The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 15, 1928, Page 12, Image 12

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Defense Made by Senator
Arouses Sentiment at
Secretaries' Meet
The aggressive stand taken by
some western senators and repre
sentatives, more particularly by
Senator Tacker L. Oddie of Neva
df has caused the tightening of
the lines among the friends of
federal aid . on Capitol hill,' and
bis led to the launching of a Vig
orous campaign to as are the pas
sage of the annaal 'Government
Road appropriation bill In this
session of congress, according to a
statement from the national head
quarters of the American Automo-
' bile association here today
"But for the determined man
ner in which Senator Odd!e and a
Ifcndful of other western spokes
men." said the national motoring
tftdy, "threw down the gage of
battle, there was Very serious dan-
cier that the dilatory manner in
thich the Federal Aid bill was be
ing bandied in both house of con
gress, would have resulted in its
sjoing over until the next session
Ii continued:
I "As a matter of fact there is
still some danger of thy eventual
ity, unless those in charge of the
r!oad bill in the senate and the
liouse press the issue. Postpone
riient would have a eerious effect
tin the state programs, especially
?u. - -
win ine case 01 programs or in
Pacific Land States or 'the wes.
Jnd. far west. With the law call
lg for apportionment of Federa
funds of January 1, 1928, anc
iith the possibility of a legisla
life tangle, delaying passage un
$fl after that date, should th
pleasure go over until the De
ttm'uer session, it is easy to se
bow embarrassing the situatioi
Blight become, and what the de
nioraiizing result would be on th
toad work of the states.
! "The bill has not yet been re
ported out by the hou3e commit
tee. It has been on the senate
calendar for some time, havin?
been introduced by Senator Phlpp
f Colorado, who outranks Senatoi
Oddie on the committee on post
iff ices and postroads. It is under
stood that the Nevada senator and
ther ardent supporters of federa
aid will urge the Colorado senator
to use his influence with the ad
Ministration leaders in the senate
io accord the bill a place on tbr
fmust" calendar for this session.'
-"Senator Oddie. whose cham
pionship of federal aid has beer
particularly strong, It is pointer
but, had the dangers in the pres
pot situation in mind when hr
' pounded a clarion call to arms ir
a recent address before the Annual
Congress of A. A. A. motor clui
Secretaries in Washington. Prio
io launching a vigorous defense of
Federal aid. and such kindred
matters as the need for more lib
feral treatment of public lan''
States and more appropriation fo
forest roads, the Nevada senate
(vehemently attacked the bureau o'
,the budget for attempted Interfer
nce wih the federal aid policy o'
jthe government. He said In part:
I "We have an agency in our gov
trnment, the budget bureau, which
fee to it that federal expenditure
tare kept within a certain sum. I'
is perfectly all right in its way but
recently something has been donf
by tbe budget which is liable tc
airejudice the federal aid program
an sending its report on this oil
io the senate it included a pro
Vision that if the tax on automo
biles is repealed the program wil'
A'ot go through, it will receive the
disapproval of the budget, bureau
JTofortunately the bill hasn't comr
jefore us in the senate. But if 1'
js right that the law be passed
providing this money for federa'
nld It should be passed. It should
lnf ha nnYkA It Irtvi 9 I fT tftfa 4ta V. n
and I don't believe that any agency
pt our federal government has the
Hght to say that necessary legis
lation should be. killed because
enaia money might not come
I Fitzgerald-Sherwin
Motor Co.
' Corner Liberty Chemeketa
: Telephone 1132
You want a High Grade
car of Standard Make for
little Cash. Get it here.
Satisfaction Certain!
See them on lot west of
Fire Hall. ,
. Cherrolet Coupe
Ford Coupe
Willys-Knight Roadster
Motor Co
Corner Liberty Chemeketa
Telephone 11S3
The Hoase of OoeiteetJ
r Service .
from certain sources.
