The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 12, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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    Salem Bulb Company Has Solid Five Acre Tulip Planting Ttvo Blocks From Polk County End of Bridge; of Distinctive Varieties
Paulus Company Bought and Packed Last Year 140 Tons Strawberries; Has Already Bought 400 Tons 1928 Crop; Still Buying
Weather forecast: Unsettled with . light
rains; moderate temperature; fresh shlft-
ng winds, mostly southwest and west on
the coast. Maximum temperature yester
day 68, minimum 41, river 5.3. rainfall
27, atmosphere cloudy, wind -south.
The London Mail has issued an e Jit Ion
dated January 1, 2000. It's our hunibla
opinion that by the time the next century
rolls around there won't be anything in
most of the metropolltafi press but pic
Paulus Bros. Company Pur
chases 400 Tons; 140
Total Pack in 1927
Gooseberries Dubious; Logan
l,ook Good; Prune Pack In
creasing Steadily, and
Dried Variety stronger
Robert C. Paulus was the speak
er at the Salem Rotary club noon
luncneon yieruy.
was the fruit ana canning and
packing industries. It was a big
subject, and the time was short.
Mr. Paulus, either in his niod
eBty or on account of forgetful
ness or lack of time, failed to say
one thing that is very important.
He did not mention the fact
that the Paulus Bros. Packing
company bought and packed last
year 140 tons of strawberries, ana
that they have already bought 400
tons of the 1928 crop of straw
berries -
And are still buying, and will
. . I Tit 1. n . a
continue to buy as fast as tnej
can sell them. They. believe they
are by no means yet through buy
Ine strawberries.
This Is significant. It is known
that the Hunt canaery has con
tracted for a much larger tonnage
of strawberries than was packed
at that big plant last year. If al
the other canneries and packing
concerns of the Salem district are
doing as well, there will be nc
strawberries of the 1928 crop left
on the vines for lack of purchas
ers. The following is a meager out
line, gathered by the reporter, oi
what Mr. Paulus did-say. in th
course of bis talk:
Criticism Unfounded
Reasons supporting his conten
tion that criticism aimed! at ttu
canneries recently for their failure
to purchase all of the surplus fruit
supply, is without foundation,
were given by Mr. Paulus.
Persons indulging in this criti
cism fail to realize that this is. an
age of substitution, and that with
a few exceptions, every product
for which a j greater sale is ob
tained, reduces the demand foi
other commodities equally, he de
Mr. Paulus went on to outline
the prospects for various cropf
this year:
Crop Prospects Noted
Gooseberries: The pack has in
creased steadily for the last eight
or nine years, chiefly at the t cost
of a. money sacrifice on the part
of the packers. Gooseberries must
compete with blackberries, which
are now selling at 2 to 3 Vi cents
a pound, and they cannot meet
the competition. Packers lost ap
. nrnitmatel v a dollar a case on
them last year.
Strawberries: Much extra acre
age was bearing last year, because
of a shortage the year before, and
the crop was above normal, -so
that 56.000 barrels were packed
and 9,000 barrels remain unsold.
There will be a 15 to 25 per, cent
(Continued ea pa( 4.)
Srond Attempt to Take Own Life
Follows Alleged Arson
Following a second attempt to
end his life W. J. Haberly was
yesterday taken to the Salem gen
eral hospital for medical attention
made necessary by his actions.
Some time before 7 a. m. yes
terday Haberly cut deep slashes
in his throat on two sides and in
both wrists. Officers who entered
the hotel room where he had been
lodged lor tne ntgnt touna mm
sitting on the floor with a jagged
piece of electric light globe close
at hand. He was greatly weak
ened from loss of blood.
. At midnight last night Haberly
was reported to be resting com
fortably at the hospital and was
considered well on the road to re
covery. -
The first attempt which officer
assume was made in an effort to
take his own life was made by
Haberly - early Tuesday evening.
After breaking away from two of
ficers he ran south on Church
street and hurled himself into the
mill stream, from which he was
subsequently extricated and tak
en to the Salem police station.
