The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 07, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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Tee Oregon Statesman
ltiud Lsily httrpl Moa4ay hf
Hi Itoatk Commercial Btraat. Salaaa. Orecaa
SV J. Banrfricka - - - . aaaft-ar
trl S. XiSaarry - . Vaaaflnf Editor
Kalpa C. Cartia - CKt Etitor
EMl! Baiitk ..." . - EaMar
Ralph II. Kietiing. Aacrlinaf Jfaaafar
Uoj-i T. Huffier - 8opara:-Un
W. U. Headarsoa, Cirrolation Uo(M
K. A. &bo(a - - LirMtork dita
W, C. Laawr - - Poultry ; tol
Tka aaotUted Pre ia excUairc!? entitled la the uta fn pna'traitea ? all
avt eUarttche cradled to or bet ottoerwu. cred:U4 is t!:: aver aad alio l
local new pobLhc kitna. '
awmfcar Selected Otoc'.a Stwtpaper fae-fie cant - aepreeerta-leea IKr.e
. tjrpaa. lij, Portland. SererUj' Bidf.; Sa ' huciuu. Sbara 3;. ;
Aagoloa. Chamber 11 Ce-mcrrre B!t
rkOBMa P. Clara C New Vrk. 2 3 . flu ; . CftteaSa Meraarue Hla
Staiaeaa OftieSS 83
oty Kditor I Of
Neva l-epiZJ of It
Job iepa taiaal
Cjxa!at: Uffwe
the letter, and if they are not strong enough, they should be
madeVtill stronger. There are too many of them running at
large. They are dangerous to every one else on the road.
They carry manslaughter and broken bodies in their wake.
Anything may happen to or from a drunken driver. He has
no rightful place on the road or the streets. No one -can
guard against him. In Germany, a driver found drunk on
the highways has his' license taken away from him. Not for
a few days or "months. For life. That would be a good
regulation for Oregon. It would be just The man who fills
his hide with booze has no sort of business at the driver's
wheel of an automobile.
Kn tared at Ike Put Uf'ie i saiem u-c.b rase tamiimr.
April 7, 1028
- And Jeeus stood before trie governor: and the gorernor asked
Him, saying. Art thou the King of the Jews? Ami Jesus said unto
him, Tbou sayest. And when he win acrused of the riiief prit-ata au
tders. be answered nothing. Matthew 27:11-12.
There is little doubt but the Salem city government could
be conducted with great efficiency under commission form
and with greater economy
For that, has been generally the experience of the 380 or
more cities in the United States that have adopted the cky
manager or commission plan in some one or another of the
various forms the idea has taken.
At first, the idea was for ihree or more commissioners
elected by the people, each one presupposed to be a special
kt in his particular field and the whole number mesting
for the passing of ordinances, like a city council; that is
beinir both legislators and administrators. That is the
Portland plan.
Then came the city manager plan in several diff eren
forms. That is the idea of the proposed new charter for
t Later has come the corporation plan, and more cities are
adopting this idea than any other.
It is also the idea being put forth in Salem. But with a
city council of only five members, one of whom it ia proposed
the other councilmen shall choose as mayor.
' But the corporation plan generally calls for a larger num
ber of city councilmen. The Salem idea being considered
calls for the election of the five councilmen at large.
That is a gtxd idea. But it is not as popular as the one
that calls for the election of the councilmen from the differ
ent wards. At least, it will not prove as popular in the
outlying districts. The people generally are jealous of their
rights ; particular about the needs of their own neighbor
hoods. This is but natural.
The corporation plan is taken from the organization of a
large company; the councilmen standing for the directors,
the mayor for the president, and the other city officers for
such persons as the directors of a large company choose for
the heads of the various departments; men skilled in their
special lines.
Salem is, the graveyard of proposed new city charters
embodying the commission forma of government. Three
have been killed ,by the voters. -
To guard against another funeral of the kind, it will be
necessary to have full and free discussion ; and it will like
wise be essential that the voters in the outlying districts be
assured of the protection of their local interests and rights,
or what they regard as their rights
And a plan calling for fourteen or more councilmen, and
elected in tiie wards, will have better chances of success
than one with, only five men elected, at large.
