The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 07, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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    In-Staging an Easter Egg Hunt for the Children of Salem, the Lions Club Here Is Living Up to Its Principles of Service to All
ine manager 1 tan oj mj government is 100 mg an issue 10 vcciae UJJhand; It Cannot Be Discussed Enough in Five Weeks
ICrstlipr forrcaM: Fair; rising temper
ature but frosts at night over east por
tions: moderate, north wind on the coast.
Maximum temperature yesterday 0, min
imum 34, river 8.4, rainfall none, atmos
phere clear, wind northwest. .
The Ameer of Afghanistan says that
western warfare with its tanks m very un
romantlc. It has long been our opinion
that very little romantic war has ever ex
isted outside the covers of the histories!
r- re.
Sentiment Growing That
Charter Change Should
Wait Until November
1 .-'
I ::,
Aside From Legal Aspect, Oppor-
tunify For Studying and Pos
sibly Amending Provi
sions Not Jivm
By Ralph Curtis
Sentiment appears to be grow
ing in Salem that the proposed
.charter calling for a council-man
ager plan of municipal govern
ment should not be placed on the
ballot at the May 17 election, and
Sethis sentiment seems to be strong
est among all but a few of the
people who are most actively in
favor of the change.
The ordinance calling for put
ting the charter revision on the
ballot will come up for final dispo
sition by the council at the meet
ing April 16, just one day before
it must be filed if it ia to Ix
placed on the ballot
. Cooncilmen Reticent
Councllmen are reticent as tc
their attitude, partly because theii
general disposition , In such mat
ters Is to put any reasonable Is
sue up to a vote of the people.
But the , charter revision pre
sent; an unusual problem. It it
without question the most Import
ant issue r that the voters havi
been called, upou -? to decide in
many years, and the feeling Is be
coming . dally more prdnounced
that there Is not sufficient , time
remaining (to consider it adequate
ly and to make any changes thaj
maybedeemed advisable.
' Townsend Author.
. The 'proposed charter as It
stands today,, represent, a'. vast
mount'cf sto.djr and work! bn
this ha beenr.done-piacipa&3&J
me ' manCouncilman Watson
jjji To wnsend, chairman of the eub
V committee of the charter revision
? committee which. Was entrusted
1 with the task of compiling thislm
r portant document K
I The other members of the main
committee are more or less famil
( iar with it, but the'y had little op
portunity to deliberate upon the
separate provisions; This for the
reason that tne charter was re
ported back so recently that the
committee was able to meet but
once to go over the final draft,
before submitting it to the mayor
in time for the last council meet-
lb Ing at which the ordinance calling
j, 7 IJI it YUIO TOUIU UB (IICU 111 1 UI1U
J " second reading. , ,
1 -J 00 Late to Change
The council received it at Mon
day's meeting, and will have had
but two weeks to consider it be
fore disposing of the aforesaid or
dinance and then there will be
absolutely no time for altering the
(Continued on pl 3)
Witty and Redding Blake Good
Showing Despite Late Change
In Side
The Southwestern university of
Los Angeles debate team defeated
the -Willamette university speak
ers by a two to one vote of the
judges in JWaller Hall here last
night. One of the largest audi
ences ever to attend a debate in
this city was present.
Robert Witty and Charles Red
ding represented Willamette, and
gave the visitors what they admit
ted to be the strongest opposition
they had encountered this season.
not being sure of their victory an
til the Judges made the aanouace
nnf Tha visitinr sneakers were
xjjir -Arti.ur Wolpe and Murray Cbot
and" investments should be pro
tected only by tbe governments of
the nations in which the invest
ments are made." . The Willam
ette team had only two days in
which to prepare for this contest,
as both teams had previously de
bated the negative side, causing
them to make the sudden change.
In spite of that the Willamette
team showed up creditably, and
was-not at all ontclassed by the
southern attorneys. ;
The southern institution is a
Jaw school, with an enrollment of
about 1200 students, and they
specialize in debating, always hav
nr nn at the strongest teams In
JZ-ik country.. These speakers have
lmttt inatitntfnna
- on the coast and are now on way
to the east where they plan to en-i
ter national competition, and are
coniiaent tnai iney . wm ; riurn
with the trophy this season. , .
