The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 10, 1928, Page 8, Image 8

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Success Assures It Will Be
Annual Event; Thous
ands Participate
With just about every boy and
xtrl of the proper age In Salem
participating, the Easter egg hunt
taxed by the Lions club In W111-
aon Park Sunday was such a de
rided success that there Isn't the
slightest doubt that it will become
am annual event.
Practically all of these children
found what they were seeking, the
candy eggi wrapped In green
paper; and many, of course, found
several. Prize winners In the
yoanger group included:
'Kenneth DeVries. 927 North
Church; Esther Hemrick. route 4;
Bobbie Dodge, 295 North 23rd;
Biille Royal. 1525 North 19th;
Dona Unruh, 148 Miller; Lois
CUUngs, 1605 South Church, two
prises: Verne Scott. 960 North
Winners in the older grpup
children 7 to 12 years old. were:
Norma Hemphries. 480 South
!0tt; Lucille Dlouhy. Lone Star
auto camp; June Nutllng; Arllne
Cross, 212 Owens; Rlgley Miller.
12S5 Madison; Leroy J. Tlbbets.
tl North 21st; Ruth Mawey.
429 H Court; Cherolyn Jones. 775
North Cottage; Marie Kerber. 725
South 13th; Anna Hoford, 1265
. Jefferson.
Cash prises of f 1 each for brlsg-
. lag in the greatest number of
wrappers, were given to John Kel
ly. 494 North Church, and Vir
ginia Foster, 1149 Mill.
The Lions committee in charge
Included Newell Williams, chair
Baa; Harry W. Scott and Charles
Hudklns. Boy Scouts and Camp
Fire girls had an Important part
in preparing for the event and su
pervislng it.
The high spot In the story comes
when Cooper la forced to carry the
sweetheart (Fay Wray) across the
German line a a spy.
coast guard destroyer and seaplane
were dispatched to the scene.
The plane was b elleved to have
been one of a squadron of 22 ob
servation and bombing craft en
route to Hampton Roadi, via
Jacksonville, from Miami, after
winter maneuvers with the Atlan
tic fleet off G us n tana mo bay, Cu
ba. They left Miami this morning
for Jacksonville, where they were
scheduled to make an overnight
stop. .
T.7".Atr;.XU'Tb'. .i'.New Measure Approved
elimination round of the Oregon!
professional golfers match play
tournament today on the Lake Os
wego country club course. The
As Move Against Wets
firet was the defeat of Mel Smith., Under a bill by Senator . Jones,
Columbia Country club, by Tony
Scottovia, Corvallls, and the sec
ond was the victory of Alva Al
bert, Pendleton, over Dick Long-
staff. Peninsula.
Smith, who had been looked on
as one of the favorites to capture
the title, had the Corvallis pro
five down at the end of the rirst
18. but Scottovia came back in the
afternoon with a par 72, which
was enough to eliminate Smith at
the 3 6th hole.
The Albert-Longstaff match was
close throughout, with the Pen
dleton entry finally winning out
by a margin of 2 and 1.
Tribe To Be Guided
At Will Without Damage,
Claim Made
PORTLAND. Apr. 9. (AP)
jAn electric fteh screen will be put
in operation across the tailrace of
the Gold Ray. dam. in the Rogue
river between Grants Pass and
Medford Wednesday for inspection
by sportsmen attending the joint
meetings of game organizations at
Ashland on that dya.
Announcement of the comple
Hon of the screen was iseued today
by Harold Clifford, state game
Invitations have been issued to
sportsmen to visit the screen for
the purpose of demonstrating that
ftah can be effectively guided in
i the water through the use of elec
tricity without harm to the fish.
