The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 07, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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1 .
i' -.
Will Attend D. A. R. Meeting
in Dallas This Afternoon
Several members of Chemeketa
chapter of the Daughters of the
American Revolution will motor to
Dallas this afternoon to attend the
meeting of the Daughters which
will be held in the Dallas library.
. The hostesses-for the afternoon
will be Mrs. Oscar Haytcr, Mrs. Es-
tella Barnes; Mrs. J. R. Allgood.j
Mrs. C. L. Colder. Mrs. II. C. Eak-j
in, Mrs. V. P. Fisk. Mrs. It. V.
Morrison. Mrs. L. A. Moore. Mrs.
H. X. Pinkerton, Mrs. C. B. Sund
berg. Mrs. J. E. Sibley, Mrs. C. C
Campbell, and Miss Helen KJmball.
Mrs. II. C. Eakln will give an
historical sketch of Paul Revere
as a feature of the program.
Interesting Program Given
Wednesday at Leslie Junior
High School
An Interesting program was giv
en at Leslie Junior high school
Wednesday by the girls of the
' Miss Af ne3 Moore and Miss Ju-
f Iia Moynthan played a violin duetr
j Miss Helen Hill gave a clever
. dance, and Miss Laura Shook
nlayed a saxophone solo. School
songs by the pupils concluded the
of Mrs. J. W. Phenlcle, the occa
sion bains; Ar birthday anniver
sary. :. -
In the group were the honor
guest. Mrs. Phenlcle; Mm. T. A.
Legge, Mrs. B. I. Steeves, Miss
Doris Phenlcle. Mrs. Q. 3. Johnson,
Mrs. George H. Alden, Mrs. "B. E.
Gilbert, Mn. Jobs M. Cause, Mrs.
W. C. Young. Mrs. C. r. wuson,
Mrs.-Arietta M. Page. Mrs. C. C.
Clark, Miss May Hale, Miss Laura
Hale, and the hostess. Mrs. Hale.
The tea table arranged In the
dining room was lovely with a
centerpiece of Irish moss and
spring flowers in pastel colors.
The attractively decorated birth
day cake was topped with pink
candles in pink holders
Mrs. B. L. Steeves gave an in-
favorlte recipes or salad, and at
tends v.. -
Royal Neighbors Sewing
Club Will Meet
The Royal Neighbors Sewine:
dab will have an all-day meeting
Tuesday at tie home of Mrs. K. &
Abbott, sua Cherry arenas.?.,
pot-luck lunch son will be served
at noon.
Chemeketa Chapter, D. A. R-nerestlng talk in the afternoon on
her visit In the south last summer.
In Portland For the. Day
Mrs. C. E, Strieklin and her
little daughter, Nancy Jean Striek
lin, spent yesterday in Portland.
W. F. M. S. of First M. E.
Library building. Dallas. z:3u
Salem Nature club. Y. M.-C. A.
Prof. Morton Peek, leader. :00
W.-R. C. McCornack hall. 2:09
Easter Cantata, presented by
vested choir of Knight Memorial
church. Church auditorium. 7:30
lated today, a martyr to human
forget fulness.-'
Locked la the cabin as the
schooner lay la quarantine off As
toria, Adelaide screeched her last
bit of defiance at those who for
sook her when deathly fumes
from sulphur pots, used to fumi-
Federal Judge Refuses Toliau the craft, seeped through a
. sa sa ui kuv aawws
When Captain Billy Mayne.
who with 14 other men survived
the tortured voyage of '115 days
from Adelaide, Australia, unlock
ed his cabin door today, Adelaide,
rumpled and silent, lay on her
back near her cage. She was cold
In death.
The cockatoo. Captain Mayne
Accept Jurisdiction; .
Writ Quashed
pounds of her rice were used to
feed the halt-famished crew. They
even threatened her life.
Bo Adelaide was burled today
burled like a true seaman when
of the Columbia.