1 fm Next Friday night the women's
debate team of . Willamette will
"y. aeet the Pacific university deba-
- tors In Salem, In their last debate
V t the season. - , T 7
UtUe Fork Slay Start Hunting at
2:30 V1m-h Signal tiivfu
, With Siren
will Easter Sunday
Grownups may answer that ques
tion calmly, but the answer doesn t
Jispel the excitement of antici
pation that is causing little hearts
to beat faster than usual and mak
ing "tomorrow" seem ages away.
For tomorrow 3.70U Easter
jggs. wrapped in green paper and
tidden in tho grass at Willson
Park, will be at the disposal of
my little children up to 12 years
f aee. inclusive, that can una
It all begins at 2:30 o'clock In
the afternoon, and the Lions club
is in charge. Here are the instruc
tions given out last night by New
ell Williams, chairman of the com
mittee which has prepared the
Children from one to six years
old. inclusive, will gather, accom
panied by their parents, on Cottage
itreet west of the park, the street
being roped off for their safety.
Children from 7 to 12 years old
vill meet on the west steps of the
At a signal which will probably
;e the sounding of a police siren,
che children will be permitted to
iwarm out over the lawn-i the
younger group west of the walk
tear the Waite fountain, and the
lder children east of this line,
rhey may keep as many eggs as
hey can find.
Now, some of these packages
vill contain, in addition to the
ggs, balloons and other presents;
tnd some will contain slips wfifch,
m being presented at the' band
tand, will entitle the finder to
mother prize. Harry W. Scott Is
n chargeof this feature, and has;
obtained many attractive prizes,;
tonated by local business men.
Every precaution' wjil be taken
o prevent any danger to the child
ren; city police and state traffic
officers will be on hand, and the
uions .all wearing badges, will be
here to assist; under the direction
f. Harry Hudkins, the third mem
ber of the exnnmUtee In charge.
The Camp. Ft re Oiris and Boy
3ftuts, there to hide the
cffSf to-seevthat jhobodjrgets onf
he grounds to steal any of the
;ggs before the signal Is given, and
o police the dividing line so that
aone of the larger children get
jver Into the wrong part of the
The boys and girls will also col
lect the green wrapping paper aft-
ir tne hunt is about finished, and
(Continued on pg 3)
Matter of Land Grant Share
Claimed by State l'p Again
Reargu merits of attorneys were
heard by the state supreme court
Friday In the suit brought by Sam
A. Kozer, as secretary of state, to
recover from Marion county a part
of the money it has received un
der, the so-called -Oregon and Call-
rornia tana grant tax refund act.
, The secretary of state contends
that theetate is entitled to receive
from the 18 land grant counties
sharing in the refund an amount
of money equal to the amount It
would have received in taxes had
not the railroad grant lands re
verted to. the government.
The land grant counties have
received approximately $6,000.
000 under the tax refund act, of
which amount the state claims i
is entitled to $1,300,000.
The suit originally was filed in
the Marion county circuit cour,
where a decree was handed dowr
favorable to Marion county. Th
state then appealed. It was sal,
that any decision that Is handed
down in tbe Marion county case
would apply to all land grant
Oregon Pioneers First
To Apply
No Door Was Locked, Travelers Helped Themseives and
Didn't Insult Host by Offering Pay; Later "Carpet
Bagger" Period Also Described by Speaker
When no door in all the north
west country was locked, when
strangers came, fed their horses
and themselves while .the house
holder was away, when travelers
knew better than to Insult their
hosts by offering pay tor a night's
lodging, when the stage line that
was the only means of public
transportation to Sacramento had
their stopping place where the Sa-f
lem armory now stands
And then again, when the Ore
gon capitol smelled to high heaven
of corrupt politics, when 2000
votes were bought at $2.60 each
on the streets of Salem before each
election, when there were 70 sa
loons in Marion county and party
tickets were written in their odor-1
ous back rooms, when office hold
ers became wealthy through the
fee system
These two episodes . of Oregon
history .were related and contrast
ed by Circuit Judge L. H. McMa-
hon In his talk at the Salem Lions
elnb luncheon Friday noon, as
phases of pioneer life here - tn
which he had an active part.
Chicago Campaigns Grow
More Heated As Election
Day Approaches
Mayor Wm. H. Thompson Makes
Last Desperate Appeal to
Run-Robert K. Crowe In
as State's Attorney
CHICAGO, April 6. (AP).-
From the maelstrom of accusa
tions, recriminations, mudslinging
which the April 10 primary cam
paign by two republican factions
has become, the statement of
Mayor William Hale Thompson
that he would resign if Robert E.
