The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 07, 1928, Page 8, Image 8

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St. Paul's Church
At the corner of Church and Chemeketa Streets
' Extends Easter Greetings and an
I invitation to worship with them.
First Presbyterian Church
REV. N. K. TULLY, D. D., Pastor
Morning Worship in Waller Hall of
Willamette University 1 0:45 A. M.
Sermon: "The Joy of the Resurrection. "
Easter Cantata 7:30 P. M. in the Church.
Read the Church Notices
You will find many .
You Should Attend Church
First Congregational Church
... , WBli
9:45 Easter Program in Sunday School
1 1 :00 The Presence of Immortality
7:30 "The Soul of Man"
(In Moving Pictures)
C. E. WARD, Pastor
en w
BBeBBnmnBs5aaa&. i HO Mllull I ipB,-, j J !a
You should always go to
Church on Sunday
But You should especially go
A Peacef ol Easiteir
- To All
Featuring "The Cross and Crown," sun exercise
Tableau and Pantomime
David Smith, Jr., Will Sing
Salvation Army
241 State Street
First Methodist Church
State at Church
Fred C. Taylor, Minister
6:30 A. M. Epworth League Praise Service and Breakfast.
9 :45 A. M. Sunday School session. Easter Offering for World Service.
U:00 A. M. Sermon by BISHOP E. B. JOHNSON of Capetown, South
xSacrament of Baptism and Reception of Members by the Pastor.
A Suariae Praise meetiag will be held
t 6:S0 a. Eutir Sunday merniBg.
Special bubUw aad a devotional period.
The psster will ipttk the special
Eaator theme at the li o'clock hour,
"Did Teletey and Mary Garden Oct the
c Spiritual Significance of the Resaarec
tioat" Soared aoaeart of Eastar muaie
will bo given Eaator Sunday evening at
7;3. Tka ekoir will bo aasisted by
Pad' a qaertet aad otkor aololsts.
(Methodist Eplecopal)
Boutk Coauaarcial and Myera streets,
a. parlow Johnson, pastor, 848 E. Myera
St. Phoae 1764. I a Mar Sunday will be
tha laat oppertuaity t kaar Blakep X. 8.
Jekaaoa at Africa. Suariae prayer aad
E servioe madar tka aaaplaaa of tka
rth Uafva at 6:0, iln. bBi
Idea loadlac. kferainf waraklp 11
; a. m. AaUaaas by tka ckotr, "Allalolat
Ckriat la KUa," (Draw) aad "King All
WMcioa tau. jsapttasa of laraats
. "Cfcriat Oar Hap tba pastor. "Ckrist
tka Hops af tta World." Biakos Jaka
aaa. At tka T:80 koar Bishop Jokaaoa
wtu tall or kla travals aad work la Afri
favillastratlaf kis talk witk a larra na
Mr of baaatifal atraoptieaa piotaraa.
Ckarck school at 8:45 witk a plaoa for
roryona. In Corner, 8upt. Epworth
Man a la Malta aau at w.wo. Tka Eas
tar huraos will k prossatod by Cartls
rraacb, tka proaidoat. latormodlata
kacaa at :i0. atlas Rath Hasaitoa
Sapt. Maotiaa- at tka official board
paacponod oa aseooat of Diatrio Vans
Coaacil aaootin at Kawbarg . Kld-waak
prayrr aad atady aaaotiac Tharaday at
7 :t0. Choir rakaarsala Tharaday to-
mimg, J.-William Batcbor.'dtroetar.
txs ran ckszttxalzst ohtteob
Ot Salm. will bold sarrleoa at tkair
411. "Prataraal , Templa," 447 Castor
straot, tkia Snrda aroaiaf. April I, at
1.M9 o'eloek. lvie or avaalac Mdraaa,
"rrleada." J.n y Mrs. LOa Mat-
llaaiedt of rrtB.-Mra. LoaaUa Bataa,
HI Mrs. cooser or saias. paaua la
cordially laTHed.- ' r .
MS Tarry St. Scaday school pagtaa
prosaptty at :45 Wnltr W. Walla, Sapt.
Pari of tba ho- i t-H h doretod to tka
tmdy af tka lr . ; ... thaa abort
Eaator yrarrae. , . : gifn by tba
child r a. UornU t wrhip at 11 Velaek.
