The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 06, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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    r Predicting Weather Is Hazardous, More So Now Than At Other Seasons, But It Really Does Look Like Easter Will Be Smiling
iKStallard Has Revised His Auto License Bill, But He Is Not Likely to Retain Much Public Confidence As an Author ofLaws
7 1
-Weather forecast: Fair;, warmer; mod
erate to fresh northerly winds on the coast.
Maximum temperature yesterday 58, min
imum 37. river 9.8, rainfall .03, atmos
phere clear, wind west.
Uf - ..
Fair Weather Expected To
Bring Out Crowds To
Fill City Churches
Special Music Including Many Can
- tatas, and Sermons Appro
priate to Day Announced;
'Parade' Anticipated
With fair weather in prospect.
li jthe Easter observance In -SaJea
1 thia year promises to he the most
general in the city's history, botl
with respect to church services
j which in most cases include spec
if vrtlal Easter music, and tht, unoffl
VTFil "Easter parade" 'of wel
if-, dressed people.
fym.-0 with so many musical ooserv
I ances prepared, interest will not
t center In any one. but indication:
are that all churches will bt
crowded to capacity at all of tht
events of the day.
Program Announced
A partial list follows:
First Methodist: Annual East
er concert by vested choir Suudaj
evening. A varied program of an
thems, soloe and chorus number:
will be given. Professor E. W
Hobson will have charge of tht
choir and Professor T. S. Robert:
will preside at the organ. Solo
ists will include Ronald Craven
R. D. Barton, Everett Craven
Miss Josephine Bross and Mrs
Gilbert Wrenn.
Mill Street Methodist: Eastei
program by the Sunday school h
the evening.
St. Paul's Episcopal: Specla
music by the vested choir, direct
ed by Marjory Walker, at the 11
a, m. service. There will also bt
services at 7:30 and 8:30 in tht
Morning, none in the evening., .
Wi uegjn ax sunrise s
service avjs: joJ iouowea n
fellowship breawast in ieagu
rooms. Easter sermon ny pasio
at 1 1 a. m. service, also baptism
of Infants. Special Easter pro
gram by the church school at 7:3t
evening service.
Salvation Army: Ah Easte:
program, in which will be featuret
a pantomime and a "Cross anc
Crown" exercise done by a groui
of boys and girls, will be given ai j
the Salvation Army hall on lowei !
State street Sunday night, com
(Continued on p6e
Exception Made and No Provision
For Licensing Passenger
T" 4 corrected initiative petition
l tyrovidln for a flat f 3 annual li
'Jk.jje fee for pleasure automobiles
ramd repealing ine existing scneauie
of rate applying to these cars, was
filed In the state aepanmeni
Thursday by H. H. Stallard of
The new petition wm filed in
Hen of a petition prepared previ
ously by Mr. Stallard which pro
vided for the $3 annual license fee
for pleasure vehicles but failed to
repeal the schedule of feee new in
effect. - ' ...
-r The license "Tee 'f $3 provid
ed in the Stallard bfll does not ap
ply to trncka, - traUera. electric
vehicles for comereUT'purposes,
11 motor TlrJc!BTir and mo
tor to usees' for tfansportltg pas gen -gers.
The Uceasefexi these ve
htelM reaala the"same as under
the .existing acmedale.
it 'Was - said ttec tne initiative
petition previously, drafted by Mr.
Stallard would be withdrawn.
According to the opinion of
some officials who hare examined
Uaw blll, it like Its predecess
kllor apparently exempts passenger
VTfeaseS .from the payment of any
ZtfcnB fso. as they are Included
Xt J- f a Mnt(nm In which
h u h aisv w -"' "
the J fee would not apply. They
occur. In the following provision
of the bill:
All motor vehicles, regardless
of weight, or. age. except motor
trucks and trailers and semltrail
rs. electric vehicles for commer
rial surnoses. all motor vehicles
for hire and motor busses for
transDortlng passengers. $3."