BPOE Officers Installed
At Thursday Eve Meeting
ser, tiler: muo iwnBif
mmtm tn tha errand lodge ,' WUU
Charles R. Archerd. alternate del
Immediately following the
f allatlon. . Exalted Ruler DurbJi.
they lowered her Into the waters j announced the filing of the ap
pointive Oincwa
esquire; A. W. Jones, assistant
esauire; C. E. Knowlaad. chap
lain D. C. Brnton. organist ami
C. J. Kurth. chairman of the or
A meeting will be held next
Tnesday afternoon. April 10, at J
o'clock In the high school build
lng. for all housemaids who axe
Interested in the six weeks' train
lag course offered by the Smith
Hughes fund. The meeting Tues-
dsy will be preliminary to actual
CHICAGO. April . (AP)
Federal Judge James H. WUker
.on baa ruled that Myron Cat-
fav federal prohibition agent.
-i u mIuiaJ from federal
inrfadictlon to the state for trial "I- was named after the city she
. . fxnd wonndlnr Wll
A la a l l.aI.bJ - CVi nVAVa1
mnnirinal Olirt I ner jungle flUUimmu. y
Church Will Meet Wednesday work, and Is , to determine the
' A fn,r. nours ana aays most convenient
at First Congregational
"Soul of Man." 7:30
Roral Neighbors of America
Adults. 8 o'clock. Juveniles. 7:00
o'clock. Fraternal temple.
R. N. A. Sewing club. Mrs. N. E.
Abbott, 2390 Cherry avenue, hos
tess. All day meeting.
Dakota club. Leslie M. E.
church. Covered-dish dinner, 6:30
Yomarco class. First M. E.
church. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ste- tan Vnrth Winter arrpAL
.-. . . . j . " -
Chapter U, I'. Jb. U. compares nost8
flans t or tsriage lea Wednesday
Plans were completed ana com- r P M s FtT9t m. e. church
mmees appointea ror me Dcneiu Mr3 w T Rigdon, 299 North
onage lea wmcn tn.pier o ui t" ri-t- .t hn.t. tao o'clock
m fx r. 1 . . a-.-, 1 Kw.n.. f "
Wednesday afternoon. April 11,
at the Woman's clab-house on I with attractive gifts from the club
North Cottage street, at the meet-1 members.
ing of the chapter Thursday after-l Spring flowers aud Ea3ter dec
noon at the home of Mrs. Willardj orations were arranged about the
Wirtz. I rooms
The hostess committee for the I Those present were the honor
affair will include Mrs. William guests, Mrs. Wirts and Mrs. Lick-
Hughes. Mrs. B. J. Miles. Mrs. A. lias, Mrs. Susie E. Parmenter, Mrs.
L. Godfrey, Mrs. W. M. McGHch-IMary Gosser, Mrs. May Johnson,
rist. Sr., Mrs. H. S. Hogan of Tual- Mrs. Pearl Lickl3S. Mrs. Marjaret
atan. a former state president oflAckerman, Mrs. Mary Ackerman,
the Sisterhood. The arrangements! Mrs. Mary Wlrtz, Mrs. Stella
have been made by Mrs. W. M.lRyckman, Mrs. Sarah Peterson
Smith. Mrs. A. E. Robins. Mrs. Mrs. Nellie Pierce, Mrs. Bertha
Gardner Knapp. Mrs. A. J. IIuff- Loveland. Mrs. La Vera a Fiala.
man. and Mrs. G. W. Laflar. Mrs. Myrtle Henderson. Mrs. Nora
The members of the refreshment IGeiser. Mrs. Julia Blodgett. Mrs
committee are Mrs. Willard Wirtz.lAzzle Hlxson. Mrs. Gertrude Che-
Mrs. Frank Churchill, and Mrs. o.ev. Mrs. Elizabeth Cheney. Mrs
W. T. Ulcker. Rose M. Abbott. Mrs. Lucille Hix-
Miss Dorothy Basshardt. Misshon, and Mrs. Laura Cheney.
