The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 07, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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Car Accessories Principal
Prey; O'Malley Taken
Back to The Dalles
Petty thieves were again out In
full force last night and relieved
a few local folk of car accessories.
Every ntw and then lately, peo
ple have reported losing various
articles from their cars while
parked on the streets.
G. W. Kleen, route 6. Salem, re
ported to police last night that a
motometer had been stolen from
his automobile which was parked
in front of Jason Lee church. It
had only been parked a short
time until the meter was found
missing. "
Roy Tillltt. Salem, met with the
same mlsjtmp." He reported that
his motometer. bad been removed
front his machine which was park
ed at 1530 Highland evenue. On
ly a few nights ago. a couple of
tires, rims and chains were stolen.
r. Eddie O' Malley. who turned
himself over to local police off I
cers a few days ago. admitting
that he had stolen the automobile
which he was driving at The Dal
les, was turned over yesterday af
ternoon to Officer John Skelly of
that city, who took the prisoner
back to The Dalles. O'Malley.
who was on parole from the state
prison, declared that it was hard
er to get along in the I outside
world than within the prison
walls, and was anxious to get back
to the penitentiary. His wish
may be fulfilled.
Russel Gentry. 1599 State
street, was arrested by Officer
Thomas last night charged with
not having a. light on his bicycle
when driving it after dark in the
city. He will appear In police
court today.
. i Hal ford Martin, Salem, took the
wrong street today when he met
Officer Olson, who invited him
self to escort him to the city po
lice department. Martin is charg
ed with forging a check in this
city some time ago, and a war
rant for his arrest had been out
for more than a year. Inspector
Olson, who knew the lad, acci
dently met him on the street in
the city yesterday afternoon and
turned him over to Juetlce court.
He was lodged in the county jail.
Backers . of New Railway
Near Albany Come Out
- Into Open At Last ...
----- PORTLAND, Apr. 6. (AP)
"Insistent rumors, current here for
t lb 'proposed Linn County Log
ring and Lumber Railway company
tin in Linn county was sponsored
by the Hfll system was substan
tiated today when formal request
or the Oregon Electric railawy to
be substituted as applicant for the
necessary certificate of conven
ience and necessity was filed with
the Interstate commerce commis
sion in Washington. D. C.
It was stated here by W. F. Tur
gor nreident of the Oregon Elec
tric, that the road had taken over
the project as of April 1. Work on
the new line, which 13 to tap the
" huge timber Btands in eastern Linn
county, will be pushed rapidl
ahead. Turner said, once the cer
tificate Is obtained from the inter
state commission.
The project already outlined
embraces 68.8 miles of road, a
good portion of which will be of
standard)' construction, between Al
bany and Foster and Cascadia,
Ore., by way of Lebanon and Sweet
Home. Four branches have been
projected; and a fifth surveyed:
The main line as mapped by the
surveyors cost about jl. 000, 000
and the branch lines probabl)
$750,000 more. The length of the
road may not be as great as the
line now surveyed however. Be
tween Albany and Lebanon the
new line would closely parallel an
existing Southern racific line. No
one familiar with such affairs
would be greatly surprised were
the interstate commerce commis
sion dictate that construction be
gin at Lebanon Instead of Albany.
Application of the logging road
company for permission to build
was filed with the state and inter
state commissions on February 28.
The timber to be directly tapped
exceeds 20.000.000,000 feet, and
out great extension of lines as
still more-might be bed. wit fa
proposed. MEffllLFlFF
Failure To Appear and Take
P&rt Irv Plays Brings
f VW VnBIf. Anr. C (iPt
-day banished Jeanne Eagels from
-! 'ih. lArittmate stare for a Tear and
m half, bnt the defiant star of
"Rain." "The Garden of Eden,'
and "Her Cardboard Lover" an
' nounced that she would be back on
-Broadway during the coming sea
son. Equity or no Equity.
.,; ' "No group of actors," aha told
' ! renorters 1 sngrilr In her spart
' went, '"for whom, "with a lew ex
ceptlons, I bavs no respect, can
keep mo from earning my living."
v i Miss - Eagles'- last engagement,
and the one that brought her be-4
fore ' the council of equity. : was
'Her ; Caboard r, Lover,", which
played an engagement hero and
then went on the road. When the
play was to open In Milwaukee for
a week the leading laay ranea tc
- appear and her ongagement had
At the end of that week the
play was due to open in St. Lonte,
but again Miss Eagels failed . to
take her part and the company
then was brought back to New
York. .Charges were filed with
Equity by A. H. Woods and Gil
bert Miller, the producers.