Babjeet of mosr?. He la Elian." Evo
laf . aarriaa at 7 :30. Scrmoa aabjaat,
"Tka Eaaltad Christ." A aonaamatta
wiO also ba giwt by a laymaa ar woov
aa, Tka tUaa at Tuoaday avaalag'a pray
aaatiac will aa aavatoa to prayari
tka maaaraoV - Wadaaadar aroainx.
rr pooolo'r prayer ajootia at tka
aoaar'a kosM. Triday tajeatac Blkla
atady la tha first caaptar of SI Joha's
(aayai, j prsyrr aaa laswmony. s. r.
it 4araUanaliaxTla aa- Saturday ara
ala. Wa eztaad a cordial Invitation to
srarybody to attaad any of tkaaa aarr-
iOaa. If MB uad h1n Kl
ooma aad 1st aa pray witk yoa for what
ever yoa noed. Phil, 4:19. J. O. Miaton,
isw, tiv n. iath St. none S689-J.
S41 State street. Special s err lee to
algkt at o'clock, with visiting aiafar
and apeakar froaa Seattle. Sunday asora
lna pnblle meetiaf, 11 o'clock. Sanday
aekool, 2:0 p. b. Tonag people' kaar,
6 to T. Aaaaal Easter program will take
place Saaday evening, commencing at
a eloek. Special featnree tnclada a paa
tomlae. aad an exercise entitled "Croaa
and Crown," aad David Smith. Jr., tka
latter one of Salem's yoaageet entertain
ers. A service will be held at tka Mate
penitentiary Saaday afternoon.
IStk aad Mill 8t. Patrick Dahlln,
pastor. 195 g. I5tk. Servlcea, 11 a. m.,
and 7:80 p. m. Sarmoon topics: "Itr
5il L'f-' Bpial servieea, masie, ate.:
Tka Saaday school gives aa Easter pro
gram ta ,tho avaaing. Saaday aekool,
9:43 a. m.; Miaa E. Erieksea. Sunt,
voaag People's meetings: 6:30 p. m.
Week day serrieaa: Tka Ladies AM will
Taeaday it I p. a. in the home
af Mrs. XOQaldoa, (48 . 8. 14th St.
P'yer maatiag Wednesday at 7:80 p. m.
A peeks re sale wiU he held on Frldey at
7:89 p. s. Ton ara aU eordUHy Invited
ta ar tervicea.
420 8tsU street Ralph D. Bollock.
Pastor, 460 8. CotUgo-St. Phone 9S8M.
Service, 8:80 aad T:4 p. m. Sanday
school. 1:80 p. m. Tonng people' a meet
f. p. an. Weak-day eervleee: Wed
aaaday, Tharaday aad Oatarday atgku at
7:48. All ara invlud ta cone aad kaar
tka wondarftrt things which tka Lord 1
bringing fortk tkaaa daya from Ria holy
aftka Holy Spirit to save, parity aad
MVa "v xus soon earn-
war. wa iib a
: BSTRAxr uroBJcss ohueoh '
rp. . CWnltol Vl a.. a.J.
school 16 a-m. and EaarUsh aervlee ll
with holy aammaaioa at tka cloea.
jb. tswmmji uaiaaer. - t. , -- - .
' Ooa. H. lUk and Kak. 4m w w
Bladgwtt, pester, i Res. 1748 Kah. Ara,
Phone zeaaJ, Barrteasr 11 am lUa-
rreailaa"t ItdK s.m EnaHllMU Cb..
eial 9 nala by tka ejaartaa. Saaday school
10 a.m. v a. oraaneia. Bans. . roaae
people's meetlag. :4A, Tloyd Bailey,
Proa. Joalor O. X. at 8 a'alaek, Mrs.
Warklag, aVipt. Prayar moatiag at 780
Tnitnaf ovum. - iu m au wabaa
day... Quarterly meetlag a Friday ava
aing at 8 aUck, Sapt. vU
ba present. W. M. A. W.dn..4.-. .-.
cioca. master procram flundav morn
7 "- yrvgram nanaiT morn- vouri ana J ia sis. morris . neasuo
10. All are welcome to 'The er, minister, 144 S. 19th. Tba year's nwsi
Church With The Open Door". sacred day is at hand, commemorating
' humanity 'a most tremendous event the
Ckriat the Lord la Risen 1 Hallelujah I
Mr mo true caster gospel at thta chnrefe
on Sixteenth and A fits. Rev. H. W.
