The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 06, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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LllllUhV I Ullt.ll UUIb
uotru ii
Montana Unit of Electric
Bond and Share Com
pany Will Be Sold
NEW YORK. Apr. 5. (AP)
John D. Ryan has agreed to sell
the Montana Power company to)
the American Power and Lignt
company, a unit of the Electric
Bond and Share company, at a
price described at "above S2.0C0.
000." Ryan eald today that he
and the other directors would
recommend acceptance by other
shareholders of the American
Power and Light offer.
The Montana Power company,
V described as one or me Dtggest
renerators of power In the north
west, has outstanding 496.333
' ihsrm at common utork which
closed on the stock exchange to
day at 1CS. 50 and has a fnnded
debt of $4.21.000.
A letter will be sent to Ameri
can Power and Light stockholders
describing the proposed exchange
of stock and calling a stockhold
ers meeting on or about April 24
to consider the matter. The bank
ing syndicate's offer to Montana
Power stockholders also will be
mailed at an early date.
The system of the Montant
Power company fits logically into
the American Power Light prop
erties, interconnecting with the
Washington Water Power , com
pany, recently acquired by the
zronn. which in turn connects with
another subsidiary, - the Pacifl
Power and Light-company. The
cronniBf of thnsc uttlth fnfo a sin
gle system with unified - control
officials of the 'American Power &
Light company said, will bring re
mit in operating economics and
enlarged opportunities for exten
sion and improvements which will
prove beneficial to the territories
Colonel Well Pleased with
Way Airplane Acts On
First Flight
lindbehgh tries
SAN DIEGO, Cal.. Apr. 5
(AP) First test flights of the
new monoplane recently completed
here by the B, F. Mauoney Air
- raft corporation for Colonel
M'harles A. Lindbergh were mad
today by Lindbergh. The flier
who landed here yesterday from
Santa Babara, took off from the
Mahoney flying field In the new
..plane at 10:18 a. m.. and re-
in amen in me air uum .
- in u fair oiTorl nmaril vena, at the
field to watch the flight.- h-:
While Lindbergh was ,'at the
field be posed as a squad of pho
tographers, amateur as well as
professional, snapped him. That
was by previous arrangement. He
balked however, at givug his an
tograph to a girl w ho approached
him and aped away as he declined.
Food after that he went with hl-
friends into seclusion.
Lindbergh smiled with hoyisli
pride as he examined the plane.
Its dimensions re practically the
sam as those fi the Spirit of St.
lxuis and it is powered with the
same type of engin a 200 horse
power wrignt vn.riwina. ui
...standard brougham type the plane
has gasoline capacity for 1,000
four passengers besides the pilot.
"Two hujre nigtt liKhts. each cap
I able of developing 250.000 racdle
power, have been 'installed on the
wins structure.
fete$ sr rrs m v iaa f i" tt v iu
. a la ir iif .vi.i i .- s. a m m
Willamette university students
are now focusing their Interests
and attention toward the election
of a-May queen who, will reign
during the May festival to' be held
May 4-and '. The three candidates
are equally supported by the stu
dents, and it is believed that it
will be n close tare. ..Candidates
are Virginia Merle Crltes of Spo
kane; Genevieve 'Junk, of Salem.
!C M- n,'.V.l. --T-.
;ji,u..j :. .itc
' DO NT suffer headaches, or any of
- - those5' pains jthat Bayer Aspirin can
end in a hurry I Physicians prescribe
'- Jlm via a?tifWfr tfli Karf Kvpf jfi-eww
' gist has it, but don't fail to ask-the
' druggist tor Bayer. And don't take
. any but the box that says Bayer, with
.'- w nnt nfiuiiu nrinled in red:
. & .
jroBo"cttccUUr et BaUcyUtaelg
a -BBBBBK-r .
and Phoebe Smith, of Vancouver,
all three seniors. Election will be
held at the university today noon,
with three tender heart going
pitty pat until it Is all over.
