THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY. MORNING. APRIL 10, 1928 V ' .1 i . 4- 1' fs 4.1. i REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY ANDERSON Jk BCrxBTr, .ltor lit 8. High. TL 1M1 , BARBEB BOl tOO Gray Bid. TaL 790 BUCKS A HEVbBICKB ' 189 S. H'gh. 1M 14? It. CoaaiwerciBL TeL 471 v - W. r. BaWJWN $75 State. T". ! THE BU.SUlU)W 447 Stale St. LEO . 820 8UU rt. tX Realtor TU 1TS7 jraUCD a. uiiXXO 8 90 K. Church, TaL 8338 UOUEU D. FOSTER etEALTI CO. 15 tint Mat. Baak Bld TeL a SOS 8. Liberty it. Tri. 2342 W. il. L'sLABAVKllUatbT CO. 1)4 . Liberty crt. TL SIS KELVIN JOilASON 120 U. 8. Baa Bid TL 437 W. O. KJlLK.Ea 147 S. Com'L TaL 817 LAFLAil A LAfLAR Ladd A Bank Baair Bin. TaL 644 LARSE4 OK KICK 226 Oregoa Bide Tel. 174 W. A. LleTOa 404 5 Vaeaai R;dg, TaL 821 ARTHUR it ADS EN 1074 North CapiteL TcL 1807 M ELLINUEaV COaTlTTI 409 Oregon Bid. TtL 117S W. O. KILL 431 Vi Stat) St. TaL ITS W. X. MOZXS 4S1 Court St. Tal 81i man w. omji New Bligh Bld. TaL 14 U GEBTBUDE 3. St, PAGE " 4 84 Court. TaL 1882 PERRlNE A M ABATERS 811 312 Oray Bid. TaL 807 BXCU 1 BXLaaA-SN. Realtor 819 N. High SL TaL 8SS SALEM REALTY CO. 462 State 8t. Bona 7. TaL 1004 C11AIUE3 SPURUS 810 Oregon Bids. TaL 188 ' HOCOLOrSKl SON 10 5 First Bet. Mak Bldg. TaL 878 BUCARE PEAL REALTY V. S. Nat l Baak Bid. TaL 470 TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 431 Court ML TaL 8S1 ULRJCH ROBABT8 i: N. CommeieiaL TaL 1854, U. a. REALTY CO. 441 BUte SL TrL 886V r. Lv WOOD 841 State SL TaL 79a The Oregon Statesman Publiihed every morning except Mon day, at Salem, the capital of Oregoa. Local Rates For Classified Advertising Daily or Suaday One ima 3 cent par word Three times 5 cent per word Six time 8 cent per word 1 mo. dally and Sun. .80 centa per word In order to earn the mere than on time rata, advertising must run ia con secutiva issues. No Ad taken for less than 25c. Ads rua Sunday ONLY charged at one-time rata. Advertisements (except Personals and Situations Wanted) will be tskea over the telephone if the advertiser is a subscriber ta phone. The Statesman will receive adver tisements at any tima of the day or night. To insure proper classification Ads should bo ia be lure 7 p. m. TELEPHONE 28 OS 588 ADVERTISEMENTS HONEST ADVERTISING These col umna must ba kept free from anything of a questioatble nature. Mlsrsprssen tstions will not bo tolerated. Informs tioa showing any questionable intent oa the part of the advertiser should be reported to this newspaper or the Salem Ad club. Lodge Roster CHEMEKETA LODGE NO. 1. I. O. O. F. Meeta every Wedaeaday evennig at 7:80 o'clock; third floor of I. O. O. F. Temple, corner of Court aad High Ste. AUCTIONEER F. N. Woodry 13 Tr. Salem' leading Auctioneer an araturo Doctor. Roe. A Star. 1410 N. Summer 81 rbeae 811 H. F. Woodry & Son Right down town. Cash paid for asei furniture. store an K. comm. L TeL 73. Ageats for Laage Raaga. t COL. A. L. STEVENSON ACCTICXEEB 28 rear oxnerioaco in the Willamette valley, for daus or. arraageraeate see r. A. l-oemer, rarm aavtser. nru tieaal Bank. Salem. Phoqo or write. A. u. Bteveaaon. tjarraiua. ura. BATTERY-ELECTRICIAN 3 R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES Starter and geavrator work; 801 Soata High. 4 TaL 168 HIGH AND C1.3TJL JOE Wl AMS FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSa wiring by hour at contraeL Estimates luraiaaeo. im. bw sn voars ax. U. S. L. Service Station Automotive Eleetrmlaaa Vick Bros. High SL at Trad. ' TaL 1841 ' BICYCLES Repairing 4 LLOTD E. RAMtDKlr COLUMBIA BI eyele aad roaatriatT. 887 Osmrv CLEANERS AND DYERS 5 CHTRET CITT CLEAVERS. C W. Doano, M V. Ubarty. TaL 884. : HELP WAHTED-Male fffl SI0H SCHOOL aTUDEKTE TO FRiE- par for fac posmea tor va aasa av. Oaad say while traiataa. now In snare lima. Call for Mr. Meyer, ; 889 M. Liberty, after a. as. f EX WANTED. IT TOTJ HATE A - small ear. If yau waat ta asks goad money wlthoat laveetmeaL If yoa " t..i I kin etaaltian far yoa salliaf aad eollostlaf asaaag farmer. - OU lint, via aaa wen kaowa article. See Mr. Huff taday at 10 Ckasaaorcial Si. App't. T. SALESMEN SALESMEN FOR COTJNTBT WORK tiling to farmer, Steady work. 885.00 to $50.00 par work, advancement, a investment. Mait hev car, give good reference, and ba ready to go bow, days each wk., experience -nu fanners preferable i but not necessary. Sea Mr. Huff today at 610 Commer cial 3U Marioa App't.. App'L 7. AGENTS WANTED 9 WANTED AGENTS FOB FA8T SELL ing patented article. 