Mien jean jnooay, miss cieaaor Mn Aiil Hiiann. Mrm Mirr
Wright. Miss Edith Glaisyer. Miss Johnson, and Miss Gertrude Chcn-
wuma noiyse wnriz, ana Miss ,t assisted Mrs. Chenev at the tea
virneTioTO ammoai, uemoeri ollhoar.
tne Kamoow uins organization.
will assist with the serving. Final Institute of Fine Arts
Mrs. Harold Hughes, general U1A V J
The final Institute of the club
chairman in charge of the tea, has
been assisted by Mrs. D. X. Beech-
year arranged by the Oregon Fed-
r-t 1V was
a-. v vift, iva j . sr w Ajauau. uu
. Mrs, Fred Laqge,
Mrs. C. K. Logan.,,;-.; , :.. .
held 'yesterday at the Portland
Women's club building. 448 Tay-
Iam Skff Araa-ntt wf aaa
were Mrs. Paul A. Fugate. MlsslK . ! fcl.. .A
The Woman's Foreign Mission
ary society of the First Methodist
church will meet at two-thirty
o'clock Wednesday afternoon.
April 11. at the home of Mrs. W.
T. Rigdon. 299 North Winter
Dr. and Mrs. Franklin Attend
Writers' Conference
Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Franklin
were among the Salem people who
were in attendance at the confer
ence held at tbe Portland Wom
an's club-bouse yesterday In honor
of Oregon writers.
Exhibit of Paintings of Ore
gon Artists Closes
The exhibit of paintings of the
20 leading ' artists of the state
which was held In the Senator ho
tel building closed last evening
after a most successful week.
The exhibit closed a day earlier
than previously announced be
cause the pictures must be sent to
the Marshfield club for exhibition
on Monday.
These pictures are sent out to
the various clubs of the state by
the Oregon Federation of Woman's
club, in order to familiarize the
people of Oregon with the work of
their best artists. The exhibit was
shown in Salem under the loint
Sponsorship of the Fine Arts de
partment of the local Woman's
club, of which Mrs. Carl Gregg
Doney is general chairman, and
of the Salem Arts League, of which
Mrs. Thomas Larkin Williams Is
Short talks given by Mrs. Alice
H. Dodd on the various paintings
included in the display were in
structive and delightful features
of each afternoon.
Members of the Woman's club,
the Arts League, the Business and
Professional Women's dub, and
the Art club of the Salem high
school, assisted on the hostess committee.
Return to Home in Portland
After spending several days with
friends In Salem, Mr. and Mrs.
wuiiam. Burt have returned to
their home In Portland.
for the entrants, says Miss Lillian
Schroeder. director of the part
time continuation school thorugh
which tbe service training Is to be
conducted here.
Miss Schroeder recently sent
questionnaires to determine how
many housewives would be Inter
ested In having their servants en
roll In the course, and response al
ready has shown there will be a
rood class on hand when the
course opens.
The course is offered free of
any charge, and any housewife
who failed to receive a question
naire but who would like to have
her housemaid receive tbe instruc
tion should send her to the meet
ina- Tuesday, announces Miss
Mrs. J. W. Nash, a graduate of
OSC and well equipped from a
practical standpoint, wilt conduct
the course for the fund. Three
hours a week, two one day and
nim another, will be devoted to
the instruction.
I lam .Beatty.
bailiff, in the course of a liquor i
raid. ' ' .
Judge WUkerspn quashed a writ
of habeas corpus cum causa he Is
sued several days ago, but in
structed that the order not be en
tered until next Wednesday morn
ing. It was noted that tbe date
of entry was one day after the
state-wide primary set for next
The writ of habeas corpus was
issued at a time when several au
tomobile loads of armed city de
tectives waited outside the feder
al building for a ruling from the
corporation counsel as to the le
gality of invading the building
and taking Caffey by force.
Beatty was shot when the
.nt invaded a saloon in a
search for Lorenzo M. Julian, re
puted head of a gang of illicit 11-
auor gangsters
Two stories of the snooting
we're' told. One was that Beatty
thought the prohibition agents
were holdup men and was shot as
he fled. The other was that Beat
ty was shot when he pulled a pis
tol and tried to restet the agenis
Special Easter Services
At Rosedale Announced
Special guests at the meeting!
