The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 18, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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    King Vidor's Great Successor to His Big Parade, "The Crowd" Starts At the Elsinore Theater Today; Is a Truly Great Screen
Construction Being Started on New Nurses' and Employees' Home at State Hospital, Relieving Crowded Condition in Main Building
Weather forecast: Fair cut and cloudy
west portion; probably rain northwest por
tion; local frosts or freezing temperatures
east portion; moderate to fresh west wind.
Maximum temperature yesterday 62. min
imum 40, riTer 5.8, rainfall .91, atmos
phere cloudy, wind south.
An unsuccessful candidate for office In
Illinois published his statement of expens
es In the following manner: "Had noth
ing, spent nothing, got nothing." Florida
" " 1 1
nniiii-rif iiiiRiRirn
County President Has Plan to Ex
tend Competition to Other
Offer of Compromise to be Made
By Prohibition Administrator,
More thrills and clever stunts:
are promised Friday night at the1
SEATTLE. April 17. (AP).
Bootleggers of Tacoma and south-
Probable Want of Bios-
som Pollination
Snrlnc Work Held Back;
keepers Hare Some Losses and
Obliged to Feed Bees; Pol
lination Delayed
of Funds Returned By
Congress' Act
art; LI 1 U IU low ivia j uisui eat, - , j
Some Growers Alarmed Over .-.. -"tlleed Not ?1 slale p?rtlon :;'X pS
eratcd clubs presents its talent
contest, one of the series which
will bring to the Elsinore stage
(representatives of every commun-j
ity club In the county. j
According to Dr. P. O. Rlky, MIQTIPrQ XnTF A Tfl
.president of the county wide or-J ww ,w-
jganization. the second division is1
"rarin to go" and grab some of i
Bee- tne Prizes. Mention of State In Law Placed
i ne interest is keen
community is now anxious to as
sist its performers in every pbs-i
sible way. It is expected that every
tion enforcement attorneys in Ta
come Thursday, Roy C. Lyle, Paci-
flc northwest prohibition admin-
lstrator revealed here today.
The purpose of the meeting !
to offer the law violators an op?,
portunity to compromise on theirj
taxes liable under an old statute
nrovldine for taxation for manu-1
facture and sale of liquor. PeHdead and several persons injured
n ji
ohuuui8 Collapse as Severe
Shocks Rock Pern; Ground
Forms Huge Crater
Four Cornered Race for County
Commissioner Porter's Job I
in Limelight
LIMA, April 17. (AP) Late
reports from Macusanl declare thati
A H V i . ,
VbT1T,frn, :u k;,,,,h'r; Blind Flight Without Lights
remained standing after th flratl
shocks have collapsed. The corre-l
spondent of El Comercio tele-!
graphed this morning:
beismlc shocks of the createst
intensity continue In th rHnfrt
of Ituata, Ayapata and Ollachea. PREPARED
ine town of Ituata is in ruing and
two Children and a woman are
Through Darkness and
Fog Recounted
Keen ana every - t an vahi.
Xot Actual Beneficiaries,
The state supreme court, by a. V,, ,nmnrnmLB their
four to three opinion. Tuesday af- "V". tli Brt ,..lp..'
. m w - v a. m i a iiauiiiLivj a a iuvr w F
c ' nrmea me aecree oi juugu u. n. - -- - .t,Afnr- PiTn
Dr. Riley is now working on a.McMahan of the Marlon county; s notice read, before crru
seat in the Elsinore will be taken
jFriday night, now that the excel-
i -. mI. lence of the series has been noised
Tho?d!n0rb".rt6r" .. ,. saw .b. O.I
doing some damage. Several rruit
. a . A-SI . A
growers yteraay exprewea 7-plan to matca the wInners ,n tbe'circult court in a suit filed by the ult
sons invited to ine comereucc
have been convicted recently of
"Several hundred violators of
the national prohibition act in
Tacoma and vicinity have been ad
vised that they will be given an
la instituted for the
- hArr.- fearlne the "ttu lo "ilca lQe winners in ine circuit couri m a buii nieu ujr iuo -- ----- - .....