484 Court St. WANT AGEXT KNOWS HOW TO SELL Real Estate aad knws Salem, owns rar. 4o4 Court St. CHIROPRACTORS 10 DR. H. H. 8COniEEl P. S. Cw 808 First National Baak Bldf. . OR. O. L. SCOTT. PuC CHIROPRACTOR 854 ti. High. TaL 828 R, Boa. 8104-J FLORISTS -11 FLOWERa FOR ALL. OCCASIONS Olson's. Ceart A IligU SL TeL 801. COT FLOWERS. WEDDINQ BOUQUETS Funeral wreatna, aecaratua. C f. Broithavpt. lionet. Ul 8 .ale Street, Tel. W. INSURANCE 12 WE INSURE YOZT AND TOUR PROP erty. Gertrude J. M. Page. 4S4 CwrL Insure Tovr Home or Car 'bow. BECKE HENDRICKS Paoaa 181 I. O. O. r. BMgv, '.88 K. High SL FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONET to toaa oa good farm security. CITT LOVib Wo are ioaaing Pra daatlal Iaaaraaoa aompany money aa eity reaidoaoo cad huaiaeaa property at 8 to per cenL plua a eoowmiaaioa Haw kina A Hoborts, I no-, 2U5 Orerea Uuildiag. FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages. Truat Deeds, Contract oa houaaa Will net 6 to 80 per cent BECKE m HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., 148 If. High St, FOR RENT .14 8TORE ROOM NORTH COMMERCIAL streeL' auitabla for auy a ma 11 buaiaoaa, 845.00 per month. Call at 1095 N. Slh St. FOR RENT Apts. 15 rUPLEX APT. 831 N. WINTER. NICE FURNISHED 1ST FLOOR APART ment. 590 Union. NICE. MODERN. It'RNISIIED. LOWER floor. 69ti . Cottage. : AND 4 ROOM APARTMENTS. HEAT and water furnished. Phone 1547-R. t ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE. WA ter, light aad fuel, close in, 823.60. 555 Marion. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED 8 room apartments. Virginia Apart ments, 879 N. Liberty. P A T T O N APARTMENTS C O Z Y, clean, comfortable, aieoly furntaaed. Private batlt. Steam heat. Dow a town district. Reasonable in price. For Inspection call Patton'a Book Store. Electrical Refrigeration, ranges. Modern, brick, heated. Apt. High class residential districL Cheerful, attractive. lighL 8 room apartment, 2 beds. $40.00. One furnished overstaffed. $50.00. A two room furnished, $87.50. Pullman now available, $30.00. Inspection invited, children wslcoaa. Ambassador Apartments 550 X. Summer. 1878 FOR RENT Rooms 16 3LEEP1NO ROOMS, BREAKFAST AND garage. 875 N. 14th. FOR RENT Houses 17 ROOM COTTAGE. GOOD CONDI tion. 1540 State St. CLOSE IN. NEW SMALL FURNISHED house, adults. Telephone 2050J. New Six room modern house. Elec tric rang furnished. $80. MELVIN JOHNSON J20 U. 8. Nat l Bank Bklg. Tel. 437 FOR RENT Farms IE FOR RENT TEN ACRES FALL PLOW ing. Just eaat of fairgrounds. Rout 7, Box 43. telephone 72F13. BOARD AND ROOM 20 rtOOM. BOARD. SINGLE MEALS, SUV day dinners. Alexandria, 1080 Che maksta. Paoaa 1518. LAUNDRIES 21 THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRY Telephoae 85. 23 S. High fRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN dry. Tell 171. 1854 B StreoL - CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY "The Laundry of Pure MatarUls" Telephone 165. 1S44 Broadway TAILORS 22 J. H. MOSHEk TAILOR- FOB MEN and women. 474 Ooart 8L JRESSMAKIKO AND LADIES' TAIL ring. Mra. Annette Smith and Mrs. EUia, 584 N. Liberty SL WANTED Misc. 23 'ANTf.D OLD MIRRORS TO RE-SI L ver. Phoaa 1810-W. FURNITURE PACKTX9 FOB SHIP monta. Qieoo-Powara Furairara Oa. J. JOHNSON. CARPENTER ANDBCTLD r. Reasonable charge. Ftgarac fraa. 13 North CoramarciaL - WANTED FRTTATB MOXEY FOR fans loaaa. Wa have aeearal aaatiea tloaa oa hand. Haw kirn A Bob. Inc. 205 Oregoa Btdg. WANTED . GOOD WASHED OOTTOJ Kara aot amaUer taaa 1 vard ta ama far wlalag auchU.ary. Highest arias pat ror goea aiaaa tajca, apply a4 Ststeamaa office, ta Btiflar. More Than a Tonic . t More Than a Health-Food---- . A Natural Remedy 1 Pacific Health-Ore Thia prodaet mpTiaa Batara wtta vital irkta aad aailoUac materiaU asoviA to to balaaaa ta laaara staral aad proper ruacUealag of glaada aad or gaas tut ta ataiataia rih aaA healthy blood ttraasa. , Uaod aa amUoral water aloaaaah la take' eae packaa in suffieloat fo fhrte aveatha traataaoat. - Mi aaaar a tsllta ! UATTRESSES 24 BUTTRESSES RENOYATED BY THE Capital Oity Beddiag Oa, lit Berth CaattoL Called far aad delivered. AS work guaranteed. TaL 18. 25 BLUE BIRO ELECTKIO WASHING MA chine 880.00. Mr. Kellocc, So. Coca aaarcial aad Haaaea. 8 MILK GOATS FOR SALE. KID free; or UI axcaaace for bee sisa or age. Boat 1, Bos 4, Mr. A. . Hawks, Turner, Oregon. cntmriira tt iirnn ir PaUmaa, Ho'warA aad LuiaigpUao uti wa aaro repoaaoaaaa. wiu ba sei4 for tao balaa daa aa tbaaa. If yea waat a nearly aew aiaaa, cheap, h era's ywar chaaea. Torsaa to taapoaaiblo parties. uregoa nuance vorporauaa. raoaa 3U VETERINARIAN 28 FRED W. LANGS. VETERC ARIAB Office S2 B. OaataiorciaL TaL 1188. He. TeL 1468. WOOD SAWING 29 WOOD SAWING. FHOSX 1TT. 1810 Marth OtaauntL WOOD FOR SALE 30 4- GOOD DRT WOOD. FHOKE T8I8. at X. Mayfleld. GOOD PRT WOOD ,XOK TOC D. A. Lamer. TeL 88. 18 IN. OLD FIR 89.50 FEB OOHl (t rick) TaL 8188. GUARANTEED DRT WOOD COAL. Tel. 18. Salem Fact Co.. 7!8 Trade. WESTERN UNION TiME. TRUCKS for hailing. Wood to burn. CaL' 529. 14 INCH OLD FIR, DRY 8ND CTtOWTH. aad ash. C. U. Harbaogb. 1088 High laad Ave. Phone 1990. 