Ruth Pauline Fugate, Mrs. W. W
Clark. Mrs.. H. G. Malson. Mrs. Is-
Hayesvitte Club Entertained
at Bailey Home
Tne semi-monthly meetlna- of
a. belle D. Fugate. Mrs. II. B. Glais- hMl ,ha v.nM the "Penny-Pet" club of Hayes
v., f wil Tlhed of we Fine Arts department I ... ' . . .." 7
3d the institute
Professor J.
Leo Fairbanks.
yer. Mrs. Elmo white, Mrs. David
Wright, and Mrs. William Burt of
it Oregon State College. Corvallis.
was the speaker at the morning
session of the Fine Arts depart-
vllle was breld Thursday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. E. M. Bailer
Twenty-two members of the
Basket, of trllliums. wild cur- tlSti the pgrVm of answered roll call with an
rant, and fern were arranged about
the living rooms
Plans for attendinr a Frlrldaira
demonstration and for securlnc- a
which opened at 10 o'clock. Reg
m . . ... . l,o.wl,WM u Ul flit
Formal Initiation services were e.i- t
1!?" -cZa. ir.l the' fine" art. 21 th" "ure o,
. -.u? ,uuu... w.v ienartment. nresldad. Viwil u ma were aucussea
bow making her home In Salem. I .r- . wi . I A chrysanthemum
,b. n.ivt, is m uauium ul inn.i with Miu i Mi r,.m uc,u ,u l"t5 iair ana mose wno
W. W. Moore, president of Chapter 5?.." "ower. sho'lS
" - I -k . I . . . . . dhiii iuk lur L II H n inii now
m. . . jumuicnoi iae uiTisions or music. i '
Aiemoen present were Mrs. D.I.., . , t , : : rne next meetlnr of th rinh
mm . . i ess a. anu ai to ibiuir iiirl in rminn ... -
a. ueecnier. Mrs. F. E. ChurchllL .7 , " "-- win be held In a fortnight t thr
, 'i laoiii uiwDsiion un va nun a it rw i . - -aa-w
Mrtw a. ij. Godfrey, Mn. w. T.ii. . . Qom or Mrs. Hsina rhH.rnnhDr.
I j-v wa, aa,a cat,.' I . .
Hlckey, Mrs, Harold Hughes. Mrs
William Hughes. Mrs. P. J. Kuntx
Mrs. G. W..Laflar, Mrs. W. W
nnA Mm f V T 1 mar r
in Voirt iiri a t u'b.i.Im 1 c?:- Mrs. G. J. Frankcl. presf-
Mm. a e. BftWiIi Mr. d.e.nt.L tn federation, pre-
a c auuiovg em W
Mrs. George A. Nichols arranged .wl.0?. ?C tne comnun"J J pointed appraisers. Alf O. Nelson is
the luncheon which hiM .t ,nwea lo Dn Pennies, thel.
the Heathman hotel at 12' 45
ROSEDALE, April 6 (Special)
There will be special Easter
services all day Sunday at the
Rosedale Friends church. At 10
a. m. there will be an Easter pro
gram In the Sunday school. The
services the rest of the day will
be conducted by the faculty and
students of North Pacific Evange
llstlc Institute, of Portland.
At 11 a. m., Edward Mott, pres
ident of the school, will preach
and at 2 p. m. the meeting will
be In charge of the students from
the school. There will aleo be
service at 7 p. m. The special
music at all services will be in
charge of Bess Owens Ruuyon, vo
cal Instructor from the scnooi
and well known Portland soloist
There will be a basket dinner at
noon. Everyone is rovueu iu
of these services.
a good sailor throughout the tur
bulent trip, showing verbal signs
of dissatisfaction only when eight
Installation of officers was the
feature at the meeting of the Sa
lem Lodge number 336. B. P. O. E.
last Thursday night. E. M. Page,
district deputy, acted as Installing
officer. Those seated for the year
were :
Frank W.- Durbin. Jr.. exalted
ruler; William II. Paulus, esteem
ed leading knight; II. B. Hulsey,
esteemed loyal knight; Harold Ea
kin. esteemed lecturing knight;
Harry Wiedmer, secretary; Jacob
Fuher. treasurer; E. W. Haxard.
trustee for three years; A. Ia. Fra-
v A common symptom of
trouble. Men and women everywhere
STand recommend Foley PUU
retic (or relief from dimness.