. The man will be examined wltl
a Tiaw IV ueieiuimiui u lucuni
' condition before any -criminal
charge Is lodged against him. it
was announced, yesterday by John
Carson, district attorney.
Haberly is the owner of a 400
acre - farm near Sllverton upon
which the fire occurred which sub
sequently led to his being ques
tioned. He also owns a 160 acre
farm near Shaw. ' He is said to be
about $3000 in debt, although the
"property itself is not mortgaged.
First Talent Concert
Friday Night, Elsinore
KoiTPr. Tlnvpsvilie. Paikersville. Middle Grove. North
Howell, Waconda, Hazel Green and Labish Center
Community Clubs Will Present Program
As Dart of a program entirely unique in the history o
rural community clubs, an entertainment will be presented
a. 1 A 4 4Unt 1 1 Ka ff
at tne ri.isinore meaier wuiuiiuw ocmim ni w
more than usual interest, due to its novelty.
The best talent from the
ville. Parkersville. Middle Grove. North Howell, Waconda
Hazel Green and Labish Center will take part in the pro
gram, following the regular feature picture. Only eight or
nine minutes will be allowed to each community.
planting Made
Doyen of Industry Here, W.
Dibble, Specializes in New
There is a development taking
place in the bulb industry of the
Salem district that is sure to mean
t great deal in centering this in
lustry in Salem, and keeping its
center here.
The Salem Bulb company. W.
2. Dibble, manager, has rented
or a term or years zv acres oi
land iu the Churchmere addition
o West Salem; land owned by
:hester Murphy of Portland.
Mr. Dibble is the doyen, the nes-
! nr of the bulb industry of the
ialem district. -n'un tv. C.
franklin, he established the first
julb growing enterprise here on
i oretentious commercial scale.
While Mr. Dibble has beenen
;aged in bulb growing during all
he years of the industry here, he
-as for a time not very active;
iut he is now ' again- taking a
uajor part in its active and great
Five Solid Acres Tulips
The Salem Bulb company ha.
low on the 20 acres mentioned
ive Bolid acres in tulips and
mch tulios! Now this five acre
olanting of tulips is located only
ibout two bloeks from the Pet k
ounty end of the bridge across
he Willamette: on the left band
tide as you go from Salem. With-
n easy walking distance. Thte
lews will take thousands of peo
ple over that way. They wril be
reoaid for the trip. While all
ulips are backward and will not
uake the best showing for blos
som day on Sunday, this five acre
planting is nevertheless already
leveloping some bloom; some
beautiful effects, that will e-ho
ip better every day from now on
Twenty Acres to Tulips
Mr. Dibble expects to devote
he whole 20 acre tract to tulips;
o have an annual rotation. This
9 the nearest considerable tulip
planting to the heart or Salem. It
will be a great show place. Mr
Dibble has already built his pack
ing house.
On the home place, several bun
Jred feet further on the Wallace
road, on the east side of that road
Vlr. Dibble has also a solid plant
ing of four acres of tulips thi:
ear; nine acres in all. The nine
ic res will likely be considerably
Increased in 1928 and in future
The Important Thing
But now comes the important
(Continued on pace 4
I'anWinkle Goes East to Appear
Before Supreme Court
I. H. VanWinkle. attorney gen
eral, left last night for Washing
ton where he will appear in the
United States supreme court on
behalf of the state in a sui;
launched by McGowan and Son. to.
test the constitutionality of the
law prohibiting the operation of
fish wheels in the Columbia river.
TVe law also prohibits the use
of seines in the Columbia river
above Cascade Locks, and limits
the size of seines used below that
The suit originally was tried in
the federal court in Portland,
where the constitutionality of the
law was upheld.
The law under attack was ap
proved by the voters at a special
election held fn Oregon two years
Edwin I. Weider of Salem Made
Senior Grand Warden
PORTLAND. Apr. 11 -(AP)
Three hundred Knights Templar
paraded through downtown Port
land today, bringing to a close the
two day conclave of the grand
commandery of Oregon.