16 inch dry mlliwood at $8.50 per Wad. 14 lach green miliweod at $2.75 per load. TKACY TEL. 831 8 GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 16.8. O. (SEE) A. ANLERSO.Y FOR WOOD TO BURN SALEM TRANS. FUEL OO. GENERAL TRANSFER WORK TEL. 629 BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood 4 fL and 10-laeh. rarge w4a are aneapor- t. boy. Mill vest ia ar spojuuty. Prumpt call vary a4 teasoiable prief. FRED E. WELLS 280 8. Church TaL 1343 POULTRY AND EGGS 32 BARRED ROCK HATCHING EGOS. 3315 South Cottage. Phone $585-W. BA3Y CHICKS EVERT MONDAY AND - Tuesday. loading local stock. Prices reasonable. Salem Chick arias, 344 North Cottage Street, Salem. WANTED POULTRY. ANI AMOUNT, kind or time, caa use 1 lb. W. L. Cockerels. Salem Poultry Co., High A Mill Strs.. Salem. Phoaa 8490. FOR SALE WHITE MINORCA EGGS f per aeiuag. per nuaarea. Good layer, vary large egg. B. W. D. tested. M. B. Mitchell, JtL 9, Box 4. Salaea, Oregoa. BABY CHICXt". AND CUSTOM HATCH ing Export' service meaas efficiency ana aign quality, ah baby cnicas from far at etecs, -Jinciauy tested ana ut iciallr ADDtwvod. Salem's oldaat Cav torn Hatching pUuu Phoaa 1S8F3. Lao a Jlstchery. MUSIC STORES 33 FOR RENT NEW PIANOS. Stiff Furniture Company. H. L. GEO. O. WILL PIANOS. PHONO- grapha, sewing maehlaea, sheet must aad piaa atudlea, Bopairingi phoao grapha aad aewrng maehlnee.- 432 State sire. Balaam. MUSIC TEACHERS 33a MODERN PIANO JAZZ FRANK SOT- - nus... OiJ:. r a .- v Wa, mrmimv cwnt, 0111010 iw n Owtofa. phoa 21C5-J. KODAK FINISHING 34 FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERY 60o ardor Kodak work. Rawiiaga, r-artiaao, vra. Newspapers Magazines 35 IMS PORTLAND . LEG CAM SALEM Agency. The Am. TeL 948. THE OREGON STATESMAN. 60 CENTS per month delivered to your heme early oack morning. TeL 2B a 53a IF XOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send five 8-rent stamps te the Faaifia Homastoad, Salem, Oregoa, far three monta' trial subeinpuea. MaaUoa Uii ad. POULTBYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO eeat stosano for aaooiat thrro mouths' trial for the beat aad oldaat Jeuraal ia the Waat. The articlea aad adver- tisamaata are ef special interest ta the poultry brooders of the Northwest ftartawast reuitry journai. Zll a. uaav saevaial aL. Salem. Oracoa. . NURSERY STOCK 36 8EVERAL VARIETIES OF CHERRIES. . apple, nut oraamoatal trees. Walker's Nurseries. Box 222. Uardea Road. PAPERHANGING 37 PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE , dereratbtg. poperaauging. tinting, at. . Bailable morkmaa. PAINTING 38 CHA8 - BENNETU . rXTXTTSO OOU tractor. painting, paper kangiag. 2281 J. 167 West Miller. MISCELLANEOUS 39 FOB SALEM SOATKNGEB SERVICE oaU 167. FURNITURE UHOL8TEKIXO AND RX palriag. Olese-i"owers Frltur Store. FOR SALE OLD WEWSPAPEBA, 10 cents a bundle. Ststeamaa office. SIS South Commercial. - WANTED: USED PIANOS IN EX ehsage oa Badioa. Phanogtapha, ar Furnitur.. H. L. Stiff Furaiture Oom paay. WE BXPAIB ALL MAKES OF 8EWING maculae aad lawn mewsr. Knlvo aad scissor sharpeaed. General re palriag. The Fix it Shop, 466 Ferry SL Phoao 161$. RUBBER CUSHIONS INSTALLED ON year ear givlag better riding oaalitie au aew cars, uaaraatooa aatiatae tioa ar soy refunded. Call at 784 Ba. 14th. WHITE SCOTCH OOLLIB AT - Salem'a White Kla?. Boaiater STUD. S8866L Service ruaraateed. Pupa Las - iw oioea. sar aaaa. an. Boa ! arts, 10$$ CaaoMketa. Phea 1586. . OnlonSkln , Carbon Paper Typewriter. Ribbons ; Wis, Du Fresno . T88 M. 4WU BL CAPTTpL BARGArjr AJTO JUNK HOUSE. vrw tMsvm 4M, aaa. au ml JmW Imtl mm " . ak. Bettloo, BarreU, Kldea, Wte. Weamt Vara, TaUow, Caaeara Bark Oraaa I aUo4. f-itafe. r-waraiail oTla aaaa. a jram m- msta svorytauag Rasa trrOVEB AJTO STOTB awpATRUTO) STOVES FOB AULE ILEitaiLT AND - repaired by axpart. AU kteda a aovaa wire foaoa. Faaay aad adala. Hop baakata aad booka. Vacua banks. ' flalma Eeaea aad Btova Warka, 844 Caart strsst. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 39 Are Vou All There? .... l l. mt Am lints had VBOlBloat mmmij w - - " . shews thst it ta eempodf tha WW- tng oiemeata: wayavm. f 'n. Nltrogaa. Caelum, Potaaalum Bwn ,io41 f Macuesium, Iron. IadUo, Fluaria, KU1- eon. line, Mangaaaaa. ' i.v .v im aapply yaw ,.wU.VJUM chemical elemante thraugh eat. the air yarn breathe asm the water yoa drink. ' " . . " . .. VOWS mmmMa i."" m . aomlatry of the body. aathM "P1' aaa ataintainea. maay i-m - .-J- mm lsklnr to aa alarming exteat ia these rital aad hoahh iremotiug prapartiaa. ana w s respeaaiWe for many saroam aUmentv Pacific Health-Ore la rich ia the majority of these element aad its use baa aeaompllaked taarjoloua rasaito a roatvnag haaua. ms aswri a chaaee yaa'U ba surprised at Ear t spaaaa. . SEE YOCB DBUOC-IST TODAY LOST AND FOUND 41 FOUND KEY-TAINEB WITH KEYS. Call at Statesman. LOST SILVER PERSIAN CAT. OWN or Robinson. Phoaa 8084. PRINTING 44 FOli STATION ER Y, CARDS, rAMPH lete. pragrama, Vaaaka. ar a ay kind of priatiag. oall at the Stoteaaaea Priat tag ivpartmaat. 