Crowe, co-leader with him, wae
defeated for state's attorney stood
out today.
."Yes, I will resign .if Swanson
is elected' said Mayor Thompson.
"I am tired of fighting."
He referred to Judge John A.
Swanson who is seeking the nom
ination on the Lowden-Deneen
From the candidates for the
nomination for United States sen
ator down to the humblest county
office candidate all found the or
der of the day to be mud sling
ing. Other Fights Overshadowed
In Chicago and Cook county the
fight between Crowe and Swan
son for tbe nomination for state's
attorney by far overshadowed
even the struggles for United
States senator and governor.
The reason for the extreme in
terest fn the Crowe-Swanson flghl
was found by several newspapers
In - the : political prestige - that
Crowe has built in the seven years
he has held - office since - he : left
the- 'county bench although one
newspaper went a step .further
the scenea'Cthere Is a fight. equal
ly as desperate between Crowe
and Thompson for undisputed
control of the republican county
central committee.
: United States Senator Charier
S. Deneen, speaker for the candi
dates on the Lowden-Deneen
ticket and especially in the Inter
est of Judge Swanson, addressed
himself to the presence in Chica
go of prohibition agents.
f Crime Conditions Bared
"Every one who has followed
the news of the campaign has ob
served the frantic efforts of the
Crowe-Thompson machine and the
(Continued on pass 9)
School District Will Remain In
tact, Boundary Board Rules
The Rickey school district will
not be divided into th spnanfr
'districts, petition for that move-
ment being denied yesterday af
ternoon at the meeting of the dis
trict boundary board
The petition, calling for a sep
arate district out of the west end
of the present Rickey school dis
trict, was presented early last
week, shortly, arter sentiment had
been expressed for a new two
stOry school building to replace
the old, inadequate one-story
structure. The two-story school
building proposed was carried at
n election Tuesday evening.
: The petitioners sought a change
iecause, they set forth, the old
school house, while in the center
of the district, was not In the cen
ter of population, now in the
western part of the district.
The pioneer was rugged, or he
wouldn't have gotten to Oregon,
ana ne was independent and fear
less, or he never would have start
ed, said "Mac." (He strenuously
o ojects to oetng called "Judge." )
Therefore, Oregon had a better
type of citizenship then than it
has now, he added- Pioneer life
as it was lived - in Oregon fur
nished the first example the world
has ever had : of applied Chris
tianity, - - , :
If one of the pioneers was 111,
his neighbors would come and
take care of him, do his work and
bring their own grain seed to sow
in his fields. -If any man mis
treated his neighbor, or prove d
dishonesty In any way, ha was
preachers In that day did not hes-
kltate to excoriate sin because some
wealthy sinner might withdraw his
support. ri-;yv.i:xi.;-ilv';.;a:.;i '
"Mae" suited the Woodburn
Independent In the early part of
the period which he described as
(Ctia4 m t .) -- I
Repnblican Party, Organization
Collects Ten Per Cent of ,
Salary, AsseHwn
Postmaster General New today
ordered the dismissal of . Alvin
Durrance and Leslie D. Roberts,
postmasters at Frostproof and
Avon Park, Fla., respectively.
New said he was advised tbat
Durrance had declared he paid
$500 to secure the recommenda
tion for re-appointment to his of
fice, and that Roberts had said
he "was willing to pay for a rec
ommendation." "This positively will not be tol
erated In this department," the
postmaster general said. "No man
will be appointed who has paid for
his endorsement and any man will
be summarily dismissed if it de
velops that he bought his office."
FROSTPROOF, Fla., April 6.
(AP). Alvin L. Durrance dis
charged as postmaster here today
charged that he has paid 10 per
cent of his salary into the coffers
of the republican party organiza
tion of the state since he went in
to office in 19 2v.
"My dismissal, I think, is the,
result of refusal on my part to
pay 1190 additional which was de
manded of me," Durrance' declar
ed today. !
, Durrance said the payments
had been made under a rule which
he believed to prevail in "at least
this section of Florida."
"I understand that at least one
postmaster, L. D. Roberts of Avon
Park, has been similarly notified
of his dismissal. Roberts, I un
derstand, has been a lifelong re
Durrance Is a democrat. He
oaid payments were made to Eu
gene Oberdorfer, Atlanta, treasur
er of the Florida republican com
mittee by . order of , George W.
