THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON. TUESDAY MORNING. APRIL' 101923 The Oregon Statesman POLICE KEPT BUSY THE MORNING ARGUMENT I !( Oally Escapt Ho4j J I THE STATESMAN PUBLlSHLNQ COMPACT tlf Soatfc CanBrttl Straat, Bilta. Orfa , AUNTHET By Robert Quillen POOR PA By Claud Cadlan B 3. Bawtricks ... liasa-ar Xrl S. afcBaarry - , . aftasclag Editor Jpl C Cartla - ! . . - CUj KdiUr Ralph II. KUuisg, ASwtUiag Vaaan Way B. Stifflor - Saparfetaarfaa W. H. Headaraoa, Cirralattaa UiufH E. A. RaottB - - Livaatark XdtM W. C. Coaarr . PaaltTJ Buck ... Society E1 tor Numerous Persons Arrested and Fined; Several Stol en Cars Recovered 1SEXCEB Or TEE ASSOCIATED FKEU Tha Aasarlatai Praaa ia axrlB:l mitii4 t tha aaa fm Bmlwitin af alt 4iateha tca (T4iUd t it ar aut etatrwiaa cr4it4 im Uia aVpar aad alaa ta taaal aava pakttaat kum DURING WEEK END wfioQ MTSalacta4 Btrvaa. Ur Aaga busisess orncts: Otafca Bawtaaaara E-ac'fie Caaat RaeraaesUtUaa Dtf raruaae. eararity l:d.: Saa rraaetac,. Bftar.a Dlg.; I a In .. dtiea. alaraia BlS alaa, Caaatbar af Camararca Blag r. Clark tX, Ma T-rk. it 11a ataaaa Oflie IS ar 58 J aataty Hilar :o TELEPHONES Kaw l ar It Jaa lparaae . Ctrcutauta Uftiaa - EataraS at tha Po; Ofdia Saivai uri-a r'aaa laaltar. April 10, IWIH Now at that feast the governor was wont to release unto the people a prisoner, whom they would. And they bad then a notabla prisoner .called Barabbaa. Therefor when they were fathered to- Other. Pilate aaid onto them. Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbaa or Jesu which is called ChrUt? For he knew that for envy they had delivered him. Matthew 27:15-16-17-1. SJSfcaaBaKa m awaaaBBaaaMBaaMaB.aaMaaaaMaa"- an i - aai aaB aaa THE AMERICAN LEGION FOR PEACE The outstanding feature of the address of Edward E Spafford, national commander of the American Lejrion, to the splendid audience that filled the Salem armory to over flowing last night; an audience made up principally of mem bera of the Lejrion and the Legion Auxiliary of this section, and their especially invited friends The outstanding feature of the commander's splendid address was his' explanation of the stand of the American igiorvto the. last member, and the last member of the Auxiliary, made up of the women of the Legionnaires, for - ' peace. He said the San Antonio meeting the coming summer will go on record in favor of the Capper-Johnson bill for the uni versa! draft of man power and wealth, to prevent slackers and profiteers. This measure calls for a fair price for all labor and all materials in case of war. Its enactment into law will be a signal to the world that the United States does not want war, but that if war does come this country will be a unit. The national commander said that a war at any time in the future would not affect the great majority of the mem bers of the American Legion; they have advanced in years beyond the draft ages. But they have been through the horrors and losses and inconveniences of war. They know what war is And they want to prevent war coming to their children and the children of the rest of the fathers and mothers of the United States. - ' The address of the commander was an able and impres sive one. He told of the pilgrimage to Paris of the Legion naires last year; the manner in which the Americans were received by the French people ; how they were almost de ified in the expressions and actions of the French people. The American Legion is the most powerful organization in the world for the bringing in of a period of universal peace. THE SANTIAM PASS (Portland Journal.) The disclosure of affiliation between the Hill railroad system and the railroad project on the South Santiam river brings a thought. j Suppose that one of the railroads built up the canyon of the Deschutes river had been built across the Santiam pass. It is a low pass. The grades can be made easy. Suppose the line had been extended to form connection with Redmond or Bend. Suppose that it had been sent on eastward across the interior plateau to Crane gap in Harney county. Suppose the pine and fir adjacent to Santiam pass had been made available as eastbound freight. Suppose the Union Pacific had provided itself with an alternate line that could be used In connection with the main line down the rorge of the Columbia. What would be the difference in the development of Ore . gon today, had only the money which has been spent been used in a way that would get "into tonnage," as the railroad men say? , And if it would have been profitable a decade and a half ago, why not profitable today, when the United States has a population of 120,000,000, with need in proportion for lum ber, mineral fertilizer, livestock and grain? Likewise, if it is profitable to the Oregon Electric, as a Hill subsidiary, to build up the Santiam, why will it not be equally profitable to go on