The suspension." Miss Eagels
said today after Equity had an
nounced Its decision, "is ridicu
lous and unjust. I have the word
of 12 of the most prominent physt
eian In th I' lifted States that I
I was really ill when I did not ap
Many Messages of Condo
lence Continue To Pour
In To Relatives
NEW YORK, April 8. (AP
In a silent brownstone house sit
uated immediately around a cor
ner from the speeding traffic of
Fifth avenue, the body of Chaun
cey Mitchell Depew rested tonight,
while leaders in the nation gath
ered to pay htm their last tribute
on the morrow.
Through an atmosphere of
peaceful quiet that contrasted
oddly with the noisy movements
in surrounding blocks, vehicle?
moved silently and hundreds of
visitors or curious pedestrians en
tered or passed the house at 2
West 54th street where the aged
financier, politician, humorist and
philosopher lived and died.
None in the steady stream of
visitors remained in the house
more than a few moments. None
would talk to reporters, even to
give his name. Shoppers from
Fifth avenue, hoping for only a
glimpse of some noted figure
among the visitors, strayed into
the street to wait idly and curl
ously as long as police woiff4 al
low them.
Messages of condolence contin
ued to pour in on the family to
day Sir Esme Howard, British
ambassador to Washington, said.
"I have received a cable from the
Prince of Wales saying that his
royal highness is deeply distressed
to hear of the death of Mr. De
Signs of mourning were dis
played throughout the state. By
jrder of Governor Smith flags on
state buildings were at half mast.
Grand Central terminal and other
railroad stations were draped Ir
black. 1
Overturns Near Portland
With Fatal Results
Two boys drowned today in the
Willamette river in the - Penin
sula, district, near .Portland, when
he raft on which they were play
ng overturned and threw tbem in
'o the water. The boys were De-
wayne Cochrane. 11, and Wayne
Bishop. 14. Bishop's father is Ir
Eugene, but the boy has been liv
ing here with his grandparents.
The bodies were recovered only
after an airplane had been called
into action. The pilot. Beverly
Clarke, -sighted the bodies in the
j-ater. and by- means of pre-ar-anged
signals, communicated with
Burt Thiirber. telegraph operator.
who was working near the place
where they boy met death. A har
bor patrol then recovered the bod
Occupant of National Scandal
Spotlight in Sanitarium
EL PASO. Texas. Apr. .
(AP) Albert B. Fall, former sec
retary of the interior, left here
'.onight on the Sunset limited at
5:45 for Los Angeles.
From Los Angeles the former
abinet officer will go to a sani-
arlum at Pasadena for an Indef
inite lime. Fairs party consisted
if Mrs. Fall. Mrs. B. F. Elliott, a
laughter and II. G. vClunn,: for
nany years Fall's private secre
ary. Fall's trip to Pasadena was un
lertaken on the advice of his phy
dcian. Dr. II. T. Safford who be
lieved the lower altitude will be
'beneficial to Fall's heart. He bar
suffered from low blood pressure.
r' Fall appeared somewhat feeble,
but cheerful as he was assisted
'rom his automobile to the train.
Will Provide Program Monday at
Chamber of Commerce
Representatives of the Dallas
chamber of commerce will be the
speakers at the Salem chamber of
-ommerco luncheon . next Monday
toon, it was announced yesterday.
Thfy will include R. S. Kreasea,
president of the Dallas organiza
tion; Oscar Hayter, attorney; J.
R. Beck, county agent; Earle Rich
ardson, editor of the Dallas Item-Ixer-Observer,
and Dr. A. R. Star
buck. "
R. R. Turner, superintendent
of the Dallas schools and former
itate superintendent, . will intro
duce the speakers and officiate at
the fire minute bell. Mrs. Charles
N, Bilyea, secretary of the .Dallas
chamber of commerce, will also be
asked to speak.
Commission Saspends Three Man
agers indenaHely
Three managers of boxera - ware
suspended Indefinitely today by
tha Portland boxing commission
and the license of each revoked
"for . the best interests of the-
sport. The managers are Tex
Salkeld, Jack Wagner and Vic Asp-
laad.- I J- - ."VV-.
The commission" previously had
suspended "Dutch" Schwemler and
cnarue jost for similar reasons.