"We should bring pressure to
bear wherever we can to aee that
the government carries out Its
binding and legal contract, as re
gards the continuation of federal
aid. Our federal aid road system
la not finished. There are in our
total road systems about 3,000,
000 miles, about 210.000 miles of
which are in the federal aid sys
tem. Onl a part of this system
has been finished. The belief is
going about tbe eastern states par
ticularly that this federal aid sys
tem is nearly completed. That Is
not the ease. It Is our duty now to
start a new program for wider and
stronger roads In the eastern state
where traffic is heaviest. We can't
afford to let any side Issue inter
rupt the program which is now be
ing carried on
Smooth Operating Obtained
for Oldsmobile By Means
of Design
Centuries ago it was discov
ered that pieces of metal had cer
tain vibration points, that is they
would Vibrate in harmony with
impulses having the same, or
critical, period. When vibrated a
sound was forthcoming. This dis
covery resulted in the invention
of the tuning fork, which was
beneficial. In later days, how
ever, these vibrations made them
selves apparent in automobile en
gines, which was a nuisance.
The crankshaft is the core of
an automobile engine. It receives
each blow of tbe gasoline explo
sions and transforms it into an
even flow of power which is trans
mitted to the propellor shaft and
wheels. 1
Revolving at a high rate of
speed, sometimes above 3000
revolutions per minute, and re
ceiving in a six cylinder engine
three explosive power impulses
per revolution, the crankshaft is
.subjected to various vibratory
stresses. As engines have been
improved counterweights and vi -
bration dampeners have been ad
ded to crankshafts to eliminate
'his condition. Recently it has
been found possible to obtain the
lesired results without the use of
these weights and dampeners.
One of the automobiles that has
obtained a smooth operating
rankshaft by means of design ra
ther than by adding accessories
is the-new Oldsmobile. How this
has been accomplished is told by
Earl H. Sm4th. Oldsmobile expert-
mental engineer.
To Be An AUTAmericaii
ga '
Have you ever inspected an All
American Six? Driven it? Studied
its specifications and tbe dimen
sions of its vital parts)? If you have,
you surely realize that to be an All
American it bad to bo built to
For here are size . stamina
raggednfcsa. Extreme simplicity of
design. Production method that
tolerate no compromise with qual
"By mathematical computa
tions.' said Mr. Smith, "we de
signed the six 'throws' of the
crankshaft fa curves, each with
its center of gravity in the true
center of the axis of the crank
shaft. Our method of machining
both main and connecting rod
bearings held this center of grav
ity. By this method we obtain
both static and dynamic balance
without use of counterweights.
Every Oldsmobile crankshaft is
tested on a special machine which
shows the slightest deviation from
balance end any unbalance is cor
rected. "There is another element, how
ever, that must be overcome. This
is torsional vibration which is
caused by the force of the power
impulses.' Each time an explosion
of gasoline forces down the piston
and connecting rod, the force
tends to twist, or 'wind up,' the
crankshaft. causing undo engine
roughness. :;- . 1
"We . tested 1 10 different de.
signs of crankshafts in the new
Oldsmobile. . We ' found that a
short ' piston stroke, which means
shorter crankshaft -throws, a
crankshaft heavier and moe rigid
than has been standard practice
and over-sized bearings would give
us the desired results. The Olds
mobile crankshaft is 33 7-32 inch
es long ana welgns oi pounas.
Tbe diameter of the main bearings
averaged 2 7-16 inches. The total
bearing length is 7 11-16 inches,
or nearly one-quarter of tbe en
tire length of the shaft which
guarantees long bearing life."
John R. Lee, Dodge Brothers
Sales Manager, Re
views Outlook
With production and employ
ment at top peak to meet the de
mand for the three lines of Sixes.
Dodge Brothers, '.... anticipates;
the most prosperous year in his
tory, according to John R. Lee,
general sales manager
Nearly 6,000 men have been
added to the payroll since January
1, the figures now standing at
24,124 compared to 18,223 on the
first of January.
Shipments of cars and trucks
from the plants of Dodge Brothers
in the United States and Canada
during the first quarter of this
year totaled 60,387 units, accord
ing to preliminary figures an
nounced by the company.
Compared to the first quarter
last year, when -46,666 units were
shipped the gain is 29.7 per cent.
Shipments in March totaled 26,-
- ZJl 7J r
ity. Every engineering advance
ment contributing to long life.