over the mountains to Bend and thus form a new steel link with the Klamath Falls line and with the great interior? ' The police blotter at the police statif.ii was pretty well filled up oyer Sunday and many fines were paid by those . arretted. Several were charged with being drank end disorderly, resulting in in paying of fines ranging from $10 to 125. Many ears were aiso report ed as being stolen. seTeral of which hare been located by local ponce The reports are as follows: Carl Inman. Venlta, Ore., was arrested by Officer Thomas Sunday for baring four adnlts In the iront seat of the machine which he was operating. He was cited to appear In Dollce court today at 10 o'clock The Ford coupe which was stol en Saturday from ISO south High street, was recovered by Officer Thomas, who found It parked at 14th and Waller streets, yesterday. Also the Chevrolet roadster be longing to A. Knox. 501 North Whiter street.- which was reported as being stolen on Saturday night, was located near Spong's landing by local officers. A motorcycle which was stolen from 2295 South Church street, has also been located by local police who found the machine abandoned at Rose dale. Salem police were notified yes terday afternoon that O. Soraham and Don Chong, Inmates of the state reform school, had escaped.. It la believed that they headed for this city and police were ordered to watch for them. . Frank Sullivan, 14 8 North Com mercial street, was arrested by Of ficer Putnam Sunday night, charg ed with being drunk. He was fined $10 in police court yesterday. Jack Harris, Salem, was arrest ed by Office Putnam Sunday night charged with being intoxicated and breaking glass on thoroughfare. He appeared in police court yester day where he was fined $20. Edwin Nlsson. 1045 North Church street, reported that hh Ford coupe which was parked on fSijh street, had been stolen early Sunday night. Before the night was half gone Officer Putnam arrested his third victim, Clark Valentine, who wai charged for being drunk on tht streets of this city. He appeared in police court yesterday where hf was fined $25. Not being able tc pay tha fine,. he was lodged in the city JalL Mrs. Elsie Koop, 1187 Soutl Commercial street, was fined $10 in police court yesterday charged with selling cigarettes to minors Frank Webb, Salem, was arrest ed by Officer James late Sunday night charged with being intoxi cated on the streets of the city and as a result was fined $10. Monro H. Butler, Salem, was arrested by Officer Kuykandali yesterday, charged with issuing bad checks without sufficient funds in the bank on which the check was drawn. He was arrested on a warrant from Justice court. A Chevrolet touring car which was reported as being stolen in Silrerton was located here yester day morning. Hubert Creig, 1125 Wallei street, was fined $1 In police coun yesterday morning charged with riding his bicycle in the city Sat urday night without lights. He was arrested by Officer Thomas. Local police department receiv ed a call from Roseburg last inght. mrorming them that the Ford coupe which, was stolen in this citj aunaay mgnt had been located h; that city, by the sheriff of tha county. Edward Nlsson, 1041 North Church street, the owner, was immediately notified. The above questions of the Portland Journal are pertinent ones, and the comments appropriate. There has long been business waiting for a railroad through the Santiam pass; there is more business, in sight now than ever before, and there will be a vastly greater. business developed whenever such a line is constructed. That railroad is a project that ought to be consummated soon , To say nothing of a paved highway over the Cascades through the Santiam pass Both the railroad and the high way are certainties of the future; and perhaps the near future. One of the striking things in the growth of Salem is the growth of her suburbs; especially is this illustrated in the building activity in West Salem and Kingwood Park and the high ground overlooking that section Kingwoo Heights. Do you know of any other town that had 40yper cent increase of its school population in 1926," and 60 per cent last year? Or that is now approaching in building permits its record of the whole of last year? There are other developments just around the corner. In West Salem and Its environs, that will give further surprises and "make more striking comparisons. $50,000 Damages Asked for Personal Injuries . jj"-.1 - . ... . PORTLAND, April 9. (AP) . Suit for $50,000 peraonal injury damages was' filed In federal dis trict court here today by Paul r Bernard Wiss, 16, through his guardian. . Pant Hoomlasion, , against the Booth Fisheries com r pany, a De'leware corporation, en- MaCAgad In fishing in the lower Col- Astoria. i- Wiss, the complaint recites, was engaged by- the defendant fo oper ate a fish boat, owned by the de fendant