55? Vfc-'n-Jt .everaTfin with representatives! state of Oregon, upon relation of.amount of the assessment. Many
Z ' T.w " mtil -nhtn ot community clubs of some other I. H. VanWinkle. attorney gen-j
may have prevented pollination.
But O. E. Brooks, leading cher
ry grower, said over the phone last
connty, thus promoting
acquaintance among
of the state participating
The Hubbard community banc
ng a better erai. to compel anon cuuuij l" -" Zn
the sections Pay to the state approximately from $500 to M00.
ting.' $24,059.41 of the money it has re- "Those who confer with the
violators have received notices to
nav taxes for amounts ranging
Mini io nr um ui .v wm be brought to Salem again
was any ri u every Friday night, and Dr. Riley
iuib curC. u i promises a "muslcale extraordi-
; Another grower who was Inter- nary.. for the final contest M n
viewed said that he believed most. Digtrict No 2f which will're.
oi me prunes are ie - '"-seBt the program Friday night, in-
pouinaiion was wbwu- "1"ak;cludes the community clubs lying
urcuiu., oCluic "- north and east of Salem, and Dr.
sistent showers started. ; Riley is to be the chairman in
There is no doubt concerning charge
the worry of many farmers over La8t' FrJd night lhe fit con.
the backward condition of theirl,eat wag pre8ented an and.
spring work jence which all but filled the thea-
The Labish celery crop is boutter by ta,ent repre8enti Dlatrlct
tw T'ek l'1", th" """V ln No- Hazel Green and Kelzer win
growth. But this may not cause , thft pilzeB
any loss. Also, the asparagus crop
is late, but it may maxe up its
growth with the coming of good
weather.. j
The seeding of the flax crop has
been hindered. This may or may
not affect the harvest. It probably
will, somewhat. It will depend on
the coming or the failure to come
of the "usual June rains."
" Is Hard on the Bees
The wet weather is hard on the
honey bees. Tne Beekeepers of
Clatsop county have lost 25 per
cent of their bees, through starva
tion. Mr. Miller, at Scappoose, has
lost 50 per cent of his bees.
II. M. Mead, of the Mead Hon-
( Continued on pf 4)
Allegations Made by Sen
Proven, Court Decide
1 vaH nnrior the Oreron and Call- government attorney at the time
fornia railrcad land grant refund and place named will be given an
act enacted by congress Jnly 13.; opportunity to settle for amounts
nti Tia innr pnnrt hId for ranrlnr from SOU lo vv, uv-
the counties.
The predominating opinion was
written by Justice Bean ana was
concurred in by Justicee Coshow
McBrlde and Brown. The dissent
ing opinion was written by Chief!
Justice Rand, with Justices Ross-,
man and Belt concurring.
Although the opinion handed
down by the supreme court Tues-I
dav relates directly to Marion
countv. 17 other so-called land
grant counties in Oregon are af
fected by the outcome of the case
Had the state have 1 prevailed it
ly $1,345,000 out of something
over $6,000,000 returned to the
land grant counties under the fed-j
r ir a . - i erar act-,
yesterday afternoon following
bearings on the question and an
examination by physicians. ' '
Mrs. Parrish. a pioneer woman
and widow of J. L
whom the Parrish
ties under the land grant refund
tact 'represented tne taxes mey
would hav received from tne
grant lands had they not have re-
wid in lhA fAderal rovernment.
Parrish for,Thft .tate of Oreron alleced that
junior highlit was entitled to a share of the
mooi oi mis cuy is namea. cameirefunds based upon the propor
before the court upon petition of tion of tax It would have received
La Ronda M. Pierce, her son. A! from the counties had the lands
second petition for the same pur- remained on the tax rolls,
pose was signed by 53 residents of State Not Meant
Salem. Thpv a 1 1 Aff pri n m nn tr nthar tT. nlaln nrnvlclnna nf
things that the woman labors un-;the act of July 13. 1926." read!Kreses behest discontinuing an
CUnUQ UADRIOMYi a "aliucinatlon that her the predominating opinion, "the oraer ior me latter s examination
3lvyVY3 nAIVlVlLll I daughter-in-law. Anna M. Pierce.jfunds received from Marion coun- m connection with his divorce
fa nttnmr.tln 4. 1.111 I- 1 i .1 J KA nrro rr1
anciujiiu5 iu anil iict. one fiMs.iy iiicicuuucr io iu vr? vl v
pending on the circumstances
each case."