Gross, pastor. Services in the -Eaglish
language at 9:45 a.m. German service
at 11 a.m. - Holy communion will ba cele
brated In the Oennan servieea. confession
beginning at 10:80. The choir will sing
"Hallalajab. Jesas Lives", by Brw'ten
bach, la both services. Wa eztaad a
hearty weloome ta all.
ltk and Perry Sta. H. C. 8tover.
minister. Donald J. Allieon. organist.
Tka Ckriatlaa Endeavor aaeietiaa meet for
aa Easter prayar aervlee at 7 a.m. Sen
ior Endeavor breakfast at 8 of lock. Pro
gram and dramatisation of tka Easter
story at 10 a.m. Morning worship at
11. Sermon "Riwii Witk rkriK" ..ji..
anea of baptism and reception o'f mem
bora. Tka ministry of masie Includes an
y ne eaoir -canst itetng K;a
a" aad a solo "Open The Gates ef the
Temple" snag by Mr. Everett Craven.
Eastar cantata "On rLiving Lord" (Wit
aa) will ho presented hy the vested choir
at 7:80 p.m. The choir will he assisted
by Mr. Everett Craven ef Fertlaad and
Mrs. L. J. Murdoch, ckotr director of the
first Congregational cknreh of Corrsllis.
Abo cantata aambera. follow: Chorns
"Hail. Day of Vletory" (Iaeldental ao
loa hy Mrs. p. E. Brown and Donald Bar
nard) : Chorus "The Entry Into Jero
aalem" (With Mea'a Chorea and Wom
an' Oioras): Bo!o "The Last Bnpper"
(Mra, L. J. Mardoek); Chorus "Tha Cru
cifixion "; Chorus "The Burial" With
tenor and eaatralta duet); Solo "Xight
Within tha Garden" (Miaa Peart Eyre);
Crus "Tka Opaa Tomb" (Women's
eherua and Man's chores) ; Chorus "Th
Aagel'a Song" (Two part Women's chor
es): Ckoros "Tha Women at tho Sepul
eher" : Solo "I Knew That My Redeem
er Myjth" (Xrt. L. t. Mardoek); Cbor-
Oar Lord Tieterlaue" Sole "Life
TZl Haada" (Mr. Everett Cravaa):
Plaal Chorus "Tha riag af Olary".
W- Ca" - Jr.'OlVlaa'pla.' paa
ter. Baa. 1BU . Cbarah. Phoni abllJ.
ervlaaat 11 at Eaator program by tka
fhJlar" aad yaaaf peetiTe; 7:80 p.m
"Tis Pint SMM.tU.
- - . ------ myiiiknmk
reearractlaa aad It la eaeaatlal to have
Kr n sao iirat rasarreelteu la ardor ta
prepared for tho general reaurreetlea
wnlek ta a HiiiMtU. s k. vj-; m
day aehaollO a.iL, Mr. Walter 3srkus,
S4IU Court St. a . Jeknaoa. pastor.
Baa. 441 8. Cottage. Serviaee at aad
Cpjavr- sisssj aaaeoi a p.i
igtaau BacL Evanaellak SU
laruiooa Baaday, Meet-
snaak at both ao
laga for aaxt week
4 njm.
ik field will
will ba aaaeaaeed 8aa-
P18 " ' . -
air 81 ali a8r 1 IftB. KaBlaetawfr hwa.aifr 1 an If an ohaata . Van. . s.
WW Thay rallt hah at, thai! a-m. aarviaa. PraaaMli.
- . 1 ..... . . v : n
from, the tomb. Court 3treet begins the
dsy Wtth a suariae prayer meeting at
6:80 fallowed by a breakfast aad apoo
sored by the Endeavorers. Note, tbia will
be at the church as the community prayer
meeting is reported cancelled. Bible
school at U:4S. duriag which session an
First chureh. Cor. Liberty and Chem
eketa 8ts. Sunday moraing services at 11.
Sunday evening services at 8. Subject af
son sermon "Are Sin, Disease and
Death Real. I" Wednesday evening testi
monial, meeting at 8 o'clock. - Sunday
school sessions convene at 9:45 and 11
a.m. Reading room at 406 Maaonie Tem
ple open daily from 11 to 5:80, except
Sundays and holiday.
