THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON. SUNDAY, MORNING, APRIL 15, 1928 7 1 w 3 - i SALEM FOLKS 1U. TELlA If wHEM you getV that EASY I'LL YOO Now Ir A I TO THE OFFICE) TELL EM I KfOW OP I -L A to 6BT A aYJ ACT A ,F A SARCASTIC MARRIEO OK A RAI'SE ctiPQ4 (YOU'VE GOT .WOMAN WHO'S LOST HER XHAPPlR OEAR. ') 1 SOME MEAL TICKET FOREVER. ToO -r Being happy though married isn't as big a problem as some folks imagine. This is an age in which everyone demands comforts and happiness-builders. Come here for them. t LOCAL Jefferson pair Wed A marriage license was veH day issued from the office of the Marlon county clerk to Ralpu Frame, 29, of Jefferson, and Ihel la Surry, 25. also of Jefferson. Divorce Handed Down ' Decree of divorce was handed down In circuit court here yeeter day In the suit brought against Glen C. Winters by Ida C. Win ters. -'Popular Sheet Music" At the Music Shop with Stiffs on Court St. Teacher Hired Mrs. Dorothy Erskine Hubbard lias been hired to teach the first grade at the Liberty school. Mrs. Hubbard takes the place of Miss Dorothy Sloop, resigned, who will teach in the Salem schools next year. Special Sunday Dinner Served 5:45 to 8 p. in. Marion Hotel. I it aura n re Staff Meets j District Manager Hunter of the Metropolitan Life Insurance com pany for the Salem vicinity, and his staff held a .business meeting and banquet at the Multnomah hotel in Portland yesterday. The staff in this district met the com pany's requirements in March for writing new business. For Rent 1 6 H Acres Good land, close in terman. Hotel Argo. . Jii H. Lau- Jail Ilrraker Caught L. W. Travis, who broke jail la Tillamook county following his conviction on as liquor charge, is under arrest at Stinnett, Texas, according to a telegram received at the executive department here. Governor Patterson has requested his return to Oregon and a tele gram was sent to the governor of Texas asking if he would - issue extradition papers. "Moore's Music House" Stock Being closed out. Bargain prices! See ad., pagesfltjej v Cancel Broker Permit?-. The stale corporation commis sioner Saturday cancelled the Ore gon stockbrokers permit Issued to Logan and Bryan, brokers, with headquarters in New York. It was said that the firm has decided to . withdraw Its operations from this iate. Logan and Bryan until recently acted as eastern corre spondents for the defunct broker age firm of Overbeck and Cook fn Portland.' Dance at Crystal Garden: Tuesday with the Ad Club. Silk hose, box candy, neckties and lots of other things will be given free. Crash A larg automobile crashed Into a Ford coupe on the corner of State and High streets yesterday afternoon, causing a little jam up In the traffic at the time. None of the occupants in either machine was injured, although the lighter car was quite badly damaged. The large machine, equipped with bumpers, was only slightly dam aged. Guaranteed Shed Dry Wood Phone 13. Salem Fuel Co., 752 Trade. Boys Will Be Boys . A stone throwing Jtracas staged by a group of boys on South Church street yesterday . morning. caused residents of that district to call put the police department. The stone battle started when one boy went to get his younger broth er who was a member of their or ganization, the "gang," to come to luncheon. This did not satisfy the other members of the group and the battle started. When the offi cers arrived, not a boy was In light. "Moore's Music House" Stock Being closed out. Bargain prices! See ad., page five. Remove. Load Limit Removal of the 2500 pound load limit which has been In ef fect for the past two months on the Old Oregon Trail between Pendleton and LaOrande and Haines and Pleasant Valley was announced by the state highway commission here Saturday. The road is now in good condition. Furniture Upholsterer- And reaalrtng, aiese-Powers Furniture Co. . . Winner's Name Given Members, of the Trilling ,. Trio, Keizer entry which took second place In the first community club talent contest Friday night at the Elslnore theater,: were Lucille Camming. Jewell Gardner and Mildred Gardner, with Erm Ree fer at the piano. Issue Marriage Licenae Lou T. Karsten, 23. of Salem. yesterday took out a license to marry Lila Lee Thoreson. 