The three men against whom, the
commission took action, and Sch
wemler, testified at a epelcal meet
ing of the commission last -week
that Matchmaker Levy made it dif
J r IIS III 111 T Cl II I fcf- II
i anab mim Fwt PftiNi7w' i v v ni m
l?hz&& V)f fYOO SAY
sTMjjgy ZZZlr . , -Z.
their boxers by alleged czar-like
methods and that he had taken
money from them for some un
known purpose.
The commission today branded
ill the charges made against Levy
is untrue.
Bits For Breakfast
Eugene celebrated yesterday
Celebrated the 75th birthday of
Dean Straub.
Prof. John Straub, dean (enter
itis) of men at the University of
Oregon, has served that institu
ion for 50 years.
And he Is one of the youngest
nen in spirit on the campus there.
He is on duty every day, with his
famous smile and the twinkle of
'tis eyes that the generations of
tudents have known for half a
entury, and still 'know.
Time was when John Stranb
taught seven different subjects in
the university everything from
trigonometry to French. And
German. He learned German at
his mother's knee; though he was
born in Philadelphia.
What a fund of information
Dean Staub has gathered all these
years; what memories of the old
laye and the new days, of the raw
freshmen who have been greeted
on coming and the sage seniors
who have been speeded on their
Dean Straub has loved them all.
and in turn has been loved and
epected by every one.
He Is still straight as an arrow;
full of pep and vigor and hope
and good will. He Is one of the
grand old men of Oregon. But no
one regards him as old who knows
him well, and he lives on Joyously
like the youngster he has ap
peared for 50 years.
Funeral services for O. K. Mid
dleton. 52, will be held at 1:30
Saturday at Rigdon's Mortuary
with interment. ." In the - Cityview
cemetery. His wife, and four child
ren. Donald. Jean, Keith and Ren
tal!, survive him.
At the Old People's borne, early
bus b
, mM uw
Friday, April 6. Mrs. Charlotte
Sylvester. 75. Funeral services will
be held Monday, April 9 at 10:00
a. m. at Rigdon's Mortuary. Inter
ment in Lee Mission cemetery.
(Continued on Ml 3.)
charter before filing It for the
! election.
Then if the cnarter is placed on
the ballot, the public will have SO
days in which to become familiar
with it. That might be consider
ed sufficient time, but in view of
the misconceptions that have al
ready arisen, it is certainly none
too much.
Safeguards Ample
It is reported, for instance, that
the city manager would have al
most autocratic power; for in
stance, to fixe the salaries of sub
ordinate employes. This is not
true; the charter says that the
manager shall fix these salaries,
subject to the approval of the
As a matter of fact, the mana
ger's powers are in every way
safeguarded against abuse; es
pecially in the provision that he
shall be chosen for no definite
period, but may be removed by
the vote of three members of the
council at any time. He is en
titled to a hearing if removed, but
the council's subsequent decision
is final.
Prejmlice Observed
In this, respect the charter can
scarcely be criticized adversely,
but there to certain to be some
prejudice against entrusting the
entire business of the' city to one
officer, and a thorough campaign
of education will be necessary to
remove this objection, if it ever is
removed. The manager plan works
admirably in nearly every case
where it is adopted; but Salem
people will have to be convinced
of this, and they will not be con
vinced, over night.
One other objection to placing
the charter revision ou 4he ballot
is the question that has been
raised as to the legality of the fil
ing 30 days before the election.
This question may presumably be
settled by securing competent
legal opinion, but that should be
done before the situation becomes
hopelessly involved.
- The proposed charter provides
that It shall go Into effect on Jan
uary 1 following its adoption, so
that a vote in November would
cause ft to be put in operation as
Is it caused by overwork either mental or physical or
is it due to a condition of the system known as "over
acidity"? ,
Scientists claim the latter cause to be largely responsible
for lack of endurance, and emphasize the vital importance 4
of maintaining the "Chemical Balance" that margin by
which alkaU exceeds acid in the blood. .
This natural tonic is Alkaline, in action neutralizes the
acid and supplies mineral elements which are absolutely
essential to health.
Sold by All
soon as a vote in May. provided
" '-'Hers do aporove it In the
opinion of many who favor tha
cnange, there is much better pros
pect of its adoption in November
after thorough and deliberate con
sideration, than there will be If
it is voted on next month.
