillette. Ida Godfrey, Thelma
Green, Mary Gatliff, Ona Henjum,
Winifred Herrick, Charles Hog
mire, Jennie Hogmire, Mary John
son, Agnes Jones, Anna Kantner,
W. C. Kantner. Sara Lloyd. Julie
Lytle, Ruth Lawrence, Marie Flint
Central Circle of Jason Lee
Church WUl Meet
The Central Circle of the Ladle'
Aid society of Jason Le ciurth
will meet at two-thirty o'clock this
afternoon at the home of Mrs. W.
L. Lewis, 1090 North Fifth atreet.
The business meeting will be
followed by a social hour and pro
Mrs. C. A. Gies and Mrs. A. F.
Waller will assist the hostess.
Barbara Frietchie Tent Will
Meet This Evening
Barbara Frietchie Tent, Daugh
ters of Veterans, will meet at eight
o'clock this evening at 210 Center
street. All daughters are Invited
to attend.
Past Noble Grands Associa
tion WW Meet This Evening
Mrs. Elsie Townsend will enter
tain the Past Noble Grands asso
ciation this evening at the home
of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Owen
Cotterman. 1535 Highland avenue.
Assistant hostesses will be Mrs.
Lawrence Saunders, Mrs. Ivadene
Hubbard. Mrs. Mattie Hlnkle, and
Mrs. Elwell.
Officers for the year will be
elected at this meeting.
pie. 6-7:30 o'clock. Program and McCa,j( w. F. McCall. Edna Mc-
dancing later.
Libg-ty Woman's club. Com
munity hall. 2:00 o'clock.
Auburn Woman's club. Mrs. A.
Fuestman. hostess. 2:00 o'clock.
Delta Delta Delta sorority. Mrs.
J. H. Scott. Mrs. Wallace Bone
ateele hostesses, 1860 South High
Chapter G.. P. E. O. Mrs. W. M.
McGilchrist, Sr., 2500 South Com
mercial street hostess, 2:30
I. B. club. McCornark hall. 8
Woman's auxiliary, St. Paul's
Episcopal church. Mrs. II. D.
Chambers, 560 Chemeketa street
Woman's Alliance, Unitarian
church. Emerson room. 2:30
o'clock. Dinner served at 6:30.
Berkely Blake, honor guest.
Hal Hibbard auxiliary. Mrs.
Carle Abrams, 1465 Chemeketa
Ftreet hostess.
I. S. Grant Circle, Ladies of the
C. A. R. Comrades and wives will
be guests.
Hal Hibbard auxiliary. M r s.
Carle Abrams, 1165 Chemeketa
street hostess.
Willing Workers class, First
Christian church. Silver tea. Mrs.
B. W. Macy. 444 North ISth street
hostess. 2:00 o'clock.
Keizer Community club. Pro
gram 'ttf Music and readings.
Marlon County Federation of
Parents and Teachers. Leslie Jun
ior high school. 10 o'clock.
A. A. U. W. Gray Belle. 12:30
o'clock. Professor Thatcher U. of
O. speaker.
Elaborate Banquet and In
stallation Services Mark
Meeting of White Shrine
At an elaborate and impressive
ceremony, held Monday evening at
the Masonic temple, the- following
officers of Willamette Shrine, No.
2. Order of White Shrine of Jeru
salem, were formally installed:
Grace N. Babcock, worthy High
Prfcstess; O. P. Coshow, Watch
man of Shepherds; Maude Scott,
Noble Prophetess; Amos Vass,
Worthy Scribe; Katherine Bernar
di. Worthy Treasurer; Zella Nei
meyer, Worthy Chaplain; Hazel
Gillette. Worthy Shepherdess;
Gladys Adams, Worthy Guide;
Jayne Wyatt, Worthy Herald; C
A. Ratcliff; First Wise Man; W.
A. Weddle, Second Wise Man; Jul
ius Aim. Third Wise Map; "W. C.
Kantner. King; Susan "2 Varrty,
Queen; Elfa Lytle, First Vlland
Maid; May Gatliff, Second Hand
Maid; Nellie Taylor, Third Hand
Maid; Pearl Speer, Organist; Mona
R. Yoder, Guardian, and N. P.
Rasmussen, Worthy Guird.
The ceremonial was In charge
of installing officer, Elisabeth
Bhafer, past worthy high priestess;
installing; herald. Pearl Pratt; in
stalling chaplain, Josephine Vast;
installing scribe, Mabel MInto; in
stalling organist, Marie Flint Mc
Call; and Installing escorts. Cleo
- Cashatt, Laura Douglass; Vara
" Barrick ; "and Ruth Lawrence.
