The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 15, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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William Haines Proves a
. Man Can Play Pok)
and Love a' Girl
Lore makes the world go round
and so does a punch in the nose!
William Haines meets both ex
periences In his picture "The
Smart Set" which will show at the
Elsinore today and Monday.
You'll shreik with laughter at
his misadventures in this gorgeous
comedy of the smart polo set.
Nothing can stop you laughing at
- his dhuy adventures in lore and
smart doings when he lore
nothing can stop him. This is a
smart picture about smart people.
polo, pep, pretty girls, lore and
laughter and Haines. How he can
ride and play polo but he pulls
a great cropper when he falls in
love. His troubles are many and
Interesting. Lore and polo he
won fame at both.
In between times in the picture
when the principals are not play
ing polo, they rereal themselves
as skilled and clever comedians
Yes, "The Smart Set" is comedy.
but not of the slapstick variety; it
fairly vibrates with Joy of living,
youth, and enthusiasm.
Haines as Tommy Van Aster,
6cion of wealth, jazz boy of the
smart set, does the best work of
his career. Alice Day is shown in
an entirely new role as the beauti
ful Polly Durant who wisecracks
a bit on her own and shows a very
pretty aptitude in putting the hero
through his paces.
The story, as all line comedy
should, contains its bit of pathos.
In fact, it has everything thrill
ing sport, gorgeous love scenes
and rib-tlckling comedy coming
so fast that one would need an
adding machine to "clock the
laughs." ,
Ted Doner and His Fast
Company Will Delight
Elsinore Patrons
Ever been In court?
If not. then you will be today
or Monday at the Elsinore when
' you see Fauchon and Marco'r
"Jazzlcal Trial" Idea for the en
tire presentation is built and
staged to represent a real court
scene with the defendants on
. However for this trial. Jazz, is
the chief defendant and all his
exponents are on hand to offer
their bits as evidence for the de
fense. Jazz steppers, jazz singers,
Jaxz music, jazz musicians, every
thing jazz, and all on trial for
a I- f it a in a
ineir lives ana lioeriy.
Ted Doner, that ever popular
musical comedy song and dance
star headju the "Idea" with his
ton beautiful girl friends. Little
Bobby Thomson is Ted's song and
dance partner and between them
they hare some clever new songs
and steps to offer.
Bailey and Barnum, late of the
Greenwich Village Follies, hilar
ious blackfaced funuakers, blister
the banjo into melodie fury and
sing high temperature ballads.
Dorothy Thleme defends the
cause of jasz with her popular
wnrs while Ann aand Edris two
dainty little misses offer a song
and dance specialty of the ownj
It's a fast whirling galaxy of
song, dance and syncopation with1
clever talent and the prettiest
girls you've seen in many a moon J
Come today or Monday and sit as
iuror iu the trial of King Jazz. ,
HOLLYWOOD, Cal., April 14.
(AP) Richard DIx, film star
who has been critically ill of neu
monla following an emergency op
eration for appendicitis last Tues
day, rallied today and hopes for
his recovery were held out by his
physicians who said "barring un
foreseen complications, he .will
There's one thing to be said for j
obbed hair. The presence of worn- j
in customers in the barbershops
sa3 improved the quality of the
'tinny stories told there.
Rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis,
backache, stiff neck, sort muscles,
strains, sprains, aching' joints. When
you are suffering so you cut hardly
get around, just try Red Pepper Bub.
Kothing has such concentrated,
penetrating heat as red peppers, and
when beat penetrates right down into
pain and congestion relief comes at
r Just as soon as you apply Red Pep-
Gr Rub yon leal in tingling heat,
three minutes the sors spot is
wanned through, sad through and ths
torture is goas.
Bowles Had Pepper Rub, asads from
red peppers, oosts tittle sit any drug
store. Get a jar at once. Bo sors to
get the genuine, with the name Bowles
on sTsry padcags. -
-"o.'.'r'f . Adv.
Scene from
Marion Davies Stars
Wonderful Film Show
ing At Oregon Today
"Quality Street." a gay. glow
ing, glamorous screen production
of Barrie's great play with Marion
Davies iu a truly superb portrayal.
will be the attraction at the Ore
gon theater today and Monday.
Critics and picture fans hail
this as Marion Davies' finest per
formance, and if you don't think
the good old days had their flap
pers well just take a look at this
You must see it you'll like U.