Officers elected were:
Fred A. Inman. ; Portland.
right eminent grand commander 'm
Qeorge W. Dunn, Ashland, very
eminent' deputy grand com
mander; Wilson E. Brock,- Pen
dletoa. eminent grand generalis
simo Norman "L." Crout. Portland,
grand captain-general Edwin L.
Welder, Salem, senior grand war
den: John K. Kollockv Portland,
Junior grand warden. -
In addition to ta Installation
of officers tomorrow the order of
the Knights of Malta will be con
ferred tomorrow night In full form
by Oregon commandry No. 1.
communities of Keizer, Hayes
In order that the best talent
of any kind In all communities in
Marion county outside of Salem
may be seen at the Elsinore, the
Marion county community federa
tlon has divided the county into
four districts. Friday evenings,
beginning with tomorrow evening
one of these districts will present
its best talent. The final will be
May 11.
Senator Lloyd T. Reynolds is in
charge of the entertainment to be
presented tomorrow evening, and
this is a gaarantee that the rural
talent part of the program will go
on Dromotly following the first
Another feature for each of the
four Friday evening shows is the
fact that the Hubbard band of
young people will play at each of
the Friday performances.
The four rural communities
which are pitting their best talent
against each other, are competing
for cash prizes. At each of the
performances, beginning with to
morrow evening. Judges will be
selected who will decide which ol
the two performers are entitled
to appear at the final competing
contest. Tomorrow evening rep
resentatives from the Rotary, Kl
wanis and Lions clubs will serve
as Judges.
The four divisions of Marioi
county community clubs to com
pete in this most novel contest foi
honors as well as cash prizes art
is follows:
First: Rural communities north
and. east of Salem, in charge of
Senator Lloyd T. Reynolds.
Second: Talent from towns
north and east of Salem, in charge
of Dr. P. O. Riley of Hubbard.
Third: Rural communities south
ind east of Salem, In charge ol
Ivan Stewart.
Fourth: Towns south and east
of Salem, in charge of E. T
Pierce, banker at AumsviHe and
The community share of the net
proceeds will be given to the var
ious communites for their boys'
ind girls work.
This entertaniment at the El
sinore tomorrow evening is one
that is entirely novel nad will
iive every one in Marion county
md he Salem district opportunity
iO discover some of the latent tal-
nt in the rural districts of Mar-
.on county.
Suit to Restrain Kb Klux Klar.
Thrown Out of Court
The suit of five former member
f the Ku Klux Klan to restrain
the order from operating in Penn
ylvan!a. was thrown out of fed-
sral court here late today by
Judge W. H. S. Thompson, who
ruled that he was without juris
jiction and that-lt was a question
tor the state to settle.
Coming with dramatic sudden
ness, aurtng a heated argument
between counsel on the jurisdlc
tion of the court, the opinion made
clean sweep of the counter ac
tion of the five members, who
ought a receivership for the klan
tn Pennsylvania and asked for an
accounting of some $15,000,000
said to have been collected by the
order in this state.
P.E.P. Redaction Order Dies
Defeat of Merger Plan
The order of the" public service
commission authorizing and dir
ecting reduction of electric rates
by the Portland Electric Power
company in case of consolidation
with the Northwestern Electric
company, died automatically with
the defeat of the proposed merger
at the special election held In
Portland Monday.
This was announced by the pub
lic service commission here Wed
nesday. The order bad been
signed and copies had been pre
pared for officials of the Portland
Electric Power company.
Llnvllle and McBride Charged
With Asaanlt at Bend
BEND. Apr. 11. (AP) S. C.
Linville and L. JL. McBride, state
prohibition officers, were charged
with assault with a. deadly wea
pon la a joint ladictment returned
today by the Deschutes : county
grand Jory. They were arraigned
before Circuit Judge Duffy and
given until Friday to plead..
The Indictment was the result of
an encounter between the officers
and John W. Dennis of La pine on
the highway south of Bend. Dennis
charged that he was manhandled
by the officers who, he said, did
not inform him they were officers.