"Days and Deeds in the Oregon Country" is the title of a
new book just off the press, by Prof. J. B. Horner, who has
long held the chairj of history at the Oregon Agricultural
college. Prof. Horner has published a number of good
bftoV'. " "?jron Literature." "Vacation on the Mediter-
"Ji'n -,. Hoi TTi'afnT-tr TIQ nM,f XfQ TT T if or.
. rief History of Oregon," the latter for usej
i public schools.
The new book portrays the Oregon country as an empire,
larger than our original thirteen colonies, -.Georgia ex
cepted Pictures this vast territory as a wonderland
Shows that the almost unknown Shoshone canyon of
Snake river is 1000 feet deeper thanahe Grand canyon oi
the" Colorado I
Shows that Crater lake is the most wonderful caldera
known to man
. That the Oregon marble caves are more beautiful than
the Mammoth cave of Jfcentucky
Proves that in ancient times the Oregon country was a
tropic land, with huge reptiles and mammals; elephants
and the like. Proves that the unexplored fossil beds of Ore
gon are among the richest on the globe
Tells of the three-toes horse that roamed the ancient Ore
gon plains and circled the globe and returned a Cayuse
of our prehistoric burial mounds, or baby pyramids,
along some streams of the Willamette valley; conjectured
: as the possible predecessors of the pyramids ot Mexico and
Egypt. They were made by mound builders, who wor
shiped fire and adored the sun
Came the Indians after the mound builders; then the
-white explorers, trappers, missionaries .and pioneer set
- tiers : . , "x '
And the builders of states. k . 'N
Oregon was the first possession of the nation ''obtained
through discovery and colonization; without the price of
. blood or money. .
Prf. Horner tells of the prominent makers of the Oregon
; country; the pioneer builders.
Prof. Horner tells of the prominent makers of the Oregon
SHe gets at the bottom of things. And he is a good writer of
history, as he (is a good teacher. He gives an atmosphere
to his facts. ' individuality. The peppy touch that makes
it stand out; that holds the interest of his readers, and his
hearers., : :f (1 ' ... . -r; ' ;j
The new book is a post useful contribution. It marks
further the high place Prof. Horner holds, and deserves to
hold, in the esteem of the people of. the state he loves and
i for which he spends his labors and devotes his life; ,
htt i i -irnri
A!mKfm sows sweetheajT-qmfessioks ofawi;
.. - CiajetiM. aact Qmmt tmm I aj, "
phantly. "I told the bunch that
yon would not understand Arml's!
tactics. Poor Ralph always did
dramatise himself, and one can
hardly, blame him, because bis
story, you know. Is so Intensely
tragic. He always baa tried for
the sympathy of e?ery girl he Is
after April 28, 191$. proce4 to
sail at private tale to tna mgnast
bidder for caab. object to tba ap-
proravl of said Court, tba follow
lnc described real property be-l
longins to aald ward:
Aa.undinded ona-alxth (1C)
Interest la and to the following!
real property:
Beginning at a point 17.35
chains South, S degrees West
from the Northeast corner or the
Donation Land Claim of J. B. De-
Quire and wife. No. 70, in Town
ship 4 South Range 3. West of the
Willamette Merinan; inence
West 39.38 chains. Thence North
46 links, thence North 9 de
crees West Z.13 cnains; xaence
North 82.5 degrees west 1.75
chains; Thence West 4.42 chains.
tbence South 17 degrees West
2.09 chains, thence West 7.94
chains, thence South S degrees. IS
minutes West 3.62 chains, thence
West - to the Willamette River,
thence following the meanders of
said Rirer in a Southeasterly di
rection to the Northwest corner of
an 80 acre tract of land deeded to
Isaac H. Tyler, on May 13. 1891:
by Peter Wirfs and wife, by deed
duly recorded at Page 674 of Book
46. of records of deeds for Marion
LCounty. Oregon, thence East ' on
the North line of said Q acre
tract to the East line of the afore-
Lynda Kenton, a singularly in
nocent girl, L private secretary to
Ralph Armitage, who-has an in
sane wife. Her father, a drunk
ard, tells her that her mother de
serted them, and that all women
hare their price.