19. of Corvania. Saxophone Like New 85 Easy term, at the Music Shop with Stiffs on Court St. Mortgage Foreclosure Frank W. Gillette yesterday filed suit against It. C. Madsen and others to foreclose mortgages of I50 and $225. "Moore's Music House Stack Being closed out. Bargain prices! See ad., page five. Redmond Divorce Decreed Herbert D. Redmond and Jen nie E. Redmond were legally separated by a decree handed down by Circuit Judge L. H. Mc Mahan yesterday. " American War Mothers Are giving a Silver Tea at home of Mrs. F. A. Elliott Tuesday 2 to 5. Special invitation is given to patriotic organizations. Rapidly Improving Dr. M. C. Findley. physician of this city who underwent a major operation in St. Vincent hospital, Portland, is getting along nicely, report friends who visited th doc tor yesterday. -.- "Moore's Music House" Stock Being closed out. Bargain prices! See ad., page five. 1 . Taken on Liquor Charge ' Accused of being a bootlegger In addition to a bootblack. Dude WIndf ield was yesterday .rref by state prohibition": of fleers: jand placed in the Marion county Ja 1924 Dodge Panel Delivery In first claes condition: good rubber; at a bargain. Salem Au tomobile Company, 255 N. Church. Tel. 97. Asks Extradition Governor Patterson Saturday authorized the extradition of Lu cious Poquette who is wanted in New York for abandonment of minor children. Poquette is under arrest in Portland. Would Yon Give a Gift Of something entirely differ ent? Visit the gift room at Pom eroy & Keene's. Recovering Miss Theresa Arnold, who was bound and gagged by two uniden tified men at her home at 393 North Church street last Thursday night and afterwards taken to a local hospital, is now rapidly re covering from the nervous and physical shock. Boxing, Salem Armory Arena Wednesday, April 18, 8:30 p. m. Walter Cleghorn of Seattle vs. Buck Holley of Los Angeles. 10, three minute rounds, 4 other bouts. Tickets at Adolph's cigar store. , Music For Kiwanians The program at the Kiwanis club Tuesday noon will be light in nature. Art Kirkham, secretary of the Corvallis club being in charge. It will be a combination of "mirth and music." the weekly Kiwanis bulletin will say. Road Recommended County road viewers yesterday recommended to the Marion county court that the road peti tioned for by George Susbauer and others be constructed. The road when built will be in Dis trict 24, near Sublimity. It will be 30 feet in width. Walnuts, Filberts, Cherries 40 acres all in cultivation, choice soil, fine water and air drainage, 20 acres set to Grohers best English walnuts. 6 acres to best Filberts, 4 acres to cherries, and 1450 Andrews Nobles prunes, and some peaches. A new modern basement, furnace, stationary wash-tubs, bath, ceptlc tank, plas tered, electric lights, lots of built 1ns In kitchen, Meyers automatic pumping system to house, bam, hog-house, and irrigation for lawn and garden, bored welL cased. Two barns, a large hog-house, 12 sows, 9 shoats, and 75 pigs, good team, splendid cow, feed and am ple farm machinery. Near pave ment 3 miles out. priced at a bar gain, will take some city property some cash, balance long time. Is suitable for Turkeys, Chickens, Cows, and Hogs, using the cheap hog-feed from Salem. Let - ma tell yon about It. JOHN H. SCOTT. OWNER, SOS Ore. BIer. By J. H. WILLETT Permit J. N. Ekhard was issued a par ait to make repairs oa his dwell ing loeated at 24 1 State street at an estimated amount of 500. Marriage License Given Ivan a. Pickens. 32, of Rose burg, yesterday took out a license to marry Edith E. Miller. 28, of Eugene The marriage la his sec ond and her first. "Moore's Music House" Stock Being closed out. Bargain prices! See ad., page five. "William Humphreys, farmer of Stay ton, has been drawn on panel or 40 names to serve on the federal grand Jury. Prospec tive jurors will report April 2S. Weed End Visitor- Mrs. Beulah Miller of Halsey Is spending the week-end here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bfehop. Mrs. Miller is an old acquaintance of the local people 1024 Dodge Panel Delivery In first claes condition; good rubber; at a bargain. . Salem Au tomobile Company, 255 N. Church. Tel. 97. State Surveyor Resigns Richard K. Durant, for several years in charge of the adjudica tion surveys for the state engi neering department, has resigned to accept a position with the fed eral, reclamation service at Cie lElum, Wash. 1024 Dodge Panel Delivery v In first class condition; good rn&ber; at a bargain. Salem Au tomobile Company, 255 N. Church. Tel97. &feard) In -Eugene I liTfr ftlnr nihharil nf thia wont 4.., f M .