Interesting floor work. was ex
emplified in conjunction with the
Installation. Preceding the cere
mony, Winifred Herrick, retiring
worthy high priestess; Arthur Ed
wards, retiring watchman of the
shepherds; Minnie Moeller and Ma-
Ilhaney, Minnie Moeller, Arthur
Moore, Elida Moore, Willette Mott,
Bertha McMahan, William Nei
meyer, Zella Neimcyer, Ida Niles,
Sarah Oliver. Pearl Pratt, Flor
ence Pugh, Edna Ramp. .Merle
Ramp, Charles Ratcliff, Effie Rat
cliff, Rachel Reeder, Mabel Set
tlemeler, Maude Scott, Mary Sayles
Stewart. Miss Nellie Taylor, Mrs.
Elizabeth Shafer, Nettie Smith.
Pear Spear. Merl Stewart, Minnie
I Nellie Taylor, Susan Varty, Jayne
Wyatt. W. A. Weddle, Mrs. Wed
dle, Mona Yoder, Belle Burkhold
er, Ola Miller. Margaret Montgom
ery, Loretta Rowley, Carrie M.
Chase, and Winnie Lewis, Mrs.
Mayme Maulding of Portland;
Mrs. Alice Hoff, and Frank Settle-
mier of Woodburn.
Home-Making Classes are
Meeting This Week
The dressmaking, millinery, and
interior decoration classes, which
are being sponsored by the State
Board of Vocational Education,
are meeting this week for the first
time. To accommodate the greatest
number of women, the classes will
be conducted on Wednesday, and
Thursday mornings, afternoons,
and evenings at the Y. M. C. A.
Additional information may be ob
tained by calling 832 State board
of vocational education.
Miss Schroeder a Guest
in Corvallis
Miss Lillian Schroeder, bead of
the continuation school of home
economics, was a guest at the
home economics tea give in the
college tea room on the Oregon
State college campus,, Corvallis,
Friday afternoon.
Willing Workers' Class of
First Christian Church
Sponsoring Silver Tea
The Willing Workers class of
the First Christian church is spon
soring a silver tea Friday after
noon, beginning at two o'clock, at
the home of Mrs. B. W. Macy, 44
North 18th street.
Girl's Sewing Club of Salem
Heights Entertains
The Girl's Sewing club of Salem
Heights school entertained a group
of their friends and teachers one
afternoon -recently with an out
door dinner party at the country
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Doug
las. Those present were Miss Edith
Douglas, Miss Dorothy Doffglas,
Miss Ve6ta Thompson, Leland Ep
ply. Glen Fisher, Boyd Lynn, Carl
Berg, Clyde Wiegand, Jack Miller,
Miss Letha Polk, Miss Bernice
Polk, Miss Catherine Skelton, Miss
Ruby Skelton, Miss Delia Nixon,
Miss Delia Nixon, Floyd Maddy.
Miss Rosalie Clemens, Willis Cad
well, Miss Cecile Wiegand, Miss
Agnes Booth, and Miss Matilda
Haynes, .
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Miller as
sisted Mrs. Douglas.
Mrs. Houston Honored With
Several Affairs
Among the interesting affairs
which hare been given In honor
of Mrs. R. B. Houston of Santa
Rosa, California while she has
been visiting in Salem was the in
formal tea for which Mrs. Edgar
Hartley was hostess Friday after-
Guests at Dan J. Fry, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan J .Fry, Sr..
have had as their houee guests for
several days, Mr. and Mrs". Wil
liam Fort of Atlantic City, New
Jersey, who are enroute to their
home in the east after spending
the winter in California.
Mr. and Mrs. Fry and their
guests spent the past week end in
the Frv summer home at Nes-
Social Meeting of U. S.
Grant Circle
A social meeting of the U. S.
Grant Circle Ladies' of the Grand
Army of the Republic, will be held
Thursday afternoon In McCornack
hall. Luncheon will be served at
three o'clock.
All comrades and their wives
are invited to attend.
Returns From Portland
After spending a fortnight with
her mother in Portland, Mrs. Milo
Rasmussen has returned to her
home in Salem.
Mrs. Abrams Will Entertain
Hal Hibbard Auxiliary
Mrs. Carle Abrams will enter
tain Hal Hibbard auxiliary of the
Spanish War Veterans Friday aft
ernoon In her home at 1465 Che
meketa street.