Lynda meets Emily Andrews,
who cherishes a secret fondness
for DaTid Kenmore, Lynda's com-1 could not blame either of them.
panion from cnlldnoou. Emiiyicould you?
plot against Lynda from the very Lyn didn't say anything.
"e5'"u'uA- ZZ:" f.i'.r. fact, she had learned not to talk
doesn't want to be in love with ncb when,. he was in Emllj' Tt iL !5S
any man. David is away on a trip, company. Always believing that
Lynda's fatuer deserts her. and,a .m mere was
iiuipuac, ntitr a. mtj vw tuai uuw BUG
4s T . f IhanrA Nnnh mnv
interested in. and she. being a girl M Kast lla; of Mld D, l. c. to
falls for it. Knowing Armi. you ,h. n,af. n, brtnninr and con-
taintna- 100 acres, more or less.
situate and being in the County
of Marion. State of Oregon.
Bids and offers must be In writ-
Claire Stanhope comes to live with
iier. June Challer, who has an
ueied money, invites Lynda and
Claire and Emily to a big party
timily secretly sends David a let
.er, suggesting that be come home
.'or the party, so that Lynda may
je made to feel at ease. Then
?he sends him an anonymous note,
aylng "Ralph Armitage Is rushing
your girl." David writes to Lyn-
ia. admonishing her to beware of
Ralph Armitage.
Ralph has met with an accident.
and Lynda goes to bis home to
take dictation. There lie holds
her hand, and plays up to her sym
pathy and simplicity.
"Auto drivers - should observe all the rules . of the road.
. There is safety ia their observance. "But the rules against
-drunken drivers' ought," above all the rest, to be enforced to
Chapter 29
The Poor Rich Man
Ralph looked at Lynda with
questioning eyes.
"I hate a whimperer, Lynda.
he aald, "but I sometlmea think
that I do not deserve all that
have got. Poor Stella was not to
blame, and she doesn't know how
I am suffering, but her father
should have told both her and me
that there was insanity in the fam
ily, then. Oh, what's the use? It's
done, and all that is left for me
is to have as good a time aa I can
and not think about anything too
much. In other words, 'Take the
soods the gods provide' and. if
you can side-step trouble, do it
Ring the bell, my dear, end we
111 crack a bottle of wine to our
friendship. Don't look so pitiful.
nlld. I'm not always as angelici
as I am today. I expect I do and
say things that are pretty rotten
;ometimee; but please God. m bei
decent to you.
'111 ring the bell, Mr. Armitage
ut I cannot drink with you. All
.he trouble that has come to me In
the world has been through drink
believe I that I would rather die
than drink anything that baa al-
ahol in It. You see. my father
was always a very good father
when sober, and sometimes I won-
ier whether his drinking has
omething to do with mother's
eaving him. He says, however
was because all women are
weak and mercenary and they
ike luxury more than anything
;lse and that my mother left him
o go with a man who could give
her everything that money could
buy. It may not be a good thing
to tell you, Mr. Armitage. and I
have never told It to anyone be
fore, but if I find that my father's
theory Is right, and that all women
sell themselves for something, I
hall get the very highest price for
myself. It may be marriage, for
V think with marriage I might get
ill the rest: it may be fame, sue-
?ess or just wealth.
Now, please, let me take your
ettera, for I want to carry them
back to the office and put them
on the machine today. And, if
you please, I'll put on my lipstick
Ralph Armitage, who had been
looking shocked, now langhed un
til he groaned, for it hurt his
broken ribs.
"Why do you want to paint
your Hps again, you funny child?,
Ralph Armitage Inquired.
"Because ' I've been telling you
too much about myself already.
You told me the other -day if I
didn't have my lips reddened you
could tell what I was going to aay
before I said it. Just now' I am
so sorry for you, but while we
have been talking, I have wanted
to kiss1 you. I'm wondering if
you saw that before I reddened
my lips?" -
The man on the bed closed his
eyes and held. out his. good arm.