The screen will consist of two
rows of parallel electrodes sus
pended from a wooden framework
above the water. The rows will
he four feet apart and the elec
trodes three feet apart. AH elec
trodes will be approximately at
the same level near the bottom
of the water. An electric field
will be set up about the electrodes
and will reach in equal strength
from the surface of the water to
the bottom of the stream. Itr
strength will taper off in propor
tion to the distance upstream and
downstream from the center of the
This arrangement is so planned
that it is believed that when fish
approaching the tailrace run into
the edge of the electric field they
will turn about and swim away
from It. If they swim farther into
the field, the effect will be great
er stimulation, causing them to re
ins to proceed farther in that di
rection. A tingling effect will be
felt by the fish Just as by men. To
divert 3,0 inch salmon, engineers
believe & field current of three or
four volts will be sufficient, yet
do the fish no material harm ever
If they should swim entirely
through the field, which is held
At the Gold Ray dam fieh will
b diverted from the tall race to
the fish ladders at the other end
After the spawning season the
state game commission expects to
install another electric screen
above the dam. thus diverting
small , fish coming downstream
rrom ine intaae or trie power
CHICAGO. Apr. 9. (AP)
Willie Hoone of New York was
tumbled from his undisputed lead
ership in the national three cush
ion billiard tournament tonight
when he lost to the youthful Earl
Lockbaugh of Chicago 60 to 30.
in 53 innings. . .
Lockabaugh played a spectacular
game, leading Hoppe all the way
and converting Hoppe's safety
shots into points. His high run
was 5. Hoppe's was 4.
The defeat put John Layton of
St. Louis in a tie with Hoppe for
first place, each having won four
and lost one.
republican. Washington, approved
today by the senate Judiciary com
mittee, the federal government no
longer would have to rely upon
the criminal conspiracy law to ob
tain severe punishment for viola
tors of the prohibltlonn act.
The measure would provide a
maximum penalty of five years In
prison and a fine of 110.000 or
both, in the case of a criminal
prosecution under the
Bits For Breakfast
It was not so long ago that the
'first real epic of the war in the
air swept across the motion pic
ture horizon, establishing Itself as
the forerunner .' of its kind and
leaving no doubt in the minds of
the general public that here, truly.
wan a screen story that would live
paramount, However, took np
lta own challenge and produced
The Legion of the Condemned.'
railed the companion picture to
"Wings. It comes to the Elsinore
tor a five day run today and "The
Legion of the Condemned" is more
than a companion- it la a pal.
It is a good, sound, interesting
story showing In full detail the
hasardous yet romantie life of
group of branded men at the front
group of men who owed debt
to society and felt that only death
could expiate their sins. Nothing
was. too dangerous,' any mission
thafrwaa brought on was dispatch
ed with reckless abanden. so that
soon they became the, talk of . the
front and of the ' entire world
when feats of valor were discussed.
. Into this - group is , projected
feuag Gary Cooper s the .an er Ir
is newspaperman 'who wishes to
because of Isuppoeed faithless
mm on the part of his sweetheart.
For the fifth time in the laet
few months. Charles Maxwell last
niaht oresented his plea before
the city planning and zoning com
mission. Maxwell did not present
a petition this time, but spoke be
fore the members urging them to
decide one way or the other.
After a little discussion, he was
Instructed to meet with city off!
dale this afternoon, who would
aid him in securing the proper
names on his petition. At the for
mer meeting he presented a peti
tion to the commission which was
rejected because many of the slg
natures were not legal property
owners, and as a result lessened
the required number of signatures.
The argument is all about
whether or not Mr. Maxwell Is al
towed to operate a barbecue which
he built in the basement of his
home on North Capitol street. To
date he has not been permitted to
open the place. The commission
hopes to settle it at the next meet
W. S. Levens appearedj before
the commission for parties inter
ested in the construction of a new
cemetery four miles south of Sa
lem. Levens asked the commis
sion w nether or not they would
favor such a movement, provid
ing that nothing conflicted with
the law or was contrary to the
wishes of the people in that dis
trict. After some discussion he
was Informed that the commission
had no objection as long as all
was within the law. The ceme
tery will be fifty acres, one-fourth
of which will be made into a
flower garden. He will present a
diagram of the proposed cemetery
within the eight weeks.
Child Watching Airplane
Hit by Auto; Hurt Little
What could have resulted into
a serious accident, occurred early
Saturday afternoon when little
four year old Wllma Pounds,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Im
pounds, 545 B street, who was
quite excited at an airplane doing
stunts la the air, suddenly attemp
ted to cross the street, and in doing
so ran right Into the path of an on
coming automobile.