Since this exception - would in-
dud anywhere-for-hlre passenger
rehiclee the stats would also lose
the additional fee now imposed on
them of 10 per cent of the regular
fee based on light weight
..Th only fee left for the busses
tr jay would be the three-fourths
m pr passenger mile tax unpos-
"I ed brumous bouse bill . fg; cj XZ A Uunnom
' of the It session.. Busses also B ' emDr.Md the second course
uar a capacity tax of Si per
enger, but this is refunded by a
provision Of house bill 4 is
The new Stallard - bill reenacts
ie present tire width schedule of
mm f or nur.or truces, irauera ana
; The bill also provides for the re-
- : ,
lOaatiame S.) , ,
Has Outstanding Rrrord of
Achievement and lira very
In World War
Plans for Salem's reception for
Edward E. Spafford. national
commander of the American Le-
rJUwurtl spatlord. -
rlon. next Monday are going for
ward rapidly and indications are
.hat one of the greatest welcome
jver accorded any private citixen
isiting Salem will be provided.
The principal event will be the
anuuet at 6:30 o'clock In the
evening. Veterans who plan to
ittend are advised to make reser
vations at once by getting in touch
.v:ith Walter Zosel.
In connection with the national
jommander's visit, the followiug
esume of his record Is of interest:
Edward Elwell Spafford was
oru in Springfield, Vermont,
.larch 12, 1'8. tie was educated
u the public schools, where hi
nade a local record as an athlete
.nd a scholar, lie was graduatca
rum the Naval Academy witn hou-
jr. and remained in the service
jntil Uectniber 1914, when he re
signed his commission - as a lieu
.enaut commauder in the Uniteo
Jtates navy.
Spafford has a splendid record
n.the navy While a lieutenant ht
f ned down an offer to be on the
itaff of -Fighting Bob" Evans in
(Conlisurd oa S.)
State IbMUil of Control leaves on
Trip to The Dulles
Members of the state board of
ontrol left here last, night for
i'iie Dalles where they will de-
ermine definitely the location for
.he new Eastern Oregon tubercu-
osis hospital. The site for the
hospital lies a short distance west
of The Dalles, overlooking the Co
lumbia river.
The plant will cost approximate
ly 3100.000. including the fur
nishings and equipment. Actual
building operations probaily will
get under way within the next
two months. The hospital will
have a capacity of 75 beds.
The board of control is com
posed of Governor Patterson. Sec
retary of State Kozer and State
Treasurer Kay.
Double Penalty Inflicted By Van
couver Justice of Peace
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Apr. 5--(AP
"Do you take this
man -?"
"Just a minute, there just a
And a wedding was interrupted
while Waller R. Porath. the bride
groom, was arrested on a charge
of possession of liquor. A deputy
sheriff was the unlnvted guest.
After fnng Porath 345, Justce
of the -Peace Blair officiated a
the marriage ceremony at hi.
home last night.
More, Better
Extension Course Designed to
,- ' ' - '
' ' ,-" - j
-j i', ..It
,y ah
Marked Success in Other Counties; Meeting at
Chamber of Commerce Here Saturday
"More and better rural Oregon news" is the slogan of the
farm, home and community
by C. J. Mcintosh, professor of industrial journalism-at
Oregon State college. The course aims primarily to help
the rural re Dorters find better news and more of it. Not
only to know and find more and
it journalistically and readably
The rather overwhelming success of the course with the
Initial cjass of 19 in the five coun-
ties Linn. Benton. Polk, Wash
ington and Yamhill and the en
thusiasm with waicn ins eauors
and rural reporters" nv slgnsd
m uitlu Vfar-
speak well for the value .of the
work.' ' ;"V ': '' - I
The one-day training school
that will start the course In Farm,
Home and ' Community NewswrU
ng in Marion county will be in
the Salem chamber of commerce
zooms beginning at 19 o'clock Sat
urday. The course is introduced
Revenge Against Father Be
lieved To Have Inspired
Criminal Plot
Walter Collins. Nine Year Old Los
Angeles Lad, Now Missing
From Home For Nearly
Whole Month
A state wide search for a gang of
eight ex-convlcts was launched by
the Los Angeles police tonight in
seeking the whereabouts of 9-year-old
Walter Collins, believed to
have been kidnaped from his home
here almost a month ago.