Lynda bent down, nd her ceol
lips brushed his cheek. She drew
back hastily, for Ralph Armitage
said, in a smothered voice: "I
think I'm feeling, too 111 to dictate
letters today. I'll call you up to
morrow, if I feel able to do it
then. Thank you. very much,
Lynda, for coming-out." -
Surprised and ar little ashamed,
Lynda Fenton answered: "Good
bye." Then she hastily went into
the other room, where she asked
for and pulled down the' little red
hat over her shining black hair,
and without another word. ahe. fol
lowed the maid who waa there
out to the car, which was.evident
Iy waiting for her, and rode back
to theotfice.
Emily Andrews met her Just in
side the door.
i Immediately she was all cur
iosity. "You look all done up?"
"It Armi really ill? Has he
broken his ribs? Waa Mia Shes
ton there, and did he make lore
to you?" .. ... : .
To all of which she answered
only to the last. "Yon wouldn't
expect a man with two broken
ribs and ft dislocated shoulder to
make. love rery ardently, would
TOUT' , .. - ;:;-V
. Then she surprised herself,, as
well as Emily, by; bursting Into
leans. : - ; - ' - - -
"Why. Lyn. what Is the mat
ter? You frighten, me. Are yon
afraid Armi is going to die?" . .
"No. Emily, I'm afraid he is gt
ing to live, and he'll always be a
very unhappy man."
' "There," - said - Emily, tr ram-
must be more eager to pump her
about Ralph than ever before.
If Ralph Armitage was deceiv
ing her, Lyn thought, he was do
ing it onconsciously and he was
deceiving himself as well. Then
her face grew hot as she remem
bered the end of her Interview
with him that morning. She could
not understand It. What had she
done? She knew he had expected
her to atay all day; and he had sent
ner away so abruptly. Perhaor
she abould not bave told him that
ane waa sorry for him, that she
would like to kiss him. But sure
ly he should know, if anyone, that
there were kisses and kisses. Hers
were one of pity, and even if pity
were akin to lore, hers had not
reached that atate yet.
"What made her kiss him. any
way?" she asked herself. She was
sure she had no feeling of "hunt
ing a thrill." She merely wanted
him to know she waa sorrv for
jiun. tnat'e all.
Poor Ralph, lying there, seem
ing 10 nave everything In the
world, and not having anything!
(To be Continued.)
of Joseph Van Hoomiasen. attor
ney for guardian, at 302 Dekura
Bidg.. Portland, Oregon, or may
be filed with the Clerk of said
Court at any time after the first
publication of this notice and be
fore the making of said sale. Said
sale shall be on a cash baste.
Date of first publication March
17. 1923.
Date Of last publication Apr!
14, 192S.
Guardian of the Estate of August
Van Hoomissen, an insane per
302 Dekum Bidg., Portland, Ore
iy youB act!: alt naee
We are overstocked on Briquets
and in order to reduce our stock,
will sell the famous
EDnaiiDacDimdl IBiraqimieti
All ctrrwpwltM tor akta tapart
aaast aaat ba mifmrni by taa
anat ba writta ra aula ( tba
naoar oar, aat abai4 rot b toncai
Ante Tax Statement Refuted
Editor Statesman.
We observe that certain nnblfo
officials are making the statement
oeiore club meetings In this city
than automobile licenses "ar
really higher in Washington and
amornia man they are in Oregon
when the license fee and personal
property tax in those states are
taken Into consideration."
We happen to know that such
statements are not true and we
have first hand Information to
prove it.
" or mree limes a rear mr
have as guests at our home friends
irom Seattle, Tacoma. and Los An
geles. A friend from Seattle drives
a Dodge automobile and he has
told us more than once that the
first year's license and Minnnai
tax on his car in Washington was
sxactly 117.50 and eath vear thi.
cumoroea license and tax Is re
iuced as the car deteriorates In
Oregon the annual license fee' on
the same car is $34 every year
The Tacoma friend tells us he has
never paid more than $20 on his
Jewett sedan in Washington, li
cense and tax. while in Oreron th
annual license fee ia tin
year on the same car.
The Los Angelea friend riri.. .