(Continued from paffe 1)
telephone lines out of Omaha were
put out of service and nearly
1.000 city subscribers were cut off.
Lrviugton, Bellevue and other
towns near Omaha, depending on
that city for power and light re
verted to predecessors of electric-
it y.
WOW cancelled its programs to
day bu that its reception of news
would not be disturbed.
OMAHA, Neb., April . AP
(By Radio to Des Moines)
When Omaha awoke to find Itself
isolated from the outside world to
day with wire service paralyzed
by one of Nebraska s worst April
snow storms in history, radio sta
tion WOW here filled the breach
The World Herald from Its of
fices through remote control went
on the air at 8 a. m. to broadcast
the flrstword of the severity of
the storm to the outside world
WOW called Des Moines, asking
listeners to notify the Associated
Press and WHO there to go on the
air with news bulletins for the
Omaha newspapers.
. Stations in Lincoln and Kansas
City also picked up the call and
i within an hour announcers at both
points were on the air. - The
World Herald also broadcast a de
tailed story of conditions in Oma
ha which in turn was copied and
broadcast through WHO, Des
Moines, and WDAF, Kansas City.
To Roberts Dairy at Lincoln wag
broadcast an appeal to rush milk
here, the city fearing a shortage
might be faced tomorrow. ,
The Northwestern Blt Tele:
phone company also resorted to
the radio to get In touch with its
outside offices, one of its appeals
being made to the Des Moines of
fice for 250,000 feet of wire to be
used in restoring communications
In and about Omaha. -
One thousand poles of the tele
phone company were - down In
Omaha and 1500 telephones were
out of commission, with nearly
that many out of operation in
Council Bluffs. The Nebraska
Power company reported 650
(breaks in Its Uns by 11 a. m, and
estimated its loss at SS0.000.
Council Bluffs. Iowa, was iso-
llated by the storm. Throughout
toe day it was unable to commun
icate with the outside world: its
j situation being even more serious
irom tne point of view to com
munication than Omaha's.
By noon ten inches of snow had
fallen, impeding traffic, breaking
aown leiepnone lines ana poles
and trees, and throwlnr nower
service out of commission.
The temperature was droDDinc
this afternoon frith xero predicted
berore the nlghf is over. Crop ex
perts regarded the snow as bene
ficial to the wfieat crop and said.
hey expected fhe snow to act as
i protecting blanket.
CatiKA4 from prnf )
compraable to jhe "carpet bagger"
era in th.e south, an dlater he con
ducted the Safceni Independeut. a
daily newspaper. In this city and
continued his attacks on the poli
ticians of the time.
Convicts were released from- the
penitentiary with Instructions to
attack him, and several times he
found it necessary to uue a six
shooter; his newspaper achieved a
circulation second only to the Ore
gonian in this state, but due to
pressure brought by official who
had In their hands the distribution
of orders for penitentiary sup-plles,-all
but four advertisers boy
cotted the Independent, and it
went broke: McMahon bought a
pair of second band shoes to keep
his feet off the ground and found
a job, but the state officials had
him fired from that too, he de
While conditions are not now a.
they were in that period, the
speaker advised the young men
who composed his audience to
elect their contemporaries to of
fice, declaring that professional
politicians cannot be trusted to de
cide for the public welfare In a
matter of political expediency.
(Continued from pafo 1)
supporters to divert attention
from the conditions of lawlessness
In Chicago and Cook county and
the organization of the criminal
classes for greater political con
trol." said the senator.
"The sole purpose of the agents'
presence was, as shown by Assist
ant United States Treasurer Low
man, to get the big conspirator;
in the liquor business," said Sen
ator Deneen. He quoted Low man
further a3 saying: "If politician
are in the business they will have
to take their own chances."
Mayor Thompson was heckled
when he tried to address a noon
day meeting in the stockyards dis
trict but paid no attention and
completed his speech.
(Continued now par 1)
a prize Is offered to the boy and
to the girl that brings the great
est number of papers to the band
As to the Easter eggs, they are
a candy variety, and the committee
assures parents that they are en
tirely harmless the committee
ought to know, for It wrapped the
entire 3700 eggs Thursday night
and the members are said to have
eaten about 60 of tbem and suf
fered o HI effects.
