- THE OREGON STATESMAN MARKET AND MERCHANDISE SECTION. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, APRH 6, 1928 T6 it- i "n 5' Trades arty, --s :" . Wood tracts. 35 aerea tSSOOj Blfktjr ' acre 9000 aad acres SM50. Cruise boat. 79 corda for acre 9 aulee eat, at trade. t t Gelser Real Estate" ' " 441 Cenrt 8. . , . ;c:w;stmiid)Ish Broadway Cash Grocery Now open for business at 1005 Broadway All new stock reasonably priced. f We appreciate your patronage. 8500, faralstiea taree ma aeers saeat house. Close to State H. lta St kaseateat. dniN, take a a . 94000 la trruft r tj residence. !i 2095 No. 5th St. Phone 1395-J r tSOOO, tea raeta aevse. aaseaaant, fnraace. fas, 3 fireplaces, a ata plann ing;: also room faralaaea' apartsaent hoe so and doable carafe en ease lot 63x159. located oa ISIS State St. Taka atedara eaclatcd ear aa part pay aarat. 15 seres 7 'miles ant. aeartv raw 4 reoaa a-eoe; cherry orchard, soma strawberries, a boat TOO corda of fir , Umber. Trade for city. At Shaw,. Orefoa. . 10 arras, fall set bnildmea, to trade for Woodbnra prop- fripnnraninn AUTO MOB ILK INBCRyrSCK JLRK TOU PROTECTED t TK WEITK Aetoiaobile Fire, Theft, Pnb!ie Liability, Property Daaiafe aad Cellisioa lasoreace. Two of the best ' companies. . If 70a owa a car yoa can , net eiferC to be without Insures ee. Let na eaote 70a rates. TRIANGLE REALTT COMPAXT 431 Ceart Street Pboae 6S1 Buy les meat than you need because of the cost. Watch our daily, specials for money saving suggestions. All our meat is first quality. THE MORE TENDER MACARONI 3 Pkgs. 25c REAL SPECIAL Hills Blue Can Coffee 41c lb. 18 c 20c HAMS Our own make, x Sugrar Cured Lifcht Weight 24c SAUSAGE Pure P6rk, BACON BACKS lb. "' "" " ----B--aaaaBaBaMaaaBaBaBaaBajfa T : . , - - - - - ' - " 1 11 - il lit I l IS"! If MAZOLA OIL For all kinds of frying. MM 25c pt. "YELLOW BANTAM Corn 2 for 35c 3 for 53c Orange Label . KARO Syrup 2y2 lb. can 27B l'i V ORANCt J grocers: Phones 256 and 257 456 COURT ST, Fgco Delivery To Any Pagt og Salco : JUST A FEW OF OUR MANY LOW PRICES FOR THIS WEEK. DURING THIS STORMY WEATHER HUST RING 256 OR 257. THE GOODS WILL BE PERSONALLY SE LECTED AND DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR. - PEAS ' - - SUGAR In Cloth Bags, Best Grade, 10 lbs. for 65c !A0RD0 Coffee freshly roasted electrically percolated has a ' tempting aroma, preparing you for its full, rich flavor. These featured percolators will insure perfect coffee every time, you make it. Two special offers for A pr'd! "This MANNING - BOWMAN ELECTRie PERCO LATOR of fine, aluminum. Eight-cup size, with safety fuse. During April only, 95c down, l.25 monthly for - four months. 'And you get 1 tb. of GOLDEN WEST COFFEE without extra coat! This MANNING-BOWMAN ELECTRIC PERCO LATOR of stining nkkeL Sercn-cup size,, with safety fuse. Daring April only,, 93c down, 2 monthly for foot .months. : Aniym gut 2 fte. of GOIDEN WEST OOFFCB wMoat stn cwt -- v - .- Portland Electric Power Co, ; . SALEM Ihtring AprU you tre mriieJ to come in to mty of our ELECTRIC STORES mid ttste 4eL iaous coffee thtt hss been electrically percoUtei. N.Libertx - " 'v: --Y PHONE PANCRUST SHORTENING for Cae Baking, Pastry and all Fancy Cooking. OO - 1 lb. cans . : a5-JC sW .lb. cans ..... 42c PLATO for Salads and Fancy Cooking. Pint Cans .. Quart Cans - 23c 42c LYE Hudson, 13 oz. cans 10c CREME OIL TOILET SOAP Bars 25c CITRUS LAUNDRY SOAP 10 Bars 32c ELSLNORE MEDIUM You will like their flavor. 