company, and on August 17, 1127, It Is alleged, his cloth ing? was caught Jn; machinery aboard the boat and as a result one of hi legs was broken in sev eral places, his ankle fractured and his leg and foot mangled.'" It has been charged that tha machia-. mbla river with headquarters! at ery was not properly guarded. pae o F JOHN mm EE John Walling died at Toledo, Oregon yesterday, April 9, 1928. at the age of 82. Mr. Walling was a. Polk county pioneer; came across "the plains ar a babe in arms In 1847. from Ohio. He waa born in the earlr part of that year. He lived all the Intervening time at Lincoln, Polk county, till about three years ago, when he disposed of his Interests there and moved to Toledo. He was prominent In Polk county and Oregon affairs for tha space of three generations. He Is survived by has widow, Cella.J. Walling, by two sons. Tracy and Alvln, both of Lincoln. Oregon; three brothers. Jesse D.. of Lincoln; Grant, of Wheatland. Oregon, and Ben F., of Portland. Oregon, and four sisters, Mrs. Frank McFarland of Salem. Mrs. Wm. Toner of Toledo, Oregon. Mrs. Frank Peasley of Portland. and Mrs. O. S. Pomeroy of Klm- berly. Idaho. Likewise 13 grand children of Lincoln. Oregon. Re mains are. In charge of the Salem mortuary ana announcement of the funeral will appear at a later date. "If it's broad mlndedness that makes 8allle talk about sex. how come she can't talk about anything elseT" (Oovrrlsht. IMS. rakUaaara BradiaaU.) "Cousin Flora don't like men hut I don't know whether It's be Mini she sees them fllrtin with young airto or because they're so respecuui, aiunu - Caartij-at, ISM. Pualiaaara SjmHtmU . Third Member Portland Gang Arrested in Salem Elmer . E. Zimmerman, alleged to be one of a gang of Portland burglars broken up through the wit of 16 .year old Marian La Fave of that city, was arrested In Salem yesterday afternoon. Port land officials were Immediately notified ana Zimmerman was ta ken to Portland where it is under stood he was lodged In the Mult nomah county Jail. He was arrested here by depu ties from the eounty sheriff's of fice on a warrant forwarded from Portland. Tha alleged gang of burglars was arrested after Miss La Fave had reeognled clothes that had been stolen from her being worn by another girl. She scraped ac quaintance with the girl and was eventually invited to her home where she identified other stolen articles. PORTLAND, April 9. (AP) With the arrest today in Salem of Elmer Zimmerman, and the ar rests here Saturday night of Ver non W. Knight and J. P. Bauer, Knight's next door neighbor, po lice tonight declared the robbery of many Portland homes had been cleared up. 5 H. Chrlstofferaen, chief crim inal deputy sheriff, said the arrest of Zimmerman at Salem, followed the confession of Knight . and Bauer. Zimmerman, they are al leged to have aald. was their leader. Zimmerman moved to Sa lem two weeks ago. Police say loot was found stored In tha attics and cellars of the homes of Knight and Bauer. This included women's apparel, rugs, silverware, stand lamps, radio seta and furnishings usually found in every horns. Scores of men and women visited the county Jail storeroom today in attempts to Identify property stolen from their homes. Burglary charges were filed to day against Bauer and Knight and their bail was fixed at $1,000. each The arrest of Knight and Bauer took place after Miss Marian La Fave, a high school girl, had dis covered the daughter of Knight wearing her blouse and tie. She cultivated the acquaintance of the girl, she said, and visited the Knight home. There she said she located the La Fave radio set and other articles. COLLEGE FOUNDER PASSES rrominent Pioneer Priest In Northwest Dies At Age of Ninety One PENDLETON, Apr. 9. (AP) Father Joseph M. Cataldo, S. J.. Of nnnTovn nnlnnltT arnVin ad at a hoflnltal here. v u ' yate W aUQ aiUTT 1UB TV UQ, fSSaVU LUv good work toward preservation of peace between the Indians and whites. Then he founded Gonza ga university, and built the first Catholic church in Spokane. He was sometimes called "The Fath er of Spokane." His missionary work epread over the northwest, reaching from Wyoming on the one side to Ore gon and Alaska on the other. It was said of him that "the his tory or tne northwest can never be written without including Father Cataldo.