The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 04, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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Splendid Picture Adorns
Walls; Title Given Only
To Few Women
Within the past few days the
original portrait of a lady may be
een above the middle door of the
; Erery dejk man. every "district"
man. and every "leg" man who has
beea with a newspaper a few days
ksowi that newspapers do not
unless she fcas a title permit the
use of the word "lady."
The average female and most
-any assistant city editor loves to
explain this to a novice is a
"woman." Likewise, men are
"men" to a newspaper and not
And now for the reiteration;
within the past few days the orig
tnl portrait of a lady may be seen
above the middle. door of the Elsi-
The proof? A glance suffices. If
ever a true gentlewoman lived, her
likeness hangs in the lobby of the
Elslnore. Her eyes, her Hps, her
casual demeanor all proclaim what
she is.
And bo, withered a bit by age,
her likeness hangs in the Elsinore
"where you and all may see."
The portrait of whom? a lady.
Famous Play Now Pictured
for Screen and Proving
Among Most Popular
There are places where an un
j?hlly scar across the face woult
- hidden.
But not among the students ir
old Heidelberg, where tradition
tomes before all else; where, a:
in "The Student Prince." which 1.
showing at the Elslnore, a raai
had rather give up his life than
tii honor.
Puels,' In old Heidelberg, wen
'aa common as Fords in the United
And when a duelist received a
nasty scar, it was a mark of honor
- No woman, in company with e
student, might be stared at more
than a moment by another mac
until neatly-fitting gloves of hei
companion, were whipped aros
his face.
And among the older faruilie
f Germany the tradition ' ye:
And as for the picture at the El
"You may verbally extend your
self." said the management. " 'Tlx
Student Prince. Is good and w
are willing to abide by the judg
meat of him who sees."
Here is no small point: in pro
ducing "The Student Prince," no
lesser stars than Ramon Novarro
and Norma Shearer were selected
Each has, very recently, showr.
himself to be unusually popnlai
with Salem theatergoers.
Sarg's Marionettes To Ap
pear At Capitol Theater
Today for Showing -
Even statisticians will find
eoinethlng to meditate about in
Tiny Sarg's Marionette produc
tion. "All Baba and the Forty
Thieves." that will be seen at the
Cfrpltol theater today.
There are 52 puppets in the
ricnc i noihmg quite Wee Bayer
Aspirin tor all sorts of aches and
. pains, but be sure it is genuine Bayer;
- that name must be on the package,
...,pad on every tablet. Bayer is genu
ine, and the word genuine in red
' is on every, box. You can't to wrons;
if you wiQ just look at the box when
Ton buy tt:
Mpfcla to
Om trad stark mt
Bar UiiifieliN
at MaattaMMta a altejrllcael
Children of striking coal miners in southern Ohio eating: a meal provided by the Ohio National Guard,
which is endeavoring to relieve suffering in badly affected regions.
ast, each manipulated by an ev
erage of 16 almost invisible
strings. The strings are each
4 bout eight feet long. Mathemat
ically expressed, this means that
feet of string are required
to give the Marionette perform
ance enough string to go up ana
lown New York's new 38-story
Paramount building 10 times.
The number of strings attached
to each, puppet varies with the
-omplexlty of the tasks it must
oerform. Thirty-two stringa are
needed to manage Morgiana. the
beautiful slave girl who performs
i wicked dance for the entertaln-
nent of the Sultan. On the other
land the fly that bites the robber
hieftaln as he snores can get
ilong splendidly with just one
.-"oimer Federation Head
Comes Out In Support
of Secretary '
Hailing Herbert Hoover as a
man who has "stood more nearly
jebind every principle enunciated
jy our farm organisations than
my other man" he knew of in pub
ic life, Oscar F. Bradf ute, of Xen
a, Ohio, former president of the
merlcan Farm Bureau federation
oday came out for the commerce
iecretary for president.
In a formal statement made
lublic by the Ohio Hoover for
president committee, Mr. Bradf ute
nalyzed the cabinet officers rec
rd from the viewpoint of the far
ner and defended his course as
ood administrator io dealing with
he war tiaie wheat and pork situ
itiom. In every essential detail,
xcept the equaliratlon fee, he add
:d. Hoover, "has been a support
r of the objectives and principles
if farm relief."