To Shoot Companions and Self,
Account of Atlantic Trip
The inhabitants are panic stricken Bron Von Huenefeld All Ready
ana nave taken refuge in the chapel.
"Information from Avanata sav
that filtrations have been caused
in the same region. Talne has been
destroyed. This site Is west of 'Aya-
paia. ine ground opened up form
ing nuge craters.
Advices from
Ayllos. Coana
HALIFAX, N. S.. Apr. 17.
(Canadian Press) Details of the
perilous ending of the epic hop of
monoplane Bremen
and Canot rirr !, -K..tne uerman
springs have appeared. From Es-it. " I,e,""u, l" "'J , 1J
quilaja it la reported that 40 Inec. were disclosed In a message
working on the
For major T. A. Livesley
- For recorder Mark Poul
sen and O. J. Hull.
For treasurer C. O. Rice.
First ward Phil Elker,
Henry Vandevort and Carl T.
Pope (one to be elected).
Second ward Hal D. Patton.
Third ward W. H. Dancy.
Fourth ward Xewell Wil
liams and John B. Giesy (one
to be elected).
Fifth ward George J. Wen
deroth and George V. Thomp
son for four year term (one to
be elected). C. A. Gies. C. H.
Hill and David B. O'Hara for
two year term (one to be elect
ed). Sixth ward Carl Arm priest
and Chris Kowitz (one to be
Seventh ward Ralph
Nurses' and Employes'
Home At State Hospital
Under Construction
Crowded Conditions Neces
sitate Expansion
The city
and county
May 1 8
Wealthy Chain Store Owners Fall
To Reach Agreement
NEW YORK. April 17. (AP)
The World tomorrow will say
that Mrs. Doris M. Kresge set
$10,000,000 as the price for giv
ing Sebastian S. Kresge a child
and he declined to pay It, accord
ing to his Detroit divorce corn-
would have received approxlmate-talaint. which emerged today after
having been bidden for months
under supreme court -seal. The
Kresges never had a child.
The wealthy chain store oper
ator, who gave Miss Doris Mercer
securities now worth almost $3,-
000.000 before he married her la
April, 1924, related that in April.
1925. she told him "that if he
would give her $10,000,000 she
would bear the child for him. but
if not, then there would be no
dians workin on th ,,. ,.r'recelTert al tb government wire-
were buried by an avalanche. Nole88 offlce todaT f.rom Po,.nt Am"
confirmation of this report hasur' n"T 7ire,e8S siauon lo
been received. (Greenly Island.
Four dead are reported from' e "ew of,the Bremen wet
ichea. The San Gaban moun-!UD. 2'000 ln an unsuccessful
i ia isniatcri ,,. . attempt to ny aoove me neavy rog,""1"" nunj sn iueuj
i is isolated because roads are)th?y "countered off the Xew-;vening when the time for filing
(Continued o. PM a)' ifoundland coast. Trying the alter-!came to a close according to the
Inative. they descended to within ; ruling made by officials of those
MaMMaM. l . . . . : rns nari i va vr 1 1 f tai ll vicina da.