North Winter A Jefferson 8ts. This
sburch extends a cordial invitation to tka
Dnblie to share with it in all Its arviMt
of Easter Sunday: Sunrise service 6:80
a.m.. lor joung and old. followed by fel
lowship breskfsst in tka League rooms.
Public worship at 11 a.m. Easter ser
mon by tha pastor. Baptismal aervire for
iafanta and others, also reception of new
members into the church. Special Easter
masie by tha choir. Tbara will ba is.
ciat Easter program Sunday evening 7:30-
"New Life". "New Life Through the
Risen Lord". The Day of Resurrection,
hymn. Prsclamation, Easter Herald.
Prayer. Response by tha choir. Easter
ttory Junior Pulls. God Hath Sent His
Angel High school and Junior high de
partments. Part 2. "New Life for Na
ture . Proclamation Easter Herald.
Bang and Faatoaiiae "Tha Waking of
the Flower" Primary Dept. Song. Aa
Caster Carol Elisabeth Lewis. Eastar
Meeeage Primary Pup-la. Myran. rjr--
est Lord Jesus. Fa-t 3: "New Life for
the Nations". Proclamation Easter Her
aid. New Life for tha Xxiint
high department. Hyma, We've a Story
to Tell to tha Nations. Hark Tea Than
and Harp aad Voice. Other Service
ra:.. Church aekool, 9:45 a.m. Classes
for all ages. Goal for tkia session 500
preeont. Junior church in Wesley Hall
11 a-m. Robert Witty will preach. Three
P-aa. Junior high ; high school aad yaaag
rn) 1. tr.r.i. ntai, USaa
(arum for adalts la rharck ackoal aaaaa
it 4 -10 dm. Vina VI.. 1
wotaklp aarvUes; earn eat gosp'el preach-
'"- snij your uienaa aa-a eomo early
Large crowds expected at aU services
- f - - , ..vwr. IVXy.
sssisUat. U charge af junior church.
" (Bplaewpai)
tThwrehi and a - . ,
Deaeaa Chambers, Raetor. Eaatar bay'
Tha aarviaa wiU ha at 7:10 a.m 8:80
-"- nam . a-m. .aa latter with nsnaic
y tta vested ahatr. Tha church school
a-111 aaaat aS B -11 a ..a ...a.-IT "j
i v J i their
I "Come Ye - Faithful" by Sullivan.
loris. Crstius Tibi. and Credo by Harker.
"At tlie Lamba High Feast We Sing" bv
Sivy. Anthem, "Christ Our Psssover-'-
y Chsppel. Anthem, "Unfold la Por
:sls" b Grounod. Saraun Cords, Sane
lus. Benedietus and Agnna Dei by Hark
r. Gloria in Excelis, old chant. Fourfold
Amen. Recessional, "He ia Risen" by
N'cander. The member of the choir are:
Msrjory Walker, director; Miss Margar
et Blumenberg. organist; Mrs. V. E. Kuhn,
Misa Irene da Lisle. Mrs. .Jessie Bush,
Vernice Bo we, Mrs. Rose Babcock, Sarah
Lansing. Myla Chambers, Eileen Gilaon,
Jennie Thompson. Lucy Brown, Bertha
Orford. Mrs. C. D. Adam, oDnald Taylor,
R. II. Neimeyer, Gwyn Adama, M'm. Blum
enberg, Rhea Luper, Tom Tsttum, Edith
Jenks, Mary Kafoury. Jack Bush. Billia"
Bush, Eunice Wenlock, Sylvia Thompsoa
and Virginia Page.
1810 8. High St. Sunday school 10
a.m. Bring your bible. Preaching ser
vices at 11 a.m. aud 7:80 p.m. Captain
G. L. Hall of the Gospel Life Line Work
will preach both morning aad evening.
Special music. Prsjer meeting Tharaday
evening at 7:30.
Cor. Chemeketa and N. 17th. G. E. Er-
skine. pastor. Res. 268 N. 17th St. Phone
1003 w. services: ll a.m., and 7:80
p.m. Topics: Faster Mesaagea From tba
ltisen Christ. Instead of the regular eve
ning preaching service, the Sunday school
will give sn esster service consisting ot a
song service end pagenat. Sunday acbool:
10 a.m. U. n. SitrausDaegn, upt. csntt-
tan hinoeavor, o:au, nuin ouren, leaaer.