Foley Fills
A4iurtU ti-Ut ! th Udaayt
40,000 MILES
Former Canadian Resident
Buys Farm Near Silverton
SILVERTON, April . (Spe
clal) A. L. Robenolt has sold hi
six acre tract on the Power House
road, to Charles Hinds of Sask.
Mr. Hinds will take possession very
soon and the Robenolt family will
move Into the A . L. Larson home
on east hill. The deal was made
through the Home Seekers' agency.
Work has been started on the
remodeling of the Silverton Com
munity hall where a new kitchen
will be added. Among improve
ments in the gymnasium will be
new hoops for a basketball court.
John C. Goplerud was appointed
executor over the estate of E. J.
Sunbold. P. T. Relstagen, Ed Ad-
ims. ana Alex iarsen were ap-
vnRTH HOWELL. April 6.
rsndn A nlav. "Home Acres.
i. tn h alven at the Grange hall
next Friday night by the pupils
of the North Howell school, who
. hnlnr coached DT E. B. let
Special solos, readings and or
chestra music will be added at
4,aMlAna and a "iitney lunch"
will be served. The public is in
vlted to attend.
Much aoDreciation was express
ed by residents of this community
hn .tt.nriori the nlav last Satur
day evening tn the Grange hall
K.r. Tha talent displayed by the
Monitor Rebekah lodge members
was especially good and tne music
br Mrs. Comstock and Professor
Coffee of suvenon w
Claude Stevenson of Salem fur
nished special lights for tne occa
.itn and also sang In bis usual
nionminr manner.
Old time violin music was also
given by Mr. Baltimore ana vir
gil Morgan.
Castles old in slory the edel
welssthe hajunting romance
cf an old melody the bitter
tragedy of love.
The world has never forgot
ten the story it will always
remember the play
The romance f a love greater
than royal traditions greater
than life itself.
and then
40,000 Miles with Lindbergh from his start from New York to
Paris to his return from South America.
Matinees 35c Evenings ouc
Children 10c I "
he attorney for the estate.
. nmAnr i A II fi -
. -ii n't .fK.1 haril
Starving sanor wu - i
hittn to serve her all
n .IS
la carte where Adelaide went to-1 j
For Adelaide, the cockatoo mas-
Ar tho Ill-fated five masted
schooner K. V. Kruse, was asphyx-
this hour
was given by William Cray Pur-
eeii, Portland architect whose sub-
Fred W. Lange assisted Mr Wirts of wlTi., tIJ Z
In serving at the tea hour. HJlV "e.nJ7 J
Wain. Mrs. Gardner Knapp. and
the hostess. Mrs. Wirts.
-Mrs. Harold Hughes and Mrs.
.iiVk. s.m .t I! WU-T V iv I Rnth Crittendon
will be held at the home of Mrs.l ,0 . ,
William Hughes on Hansen street.
W. R. C. Will Meet This
A tea honoring Oregon writers
was the concluding event of the In
stitute. The meeting yesterday was
the final institute of the club year
And JPnrAaAlirittvM f.Am , I.
TK tl'mon'. ... I r uvui lug Wlll-
... vu..u. nrirei vurps Will er Clubs in the ct.ta w.r. n.o.
meet at two o'clock this afternoon
in McCornack hall. Election eflllW
... ... I v.,.im . t , HW 1, 11111
:cvre8ldcnt wm belEntertained
w "iuo. , . , J ...