Take ita engine as an example. Big,
clean, equipped with the G-M-R
cylinder head. 212 cubic inches dis
placement ... 79-lb. crankshaft
crank case and cylinder block of
"bridge-truss design.
Its frame is deep and rugged
rigidly croas-membered front to
Imndmn Cotpm, $1045; Sport Rooditor, $1075; Fkooton, $1075 1 4-Door Sodmn, $1145; CabrioUt. $1153 t
Imndau Sodon, $1X65, No- Sorio Fontiao Six, $745 to $175. Ml prion at factory. Dolioorod prteom
includo minimum hmndling ekorg. Eoay to poy on tho Control Motor Timm Faymont flan.
895 units compared to 13.272 for
March 1927, a gain of 102.6 per
cent. :
"Reports reaching us from deal
ers all over -the country Indicate
a record breaking spring- buying
season, said Mr. Lee. "The In
troduction of the Standard Six at
prices within the reach of millions
of families not only met with pub
lic acclaim, but stimulated inter
est In the Senior and Victory lines
as wen.
"The low priced automobile
these days. It it Is to be built and
sold on a quantity scale, must pos
sess style, high speed and comfort
as well as, dependability, and it
muet be produced by a company
whose reputation is established by
years of successful operation in
the the automotive field.
mm me introduction of the
Standard line, the transition toaix
You'U want to be at your
' " ' " i - -v . . - . - I '
Don't let tire trouble spoil your trip. Drive in and let
us look over your tires before you leave. Better take
a Miller spare along.
199 South Commercial Telephone 113
cylinder cars Is complete In the!
Dodge factory. For thirteen years.!
Dodge Brothers based its.bld for
popularity on me principle of
economy and dependability: In a
single price field. During this
time, the company has built up an
organisation of MQ0 dealers in
the United States ana roreign
countries, forming a sales and
service group of International
"The Victory Six Introduced last
January with engineering Im
provements years anead of its
time has met with popularity that
stamps It as one of the most wide
ly discussed cars on the market
today. The Senior Six, introduced
nearly a year ago to meet a de
mand for a larger car with super
fine appointments. Is giving pur
chasers custom built quality with-
out a custom price.
favorite hole early.
rear. Its clutch V. big, smooth
and self-adjusting. Iu Fisher bod
ies. Beautiful . yes. And con
structed of hardwood and steel .
for durability, safety and silence.
. '
You can choose the All-American
with assurance that you're getting
car which will last. Come in
learn the reasons for its staunch
ness . . for iU mastery of mileage
and time.
Tlave Your
Be sure your car is thoroughly overhauled ... tightened up . . .
tuned up . . . that your tires are in good shape, and your battery in per
fect condition, before
polishing or perhaps a
Western rAtrto"
cessories cleaning
To Savo Your Tire
Tour tires win givs mors mlls
ac U you car for them prop
erly. Keep air pressure op. Bit
smalt cuta, etc. W Hat a few .
of our many values In tire sun
dries. "Schroder1 Gauges . . . the old
reliable. . . . 1.19, S1.2S and $145
Valve Instdea, tbe g-enuln
Schrader and Dill. S in box 2So
Tube Patch Outfit. . .24c to 0o
Minute Vulcanizer 98c
Brake and Transmis
sion Lining
Safeguard life and property
with "Neverburn" lined brakes.
"Neverbum" brake lining for
all car la durable and efficient.
Our low prices . . . per foot, according-
to. size 18c up
For Fords, "Neverburn" Trans
mission Lining;. Chatterlese.
lasting- and sure lubricating.
Set of t pieces with rivet
1.35 and 11.45
For Top Repairs
"Western Auto's" top repair
material and ''Recovers" are of
the best.
"Duro-GIoss Auto
Top Finish . . .
Gives your top
new lustre and
protects it .from
weather. pint,
65c j slnt. $1.00:
quart $1.85
Top Dressing... "Black Duck."
"Western" and others... 65 up
Top Material ... Best qual
ity 82 -os. rubber cloth. 84 In.
wide t yard $1.19 up
for Better Lubrication
and Silence
Oils, grease, equipment and
parts at economy price . . .
for example ...