Oregon Citizens League
Sponsors Amendment
Through Initiative
Appointments to be Based on Mer
It, Governor to be Held Re
sponsible for Economy and
-Complete reorganization of the
Uate government calling for con
solidation of all state activities
under the supervision of the gov
ernor and 10 department heads. Is
provided in a proposed constitu
tional amendment and initiative
measure presented to the secre
tary of state here Wednesday.
The consolidation program Is
being sponsored by the Oregon Cit
izens league, of which John H. Car-
kin of Medford is president. Hec-
or McPherson, member of the
lower house of the legislature, is
secretary-treasurer of the league.
Abolish All Boards
The proposed constitutional
amendment provides for the aboli
tion of all state administrative of
fices, boards and commissions
with the exception of the state
xtard of conciliation, and board of
Arbitration and labor disputes. All
xecutive and administrative pow
rs of state government would be
ested in the governor and the 10
Provision is made for
the ap -
tor and
lointment of a state audito
prescribes his duties. The amend
ment declares it to be the policy
jf the state that all appointive
officers and employes shall be se-
ected on the merit basis and that
he governor shall be held respon
sible for the. economical and ffi-
ient administration of the laws.
Departments Listed -The
10 departments are created
jnder the provisions of the pro
posed initiative measure. They In
clude tne department of agricul-
ure, department of labor and in-
iustries. finance, commerce, edu-
ation, public works, uublic wel-
are, police and military, legal af-
(Continued on pace 4.)
Samuel II. Xee-f of This City
liulUl ew Grade For S.' P.
EUGENE. Apr. n(AP)-
samuel H. Neef of Salem, today
was awarded the contract by the
Lane county court to build one
and a quarter miles of new road
on the upper Willamette between
Jasper and Fall Creek, to be built
6 eliminate three grade cross
agson the Cascade line of ttn-
Southern Pacific. His bid was
SAP' IX l.'Y'-i -n'"-OJ
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-:v-v-w. ;-)t-:jj
.C s
S X -
. v. Wrtfty i, .
The evil genias that has followed
for years has caught op with the- modem British battleship "Royal
Oak' (above). Capt. Dewar (upper left) and Comm. Daniel (cent,
er) have been suspended from doty and Rear Admiral Collard has
been removed from the vessel ss a malt of controversy In the
Medlterraneaji which has stirred tha" nation.
t -. mm m
Thompson Forces Resorted to Dee-
Pirate Criminal Methodm,
Inference Made
i-HtCAGO, April 11. (AP).
Tired tabulators still struggled to-
nignt with completion of the rec
ord of the vast majority for the
republican faction led by Senator
cnaries S. Deneen which in yes
terday's state wide primary swept
Into the political discard the re
publicans of the Small and
Thompson faction which for seven
year 8 have dominated Chicago and
Illinois. As tabulation went on
the winners began consideration
of plans to correct what they term
misruie oi cnicago it they are
elected next fall over their demo
cratic opponents.
Senator Deneen who sponsored
the victorious republican ticket in
a primary election which found
the democrats without major con
tests, gathered several, advisers
about him today and gave the
movement its initial Impetus.
There was no announcement
but it was indicated that the spot
light Immediately would be turn
ed on the "higher ups" said to be
responsible for gang domination
and illicit liquor running and In
ternecine warfare in Chicago.
Campaign Starts Soon
Senator Deneen telephoned to
Oscar E. Carletrom, re-nominated
yesterday for state attorney gen
eral, and then took a train for
Washington. It was indicated'
Carlstrom would coirie to Chicago
from his home at Aledo and start
the campaign without waiting for
the November election.
Over long distance telephone.
Carlstrom declined to forecast his
actions. Speculation dealt chief
ly with the nosslbllity that the
state attorney general would exer
cise his legal right to come int
Cook county and Impanel a spe
cial grand jury in disregard
j Robert E. Crowe, state's attorney
i whose third term aspirations were
halted yeeterday by juage jonn
A. Swanson by an indicated 125,
000 majority.
It became known that for six
weeks Carlstrom has had investl
(CoBtioti4 on ps 4.)