As for the fee. Bradfute said
hat large numbers of our best in
formed and thinking farmers also
disagree with this provision."
Replying to criticisms that Hoo-,-er
hurt the American farmer by
ixing Ihe price of wheat at $2.20
i bushel during the war, the form
ir farm representative said the sec
retary had no part in the confer
ence which did set the price and
enuested the appointment, of the
price commission only when Euro
pean nations which had been buy
ig American products combined
heir purchasing to stop competi
.on and to force the price down to
!.ou on the farmer.
fhat Number Not Expected!
To Live Following Light
ing of Match
LOS ANGELES. April 3. (AP)
Thirteen persons were burned,
seven of them so seriously they
were not expected to live, in a gas
explosion In front of a neighbor
hood grocery store here today.
A craving for a cigarette by an
amateur plumber who was repair
ing a gas line was declared by the
police to have caused the blast.
Most of those most seriously in
jured were children who had been
playing In front of the store and
who were attracted to the spot by
the activities -of the plumbers.
Those most seriously injured
Samuel Park, 7; Donald George,
5; Virginia. Kim. 11; Wesley De-
wttt. It; Tataka Tokal. (; Tatamo
Tokal. 4. and Bruce Wallace, 15.
The blast blew out every win
dow In the store and hurled the
victims and the contents of the
store In every direction.
The store recently had changed
hands and the new owners, the po
lice aatd, opened the gas lines
(This is the seventh and last
installment of an article which ap
pears In the April Magazine of
Business, in which Robert R. Up
degraff tells of the little known
"middle 15 years" of Herbert
Hoover's life.)
Another of these professional
journeys which followed each oth
er at intervals over this period of
la years was to Burma. In many
ways it was the most interesting
of all Hoover s pilgrimages. In
the Northern Shan states, which
are hundreds of miles even beyond
Mandalay, for years there had
been reputed to be workings of
ancient mines of, enormous dimen
sions. The records of India and
the records of China showed this
section as the great source of sil
ver supply over generations. Here,
in a big hollow in a veritable trop
ical jungle, was finally discovered
the seat of these ancient activities
which had been abandoned for
more than 200 years.
The Chinese miners had worked
the mines just as deeply as they
could go against the ever-increasing
volume of water. One of the
pits they had dug. over centuries,
was nearly a half-mile long, 1,000
feet wide, and 300 feet deep. The
detritus around the workings
showed that the ores contained
not only silver but lead and zinc
and some copper. The slag from
the ancient .smelters ontalned
much of the lead which they bad
left behind after extracting the
It is a long story, the history of
Ihe Baud win Mine: First the
necessity to diamond drill the old
workings to determine whether
sufficient ore bodies still existed
underneath to b worth the strug
gle which It would take to build
a new mining community hun
dreds of miles Into the Jungle
The drillings did prove that there
was great wealth underneath, but
before It could be made productive
i hundred miles of railway must
be built over two ranges of moun
tains; a tunnel two miles long
must be driven so as to cut under
the old workings and drain out
the water. Hydro-electric plants
had to be built, mills and smelt
ers; towns had to belaid out; and
the whole appurtenances of clvil-
zation transported 300 miles
from the nearest town and that
was Mandalay!
without notifying gas company of
ficials. A leak was discovered and
one of the men turned off what he
believed was the gas line and then
urew a cigareue ana struck a
natch. The explosion and a wall
t flame followed.
The Johnson Boulder Canyon
dam measure was given preferred
status on the senate calendar to
day by the republican steering
The Supreme in
the Creation of
Poppet Shows
No Raise
Adults 50c
One of the first things to do
was to send for American engin
eers Clark, Jones. Oberlander,
Nutt, Kuen, Newberry and long
generations more and here in the
jungle, close to the Chinese bord
er of India, grew up an American
mine with American equipment
American methods, and American
management, with a prosperous
community of 25,000 people of 17
different races.
This was no Job for a week.
Hoover's professional connection
with it began when it was still
jungle and remained over a period
of 10 or 12 years, until it was a
great enterprise still pouring large
quantities of lead, silver, zinc, and
copper Into the world's metal
supply, and always requiring more
and more machinery and plant of
one kind or another.