UtBAIE DECLARED TIE "fZTZ.r I-p r.'''-''i
i .tor " of state claims there is one more uu.i luuwiiri
Willamette and Pacific Womeni 7' 'day. However, it is not likely that ? lDe iiiure at us last see-
'f.,nVi i Thim..!..! Vvr V .t r. n- 1 n""e wi 1 be any further filings. lou- wuen an appropriation m
between the Wil-!ad o on a hfih mountain loomed W9 considered to be the dead-i--uc . ueeu u urnru o., ur
Will Keep Well Below $130,
000 Appropriation By Util
izing Labor of Inmates;
Steiner Shows Need
Immediate construction of the
'Oregon etate hospital authorized
Speakers Evenly Matched
This material came into the
open when Supreme Court Justice
Mahoney signed an order at Mr.
a a 1 . i a war m . i at J A it. A
RIFT OVER "BLACKLIST'-; "" .TCir. 11 '" li::. :,,:.aoI the fact that Mrs. Kresre won istuaents attended. This was the
QUESTION STILL AWAITED 1 Vui Interlocutory divorce decree in; - onihe co;!.d "hlule
" ... . V ... A' 1. T.i i t n . i ...
divisions . or the county, as re-j1'". iua reu. io mere was in
(suit. The justice held that in view
The debate
lamette women's debate team
the Pacific university women
baters which was held ln chapel
room, last night was one of the
closest debates ever held on the
campus, and resulted in a tie by
an audience decision. Both teams
advanced good arguments and
answered each other's questions
quite fluently, indicating that they
anew their subject well. The de
bate was presided over by Dr.
George H. Alden.
Willamette was represented by
Edith Starrett, Bernice Mulvey
and Esther Lyle, who upheld the
affirmative side of the question.
The debate was ia Oregon style.
each side questioning the other on
wii- w.h been ordered ,h
11a ?d 80 .h gh OUD n ,oomed line tt board of control, arcordin
n ana ahead and the Bremen "went overi , . . . infnrmtint. riMari TumJiv
'a de-ithe ton ' The laet candidate to fjle for; to " formation released Tueaday.
Construction of this building
111 i . . i a, s y t " i .
. H.kiL. - a v I it r I 1 1 r pipri 1 1 ri wbr nns-nnwirz.1
A i.gniouuae, misiaaen Dy ' " " : . . ,7 1 . , V " . w 1 11 m a k a noaslhl th ronvmlnn
flUra for a abln frozpn In tha 1wno "le omce oi aiuermaa, '
iners ior a snip, iroaen in ine ice . . . . , Uf th nuriM' n n r-,ru ,n
ior tne sixin wara, in competition1 "- -
to accommodations tor is aooi-
(he topic of debate.
was sighted shortly before the
plane was landed on the ice at
Greenly Island.
By the Associated Press
The Junkers monoplane Bremen
flew blindly through the skies
before it landed on Greenly Island,
the first detailed reports of the
flight received through the Can
adian Press revealed.
The situation was so serious to
ward the end, a Grenfell mission
with Carl Armnrlest. incumbent.
Through lack of opposition, it tional patient. It has been ex
is certain that not more than four! Plained, thus relieving to a great
new members will be seated In the' extent the congestion ln the hos-
city council next January, unless
the charter is revlsed-ln November
as ia proposed; ana mat tne or
lights or any means of
to the course for hours ,
. i a ivcB va aujva eauu vn asaatv
will be filled -by the incumbents
Councilmen who hold over or
are unopposed include L. J. Sim-
eral, Hal D. Patton, W. W. Rose-
braugb, W. II. Dancy, Paul V.
Johnson, S. E. Purvine. Watson
nurse who went to the island byjTownsend and H. M. Hawkins. In
dog sled told the Times Globe and;addition. either George J. Wen-
The question debated was: Re-'Telegraph Journal of St. Johns, Ideroth or George W. Thompson
Work Now Starting
Work on the foundation and
basement has been started, under
the direction of the regular hos
pital force, assisted by patient
help, which will effect a consider
able caving under the original es
timate of cost.
The board selected Frank 11.
Struble of Salem, as architect to
prepare the plans and specifica-
N. B., that Baron von Huenefeld jfrom the present council will-be
sponsor of the flight, decided to;returned, as they are opposing!