Cars Reins Relieved of Loose
Equipment, Police Told
In spite of the fact that two
men have been atrested charged
with larceny, a third party seems
to be doing exceptionally well late
ly. relieving narked automobile
of equipment.
Paul Bales. 625 South 19tb
street, reported to local police
yeeterday that two spotlights had
rbeen stolen from his car which
was parked on one of the streets
tn Salem yesterday morning.
Tom Webb of Turner reported
that a practically new 29x4.40 tire
and rim had been stolen from his
machine yesterday while it was
parked in front of the Cherry City
A Hawthorne bicycle, belonging
to M. A. Northrup. 212 South
Cottage street, was reported s
stolen from off the street late
Tuesday evening, and has as yet
not been recovered.
t y T
'St'" 1
If v
every English ship of the name
N 1
Petition for Examination
Follows Shortly After
Commission Reports
Group Appointed by Governor
From State Hospital Staff,
Says Condemned Man Sane;
Hanging Set Friday
A last minute move to have
James Wlllos again examined as to
his sanity was made here yesterday
within a few hours after a report
was filed in -the state executive
department declaring Wlllos to bej
A petition was filed In circuit
court at about 4 p. m. yesterday
asking Judge Percy R. Kelly for
an order appointing "three repu
table physicians and surgeons,"
one to be selected by the court.
another by John Carson, district
attorney of Marion county and the
third by legal counsel representing
Wlllos. A stay of execution is ask
ed while the examination is being
conducted by this commission.
Consent Doubtful
Judge Kelly was In Albany yes
terday and Is expected to come to
Salem today to band down a de
cision to the netition. While no
one attempted yesterday to fore
cast his ruling considerable doubt
was expressed as to the likeli
hood of his appointing the com
mission in view of the report as
made by the special commission
yesterday combined with the fact
that Judge Kelly himself ordered
a sanity commission appointed on
August 30 of last year for the
same purpose. This commission
also found Wlllos to be sane.
Willos was sentenced on July
14, the death penalty being pre
scribed at that time.
Many Delays Granted
Various legal maneuvers have
(Continued on pafe 4.)
Eight Air Stations to be
stmcted In Atlantic
NEW YORK. April 11. (AP)
The Sun save today that a syn
dicate to construct and operate a
chain of seadromes across the At
lantlc to provide 36 hour air ser
vice between America and Eur
ope has reached the final stage of
The agreement for financing,
management, operation and other
details is expected to be signed on
Friday and within 10 month the
first ocean landing field Is due to
be anchored 500 miles off New
York as the initial link in the At
lantic airway.
The project is the work of E. R
Armstrong. Du Pont engineer, and
Jarvis Lamson. who "sold" Arm
st rone '8 idea to a group of finan
ciers said to have put up initial
capital of $2,500,000. It is plan
ned to use this money for con
struction of the first Readrome
and to lay the foundation for the
proposed permanent organization.
a, $50,000,000 corporation.
It is planned to have elgnt lana-
Ing islands at intervals or aDoui
350 mllee across the ocean.
Mavor, of Chicago Changes Mind
About Recent Election
CHICAGO. Apr. 11. (AP)
DesDlte the fact that most-of the
candidates he had backed were de
feated in yesterday's primary. May
or -William Hale Thompson will
tay on as the city's chief execu-
ive. for the next three years. He
declared today that he had no in-
ention of resigning the post be
was elected to last year.
"I positively will not resign,'
he mayor said. "Why should IT
We captured the ward committee-
hips and we also got the sanitary
istrict, so there's no reason for
me to resign."
During the campaign the mayor
had announced that if his favor
ite candidate. State's Attorney
Robert E. Crowe, co-leader in the
republican faction, was defeated
e would seriously consider giv-
ng up the. mayorship.
Crowe lost the primary to Judge
John A. Swanson, Deneen candi
date, by more than 200,000 votes.
Moat of Thoae Eligible Registered.