This film elevates pictures to a
fine art and may well be called the
very last word. It was lavishly
produced, faultlessly constructed
and exquisitely acted a whimsic
al vehicle with real interpretation
keeping for the screen all the flav
or of the play.
"Quality Street" is a period
play, dealing with provincial Eng
land at the time of the Napoleonic
wars. The heroine falls in love
with a young doctor whom she be
lieves is about to propose. If he
had such an idea in mind he
promptly lost it by listening to a
recruiting sergeant in search of
men to fight Napoleon. Years
later when he returns he is grieved
and shocked at the changed ap
pearance of the heroine.
The latter, however, Is able to
make herself up as the beauty of
years before, and after soundly
teaching the doctor a lesson suc
cumbs to his love declaration and
accepts his abject apologies.
One of the most unusual motion
pictures, "The Street of Forgot
ten Women," will be shown at the
Oregon theater for two days only,
April 19 and 20. There will be
four showings daily, two at the
matinee at 2 p. m. and two In fhe
evening starting at 7 p. m. Thurs
day, April 19, will be for men
only. Friday. April 20. will be
women only.
com n o
li Jhiaft
"Jazzlcal Trial"
In the plcturization of the true
story of Grace Fleming, there is
a great lesson to be learned.
is a picture that should be seen
by every parent, young man and
young woman. No children under
the age of sixteen will be ad
This will be the first showing
of "The Street of Forgotten Worn
en" in Salem. This picture has
been shown in many of the large
cities of the United States, and
has received high commendation
Soviet Treasure Put
Off Vessel On Another
LONDON, April 14. (AP)-
With all the settings of high seas
mystery, the 15,000.000 of soviet
gold claimed by France and re
fused acceptance ijn the United
States, was transferred from the
steamer Dresden to another Ger
man vessel in mid-channel off
Falmouth at midnight and is now
on its way to Bremen.
It was stated that this unusual
move was made because the Dres
den which was carrying the gold
from New York was scheduled to
halt at Cherbourg and it was re
ported that an application for an
atttachment of it for French cred
itors was to be made as soon as
the Dresden arrived in the French
There was some' difficulty be
cause the sea was rather rough,
but the operation was entirely
successful, the wrok of exchange
taking about an hour. The two
steamers then parted company.
the Reiher steaming for Bremen
while the Dresden proceeded for
Jap Racing Around World
Arrives Seattle Sunday
(AP) Racing around the world
from Tokyo with a competitor and
against time, Toichi Araki, a Jap
anese, expected to arrive at Se
attle, Wash., tomorrow morning
From the steamship Empress of
Asia, Araki sent this radio mes
sage today to the Associated
Press :
"Arrive at Seattle Sunday'
morning by airplane from- Victor
ia. B. C."
Araki and Ryukichi Matsui left
Tokyo April 6 in a race sponsored
Dy ine jiji tnimpo. a newspaper
of Tokyo, to "establish a new rec
ord in fast economical travel by
ordinary, existing transportation;
Araki, eastbound, took ship at
Yokohama, across the Pacific,
while Matusi, westbound, set his
course across Siberia.
Jl Eired If eelli
Is it caused by overwork cither mental or physical or
is it due to a condition of the system known as "over
Scientists claim the latter cause to be largely responsible
for lack of endurance, and emphasize the vital importance
of maintaining the "Chemical Balance" that margin by
which alkali exceeds acid in the blood.
This natural tonic is Alkaline in action neutralizes the
acid and supplies mineral elements which are absolutely
essential to health.
Sold by All
11 iiU
Picture Gives Interesting
-Account; See Yourself
On the Screen
Money and fame if you're sac-'
cessful. poverty or suffering if
you're not. ETery day man Is1
forced, to fight for his existence'
and very little quarter la given
even if asked for. It is the sur
vival of v the -fittest In the great
man pack- . -
If you hare attended some con
test you win have noticed that the
roar of the crowd goes to the win
ner and ever time one man
wins another loses. Family,
friends, relatives nearly all judge
men by the amount of money they
make the American barometer of
"The Crowd" Is a great drama
of everyday life a cross section
from life and you may see your
self on the screen. This Is not
Just a picture but life itself. It's
life as we live it every day.
This remarkable screen adapta
tion of life as we live it from the
cradle to the grave will be shown
at the Elsinore for four days,
starting Wednesday.