The machine, which was trav
eling at a low rate of I peed, stop
ped within a car's length, just hit
ting the child enough to throw her
to the street. After an examina
tion by Dr. J. R. Pemberton, it was
found that she was uninjured ex
cept for a few minor bruises.
Mr. Pounds, the only one who
saw the accident, declared that the
driver of the machine was not re
sponsible for the accident, as the
child Instantly Jumped In front of
the machine.
They 'owned tfie town
W S "W
The Legion forces last night
And they did themselves credit
In honoring their national com
mander, and made his visit here
a notable one. He measures up to
the high office he holds.
Bob Paulus is going to tell the
Rotarlans tomorrow about our
fruit and canning Industries. He
can do it well. After all is said
and done, these are the industries
that are calculated to do most in
making Salem a big city.
Last week, the Salem T free
employment office had 123 men
and 33 women applying for work,
with only 67 men and four wom
en sent to Jobs. It was a wet week.
But things opened up well yester
day; over 40 were sent to Jobs. A
number to the hop yards.
s s s
The Easter egg hunt on Sunday,,
sponsored by the Lions was a suc
cess. But if you were there, did
you not feel sorry for the many
tots who did not find any eggs?
Their hearts were heavy and their
?yes tearful. The timid and weak
ones were generally the ones that
failed to get eggs. But that is the
way of life. "To htm that hath
shall be given, and from him that
hath not shall be taken away even
.hat which he hath."
a detachment of legion men on
foot, and next the official ear ear
ring National Commander
Spafford, Governor Patterson and
Mayor Livesley.
Six Musical Group
Two local companies of Nation
al Guards were followed by a car
carrying the state officers of the
legion; then the Portland Lane
County Post, Cottage Grove and
Salem drum corps, with detach
ments of marching legionnaires
following each, and finally the Boy
The parade was witnessed Cy
thousands of local people, the side
walks and intersections being Jam
med throughout the line of march.
The parade finished at the armory.
where the formal reception to the
national commander was held.
At the banquet, the guest of
honor table was occupied by Na
tional Commander Spafford. Stat
Commander George E. Love, Irl S.
McSberry. state vice commander:
Vie MacKenzle-national commit
teeman; Governor Patterson. Mar-
or Livesiey, Artnur aiurphy, oast
Volstead H cuiamauuci ; usorfB A. W nil
aujaiKui-geaerKi pi vne uregon
National Guard; Captain G. R.
Beeme, Spaf ford's aide; and Har
old G. Maison, commander of Can-
Ital Post,
(Continued from pf 1)
as a champion of the rights of
women, and pointed to his fight to
have Louis D. Brandeis confirmed
as anassoclate Justice of the su
preme court "when President Wil
son as proof of his tolerance,
aamed. this great Jew for one of
the highest positions in the land."
Bringing up the question of pro
hibition. McAdoo said Walsh had
a conspicuous part in the framing
jf the 18th amendment, and
"Walsh is dry l and Walsh Is
sober. He practices what he
preaches. He is no hypocrite. He
Indulges In no cant and his life
is a dally vindication of his high
principles and virtues. If he were
elected president of the United
States he would demonstrate the
eighteenth amendment can be en
forced because he would enforce
it. He would neither nullify the
constitutions, nor submit to nul
The former cabinet officer re
ferred to Senator Walsh as "the
Implacable foe of corruption in
government." through whose ef
forts he declared, oil reserves.
worth perhaps a billion dollars"
had been restored to the people.
"And who better than Walsh
knows the problems of the farm
era of the west; through poverty
and hardship he came to maturity
in the agricultural states of the
west. As president he would
bring his great talents to bear
upon the problem of farm relief
and solve It to the satisfaction of
the nation."
In the course of his communica
tion Mr. McAdoo quoted two let
ters from Woodrow Wilson to
show the high regard of the late
president for the Montana senator.
(CBtlaa4 from pas 1)
filed for the republican nomina
tion for secretary of state. Mr.
Hoss previously served as private
secretary to Governor Patterson.