Bean, national republican com
mitteeman for that state
Hero of Air Has Hard Time Keep
ing Away From Crowds- -
SANTA BARBARA. Cal., Apr. 6.
(AP) Colonel Charles Lindbergh
returned la Santa Barbara ;aifd jr
IusUh -today-after m atngtwo
itops enroute 'from, San Diego in
'lis new four passenger cabin mon
oplane. After leaving the south
ern city at 11:16 this morning he
topped at Santa Ana to spend
lalf an hour inspecting the giant
nonoplane Albatross and, landing
U Vail field. Los Angeles, at 1:30
3'clock, irritatedly dodged news
paper men and photographers for
twenty minutes before .taking the
lir for another unannounced des
tination. He landed a few min
utes before three o'clock at Car
pinteria. 15 miles south of here
and motored here to escape the
public gaze in a private automo
bile. Lindbergh very apparently wa
annoyed at the surprise reception
riven him by a battery of news
ameras at Los Angeles. His fa
nous smile failed to make its ap-
pearance during his 20 minute
;top at Vail field.
One cameraman who ventured
to Lindbergh's idling propeller
was called to the door of the plane
cabin -for a warning against the
practice. Lindbergh was heard to
mention that you fellows make it
awful hard for me. -
. ;
Thad Hansen Admits Recent Rob
bery at Silverton
A sudden religious conversion
and subsequent confession to rob
bery of Mack's pool hall at Silver
ton three weeks ago, was the
cause of Thad Hansen's presence
In the Marion county jail here last
night. .
Such, was the account given by
officers, Hansen being brought
from Portland late yesterday by
Deputy Sheriff Sam Burkhart of
this county. The pool hall robbery
netted the Silverton youth some
$5.10. it was stated. Making his
way to Portland, Hansen recently
came under the influence of re
ligious enthusiasts with the result
that he appeared yesterday at po
lice headquarters there and made
his confession.
A year ago Hansen, who lives
most of the time with foster par
ents near Silverton, was declared
to have stolen an auto belonging to
Julius Aim of that city.
Difference Between Scientist and
Philosopher Told
PORTLAND, April t.- (AP)
Dr. Robert E. Swain of Stanford
university, attending the north
west regional meeting here of the
American Chemical society, makes
a solemn distinction between the
scientist and the philosopher.
. In a bantering mood. Dr. Swain
explained his distinction:
"Some ; people regard the first
as one -who knows a - great deal
about a very little, and who keeps
on knowing more and more about
lessvand less until he knows every
thing about nothing. Then he is
a scientist. - ; i
"Then there is another speci
men who knows a little about very
much, and he continues to know
less about more and more until he
knows nothing about everything
Then he Is a philosopher." ,
Demonstration of Practical Use of
Aviation one Purpose, An
nounced The day of the airplane appears
to be at hand and this morning at
II o'clock three and possibly four
planes of the Pacific Airplane com
pany will take off from a Salem
jfleld on a tour of valley towns.
The tour is being sponsored by
the Shell Co. of California orsraniz
ation In Salem and each plane will
be decorated with Shell insignia.
Some time will be spent over this
city and then the group wUl go to
uaiias, Monmouth and Indepen
dence for exhibition nurnoses
After leavinr Indenendence ther
plan to circle Gresham and then
head for Oregon City where a
landing will be made. While In the
latter place the planes will be re
fueled and oiled with Shell pro
ducts. . From Oregon City the tour will
take the planes to Silverton where
stents will be performed and a
landing made for the amusement
of the crowds in that locality at
tending the proposed shooting of
the Silver Creek Falls by the same
man who made the drop over the
Oregon City falls.
From Silverton the return trip
will be made to Salem. Several
out of town managers for the
Shell stations have been Invited to
make the trip. Those, who will be
in the planes, are E. H. Hlbbard
and Richard Christopher of Dallas,
William Leonard of Silverton, C.
J. Gray, Jack Beck and John Bol-
lter of Salem
This tour of the valley tow'ns
has been planned and Is being car
rled to a succesful culmination by
the Shell Co. of California. Salem
organization. It is a unique affair
inasmuch as it demonstrates the
tendency oi companies to use
planes more in their business and
It likewise calls the attention of
the public to the fact that the air
plane is here to stay and Salem
does need badly an adequate land
ing field.
