8 THE OREGON STATESMAN MARKET AND MERCHANDISE SECTION. SALEM. OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL, g, 1928 ANAMONWiDE iNSTmrnoN' A NATION- WIDE CHAIN OF DEPARTMENT STORES 4 NO FRILLS! QUALITY GOODS AT LOW PRICES. where savings are greatest Ersm 160 North Liberty SI nVA rVv nA I tC. l l V V 1 99 I v f LJ U A Am EcLsfet JOT i I Make Opr Store Your Headquarters Ladies' Outdoor 10-inch Top Shoes Suitable for Berry or Hop Training Values to $5.00 Special 4 gS Ladies' Rayon HOSE All Colors Regular 79c Special 3 Children's Fancy Sox Reg. 49c Special C Men's White Handkerchiefs Reg. 10c C L-I OVERALLS (!)?) Boys' Blue Denim Med. Weight Overalls Sizes 3 to 8 Special . Men's Soft COLLARS - - Values to 35c 3 for Where You Gin Save ; Money 2 Conveniently Located on the Comer of Commercial and Court Street in the Center of - " ;;t . A:-:i:u - r Salem's Business District 5 'V;- " A" - - Men's and Boys' Dress Gaps Light and Dark Colors Special e Men's Fine Felt Dress Hats Good Colors All Sizes Values to $4.50 Special - DOWN STAIRS Three days of Bargains. People in this district know that they can al ways save money buying at Direc tors. Here we are quoting special prices for three days. You will find that your money will go fur ther here. You will also find our merchandise of verygood quality and as we represent it to be. Men's Dress and Men's Dress and Work Work SOX Suspenders Res. 15c Reg. 50c Men's Athletic Men's Good UNION Weight SUITS Union Suits A Good Brand Long Sleeves and Ankle Values to 79c Length o , , " Values to $1.50 Sclal Special Men's Good Strong Men's Blue Cham Khaki bray Work Pants Shirts All Sizes Reg. $2.25 Good Weight Full Cul Special Special Boys' Fancy Men's Fancy Dresi BELTS Sox Good Colors i Values to 50c - .Special Men's and Women's Outdoor Sweaters Extra Special HoD. Boys' All Wool KNICKER SUITS Large Sizes Only Values to $10.00 Special STORE SB Men's Strong Work Shoes Moc Toes Wide Last Guaranteed Good Satisfaction All Sizes Extra Special Ladies' HOUSE DRESSES Reg. $1.95 Special Boys' Fancy Wool Caps Light and Dark Colors Regular $1.00 Special Men's Fancy Bow TIES Regular 39c iC Sweaters $1.00 Boys and Children's Sweaters, Pretty CoHarg - - Some Fleece-Lined 1 y A Real Saving c So K m men s Neck Ti es Values to 50c Special ac Come in Let's Get Acquainted The New-the Stylish the Modish for Easter and Springtime wear. Our Buyers have gone the limit in assembling these values, that will uphold to the limit -our reputation of giving "quality always at.a saving!" We Really Ought Jo Save More! But how are we going to do It, query Worried Husbands and Anxious Wives? Rent is a pretty fixed charge, and heat, laundry, clothes and food cost just so much. There really, is only one way save FIRST and then buy what you must have for as little as possible. While we cap't offer you a ."quick cure" for all your money troubles, may we suggest that when you pay cash you can't spend more than you have. Cash also means a substantial saving on the things you must buy. "Quality always at a saving" will mean more than our stora slogan if you'll try our plan. It will mean a bank balance at the end of the year, and a fewer wrinkles right away. Youthful Shoe For Springtime Tired of the ordinary and Commonplace in shoes? Try this model in Honey Beige' Kid with Browa Kid trim. It will youthify your Sprinf Wardrobe. $4.98 The Smart A Modish Bag May Be Envelope Or Pooch Shape o Whichever yon select, It must blend with your Spring costume that is the most important thing about your handbag. Fascinating new ones are here. $1.98 fThe Key to a Youthful Completion U 1 J -i Lly Every 1 woman wants a . t- 0I1 jjut lew nave muvu it. JAlX- ejuiwis kuufc preparations are prepared for your help and convenience dainty, fragrant and effective! Jaciel CoH Cream, ; 29c and 49c ; : JacUl. Vsaishms; Creem, 29c sued 49c JacSel Face Powder, , 49e ad S3c ' Jelel Ta!ciim, -l c Jaclel hoage, 49e C Springtime Apparel Has All . of the Season Itself . The smart feminine of every age finds a becoming coat or frock there are Jaunty styles in the manner of youth, more sophisticated lines for those of mature years. A selection of authentic garments awaits the late Easter, hopper. C ' 1 Flat prints mentl II llll I I'M BIN 111 111 m So many attractive coats! Scarf collars, large fur cuffs, cape effects, tucks and inserts of a contrasting fabric. The .novelty silks are especially modish and attractive for all summer wear. Suit for Spring Mannish Mixtures Twills On the street and at the office, many suits will take a smart place for early Spring days. Those of twill are often modishly bound with braid. 9.90 aed 14o7 Carefully Tailored Neatly fitting, with single or double breasted jackets and plenty of good looking pockets. Our prices are tempt ingly low, too. Spring Blossoms in Boutonnieres Ut Uisanct Uiiterence And Charm Tht very note of contrast ! t ? ia necessary 10 ine moaisn costume is often achieved in a hnutnn. merewith just enough of gay color. Many, many fascinating new ones for 49c-98c Toiletries lovely, glowing complex- A ! a A a m A . ... 1 uuc w juu v4uuui( the Freshness and Charm Clever' Frocks crepe, georgette and brilliant in one, two and three-piece Modish Coats ip Youth Wears Small Hats , In Jaunty Shapes and Novelty Fabrics The college and high school miss who, wants a bit oi "dash" in her Spring hat these to her liking 1 Very New! Two shades of straw or fancy straw braid, felt and satin- in colors to harmonize with Spring clothes. that . Tvo jjood Hosiery Numbers That Look Wed! and -WiU Serve You Wett -Here Is an economical to solve - your ho siery problem. No.' 445 silk aa rayon, full-fashioned, A n aq lection of good colors. OC - No. 447-ure slUr . te tht top.ful-iashioatd,Q yfQ snedium weight O 447 will find Imported Kid For Dress Glores Soft, fine French kid with fancy cuff a. Pair $2.98 Fabric SHpons The Smart Glove Stitching - makes these Cloves particularly desirable. 98c Spring t Jadd Solid v Perfume, 49a -