A. B. Combs, Jr., Baker, for
election as a delegate to the dem
ocratic national convention from
the second congressional district
T. G. Johnson, Wallowa, for the
republican nomination for repre
sentative in the legislature for the
24th representative district, com
prising Union and Wallowa counties.
L. Stipp, Oregon City, for the
republican nomination for district
attorney of Clackamas county.
Defective Steering Gear
Gives Kuykendalls Spill
While starting out of Salem for
a Sunday afternoon ride, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Kuykendall received
minor injuries when the machine
in which they were riding left the
road and crashed into the ditch.
Just west of the Marlon county
bridge" Sunday afternoon. The ac
cident was caused by a defective
steering gear, leaving the machine
uncontrolable. Mrs. Kuykendall
suffered ; severe lacerations and
bruises while r her : husband suf
fered from a sprained ankle. - ?
Mr. Kuykendall Is s Salem po
lice of fleer, ; After having his
ankle dressed be was able to re
sume his work yesterday morning.
Naval Seaplane Forced ;
Down Off Florida Coast
- -V
Apr. t. (APIA wireless mes
sage to the coast ruard .bass "at
Fort Lauderdale late today from
a passing steamer reported that an
aniaenunea naval seaplane bad
neon forced down about six miles
northeast of North XnUt. here. A
(Caatlaua from paga 1)
federacy. and then the Star Snan.
gled Banner was played.
"I am proud that I am an Amer
ican oecause he was one," Mayor
Walker had said as he waved bis
nana to the monument in his ad
dress. "Lee was the only man in
whom God Joined the warrior and
the saint. Long after the pyra-
mias nave . crumbled his figure
like his memory will be her."
The mayor's theme was that of
tne reunited country and the
'greatness and power of this na
tion." recreated , following the
cmi war.
- World War Cited
"Our critics abroad could not
understand why the civil war was
rought." said Mayor Walker. "In
the first daya of the young repub
lic, the prophets said the nation
would not endure. Then, when
the civil war came they increased
their dire prophecies.
"it required a -call from afar
when sons and grandsons of the
opposing forces In the civil war
answered duty across the seas to
show the world what kind of peo
ple we were and whr"wo foua-ht.
"And, although at the end . of
this last war we received only the
principles for which ' we f ourht.
they understood.'', i
la the. assembly that watched
the' unveiling were governors, a
congressional delegation, military
units rrom north ana south and a
concourse er representatives of va
rious patriotic bodies. - I
(Coatiaa4 treat saga 1) "
and four drum corps. At the head
ef the c parade w ere traffic
officers, f o 1 1 o w o d by the Al
bany band, 71 strong. Than came
(Continued (rem pas 1)
from the presidents of both com
panies tonight.
Franklin T. Griffith, president
of the Portland Electric Power
company, and Guy W. Talbot of
the Northwestern, issued state
ments to the effect that each com
pany, would continue in its ef
forts to serve the public efficient
ly and hold rates to as low a level
as practicable.
- Regret Expressed
Griffith said: "We regret the
decision of the voters. Our pro
posal was made in good faith and
in the sincere belief the merger
would be of great and laeting
benefit to Portland."
Talbot said: "I am very sorry,
naturally, that the election did not
carry. I am sorry that the people
did not take advantage of the op
portunity to secure reduced light
and power rates. Nevertheless
our company will, endeavor to
serve our customers now and in
the future, at as cheap a rate as
is commensurate with good serv
ice and business practice."
Mayor Baker said: "The ex
pressed will of the people settles
the matter. Whatever ac
tion was taken by the council was
made conditional upon the approv
al of the merger by the people."
(Continued from paga 1)
Ragland and G. T. Stanford. The
women took front row seats
among the spectators directly be
hind the defense counsel. The oil
man busied himself during the ex
amlnation of the veniremen by go
ing Over the lists containing de
scription of the panel and confer
ring with Wright.
(Con tinned frast paga 1)
liaht: especially constructed. The
heating for all the homes is auto
matic; there Is an electric laun
dry. Each home has a garage.