(Continued on pag 4
solved, that the United States
!! ill I'sa in iirni u'T wv a im mi . ... ... . - . . . i
. - ' "' snoot nis companions and himseir.eacn otner ror tne rour year ierm.rni(rrj tir a nrCM
A four cornered race for the.r WIVITICIV W l.LJ
office of county commissioner, at
(men left Ireland told of the baron present occupied by 3. H. Porter
force capital Invested ln foreigner the worst came to the worst,
countries except after a formal Cable dispatches the day the Bre-
il A.1n vn t y-i-w - n W r a.
u"',ai,uu Vl iuaujr lowns-arming himself for emergency be-or Silverton. is the chief develop-
people as well as a large group of fnr h tnn.- tt iment in the Marion county nolit-
-JiI iiibers Anticipate Possibility
Protest Against "Dictation
of Policies"
f DnDDiiir pptp air-in nnoT aulred bv the state law. and no t'e occasion for Mr. Kresge's be
.nUDDIHO UCiO niCW rUOl' . ik.,,nf ia h,, th. Rtatc of ine examined in hi Dotroit rti-
' University of Oregon Dean
j reives Harvard Position
"We find
no argument on the
vorce action.
ithis season. They will airain be
heard in the first annual debate
tournament which will be held in
the Willamette gymnasium in the
WASHINGTON. Apr. 17. (AP)j prrpvp
-With staunch support of the! ELGENE, April 1 (AP).
president-general's pre-conventlonj E- C. Robbins, dean of the Under
statement on national defense as slty of Oregon school of business
. . m . . . An . n a , k . ... A .
ipan Oi ine siaie periaiuius iu l-Ul-N HlHllRvC PUflVRW
ICt.i wi ivuui.
Lighthouse Comes in Sight ial situation, it appeared yester
But when hope was almost gonejday afternoon as time to register
tne lighthouse on Greenly Island ,or "'"'"j l"
. . In addition to Porter himself warrant Issued
:r (Contmurd on pt 4) the candidates Tor his poBition are:;
: i Elmer King, resident of Victor
.last clause or tne tax reiunu aci.i
'reading 'so the state, county and
glutton successfully completed
Wsecond day without any visible
breaks in the delegate's loyalty to
the national officers.
Although a number of state del
egations held informal group con
ferences today, they took no action
on the much discussed "blacklist"
question, and Mrs. J. C. Peabody,
the state regent of Massachusetts,
where the question first arose, cat
egorically denied any knowledge
of such a document. The blacklist
was said to contain the names of
many well known speakers.
Mrs. Theodore Hoover, sister
In-law of the secretary of com
merce, and Mrs. J. H. Shreve, the
incoming and outgoing state re
gents of California, voiced the typ
ical official attitude of the vari
ous state delegations when they
eaid that "Mrs. Brosseau has dic
tated no national policy; as a state
we are absolutely behind her."
Nevertheless, momentary expec
tation of a protest from the floor
against "the dictation of national
policies" continued among the in
f dividual delegates. Opportunity
i for such an expression of opinion
-will be presented during any of the
i renorts of the resolutions com mi t-
(Continued on pt 4)
(Alleged Slayer of Bride
! Trial at Astoria
ie keynote of all public Pro-jadmInistratl0n since 1920 h re-'MlNER SHOT TO
ouncements by state officials. the, . .hiihl.ii -jiiwi v
?th continental congress of the,",ged to cceI,t an Important post
aughters of the American Revo- ,n tne graduate school of business 47 Year Old Man Fom
administration at Harvard, it was
announced today. Dr. Robbins
ind Dead In
Cabin At Cape Blanco
resented by both
women's team.
a men's and'
at Oreuii ( ily
For Apprehension, iii-f
!puty Announce
Edward H. Clark,
chief deputy
game warden, announced tonight'
frrITIT T V Cira A nril 17
baiary oi an.uuo at, APicarrv countv officers were
DEATHi ASTORIA. April 17. (AP).
The trial of George F. Hannula.
22. graduate of the Oregon Agri-j
cuuurai couege, charged with the
slaying of his bride of a voar.
droned on today with defense and
state counsel
near future, with every institution WINFIELD FOUND GUILTY Polnt' four m,le9 eouth of Si,ver-
or nigner learning in Oregon rep-! ;Ton-
. ' uscar cnapman oi jiaiitj.