- Red man and white man alike honored and lov ed him as he moved fearlessly through the troublous days of the young northwest, before te- OIF yoim astt att mice q p We are overstocked on Briquets and in order to reduce our stock, will sell the famous FOR A FEW DAYS AT A REDUCED PRICE IPIHIONIB NOW! H A IE R3 EE ES. IF USDS (g today. Father Cataldo. a Jesuit, was 'or sixty years a missionary among he Indians of the west, and was superior of the missions of Mon- ana, Idaho. Washington and Alas ka. He was born in Italy and ?ame to the United States sixty years ago In ill health, after hU ife had been despaired of In Surope. He had dedicated his life to the work of the Society of Jesus some 15 years before coming to Amer ica. On December 25 last, he cel ebrated his 76th anniversary as a member of the order. Funeral services will be held Thursday at the Saint Andrewr -ntesion near Pendleton. Inter--nnt will be in the1 Mount Saint Michael cemetery near Spokane. churches of Christianity. Eastern Star Convention Attended By Brooks Folk BROOKS. April 9. (Special) I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Aspinwall, Mrs. George Ramp and Mr. and Mrs. SPOKANE. Apr. 9. (AP) Father Joseph M. Cataldo. S. J., who died in Pendleton, Ore., to- lay, planted the cross In the Pa cific northwest before even the flag of the United States was well known there. Last month- he celebrated here lis 75 years of service In the mln- try with a diamond Jubilee, at which congratulations were sent im by Pope Pius XI. President Calvin Coolidge. the . general of he Society of Jesua at Rome, and nany other prominent men. His career was an epic of the missionary life, coming as he did Tom a foreign land to win the Indians of the wild northwest to hrlstlanlty. He founded a col lege and many missions and was active until his death, although the venerable prelate was forced o use crutches. An accident earlv '.n his career resulted in his being given tne name or "Kaoushln." or broken leg, by the Indians who loved him. He erected the first chanel in the Spokane country and estab lished a school. His work led him into Montana, and over north ern Idaho, converting the Flat- heads, Pend O'Reilles and Nes Perces. He was credited with Search Begun for Ship Unheard of for Month "SEATTLE, Apil 9. (AP). Unheard from since March 5, the motorshlp Iskum of Seattle with four Seattle men aboard and prob ably a number of Aleutian natives, will, be sought for )n the .Bering sea by United States fisheries ves sels and the coast guard. Radio messages received here today from Unalaska said the craft touched at Atka 35 days ago before "Sailing westward to pick up employes of fur ranches on Isolated islands in tha Bering ea.--,i-.-.:.j."'.: The Iskum, owned by the Kana ga Ranching company of Seattle, was commanded by Captain Har old E. Bowman, president of the company. The ship was to have called at Dutch Harbor at Fats. Pass nearly three weeks ago be fore proeeadlns to Seattle. Ralph Sturgls were among those attending the district convention of the Eastern Star at Woodburn Wednesday eveninr. April 4. Mrs. Margaret Barnes of Grants Pass, worthy grand matron of Oregon, mad her official visit to the chap ters at this time. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Barnard of Oakland, Calif., were weeV-nd guests of Mr. Baynard's sister, Mrs. Ralph Sturgls. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ramp spent Thursday in Portland on business. Mr. and" Mrs. Willard Gay of Portland were Easter guests of Mr. Gay's sister, Mrs. Willard Ramp, and family. Harry Sturgls of the Oregon Tech of Portland. Is spending his Easter vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sturgls. Mrs. C. V. Ashbaugh has re turned home from a three weeks visit with relatives at Seattle and Vancouver, Wash. According to Greek mythology, the mountain on which the gods dwell is Mount Olympus, an an- w.r.H nn.atlnn nnlnti nut in T .1 H- lerty Magazine. -ta! - m'jr fit rcejr Becke & Hendricks 189 N. High Telephone 161 You MUST be registered before you can vote. No one can be SWORN IN on Election day. ALL VOTERS must be REGISTERED 30 DATS before any Election. This law is an amendment to the Constitution and was voted In by the People at the June 1927 Election. Registration closes April 17th A voter who is now registered and moved out of his precinct, or wishes to change his politics, or a woman who hat married must REREGISTER. If you are registered, and voted once in the two years last passed, and have not moved you need not register. To register call at the County Clerk's Office, or any of the Registrars"' in the different parts of the County, all are au thorized by law to register you free of charge. Do this now. if not already registered, so you can vole on Election day. U. G. BOYER, County Clerk TO BE ANNOUNCED THURSDAY GIESE-POWERS Furniture PTT3 TV l wed 1 1 sua eeta PAG Is it caused by overwork either mental or physical -or is it due to a condition of the system known as "over acidity"? ' Scientists claim the latter cause to be largely responsible for lack of endurance, and emphasize the vital importance of mamtaining the "Chemical Balance" that margin by which alkali exceeds acid in the blood. r - This natural tonic is Alkaline in action neutralizes the acid and supplies mineral elements which, are absolutely essential to health. IFIG HEALTH-ORE ; Sold by All Druggists ai! a