81$ 8. Caormereial TeL 48. MONEY TO LOAN 45 FEDERAL FARM LOAN 5. F. L. Wood. 841 State 8u 5V STRAIGHT LOAN'S. CITY and farm. W. O. WrlghL 204 Maonlc Bldg. WE HAVE $2500 TO LOAN ON GOOD . . I T 1 .da security. feertruae ii- '. Court. TeL 1832 or 1186. P. IL BELL. 318 U. 8. BAKK BLDQ. Reeideaoe aad aaaiaaaa Wane. TeL 407 or 3141-W.. MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AND oa city property. B. 8. Msrtta aad L. R. Martin, attcraeya. 418 Oregoa Building. TaL 044. SALARY AJf D COLLATERAL IO AN 8 Hepsyabl ia Wtekly or Moatbly In stallments. GENERAL FINANCE COR PORATION, First Nat'l Bank. Tel. 1200. CITY AND TtLACT LOANS Reasonnbl Rate Na Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASS'N. 708-6 First Natioaal Beak Baildiag Phono 457. Halem. Oregoa. CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Boat terms obtainable. Our insurance department offers yoa ox pert advice and aervfee in alt Uaoa. HAWKINS ROBERTS (In) Tel. 1417 805 Oregoa Bldg. WANTED LOANS 46 WiXTEA Private money ta ioaa aa BE4X ESTATE. W. H. GRABEXHOMT (XX 184 8. ULarty SL PLUMBING 47 PLUMBING AXD GENERAL HEP All werk. Graber Braa, 144 B. Liberty TaL 65tf. BUSINESS OPPR. 48 FOR LEASE: Several attractive gtound floor stare or office room, well located. W. H. ORABENHORST A CO.. Realtor 184 8. Libeity St. TeL 516 CASH GROCERY DOING $100.00 DAY. Owner retiring. Rent $50.00; long lease. Living rooms. $5,000.00 wiU handle. Address XYZ, Statesman. RADIO 49 Radio las For every carnoaa. for every pa All standard sixes of Radio Tube, EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 835 Court SL TeL 46. REAL ESTATE 51 323 DOWN: $10 per month, bays a fine Vt acres tract aesr Fairgrounds, grsvel street near pavement, city water. Prl.- $700. W. H. ORABENHORST A CO. 184 8. Liberty St. APARTMENT HOUSE close In for trade for anything that is value re ceived. Price $4500. Close In business lot In basinets tone $1800. Another one for $2850. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Court Street $1000 Down New modern homes at 935 and 955 Tamarack. Each has fur nace, fireplace, hardwood, large deep cement basement, garage, $4000 aad $5260, pavement paid. BECKE HENDRICKS 189 N. High St. a B LATEST TRAD ISO ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST Wa have aver 8004 properties Bated for exchange. Every kind ef property, every prise, every location. Wo aaa aate your exchange EXACTLY. If ran would lika to trade your property TO DAY, soma la TODAY. See OASkZILL 4) EARLE, Bealtor 166 8. Libwrty. TeL 1841 MR. INVESTOR LOOK Just a email payment down will buy yon a good six room plastered bouse on a comer located ia business sec tion. Place la leased for a term of year to a reliable party. You will be pleased with this. Price $3U00. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 NEW HOME , $3,400.00 $250.04 CASH FTVE ROOMS Fireplace, hardwood ia living and ' dining rooms. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement; piped furnace; garage. . Btreet is paved and cement walks in. Bee TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY : 421 Ceart Street Ground Floor "Headquarters For Homes" Baalaass lecatiea, lot 90 by 165 with three beuees, two ia apartments, hot water a set, wired for elee. ranges. In come a boat $150 a month and owner retain most of oa house. This Is aa laveatmeat worth while a it is oa on ei oar bast street. Price $18,754; meat of furniture goea. A aaaiaaaa corner, fine location with trackage aad. large aid atylo house that will pay Its way while increasing la value. $9S00. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 174 S. High St. 17 A. traet paved road aear 8alesa. 12 A. ia ealt, areek, timber, bldg.. trait, sacrifice $3854. $850 cash Choice 4 A. suburbea bom, all med ara beagnlew aad all kind bldg-. evd road, 0 ae location. Investigate. Grocery aad Coafoctioaary, Bldg. aad Lease, aheap reuL Saap, $2006. Fine highly Improved S3 A. ehl.keu raaoh aaar tewa. U fmo aniL $7804, aaay terma, take reeadense. - 194 A. farm, all flae level dark learn aoil. aaar HlgBWsy, sell aa easy term ar tako taeeaee. PEBRINE af ARSTEBS i , lit Gray Bldg. CITY PROPERTY FOB SALE OR TRADE 4-roem hoose $3430. This heme is la good coBditloa aad eioao ra. u yoa waat a aaaa aad pay for it ttk real let a kw you this aa. 7-raom hoaae $4500 aad S extra lota a vary easy teras. Let us show taia to aa, . 8-room bungalow $2000. aad aa extr lot ta trade aa payment safsra. 4-raom a. basovaoat aad grf $3400. $300 dewa. $30 per moath. 