The hunt for the former con
victs is based on the theory that
the abduction of the boy was a
vengeance plot directed at his
father. Walter J. S. Collins, now
in Folsom penitentiary servipg his
third prison term.
The following of the vengeance
clew was intensified as what had
been regarded previously as one
of the hottest leads failed.
The story of Richard Strbthers.
a service station employe, that he
had seen the body of a dead boy
in the rear of an automobile which
stopped for gasoline, was exploded
when tne couple wno naa Deen
occupants of the automobile war
located and the boy was found to
be very much alive.
Not. Dead at All
He had been asleep on the floor
of the car when his parents drove
Into the service station. Stroth
era. front a photograph, had Iden
tified the "dead boy" as resem-
bllnr Walter Collins.
The vengeance theory of the po
ire Is based on Information pro
vided by the boy's father wbo If
"con boss", rn Folsom prison. Af
"eon- boss" he ha wfiupervlsloft
over a tank of degenerates and If
forced to report any Infractions of
the prison rules to the guards.
This, according, to the police
caused members of the gang, since
released from Folsom to swear
vengeance against Collins.
At the request of Los Angeles
authorities. San Francisco police
are, checking up on every convict
(Continued on pr 3
Explosions Occur Near Havana;
$15,000,000 Plant Afire
HAVANA. April 5 (AP).
Exploding oil tanks of the Stan
dard Oil company's 315.000.000
refinery at Regla. across the har
bor from Havana, drove the in
habitants out of that suburb to
night. The tanks started to blow
up within an hour after a fire had
started which threatened destruc
tion of the entire plant.
Two hundred men from . the
United States battleship Wyom
ing were dispatched to Regla to
aid In fighting the fire and Tn
keeping V order among the panic
stricken Inhabitants of the sub
urb. The entire Havana fire de
partment was also sent to,. the
scene, but at a . late hour the
flamea were unchecked.
The-fire started shortly after
10 o'clock and three quarters of
an hour later, four explosions oc
curred. The stiff northerly wind
blew . the flames - from - crude - oil
tanks otward the gasoline storage
tanks. There are 103 tanks of
crude oil at the plant with a ca
pacity of half a million gallons.
Eight minor casualties had been
reported up to 11 o'clock.
Rural News
School s Aim
Help'Correspondents Has Had
newswriting course conducted
better news but also to write
is brought out in the train-
each time by a one-day training
school at some central point in
sack county, generally the coun
ty seat, where the editors and pros
pective students gatner. The edi
tors tell the reporters what kind of
news they like best and the report
ers receive instructions for the
coarse. :Y , .
The morning program, will be
tsken up by the discussions by ed
itors at the Marlon county-training
school Saturday.. "The kind of
news we like to print and how we
.. (Cauaa pa( 8.)
Hop Across Top of World Put off
Temporarily Due to Adverse
OSLO. Norway. April 5. (AP)
Latest available weather reports
from Spltzbergen indicated that
conditions were unfavorable for
the projected Wilkins flight to
that nlace from Point Barrow,
SEWARD. Alaska. April 5.
(AP). A snowstorm which en
veloped Alaska suddenly today
was believed to have thwarted the
efforts of Captain George H. Wil
kins, Australian explorer, and
Lieutenant Carl B. Eielson, his pi
lot, who planned to hop off from
Point Barrow on a flight over the
polar sea to Spltzbergen.
Silence ehrouded the activities
of the expedition, which had plan
ned to make a start over The top
of the world at about 8:30 a. m..
Pacific Standard time, today, but
the storm was an indication to ob
servers here that the hop off was
probably delayed.
Wilkins and Eielson had been
at Point Barrow since March 19
awaiting favorable weather for
the 2100 mile flight over the un
charted arctic ice pack. Their last
messagee told of plans to begin
the flight today, if weather con
ditions permitted.
Radio amateurs and govern-
n . J aw. TO 11 -
uicui uycraiuro w me ruuc
northwest and Alaska listened in -
tently from the break of day today
but failed to hear any trace of
Wilkins. His transmitter worked
well during the flight from Fair
banks to Point Barrow and all felt
sure the flight had been delayed.