King VIdor has immortalized
the vast middle class, their hopes,
triumphs, joys and tears in "The
Crowd," a production for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
which comes to
the Elsinore Wednesday, and
which has been Vidor's pet idea
for a motion picture ever since the
filming of his "The Big Parade."
Critics who have see "The
Crowd" pronounce it to be as
great in its way as the war pic
ture. It is a slice out of everyday
life, great in Its realism and Its
truth. There isn't-a character in
It any higher than a petty official
in a large business firm, yet the
scenes teem with drama, heart
throbs and human interest.
A laFge cast wa3 required to
j. M?K?v?ri)&:y: 3
wv N Jr.? :
US? hf1'-;
Fauchon and Marco Idea at Klsinore
Russian Girls Found
Apt As Geisha Dancers
TOKYO (AP) All geisha girls
in Japan are not Japanese. There
are at least six Russian maidens.
all with blonde hair and red
cheeks, entertaining the tired
business men of Kobe. Osaka and
Nagasaki. Now there Is one in
Tokyo who has adopted the pro
fessional name of "Helen Doran."
Miss Doran appeared at Metro
politan Police headquarters re
cently and made an application
for a geisha license. The invasion
of foreign girl entertainers is not
encouraged by the authorities, so
the young Russian candidate was
given a rigid examination in her
knowledge of the Japanese lan
guage and ability to strum the
film It, Including a mob of extras
larger than any ever before used
for any but a war picture. Scenes
Hunt nn a lavish seals, one
rff them being a reproduction of
T 1 A I. n
famous coney isnu. wi...
inrindine one using Niag
ara Falls, were taken on the orig
inal locations.
Germans Extending Air
Lighting for Traffic
HANOVER, Germany (AP)
Berlin business men who have
need to make trips to London will
soon be able to close np their of
fices as usual at the end of the
day, if necessary confer with their
boards of directors In the evening,
and yet reach the British capital
by 10 o'clock the next morning.
Such a possibility will become
a reality with the perfection soon
of system of night lighting of
the air routes for planes from
Berlin to Hanover, similar to that
in use between Berlin and Koen
Igsberg on the route to Moscow.
The regular plane will start from
Berlin at 2 o'clock in the morning,
reach Hanover by 4 a. m., and
London by 10.
The night lighting system Is
also about to be introduced on
the passenger routes Berlin-Munich,
and Berlin-Gleljpltz, on the
Polish border. The Berlin-Hanover
route is to be extended to
Cologne, with a view to "making It
possible to travel from Berlin to
Paris partly by night.
Every three miles there are
strong, red neon lamps; every 20
miles, a revolving search light of
150-250 candle power. At inter
vals of 20-30 miles, emergency
airdromes are provided for forced
BOSTON George C. Johnson.
Red Cross lecturer, went to a Bos
ton firehouse to lecture on first
aid- After an interesting dis
course he asked to try the slide,
down the brass pole. He broke
both ankle3. The firemen render
ed first aid.
Read the Classified Ads
shamlsen. She qualified in every
particular and the license was re
luctantly given.
She told the police she had been
born in Moscow and brought up
In Harbin where she earned her
living as a cabaret dancer. It was
in that "wickedessorlty" of the
Far East that she began learning
Japanese. Subsequently she came
to Japan and completed her study
of the fanguage. She amazed the
officials by her knowledge of Jap
aaene music and dancing.
Geisha girls are supposed to en
tertaln at banquets and parties at
so much an hour. They receive
salaries and bonuses the same as
actresses In America. Their pro
fesslon la respected and many of
them marry rich and influential
Unidentified Assassin Kills
Lumber Camp Employe
and Escapes
ASTORIA. Apr. 13 (APj
Clatsop county authorities today
were scouring the mountainous
regions near Vernon la, 65 miles
from here, for the slayer of Ed
ward W. Morgan, 27, Oregon-American
Lumber camp employe, who
early this morning was found dead
in his bunk with a bullet wound
in his neck.
A coroner's Inquest, conducted
at the lumber camp this morning
by E., B. Hughes, comity coroner,
returned a finding that Morgan
had been slain by an unidentified
assassin who slipped into the lum
ber camp bunk house near mid
night, send a bullet crashing
through Morgan's jugular vein
and then fled.
Harley J. Slusher, sheriff, who
accompanied the coroner re
mained in the vicinity of Vernonia
following several clues which de
veloped at the inquest. Although
the officials would not comment
On the probable cause, they inti
mated that jealousy motivated the
crime. Morgan, it was said, is
known to have been friendly with
another logger's wife.