Six members of the Grand Army U, l-.V """r "! Mrs. Raipb
or the Republic and 35 members wT?-..- memDer,s
Of the Woman's Relinf
Ralam -.r, in tt.. . C we Mrs. Henry Boise was the
attendance at the
meeting of the Marion county Vet-
additional guest.
T) m 1 4 . J, r . .
erans' association which was held afternoon "version oi tne
h nwuuuiu lugnaij. 1 pf.,Wni -
....iv.ou.cuij "cio lerTBa at Loa
tea hour. The long table was cen
tered with daffodils and yellow ta.
Inera V a at of . .1- .
Mi.. n...h tlK . J-. II
-w us mj a. as as w ( . sa BlUUfJXll.
Spending The Holidays in
at Oreron State ColU- rnrm. .iTJJ rY.n
is spending the holidays in Salem
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Walter F. Buchner.
LaMere Club Members
tertained With One O'clock
LaMere dub members were en
tertained with an attractive one
o'clock luncheon for which Mrs.
Carl Huber was hostess Tuesday
An appropriate Easter center
piece ; decorated the luncheon
table, i Favors ' marked covers for
Mrs.-Theodore Roth, Mrs. F. A.
Struble, Mrs. Clifton Mudd. Mrs.
EsrI Gregg. Mrs. Floyd White,
Mrs. Harry White, Mrs. Charles
Davis, Mrs. K. H. Pickens, Mrs.
W. J. Nelson, Mrs. Harry Hlnes,
Mrs. E. R. Peterson, Mrs. Ed
Schunke. Mrs, Ed Blag enhelmer,
and the hostess, Mrs. Huber.
Club Members Honored at '
. Meeting of R. NJAl Sewing
Club : -L ' -; I
Mr. Pearl LIckiss. who la lear
ing shortly for California, and
Mrs. Mary Wirts, i who observed
i her birthday anniversary on April
;'. -4, were honor guests at the meet
ing of the Royal Neighbors Sewing;
dub Wednesday afternoon at the
some of Mrs. Elisabeth Cheney. : ; .
- Both f uests vera presented
Fiddler, Mrs. Desmond Daue, Mrs
Elbert Bradford. Mrs. Edwin Eh"
Mrs. -Forrest Fulton. Mrs. Harry
vruner. wrs. Harold Baullg. Mrs
Walter Eraser, Mrs. Carl Allport",
and the hostesses, Mrs. Marr and
Mrs. Mase
Royal Neighbors of America
t til Meet Monday Evenina
The Royal Neighbors of Amer
ica wm meet at eight o'clock Mon-
aay evening In the Fraternal tm
pie. The adult organisation will
meet at eight o'clock, and the JT-
igutiei at seven.,
Mrs. Johnson Hostess at
Meeting of H. S. B Club
Mrs. Byrd Johnson was hostess
at the meeting of the H. S. B. club
Monoay evening in her home, la
west Salem
The evening was spent with saw
Members pressnt were Mrs. Ray
adsi, mrs. itusseii Patterson. Mrs.
Nile Hilborn. Miss Ora Williams.
Miss Evelyn Kertson. Miss Letha
Pelley, and the hostess, Mrs. Byrd
Mrs. J. IT. Phenicie Honored
on Birthday Anniversary
Mrs. Aim Ira E. Hale entertain
sa th arsdsy afternoon In her
home on-Marion street with an at
tractive afternoon affair In honor
1 The Musical Extravaganza 1
II 1 Featuring Glen (Bozo) linger
if j J I Loo Marshall Eccentric Comedian
51 f t- 1 " . av- TIKKia I
f4SZ.lQl Feet FUrtoIogy I
T The Harmony Trio Singing & Dancing I
tOV 0n lhe Screen AldTnMa
y- - Today Oiaedoy
( Blatlnee 1-25
( St-ra Evenings 35c -.
y-N. : A-TTrs Children . lnc
v " , v t iiaau,r-
v' III!
2 V. s
' 1 v
57 .
', -.':
They Courted Danger
They Laughed at Death
One Last Embrace
A Last Farewell "
A Rendezvous with Death.
- ) ft
in- p
0 i