THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 27, 1928 , fl f I ftp 1-1 REAL ESTATE ANDERSON 4k BU FEIST. Bealtera Tat. 1644 169 & High. BAlUhU A BO&ae 200 Gray Liug. Tel.- 790 fibjit iLEATDKlCsS. 189 X. H;gu. TL 161 14? N. Commercial TL 7I H. tL. dxvOVtai 109 8. Cob'1. Xei. 8M r acs W. J. O ASM Ah IS buu. IV. 1961 TzLK MUMQALOW JUCALTt t-"- 447 Stale -. 1 iu ITS. 5 B. Cui'l im. 49 or 20J fwad a. uio Chare. leL 14V A tU. a, m QAbKltji. ft 8. Ubwi) t. i TeL' 224. V W. H. OJtAiSiiUli&T OO, J B. NfUlwtf uk. eL SU 1 120 U. Mii. VIM JonXiHUI 8. Jsea Jit TeL . W. 1T, M. Ooi. Tea. 81. l.A PI a h A IrA'rB Ladd Bum JiM. TeL 64 I lAJtaS OB lUC Oxagea jfeo. Tal. li W. A. lUUtOS 404-6 Kaaaeia U4, Tal. x2. ABTHVB MAUSUi 074 Kortk Tat. S0; MKLUiiuUr-COJC1TI1 4Ca Oregon tttu. Tat. 117 it. It. kUliUCTOB f04 Oregon Bdg. TaL 26ua W. O. MILLS SS1W Slato St. -- TaU l'. 440A TaL 1919 4il Court St.- JOHJX W. OSB Kew Bligk Bldg. TaL 14;cla: . K. PAUS 4S4 Court. Xol. 188. 211-212 Uri TaL 90; .- ' B1CU L. MlilJaAXN. Baallor N. Uigii it. XaL 865 J MAxJ-M KUU I Jr. 462 EtsU bu iWoia 1. CO. Tal. 1004 - CUAIUS SPU&LI3I 210 Oiftgoa rJiag. 'XaL 19i SOCOLOrSKI SOU 104 5 Pint Kat. i-Wuk Bldg. TaL 97 SQUABE DEAL BE ALT T C. S. Kafl Bask B:dg. TaL Alit TRIANGLE BEALTT CO. 431 Court tit. TaL 651 ULB4CH KCBaJtTB i:9 N. Commercial. TaL ISM U. S. BEALTT 441 SUta St. CO. TL 2660 r. L. WOOD 941 8Ut St. Tal. 794 : Newspapers Magazines 35 .TnK POBTL.ANU ItUTlQKAU SALEM I Agtncv. Tka Aea. TaL 949. 4 THK OREGON STATESMAN, 90 CENTS . par montk delivarad to your horn aarly aaek morning. Tal. 28 ar 688. V IP TOU V72NT TO GET THE BEST farm papar land firo 2-eant atampa ta tue Paeiflo Bomrktead, Salam, Oragoa. for a thraa montua' trial aubaczipuon. iaention this ad. c ' - -POfXTHYMEX SEND EIGHT TWO J wt atampa for aoaciat thra month' a trial for tha beat and oldaat Journal" .f, in tha Waat. Tha articiaa and advar- ) Liicmaaki ara of special interact to tha ysSl'VUHTJ craedart of tha Nortkwatt r .. Jvorthwet Poultry Journal. Z 11 S. Com L" " it racial St.. Salem, Oruaou- NURSERY STOCK 36 KOYAI.-ANN CHERRT TREES, WAL r.uU, thruba and plmoU. Walker'i Nurseriaa, Box 222. tiarden Road. PINE l.irT. NHRSERT STOCK. ALSO fiooja flowericg Hawthornea. Sea thata irtm before buying. Willamette Vl-i-y Suntj. Home phone 70f"i. Sal yrd 239 Court St, aeroaa atraet froai bukick'a ciore. PAPERHANG1NG 37 PHOVE &LEN ADAMS rOR HOL'SK derormtoig, jraperhaigmg. tinting, etc Kvi'tabia morkman. PAINTING 38 CKAS BENNETU AttrriNO COS troVr, painting, laper banging -iai-J. 187 We.t Miller. MISCELLANEOUS 39 FURNTTCRB UwHOLSTEKING AND RE " pairing. Oi8e-iorer Kuralture Store FOR SALik. OLD SEtVSFAPKKA. 10 rents a bundle. 8tateman office. 215 : - South Commercial. U FOR SALEM SCAVENGER SER tCE jj call iot. IE PARTY WHO TOOK FU)WF.KS from yard at 144 X. Front street i V . 1 1 mnA .mil'- ,A - . A , .... V - II f T w u . m.. m w.a.c w tut . i er trouble,. 'WANTED? C8ED PIANOS. IN EX isoxe on Ksdios, fbonogiph. or - Furniture. H. L. Stiff Furniture Com RUBBER CUSHIONS INSTALLED ON your car giving better riding qualities than, new cars. Guaranteed satisfac tion, or money refunded. Call at 720 So. 14th. W HITK SCOTCH COM il AT STUD. , Salem'a White K'ng. Roister number 585981. Service guarantee1!. Puppies I and grown stock for sale. Mr. Ben nett, 1080 Cheuieketa. Phooa 1539. CAPITOL BABGJli AND JUNK HOUSE, 105-145 Center. Tel. 898. All kind of Junk bought and rold ; Rag, Sock, Bottle. Barrels Hid, Ptlt. Wool, Fur. Taliow, Caaeara Btrk, Crap Root, Pitch, Peppermint Oil, All kinda ot Iron h Metal everything from a needle to a locomotive. Onion Skin Carbon Paper f Typewriter Ribbons W. S. Du Presne 739 E. 60th St. N.. Port lan 1 Oregon Are You AH There? Choamloal analyst af tha human body bpwa that it ia ea,waed of tha follow ASg elements! Oxgea. Carbon, Hydro Nitrogea, Calcium, Pnavphornt, ' potassium Snlphur, Sodium Chloride, . Magf't'nm. Iran, Iodine, Fluaria, Silk can. Ziae, Maagaaeae. You aupply yonr body with thesa chemical oleaaato through tha food yoa 'at. tha air yoa breathe aad tha water drink. Good , health depoada maeh npon tha I r ihaiatstry af tha body, aa tha auppl-ad (1 . Jl maintained. Many ra fined food ia . Jryaon -naa today ara leaking ta aa tuiag axtaat ia theaa vital aad haaltk ft -eting prapartie. aa4hfa dafieiaacy ', : L raapoaalbla far macv ckronia altmaatv U ? Pacific Health-Ore f. la riok la 4ha majority af thee alameata i aad it aaa haa acoompilahad . marvaloua raaaita ia raatoring kaalth. Glva Natnxa.1 a ehaaaa yoa u ba aurprtsod at her v vBKK'TOCal DBTJOOI8T T0DAT M1SCELUNE0US 39 STOVES AND STOVB KEPAtRlXQ STOVES FOR BALC REBUILT AXD repaired br spar, All kind ef torn wire fence. Fey and plaia. Hap baakata ut hooka, logaa hoeke. Balaam raaea a ad Stove eYorka, Ut Ceart (tract. PRINTING 44 rOR STATIONERY. CART'S. PAMPH lata, program. beoVus. er aar kiad a pnoiuf, eeu as ia 8 ta team a Print ing IVpartaaeat, 11 8. C:asaercial TeL Set. MONEY TO LOAN 45 FEDERAL FARM LOAN Wood. B41 StaU St. F. U. WI HAVa?'