"Dudes' Trial Becomes Hilarious jj R j0ne8 of Salem, route 4
Due to Evasive Replies KRosedale). Jones was the last
Following a trial that became ?? L7 'J a"J-.Z that a warrant had been iued to
t 1113 upcidriiiun ui Lauuiuoi j
nuarious in spots, uuae vv m-
liieiu was lUDnneu oi Dooiiegums aftornnon
I in justice court here tate yester-' .
day. Sentence will be Imposed by, (Coninued on pr 4)
JiiHtirA of the Ppar Rraiir Small "
at io a. m. today. ji INDRFRGH AT ST. L0UIS new8 10 days ago when he s,arte(1
The gallery in the tiny Justice (Circulation of an initiative mea
sure to ' protect salmon In the wa
Sketchy Report Sent in By Ger-
man Aviator About Trip
ma ufc. .un T" "7,.,: day at Oregon City for the arreM
the county clerk late yesterday ..Bud.. F,nucane charft.
(By the Canadian Press) A re
using peremptory lue8ttfro1 th Marconi wireless. court room was crowded much of
ing him with illegal fishing in the
Clackamas river. Kinucane, former
deputy fish warden, broke into the
narvara. today
ur. Kobbins has been at Har- Tom Robinson, 47, a miner, who
vara mis year on a leave of ab- was found In his little cabin at
Sence. He wae called to the larre rna niinrn hl haH ehatterail
operator here to Baron Huenefeld the time
eastern institution last year with
the deans of a number of large
schools in the country to organize
the Harvard graduate school. Af
ter spending the year in the east
he, was offered the permanent po
eition and accepted it.
by a highepower rifle bullet. The
Investigation was made to deter
mine whether Robinson was the
victim of a murderer, or whether
he killed himself.
It was believed Robinson died
some time Sunday.
Salem Ranks At Bottom
In Salaries For Teaching
ALBANY. Ore.. Apr. 17. (AP)
The strike that closed the Al-
Commits On Professional Status of Educators W5Sd5S b.o.
'Dude" was
giving his Xoled Flrer Reaches Hom ror,!ters of the state of Oregon and the
From Wichita. Kansas
waters over which the state of Ore-
gon has concurrent jurisdiction.
. .j . i . i- . .i ..AuniieuxtH to Beiminr a nirv
inTRniiKaitDK ine ueaia oi " - i i . ...
" ' ' - i jk i j a tk ai ui m ueirnnr nn nr n ian . . r n .
mn tod Koon .T.mU. 11 wsrs'tlC flight brOUCht the follOwinr re-Ulnnn - Uth nrna....tlnn Am-:
tentatively seated. 31 had been ex-V1' ro ureenly island: fense attorneys generally elicited: hl- ?' "v'l i Clark said that Issuance of the
cused for cause and a third spec-i Bremen "me night 26 hours questions In return or else evasive ai-j. oionei v;Un warrant followed the detection at
lal venire had been called for ,and half. Struck heavy fog off answers, that appealed to the hergh lanoed at lam,ert"fT- 10:16 p. m. yesterday by two dep
questlonlng tomorrow. It is hard- Newfoundland: Forced fly above, crowd's sense of humor. j Louis field here t 6 : 15 p. m. toiuty game wardens of Flnucane,
ly probable the 11 jurors tenta- Found impossible. Fog at 2,000 "Dude" was arrested Saturday! night . after making a non8t0P;Winiam Freemen and Carl lum
tively seated will be sworn in be-peet high. Descended 60 feet ofiby Buck Merriott. who chargedjfHgbt from Wichita. Kansas. power, operating a gill net In the
cause of the fact that the defense waves. Had to mount again. Very'that "Dude" sold him eome liquor.! His two companions, iiarry Clackamas river. Warrants have
has seven peremptory challenges high seas. Steered west wholeThe defendant was kept in the Knignt ana naroia wixoy. 01been iWorn out for the arrest of
remaining and the state four. night. Heavy storm. Saw stars oc-icounty jail again last nignt.