Chrysler model 60, and the hlgh
ast combined tax and license he
has paid on that car In Los Angeles
is lit. In Oregon he
either 12g or $34. In both Call-
ivmna ma wasnington the annual
license and tax fee become
each year on a car as It depre
ciates and after the third year In
California the tax on a small car la
little or nothing. There is no sys
tem ot taxation in the world that
permits the assessment of
ond-hand car at the same rate aa
a new one. Oregon Alone has such
an muto tax system. .
Vf. C . CONVRn '
Salem, Ore.. April , If 23.
In The Matter ot The Guardian-
amp oi August van Hoomiasen
an insane person. '
Notice Is hereby given that in
pursuance of an Order of the
County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the Countr of Marin.
duly made-and entered the 29th
aay oz J-eDrjiary. 1928. in the
above guardianship estate. Philip
Van Hoomissen. as Guardian f
the estate ot August Yah Hoomia
sen an insane person? will on or
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of
In the Matter of the Last Will and
Testament and estate of Johan
na L. Naderman. Deceased.
Notice ia hereby glren, that the
undersigned. Executor of the Es
tate of Johanna L. Naderman, De
ceased, by virtue of an order duly
issued out of the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for the Couii
ty of Marlon, on the 16th day of
Marcn, izs, will sell at private
sale, at Rooms 1, 2 and 4, Ladd
& Bush Bank Building. In the City
of Salem in Marion County, OTe-
gon, on or after April 14. 1928
to the 'highest bidder for cash all
of tbe right, title. Interest and es
tate which said decedent, at tbe
time or her death, had, namely, an
undivided one-third interest. In
aad to the following described
premises, to-wit:.
Beginning at the Northwest cor
ner of the Donation Land Claim of
David Delaney and wife in Town
ship 8 South Ranges 2 and 3 West!
of the Willamette Meridian in
Marion County. State of Oreeon:
tbence East along the North line
of said Claim 53.10 chains; thence
South 6.50 chains to the County
Koaa; thence North 74 degrees
East 3.23 chains to the land now
owned by the heirs ot Phillip Mc
Kay; thence South 17 degrees
Bast along McKay'a line 51.24
chains to McKay's Southwest cor
ner; thence West 37.30 chains to
the West line of section 31:
thence South 9.10 chains to the
South line of said David Delaney's
Donation Land Claim; tbence
West along the South line of said
Claim 83.10 chains to tbe South
west corner of said David De
laney s Donation Land Claim:
thence North along the West line
of said Claim. 60.30 chains, to the
place of beginning, and containinx
3 63.69 acres, more or less. SAVE
AND EXCEPT from the above de
scribed premises tbe following de
scribed tracts of land, to-wit: Be
ginning at the Northeast corner of
David Delaney's Donation, Land
Claim; thence South 6.50 chains
to the center of the County Road;
tbence West 80 feet; thence
Northwesterly to North line of
said Claim; thence East 114 feet
to the place of beginning, being
in section 30 Township 8 South
Range 2 West of the Willamette
Meridian, In Marlon County, State
of Oregon. Also. Save and Except-those
certain premises deeded
by John P. Naderman and Jo
hanna L. Naderman, his wife, to
County of Marlon. State of. Ore
gon, for road purposes as de
scribed In Volume 143 on Page
389, Deed Records for Marlon
County. Oregon.
Said sale will be made for cash
and will be made subject to the
confirmation of the above entitled
Court. Dated thie 17th day of
March, 1928.
R. D. GRAY, .
Executor of tbe Estate of Johan
na L. Naderman, Deceased.
Attorney for Estate,
Salem, Oregon. '
is au
In tbe Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the . County of
Dept. No. 2
Peter Helgerson and Ellen Hel-
gerson. Plaintiffs,
vs. '
Elizabeth Eettlemler, Albert
Jans. Leta Adams and Earl J.