Congressional Investigation Into
Situation Launched
A congressional investigation of
the sinking of the submarine S-4
last December with a loss of 40
lives, vlocked for weeks by house
leaders, ' was made certain , today
with the appointment of a sub
committee of the senate naval
committee to make the inquiry.
Chairman Bale named' Senators
Oddle, of Nevadau chairman, and
3telwer." Oregon, republican, and
Gerry, democrat, Rhode Island, as
the Investigators with power to
ssue subpoenas and administer
Senator Oddie expects to outline
the inquiry as soon as he and
other members of the sub-committee
have completed work on
the annual labor department sup
ply bill now before the appropria
tions committee.
An investigation of the sinking
itself as well as of devices to pre
sent such disaster in the future,
'o be conducted by a special com
mission of five, was proposed
early in January by President
Coolidge, who asked congress to
appropriate 350,000 for the work.
Ellsworth Traces Parentage to Fa
mous Dictionary Editor
The "Webster" part of Dr. Wil
Mam Webster Ellsworth s name
comes to him by reason of the fact
that his grandfather was Noat
Webster, original editor of Amer
lea's most widely known diction
lry, it was learned yesterday more
or less by accident in the course of
his talk on "The English Bible
at the Willamette university
Dr. Ellsworth lectured again
last night at Waller Hall on
"Shakespeare and Old London," to
n interested audience, but tne
university students are of the opin
ion that the two talks be deliv
ered at the chapel hour Wednes
day and Thursday were more In
terestlng than the public lectures
even though, the latter were illus
trated with slides which cannot be
duplicated anywhere, showing
scenes of Interest to students of
English literature.
91SOO Offered For Mew Who At
tempted to Wreck Train
PORTLAND. April 6 (AP)
A reward of $1,590 was today of
fered by the Oregon-Washington
Railroad and Navigation company
for information leading to the
arrest and conviction of each man
Involved in the removal of spikes
and bolts from the track at Son
ny. Ore., near Hood River, on
March 21. The work was dis
covered in time to .prevent a pos
slbly serious wreck.
On the day the bolts and spikes
were removed, a green coupe with
two or three men in It was seen
near the place.
Former Secretary of State Indic
ted on Criminal Charge
ALBANY, N. T Apr. 5 (AP)
Mrs. Florence E. S. Knapp, former
secretary of state of New -York,
has been Indicted on several crim
inal charges growing out of her
administration ot the 1925 state
census, it was disclosed st the end
of, the first day's session of a
rrand - Jury Investigation here to
night. - - -
The number of indictments re
tained and the nature of the
barges were not announced.
i : ' -
Business Worries Cause of Mental
Breakdown, Note He Left
Although business worries caus
ed O. K. Mlddleton. local realtor
to take his own life by shooting
himself through the heart Thurs
day morning, his foresight in ta
xing out life Insurance many years
ago and keeping up the payments
will Insure the comfort of his fam
ily, friends reported last night.
runerai services will be held at
the Rigdon chapel Saturday after
noon at 1:30 o'clock. Rev. Fred
C- Taylor officiating. Relatives of
Mrs. Mlddleton will arrive from
Bemngham this morning.
Mr. Middleton's lifeless bodv
was found in the garage adjoining
his home at 1615 Nebraska avenue
shortly after 8 o'clock Thursday
morning by nis daughter Jean.
who went out to call him to break
fast. He is believed to have fired
the fatal shot about 7 o'clock In
the morning, but the report of the
zz caliber rifle was not heard.
In a pocket of his trousers, to
gether with several business let
ters, was found a note evidently
written the previous afternoon at
his office:
My mind seems completely bro
ken down under the increasing
strain of worry. I have made so
many mistakes. May goodness and
mercy come to my dear wife and
w uii ucl i
1 mr9
jcnuoxen. Tney are In no wav to
'blame for mv breakdown "
A postcript read. "I hope At
torney Gillette will take charge of
my tin. box of papers and tend to
the necessary work. Oh, may no
other. person make so many mis
takes' or have so many worries. I
have-not been able to think for
myself or act for others for days."