AH plans are rapidly nearing
completion for the annual affair,
under the direction pf Frank Van
Dyke. Aa in former years, the us
ual events will be held, such as the
May breakfast, the junior play,
and the all school party which will
be held on the last evening. 1
Two athletic events have been
scheduled for this v.eek end. these
being a baseball game with Pacific
university on May 4 and a track
meet with the Badger trac Waters
for the 5th. The May day dances
will be coached by Alida Currey,
women's physical education in
structor. ,
Van Dyke has appointed the
following committees:
Queen's court: Dorothy Ellis,
Doris Phoenecie, Beatrice Lok
hart. Grace Henderson. George
Birrel and Frances De Harpport;
campus work, Clive Zeller. Henry
Ohereon and John Versteeg: pro
gram and invitations, Pauline
Findley. Louise Brown, and Ray
mond Miller; hospitality, Willis
Hathaway. Grace White and Vir
ginia Edwards; music, Helen
Bridgeman, Mary Allen and Laur
ence Schreiber; advisory, Kenneth
McCormirk, Paul Geddes and
Louise Fludley; publicity. Ella
Howard. George Poor and Helen
Curry; student lunch. Florence
Emmons-; May breakfast, Jean
White; May dances, Buneva Cul-
bertson. Katherjne Everett and
Marjorle Miller; campus stunts
Homer Roberts, Earl Henry and
Ralph Schamp; junior play, Clar
ence Emmons.
THEFT OF $100,000
-Theft of between $95,000 and
1100.000 in negotiable checks and
ecurtlies from his dressing room
it the film studio where he was
vorkln gwas reported to the po
ice lonlgh by Wallace Beery,
notion picture comedian.
Beery said he' had gone to hi
lank early today and withdrew
123 shares of stock and certified
hecks and dividend checks, lie
timing to the studio, he left tb
ortune in his coat pocket when
ie changed clothes in a portable
lressing room.
Returning later the actor found
'he side wiudow of the dressing
zoom broken open and the valu
ables niiMiing.
He llste.l the securities as Ban
italy stock acd shares in two
juildlng and loan associations and
i ice growers association.
Beery refused to say why he
as carrying go large a sum with
iim, declaring that he was "not
ible to make the matter public at
.his time."
Li .
:;miu;k x. peck ijimhks
attack on candidate
Senator N'orberk of .South Dakota
IImm tliarges Entrel into
Official Record
-Herbert Hoover was described
is "the arch enemy of a squrt'
.ieal for agriculture" in criticism
f lii presidential candidacy by
Georte N. I'eek. chairman of the
executive lommittee of 22 of the
North central 6tates agricultural
conference, which was Inserted in
he congressional record today by
Senator Norbeck, republican.
South Dakota.
Peek informed the South Da
sotan that the memorandum had
been prepared at the request of
.he late Senator Willis, with whom
the commerce secretary had con
ieeted for Ohio delegates to the
republican contention.
Calling attention to two cam
paign booklets that "are being
widely distributed in the political
Interest of Herbert Hoover." Peek
said "the purpose of the docu
ments obviously is to gain Hoover
support from farmers in the pend
ing presidential campaign."
"It is utterly Impossible, howev
er," he continued, "for any prop
aganda to conceal or disguise the
all-important fact that:
"First aa food administrator.
and later as the agricultural ad
viser of the last two administra
tions he has been more directly
and personally responsible lor the
present plight of the Americas
farmer than any other man in the
Bits For Breakfast
Mark Twain
s s s
One spring day, another prom
1. m - ;
That kind of weather will hustle
the Industries on the land,, with
all speed ahead to get the seasonal
work done.
Up in Alberta, they are putting
out a big increased acreage of su
gar beets, and using power farm
ing In doing it. That will be the
thing in the Salem district, some
sweet day.
S ;
The Salem Y Deeds a perman
ent summer camp; one that may
be used throughout the year, for
conferences and retreats. Who will
provide It, or take the leadJL1
Also, how about leadership in
boostlngthe endowment fund for
the Salem TT Do you remember
that one of the boys' clubs start
ed this fund? Started it with fie,
a dollar each for the 10 members.
How greatly aviation has been
boosUd by the exploits of " Lind
bergh and others in the last year
is indicated by reports that produc
tion in 192? was more than twice
that In 192C when llt nlajies
v r- m i i
H JPTt7 TieflU 'Hi I. "TREATMENT ' w
LCl KrcSal'bl -HBsAiNrr moved 1 I
were built. Output in 1928 Is ex
pected to lump much more. The
Airplane Industry is in about the
tame position in regard to produc
tion as the automobile industry
vas in 1900. A few of the 900
oncerns Interested in some phae
f aviation are expected to be-
ome outstanding leaders in the
(Continued from pg 1)
nd at 4:20 o'clock this morning
e died.