And so life went with this Cali
fornia mining engineer. Back and
forth, back and forth, back and
forth, for something over 15 years.
Hoover traveled between San
Francisco (or New York, where he
had an office during the later
years of his peregrinations) and
the four corners of the globe. It
seems little wonder that after
crossing and recrossing the con
tlnents of the world, and sojourn
ing in a score of countries for
months at a time, he came to
know the world of men as well as
of mine.
Hoover la sometimes apoken of
as being internationally minded,
due. I suppose, to the fact that he
knows so much of the world and
its business methods and its social
and racial habits through first
hand contact with Its people. This
characterization seems to me to be
inaccurate. The times I have
talked with him I have found him
utterly American-minded. but
with a remarkable international
background that has put the world
at his service aa a source of know
ledge and a clarifler of perspect
ive. As I have said, when he took
charge of the Belgian relief work.
Hoover handed over all his pro-1
lessionai activities and connec
tions to his associates for good.
But to this day so engineers tell
me If you go around the world
visiting mines and mining com
munitles, you will find, so fre
quently as to amaze you, that
Hoover has been there before you,
and left something of America. In
ugypi or Australasia, rndla or
Siberia, Korea or South Africa,
where you find a piece of mining
equipment, be It. a great smelter
or a humble tool. If you brush off
the dust you are very likely to
find the name-plate of a firm in
Denver. Colorado, or some other
American center of mining ma
chinery manufacture. And oper
ating it you are likely to find a
'group of men who are doing a Job
for America by creating a whole
some respect ror American ma
chinery and American methods
and American enterprise.
(4 P.M.)
"Rip Van Winkle"
"Treasure Island"
"Don Quixote"
Three Wishes" ,
Ereninjr 2 Shows 7 A Q ,
In Prites
Children 23c
Illinois Primary Race
Grows Hotter Each Day
CHICAGO. April 3. (AP)
With the Illinois primary only a
week distant, crime and prohibi
tion tonight had become the prin
cipal Chicago Issues of the cam
paign while Governor Len Small's
administration held the center ot
interest downstate.
As a result Chicago voters next
Tuesday will mark "X" before the
names of candidates whose stand
on crime and prohibition most
nearly conforms to their own
opinions, while the downstaters
will render an opinion on the mer
its of Governor Small.
The Small issue, since the gov
ernor is running for a third term
on his record, was expected, but
the crime and prohibition issues
were thrust to the front by the
force of recent circumstances.
Originally the republican fac
tion headed by Governor Small.
Mayor Thompson of Chicago, Ttob
ert E. Crowe, Cook county state's
attorney, and Colonel Frank L.
Smith, running for the republican
nomination for United States sen
ator after twice being denied his
seat, started their- campaign with
Thompson's "America First' slog
an, and added to it Governor
Small's hard road program and
Colonel Smith's stand for state
rights in senate representation.
The opposing republican wing,
headed by United Stages Senator
Charles S. Dencen. Otis Glenn, op-
i ponent of Colonel Smith; Secre
i tary of State L. L. Emtnerson, run
ning ror governor, ana Attorney
General Oscar . Carlstrom. can
didate for re-election, at first
centered their attacks on Small
downstate and Thompson and
Crowe In Chicago.
The democrats, with few con
tests, contented themselves with
attacking the. republicans in office
and those wanting to be in, and
discussing national issues, includ
ing references to the" oil scandal.
State's Highway Obligations
Would Be Forced on
Property, Says Kay
In case the voters approve at the
November election either of the
Initiative measures reducing the
annual license fee on pelasure cars
to $3 a year, the average motor
vehicle license paid by Oregon car
owners would be only one-fourth
of the average fee paid by pleasure
car owners In the state of Califor
This was pointed out yesterday
by Thomas B. Kay, ( state treasu
rer, in an address at the Klwanis
club luncheon In which he stressed
the unfairness of the proposed $3
motor vehicle license fee in this
state. The Oregon license fee, un
der the proposed initiative mea
sures, would be only one-fifth of
the average license fee assessed
in the state of Washington.
Mr. Kay pointed out that under
the proposed initiative measures
now on file in Oregon the annual
motor vehicle fee Is fixed at $3.
and no provision is made for plac
ing the pleasure automobiles on
the property tax roll. As'a result of
this, the state could not expert to
collect in excess of S3 for the op
eration of pleasure machines.