Statistics Show
EUGENE. Apr. ll(AP)
University of Oregon students are
taking an. unusual interest in po
litics this year, almost 100 per
cent of those old enough to vote
having registered, according to
figures compiled by County Clerk
W. B. Dlllard. Registration booths
have been open o the campu.
this spring.
The county clerk estimates tha
there are between SOO and 90'
students eligible to vote in th
state election. A check indicate
that 800 have registered.
Ship Carries &5 Horsepower Wa
tercoolfHl Motor: (iood for
40 Hours' Flight
(By the Associated Press)
The plane: a Junkers, all metal
monoplane with a wing spread of
55 feet, the name Bremen paint
ed on its silver side with the num
ber D-1167. and the triangular
sign of the Junkere firm.
The motor: A Junkere, L-5, wa
tercooled. of 350 horsepower, won
the world endurance flight record
in a sister ship, the Europa.
The crew: Baron Ehrenfried
Gunther von Huenefeld. the back
er, will cook and keep log during
flight; Captain Hermann Koebl,
war hero and night flying expert,
is chief pilot. Colonel James Fitz
maurlce, commandant Irish Free
State air force, co-pilot.
The fuel: Estimated at 2500
litres of benzol primed with ether
(about 600 gallons) would sus
tain plane for 40 hours or more.
- The start was from Baldonnol
airdrome. Dublin, Ireland, and the
destination was Mltchel Field, L
N. Y. The plane was flown
from Germany to its starting
The distance from Dublin to
N'ew York is approximately 3000
miles although more or less may
be covered in the flight. The
most economical speed of the Bre
men is probably 9 0 miles an hour,
although it Is capable of 130 miles
16 Killed and 80 Hurt on Way t
French Race Track:
PARIS, Apr. II. A crowded
race train on its way to the Eng
hien race track this afternoon col
lided with another train just out
side the yard limits of the Gare
du Nord. Sixteen persons wen
killed and more than 30 injured
some of them. It ia felt, mortally.
The killed and injured wcrt
The engineer q the outbound
train, who is charged with run
ning past the signals. Is confined
in jail.
There were no American can
ualtles, although several Aineri
cans were known to be aboard ttu
train on their way to the track.
The wreck provided a spectacular
blaze and thrilling rescue work
by firemen and wrecking crews
Some of the bodies were pinned
under the smoking debris and
service was Interrupted on the
road for several hours.
Many of the racing devotees-
rushed back to the station a mih
away in order to catch the next
train eo that they would not mis
the first race.
Tex Rankin Postpone Flight Due
to Adverse cathcr
PORTLAND, Apr. ll. (AP)-
Unfavorable weather has caused
Tex Rankin to postpone his at
tempt to break the world endur
ance flight record to on or about
May 4, the next full moon. The
Portland flier also has made ma
terlal changes in his plans for the
Instead of taking off from
Swan Island as originally con
templated, he expects to fly from
the beach at either Gearhart, Ore..
or Jong Beach, Wash. He plant
to fly for the first few hours up
and down the coast until his load
is lightened sufficiently to gain
altitude. i
Starting at daybreak he plans
to head up the river in time to
reach Portland before dark and
to continue the major part of the
flight in the vicinity of this city.
To bring the record to Oregon,
he must stay in the air more than
54 ft hours, 1 hour more than the
present record made recently by
Eddie Stlneon and George Halde
1 1 -V ear-OKI Eugene Roy Fatally
Hurt By Automobile
EUGEIfE, Apt. Ti fAP) Or
ville Maxwell, 11, son of Mr. and
Mrs. O. S. Maxwell, of motor route
A. Eugene, was probably fatally
injured - this afternoon when he
was struck by a car driven by O.
R. Baker of Junction City, on lh
Pacific highway a short distance
north of Eugene. The back of his
head Is crushed and little hope is
held for his recovery.
The "boy was playing with a ball
along the road and ran Into the
highway to get ft after It had
rolled away. He ran directly In
front of the Baker car, officers
were told, and was struck. Baker
tried to avoid striking the boy and
drove his car Into a ditch and
against a telepnone vote, where
It was wrecked.