Choir practice Wednesday evening at
7:30. Mid-week prayer service Thursday
evening at 8 o clock:, t. ivurz, leaaer.
Center and Liberty fits.' f. B. Culver,
rstor. Sanday acbool meets at 9.45.
I. Thornton, Rupt. Preaching at 11.
Subject, "The 'Glory of the Resurrection."
la connection with the morning service
there will be recepttoa of membere and
baptism. Evangelical Leagaa of Christian
Endeavor meet at 6:30, Barilla Pbelpa,
Pra. Lanrenca Ms ves, leader. Subject.
"Why Wa Believe fa Immortality." At
.7:80 tka paster wit) continue the discua
sioa of tha subject "Immortality". Pary
ar meottBg Thursday at 7:80. .,.
Car. 8. Commercial aad Wash i art oa 8ts.
Sunday school 10 a-m Mrs. Marguerite
Elliott, Sapt. Meeting far warship, ll.
"Christ Arose", violin sole. "Jesus tha
Saviour ia Risen", chair. Sola by Harry
Pearson. Sermoa: ,"The Believer' a Rea
nrrectiea. 6:80 p.m., Christian Endeavor
prayer meeting. ,7:80, eveniag warship
aad aoaf aewviea. . "Gsthsemsne", selo.
"What Will Yen Da With. Jesual" chair.
"Tha Flaee Whara tba Lard Lay", duo.
"When I Remember Calvary", choir.
"Blast Ba the Para la Heart", aota. "Of
II ow I Lara Him", chair. "I Died Bro
ken Hearted", girls' ah eras. Eaatar
-koughts by tha pastor. Wa 1 a vita yaa
to theaa servleee. Chan. C. Ha wo rth. paa-
tar, lefiS, 8. Liharty. u.
rmsa iotbosibt "-
Car.- Markat 1 and X. Winter Sta. --. Aa
Ca&ter program will be given during the
tsual Sunday acbool hour. An Easter ser
mon will be preached at 11 o'clock. The
young people will meet at 6:30 p.m. and
song service will be .held at 7:30.
Preaching again at 8 a.m. Prayer meet
ing Wednesday afternoon at Mrs. Carolina
Jackson'a, 1463 N. Winter St. Thursday
eveaing at tha church; W. N. Cofffae,
Center and Liberty Pts. Charles' E.
Ward, Rea. 440 Center St. Services: 11
m., "Tha Presence of Immortality"!
7:80 p.m.. "Tha Soul of Man". Sunday
school, 9:45. Special Eaatar consecration
service. Mark McCallistar. Sunt. Friend-
hinr Dianer Clah meets Monday at 6:15.
all members should plan to come. All
u sinners ana inenas are urge to attend
tha services af warship Eaatar Day. New
members will ha received at tha morning
service, children will be baptised, and
thara will ba apocial Eaator music, Tha
serviea in the evening will be helpful ta
all wke coma.
'8tete aad 18th Sta. Rev. A. L. Heine.
pestor. Sunday ekool at 8:40 a.m.,
Martha Batterman. Supt. German Eaatar
serviea at 8:45 a.m. and English Eaatar
serviea at 11 a.m. At 7:45 r.m. tha
Lather Loagua will give a pageant, "The
Ufa Immortal". The nubile ia eordialUv
Invited to aU of theaa servieea.
E. J. Asehenhrenner, paster. 684 N.
Winter St. Phone 680 M. Saaday school
st 10 a.m employing bath tha English
ind tha German lana-uara. aunarintandad
by Mr. Martin Sehreiber. At 11 a.m. aa
Caster sermon hy tha pastor la German
and at 7:45 p.m. La English. Epworth
League devotioaal service la English at
7 p.m. led by Mia Margaret Sect h off. the
teple being "Tha Living Comrade". Tha
reguUr mid-week prayer maatiag will ha
Tteld a Wedaeadar avanlna at 1 aa
Thursday evening, April 18, at 7 :80 pjn.