-.u. J ' taf JEugene early yesterday morn ing to attend the funeral of his nephew, who was killed in that city last . Friday in an accident. Gibbard is superintendent of mails at the Salem postoffice. Notice Beside the regular office hours, the county clerk's office will be open evenings between 6 and 8 o'clock to register voters. If yon are now registered and voted once the past two years and have not moved or married you need not come. Otherwise come at once. Hauling Contract Let A. J, Vanweshoven and Elmer Radford were yesterday- awarded the contract to haul 15,000 cubic yards of gravel for Marion county this season. Official action was taken by the county court. The hauling is to ie done in the vi cinity of Fairfield. There 11 bids submitted. were To Whom It May Concern This Is to advise that The Pa cific Poultryman. Seattle, Wash ington, has given no authority whatever to subscription agents to offer premiums with subscriptions and will not be responsible for de livery of the same. P. W. Har ries, Edltqr Pacific Poultryman. Committeemen File The following declarations of candidacy have been filed by would-be precinct committeemen with the county clerk: . Ray Lick, republican, Qulnaby; A. R. Myers, republican, Elkhorn; George N. Becker, ' democrat. West Wood burn: E. Todd, democrat. Sidney; Jesse J. Johns, democrat, Crolsan; G. M. Varis, democrat. Prlngle; Frank P. Davis, democrat, Wood ard; S. B. Tandy, democrat, Jef ferson; G. E. Beringer, republi can, Menama; E. E. Keene, demo crat, Gervais; Dennis Seely, demo crat, Monitor; J. E. Waltman, democrat. North Howell: John A-1 Glatt. democrat, Scollard. Thirteen Deaths Occur From Autos In March PORTLAND. Apr. 14. (AP) March automobile accidents set a high death mark In this city for the past three years, the health office reported today. Thirteen deaths for the month from such accidents were listed. In, April 1927 there were 10 such deaths and in November 1926 there were nine, the two other high months. Boston Terrier Puppies For Sale ' Champion Male .for " Service DR. FRED - ELLIS . Salem, Oregon h - ;V IV- Ckanpioa Hagwtr'a JKlac Jr. ... . - . - - - -1 - : i- aMBaa mimm mm Rl f 1 1 M I ; wo ox I -J SAYS 1925 Oakland Sport Road ster, many extras and li cense, $425.00. 1927 Pontiac Coupe, leather upholstered; in fine condi tion, $625.00. "The lfo That Service BuUt eaemranvo wmm we Results Viewed After Com pletion of Flying, Trip Across Atlantic DUBLIN, April 14 (AP). With Colonel James Fitzmaurice and his German comrades of the monoplane Bremen safe on Green ly Island, Ireland today began to consider the results of the trans- Atlantic flight. "Another bond has been creat ed between Ireland and America and the achievement will do much to develop airmindedness in this country." said Colonel Charles Russell, former chief of the Irish Free State air corps to the Asso ciated Press. It was learned that already plans are in the making for an "all-Irish flight" In 1928, but it also was intimated that sanction for such attempt was not likely. "Fits won't do any more such stunts If I can help It," the weary but happy little wife of the Irish flyer said at Baldonnel. "He has wanted to fly the Atlantic for 10 years. I rejoice at his success but I hope he will not do it again." One possible result of the flight is a German-Irish entente of the air. In some circles here the Ger man shipping interests who were Interested in the Bremen with Baron Von Huenefeld, are con sidered to have executed a stroke of genius by -inviting an Irishman to participate in the venture. These circles say that the success of the long hop may enable Ger man interests to obtain an air footing in the Free State. A