uor.i iwo cuuvu.... ; Clackamas river. Warra
the Knight and Harold BUby. both of L w()rn out fQr the
St. Louis, were with him. fth othcr men
Employes Accept Ten Per
Redaction in Wage
Tenure Law for State, Opposes "Promoting'
structors Up from Primary Room
A bound report of the epecial'charge could he effects .ithnnt
committee of seven of the Oregon a trial for the teacher. A tenure
tee which will be made vednesaayOtaie reacnera association upon taw has been in effect ln the Port
Friday and Saturday. the professional and financial sta- land schools for nearly IK run
The national officers of the so-jtus of the teacher in the elemen-and In thit time but 14 trials have
clety appeared in a new role to-jary scnooi nas oeen receivea oyjbeen neid. the report points out
day. that of experts in high ft
nance, when announcement was
made of the successful financing
of the organization's new II. 000.
. 000 auditorium. Constitution hall.
to be consiruciea Decina- ine pres
ent building, with a seating capa
city of 4,000.
i- The pledged total has now reach
ed $840,000, of which all bat
1200.000 is In actual cash, accord
ing to the report of Mrs. Russell
.William Magna, chairman of the
finance committee. It la expected
-hat the SI. 000. 000 goal will be
eached Satocday and on its attatn-
nent A. J. Broaeeao, husband of
he presldentgeneral, has proxnis
4 the society a gift of $25,000.
Almost the entire congress to
lay visited the graves of George
md Martha Washington at Mount
,'ernon. where Mrs. Brosseau made
in addresa pledging them to con
tinued support of . Washington's
(City Superintendent George W.
The committee, of which Mrs.
Mildred S. Daly of Highland school
is a member, reports that Salem
ranks lowest in salaries in a list
of IS Oregon cities. Portland heads
the list and Engene falls In ninth
Holding that g primary teaeher
may not necessarily be a success
ful teacher of the upper grades or
even high school, the report dis
courages the idea of the so-called
promotion from lower to higher
grade. The committee would rather
see an Improvement la salary suf
ficient to hold the teacher to the
work in whieh she ia most apt.
Another important chant"
which the report holds advisable
ia the state adoption ef a tenure
law, which weald mean, that the
first year the teacher would have
a training or probationary status,
and following that year, ao dia-
The rural school Is alven care
ful attention, and among the rec
ommendatlons of the commltte are
tne, fostering of greater interest in
tne rural teacher and her work:
stricter attention to the calibre of
teaeher employed in the rural
field; and, since the rural teach
er's work is dependent in a large
sense upon the supervision ef the
county superintendent, improve-!
meet or tne - conditions under
wnica the- i county aehool head
work," .
The following phases ef the
ttaeniag profession are treated!
separately; regular training, ex
isting condition, facilities for
teachers' training, stability ef pro
fession,- tenure, salaries, Oregon
grades, the teacher lead, transient
pupils, growth in service, rating ef
teacher. Jiving condition, com
munity participation, organisation
of elementary teaching, financial
status, specifie problem.
said all the men had returned to
work and had agreed to what he
termed "a temporary ten per cent
reduction in wages, necessitated by
the Increased price of hides."
by Senator McXary of This
City Asks 2,000,000 '
WASHINGTON, April , 17.
(AP) . Appropriations totaling
almost $2,000,000 would be au
thorized for research and experi
mentation work ln reforestation
and timber growing under a bill
by Senator MeNary, republican,
Oregon, passed today by. the sen
ate and sent to the house.
At dawn flew over
wooded country. Could not locate
position. Also flew over large riv
er, then large mountain loomed
ahead. Rising, continued flight. At
noon saw lighthouse, thought to
be a steamer. Landed quite ex
hausted. But hannv. Fitimaurice
gone to Murray Bay by Canadian
Thousand of Tiny Animals Re
ported Along Upper Snake
Discrepancy Observed
In Story Told By Fall
Four Year Old Memorandum Claims Defendant in Teapot
Dome Scandal Never Received Money from Sinclair
In Connection with New Mexico Ranch Holdings
The deputy wardens seized one
gill net, a boat and one salmon,
Clark said, but the three men es
caped in the brush along the
The use of gill nets in the Clack
amas river is now prohibited by
Oregon statutes.