Mr.' Mlddleton was 52 years of
age, and until about a year ago
when he come to Salem, was pres
ident or a bank at Blaine. Wash
ington. He has had real estate of
fices in the Oregon building re
cently. He leaves a widow, Kath
erine, and four children. Donald
and Jean who are students at Wil
lamette university; Keith, 12, a
student at Parrish school and Ken
dall,, aged 3. .
Governor of Ohio Appoints Cyrus
LAK-hor, Democrat
COLUMBUS. Ohio, Apr. 5.
4AP) State Commerce Director
Cyrus Locher, a democrat, waa ap
pointed late today by Governor A.
V. Donahey to succeed the late
Frank B. Willis as United States
senator from Ohio.
Senator Willis, who was the
"favorite son" of the Buckeye
-tate for the republican presiden
tial nomination, died during a po
litical rally In behalf of his cam
paign at Delaware, Ohio, his home,
iast Friday night.
Locher will present himself in
Washington April 16 for the oath
of senator, after devotina: the
week intervening to the affairs of
his state office. Some months
ago he announced he would be a
candidate to succeed United Stater
Senator Simeon in the Fess fo
the, long term. Now. It is expect
ed that he will be a candidate at
the November election to succeed
himself next March.
Meeting Here Win Welcome Pres
ident of Brotherhood
President Shirley of the? Broth
erhood of American Yeomen will
be in Salem on the evening of April
13, according to announcement re
ceived from J. H. Exell, state man
The Yeoman session here that
evening will be an all-state meet
ing with a class of 199 new mem
bers to be initiated at the Fratern
al temple. Six uniformed teams are
expected to attend. In addition to
President Shirley, Al Hoffman
Yeoman director, will be present
Tne iouowing evening: in Port
land at the Multnomah hotel, an
other reception to the Yeomen
president will be held, to which all
Yeomen in Oregon are Invited. The
program will be broadcast from
station KBX,
Present Secretary of State Wants
to Me Made Delegate
&am a. Koxer, secretary of state.
announced here today that he
would be a candidate for delegate
to tne republican national con
vention. Kozer, enroute to Salem
from Astoria, said he would file
his announcement In his office as
soon as he arrived at the state
house. He will be a candidate
ror delegate at large.
Republican State Convention In
structs Severn Delegates
LOUISVILLE. Ky.,; April 5.
(AP). -Kentucky, republicans In
convention here today voted to In
struct the seven delegates at large
to the national convention . for
Herbert Hoover for president.
Other delegates were either in
structed for Hoover or will go to
the convention at Kanaaa Cirv un-
1 Instructed. -
Indianan Severely Taken To
Task By Montana Mem
ber of Committee
McAdoo and Wilsqn Defended In
Strenuous Three Hour Speech;
Real Oil History Class
. Conducted
Conducting a class in naval oil
reserve history today In the sen
ate. Senator Walsh of Montana,
relentless prosecutor in the oil
scandal, took Senator Robinson,
republican, Indiana, 'severely to
task for what was described as the
"tissue of misrepresentation" run
nlnr through his recent senate
speeches on the oil question.
The Indianan was especially be
rated for his attacks upon Gov
ernor Alfred E. Smith ot New
York. William O. McAdoo and the
Wilson administration, which had
been accused of conceiving the
"conspiracy" for exploitation of
the naval oil reserves.
Armed with a long wooden
pointer, Walsh paced from one to
another of five huge maps of the
naval oil reserve hanging on the
senate wall to illustrate his recital
of how far afield Robinson had
been in discussing the naval oil
leases and especially in saying
that the leasing policy had been
inaugurated by Josephus Daniels.
as secretary of the navy, and
John- Barton Payne, as secretary
of the interior.