Mrs. W. W. Baum Enter
tains With Delightful
Bridge Party
Mrs. W W. Baum entertained
Saturday afternoon In her home
on South High street with a de
lightful bridge party, the second
of a series of afternoon affairs for
which she will be hostess this
The guest group included Mrs.
G. F. Chambers, Mrs. T. W. Creech,
Mrs. Carl Nelson, Mrs. Willis
Roughton, Mrs. R. G. Brady, Mrs.
Lloyd Payne. Mrs. A. L. Brown,
Mrs. Dave M. John of Stayton, and
the hostess, Mrs. Baum.
The high score priie as a result
of the afternoon's bridge play was
won by Mrs. Carl Nelson.
Mrs. Brady and Mrs. Payne as
sisted Mrs. Baum at the tea hour.
The living rooms of the Baum
home were very attractive with a
profusion of tulips, Japanese
quince, and jonquils.
D. E. Club Will Meet
Thursday Evening
The regular meeting of the D.
E. club which was to have been
held Tuesday evening in McCor
nack hall has been postponed until
Thursday evening because of the
presentation of "Snow White and
the Seven Dwarfs," at the Elsinore
theater last night.
The committee in charge of the
meeting Thursday evening is com
posed of Mrs. W. S. Quackenbush,
Mrs. William McLaughlin, Mrs. B.
Ziellnski, and Mrs. J. Perry.
Mecent Guest in Salem
Honored With Attractive
Mrs. Lewis Griffith entertained
last Friday afternoon with an at
tractive one o'clock luncheon in
her home on Court street, compli
menting Mrs. O. W. IrwlA of Ban
Francisco, California who was lief
house guest week. Mrs. Grif
fith and Mrs. Irwin are Alpha Chi
Omega sorority sisters.
The luncheon table was lovely
with a centerpiece of apple blos
soms and, Japanese roses. Favors
marked covers for the honor guest
Mrs. Irwin; Mrs. OUrer Jessup of
Molalla. Mrs. Frank Worrell and
Mrs. Frank Pate of Albany; Mrs.
Max Page, Mrs. Charles F. Spann
ing. Miss Katherine Hartley, Mrs.
Leo Page, Mrs. Walter Bpaulding.
Mrs. Harry Worth. Mrs. E. E.
Ling, Mrs. Guy Irwin, Mrs. Roy H.
Mills, and the hostess, Mrs. Grif
Bridge was the diversion of the
Miss Hartley won the first prize
for high score, and Mrs. Guy Ir
win, the second. Mrs. O. W. Irwin
received a guest prize.
Mrs. McGilchrist Will En
tertain Chapter G., P. E. O.
Mrs. William McGilchrist, Sr.,
will entertain the members of
Chapter G, of the P. E. O. Bister-
hood Thursday afternoon in her
home at 2500 South Commercial
Mrs. Monroe Gilbert will discuss
art and Mrs. Gordon McGilchrist
will tell the story of Madame Butterfly.
Tomorrow will be guest day.
Bridge Tea at F. W. Durbin
Home an Event of the Week
A lovely event of the week was
the six Uble bridge tea for which
Mrs. F. W. Durbin, Br., Mrs. Cur
tis B. Cross and Mrs. F. W. Durbin
Jr., were hostesses Monday after
noon in the Durbin home on Fair
mount hill. ,
Spring flowers in attractive
combinations were arranged about
the living rooms where bridge was
enjoyed throughout the afternoon.
The first priie for high score was
won by Mrs, Edwin L. Baker. Miss
Margaret Stois won the second
Mrs. Harry Hawkins and Mrs.
P. D. Qulsenberry assisted at the
tea hour.
This attractive affair was the
second of a series which Mrs. Dur
bin, Sr., Mrs. Durbin, Jr., and
Mrs. Cross have planned for the
Delta Delta Delta, Sorority
Will Be Entertained
Mrs. J. H. Scott and Mrs. Wal
lace Bonesteele will entertain the
alumnae members of Delta Delta
Delta sorority Thursday evening.
April 19, In the Scott home at
18 10 South High street.
All members of the sorority are
Invited to attend.
O. D. O. Club Entertained
Recently at Mickel Home
Mrs. A. A. Mickel entertained
members of the O. D. O. club with
an attractive affair one afternoon
recently In her home at 495 North
Liberty street.