Three Die as Serious Epidemic
Hits City of Idaho
BOISE. Ida Apr. 11- (AP)
Three persona are dead here and
another is seriously 111, the re
sult of what physicians describe
is the worst outbreak; of-, spotted
"ever in years.
The disease can be contracted
nly through the bite of ticks that
ave previously become infected
-om rabbits, sheep or certain
.her animals.
1 : """
T A irn inn
1 ME Uf f
nw n mm
3 Aviators Start from Dublin
for New York Early
This Morning
Bremen Rises Without Hitch
and Goes Due West
HOUR 5:38 A. M.
Long Days of Waiting fr
Fair Weather Finally Come
To End As Momentous
Journey Over Sea Iiegun
Free State. April 12. iAP. -The
German Junker plane Brv
men flown by the Irishman. ('!'
nel James Fitzniauricc. and to
Germans, Baron Ehrenfreid Gim
iher von Huenefeld and Capta'n
Hermann Koehl. took off at b:AH
this morning on an attempt to fly
to New York.
The plane made a perfect tas
off despite fear due to a peculiar
under-gear construction and th?
fact It was untested with a nui
imum fuel load, that tragedy
might attend the start.
A large crowd including ibe
flying buddies of Colonel Ff:a
itaurice, frlend and well wishers
.'rom nearby Dublin gathered f.r
the start. A cordon of soldi r
Mhnut fh runwAv liont t ha . .naT
back from the plane and the fly
ers. The plane headed straight down
he runway just as daylight began
o show. It traveled about SCO
yards before it lifted lightly to a
'ew hundred feet, and turned to
the right. disappearing Quickly
jver the mountains to west. It wa
xpected to pass over Klklal.
Kings and Galway counties before
leading over Galway bay toward
i he open Atlantic.
9:38 V. l. Coast Tim
The plane took off at 6:38 a.
in. Baldonnel time, which is U::tS
p. m. Pacific coast time The di
ance between Baldonnel airdrome
md Mltchel fild. New York, H
approximately 3,000 miles. The
iliers expected to take 4 0 hour
on the trip across which would
put them at Mitchell field early
Friday afternoon.
The three appeared at the offi
cers' mess at the airdrome shortly
arter four o'clock. Captain Koehi'J
was first; he started his breakfl
without waiting for the other two.
Baron von Huenefeld was next,
entering the room with a monw-M
in his right eye. lie ate a hard
joiled egg.
Fitzmaurlce's chair had had its
back against the table all this tin
and as he failed to appear the k',l
became quite silent. But in a Min
ute be too strode in. tinii;r
(Continued on pas 4.)
Declaration Made By Malx-I WilN--
brandt. Assistant Attorney
Affirming her endorsement of the
presidential candidacy of Herbert
Hoover, Mrs. Mabel Walker W5I1
brandt, assistant attorney genera)
in charge of prohibition enforce
ment, declared today that she fav
ored him because she believed b
would enforce the prohibition law.
The announcement was made In
a telegram' to the Woman's Chris
tian Temperance Union In reply
to one from Mrs. Ella A. Boole, tin
president, asking if she believed
Secretary Hoover's reply to Sen
ator Borah of Idaho on his stand
on prohibition was adequate. Mrs.
Willebrandt is a candidate ftr
convention delegates from Cali
fornia on the Hoover ticket.
"In my Judgment Mr. Hoover's
statement to Mr. Borah is ade
quate." says Mrs. Wlllebrandt's
telegram. "Answering specifically
your Inquiry as to why I have en
dorsed him I Bay unhesitatingly I
am for Herbert Hoover because in
my opinion he is the answer to
those who said prohibition cannot
be enforced. He has spent meat
of his life doing successfully wnat
the timid or unimaginative said
could not be done. In the in
same constructive way he will
tackle the responsibilities wbfen
the 18th amendment has brought
to -the federal government. He
will work them out. without denssv
goguery, evasions or political bar
ter. He wil go forward to better
enforcement with less waste and
friction in the legal use of money
and 'men.