number of nations have been doing aome spirited bidding for this because of the islands geo graphical position. Every month the Free State government re ceives new offers for projects by aviation companies of different countries, including America. Some of these ask only landing field facilities when trans-Atlantic routes are established. Other promoters try to get subsidies from the Free State government. Germany has been keenly inter ested-in the development of Ire land as an aviation center. One company proposed to establish a regular service by rlying boats across the Irish sea between Ire1 land and England, but it is be lieved that the Saorstat is more likely to grant to its own aviators a monopoly on the development of air routes so close to home. No hindrance wuld be placed on trans-Atlantic aviation by such a policy. Oregon Women Lose To Debaters of Washington EUGENE, April 14. (AP) Two co-ed debaters from the Uni versity of Washington proved to be too much for the University of Oregon women's debate team at Villard hall Jhere last night, when the Seattle girls were awarded a unanimous decision of the judges in the last varsity debate of the local forensic season. Alice Clink and Mary Clemm. both of Eugene, representing the University of Oregon, presented the affirmative of the question: "Resolved, that the American universities are attempting to give too many people a college educa tion." Charlotte Smith and Jesse Hastings upheld the negative for Washington. Started Chicks 2 and S weeks old, at price of day old chicks. FLAKE'S PETLAND 27S State TYPEWRITERS &. o. smith n eoaowA amrnsTKAJro Asomaa All ICakw Vwud UkUui THOS. BOCK PawM SSI ' i 41 (taart St FREE Tubes Tested t Free IMPROVE YOUR RADIO WITH NEW TUBES uiiii Terrific Quake Jars Courh tries In Southern Europe; Thirty Killed SOFIA, Bulgaria. Apr. 14 - IAP) Bulgaria, southern Ru mania and the eastern section of Jugo-Slavia were shaken today by a heavy earthquake. The disturbance - centered in southern Bulgaria between the Black sea and the city f Philip popolls with the town of Tchir pan as chief sufferer. Thirty persons were killed and hundreds Injured in Tchirpan: seven were killed at Borrissovgrad nd two at Zagora. A late report from Plovdiv said that four were killed there and dozens injured by the collapse of houses and mosques. Only a portion of the affected territory had been heard from and there is great apprehension of a widespread catastrophe. Property damage was. enormous. At Tchirpan all public buildings were either badly damaged or de stroyed. The railway station there is In ruins. Houses and mosques crashed In numerous vil lages and there was particular damage at the village of Iavor which Is in the region between Tchirpan and Borrissovgrad. Hot mineral springs, which abound in the affected region. In creased their flow with heightened temperature after the quake. Phillippopolis, a busy commer cial center of 85.000 inhabitants, reported that two persons were killed there when a mosque was wrecked. The city which was the ancient city of Thrace, was almost entirely destroyed by an earth quake in 1818. Today's shock was the heaviest felt in this region In nearly half a century. BELGRADE. Jugo Slavla, Apr. 14 (AP) Severe earthquake shocks were felt all over Slavo nia this morning. The most se vere lasted six and a 'half min utes. It was felt in Belgrade but no material damage had been re Ported late today. BUCHAREST. Rumania. Apr. 14 (AP) A three minute earth quake occurred here shortly be fore noon today. The swaying buildings sent the people of Bu charest into the streets but no noticeable damage was reported. It was the first qyake of such proportions In forty years. Opera Uses Movies for Settings Upon Stage PARIS AP) The movies have gone into grand opera. A storm at sea, great waves dashing against a lighthouse, were shown in. the latest produc tion of the Opera, "The Tower of Fire," by Sylvio Lazzarl. It was a scenen impossible to stage ade quately so the producers went to Cherbourg and waited for bad weather which came along with such violence they had a hard time taking the picture. The screen action comes in the third