Then the court will open onto tbe
highway. More than this. It will
open onto a two acre park run
ning east to the bank of the river;
a beautiful wooded park. The
whole scheme makes up an at
tractive place. Major Robertson
has named this little community
of homes Edgewater Place. The
whole thing Is not finished. There
Is a good deal to do yet, In mak
ing It beautiful. But all tbe homes
are rented, or spoken for, and
there is a waiting list.
. A 25,000 Bunding
Major Robertson is - also con
struction an Al concrete building,
two stories and full basement.
Henry Carl, well Inown Salem
contractor, is the builder. The
excavating -is nearly done new.
This building will be 40 by SO, at
the corner entrance of Kingwood
avenue, and fronting on the high
way. It will have a hot water
heating system. On the ground
floor there will be three store
rooms. One is rented for a drug
store, one for a chain store, and
the other has not yet been taken.
On the second floor there will be
four; modern - apartments.- with
hardwood floors, hardwood hall
ways and stairways, and up to
aate to the last particular. The
building will have a stucco fin
ish and a red tiled roof, a. mar
quis, a 17 foot sidewalk in front
and IS foot on the side. : The
apartments will bo automatically
heated, and 'have Electro-Kold ac
commodations. " There are' enough
Grippe .end Fla
i -
' Anf cold may ond In grippe or .fla.
Take prompt action. Take HILL'S -at
once. HILL'S breaks a cold in 24 hours.
Because it -does tho four. J necessary
things at once: Stops the cold, checks
the fever; opens tbe bowels, tones en
tire system. Colds rarely develop if
HILL'S n kan4to da tbta at tha atart.
X&rwjrsite - Qalala)
guaranteed tenants to Justify this
new building; me mw preten
tious business structure in West
Salem. I. L. Jensen, with Curler
Van Patten, Salem architect,
planned this building. It will be
ready by July 1.
Many New Be 'Mings'
There are many new buildings
in West Salem. Henry, the Salem
meat market man, is finishing a
fine residence', on v the highway.
There is to be an auto painting
establishment there; construction
Just. starting. - '
Major Robertson, UJfflpTCt.y
rebuilding a residence on the east
side of the highway,' and across
the highway from this, George
Steward, recently arrived from
Michigan, Is building a modern
five room bungalow. v He has
owned the lot for years, and has
Just moved to Salem.
Over 0 houses have been built
in Kingwood Park alone in the
past year. The school population
over there has Increased 120 in a
far. It grew 60 per cent last
.ear. and 40 per cent the rear be
fore. Just short of $100,000
building permits were taken out
laat vear in West" Salem, and
away above 150,000 have already
been taken out. ior mis year.
A SO AAre Park
Major Robertson has some more
sunrises. He expects to cover
the block where he is putting up
the 125,000 building, with busi
ness structures, later.
He is laying out a 50 acre -park
In Kingwood Heights. Building
site reservations are now being
made. There will be a scenic
boulevard; a most attractive
loop .
A lot of high class improve
ments on the heirhta overlooking
Salem and West Salem. , A num
ber of the particulars are not yet
ready for public announcement.
(Continued from paga 1)
Mayor Livesley made brief ad
dresses of welcome to the national
commander. i
Others on the platform were
Vlo MacKenzie of Salem, national
committeeeman for Oregon; Carl
Moser, state adjutant; John Beck
with of Portland, Ed Bayllsa, of
Sheridan, W. W. Stewart of Al
bany, Otis Palmer of La Grande,
John Biggs of Hermiston and Ben
Fisher of Marshfleld, district com
mitteemen; Mrs. Wilcox of Hood
River, president of the Legion
Auxiliary in Oregon; Mrs. King
Bartlett, president of the Capital
Post Auxiliary; Frank Moore,
chairman of the state bonus com
mission: Fred E. Kiddle fo Tj
Grande and Arthur Murphy of
rortiand, past commanders of tbe
Legion in Oregon; and Thomas
stouten of Portland, state finance
(Coatinaad front paga I)
whatever startling developments
tomorrow may, produce.
Thompson's Fate In Balance
"Big Bill" Thompson, third
term mayor of Chicago, is not In
volved in the primary, his term
having three years to run. but his
fate la regarded as at stake virtu
ally as much aa if he himself
faced the voters.