A special feature has been ar
ranged for the flight which calls
for the dropping of imitation cans
of Shell motor oil, said cans being
filled -with candy and in some of
them may be found an order for
Some oil or gat,- -: i !- isit
of the most" systematic and effi
cient organizations of its kind in
the country.-These facts, coupled
s ' -i.
(Continued on page 3)
lOOO Men in West Virginia Called
To Fight 160 Fires
CHARLESTON, W. Va., April 6
-(AP) Approximately 160 for
est fires were raging over West
Virginia tonight said reports made
(o P. M.. Browning, chief fire war
den of the game and fish commis
sion. Browning estimated nearly
1,000 men in addition to many
Boy Scouts had been called upon
for assistance in fighting thf
flames. Many mines. Browning declar
ed were ejntirely closed down so
that employes might assist on the
fire lines. Fully two thirds of the
fires, were said to be below the
Kanawha river. Snow which fell
only a few days ago in the north
ern portion of the state, kept down
the number of fires in that dis
trict, although several have been
reported from the eastern pan
handle and north central sections.
The extent of the fires could not
be estimated by Browning who ex
pressed the belief that most of the
fires were the result of the dry,
hot weather followed by brush
burning and careless handling of
Announces Definitely He Will Not
rermit Name on Ballot
John B. Giesy, former mayor of
Salem, quieted rumors that he
would be a candidate for city re
corder, last night with a definite
announcement that he wouW not
permit his name to be placed on
the ballot.
This leaves the field so far to
Mark Poulsen. the incumbent, and
O. J. Hull, who filed his petition
early this week.
Other city political events of the
day included the filing of Henry
Vandevort's petition for council
man in the first ward, and of
Mayor T. A. Livesley's petition
placing his name on the ballot for
a second term.
Mr. Vandevort's sloran reads "I
will lend onr-experience to the
completion of the Livesley sewer
and bridge program." He will op-!
pose PhU Eiker for the seati Mr.
Vandecort was formerly a member
or me council. - - .
Ten Fear Old Lad Drowns Near
, ; ,; , liOagview Yesterday
LONG VIEW. Waab4 April
(AP). j Robert Miller. 10. of Kal-
ama, drowned in the Columbia
river latetoday when he and his
brotner fell from a raft on which
they had been playing. The broth
er, Kenneth. $ jrears' old, was
resusclated by Kalama firemen af
ter his body had been ' recovered
oy a fisherman A pulmotor was
used on Robert without results. ;
Young Neighbor Boy De
scribes Man Believed To
Be Member of Gang
Los Angeles Police Search in Vain
for 9 Year Old Collins Iul
Said to Hare Been Taken
In Revenge
The description of a "short,
dirty, whiskered man" believed by
the police to be a convict recent
ly released from Folsom prison
who probably knows considerable
about the supposed kidnaping
March 10 of 9 year old Walter
Collins, was given them today by
x boy neighbor of young Collins.
The boy, 12 years old, Lloyd
Turor, declared the man ap
proached him near his home or
March 9, asking for the locatior
of the Collins home and saying he
was "after young Colllnsi hide."
"He drove up to me where I was
standing," the Turor boy told the
officers, "in a Dodge touring car
He asked me if I knew whert
Walter lived and I told him 'Yes.'
and said 'Do you want me to give
him a message' and he said 'No
I want to give it to him myself.
I'm after bis hide.' Then he drovt
off in the direction of the Collins'
Description Broadcast
The description of the man who
is believed to be one of two con
victs for whom the police were
searching, was broadcast through
3Ut the Pacific coast. The men
were reported to ths- police to be
degenerates and members of a
gang of eight former Folsom pris
oners. A blanket charge of kid
naping and murder was directed
against them yesterday in a lettet
written to police by Walter J. S
Collins, the boy's father who if
serving a five year robbery sen
tence at Folsom. He wrote of a
feud that arose in Folsom and
which resulted in one or more oi
tbe men making threats against
his family. He explained that the
trouble arose over a report he. as
"checker" over the prison mess
help, made against the eignt con
cerning an infraction of the rules.
Will Be Crowned at W. U. Fcstiv.
Ities to be Held May 4, 5
Miss Virginia Merle Crites of
Spokane, Washington, was elected
May Queen to reign during the
May day festival. May 4 and 5 at
Willamette university. The elec
tion was held at the university
yesterday afternoon with three
candidates competing, they being
Miss Genevieve Junk of Salem,
Miss Phoebe Smith of Vancouver,
Wash., and Miss Crites. All three
candidates are seniors and popu
lar in campus activities.
