s " il If ITT , JKf -JlffOf'Vt TEE OHEGOW STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON. ttnyrMomnNa XPRTL -cs i-j: Ulfiaieir ia the time nf tht iivnr mhvn nne fnrnetJl the lonO Winter Reason which has iusf passed and prepares for the coming Spring. It ! is the time for a change, a time for Spring attire, a time to lay aside, the Winter garb and blossom out in new apparel. On jhis page 9 -- t I! f 1 1 'I 1 tyULL WILL i LI III ttllliLy.ifLiyytsOLJio uiw yuvi io uiui u uoowv (vw yww vwwww - 0- , MILLINERY The Season's Newest In Both Large and Small Styles. $1.25 to $12.50 DRESSES for EASTER Just Arrived from New York. $12.75 to$17.50 See our complete line of Royal Society Art Needlework. HALF-DOLLAR FREE Bring this ad with you and re ceive 50c CREDIT on your East er Hat or Dress. Ml LADY'S SHOP (Formerly Mr. H. P. Stith) 333 State Street Salem Jewelry and Silverware CHERISHED TREASURES Because the? mean so much and will give a life time of ...1. j 4-: -r. pleasure ana sauaiw;iwu. APPROPRIATE NOW TO SELECT YOUR EASTER GIFT HARTMAN BROS. Jewelers and Diamond Merchants ' On the Corner State and Liberty Will Your Glasses Add to Your Appear ance in Your' Easter Attire The Correct Style When we fill your prescription for lenses, we also fit you with the style of frame that; is most becoming to your individual type. You won't mind wearing glasses when you see yourself in those we select for you. We also show you the correct style of glasses for evening wear, sports, school, office, etc. Morris Optical Co. 301-2-3 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel 239 The Kind She Likes! Most girls are connoisseurs when It cornea to candy. You can't risk giving them anything but the best. You're per "cly safe If you send her one of. Whitman's special Easter assortments, in a special gift box, J. II. WIIXETT "ONLY THE BEST" 405 STATE ST. Extraordinary Value Ladies' Pure Silk Full Fashioned Hose Service Weight In the Correct Spring Colors Closing Out the Entire Stock SBH(al()im"Si? wdiiq (Sb Extraordinary Value Ladies' Pure Silk Hose made with narrowed ankle and narrowed foot. Pointed Heel AU the New Spring Shades SALEM 176 N. Liberty St. OREGON il il - "The Freoclb Shop No-Profit Sale Continuing NEVER BEFORE has the French Shop offered its fine apparel on sale at the opening of a season. ENTIRE STOCK of new spring modes on sale, Including coats, dresses, ensembles and millinery. Will participate with the French $hop In this no-profit sale. The La Bette' Shop 494 State St., next to Oregon Theatre THE LA BETTE SHOP Is owned by M. Buffe Morrison and is conducted as a specilaty shop-, featuring smart wearing apparel" at pQpular prices., TO THOSE who have not Tlsited the La Bette Shop, are extended a cordial invitation. You will not be disappointed and furthermore, you will be astonished at these marvelous values. No charge's during this no-profit sale. OUR NEW EASTER HATS Now On Display Prices to Suit Your Purse See our new models in Goldette Under Apparel in all pastel colors in combination and separate garments. A. E. LYONS THE WOMAN'S SHOP 124 S. High New Bligh Bldg. "Where Your Dollar Bays More" M I LLI N CRY PRE-EASTER SALE of NEW SPRING HATS Silks, straws, combinations, the very newest styles and fashion creations. Exceptional values at $3.95 and $4.95 Complete line of children's hats. Vanity Hat Shoppe Court St- Across from Miller's Today as never before The Secret of True Chic is found in perfect fitting foundation garments. A thorough understanding of the cur rent mode and an intimate knowledge of the human figure are needed to fit a foundation garment perfectly. This knowledge and understanding are yours for the asking We carry an ex clusive and high class line of foundation garments at all prices. Howard Corset Shop 165 N. Liberty fa 4 TV n i II n If ri . i Hundreds bf New Hats , BEST GRADE-LOWEST PRICES . Best Millinery Department : in This City - V 240-246 N; Commercial Street - ii K ? - i sum f : m SUGGESTIONS FOR COM PLETION OF YOUR EASTER WARDROBE new bat, coat and drea are an essential part ot every woman werdrobe at Easter, but Quite- aa essential are dainty undergarment that lay the foundation for new Outer apparel. ; We an displaying a uw and attractive line ot silk eorselettes and undergarments In the new paatel snadea. Bettrng slfk hosiery with the new shadow- clocks. In tact; we hare a complete line of lingerie of variety and quality unequalled la Salem. 1 And to add a finishing touch on Boater morning, Milady's tolletrlee should eoaalit of "Esprit d'Amonr facial creams and powders. To those sot acqualntad with this high grade Hne ot facial pre paratlena. eample of powder and booklet "Smart Appearance" wUl be given tree. Call ' and ask. for your free sample. , r --.- - - '-' - ' v . sTTfitSiiififlTtt) S)finii tf)2ZZ-P , Next New Stage Terminal In Time for Easter Dry Clean or Dye the Old Frock and Save the Cost of a New One Yu can have a new dress for TCaater without bsglng; one. Let ns make yonr old one a new color or clean it so pertectr" that It has the newness and freshness of one juet bought I Hate ; ' ReNEWed , If your hat looks shabby, send it here to be-dry-cleaned. It will come back looking like new.-, , . .:,- STAtI DARD ClEAf:ERS & DYERS llV v 1 2 480 X Commercial ITione 14SS