(Continued from pfe 1)
with the excellent service render
ed at all times, account to a certain
extent for the increase In business
during the past few years. Appar
ently the business has increased by
regular leaps and bounds In at
Can positively be cleared uiH-often
In 24 hours I Sulphur in combination
with menthol does it I Succeeds where
other measures fafl. Sulphur clears
the skin, reaches down Into the (kin
and kills the parasites that cause most
skin troubles. And as sulphur clears
the skin, menthol heals it. Twofold
action for perfect results. a Pimples,
blackheads, acne, skin eruptions even
fiery eczema yields. The itching and
burning stops instantly and soon thor
ough healing seta in. Rowks Mentho
T t . 1
suipnnr is inexpensive ana aii arug
risti supply it la jars ready to use
Be sure it's Rowles.
much as authentic reports for the
year show an Increase of 50 per
cent over the activities for the
past year.
The Shell organization in Salem
is to be congratulated upon plan
ning this tour of the valley towns
and in thus furthering the cauao
of airplane service.
ContinuJ from pfw 1)
plans being made by Maurice
Drouchin. one time pilot for
Charles Levlne while the latter
was In Europe last year. Reports
from Dublin this week indicated
Droutiin was negotiating with the
Irish Free State authorities for
uxe of Baldonnel airdrome as a
starting point for a trans-Atlantic
(ermana Start Soon
Free State. Apr. 7. (AP) (Sat
urday! -It was believed here this
morning that the German plane
Bremen would siart on its trans
atlantic flight within 24 hours.
The weather report of condi
tions over the Atlantic said that
they were the best since the plaue
arrived from Germany.
The depression on the Atlantic
was almost stationary with south
easterly wind. All aeaboards were
free of local suowers. Visibility
was good although the sea was
rather rough.
Bremen Brady to Ho
Free State. April 6. (AP). The
projected trans-Atlantic flight of
the (iernian Junkers plane Bre
men which has been straining at
the leash for the past two weeks
awaiting favorable weather, be
came a German-It ish venture to
day. Colonel Jas. C. Fitzmaurice.
chief of Irish Free State air forces
will be the second pilot in the Bre
men, accompanying Captain Her
mann Koehl and Baron Von
Huenefeld. The colonel will take
the place of Arthur Spindler who
returned to Berlin several days
ago after what was reported to
have been a row with the baron.
Irishman Going Too
The Irish army authorities to
day granted Colonel Fitzmaurice
Tubes Tested
0M$Mgr " 1 ' "iif ?'-r -
$m&&m- s&ih&&?'. -wxmm
Before $aby -is
a Day OldeK
LL too soon
days will be mere
ly a memory. No
price you can pay
tomorrow will
buy the Photo
graphs thatshouf d
be made toda
Oregon Duilding
.1 liTTiTTTrv a ti
men's flight could be a German-..
Irish undertaking, the Germans
being particularly anxious to have
an Irish pilot accompany them.
Colonel Fitzmaurice will wear
the Irish air force uniform as the
flight has the official sanction of
the Free State government and
there is treat Interest here over
the prospect of an Irishman tak-
inr mrt in tha hiiiriimn ariven.
Although snow, sleet and fog
over the Atlantic have been put
finr a dimnrr on tha nlana of the
I flyers to get away for the United
i States, weather conditions were
reported improving today. The,
Bremen is fully fuelled and can
be ready for flight Jn two hours
une 01 wie cuna'uons on which
the Irish Free State authorities
granted leave of absence to Colon-
el Fitzmaurice was that insurance
be arranged for the benefit of his
.wife, and "Pat" his eight year old
.daughter. Late tonight negotia
tions for this insurance had not
i been completed. One company de
Imanded a 75 per cent premium for
j the policy.
!' While this business is hanging
,fire. Barou Von Huenefeld is press
I ing both Captain Koehl and Colon
el Fitzmaurice for an early tart.
The baron baa lost confidence in
the American and British weather
observers who have been sending'
reports of unfavorable Atlantis
conditions to Baldonnel.
In Five lb. boxes Aborted in
Light and Durk Coated
Regular Price $3.0tf per box
Week Knd Special at
30c a Lb.
or Two lb; for 5Rc
Five lb. Box for St. 4.1
This Special to 1m old only in
One. Two and Five lb. Iota.
We reserve the right to limit
on this Item.
Only at
Original Yt-llovr I-'ront .
135 N. Cotr.'l Rt.
l'hone 107
Ilie Penslar Ageacy
ve forever
? to bs cancelled. - r
ficult for them to set tfghts for