Breaks Wooden Pointer
The Indiana republican sought
occasionally to interrupt the oil
prosecutor, who became so empha
tic in delivery and gesture that he
broke the pointer by whipping it
across his palm to emphasize his
remarks. The short end of the
pointer flew high into the air and
landed on the republican side of
(Continued on page .1)
Protest Made Against Policies
A vivid picture of hunger and
demoralized labor conditions pre
vailing in the southwest described
as resulting from unrestricted
Mexican immigration was drawn
before the house immigration
committee today by Representa
tive Box, democrat, Texas, author
of a measure which seeks to ap
ply the quota restrictions to west
ern hemisphere countries.
Concluding the hearings on the
bill. Representative Box declared
that "there are hungry people in
California and the southwest by
the thousands."
"In El Paso hungry Mexicans
have been seen feeding from the
garbage cans. Parades of unem
ployed persona are being held in
some Texas cities.
"In .many instances work has
been given Mexicans in preference
to needy and deserving former
Race troubles have grown out
of the situation in some sections,
he said. With some show of feel
ing, he declared that every re
strictive measure ever passed had
met the protest of the state de
"We never passed a major re
strictive act until 1924 that wae
not vetoed by the president." h
Known Dead
In Wake Of
Wind, Rain and Hail Combine
pins Through Central Part of United States; Drop
In Temperature Follows; Relief Work Begun
KANSAS CITY, April 5. (AP) Loss of life and prop
erty damage mounted today as
effect of yesterday s series ox
small tornadoes. Seven persons were known dead, several
were missing and more than a
Descending temperatures
gether with minor wind disturbances handicapped relief
workers today, adding to the suffering of many people made
homeless. Rising streams which approached the flood stage
In several sections were watched
with concern.
Greatest loss of life was at
Shawnee. Okla.. caught without
warning in the path of a cloud
burst " that " threw a mall creek
Into a raging torrent driving more
than 1.000 residents from their
homes. Nearly 7 inches of rain.
accompanied by damaging hall.
fell in two hours.
Four persons, three men and a
woman, perished and two others
are believed to have drowned. .
The relief committee brought
nto existence at Shawnee after a
disastrous tornado tn March, 1914,?
"America's Grand Old Man" Near
14 Years Old When Taken;
Career Colorful
President Coolidge sent a tele-j
:ram of ooiKlnlence nxlav to Mrs
I'hauHcey M. Ik-pew
Chaiinrey TV pew on the death of
her husband.
"I have learned with great sor
row of the death of Senator De-
pew, the message said. "His high
sense of public service and his rare!
ana rme philosophy of life made
him respected and loved. I have
tlways valued deeply his unswerv
ing support of my administration
and shall always remember, with
pleasure his visit with you to the
White House. Mrs. Coolidge joins
me in heartfelt sympathy."
NEW YORK. Apr. 5. (AP)
Chauneey M. Depew died today.'
wttnin a few days of his94th
birthday anniversary America's
srand old man passed quietly away
shortly before dawn, surrounded
h's family and mourned bv
jfriends throughout the country and
iu toreign lands.
Funeral services will , be held
here Sunday morning. Interment
will be at Peekskill, N. Y. where
he was born, and where a bronsc
monument was erected to him
some years ago.
Entering politics before Abra
ham Lincoln first ran for president
Mr. Depew remained until the last
a power in the republican ranks
He had intended to attend the re
publican convention in Kansas
City this June.
His intent in business was as
unflagging as his love of politics
and as chairman of the board of
the New York Central railroad he
was to be found every day in his
oirice high above the Grand Cen
tral terminal.
It was less than a week aio
that Depew contracted the illness
that was to prove fatal. While re
turning from a vacation in Florida
he suffered a slight chill and last
Sunday a bronchial cold developed
which caused doctors to order him
to bed but which was not believed
to be serious. Last night however.
bronchial pneumonia developed
(Continued on pt 3)
Thirteen Homes Burned at Port,
land In Last 2 Months
PORTLAND, April 5. (AP)
Firemen snd police are making
efforts to apprehend a pryomanlac
suspected of setting 13 fires In
Portland and adjoining suburban
districts during the last two
months. Most or the fires have
been at unoccupied houses but the
one In which greatest loss was in
curred was that which destroyed
Mammy s Shack, a resort, on
owell Valley road beyond the city
Total Seven
Fierce Storm
with Series of Tornadoes Rip-
the southwest checked the
wind, ram, hail storms and
score were seriously injured.