Rev H. Schaadal ai Germany will give a
stereepticen lecture a bant our ahUd-rellef
wor ta uarmaa. wa extend a cordial
walcama ta alL
Hieh and raa tar r v n.
a EL. 9A V ra..n k a a mtwf a
-7-- - a aw. ".tin, aea
vices: 11 a.av, "Iaspiratioa af tha Roa-
""' . v:e p.m., A rf Cns
tare . Spoeial aad appropriate masie at
each aanlea Manilla uka1 a.aa - w.
O. J. Hull, Bnpt. 600 la atteudaaaa ta
f peopie a meeting a: 0
a. as. r Pnvav natl.a ka -akT. an
-- a wMaa. a.w
the young people urged tar attend, Tha
regular C E. meeUags at 6:80 p.m. K1A
week aarvica aad reception far aew meaa
bara aa Wedneoday avaaing. Tha gospel
maatiag which baa bees ba progress far
tbree week will eloae with tha Easter
errlcsa. Many utw members ara ex
pected aad thara will be baptlemat tar.
" aji wiu iina a warm weieoma aad
Inspiring msssagss. .-. 1 . ,.-,., . - -
w,eai eaiem. - r. a. caaaeO. pastor.
Saaday school. 8:48, D. 0. Sahara, Sapt. I
A abort program will ba gives hy tha Bun-1
1 lay icbaol chlldraa Saaday moraing fol I
I owed with sermoa hy Prat O. M. Kaef I
rr of Kimball School of Theology. Ep-
vorth and Intermediate league 6:30. A
ageant, "The Easter Pllgrima". will he
(iven at 7:30. Special muaia hy the
-iTir, also baptism of children, and re
caption of new member. Bible atudy
inursaay evening at 7:bu.
Cor. N. Cattaga aaad L U. G. W.
Rateeh, pastor. Knnday aoaaoL S:45.
Service, 11 a.m. Tha Eaatar meange
ba "Christ is Risen". Special aong ser
vice at 6 p.m. aad a aermea aa "Two
Wanderers". Everyone ia cordially in
vited to these meetings aa to ear mid-week
prayer meeting aa Wednesday.
Easter service will ha held in the
Riekraall Coanmaaity churck Sunday. At
10 a.m. a program under ' tha direction of
Mrs. 8. J. Lowry. tha aaperiateadeat.-wil)
ba glvea by tka Sunday acbool. At 11
a.m. Bar. W. C. Kaatner will preack aa
Eaatar sermon, "Tha Kiaoa Christ' '. Dr.
Kaataar will preach la the Cona-raration-
sl ehareh at Habbard at 7:45 p.m.
18th and tarry Sta. H. Hanson, pas
tor. Phono aiaiR. Sunday moraine at
10:80. Dr. H. O. Ena-lla. af JaakaaavUIa.
Fla., will deliver an address oa "The
Empty Tomb Oar Plodga af Victory".
At 8 p.m. he will apeak agala an "Tha
Resurrection aa related so Divine Heal.
tag". Ia tka avaaing at .7:80, this noted
pastor-eraagellat will deliver tha first of
a aerie af six leetaree aa "Tha Ministry
af tha Holy Spirit". Saaday school, 1:45.
rut v. aergueea, aapk Meeting every
Sight thl week, except Monday, at 7:80,
Dr. Englta hrlasriaa tha meeaaaea at even
aarviaa bat Saturday, which ia la charge
ef the yaaag people. Dr. Englla will be
ia - Salom daring tha entire month af
April, aad will speak aa many Important
subjects of tha day. He ha recently
closed a series f lectures is Olid Tidien
Teaapla, Saa Fraaeiaee. and come to us
witk aha full aaaoraamaat af tkausands
that hoard him thara. If yoa ara In
terested la tha pir.taal welfare af tka
warht pad a pad ally year eity. jtm aaa
mat afford ta ml taesa laetura. Df.
Baglls fcaa had 88 Tear anari anaa ta
tha work. Ha la flrat, last and aU tha
i a euimrea, vanatiaa gentleman t aad
daaplT lataraate iaj r-iritual thing
will aa jay hia measao'ea. Watch tha pa
para far aaaeuneemeate far tha week.
Speelal. meetmga t divine haallne.