Miss Crites, majoring in. history
at the university will graduate in
June, She is president of Delta
Phi sorority, of which she , Is a
member. She is also much inter
ested in college dramatics, having
participated in many of the plays
while attending school.
Miss Junk and Miss Smith will
act as attendants to Queen Vir-i
glnia. The election was hotly
contested, many votes being cast
tor each candidate.
Omaha Crippled; News
Service Uses Wireless
Terrific Snowstorm Breaks Down Telephone and Telegraph
Lines and Interrupts Train Schedules; Dakotas and
Minnesota Also Suffer Severely; Forecast Colder
OMAHA. Nebr., Apr. . (AP)
Omaha and eastern Nebraska
were brought back in tonch with
the outside world tonight when
telegraph and telephone commun
ication Was restored after a oay or
dlrrins out of the heaviest April
snow on record m mis vicinuy.
Radio was the only means of
reaching outside points since early
this morning.
CHICAGO. April . r(AP)
Omaha, with Its telephone and
Telegraph lines broken by a severe
snowstorm, remained in communi
cation with ontsids points today
arrely by radio. ' . 1
Transportation systems reach
ing the city were crippled and
there was apprehension of a milk
shortage. Omaha was the center
of an nnnsnal disturbance extend
ing from Des: Moines to Lincoln,
ind north to the Canadian border.
Snow fell ,in Minnesota North
ind South Dakota but not with as
equally a destructive effect. Fur
ther Incapacitation of wire and
McXary-Haugrn Measure Declared
Due for Official . V.'ord
Given Out
While democrats were block
ing an attempt today to set Tues
day for a final vote on the Mc-
Nary-Heugen farm relief bill it
developed that President Coolldge
regard the revised measure as
still objectionable to a degree.
Mr: Coolidge has tot made up
his mind about the new bill rel
ative to its signature or veto and
it is not now clear just what fea
ture is not satisfactory. He vetoed
last gear's McNary-Haugen- bill
largely because of Its equalization
fee which Attorney General Sarg
ent declared unconstitutional and
chat feature is one of several now
oeing studied by the president and
.lis advisers.
In this year's model of the bill
the equalization fee is placed as an
alternative to other machinery toi
care for crop surpluses but it still
has the hearty support of its spon
The maneuvering of senate
democrats to block the netting of
Tuesday for a final vote on the
measure, served to delay its prog
ress, the minority members de
claring they wished more time in
which to draft amendments.
These changes, not expected to be
radical, have been under consid
eration ,y cotton state senators
for two days but did not come to
ight until Senator McNary of
Oregon, republican, co-author oi
.he measure, proposed the closing
hour of Tuesday for the final de
Milwaukie High Defeated for Low
er Willamette Title
Albany high school won a decision
over Milwaukie Union high school
hefe tonight in a debate to deter
mine the lower Willamette cham
pionship. Each had won the cham
pionship in its section.
-The question-"was i" "Resolved
that section II, article II of the
state of Oregon constitution,
known as the six per cent limita
tion, should be repealed."
The Albany team, composed of
Arthur Potwin and Karl Gihert
upheld the affirmative. The Mil
waukie team, Jean Lennard and
Willet Bowernian, debated the neg
ative side.
Merger May Result In Better Eleo
trie Rates for Salem
The proposed merger of the
properties of the Portland Electric
Power company and the North
western Electric company may
prove beneficial to the patrons of
the two corporations in Salem,
Woodburn, Silverton, Forest
Grove, Oregon City, Hillsboro,
Beaverton and other cities, ac
cording to announcement made at
the offices of the public service
commission Friday.
The commission has launched
an investigation to determine what
effect the merger will have upon
the rates in the territory now
served by the two companies out
side of Salem.
Mother of Mrs. Coolidge Spends
Comfortable Night
6. (AP) Mrs. Lemira Goodhue.
mother of Mrs. Calvin Coolidge,
who is ill at the Dickinson hospital
here, spent a comfortable day.
hospital attaches said tonight.
rail lines in the Omaha region was
expected as government forecast
ers predicted a zero temperature.
8nowfaIl In northern and central
Kansas damaged wires and isolat
ed several towns.