7-raaa eemi beagalow $3200. ) block ta baa. tared otreoL r Ulrich & Roberts Ralwrs 189 If. Cam l SL Phano 1354 REAL ESTATE 51 FOR BALE: 8eveP,i fsB. ) tot located south overlooking th city. $100 down. $10 per month. -W. H. GRABENHOR8T A OO. 184 8. Liberty 8L PEPPBRMIFT GROWERS ATTENTION: y-'T ooneai taaa aepeclatly adapted ta peppermint growing yield two crops each season. Abundant gravity water for Irrigation at low rate. Terms: Oae-o,aarter dewa. tea annual paymaate at 4 interest Write for literature. MILLER A LUX. INC.. Stockton Division, 115 North' San Joaquin St.. Stockton, California. ANOTHER ONE Cloee in, North, aeat Ova room plas tered Cottage; modern except baaement. Garage. Shade trees. This will soon be business property. Price ; $2300. assy terms. Good discount for caah equity. BEE Mrs. ElMs with ' LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 820 State Street Phone 1727 .FOR 8 ALE Good 5 room bengalow oa Laurel Ave., aear the Hollywood buaiaess sec tion. $3200; tajrcns. New 5 room house located at 2045 N'. Church; furnace, fireplace. $3800; $600 cash; balanea to aujt. W. Q. Krueger 14T N, Com" I. . Phoaa 217 NEW HOME $4,0TK 0O $500.00 down FIVE ROOMS Modern in every de tail. HARDWOOD FLOORS, through out. Tsved street and .cement walks. A well built auJ conveniently arranged home. Surrounded by new homes. .See this. TRIANGLE REALTY COM PANT 421 Court Street Ground Floor "Headquarters For Homes" WEEK END SPfcCLALS Good list of houses or rent. room, strictly modern, good look ing, well built, l.ttle English type home in splendid neighborhood Norths $500 saved on this if taken soon. ,i A splendid bny in B room plastered house, basement, fireplace, garage $2750. Bargain in two lots in North end, BARBER A BOND 200 Grey Bldg. 125 N. Liberty For business propositions, confec tionery, grocery, rooming houses, apart ment, houses, service stations, garages, camp grounds, we have some A t in vestments. Homes all prices from $1600 to 39000. Also farms from 1 acre to 1200 screv. tiivs us a chance to show you these.' We write all kind of insurance. CAPITOL REALTY CO., INC. New Senator Bldg. 216 North High St. Phone 1143 CLOSE IX CORNER: 60x100 at Division and N. Liberty St.. $3'J50, terms. W. H. ORABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty SL 186 acres, most of it In cultivation, good sheep ranch to trade for coast ranch or other property, $55 an scr and 11 miles to Salem, good road, close to school. $800 buys two east front lots with pavement and sidewalks paid up. 2 blocks to bos line. North Salem, one a corner lot, terms. Bargain. 400 arte ranch, all in 'cultivation, Eood bldgs., school on place, fine road, inn County, Trade for Salem proper ty. Land lays well, Sandy loam on H of place, bal. good aoil, very email Mtg, Wanted 4 room bouse close la and north of Court St. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 202 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg, SPECIAL HOME BARGAINS $7500 buya an attractive 8 room eosn plctely modern Dutch Colonial home, located- on corner lot with . both streets paved, 6 blocks out. THE PRICK OF THIS HAS BEEN REDUCED $2000.00 FOR QUICK SALE. $2900, caah. bal ance mortgage to be assumed. $9000 buy n attractive Colonial home consisting of 6 rooms, completely modern in, every way, large corner let, both streets paved, beautiful yard and shrubbery, double gar age. $1400 down will handle this home, located at 1815 S. Commer cial -St. LOOK . IT OVER, IT WILL APPEAL TO A LOVER OF A BEAUTIFUL HOME. $3150 buys a aew modern ssmi-Engllsb home consisting of 4 rooms, lsrge attic, full cement bssement, fire place, garage, furnace, east front loL $250 down, balance easy terms per month. Thia home Is located at 1630 Jefferson street. $3150 buys a new modern 6 room home with basement, furnsce and gar age, located at 1693 N. 17th StreeL $250 down, balance asy terms per month. $4500 buys aa attractive 5 room home all on eae floor, basement, fur nace, fireplace. Immediate pos session, located on Superior' St.. near Commercial. $3000 eoldiers' loan to be assumed, balance cash. $2650 buys a aew 4 room home .with nook, fireplace, oak floor In liv ing room, paved street. This home is located at 1120 Rural Ave. IT IS A BARGAIN FOR THE MONEY. $300 down, balance easy terms per mouth. Immedi ate possession. W. H. ORABENHORST A CO.. Resltors 184 S. Liberty St. Phoue 515 REAL ESTATE Trades 52 FIXE 40 ACRE SNAP Owner leaving must sell his farm, stock, crop, implements, new household goods. Everything goes st sacrifice. Prie $7500, terms. Very best of soil. ,35 acres cultivated, 5 a. timber and pasture. Crop all in; 2 fine large horaea, harness and wagon; 5 fine rows, 4 heifers, chickens, 2 pigs all implements and tools. If interested in buying a farm don't miss this chance. See Beehtel or Sears today. 341 State St.. Room 4. , EQUIPPED FARMS 6 aires. SO acre under cultivation, river bottom soil, alfalfa successfully grown in this district. Fair buildings. Price including all equipment, inelud ing 9 rows, $1600. Will accept trade to half value. 