The chief contests all down the
line from United States to ward
committeeman are between candi
dates of strict adherence to his
leadership and those classified lis
cohorts of Charles S. Deneen, Illi
nois' only United States senator.
Thompson shares factional lead
ership with .Robert E. Crowe,
Cook county's state's attorney
seeking a third term, and Gover
nor Len Small, likewise asking re
nomination for a third term.- --
Governor Small is opposed by
Louis L. Emmerson. secretary of
state for the last 1 2 years and
Crowe has as an opponent Judge
John A. Swanson.
The third outstanding contest is
between Colonel Frank L. Smith,
twice refused his seat by the
United States senate after ap
pointment and election, and Otis
F. Glenn, a Chicago lawyer and
former state senator.
Scandal Charges Have Effect
The personality of Governor
Small who as governor wae tried
and acquitted of diverting the in
terest on state funds while he was
treasurer of the commonwealth,
and who later lost a civil court de
cision and repaid the state approx
imately 1600,000, and the action
of Colonel Smith of resigning af
ter his second senate rejection and
again seeking a mandate from the
people, were regarded as political
developments extraordinary.
Then, to lift the primary furth
er irom the commonplace, a
Deneen stalwart. "Diamond Joe"
Esposlto, was shot to death and
the homes of Deneen and Swanson
were bombed and brought a verit
able tornado of accusations and
For the presidential preference,
only the name of Colonel Frank
O. Lowden, Illinois' war time gov
ernor, appears on the ballot. It is
permissable for other names to be
written In however, and the
Thompson . forces have declared
in favor of a "draft Coolidge" pro
gram. Democratic leaders have argued
that the name of Governor Al E.
Smith of New York be written in
to the exclusion of all others
25,000 to Watch i
In addition to the army of else
tion officials it has been estimat
ed that "watchers", official and
volunteer, will aggregate, some
thing like 25,000.
In his final speech of the csnv
paign. Mayor Thompson today re
iterated his "draft Coolidge demand."
"I am a candidate for delegate
to the national convention,
ald. "I expect to go down to Kan
sas City and draft Coolidge."
Six hundred men representing
carious employers associations
lave been Sworn in as special poll
atchers by County Judge Edmund
Jareckl. They were urgea q
irm themselves with cameras and
.ake pictures ef election law vlo-.ators.
. 128 .
NO Wa and
finer shaving cream
I 10
M aiwvi
For men who prize the Valet
AutoStrop Razor and the new
Valet blades, Valet AutoStrop
Shaving Cream will add new ease
to theit shaving. To men who
use other razors it will prove a
revelation, t-
Pearly white, alive and pure,
it gives a usurious lather. Valet
AutoStrop Shaving Cream not
only softens the beard but retains
its moisture while you shave.
Soothing as a lotion, its cocoanut
oil content refreshes as well as
softens the skin and keeps it
velvety smooth.
35c a tube
If your dealer has not yet received
his supply, send 35c to AutoStrop
Safety Razor Co Inc., 656 First
Are New York and we will for
ward your tube postpaid. Please
mention your dealers name.
Bas.n.8. Pat OS.
(3rt Creations
a name known
. to Piano fame
for 50 years
MORE than a fine musical
instrument, now also an
, intriguing piece of exquisitely
I designed furniture ! Years of
I musical happiness are in store
i for you and in addition the joy,
1 and satisfaction of owning a
piano that adds infinite beauty
to your home.
Now beautiful art creations
from which to choose, including
period models authentic in .
every detail a style and finish
for every type of interior!
Grands and uprights; Register-
ing (foot played) and Repro
ducing (electric) Pianos all
playable by hand. Also the new
Gulbransen combination, play
able all three ways.
Among them are models, na
tionally priced from $295 to
$2400 each the greatest value
you can buy no matter what
price you choose to pay for
your piano.
See these new "Instruments of
Today." 1 Phone or call now for
a copy of A. G. Gulbransen's
new book. "Artistic Interiors,,,
Profusely illustrated and written
by authorities, it portrays living
rooms in popular period styles.
! You may have it free. Ask for h.
' - - "--