Though he gained more fame
han is the lot of most men both
is an Industrial leader and a
tatesnian. Mr. Depew was prob
ibly best known and beloved by
he general public as an after din
ler speaker of never failing wit
jnd optimism.
For 70 years he was in demand
is a speaker at all sorts of func-
ions and his reputation for the wit
ind wisdom of his remarks in
Teased with his years. His humor
tvas never or tne causuc son inai
;ets a laugh at the discomfiture
;f anyone and in all his dealings
vlr. Depew was equally careful
lever to slight or to offend. He
ultivated people because he liked
hem and he was often described
in a man without an enemy.
Although he lived far longer
han most, he never lost his keen
ntcrest in life and often expressed
he hope that he would reach the
entury mark. His optimism con
cerning humanity was unbounded
ind his belief was firm that tne
world was steadily becoming a
tatter place to live in. lie was
i champion of youth and never
joined with those who professed
o see evidence In modern youth
jf any lowering of standards.
Messages of condolences and
tribute poured into the Depew
iome and the New York Central
iffices from all parts of the coun
try, the great marble concourse of
the Grand Central terminal, one of
the busiest places in New York,
was draped in black. Flags on
;tate and city buildings and many
lub houses were flown at half
Among the many tributes paid
o Mr. Depew three were typical.
Viayor Walker said "He helped to
make the country a more cheerful
President Nicholas Murray But
ler otL Columbia university said:
"A. great oak has fallen In the
noblest forest of American life.
No man in our time has brought
more happiness and Joy to hund
reds of thousands of his fellow cit
izens." Bishop William T. Manning of
the Episcopal diocese of New York
felt that his death was "a person
al loss to the entire community."
(Continued from pafa 1)
order to get clear of staff duty.
The staff position was later filled
by a captain many years Spaf ford's
-Spaf ford concentrated his efforts
on gunnery, and some of the rec
ords which his guns made probably
till stand as tributes to his abil
ity and Judgment.
Bpafford resigned his commis
sion in the navy and studied law
at Columbia University. His stud
ies were interrupted after two
years when he re-entered the naval
service for the war. Commander
Spafford's record in connection
with the World war won for him
the distinguished service medal
and Included the followiag:"
Served on Joint Merchant Ves
sel Board and -on Board of Inspec
tion and Survey.
Established submarine' chaser
base and fitted out first submarine
chasers for service abroad,
v Established naval base at Corfu,
Greece, and served -ae -chief of
staff, directly in charge of all op
erations. Credited with first enemy Sub
marine ever located by means of
Hound contact, and destroyed,
using tactics which he developed.
, r Was sen lor Ajner lea n officer
la Adriatic and received Austrian
ships which were turned over tc
Americans. ..... v- --
Went to Paris to report on con
ditions in Zara. Flume and Dal
matian Ppafford's record since the wari
is replete with successful Ameri
can Region service In the depart
ment of New York state, and in the
nation as chairman of the Legion's
national naval affairs committee.
He has been engaged in several
different projects and at the time
of his election was preparing for
the practice of law in the firm of
Fischer and Strachan. Ill Broad
way. New York City.
H. E. Hutty. who served in the
navy with Spafford, told the fol
lowing story in a recent issue of
the Nassau county (N. Y.) Legion
naire: "I was an eye witness and shall
never forget the cool bravery of
Spafford which saved the life of
one of his shipmates.
"We were on the armored cruis
er Washington (now the Seattle)
sailing slowly down the coast. The
weather deck hatches were closed
securely, for a gale off Hatteras
was making our run far from
pleasant. Boatswain's Mate Fara
day ventured out on the forecastle
to see than everything was secure;
a green sea broke over the ship
and Faraday was swept overboard.
Engines were stopped and life
buoys let go.
With others of the-crew I
went aft and there I saw Spaffonl
in the life boat wailing for the
order to lower. The storm was so
severe that until the captain arriv
ed on deck and gave his permis
sion, no one dared give the order
to lower that boat. If one thin;
went wrong, Spafford and every
other man in that boat would be
lost. The captain said something
to Spafford. and he answered, but
what that conversation was I no
not know.