25 acre all under cultivation, food soil, new buildiavs. about IS miles from Salem on good road. Price equipped 34500. Will accept trade to about half value. ANDERSON A RUPERT 169 S. High Well located Alberta Wheat Ranch of 820 acres, te exchange for small Valley farm, value about ' $6500.00. might take city property. Fine seven room modern home well located in Portland ta exchange for acreage ' aear Salem, preferably Polk County. . - Ooed property located eoraer of 14 th ' aad Center to exchange for Ashland. Modford ar Greats Pass property, this property Is clear. SALEM REALTY CO. 442 State St., Salaam. -TWO GOOD TARM BUYS 15 H acre all fiae bottom land, fam ily orchard aad berriaa, 7 room mod era house, good barn. 4 mile' North af Galea. Thia place I priced below value at $8000. WIU taka a ham la Salaam aa part. 44 acre with good bulldiagn, 60 arras aaltlvated, torn timber, f cow. $0 sheep. $0 cblckeaa. good team, aU farmlag aaaipmeaL 84 aoras la erep aad alavar. AU gao for $80OO. Will lake a horn la Salem ar. Camp Ground. ' SEE Thomasoa with '" LEO.Tf .- CHILDS CO.. Realtor 824 State Street -. Pheae 1727 :V FARMS CAM YOU SEX THEM 34 acre near Weed an ra, aU good. Improved aad aaalpaad. pears aad ber ries. Price $5500 aad caa as Im proved aaiaaga keaaa ta Ssleta. S aera arttk atodera Improvements, la fratt aad ben lea,- eleae aa good read. $4044 aad aaa aaa Salem aaaa. 40 acres 4 Bsiles am gwod read, saed- ' arm hense, dairy bara, alfalfa woa derfal form aad yea aaa trade a Balem heme. - - .. -.-m - - 13 H acre 1 aslle of goad tewa. good , keaaa aad bara. boat af laad, equipped, eow. taeat, heg aad fata machinery, aU far $4840. . - 10 spUadtd Improved acres all equip ped aad pleated, eaat of Sal aad very aloe far $4404. Whv a' goad room asodera ' snVsMsVAt re$a v ' MeGILCURIST A PENNINGTON' .'09 10 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phoaa 146 REAL ESTATEFarms 53 SNAP: Two acre with small house aad barn located close in. Prlee $8100. $100 dewa, balance easy terma. W. H. ORABENHORST A CO. 134 8. Liberty SL A REAL BUT 40 acre dairy farm oa pavement $ miles from Salem In the Independence neighborhood. Oews. Horse. Poultry. Equipment, Household Furniture and Farm all goee for only $7,500.00. A. C. Bohrnstedt Realtor Loans Insurance 147 N. Com'l SL. Salem. Oregon FARM B AGAIN: 43 acre farm well located six miles east on the Silverloa road, buildings, fralL timber, paatare, running water. Price for quirk sale $6300. $2000 down, balance terms at 4 int. W. H. ORABENHORST A CO. 134 8. Liberty St. Trade. Nine acre tract, good laad. good location. Bungalow, take house- in Salem. Tea acre tract. good buildings, $3500, want home in Woodburn, Sa lem; or eiilv.rton. For Bala. Tan acre Chicken ranch. 400 laying hens. Incubator rapacity. 10,000. Orders booked for 5000 sbv chicks, a going business. Price $4250. F. L. WOOD. GEO. F. PEED 841 Sfate St. HOUSES TO TRADE FOR ACREAGE $1500 for small house and lot. Want acreage with or without bu.lJ ings to about same valuation. $2500 for 6 room eotts. Waats acresee to same value. $3500 for 6 room house on State Street. Want acreage to equal value. $4000 modern new home. Wants 1 or 2 arrea with or without buildings. $3000 new 7 room home, modern ia all respects, to trsda for suburban home of equal value. ANDERSON A RUPERT 169 S. High FOR SALE OR TRADE 157 acres, well fenced -and cross fenced. All ran be plowed. Most in clover and rye grass. Very good build ings. Water system. God rosd. 180 head of sheep with lambs. This place can be bought with stock for $18,000. Will take a good bouse in Salem up to $6000 as first payment and will give all the time a person wants at 6. Thia is a bargain and the only reason the owner weota to sell ia on account of old age. The improvements will run over $8000. and tl:e place is clear of all encumbrance. Rich L. Reimaran Realtor 219 N. High St. Tbone 865 FARMS FARMS FARMS 14 acres diversified fruit and berries. $5000, good road 7 mile from 8a lem. House, barn aad out build ings. Running water year around. .Spring piped to buildings. Will trsda for town property. CI acres valley land. $7000. Good house and barn. Some wood and pasture. Will trade. What have You t 100 acres $40 per acre. 1 mile to good valley town. Seeing is believing Let us show it to you. 67 acres 8S60O. 60 acres under plbw. Good land but poor building. Easy terms. Anything to trade! Tell ut sbout It. ULRICH A ROBERTS Resltors 129 N. Commercial 8t. Phono 1354 REAL ESTATE Sub. 54 4 aciIe snap This beautiful 4 A. traet was priced at $2000. Now $1000; only $250 cash down, balance to suit purchaaer. Very beat of soil all cultivated, hat a cozy and practically new California bunga low. 8 rooms, garage, woodshed, chick oa house. Ideal for a poultry farm. Owner a widow, works in town, must sell at once. See my - agents, Louis Beehtel or J. D. Sears, 841 State Street, Room 4. TRANSFER & HAULING 57 CAPITAL OITY TRANSFER CO. 311 State SL TeL 68S. Dittrlbutlag. for warding and storage aar specialty. Get ear rate. Prank 27L Newton Local aad long' hauling Light Country hauliag a specialty TeL 468 TRUCK HAULING WANTED. WILL GO any where. Have a aew truck and fast worker. John H. Scott, 805 Oregoa Bldg. Tel 2S4 or 688. We Move Store and Ship Household