$2400 TO LOAN ON GOOD eearity. Gertrude i. M. Fag. 484 court. Tal. 1882 or 1186. MONEY TO LOAN JOHN H. SCOTT 905 Oregon Building P. ft. BELL, tl U. S. BANK BLDG. Reeidence and baaiaaar toaaa. Tot 607 ar 8141-W, MONET TO LOAM fOS BUILDlNe AND oa city property. B. 8. Mania aad L. K. Martin, attoraeys, 411 Oragoa uniifllng. TeL ZfeSe. $2000 SIX PER CENT MOVET TO loan on good security. Got busy if you waat it. John H. Scott, 905 Ore gon Bldg. Phone 234 or 6J2. SALARY AND COLLATERAL LOANS Uepayabla in Weekly ar Monthly In stalimenta. GENERAL FINANCE COR PORATION, First Nat'l Bank. ToL 1200. CITY AND TSACT LOANS Reaaonabla Rata No Delay 8TATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASS'N. 703 6 First National Bank Banding Phone 457. Salem. Oregon. CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Best terms obtainable. Our insurance department offer yon as pect advice and aerrica in alt line. HAWKINS A BOBERT8 (Ine) ' Tel. 1427 305 Oragoa Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Why don't you grab that $2,000, aix per cent money betore the other fellow beats you to it. Have smaller sums. JOHN H. SCOTT 905 Oregon Bldg. WANTED LOANS 46 WJ NTED Prl-cato mousy W loaa aa BX1L ESTATE. W. H. GRABENHORST k CO. 184 8. Li tarty St. PLUMBING 47 PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Grabar Broa 144 8. Libert Tal. 550. BUSINESS OPPR. 4S KOR LEASE: Several attractive ground floor store or offico rooms, well located. W. H. GKABENHORST A CO.. Realtor 184 8. Liberty St. Tel. 515 CASH GROCERY DOING $100.00 DAY. Owner ret ring. Rent $50.00; long lease. Living rooms. $5,000.00 will handle. Addres XYZ, Stataaman. A PROFITABLE confectionery and restaurant for aale. Cheap rent, pro fit more than $300 per month now and Increasing. Sea SALEM REALTY COMPANY 4b2 State St. CONFECTIONER SPECIAL CONFECTIONERY and LUNCH ROOM. Complete fine fixture and stock. Good downtown location, cheap rent. Living quarters. Fixturea in clude large marble fountain; back bar; glass candy and cigar casea ; wall case; booths ; steam table, sandwich and drink machine, etc., etc. Owner leav ing state. Price just reduced to $2500 for quick sale. If you want a buainess of this kind. BE Sl'KE TO SKE THIS. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court 8iret Ground Floor "Business Headquarters" FOR HALK APARTMENT HOUSE 4 apartment just fitted up with inside painting and decorating done. Complete bath room with each apart ment supplied with hot and cold wa ter. Basement wall of concrete blocks set well up nice, roomy and dry. Laundry trays. Furnace with beat piped to each apartment. In fine condition. Should bring $13.0n0.00 to $15,000.00. Will sell at a real bargain at this time. Cull at office or phona. O. K. MIDDLETON 804 Oregon Bldg. Phone 2809 RADIO 49 Radiolas For rery Tarpose, for every parse All standard 'ii of Radio Tnbes. EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP, 385 Court St. Tel. 488. REAL ESTATE 51 FIFTEEN ACRES 4 nnle from Sa lem. flood land. Good road. Price $I2. per acre. Terms to suit. Not in hills. SALEM REALTY COMPANY 462 State St. Grocery More, stock and fixtures with long time lease in tend location and doing a good business. Price 1500.O( Vt rsh. 8ee GAS KILL EAKLE. REALTORS lt1 S. Liberty St. Phone 2242 HOMES PRICED TO SELL $2750. 4 rmt, new, garage, bt dis trict. $8000. 6 rmi, furnace, fireplace, garage, paved street, aouth, excellent condition. $3600, sew and well built in. fur nace, fireplace, garage. Hollywood di( trict, east front, near Parochial school, priced for quick sale, very eay term. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 8. High St. HOME 8PECIAL SEVEN ROOMS, two lots, paving and walka in and paid for. Fonr rooms, dutch kitchen; buffet, full ce ment basement; furnace: garage. A ' well built home in a good district, con venient to achool and bus line. Price just reduced to $4600. Term. Thi i a BARGAIN and WON'T LAST LONG AT THIS PRICE. See TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor "Headquarters for Homes" MINUTE MOVIES ED WHEELAN'S) RQENTiHE 'thriller" "EL BiXMDIW EPISODE IT VflLL PERHAPS SERVE DON GAS PAR .TO KEEP TONGUE IN VOUR HEAD V. AND WWAT I WANT VtW UMLL LEARN IN DUE TWB T ASSURE VOU! REAL ESTATE 51 Grocery store, and equlpmeat, B7U. - GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Court 8tr. BARGAIN room bona. 2 lota, fruit tree. paved street. $1650. North Salem. J. U WOOD GEORGE F. PEED 841 SUta Street LOTS OF LOTS wall located for ale. JOHN H. SCOTT 805 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE : Nice, five roomed home, beautiful lot, on pavement for $2650. $500 cash, $25 per month. JOHN H. SCOTT 805 Oregon Bldg. FOB SALE Grocery and confectionery, stock, fix tare, and lease., with living room for small family. Priced for a short time at $8-,p. SEE Leo X. Child'a Co., Realtors S20 State Street Phono 1727 3 BEAT EST TttADINO ORGANIZATION OH THE PACIFIC COAST W bin aver 8000 prooertiea Hated far exchange. Every kind of property, ovary pnee. every location. we aaa match yeor xckaag EXACTLY. If yam would like to trade your uroperty TO DAT, co sua la TODAI. fte OA SKILL EARLE. ttoaltora 166 8. Liberty. TaL .242 FOB SALE 6 Room house. Lot 75x125 on pavad atroet ia Ksat Salom $2000. 920 Acre stock or dairy ranch, mod ern heuea. good bara and oat-build-Inga. 12 milea oat; good road. $25,000. Take email farm or city property. F. L. WOOD GEO. F. PEED 941 State St. Two aplendid located oil station, camp ground and ttoraa on Newport and Roosevelt Highway, reasonable. Apartment Houaa wall located in Sa lam to exchange for property at Ash land ar Madford. Can make a good deal on this. Sea ns at once. SALEM REALTY CO. 403 State St. LOOK LOOK LOOK owner in east writes to sell property located on Shipping St., Just west of Capitol St. Beautiful vacant lot with large ant tree, for $1125. Also a gar-, age house and garage, lot 65x185 ft., for $2000. Lot Louis Bechtel or J. D. Sear, show you tha two best buy in North Salem. Office at 841 State St. Room d. New Apt. hou netting 10 int. For aala or trade. 12 acre. A rra. cottage and other bldg. almoat adjoining thrifty town, all ia crop, $5000. Will trade for city property. Oil Station and modern home on highway, $7200. Small tract with rvic atation, $8500. We lnur everything. Let ua write yonr insurance for you. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Court Str. Stocked and equipped farm for aale at a bargain, all in crop, $1000 worth ot equipment, all in cultivation, family orchard, one mile to achool, 50 acres, 7 room honae, other bldg. Price $5500.00, tome term. Land lays fine. 5 acrea clota in, 45 cherry tree, other fruit, 7 room house, at end of bua line, 7 room house, loganberriea. Price $3800, good terms. $2400, bny a all new modern 4 room house with garage and woodshed, fine terms. North Salem. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 20 U. 8. Nat. Bank Bldg. Good Values $500 buys lot on Superior Street. $650 buys lot in N. Salem, with ahada and fruit trees; alio near bus line. $750 buys a good lot on North Cot tage St. $1100 buy a corner lot on Fir Street. $2300 bny a good lot close in North; room for 2 houses. W. Q. Krueger S 147 N. Com'l Phone 217 GOOD BUYS IN REASONABLE TRICED HOMES Garage, house and 2 lot for $600. 3 room plastered house on N. Church Street, good plumbing and electric light. Price $1200, cash $300, balance easy. 5 room cottage in ideal location, built ins, best of plumbing, woodshed and garage, shmbberv. paved street and walka. Priced only fZ'200. cash $200, balance like rent. . A real SNAP, 6 room cottage, base ment and furnace, choice rorner lot 52x 159 feet, street paved and paid. Priced very low $2650. A 8ACRIFICE in a brand new ENG LISH TYPE HOil E on 3. High Street, 5 nice rooms and strictly modern, gar age. Priced for hort time, with fur niture which ia worth $1500, for $4900, with bet of term. SEE Leo N. Child. Co., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 ATTRACTIVE HOME BARGAINS $5000 Modern 5 room masonry construct ed home with tile roof, well locat ed oa Fairmonnt Hill, teruit, IM MEDIATE POSSESSION. $3000 Modern 6 room Colonial home lo cated on the corner of Superior and South Commercial Sts., lxt ., 75 by 100, double garage. This home is modern in every way, all large room. IT IS A HOME YOU WILL I.IKE, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Attractive terms can be given. $7200 New modern 6 room English style atueee home, well located on paved street and bu line. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Terms. $4300 New up-to-date modern 6 room home, well located on N. 15th St. $500 down, balance easy terms. $2975 Kew modern except basement, ha fireplace, oak floors, good garage, paved street. This home ia at tractive ia every way, immediate possession caa be given. $250 down, balance easy terms. $4500 Modern 5 room home with north front lot on paved street, located on Fairmonnt Hill, now vacant, immediate possession, bonus loan of $3000 can be assumed. $2650 New 4 room home with nook, lo cated oa pared atreet, fireplace, oak floor in living room, built-in kitchen, garage, located at 1120 Rural Avenue. LOOK IT OVER. $300 dowa, balance easy terms' per month. $4350 Good 7 room home with east front lot 75x162 on paved street, $1000 down, balance easy terms, located at 1535 8. Liberty St., immediate possession. FOR BARGAINS. SEE US. .V., H. GRABENHORST A CO.. Realtor 184 8. Liberty St. Phone 515 ME; FAITHFUL 1 70R1LLO PULLED OUT HIS MACHETE TO PROTECT HIS MASTER , DOM CASPAR RODW OJeZ, BUT ' EL IMsHWDO' WAS TOO qnSiCK FOR WM VOU BEST, A CIVIL , (O)EAN WHILE AT TUB rONVCNT. DON GxASFAR'S T , UIHO I AM DAUGHTER , SERoRITA INEZ, MAS TELUHGr sister Teresa of- .. THE OUTSIDE fcOrD . Or THE WICKED DiCTAl OR.GCTOE, AHD "WE COLD MARAUDER, r EL BAN D4DO REAL ESTATE 51 7 ROOM MODERN HOME. BASEMENT. furnace, garage, shrubbery. Priced for Quick aala. Saa owner, 1160 N. 16th SNAP. GARAGE HOUSE SNAP Worth $1500 take $1050 Cozy 8 Room garage bouse with leaping porch. ewer connection, Elec light, large lot 50x197. Ideal loeattoa eloaa to school. Priced to aell quick $1050. half cash. - Saa Lou la Bechtel r 3. D. Sear a. Room four, 841 State St. Wanted noma eaergetia fruit maa to buy 10 acre on beat of terma. Might make some arrangement with right man to look after 85 adjoining acre. A aplendid opportunity for tha maa that can qualify. Wa have a bargain to offer for thl week, 7 room, modern home, lota of built-in, house ia nearly new. good looking, with largo wall kept lawn, lot 100x187. This property haa been on market for $7500 but owner ia trans ferred and ia offering it for $4600. BARBER A BOND 200 Gray Bldg. 125 N. Liberty The 6 room houaa aad aerate oa North Liberty St.. for $6160. May be Joat what yon want to "aaa. Honaa and 4 acre with fruit, berriea. garage in ruburb of Salem, at $210O. $30 dowa and $30 per month. Or would yoa like to trade yonr farm for aa apartment houaa ia Wood barn. Ore. f Price 86500. Farm of 667 acres. A genuine sheep or etoek ranch, fully modern houaa with electrio light plant. 2 fine stock barns, running water in every pasture, place ia wall fenced. Improvemente coat $14,000. Will sail entire plaea for $17,000. Easy term. Yoa ought to see this 10 acre tract with building and nearly all set out to berriea in full bearing. Price for quick aale $2850. Terma. 1 Want to eee thla 100 acrea 8 miles from Salem with Improvement, good fence, just at achool. Ha run ning water. Price $8000. Easy term. l Ia yonr house or automobile in need of insurance I Let aa protect you in a reliable conxDanv. In a choice location. Wa have a fine lot at $800. Near Junior High School. i Our aim ia to pleas you. A new ful ly modern 5 room bangalow and garage at $4500. Good terma. Liatiag yonr property with aa will give you ervir. I ULRICH ft ROBERTS 129 N. Com'l. Phona 1354 REAL ESTATE Trades 52 FOR SALE 5 OR 10 ACRES. 8MALL payment down. Easy terma. Will eon aider house or lota in Salem. Phona 97F12. OREGON FOR IDAHO Can accept good Idaho farm up to $15,000 in exchange for close in Polk County farm. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Loan Insurance 147 N. Com'l St., Salam. Oregon FOR EXCHANGE: 12 acre home place with seven room house, barn and chicken houses. All in bearing fruit, located four milea out near paved road. Price $9000. Owner will exchange for residence property in Salem clear of eneumber ance. W. H. GRABENHOR8T UO. 184 S. Liberty St. SPECIAL 10 acres. A real chicken farm, ha 8 room house with light and water, 8 milea east of Salem on paved road. Will exchange for 30 or 40 acrea suit able for dairying. Will pay some dif ference, but must be near Salem. SEE Thomaeon with Leo N. Child Co., Realtor 820 State Street Phona 1727 REAL ESTATE Farms 53 80 ACRES 5 MILES SOUTH OF SALEM $4000, terms. Rt. 5, Box 13, Salem, Ore. Phone 505-W. LOOK: Five acres all under plow, well lo cated aouth near main highway. Price $1000. $500 down. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 184 8. Liberty St. FOR SALE 10 acre with building, lVt acre in logan. a few acres in young orchard. five mile out near paved road. $3000. $500 cash, $500 yearly. JOHN H. SCOTT 305 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE: Five acre of bearing cherries well located four miles aouth. Price $3500. h. cash, balance terms. W. II. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Have 60 acres c!ose to Salem to lease for 3 year period. Lessee must purchase $500.00 stock and equipment. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Loan Insurance 147 N. Com'l St.. Salem, Oregon A SPLENDID ACREAGE HOME 10 splendid acres a mile east, with perfect -drainage, 7 room plastered house, good barn and other buildings, 8 good cows, horae. 2 hogs, 100 chick . ens, farm machinery. Ford, furniture. One of the best little farms around Sa lem The owner must sell Price $6500. McGILCHRIST A PENNINGTON 209 10 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 140 SNAP: 43 acre farm with running water, buildings, located six miles east on the Silverton road. PRICE FOR QUICK SALE $6300. Reasonable terms can be made. THIS IS A REAL BAR GAIN. LET. US SHOW YOU AND YOU BE THE JCDGE. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 8. Liberty St. REAL FARM 203 Acres at $75 per Acre 100 acres or more plow land, and lot more easy cleared. Haa aome fine tim ber, with aeveral springs all year, best of water piped to house, good build ings. House, 8 Room with bath, good soil. This farm belongs to a widow and unable to run It, ia the only reason for selling at auch a sacrifice at $75 per acre. See Louis Bechtel or J. D. Sear, Room Four, 341 Stat St. Fine 115 A. farm, good bldg.. pavad road, crop, itock, machinery, $17,500, take city property for part. Fine well Improved 10 A. home, cloee in, take city property for part. 5 A. tiact clos ia, berriea A fruits, fine soil. $1800, term. Fin 65 A. river bottoin dairy ranch, good bldg. 10 A. timber, stock, tool, crop. $11,500, take acreage or city property for part. 80 A. fine soil close ia, good bldg., stock, tool, crop, eaay terma. PERRINE A MAR8TERS 212 Gray Bldg. fc&HDlPO' Jig YOJR PEOA4 is VEFsy FooLUAfcDy , NOBLE fed VILE FIEND 5 ASSASSIN- DOG .5 V ? ( SNOR HE SHOULD KNOtu E-ETTER jfl Vj ARE VOU f VJJwAT DO VCV WAHT J t VTWN TO Ty To ATTACK "EL J-flll V --WOUI PfcTC VOU VNDEMvy USED CARS For Sale 61 Hollywood 435 No. Commercial Our Cars exactly as advertised and represented Do not be misled Save S i5 At - Hollywood 1927 Star Six Four Doer Sedan 1927 TjTpa Dodge Sedaa 1927 Ford Sedan with RueksUll 1927 Ford Coop 1927 Hudson Super Six Coach 1927 Chevrolet Roadster 1927 Star Roadster 1927 Chry.Ur SO Pbaetoa 1926 Chryalar 70 Coach 1926 Light Six Nash Sedan Hollywood Qood Used Cars 1926 Chevrolet Coach, overhauled $400.00 1925 Star Touring, d wheel brakes $200.00 1926 Essex Coach, new tires. overhauled $400.00 1924 Studebakar Touring $800.00 1924 Studebakar Special Six 8a- dan $:0.00 1922 Ford Coupe, aew rubber $100.00 LICENSE INCLUDED Newton Motor Co. Phone 1000 Opposite City Hall Valley Motor Company has these guaranteed Cars 1925 Dodge Business Coup $495 1925 Chevrolet Coach $25 1926 Ford Coupe, light piston $295 1922 Ford Coups $100 1924 Gardner Touring $200 1926 Ford Pick Up Roadster $290 Many other Forda also .1 Overland Tour. and 1 Star Touring. McKay's for Used Cars an O. K. That' Counts Overland Touring, 1923 Chevrolet Touring 1924 Ford Coupe 1927 Chevrolet Coupe ... 1923 Dodge Coupe 1925 Dodge Sedan 1926 Oakland Coach 1927 Ford Coupe 1926 Chevrolet Touring license .$ 35.00 . 125.00 185.00 . 525.00 . 275.00 . 575.00 . 600.00 . 850.00 . 300.00 430 N. Commercial. Tal. 1803 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company GOOD USED CARS AT,. REASONABLE price. Guaranteed " repair work. Towing. Phona 564 day or night. Le bengood A Ryan. 980 South Com'l St. TRANSFER & HAULING 57 Frank M. Newton Local and long distance hauling Light Country, hauling a specialty Tal. A68 CAPrTAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 224 State St. Tel. 983. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. We Move Store and Ship Household good. Our specialty is piano and furniture moving. We also make country trips. We handle tha best Coal and Wood Call on us for price. . We give good measure, good quality and good service.' Larimer Transfer Co. TeL 930. WATER 53 OREGON WASH. WiTER SERVICE CO. Office 304 South Commercial St. Tea per cent discount on domestic flat rate paid in advance. No deduction for ab sence or any ennse unless water ia shut off your premises. TRAVEL 59 A FINE NEW WArTrNf ROOM IN THE NEW HOTEL SENATOR Frequent Schedule Thirty Rid Book at Reduced Rate A Swift nnd Reliable Package Service Courteous Attention From All Employee These Ara a Few of the Offer'-ngs Made the Pub lie By PARKER STAGES, IN0. Stage Leaving Times: Dallas: 7 a. m., 9:10 a. m, 11.25 a. m, 2:10 p. m., 3:15 p. nr. Independence A Monmouth: T a. ou, 9:15 a. m, 11:15 a. m., 8 p. m, 1:15 p. m., 8:80 p. m. (Sunday only.) Silverton : 7 a. m., 11 s. m., 6 p. m. Falls City, McMinnviUe, Newberg, Hill, bore, Foreat Grove, Sheridan. Tilla mook: 9:1 a. a., 2:10 p. .nr., 5:15 p. m. For Information Call 222 or 696. AUTOS WANTED 60 CASH PAID FOB FORDS EIKFJe AUTO AND IT M&S T& SAVE ME FHOM EL TWAT My FATHER 3EMT VCRE, TERESA g ou.wou cm .SEWORITA. USED CARS For Sale 61 Phone 1027 You alway WILLYS KNIGHT BIG SIX. EXCEL lent mechanical condition, paint like new. Must sacrifice for $750.00. Mr. Walliek. Bligh Hotel after 4 p. m. High Grade Used Automobiles Exceptional Prices Overland Touring Hup Sedan Oakland Coaoh Buick Sedan, Standard Nash Special Enclosure Gardner Coupe Ford Coupe Jewett Coach Naah Coupe Essex Touring Dodge Sport Roadster Pontine Coupe F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 North Commercial St. Tel. 1260 "AFTER WE SELL WE SERVE" CASH PAID FOR ANY LIGHT Let modal. . Ued Car Corner block wt Ladd A Bueh, Two of the Best Packard - Oldsmobil! Special Special Specie New Oldsmobile Landau Sedan ..$10 New Oldimobile Coupe - 9 1926 Packard Six Club Sedan $19d 1926 Packard Six Sedan . 15(1 1926 Bnick Master Six Sedan 1051 1927 Oldsmobile DeLux Coupe ..... 73 Try to match thesa price. W just lilting a few of our good buy. will pay you to look our stock over :ore you buy. We have all kinds, inakea, ranging from $50 to $2000. Capitol Motors, Inc. BIDDY BISHOP 350 No. High St. Phono 212 GAS OIL GREASE WE NEVER CLOSE WASHING STORAGE General Markets PRODUCE PORTLAND, Ore.. March 26 (AP). Butterfat steady: 46e station: 47c track: '.II. 1r.Y. P..r,tB w.A ' Poultry steady; heavy hens 22(i$Hc; light 15.'20c; sprirTgs 2021c; broilers 35(338e; pekin white ducks 80c; color ed nominal; turqeys alive 2j(g27c. Onions steady; local $2.50a'3.O0 par cwt; potatoes 73ciJ$1.25 sack. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., March 26 (AP). Cattle steady to strong; receipts 1,850 including 140 direct pr through; calves To. Steers, 1100-1300 pounds, good $11 'a 12; 950-1100 pounds, good $11.25(3 12; 800 and up, medium $9.7 5 (jf 1 1 .25 ; ditto common $8.25 (jt 9.75 ; hrifers, 850 ;ounds down, good $10.3510.75; ditto noiumon to medium, $9( 10.35; rows good $9.2 3( 9.75 ; ditto common to medium $b.75&9.25; ditto low cutters to cutters &4 ff 6.75; bulls, yearlings excluded, good eef $7 7.(35; ditto cutters to medium $6 i i . calves, 500 pounds down, medium to ho, re ilOOtiZ; ditto culls to common non i $oio. -4- eiers (mux tea; gooa to cnoica ia !f'lw, UltHJ UieulUlU 11 W A U , Ull W j In ..immnn B rilU, 11 l Hoga steady; receipts 3.270 including I.jO direct or through; heavyweight, 250- 350 pounds, medium to choice $7.90 -t.W'i ; medium weight, 200-250 pounds. medium to choice $8.409; light weight, lbl' -OO pouinis. medium to choice $9(rf 9.25; light lights, 130-160 pounds, me dum to chore $8.6 j 9. 1 .) ; packing sows, rough and amooth $6.50 7.50; slaughter pigs, 9U-13U pounds, medium to choice 8.156i 8.90; feeder and stock r pigs, 70-130 pounds, medium to choice $7.75 (qi 8.75. Sheep steady to strong; receipts 1760; lamb, 84 pound down, good to choice 1 3 fit 1 5 ; ditto, 92 pound down, medium $11 13; ditto, all weight cull to com uion 894(11; yearling wethers, 110 pound down, medium to choice $10 12; ewes, 120 pounds down, medium to choice $7 if 8; ditto 120-150 pounds, medium to choice, $6((J7; ditto, all weights, cull to pcommon, $o(6. DAIRY Dairy Exchange, net price: PORTLAND, Ore., March 26 (AP). Butter, extra 44o; atandard 43; prime firsts 42 Vc; firsts 42 He Eggs, extrs 24c; firsts 21c; medium extras 21c; medium firsts 18e. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PORTLAND. Ore.. Mareh 26 (AP). Florida strawberries arrived by express and sold at 80c per quart. Heavy rain in California render It unlikely that ship ments are to be expected from there for some time. Asparagus receipts are large but the demand is good and price are steady. 12 16c per ponnd. Broccoli re mains firm with $1.60 per erate about SURCLy "WE GOOD DOS HULL PON.SH HIM AND eR.N0- llU WJTJON VPCH HIM H3R rrl AU MIS teVU. DEEDS Salem Markets GRAXBT No. 1, wheat, white.. -$1.25 ..$1.90 Rwd wheat, Backed... Oat, per bu, milling,. .68 PORK. MTJTT0JT ASD BEET Top ton ,, ..... ... i Sow . 06 ( Top steera - 11 ( Cewa 08 , Spring lamb 09 (, Dreaaad veal --. irsed hega POULTRY " Light bene Heavy hana Springi Broiler .15 .20 9.21 .18 -199.20 EGGS. BTJTTXB. BTJTTEBFAT Standard .19 Butterfat .49 Print Butter 48. 49 VEGETABLES Beeta, tacked , , ,,. .. .09 New cabbage 04V4 Potatoea $1.80, $1.85, $1.25 Celery, bunehea $1.85 1.75 Sweet potatoea 06.07 New potatoea .16 Rejuvenated potatoea 10 , Local onion $3.50 $4.00 Florida atrawberriea, crate.... $5.00.. the top price. Grapefruit ha advanced igain to $7.50 per box for best stock. Onions ara slightly slower. CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO. March 26. (AP) . Sensa tional private estimates of crop losses through abandonment of soft winter wheat acreage gave a decided npward swing to the wheat market today. One Chicago crop authority reported that in Illinois, Indiana and Ohio 70 to 80 per cent of the fielda seeded to soft varietiea of wheat are practically a failure. Closing quotations on wheat were firm H to 1 5-8c net higher. Corn finished 7-8 to 1 3 8c up and oats unchanged to He advance. PORTLAND GRAIN PORTLAND. Ore., March 26 (AP). Wheat bid: BBB hard white. March. April, May $1.48; hard white, blue stem, baart, federation, soft white. western white all $1.89 ; hard winter all $133; northern spring all $1.34; western red all $1.32. Oat. No. 2. 36 pound W. F. and ditto gray all $45.50. Barley. No. 2. 45 pound B. W., all $41.30. Corn. No. 2, E. Y. ahipment March, April $41.50; ditto No. 8 March, April $40.50. Millrun, standard March $30.50, April. $31.25; May $31.50. HAT PORTLAND. Or., March 26 AP). Hay buying price: Eattern Oregon tim othy $20.50(321; ditto valley $186218.- 130; alfalfa $18(18.60; oat hay $14.50 15; straw $9.60 par ton. Balling prices 82 a ton mnrrn Court of the State , of Oregon, for the County of Marion, and an or der has been made and entered by said Court, fixing the 30th day of March, 1928, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, as the time for hearing objections to the said final ac count and the settlement thereof, and that any creditor, heir, oi other person interested in said estate may. on or before said time show cause why said final account shall not be settled and approved as rendered. Dated this 2Sth day of Febru ary, 19 28. pn.wif w n.xiiw - - Executor oi the Kstate or Rachel Jennetta Matheson, deceased v j x w, a a. T7 a w a a a". - a.- Attorney for Executor. F28M6-13-20-27 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marion, as executor of the lart will and testament and estate of W. B. Clark, deceased, and thru he has duly qualified as such ex-cutor; all persons . having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me at the office of Ronald C. Glo vei. my attorney. 203 Oregon Bunding, Salem, Marion County Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 28th day of February, 1928. DR. FRANK E. BROWN. Exoeutor of the last will and tes tament and estate of W. B. (Mark, deceased. ROVALD C. GLOVER. Attorney for Executor, Salem, Oregon. F28M6-13-20 27 By Ed Wheelan Hook r BOR, EPISODE SEVEN HERE TORROu) vHi m a South, of ji -a.i,huks HMii NOTICE I (26) East, of the Willamette Ol Notice la herein rtven that the) .ui ' -- - - w, iuenuiao, lu morrow vouiuy, undersigned executor has filed blsP state of Oregon, and contaiu- flnal account of the estate of Ita-1 ng four hundred eighty thai TAnnaa Xfn.hnann I . - . UDU""ia .uoiuMUH, uc.-easeu.i (480) acres, more or less. wun me iiern oi uie uouniyi AND IT APPFABIVfS Tf" NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice 18 hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, his duly verified Final Account, aa admin istrator, of the estate of Ida Green, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 10th day of April, 1928. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, aa the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House at Sa lem, Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final ac count and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 6th day of March, 1928. RONALD C GLOVER. Administrator of the Estate of Ida Green, deceased. M6-13-20-27A5 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that the County Court of Marion County. State of Oregon, has appointed the undersigned executor of the estate of George E. rams, ae ceased; All persons having claims against said estate are required to present them, duly verified wun the proper vouchers to the First National Bank of Corvallls, at the Banking-house of Ladd & Bnh, Bankers, in Salem. Oregon, with in six months from the date here of, to-wit: March 13. 1928. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CORVALLIS, OREGON. Executor of the Estate of Geo. E. Parris, Deceased. M13-20-27A3-10 No. 6718 IV THE COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY In the Matter of the Guardianship of WILLIAM McKIMMEY, A person of unsound mind. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE ON THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY The above entitled matter com ing on for hearing on this 10th day of March. 1928 upon the petition f Ladd and Bush Trust Company. Ancillary Guardian of the estate of he above named William McKim ney, a person of unsound mind, raylng for an order directing the text of kin of said ward and all ersons interested in his estate to tppear before this court at a fixed nd specified time to show cause why a license and order should lot be granted authorizing, direct ing, empowering, and licensing the aid ancillary guardian to sell the mdivtded three-sixteenths (3-16) nterest as tenant in common, in 'ee simple, in and to that certain piece or parcel of real property -onstltuting the remainder and balance of said ward's estate in he State of Oregon, particularly, lescrlbed as follows, to-wlt: . e Half (S) and hwest Quarter (NW Ion Twenty-five Township Two, (2) Range Twenty-five THE roiTUT from the facts set forth n said petition that it Is necessary ind would be beneficial and for 'he best Interests of the estate of iaid ward that the said undivided nterest in said real property should be sold at private sale for he purpose of providing funds for the support and maintenance of ald ward, and to the end that the proceeds of said sale may be turned over to the domiciliary Tuardlan of said ward, for said lurpose, and IT APPEARING TO THE f'OFRT that the next of kin and 'ieir at law of said ward and the inly other interested party are as follows, towlt: Purllna McKimmy, Mother. 3033 N. 13 H Street, Terre Haute, Indiana, whose sur name 13 sometimes spelled "McKimmey." Wallace McKimmy, Brother. 3033 N. 13V4 Street, Terre Haute, Indiana, whose sur name is sometimes spelled "McKimmey." Terre Haute National Bank, Domiciliary Guardian, Terre Haute, Indiana. NOW. THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND DE CREED that the next of kin. and heir at law of said ward and all ' other persons interested in said estate appear before this court In the county court room- at the County Court House at Salem. Marlon County, Oregon at the houf of 10:00 o'clock A. M. on Tuesday, the 17th day of April. 1928, to show cause, if any exists. why an order as prayed for in said petition should not be made and a license be granted authorizing, di recting, empowering, and licensing said ancillary guardian to sell al' of the undivided Interest of said ward in said above described real property, and IT IS HEREBY FURTHER OR DERED AND DECREED that fl copy of this order to show caus shall be served npon the next o kin and heir at law of said ware and all persons lntereated In sale ward's estate by publication in the Oregon Statesman, a newspape published in Marion County, SUt of Oregon and circulating In tht said County and State, for at leas' three successive weeks, the firs publication to be the 13th day or March, 1923 and the last publics tlon be the 3rd day of April. 1928 Dated this 10th day of March 1928. J. C. SIEGMUND . County Jndgt. : ml3-20-27 . TTHO'SWHO MONTREAL CAP) In some leagues players hare been nam -bered. In all league ihelr names are on the scoreboard. In Moatre aV which enters the Internationa: league this year, the occupant oi boxes will be known by a laTjrc brass plaU above each. box. ft 1; an Idea of Walter Hap good, I The South I the Nort 1 U) of Sect 1 (25) In