"There was Faraday in the
buoy now to windward of the ship;
attempts to bring the ship along
side the buoy had failed, and Far
aday wis being slowly drowned by
the spume whipped off the waves
I have never seen a more angry
"The boat was lowered safely,
and some of the men in that boat
afterward told me that they saw
the keel of the ship. Skillfully
handled, but often lost to the eight
of those on board the ship, that
little boat worked its way to the
buoy. Faraday, by this time un
conscious And unable to help him
self, was draeaed Into that boat
by Spafford.
The boat returned and eventu
ally was hoisted safely, Faraday
was taken out of the boat on a
stretcher, and be was wearing
Spafford's life belt. There hadn't
been enough' to go around so Spaf
ford, the Gunnery officer or tne
Washington, had taken bis off and
placed it on his half drowned ship
mate. "What a cheer burst from the
throats of those on board!"
(Continued from par D
the chamber near where Robineon
was seated.
Adverting first to Robinson's
attack on Governor Smith, who,
like the Montanan, is a candidate
for the democratic presidential
nomination, Walsh dismissed as
"piffle" the Indlanlan' eomplalnt
about Smith keeping Harry F.
Sinclair as a racing commissioner
In New York, and another about
a democratic -committee accepting
a campaign contribution from him
In 1920 before tbe naval reserves
were leased.
Smith Highly Lauded
"The governor of New York Is
a most extraordinary man in many
respects," said Senator Walsh.
"Even calumny has not dared to
assert that he Is not honest. The
heinous offense of. which he is
charged Is that he appointed or
retained Harry Sinclair as a mem
ber of the racing commission. No
one could find culpability in a
manager In the 'democratic cam
paign In 1920 in New York state
In receiving contribution from
Sinclair. $
Tbis whole thing seems to be
at that character which might be
described In the language of the
street as piffle."
Declaring that the facts con-
dad keyes . Rheumatics -
cernlng the employment of Mc
Adoo as counsel for Edward L.
Doheny who leased reserve num
ber 2 in California were well
known. Senator Walsh eald he did
not intend to eulogize the former
treasury secretary, who now is
supporting the Montanan's candi
dacy for the presidential nomin
ation. However, he reviewed the
gigantic financial operations
which McAdoo carried on through
the erasurr during the World war
and declared there had never been
a suggestion that they had not
been performed with fidelity and
Public" Attitude Cited
Recalling then that in Robin
eon's last address he himself had
been the principal target of at
tack. Maljh said the newspapers
had been good enough to give him
a measure of credit for the expos
ing of the oil scandal and the re
covery of the oil reserves.
"I feel amply repaid for my la
bors in that regard by tbe grati
tude of the American people,
which the senator from Indiana
now' would like to snatch away
from rae,"'he eald.
Holding the floor for nearly
three hours, the Montana senator
went over Robinson's speech al
most section by section and dwelt
particularly upon that part in
which the act of June 4, 1920, was
pointed to as evidence of the
"conspiracy" In the Wilson admin
istration. He showed that this act
was to enable Secretary Daniels
to " protect the reserves from
Cominucd from ee 1;
discharged from Folsom
the last six months.
Rumors Kiui Down
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Apr. 6
(AP) Blank mystery today baf
fled police who sought to solve
the disappearance March 10 of
'Walter Collins, 9 year old.
A body wrapped in newspapers,
reported to be that of a boy, asleep
or dead, seen In a passing auto
mobile two days ago. an unidenti
fied "foreign looking" couple, who
sat in the front seat, of the car.
And a letter said to hint at re
venge, written by the boy's father,
Walter J. Collins, serving a term
in CoJsom state prison for robbery
were the only clues.
The letter, held by the police,
whose contests so far have not
been revealed sent the officers on
a trail to San Francisco on the
theory that hatreds bred within
the prison might have blossomed
into the kidnaping of young Wal
ter from his mother's home In this
Gas Vendor Reports
A gasoline station attendant re
ported seeing the body of a boy,
eyes closed, and wrapped in news
papers except for the head, in the
tonneau of an automobile driven
by a man and a woman of foreign
looking appearance, two nights
ago. Later, a car of tbe same
description, loaded with clothing
and household goods and occupied
apparently by the same couple,
was seen traveling at high speed
along Verdugo road on the out
"1 was almost laid out with the
terrible tains and stitches in my
back. I had just about
given up hope of get
ting relief when a
neighbor gave me a
bottle of 'St. Jacob's
Oil' to rub on my
back. I got imme
diate relief and have
enjoyed perfect com
fort since.