goods. Our epeelslty la piano and furaiture moving. We else amake country tripe. W handle th beat Coal and Wood Call aa aa far price. Wa give good measure, good quality and good service. Larmer Transfer Co. TeL 880. WATER 58 OREOON WASH. WATER SERVICE CO. Offiee 304 Sooth Oommerctal SL Tea par eeat discount on domestic flat rate paid la advance. No deduction for ab sence or any cauae unleaa wster is shut off-year premises. TRAVEL 59 A FINE NEW WATTTltff ROOM IN THE NEW HOTEL SENATOR Frequent Schedules Thirty Rid Books at lied seed Rates A Swift and Reliable Package Service Courteous Attention From All Employee ' These Are a Few of the Offer'ngs Mad th rubUe By PARKER STAGES, INC. lUft Leaving Times: Dsllas: 7 a. m., 9:10 a. m., 11.23 a. m, 2:10 p. m., 8:15 p. n. Independence 4 Monmouth: 7 a. m, 9:15 a. as. 11:15 a. m.. 3 p. m, 3:13 p. m.. 4:0 p. am. (Sunday only.y til vert. n: 7 a. m 11 a. m it p. m. Fall City. MrMianville, New berg. Hill boro, F erect Grove, Sheridan. TUla- meok: a, as., z:iw p. .as.. : Far' lafermatloa Call 228 ar 688. AUTOS WANTED 60 CASH PAID FOR FORDS EIKEB AUTO USED CARS ForSale 61 Special Prices 1938 Ess. I Ceaae $700.00 1987 Essex Coach 604.00 1986 Caavrolat Coach 400.46 1925 Star Tearing 800.40 1988 Chevrolet Oaape 176.44 1914 8tadkr Lirkt Six Tea tac . - .. $94.04 Newton Motor Co. Opposite Oity Hall Fhoa 1444 HighQrade Used Automobiles . Exceptional Prices 1497 Baa Light Btf Bodaa - ' ' 18IT- PaatU Cwaaa. . 1827 OaUaad Bedaa ;Mf Padga gmaaa?-: -,:: -1434 Bask tpatlaT Eacleser 148$ Baak Bpsfsl Oeaeh ! CadlOaa Sedaa 41 Bapf Soaaa ' s F. W. Pettyjohn Co. S6S Berth Cam arc! el Si.' . ' TaL 1$ $4 "AFT EX WE -SELL WB tXBY USED CARS For Sale 61 Compare Our Prices See Our Cars -We Invite Mechanical Inspection And Regard!ess of Every things 1 You Can Always Save $$$ HOLLYWOOD 435 No. Commercial GOOD USED CARS AT REASONABLE price. Guaranteed repair work. Tewing. Phoue 644 day or nighL l.e bengood A Ryan. 940 South Com' I St. Look Look Look Look Mr. Usejd Car Buyer Coupes - Sedans -Tourings Ail Kinds All Makes All Prices Fords To Parkards $50 To $1900 "Nuf Bed" Capitol Motors, Inc. Biddy Bishop 850 No. High St. 1 1 si Oil Grease Storage 'Washing Open All Nit. McKay's for Used Cars With an O. K. That ' Counts Ford Touring 6 35.00 2 Ford Tonrings each 50.00 1923 Chevrolet Touring 100 00 1926 Chevrolet Touring 800.00 1922 Nash Touring ..-. 100.00 1923 Chevrolet Coupe 350.00 1927 Chevrolet Coupe 52.V00 1927 Imperisl Landau Sedan 725.00 1926 Ford Touring -L 230 00 1924 Ford Truck 273.00 430 N. CommerelaL Tel. 1802 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company These good Used Cars are backed by Valley Motor Company, to be In first class condition and are priced correct ly according to mar ket. 1925 Dodge Coupe $495.00 925 Chevrolet Coach 295.00 1924 Ford Truck with six speed transmission, frsme exten sion, 12 foot stake body, steel cab, eterter 800.00 Tourince aad eounes which ere over hauled but not to a guaranteed condition can ba had at our lot for $50.00 to 1 100.00. Valley Motor Company Salem, Oregoa Salem Markets I -O a RAIN No. 1, wheat, white Red wheat, sacked $1.28 $1.34 $ .71 Oats, per ba. nulling PORK, MUTTON ASD BEET- Top hog Bows : Top steers Spring lamba Dressed veal . uresaed hogs : 9.00 .06 4. 07 .11(0-13 .03.07 .15 .IS .11 POULTRY Light hens Itesvy hens Springs broilers .13 .80 9-31 .13 .18. 30 EGOS. BUTTE. BUTTE XT AT Standards .17 liutterfat ... -46 Print butter 44. 45 V EGETABLES Beets, sacked . New cabbage - .08 .04 Potatoes ... $2.25. $3.00, $1.50 Celery, bunches $1.301.75 Sweet potatoes ...08j.07 New potatoes .14 Rejuvenated potatoes 10 Local onions 33 50 4 $4.04 General Markets I PORTLAND GRAIN PORTLAND. Ore.. April 9. (AP). Wheat bids: BBB hard white, April, May $1.53; hard white., bine atom, baart. fed eration, aoft whit, western whit, all $1.43; hard winter. April. May. $1.34; northern spring, all $1.35; weatera red all $1.84. Oats, No. 8, 86 pound, W. r., ditto rrar. Ann!. May. S4. Barley, 'No. 8, 45 pound B. W., all $41.50. Cora. N. 2. E. Y. shipmeat all $41; ditto No. 8. April. Mar. (40. atillrua. ataadara. April $80.50. May $81.. BAY PORTLAND. Or, April 4. ( AP). Hay buyiag price : Eastern Oregoa tim othy $30,40421; ditto valley $18018. 54: alfalfa $14618.50: eat bar 814.30 O 1$; straw $9.49 per lea. Selling price $8 a tea mar. DAIRY 'PORTLAND, Or, Afrit . (AT). saury a issssia, mm btioot. Batter, oxsra 89 H; staadard $$; prima (Irate SSVa: f irate 87Ta. Egg, extraa aaar Onto SIS; medium eitraa 23 He; maSlam snta I8m. 'J 9aataYB afSHIOmi FOKTLAXD. v AprU .(!. Batterfat la lawar; .4S steAlaa. 43 track, 45e fob FerUaad. Faattrr atoadr: kaavr keaa 841BB3: light 18 a 10 ; epriaga $44)81; breslor Baal pema watt aaea oe; colore nominal: tarkeys ATivo 859874. - Oaten steady ral $8.4049 8.04 pat w; fatataas iNttiui aK. ' FOBTLABDv Ore. April 4. fAF. Oattio: Calvea weak to ta lawar.. eelpta-1904. IneladUg 144 . . direct tar taroaaa.444 aalrea. . tssrs 1144 4 1809 pot ads, goad, $11 to $18f da.' 434 to 3104 poaaaa, good 1LU aa $18.6$; da.