George Schmidt, logger, who oc
cupied the same part of the bunk
house as Morgan,told at the cor
oner's inquest -of hearing a single
shot fired and the sound of run
ning feet. Fred Pruett, another
logger, substantiated Schmidt's
Fire Sweeps Winnipeg
Block; Five Fatalities
WINNIPEG. Man.. April 14.
(AP) Four women and a man
were killed, more than a dozen
injured and many others over
come by smoke when a fire swept
the Casa Loma, a combined five
story apartment and business
block here late today. Two of the
women died in hospitals, after be
ing rescued from the burning
structure, while the other two
found dead on the floors of two
different apartment rooms. The'
man was found dying on a bed in
a top story room and was dead
when brought to the street.
All the vcitims Were unidenti
fied at a late hour.
California's Governor
Welcomes YWCA Group
(AP) Governor C. C. Young, of
California, today extended a wel
come to the two thousand dele
gates and visitors to the national
Young Women's Christian asso
ciation here on behalf of Sacra
mento and the state of California
of which he la chief executive.
"The moral tone of any people,"
he said, "any place at any time
is sounded upon the Idealism of
Its women."
Has Girl Arrested Who
Claims To Be His Wife
GLENDALE, Cal., April 14.
(AP) Jackie Laverne, alias Jac
quelin Montana, who says she Is
Mrs. Louis Montana, wife of
"Bull" Montana, film actor and
heavyweight wrestler, wsa locked
in the city jail here at two o'clock
this morning on a charge of bat
tery sworn out by Montana.
Police said that the wrestling
actor, who weighs 180 pounds,
ringside, told them when they
answered a call to the Montana
home, that his wife had tried to
kill him with a high heeled slip-
Matinee 2 P. M.
Evening 7 till 11 P. M.
"lie Street of .
Forgotten Women"
Scenes of Actual "Places" Filmed In The Famous San
Francisco "Barbary Coast"
Positively No Children Admitted
The True Story of Grace Fleming
The Picture With a Great Moral
per. Bull's face bore , many
scratches. ; Mrs. Montana has a
black eye.
The actor maintained that the
woman is his housekeeper.
A police magistrate set trial for
next Thursday qn charges of bat
tery and drunkenness. Bail was
set at J100. Up to a late hour
today it had not been raised and
Jail bars still stood between the
heavyweight wrestler and the pos
sibility of death from renewed
blows from a high heeled slipper.
Democratic Convention
Condemns Republicans
SPOKANE. Apr. 14. ( AP) .
Condemnation of the republican
administration, national and state
and advocacy of specific measures
with the declared intention of re
lieving taxation burdens and in
creasing o o p u l a r government
char-acterlze the platform adopt
ed here yesterday by the democra
tic state convention.
Unusually brief, as such docu
ments go, the platform mentions
specifically what it terms the Tea
pot Dome, Pennsylvania and Illi-
Pupil Sacred Heart Academy
St. Vincent .'DF9ul School
Tuesday Night, April 17 '
Til EOT!
Singer Stock Co.
in a
Minstrel Musical Revue
Lou Marshall,. Glen (Bozo) Sing
er, Connie Glaum, Mitzi La
Marr, Clyde Aldrich, Harmony
Trio, Aldyn Mack and The Danc
ing Chorus.
noia election, veterans' bureau and
alien property "scandals" which
it lays at the door of the republi
can party and adds that "especial
ly deplorable is the manifest w
tort on me pari or me leaaers t
the republican party to cov2up
the crimes of the past eight years
and prevent the truth coming to
leacners ior rnngie
School Are Announced
r r'
PRINGLE. April 14. (Sper
lal.) Miss Florence Berndt of
Liberty will teach the primary
grades at Pringle next year. Rev
Jones will teach the advance.!
Mrs. A. A. McMlllln of Greshaiu
was a visitor at the J. M. Coburn
home Monday and Tuesday.
Mrs. E. G. Clark entertained
the Pringle Social club Thursday.
April 12.
The Pringle Mothers" club will
meet . Tuesday, April 17, at the
horn eof Mrs. Toney.
Read the Classified Ads
Floor & Mezzanine, Reserved f l.OO
Not Reserved 75c
Matinee 2 P. M.
Evening 7 till 11 P. M.