Adams, her husband, Laura Sav
age and J. E. Savage, her huaband
Kreta Janx, Saul Jans and Mary
Janz, his wife, Ida Jack and Jo
seph Jack, her husband, Wlllard
Simmons and Mary Simmons, his
wife, Julia L. Durham and Phillip
H. Durham, her husband, L. O
Simmons and Jane Simmons, hl
wife. Redford Simmons and Myrtle
Simmons, his wife, Fred Simmons
and Lily Simmons, his wife, Anna
Simmons, Raymond L. Simmons
and Jane Simmons, his wife. Pearl
Gault and John H. Gault, her
husband; also. Also other parties
and persons unknown having or
laimlng any right, title, estate
Hen Or Interest In and to the real
nronerty described in the com
plaint herein, Defendants.
To Redford Simmons. Myrtle
Simmons, Fred Simmons. Lily
Simmons, aleo. all other parties
and persons unknown having eta
claiming any right, title, estate
lien or Interest in and to the
real property described In the
Complaint herein. Of the above
named defendants.
In the Name of the State of
Oregon, You and each of you are
hereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint filed against
vou in the above entitled Court
md cause on or before four weeks
from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons and if
vou fail so to answer, for want
thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to
the Court for the relief prayed fori
in their complaint, namely, that
vou and each of yen be require'
to set forth tbe nature and exten
of your interest or estate in or
lalm upon the following described
premises, to-wit:
Beginning 7.39 chains South of
the Quarter Section corner on the
line between Section 25 T. 6 S. R.
West and Section 30 T. 6 S. R.
Weat of tbe Willamette Meridian,
Marlon County, Oregon; thence
South on the range line 13.105
chains to the Southeast corner of
Bartholomew Wlesner's land:
thence West 39.00 chains to the
center of the Parkersville and Jef
ferson Road to a stone: thna
By Retort Qwlilea
By Claude Callan
"A woman likes to have her
own way, but If she can boss her
husband she's aehamed of bim an
she ain't never happy."
(Cepyrifbt. 1929, PablitW Syndicate.)
"Our daughler-in-law that has a
boy baby acts sorter sympathetic
towards our daughter-in-law
whose baby is only a girl."
(Coprrifht, 1928. rublihhsri Sjndieata.)
place of beginning, and contain
ing 60.00 acres of land, more or
less, all situate in Marion County,
That the adverse claims of each
nd every one of tbe above named
.nd designated defendants be de
termined by the above named
Court and that the right of pos
session and the title to said real
property be forever quieted by a
decree of this court; that by said
decree tt be ordered, adjudged
and decreed that plaintiffs are the
sole, legal and equitable owners
of the above described real prop
erty and every part thereof, and
that none of the defendants above
named or referred to has any es
tate, right, title or interest what-
mrrT In law or In nnftir In v
North 7 degrees IS minutes East said real property, or 'any part
13.20 chains along said Road; J thereof, and that each of said de
fence East 37.33 chains to the fendanta be forever enjoined and
debarred from asserting any
claim, interest or estate in or to
said real property, or any part
thereof, adverse to plaintiffs, and
that plaintiffs have such other re
lief aa may be equitable.
This eummons Is-, served upn
you by publication in the Oregow
Statesman, by order of Honorable J,
h. II. McMahan, Judge of the
above named Court, the date ot
such order being April 6, 19 23.
The date ot the first -pubtlcaUon
of this summons is April 7, 1936,
and tbe date of the last publica
tion will be May S, 1928.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Pest Of
fice Address and Place ot Res
idence: Salem, Oregon.
ISO X. nigh y . V Telephone lalt
We carry in stock over 115 Uga blanks suited to most any business
transactions. We may have jnst the form you are looking for at a big
saving as compared to made to order forms.
Some of the forms: Contract of Sale;, Road Notice, Will Forms, Assign
ment of Mortgage, Mortgage forms, Quit Claim Deeds, Abstract forms,
Bill of Sale, Building Contract, Promissory Notes, Installment Notes,
General Lease, Power of Attorney, Prune Books and Pads, Scale Re
ceipts, etc. These-forms are carefully prepared for the courts and
private use. Price on forms range from 4 cents to 16 cents apiece, and
on note books from 25 to 50 cents. , -
. PRINTED AND FOR SALE BY f ' :i Sz'J' -' r
The Statesman Publishing Go.
At Business Office, Ground Floor :