- $04 poaada aad p ataalaai $11 ta $ iiJis; 4a. caav $4.14 M $4.78 4 aaifera. 454 po 1 USED CARS For Salens i At i Phone 1027 lown, good 810.50 to $11; do, eemmoo to medium, $9 to $10.50; cows. good (H.oO to $10; do. common to medium $1 to $9.50; do, low cutters $4.25 to $7; hulls, yesrling excluded, good beef $7 to $7.65 ; do. cutters to medium $6 to 57; calves, 50O pounds down, medium t choice $L2 to $13; realers, milk fed, good to choice $13 to $14; do. medium $11 tu $13; do., cull to common $8.50 to $11.. Hugs, around lc higher; receipts, tHjO. including ld0 direct or through. Heavywe;:hi, 2i0 to 300 pounds, medinm to choice $j to $9.0; medium eis-M. 200 to 250 pounds, medium to choice $8.50 to $9.20; light weight, 16U to '.'00 pounds, medium to choice $9.15 to 9.40: lizht lirht 130 to 160 pounds, me Mium to choice. $8.85 to $9.30; parkma nws. rourh and smooth. 86.50 to $..50; 'laughter pig. 90 to 130 pounds, medium to choice $8.25 to $9: feeder and atocker pigs, 10 to 124 ponnds, medium to choice $7.75 to 38.75. Soft or oily hogs and ressting pig ex t'luded in above Quotations. Sheep and lambs, steady; receipts 180. , Lamba, 84 pounds, down, good to choice SJ3 to $15: do. 92 pounds down, medium $11 to $13; do. all weights, eul: to common, $9 to $11; spring lamb $l to $10; yearling wether 110 pound, down, to choice, $10 to $i2; ewes, 120 pounds down, medium to choice $7.50 to $8.60; do., 120 te 150 pound, medium to choice. $6.50 to $7.50; do., cvmmon $5.50 to $0.50. CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO. April ..-(API.-Vimi-sonable cold threatening new .winter wheat did much to lift grain values 1 1 day and so likewise did a big dWreaw of the corn visible supply. Number 2 red wintar wheat, immediate delivery, rose to $1.74 . bushel. Closing quotations on wheat were firm. V. c to He net higher with corn 4e to la up and.oata unchanged H tJ 7 8c higher. I NEW INCORPORATIONS o o The General Grocery company, with capital stock of S3.000.000. and headquarters in Portland. Monday filed articles in the statr corporation department. The in corporators are Andrew Koerner, 6. J. Young and G. L. Buland. Other articles follow: Eagle Valley Fruit Growers. Inc Newbridge, Baker county; $5000 A. R. Burford. George W. Down;.. and Ralph Holcomb. East Lake, Inc., Bend, $25,000; John Atkinson, Einar Mclstad an . R. B. Parsons. Hruby 4 Vesley, Inc., Portland $50,000; Charles J. Hruby Charles J. Vesley and C. H. Greene Parker Gun Sigh company. Butt Falls. Jackson county, $12,000. W. Ray Parker, Doris K. Brale,. and Chauncey Florey. DRUG HI I.I j SUSTAINED WASHINGTON. Apr. 9. (AP, Sustaining the validity of th Harrison anti-narcotic art. the st. preme court today ruled again the appeal of Thomas J. Casye. . Seattle lawyer, convicted of amui gling narcotics to lnmAtee of tl. county Jail there and who a tempted to have a 14 months sei tence set aside. THIEF ROBS CHURCH KLAMATH FALLS, Apr. 9. (AP) While hundreds knelt i prayer at the 10:30 a. m. Eastt Sunday mass, a thief stealth! . entered the sacristy of the Sacrt Heart Catholic church yesterdi. and stole approximately $21 which had been offered by t congregation a few minutes befot No clue of the robber was left b hind. rTRADE MARK" uThe trademark "XL" aa appllt to doughnuts and potato-chips h. on the twenty-slxtta of Man nineteen hundred twenty-eigl been filed with the secretary - state by L. E. Griffin. 2076 : 6th, Salem. M27A3-; EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that tl County Court of Marion Count State of Oregon, has appoint- the undersigned executor of t estate of George E. Parrls, t. ceased; AU persons having clah against said estate are required present them, duly verified wl the proper vouchers to the Fii National Bank of Corvallis. at t Banking-house of Ladd it Bu Bankers, In Salem, Oregon, wtt in six months from the date be. of, to-wit: March 13. 192$. FIRST NATIONAL BANK t CORVALLIS. OREGON. Executor of the Estate of Geo. . Parrls, Deceased. M13-20-27A3- NOTICK OP FINAl 8KTTLEMENT Kntlra la harabr cl Van that t nnrlarnlsrnad has filed In th Cot ty CoaTt of the SUte of Or4g( for th County of Marion, nsr at. Y4rlfl4d Final Account, as evtrlE of th last wiU aad t4 ment and e4tat ot Carrl Is. I N144). Deceastod. and that a. . rnrt has flxad Tuesday. th4 1 day of May, 192$, t U Boar ton o'clock A. M.. of said day. th Um. and th county uo. ttAAra In tba CoantY CoUt HOU at Salam. in Marlon County, O gon. as the place for Hearing a final account and all obj4cUc , thrto. -' Datd at SaUm,- Or4gon, tl. ZCth day ot March. 1923. , - EDITH D4NISS. EEiseutrlE of th Last Win a - Teatameat and Estat of Can . " I. DeNls, Decaaaad. nnviT.n !. tl LOVER. - I Attorn4T for Ex4cutrlx. : - CMUib, wnga- M27AJ-10-1T-2