Soon after the day staffs of
Omaha newspapers went to work
today all telegraph and telephone
wires went down. The Associated
Press was without a wire Into tbe
city. -:
Contact was first established by
radio station WDAF, operated by
the Kansas City Star, broadcasting
news dispatches to WOW, the
Woodmen of the World station at
Omaha. Later WHO, the Bankers
Life r station : at Des ; Moines;
"talked" with Omaha, The Chi
cago of flee of the Associated Press
dispatched news' to Omaha by
wireless, using a United States
army station here. "
- v Railroads ' suffered chiefly be
cause the dispatching of trains
was crippled. All of the 20 toll
(0atiaad on pf S)
. ,
Four Expeditions Planner
from France In Addition
To Bremen Trip
Lieutenant Michael de Trojat.
Who Met Yaiikc Ace at 1a'
Bourget, Hope to be F.rM
to Take off
LE BOURGET. France. April I.
(AP) The trana-Atlantic avia
tion season in France is getting
under way in earnest with the ap
proach of spring weather.
Today there were two- planer
with trans-oceanic ambitions in
the air, while at lease two other
expeditions are understood in pre
paration including one by tbe air
wing of the French navy.
Lieutenant Michael de Troyat.
a noted French pilot, who hepw
to be first to get away on a Paria
New York flight this year, took a
700 mile test flight, leaving fcr
at 4:30 a. m. today and turning
Op at Dijon nine hours later. H
made a circuit that carried him
the Mediterranean at Marseii'ev
and then swung northward apaic
touching Lyons and landing at Di
jon, about 170 niilen outheafet of
; Plane Ike Lindbergh's
' De Troyat was a sergeant in
aviation regiment stationed at Lr
Bourget last year when Colonel
Charles A. Lindbergh made hi
historic flight to the French tap
ital. He helped get the Amerl. an
airman out of the wild crush on
the field after the landing sud
then later escorted him in a litlle
flight over Parla during which
:he two men did atnnts that de
lighted the military flyers " who
watched them He and Lindbergh
became great frfenda. I v f "
Little is known of De Troy at s
plane except that it is all metal
and is similar to the "Spirit of Kt.
Louis," having the same typ of
wing structure and motors. It has
an estimated flying radius of
3,500 miles.
The approach of the Atlantic
aviation season was '"emphasised
today by arrival here unheralded
of the "Oiseau Rouge" (the red
bird) piloted by Sergeant Major
Antoine Paillard. a noted war fly
er. His monoplane is iren irom
the builders and ran carry
tine for a flight of 46 hours. It
has a 600 horsepower motor and
the general expression at Le Bour
get was that it was the best prf-
pect that has yet p'lt in an appear
ance. It is understood the air wing
force of the French navy shortly
will send a monoplane over the
Atlantic with New York as its
goal, rne piane win aiop m m
Azores and fly past Bermuda- bat
will not halt at the fatter place
unless necessary. Spare parts and
gasoline already have been for
warded to the Azores.
There Is mystery attached to
(Continued on p .)
SAYl)LD woman
Authorities Hold Arkansas Pairn
Charge off Assault With In
tent to Kill
FOUKE, Ark., Apr. . (API
Charged with having placed poi
son In the community well whwe
rendered 111 nearly every one of tb
inhabitants of the J. R. Goldmas
saw mill- camp near nere, :rm.
Nancy Lynn, 70, was arrested bei
today with her brother. Robert
They were held on charges f
assault with intent to kill after
authorities had reported that tM
well water gave indications that
arsenic bad been placed in it.
Further investigation they said.
revealed that Mrs. Lynn had ob
tained a quantity-of the pohos.
from a drug store and her arrt
followed. Every member of firs
families was ill today and physi
cians said that at least one ni ens
be r of every family In the casae
was affected. Children were sf-
te ::g most, it was said, and al
though physicians said none wer
in a critical condition, consldei-
able apprehension was felt.
The camp has about 20 famines.
The aged woman, authority
said was suffering from an hallu
cination that her children were seji.
tng her birthright and that Ler
remaining years would be spest
in poverty. Her children told -fleers
she probably believed sale
of timber she thought her, could
be prevented if the lumbering
crew at Foulke was removed.
'When arrested end brought bers
the aged woman refused to make
a statement and bar brother, sev
eral years her Junior, was likewise
silent. They will be arraigned to
morrow morning.