-Jt's a5 pity that
evtryone with Back
ache, Lumbago,
Rheumatism and
Neuritis doesn't
know about "St Ja
cob's Oil" Its action is amazing. With
out burning 'or blistering the skm
it penetrates to the affected part and
draws out the pain like magic If
you want to know what relief is,
go to your druggist and ret a small
trial bottle of "St Jacob's Oil" and
apply it to any aching spot.
skirts of Los Angeles.
Neighbors eald that they had
seen a pair, answering the same
description. loitering about the
Collins home prior to Walter's
disappearance, and police sought
to connect the description with
the kidnaping of 1-year-old Wee
leir Dixon two weeks ago, who was
taken from his home and then
abandoned in a hotel room.
Working on the theory that
Walter Collins might have fallen
Into Lincoln park late Or been
murdered and his body thrown
there, firemen today started drag
ging the lake.
(Coalinu4 from pan 1)
menclng at 8 o'clock. Tbe ball
has been tastefully decorated for
the occasion and a cross erected
on the platform, with a back
ground of yellow and purple. An
other special feature of the pro
gram will be the singing of little
David Smith, Jr., who is one of
Salem's youngest entertainers.
The public has a cordial invita
tion to attend.
Center Street Methodist: East
er sermon in German; at 11 a. m .
in English at 7:45 p. m.. by pas
tor. Rev. E. J. Aschenbrenner.
Christ Lutheran: Easter serv
ice in German at 9:45 a. m. and
In English at 11 a. m. Pageant
by Luther league at 7:45 p m..
"The Life Immortal."
Firet Congregational: KaMer
cbnsecratlon service of the Sunday
school at 9:45. Easter sermon at
11 a. m., baptism of children, re
ception of new members, special
Easter music.
Free Methodist: Easter program
at regular Sunday school hour.
South Salem Friends: Easter
sermons and music at both morn
ing and evening services.
First Evangelical: Easter ser
mon at 11 a. m.. reception of
members and baptism.
Chemeketa Street Evangelical:
Easter sermon at 11 a. m.. Easter
musical service by Sunday school
at 7:30 p. m., including pageant.
Court Street Church of Christ:
Sunrise prayer meeting at 6:30.
followed by breakfast sponsored
by Christian Endeavor: Easter
program at Bible school hour.
9:45, Easter sermons at morning
and evening services.
Church of God: Easter program
at 11 a. m. by the children and
young people.
Knight Memorial Congregation
al: Prayer service at 7 a. m. by
Christian Endeavor societies; pro
gram and dramatization of Raster
story at 10 a. m.. Easter ermon
at 11; cantata "Our Living Lord"
by vested choir at 7:30 p. m.
Everett Craven of Portland and
Mrs. L. J. Mardock. choir director
from Corvallia, will assist.
St. John's Lutheran: Services
in German at 9:45 a. m.. in Eng
lish at 11. Special Easter music
by choir at both service.
Castle Chapel V. B. : Easter ser
mon at 11 a. m. service: special
music. by quartet.
(Continued from ptfe 1)
Shortly after teachers had herd
ed 4 5 pupils into a storm cave
near a school house at Duncan,
Okla., yesterday, the school build
ing was demolished by a tornado.
Twenty homes were damaged or
destroyed but proximity of storm
caves prevented any loss of life.
Three twisters, only one of
which struck Duncan, passed on
irto Washington county. Arkansas,
where a wide area was laid waste.
Many persons were injured.
Oil fields in Greenwood anrl
Butler counties. Kansas, caught
the- full brunt of the high winds
m -
tmftottnttfflt5Sim Ho
If libs' cMi(opfflGffiit
Ji your grocer wsJaea your judgment be will aend you
ythtn you order diem. HE KNOWS that there are
no other crackers juat like Tru-Rakea.
HE KNOWS that they are distinctively different
in shape, rich in flavor, unexcelled in quality.
He knows that substitution Is a jab at your good
judgment. ' ... .
Get What you order. Insist I
and more than 125 derricks top
pled and smashed.
A second wind storm at El Dor
ado today demolished small build
ings and damaged wire communi
cations. School children were In
jured by flying window glass.