3 Cans - 59c PHILLIP WAFFLE AND PANCAKE FLOUR A Pure Wheat Flour with salt, sugar and baking powder added. . Positively no substitute grain used. TT sack ..:.. 35c GOLDEN 3ANTAM ox aiu : M CORN Best grade. M cans 69c PINEAPPLE ROSEDALE Large 2 size sliced. 3 cans 69c ARG0 CORN OR GLOSS STARCH O Packages .. .25c Saturday, the 7th of April, we will have a Demonstration of Armour Star Hams. You will like the flavor. Buy a. ham for your Easter dinner half or whole 29c lb. THE RED RED ROBIN NATION-WIDE mttfflMSmi STORE SALE April 5thro.l4th - aes Winchester Rator free with two pack- of Wrachnter hand honed smooth shsvinf blades at 33e, ail for TOa Winchester finest qual ity saw die SI inch extra slim taper.. ,S for 2 So Beautify your law with this high wheel double gear Boll bearing Popular ttte Lawn Mower The Winchester -Store Sped!. SIO.48 Winchester Qual ity a inch Varnish Brash for any household use. 48 Package of 5 Akro Agater will be given tomy boy or girl bringing parents to the Rrd Red Robin Sale. 0 !C AoArrj y Winchester sturdy ball bearing roller skates. Boys model. 91.79 Carta model. S1.8S) The Winchester Store Special 3) inch brush for gen- aw xvmw- TVr:laT In inch size Winchester Pipe Wrench jaws that Fip. 8 So Winchester Two Blade Pen Knife Stag etandle nickel euver. being. $iC Winchester Screw Driver 4 inch tem pered blade.'' SVS Winchester Playgronnd BaB borsehidc cover' Plnn yet soft 54 e Winchester rl fessional oiled; Horsehlde full Leather liaed Adders glove. Boysl It's a Win chester Past All eteeJ roller bear ing robber tired wagon. Site 1JJ Here are few of the many other values to be found at our Store during this Sale. Foot Pull Rodded Step Ladder 1.98 Boys' 2 Blade Stag Handle Jack Knife Me English Pattern Garden Trowel 24e - Bright Colored Dust Pa We Bright colored handle sst cutting stainless steel slices s Wuichastai Store Special at $1 .00 Kaehange your - aw aasic ana get one or ava C Winchester II 1 I . si, 1 nkNTKT Special bw-ta kma-ati.ilJ " J st I shears the Wiaeheatar I I Kul Insect Pests. Get one of these Spray Pumps and kill Jtbe flies, mosquitoes and other insect pests. Sf gallon gahan lied corrugated garbegecan. 70, Winchester spading Pork Heavy strong sturdy 4 djamood back tmex. SJI.99 Red W. Brand Screen Paint Protect Pre-, vents rust 'Long wear-' tne Half pint can. 39e Winchester wheel barrow seamless arte piece steel tray hardwood frame. S.49 -.the Wiaeheatar Store Special v Winchester padlocks protect your property. Brass plated steel ease -twpkeys. Fishermen f Hce is a - ; afundcrfut buy. S foot' steel casting rod ) SO yd. spool silk liaa SS ydV ejuadiwple 'action reel S8.00rahtc.allfar 94J99 14 taeth SekAaahbansSo S31.44 Paatry Special 25c sue 14 ea. bot le Van Camp's Tomato Catsup. SfeeSww Bright colored bandle stainless sted paring knife A Winchester " Store Special. 19e "J lacheetee Pant! Scale. 24 Sx ca parity a kilcbew SJLSV Salem Hardware Co. 1 THE U'lACHJSSTEB STORE - 120 N. Commercial St. ' - Wiaehetter League Ball Hersehtoe cover. Oaaraatced S 98a ,vfc--aV s,-; ; 1 Yckncwbarsaeaa4rcalia(wte I 1 real values are offerad m tms Red Red , . aa m-ir' -,. rir ouoted sa tlna ' Robm Natioa WideWiocbester Store , csrcidse is a apedal p and UwH nr SaV ThisitltMeuisMlaalaaialtsa' '" z . ... o dm. ' of Its kind lanncbed IhrewgK the TYINCflST& NaWWl.WmcbaScrtSa great chaw Of 430 individually -" - ..