' J
and threat of more ram, to
took immediate charge, broadcast
ing an appeal for I a 0,9 00 for re
lief work.. Maay. homes were
washed away and others dam
aged. Property damage in Shawn
ee was estimated ta
Three lives were claimed by
wind storms in Kansas and Ar
kansas which . in some - sections
reached a Telocity of 80 miles an
boat. -
8everal small, tornadoes In
Texas caused some property dam
age bnt no loss of life, r
(Ceaunmg feg a.)
One Heads East from Nev
York and Other Goes
West from Seattle
Army and Navy Lieutenants Ks
pect to Circle Globe in Oppo
site Direction", Ann.une
mcnt Keveal
MODESTO, ('a! . Apr. 5. (AC
Plans for .an attempt to r!r h
the earth in 24 days (a a speed!))
designed airplanu were discleeet'
here today by Lieutenant Getrg
S. Pond. U. S. N. Th details wer.
not revealed but ft was u niter
tood that Captain Charles Kings
ford-Smith, Australian flier, whr
with PondTrecently tried to break
the world's endurance record, pro
bably would be Pond's companion
Pond's tentative itinerary calif
.or starting from New York, fly
ing eastward, aero Europe at
Asia to Yokohama and thn-
across the Pacifio ooian to ftat
Francisco and acrojj country l
New York.
Pond is making test flights Un
with a giant monoplane.
Ken tacky Ace Announce
Lieutenant Bert Hall ot Rowlia
Green. Ky., announced tonight
that he would attempt a solo ia
flight across the Pacific from "jKe
attle. Wash., to Toklo late tab
month or early in May.
If the ocean flight H&ould fc
successful. Lieutenant JLJ salt. .11
ould continue on arotsag
world by way of Harbin. Mo
London. St. Johns. N. F.. and Ne
York, In an attempt to lower ibt
existing time record for eneirclin
I he globe. .
On the Pacific flight the aviatm
will be competing for a J27.:(tt
prize offered by the Seattle haplei
it the National Aeronautic awo
iatlon and the Imperial Japan
?se aviation society.
War .Career I:nprMivf
Lieutenant Hall wan one or lb
seven original members of the
Lafayette escadrille and has an
mposing war record. For the paw
five years he has been engaged ii
(Continued op 1 I
George Edward Miller Found try
lug In Crowded Five and
Ten Cent Store
(AP) George Edward Miller-
four years old, who was kidnaped
by two women yesterday after
aoon, was restored to his parent
today less than 24 hours after b
Jisappeared in a taxlcab.
Arrayed in a complete new suit
hat and underclothing, the littl
fellow was found crying bitterl
in crowded Market street early i
the afternoon. Under his arm k
held a bundle containing his ol
clothes and some other things tha.
his kidnapers had purchased fvt
Who kidnaped him and why h
was returned In what will be bb
Easter suit the police are trying ti
find out. They have not one ctw
to work on 'except that his kkl
napers were apparently yous
women evidently well , supplfe
with money.
It was not a case of attempt
ransom, the police said, for tb
boy's parents Mr. and Mrs. Hir
am Miller, were not wall off.
The police are working on tw .
theories. One was that the youaa
women mistook the child for aft
other they wanted and discover
their mistake when they read bis
name - In the newspapers. The
other was that the young woman
had taken the child tor the thrfR
of adventure and returned hi
after keeping him overnight:
The boy could throw little light
on his adventure,
Statesman First
In State With
Depew Story
So far . as could be deter
mined yesterday. The States
man was ' the only morning
newspaper In Oregon carrying
the story of Chauneey M. De
. pew's death Thursday morning.
The Statesman carried It only
In the city edition, as the new
came over the wire at justa
few minutes before t a. m.
Several months ago, when
trans-oceanic flying was hold
ing the world's attention. The
Statesman was la many ease
the only morning paper ia tha
state to carry the latest news.