Finucane's bill was said to be a
companion measure to initiative
bill number 65, recently introduced
to Washington voters by the fish
conservation league .of that state.
WASHINGTON, Apr. 17. (AP)the two documents had been pre-
Testimony that a memorandum, pared on the same typewriter and
LEWISTON, Idaho.. April 17. which mysteriously found its way,by the same stenographer.
(AP)Thousanda of field mice into the records of the senate Tea- This angle of the Inquiry will
are overrunning the cattle grating !pot Dome committee four years :be followed. Chairman Nye an-
ranges on the upper Snake river, jago, the discovery of which createa nouncea in an erron to aetermine
a stir, probably was prepared by.aenniteiy wnetner ran aia aic
Albert B. Fall, was given today by 'tate the memorandum and Just
his son-in-law, Clarence C. Chase how it reached the committee files.
of El Paso, at the reopening or; ine aocument is unsigned ana at
and -may cause serious trouble to
stockmen, it was reported here to
day. One rancher estimated that
the mice have destroyed one third
of the grass this season, depriving
tne catue of feed.
Old settlera averred that the
reglojr -was overrun la the same
way in 1 IT 7, but the rodent pests
disappeared In the next year, and
did not reappear in hordes until
Michael Detroyat off on Roand
Trip Flight to Algiers
PARIS. April II. (Wednes- Eward Dickey. MeUiodl.t
day) (AP) Lieutenant Mishaelj CHnrch South, Die
Detroyat, who Intends te fly from
Paris te New Terk this year, hep
ped oft this meming at 4:08 on a
nonstop flight te Algiers and re
turn. The flight will be a test of
his all-metal monoplane built
along the lines of the Spirit ef St.
Louis, -' .
LOUISVILLE, Ky., April 17.-
(AP) Bishop James Edward
Dickey, of the Methedist Episcopal
church?; south, died at a hospital
uer lenigni iouowing an illness
wnicn extended through
the senate oil Inquiry.
The memorandum asserts that
the former Interior secretary never
received a dollar from Harry F.
Sinclair In connection wlfh the en
largement ef his New Mexico ranch
holdings. Chase's testimony was
recarded by the senate Investi
gators as ef high Importance ln
view ef Fall's present claim that
the wealthy oil operators paid him
$213,000 in Liberty bonds in con
sideration ef a third interest in
these holdings.
After the hearing had been ad
journed until tomorrow experts in
the employ ef the committee com
pared the original cepy ef the
memorandum. with the original of
a letter Vail wrnta the committee
severs 1'f rem New Terk City en December
, 15, 1121, and they concluded that
the time of Its discovery by Sen
ator Walsh, democrat, Montana.
In January, 1924, futile etbrts
were made to ascertain who was
the author and how It got Into the
The letter to the committee was
written by Fall from New York at
the time the committee waa seek
ing to ascertain wnere he got the
$100,000, which, it whs subse
quently developed, eame to him
from Edward L, Doheny, who leas
ed the Elk Hills naval reserve ln
Chase told the committee he had
no knowledge er tne memorandum
er who prepared it, but agreed
with Senator Walsh that it con
tained information which only he
and his father-ialaw possessed at
that time.
Green Coupon in
Friday's Paper
Offers Real Treat
The B and C Players, a dra
matic company of players of
recognized dramatic ability, will
open at the Kislnore Theater
Saturday afternoon and eve
ning. The company will open
with the play, "A Dollar a
Week," in three acta, a rural
society comedy drama. The
story gives the advantsgei and
disadvantages of the payment
on the Installment plan, filled
with comedy and pathos and a
strong thread of love interest
throughout. The company has
been playing in the San Fran
cisco Bay region for the past
ten weeks and come here well
The Green seetlon of The
Statesman will carry the regu
lar coupon for the Saturday
matinee, and those with the
coupons and sales slips will be
given this extra attraction that