act and caused a sensation among critics, most of whom agreed it is a new adventure in stagecraft that "will have incal culable effect on th theater of the future." Former Salem Ferry Operator Passes Away TILLAMOOK Ore., Apr. 14 (AP) Funeral services for Sam uel C. Tonallnson, aged 93, and resident of Tillamook county since 1212 have been held here. His death followed a short ill ness. For XI years prior to his resi dence la this country, Mr. Tom llnson lived at West Salem, where he operated the Salem ferry. PILES CURED Wttaeat epumilm r law ef tbaa DR. MARSHALL SSS Ongsa BMa. EXTRA EXTRA Big paper drive. Highest prices paid for (magazines or newspapers most be in bundles) CAPITAL BARGAIN and JUNK CO. 105-145 Center St. PHONE 398 Let Kennell-Ellis Blake Your Vie and Commercial Pictures, Any Time, Any Phcs Old Photographs Often you want old photographs reproduced, but fear entrust ing them to strangers. Our reputation assures 'th safety and proper cars ot 70 picture, which wa will copy, enlarge, frame or hand color at a price lower than the unknvrn agent eaa altar., Kennell-Ellis Suidio 429 Oregon BIdg. HI WHERE to DINE TODAY Eat Chicken Dinner Today At the Gray Belle. Special Blossom Day Dinner Served all day at the Spa. For Dinner This Evening A la carte dinner at the Marion hotel today. Chicken Dinner at the Lnnrh Box 181 S. Lfberty St. Tables for ladies. Open all day. Special Cblcken Dinner Today And home made aalads, 8tate Cafeteria. Argo Restaurant Roast Chicken Dinner and Sup per 60c. Special Roast Chicken Dinner 60c. Horn Restaurant. Chicken Dinner With Big- Blossom Day menu. White House. Food that Tenants the Palate Steak dinner, chicken dinner. Fryers on toast. Glee haven Inn, (formerly Minto's) Jack Martin. Prop-. 5 miles south of Salem on Pacific Highway, tel. 9F23. Barbecued Chicken and Everything that goes with it 50c, at the Nook, 379 N. Hlh. T s CIRCUIT JUDGES NOT DISCUS SING CASE AT ISSUE Rumors circulated in this city recently about a discussion be tween Circuit Judges L. H. Mc Mahan and Percy R. Kelly on the same day that a hearing was held before Judge Kelly in the matter of a petition having to do with Willos and Kelley, are based en tirely upon a mistaken idea of the facts, it was stated by Judge Mc Mahan last ngiht. "What ctually happened vr&s this," McMahan stated, "I ap proached Judge Kelly to ask him if he was willing to join with me in signing a telegram to Governor Patterson asking that the senten: ces of Willos and Kelley be com muted to life imprisonment. What I said to him had absolutely noth ing to do with the petition which was to be argued before him that afternoon. Due to the fact that this matter happened to come up on the same day the rumor start ed that I began to talk to him about the petition, and that he stopped me from doing so. "The rumor unfortunately gain ed some circulation that way, and in justice to both Judge Kelly and myself I think should be correct ed." D. A. R. RESCUED WASHINGTON. April 14.-r- (AP) More than a score of dele gates to the conventions of the Daughters of the American Revo lution which is to begin here next week were rescued from a fire at a small hotel on G street early today. Some of them were carried down ladders by firemen. FLORAL DESIGNS CUT FLOWERS, PLANTS GOLD FISH, BIRDS C. F. BBJOTHAUFT Telephone 880 ill State It ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewound and Repaired, New cr Used Motors VIBBERT & TODD Things Electrical 191 South High . -Tel. 811S in Copied Glasses to fit exactly your eye requirements, not only give you keener vision, but it also permits you to enjoy the every day duties and pleasures of life to a greater degree. Years of service to the public has built a reputation , for dependable serviceand FAIR dealing. You will en- 1 joy having your eyes examined and fitted here. Morris Optical Co. EYE SPECIALISTS 301-2-3 First National Bank BIdg. . Salem, Oregan Latest Count Hall Blast WEST PLAINS. Mo.. April 14. (AP). Thirty eight persons are known to have beau kilted and 20 injured In an explosion which demolished a dance hall here last night Twenty bodies had been Identified early tonight and friends and