Baskets of wild crab-apple blos
soms were arranged about the liv
ing rooms.
Special guests were Mrs. August
E. Huckestein and Mrs. F. M. Al
ley. Members present included Mrs.
W. J. Lee, Mrs. George N. Patter
son. Mrs. J. J. Karst, Mrs. Eugene
Eckerlin, Mrs. Adam Engel, Mrs.
T. A. Wlndlshar, Mrs. C. A. John
son, Mrs. W. Church, Mrs. W. S.
Quackenbush, Mrs. J. E. Schmid,
Mrs. S. Boehringer, and the hos
tess, Mrs. Mickel.
Mrs. Engel, Mrs. Windishar, and
Mrs. Quackenbush assisted the
hostess in serving at the tea hour.
Will Be Presented in Recital
at Roberts' Studio
Miss Helen Benner and Miss Dor
is Ross will be presented in recital
at eight-fifteen o'clock Friday eve
ning at the studio of Professor and
Mrs. T. S. Roberts, 505 North
Summer street. Mrs. S. W. Starr,
soprano, will assist on the eve
ning's program.
Woman's Alliance of Unitar
ian Church Will Meet For
The Woman's Alliance of the
Unitarian church will meet at two
thirty o'clock Friday afternoon in
the Emerson room of the church.
Dinner will be served at six
thirty o'clock in the dining room
with Berkely Blake, field secre
tary of the Unitarian church as an
honor guest, Mr. Blake will give
an address following the dinner.
Reservations may be made by
telephoning 892-J or 1044-J.
Mexico City. Passes Whole Night
Without Any Holdups
MEXICO CITY, April 17.
(AP) The biggest newe in the
world today in the judgment of the
Los Angeles Criminal Given Par
ole with Conditions
LOS ANGELES, April 17.
(AP) While his confederates
pay the penalty in San Quentln
penitentiary for a cigar store rob
bery, Loue Gates will repent bis
crime in church.
Gates was given ten years pro
bation on condition that he return
to his home in Illinois and go to
church every Sunday of that time.
Ills two associates in the robbery,
Albert George and William 11.
Dlngham, having police records,
were sentenced to prison.
Fatal Mishap Occurs Yesterday in
Vicinity of Dallas
DALLAS. Ore., Apr. 17. (AP)
George Nelson, 31, Portland log
ger, was killed today while work-
newspaper El Sol. was the fact!,n" at tn Willamette Valley Lum-
that nobody was waylaid in Mexico
City during the night. The paper
came out this afternoon with a
front ' page eight column double
deck blackfaced streamer headline
which said:
"For the first time in many
years we have in Mexico City one
night without robberies or
ber company camp above Black
Rock. A wire rope strap broke on
a spar tree, permitting the main
line to snap down across the root
over the machine on which Nelson
was working. His akuU wai
Read the Classified Ads
THERE Is nothing quite like Bayer
Aspirin for all sorts of aches and
pains, but be sure it is genuine Bayer;
that name must be on the package,
and on every tablet Bayer is genu
ine, and the word genuine in red
is on every box. You can't go wrong
if you will just look at the box when
you buy it: -
AaaMa la
tha trad Mark mt
Bavar Maaafaetare
es UaMUcacMatt ef aaUeyUcacId
New IPsripe
Built for the Use of
Control both temperature
and time of cooking.
Practically no heat Is
Requires a small amount of
space. No legs to obstruct.
and fast to heat.
Full sized over and broiler,
four top cooking plates one
of which is a griddle, a waf
fle iron and a toaster com
partment. These Facts Distinguish
Every Feature
Has Been
Proved Correct!
Beautiful 85 piece set of dinner
ware. This is an open stock
pattern and can be added to at
Taken as Part Payment
on the
Electric Range
D& (5) 1?J G
ATUJttnmmati5 E&aonge
COUNT the hours an Annatrong Automatic
Electric Range eaves. Houri spent watch
ing the stove.
I 8et tne Armstrong to scan, vo my, w Tabu
late the heat, and your part is finished you
re free far the afternoon. , . ,,
Hours saved in cleaning the range Itself and cooktaa;
utensus also. There la no name to blacken pots ndpjM.
Hours saved from Irksome drudgery hours of xreedosn
for you to spend as you wilL
CaU, write or pbooe.
Mrs. Maxfield
Mrs. Maxfield
will be glad to help you and to show you how to
cook on this Armstrong Electric Range.
Don't Fail to SeeThis Range
A'-"-A-v-" - ann f rt r "