Pg aU tha pJaev'-Vv.. -
.---V' .: akmaaamamBBmaa, . ' "' " " '
' -StTUt BAPTIST W ,-f;f:
afjaM f .Piaaaa. mlil T.IVatt- Oaa. . m V
LA. PaTO. ftlrllUUP BTlaaw Tt.aa. 8fe J
MktMi Qt. v Bwpir i.oit aVi t
fdrr ValarVaVaSdlv.- . Ihf Ml-tM I at e en cava. I
- - " wo V weat-a hm wtu
viaa at 11, "alaad From the Dead". Twa
yaaaf people' meeting. 6:80 p.m. Eve
al?J?,?,? rTle' :88, ,fThlaklag
aa Oar Way". Bpeeial Eaatar musla at
bath servleoe. Prayar maatiag Tharaday
' iieu, oraiaaaea or aaptlam
will ha administered at tba evealag eer-
St, - between Chemeketa aad
pater. Bar. N. K. Tlly, D. D., pastor,
.aaday achoo. 6:80 a.m., with appro
priate recognition of F.str -.d ipec'-l
Eaatar offering twr fariign xiions. '.
lowed hy public worship ! Waller ha !
at 10:45. " 8eman by tba paitor r
"Tba Joy of tho Resurrection". ..ui.
people's societies at 6:80 pro. F.vei. i.
worship 7:80 o'clock, in the form of ar
Eaator cantata ooaductad by the jm.' g
people. Piaaaa aota that from now 111,1 1
tba completion of our new chureh -i.r
morning service will ba held ia Wsiirr
Hall. Willamette University, hut. the
'g sarvloa will remain ia the old ebur K.
Cor. , State .and Churnh Bts. F.
Tsylor. pastor. Res. 638 3tete. Pho.e
974. Margaret K. Sutherland, director re
ligioua education. Services: 11 a.m. and
7:80 p.m. Biebop E. 8. Johnaou of Cape
town, Africa, will give tho morning net-
sage. Thede wiU ha baptise of lafa.ta
aa4 reoeptioei af memhora as part of tba
moraing oaTTioa. Tha -wonted eholr w-.:i
give their aaaaal Eaator eeaoert la the
evening. There will he appropriate Eastar
xerolses ta eaeh department of tha Sun
day school daring tha warahio ssrvir.s.
Tha Eaatar lessen will bo etadier dor ?,g
taa ctaaa kaar. Epworth Loacuas: Vi.i-
verslty Chapter, aaariaa aervlse en the
t iteps af tha capital building. Lead
er, Kenneth MeCormlek. Pirat Chureh
Chapter, Eaatar breakfast following tie
singing o caroia ta the autcto. b. r.
Board la tha ehareh parlor. On Tuesoay
alght tha fineeee committee and of fie 1:
boadr will meet. Wednesdsy afternef n
tba W. P. M. 8J meat at tba home tf
Mr. W. T.B Igdan. 899 X. Winter. Ti
Vtea'a Council will meet for a Juprr
aad bustasss 4nd soalsl meeting in
church parlors. ' Thursdsy evening t-
regular mid-weak service nf pravar '''
praise, led by tka pastor. On Friday
aieg tha Buaineaa Girls Bible o'.sn will
give Ita aanaal bancjuat In tba ehareh
parlera. Tha Ualversity Epworth Lear"
wiil glva a"8prtag" party 'in the err.i.
- Cottage aad Chemeketa St. Rev. Mar
Ha' P. ferry, asialetertt Ohuroh i'""-'
at 10 a.m. Graded lastruotioo. Pf"
tlonal aerviee at 11 a.m. Subject ef '
aaa. Tba Emntr Tomb". The fh.r
eholr wl'4 offer twa aetbam. "ek Ye
tha Lara" aad "Band Out Thy LifM ".
air. Aymaa jteuenaia win amg a
hfra. W. A. Dentoa at the organ.
Serrieaa wBl ha kali at tha
thaatee as Saaday moraing at 11
Dr. W. S. Sly af Lialield eoller win
glva aa Eaatar aormoa.-, Ha will o
have charge af tha avaaing terries ft
7:80 v. m. There wiU ba coed old .'.
lowed eengregatieaal alagrag. with iper k-
auaaaera. A kearty weicom. s m
far aU wha may fled it cinv-nier.! t
erartkip with us. - .
It is said that Braxll alw87 f''1
ed in with Unci Sam la tbe r;!
American conference. Wei, If we
need a bis brother at any Urn m
Seuth America we don't know of
a better fellow for the Job tfcm
Mr. Braill.