"Spring-Ex" . . . A Super
penetrating oil. Cans..30o up
"8p tec-Tit" liquid tightens
spokes tr amandina- ihim
Ca , 70s
Rfm Lug Wsdgss. Stop squeak
ing- ox aemountanie rim. Ea.
So, Dos. SO
Spek) Shims, for tlrhtenliur
Ioom spoke. 8c pkar. of 80.
Fan Belts
make, all
style . . .
ad fin
'bulk at ptio that mro
yon money.
He and oou- .
plinge at typically low
Watm . Ante" price.
In Battery,
and Radio
E. H. Burrell
Car Reads for Spring!
"Touring Fever" catches you. A good cleaning and
paint job will then make it look as well as it runs.
offers a complete stock of
and polishing materials, etc., at pleasing prices
A Trouble Lamp
Is handy for nlgrht work around
tbe car. Several styles, all
ruaranteed. priced low from 98c
This Week Only
45c can of Imperial Nickel
Polish with the purchase of
any of the following polls he
at our regular price:
Pt. can Imperial Polih.$1j00
No. 7 Duco $1X0
Lightning Polish $1.90
"All Klean- Polish $1X0
Qt. size "Non-Olio" Polish $1.25
Only one Free can to a cus
tomer. Thi offer ends Sat
urday. April J let.
This Week Only
S packages "Western" Polish
ing Cloth or one 6-yard roll
Cheesecloth with every pur
chase of $1.00 or more of mer
chandise listed In this adver
tisement, excepting the polish
listed above.
Thi offer ends Saturday,
April 21st
Work in Comfort
and Kep Your Clothing Clean
"Lee" Dura-Bilt One-Piece
Suit and Motor Coats are well
mad of lasting material.
Roomy with convenient pockets.
"Lee Dura-Bilt" One
Piece Suit $245
Genuine "Lee" Motor Coat435
Work Clove, very con
venient; cotton . ...;Pair 16o
For a Good Paint Job
Pleasingly low- price on every
thing at any "Western Auto"
"Zapon" flowing lacquer. Easy
flowing, q u 1 o k drying, and
make a beautifully lustrous
and lasting finish. Most popu
lar color.
Pint $1,201 Quart, fZZOi
Paint Ramover. Makes a hard
Job quick and easy.
Plat; 65o Quart. $1.15
(tea 150 tares fn thaTTcct-
210 X. Oomf. 8C SALEM
- TELEPHONE 799 ..
guaranteed tools, ac
v Cleaning and
Polishing Materials
Everything for cleaning and
polishing your car. The follow
ing example show your econo
mies at "Western Auto":
Whisk Broom SOo up
"Simon's Cleaner or Polish. 48c
"Pyronn" Safety UphoUtery
Cleaner! 25c and 45c
"Insto" Hand Cleaner
10c, 25c and $2.00
8ponge, fine quality 35c to $1.25
Chamois, French oil tsnned
$1.15 to $1.85
Equip your car
with the new
"Haasler" . . . stop
galloping and make
your next trip in
olid comfort. A
specially designed
set for every car
$1830 up
Saving on Electrical
Oive your wiring, etc, a thor
ough Inspection and renew
anything that give you the
slightest doubt. Better fl it
now. than be faced with a dif
ficult Job on the road. Fill your
needs at "Western Auto."
"Champion" Spark Plugs . . .
Popular everywhere for their
dependability Ford plugs. 55c;
other cars. 75c
- C." Soark Plug. Known
to all motorists. Ford plusrs.
s"W' nv n Acs riu
Tools That Make
Work Easy
Good tools make better Job.
Be sure you have what you
need before you start. "West
era Auto" will save you money
on the kind of tools the me
chanics use... for example:
Scrw Drivers 10c up
fl's 20o ut
prill... Savings on hand and
breast drills and bits, ail sixes.
Hack Saws-.Guaranteed.45c up
Socket Wrench St....46e up
Extra Light Bulbs
JUI sixes and voltage,
clear and blue, for all
cars . . . both single
and , double contact
baa. Oh. yes, house
bulbs, too.
MetaC Bulb Chsst .
Safely holds two larre
and three small extra
"s la non-rattllnr
sockets (chest only) 85
..I r
I I u
v- :t-4-