relatives crowded two morgues in an effort to Identify the other charred and shattered bodies recovered from the ruins. Seventeen persons were unaccoun ted for and were believed to be among the unidentified dead. A coroner's Jury, hastily sum moned' by. Richard Green, prose cuting attorney, could not agree on the cause of the explosion and adjourned until Wednesday. A gasoline tank supposed to have been exploded was found intact. Two buildings adjoining the garage and dance hall also were destroyed. Estimates of proper ty damage ranged upward from $150,000. Thirty or 40 couples attended the dance but some were not In the hall at the time of the blast. Whether all escaped who were sleeping in second story apart ments in the buildings adjoining the garage had not been deter mined late today. Searchers be lieved a few more bodies would be found In the ruins. "It was the most harrowing ex perience of my entire life." said W. H. Evans. Chicago traveling salesman who witnessed the tra gedy. "The cries of victims who were buried under the flaming debris, people we knew we couldn't do a thing for, will re main with me until I die. "They didn't have a chance. The front of the building was blown out and the upper floor col lapsed. The dancers were hurled Into a blazing furnace from which there was no escape. Rescue work could not be carried on. The flames prevented our doing any thing but Just standing by and listening to the cries. "I was standing in front of the Commercial hotel which is almost directly across the street from the Weiser building, when suddenly there came a tremendous blast bomb. Plate glass along the street like the explosion of a dynamite $495 mrE TORIO raiding taniaa. W la tar jour () against braakaga. Kxamlsatiea too. Thompson-Glutsch Optical Co. 110 N. Oomai'l Bi. Mutual Sayings and Loan Association A Salem Institution Organized in 1910 Place your savings with us ' Let us finance your home on weekly or monthly payments 142 South Liberty Street LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1868 General Banking Business Office Hoars from 10 a, m. to 3 p. m. TRANSFER ainid Sttoir a Long and STiort Distance Haoliag Public and Private Storage Fireproof Boililns GRAIN, FEED and SEED Free) Delivery te sax part of tbe city, QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION Farmers tWarehouse PAUL TRAGLIO. Prop. Day Telephone 23 . ' NlgM Telephone 1267-W j for Dance Says 38 Dead was shattered and the very ground trembled. "With my companions wa rush ed across the street to the demol ished building. Hanging from some kind of electric wires was a man. He had beea blown from a 'second story window and had managed to grab hold of the wires. We called' to him to drop and wa would catch him. He did so and was only slightly hurt. "Wa managed to save tour oth er men but after that we could do nothing more but wait for the firemen to extinguish the blase so that work could be carried oa la the ruins." Drastic Action Looms Fish Poaching Reported PORTLAND Apr. 14 (AP) A shake up in the personnel or deputy game and fish wardena. patrolling the Willamette river between Sell wood Bridge and Oregon City will result from re ports that fish poaching Is going on in that vacinlty, Harold Clif ford, -state game warden, an nounced today. Qntslde wardens will be brought in to displace certain wardens as signed to the Willamette river, ta accord with warnings which Clif ford said had been given to war dens that they must effectively stop all poaching and arrest vio lators if they wish to remain on the force. Rnmors that efforts of wardens to stop poaching had been unsuc cessful have been prevalent for some time. A force of eight men. six of them employed by the game commission and two by the fish commission, have been assigned to patrol the stream while three other men, two from the game commission 'i ope from the fish commission, were assigned to ope rate three huge searchlights placed at strategic points to aid In patroling the river. MT. CREST ABBEY MAUSOLEUM VAULT ENTOMBMENT LLOYD T. RIGDON. Mngr. TERWILLIGERS Perfect Funeral Service For Less Licensed Lady Mortician 770 Chezneketa Street Telephone 724.