In the state of California the
average plate license fee Is 15.30
Then somebody assassinated
"Diamond Joe" Esposito, political
power In Little Italy, and ally, of
Senator Deneen; somebody else
bombed the homes of Deneen and
Judge John A. Swanson, running
against Crowe, and federal pro
hibition agents suddenly swarmed
into Chicago, bringing their ac
tivities to a climax by shooting a
munlcpal court baliff and Thomp
son supporter during a raid.
A federal grand jury, with tnt
campaign at Its height, returned
two batches of prohibition Indict
ments, naming an alderman, l
suburban village mayor and others
politically prominent.
As a result, aspects of the Chi
cago campaign, along with its Is
sues, changed almost overnight
and Chicago has heard charges,
and counter charges involving
crime and prohibition aa the prin
cipal talking potnts.
Deneen's' faction has charged
flatly that the Thompson and
Crowe daminlstrations have failed
to control crime, that bombings of
half a dozen politicians' homes are
the results of political maneuver
ing and the fight for control of
illicit liquor business, and have
promised that If elected condi
tiona will be improved.
The Small - Thompson - Crowe
wing, on the other hand, has
charged that crime conditions arc
exaggerated, that bombings have
been the work of those whose
homes were bombed, and that fed
eral prohibition agents have been
brought to Chicago at the instiga
tion of Senator Deneen to discred
it the Thompson administration.
The democrats, admitting all
the charges of both republican
factions against each other, hare
made hay during the factional
fight by urging a big vote of con
fidence for every democrat as an
augury of what may be expected
In November.
a' year, while the average proper
ty tax on cars is SI 1.90. Adding
the average gas tax of SI 5. 4 8.
California car owners contribuie
annually for the operation of their
cars an average of $3 2.63.
In the state of Washington the
average plate license is $16.67.
with an average property tax of
J 10.07. The average gasoline tax
paid by Washington motorists Is
S3. 59 a year, making the average
contribution resulting from the
use of their machines $36.33 a
The Oregon motorist, under the
proposed Initiative measures,
would pay an annual license fee
of $3 for the operation of plea
sure cars., The average gasoline tax
in Oregon is $14.27, which would
make the average total tax in this
state under the proposed new laws,
$17.27 a year. There Is no proper
ty tax on automobiles in Orezon
at the present time, and no such
tax is provided in the Initiative
measures which will go before the
voters at the November election.
Figures gathered by Mr. Kay
showed that California has the
lowest license plate tax of anv
state in the union, but that Its
property tax, Increases the amount
paid by motorists annually to an
amount far in excess of that paid
by car owners in many other
states in which there is no proper
ty tax.
It was the state treasurer's con
tention that approval of the $3
motor vehicle license fee in Oregon
would be equivalent to the repu
diation of a contract, and would
have the effect of retarding ma
terially the highway construction
programme in this state.
Two Human Projectiles
Injured Doing Stunts
LONDON. (AP) Two sensa
tional acts the firing of a person
from a great cannon in rival
London circuses hare ended in in
Jury to the two human projectiles.
The stunt, which has been wide
ly headlined in circus publicity, is
executed by the discharge of a
tremendous cannon as big as a
seige gun which roars mightily as
the performer is hurled from ita
nouth and across the arena Into
net a "range" of about 80 feet.
The man-bullet at the Olympla
circus, after many successful per
formance, landed In the net with
a cry of anguish. A bone In one
leg was broken.
A few days later, the girl iu a
similar act at the Crystal Palace
ended her high flight with an
awkward landing and strained a
leg ligament. Substitutes were
placed for both Injured perform
ers. 1
Capital for
Personal Advancement
Business firms use
money as a means of
growth and progress.
Individuals also need
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make the most of op
portunities for per
sonal advancement.
Start a Savings
United States
Evenings -
A health story from Berlin says
that the people over there - put
chlorine In their drinking water to
make it healthful. First time we
erer heard that they had any
drinking water.
TVe Welcomcyou
toPortWna. 2 00 comfortably
CoaiiiBt dowa-cowa location.
Nw wmdn fntmai wmmfmmt 0
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