- - " k - '' -TApril 5th tolth, JrouwinSnd won wnacncaccr scores wom cooperative erTOD P chfuakdable oalnea la our owaand aH other - eSorts ks mcrcnandoang aukc it possible . ,w Winchester Stem at all times. Many of tor as to oner you tne values snow oa tms thosevJuesar''SdBk''aMafRtoday i ctfcuiar.Aaotneyartaarnse eirausitbey Take advantate of them while they last. IWCI 1 I ...TO 17c 20c PURE LARD-Our Own iake C r Bring your own pail,, lb. T- ff PORK to Roast, BREAKFAST BACON Sugar Cured We deliver to all parts of t he city for the small sum of 5c "Where a Dollar ITc DOWE L L 173 South Commercial Does Its Duty" IVJi ARKE T Telephone 1421 AFFILIATED BUYERS W e o .o fei y QUALITY GROCERIES 211 N. Commercial St. PHONE 1371-1372 : Our selection of seasonable offerings this week of guaranteed "quality mer chandise contains only a few of the special values you will find worthy of your in terest and attention. Drop in and make your "selection. These stupendously low prices are no reflection on quality, but a reality made possible through our purchas ing connection with "Affiliated Buyers" a n organization of independently owned stores, of which we are a member. ;Every item we offer Is guaranteed satisfactory or your money back. CROWN FLOUR 4 9 lb. Sack . . CERETANA (Montana hard wheat flour) 49 lb. sack . . CANE SUGAR .100 lbs. HAMS FOR EASTER re r pound ; 3 CORN FLAKES ' 1 PKQ TEP 3 CANS TOMATOES (Grand Island Solid Pack) FRESH SALTED PEANUTS Per pound SODA Large Size Package ...... CLOROX 2 bottles for MRS STEWART'S BLUING Large bottle BULK RAISINS 4 pounds BLUE ROSE HEAD RICE 6 pounds for WESSON OIL Quart .... $1.98 . $2.09 $5.95 ... 39c ... 17c 5c ... 35c ... 14c 29 c 39c Personally Operated Independently Owned VEG ETA RLE SHORTENING 4 pound. . . . . ". . . .... TRU BLU CRACKERS 3 nound carton (Insist on Tru Blu they are better) 69c 25c 29c 49c 39c 48c COOLEY S SUPERIOR Steel cut coffee, 1 pound . . (Try a pound of this coKee and we are sure you will repeat your order) WHITE KING WASHING POWDER 2 Pkgs. . . . 89 c CDER SOAP 39c Free Delivery WHITE WON 10 bars PEET'S GRANULATED WASHING SOAP 1 Pkg. Linoleum and other Floor Covering at New Spring Prices- The coming of Spring always demands new things about the house, and the, floors come in for their share of attention. Nice, new, bright patterns in Linoleum add so much warmth and color to the room, when they have become drab and dull. Several new patterns in best quality Inlaid Lin oleum, Nationally advertised brands selling regu larly at $1.85, may now be. selected at $1.25 square yard Good , quality Inlaid Linoleum all 'new patterns formerly selling for-$1.65, now; at Special Prices $1.15 square yard 'One assortment of Inlaid Linoleum, consisting of varied yardage and pat terns, many of them formerly selling at double this price, Now 95c Square, Yard One large assortment of Felt Base Floor Covering in the ; sir- foot' width, good patterns, : Twelve foot Printed Linoleum enables you to cover an entire floor without a seam. Our entire stock formerly priced at $1.35, now ' 1.15 square yard 45c square yard '130LD SEAL" COKBQLE UM RUGS ; $ If your room wUl take a 9x12 foot Reg, here Is a nlee ;" ' assortment of Congoleum and other Felt-Base rugs at . " 'l Vstimmtem XSumiahed . ... w a . - ..... m mmKmKmi''mmmmmmmmmm - , -. , , , 4 . - w ..J. Z. I. s-aaasBssasasasaaBBaai flL - Phon Our - vy- r : ' Mb to T Measure r-I', I5v - Vi'i 340' Court-Strie if M : r 1 i "i ag 1