(Continued from par 1)-
peal of all parts of acts in conflict
with it. There Is a possibility, it is
believed among officials, that
parts of the so-called house bill
4 IS are in conflict, and that they
might be repealed should the Stall
ard bill pass. That measure has a
provision requiring trucks to pay
a tax of one milt per 10 mile, and
another allowing certain deduc
tions pertaining to an act of 1921.
iCubtinutd from paf 1)
aviation In the Orient.
A single motored monoplane
was said to be nearly completed
at one of the Long Island factor
ies and test flights were expected
to be begun about April 15. The,
hop-off from Roosevelt field for
Seattle is planned for the first fa
vorable day between April 20 and
May 1. so that favorable winds us
ual i:n the Pacific coast around
the first of May might be taken
advantage of.
The distance from Seattle to
Toklo by the route Lieutenant
Hall will follow Is 4.300 miles and
he estimated his flying time at 47
hours. Xis associates said he was
a capable navigator, although be
had never made any long ocean
"He Ciui Make It"
SEATTLE. Apr. 6.-MAP)--Lieutenant
Bert Hall, whose con
templated transpacific flight was
announced tonight, has for some
time been In secret correspond
ence with Seattle officers of the
National Aeronautic association, it
was revealed following the an
nouncement. "If anybody can m ake it. Bert
can." said Valentine Gephart. sec
retary of the aeronautic associa
tion. "He's one of the best filers
in the country. His is no amateur
performance. Hall's flight has
been as carefully planned as Lind
bergh's flight to Paris."
Seattle's lack of adequate air
facilities may however, cause s
change in the plans. Gephart said.
A 1500-foot temporary runway is
in coiiKtructio nbere but if an
other 1.000 feet is not added be
fore the flight Maris. Portland
may be the Halting point of the
hop to Toklo.
font lMi1 from pafr 1
. .
like it written." Is the aeueral
trend that the discus?ions by edi
tors may be expected lu the morn
ing talks.
Questions and discussion by re
porters will open the afternoon
session. Professor Mcintosh will
give an explanation of the lessons,
which will be followed with lab
oratory practice In writing that
the editors will criticire. Then
students will be enrolled in the 12
week course in farm, home and
community newswriting. A motion
picture depicting the marking of
a newspaper, released by the Ore
gonian. will probably be shown in
connection with the training
school. The course covers a period J
of 12 weeks during which 12 les-i
sons each containing close to 5,-
(too words or instructions are
ent out. These lpf.ons are supple
mented by radio talks from sta-
When Glasses Are
New Location
Dr. C. B. O'Neill
Fourth Floor
First National Bank Building
Phone 625
Baked and Guaranteed First Qa21tx.b7,
- Spdcane-orthnd-5caUla
tion KOAC in which Professor Mc
intosh discusses various phases !
of the training and undertakers
to answer questions submitted by
the rural reporters and help them
solve their problems.
The extension students return
answers to questions and speci
men clippings for the week's
work. Some students send as much
as 120 inches a week each from
the three to five newspapers serv
ed. The grades are recorded for
both quiz and clipping and all
criticized matter returned for stu
dents' study.
The purpose of the course is
really three-fold. First, it is to en
able the rural reporters to know
and find and write Journalistical
ly the best and most Interesting
news of their communities. Sec
ond, it is to help the newspaper
become the instrument for good It
is capable of being and thus gain
increased distribution in every
community it serves. Third, it Is
to give the local merchants and
dealers a more effective dissem
inator of advertising news and
thereby hold a larger part of the
home trade at home.
Certificates are awarded to rur
al reporters completing the course
aiisractoriiy and at the same
time doing satisfactory work for
their editors. It is not necessary
to finish the work in the allotted
12 weeks as grades are kep on
file at the colleee and satisfac
tory work given certificates no
matter how long it takes to com
plete the course.
Tells How To Get Quick Re
lief from Head-Colds I
It's Splendid!
In one minute your clogged nostrils
will open, the air pasiages of your
bead will clear and you can breathe
freely. No mora hawking, snuffling,
blowing, headache, dryness. No strug
gling for breath at night; your cold
or catarrh will be gone.
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist now. Apply
a little of this fragrant, antiseptic,
healing cream in your nostrils. It
penetratea through every air passage
of the head, soothes the inflamed or
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comet instantly.
It's just fine, lon't stay stuffed-up
with a cold or natty catarrh Relief
comes so quickly.
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A Not? Package
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