... 'I f THE OREGON STATESMAN MARKET AND MERCHANDISE SE CTION, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 23, 128 More Vegetables Coming While Prices on Decline Market conditions In th ren table and fruit lines as glren by the Salem wholesale establish ments are found In brief to pre sent the following: California asparagus is now coming Into the market in plenti ful quantities, with a sharp de cline in prices noticeable. Yester day prices ranged from 15 to 20 rents per pound, wholesale. Florida strawberries, which reached the Portland markets over a week ago. have been temporar ily taken from the market, due to poor quality of berries that will not stand the trip north. Those who must have early strawberries will not be disap pointed long, however, for within a few days a fancy and good keeping grade of berries will be shipped from Tampa. Oranges now available are of ery high sugar test and are in the beet season of the year. They are moving rapidly, with Califor nia quoting prices the same as last week. Lemons are coming onto the market In a trifle greater quanti ty than the consumer Is requiring. This excess of supply over de mand has caused a small decline in the lemon market, with present quotations being from $6 to $6.75 per crate. Florida grapefruit Is showing strength, with brokers holding for a 25 to 50 cent raise per case over last week. The wholesale bulletin notes that with the pres ent price the best grades cannot be secured as the poorer qualities, which otherwise couldn't be sold, have worked In and are now be ing shipped. ,: The yam or Porto Rlcaa sweet Is coming through in good del(?r ery, with prices declining. They are now $2.25 to 22.60 a crate. Brussel sprouts have undergone little change since last week, the quality continuing excellent. Artichokes are higher by a tri fle, but the market is producing a better grade, with prices quoted at from $1.10 to $1.50 a dozen, sccording to size. Eggplant, for which there has been no demand in Salem, is still too high for the general trade, with 25 cents per pound on the fancy stock prevailing. The shipment of large quanti ties of outdoor rhubarb from Cal ifornia has resulted In a slight de cline, with price at 9 cents per pound! The potato situation continues to look up, with more strength in evidence daily for all grades. Quo tation is $1.50 to $2.25 per cwt. There has been no actvity In the seed potato market. Hot house cucumbers are quot ed at less than last week, with from $1.75 to $2.25 prevailing for each dozen. Mexican tomatoes, fine quality, are still the only tomato on the market. They go to the retailer at about 25 cents a pound. Florida green peppers are com ing through in greater quantity. which Is leaving mark on prices by a decline to 20 cents per pound. Local cabbage has entirely dis appeared, with California and tyke J-OOO-tnile lens NOW! A nation-wide "photo graphic service. Associates in every city photograph any subject you desire. You simply give us in structions, we deal with distant pho tographers, and deliver finished prints. Saves time, trouble, expense. Ask for details. KENNELL-ELLIS Oregon Building Photo graphs X tlthe$torf A Salem GREASING s u p E R Gas and Oils Our Service Satisfies, Saves Time, Trouble and Repair Bills. See Us Regularly and Avoid Re pair Bills. Yung & Eckerlen High and Perry AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE R. D. Barton Batteries, Magnetos, Generators Electric Service for Auto or Radio TELEPHONE 1107 E R V I C E MASON TIRES - TUBES Station washing S Hollywood 435 No. Commercial Phone 1027 Save $ $ On All Makes and Models IttT IW Six Mm 1M7 BwUm Oaaas IMTTry 1MT Ckryafa AmMi list Tm4 0W Stflf CWvntot TeaHac , , 1MT Star ImIKw -1MT fWra lefaa- Iirtiton We inylte mechanical inspection Spokane supply ins the market; both are shipping; good quality at prices ranging from fZ.SO to $4 per cwt. In the last few days a decline has been noticeable In the cauli flower market, with the best grade commanding from $1.25 to 11.40 per crate. Parsley of fine quality Is 80 cents per doien to the retailer. California outdoor long red radlshee are quoted at 80 cents a dozen. Local turnips are 2 cents a pound, with only a limited amount of the bunch crop available at 80 cents a dozen. Bunch beets and carrots from California are ef good grade, the former at $1.15 per dozen and carrets 80 cents per dozen for the new ones. Local carrots are still obtainable at 3 cents a pound. The California lettuce market la showing a firm tone with prices on all grades advancing daily, the outlook being for $E lettuce In he near future. For a while the POPULAR CASH MARKET 721 So. 12th St. We Deliver Telephone 462 Our Meats Always Freeh Come in, let's get acquainted grade of lettuce here Is likely to be inferior, due to the fact that the price la so high that only the inferior will be shipped. Local wholesalers are unloading cars at Oceano, California celery that Is of particularly tine qual ity. There Is ftp raise In price. California spinach le quoted at 10 cents, with the local new crop at 8 cents per pound. Sacrifice Price S3 aerea fertile land all mader plow. . ...j. t .l...r aa river road a mllu SI 15 oer acre. Will ase a home Id deal. 80 acre timber, cruieee aboot 60S0 eord wood. 8 milee out, 86000. No trade. 22S aerea 6 milea N. Eaat of BHrer-toa- 00 unUr plow, fall bolldiaja, 14.000. Will take entailer place lor part. 10 aerea fertile aoil. 5 acrea In di versified berriee. food baildinfa, 4 miW north. A $4500 ioTeitment tor 2950. 4 Room Plattered New bonne. era lot. only 1550. tir.t payment 835.00. baL 835 per mo. Cloie in corner lot. large fir and oak treea. baaement dn. A real buy 8850.00. Qeiser Real Estate 441 Court St. SALE On This Spring's Stock Twenty years' experience in raising trees. See me at once and save money. FRUITLAND NURSERY 174 S. Liberty FOR SALE 3 Five room house Church and Rural $3000 Terms Call owner 140 or 2533-M EBAIEfir (SKHKSKnS Blood Tested and Accredited Six Leading Varieties Best Business Birds Ready Every Tuesday and Wednesday Special Prices to Local Poultrymen Salem Ghickeries THE WINCHESTER STORE 261 North Cottage St. Salem, Ore. One Block North of Tost Office avaoevej MM MMataj bla ! ft StoutW Women! : You, too, may wear smart house dresses : with slenderizing lines. We have a new shipment of particularly attractive cot- f ton arid rayon frocks, sixes 40-50. A , big-selection from which to choose. Fast ; colors, many designs, and very clever . styles. An opportunity such as you seldom find. i Howard Corset Shop 165 N. Liberty rv " , il C. W. STANDISH 2095 No. 5th St. Phone 1395-J Orange Label KARO Syrup 2y2 lb. can 27 VV QRANGE IABEL ! Phone 1775M ItM . r"-ttfe - ' - &) 10 LB. SACK h (1 69c n il in i ' 151 MWm uaDeo Here is another Money Saving list of food and house-hold needs for the thrifty home keepers. These "are all big values high quality at Low Prices join your neighbors in sharing in the many advantages of fered at Damon's. Eggs 2stDolarJ 85c (Sum, 3 for . . , 10c Elonr . . .$1-88 Lib Soap, 8 for 25c Wool goapZ (Bandy Bars, 3 for 12c Coffee 45c Tomatoes, solid pack 15c 6 cans 85c Eta Paper 18o 111 Anno Van &mp Campbell't OEp PGullO Medium size. 3 for . . Brooms tL . . So (gprn;IFIakes,'ui'2G Camels Chesterfields Prince Al- QRft bert, Velvet, Etc. 2 for . CmVUj - PRODUCERS "ATTENTION I ; Z c-WE-?AT..18ti CASH FOR EGGS " 9 Phone 1-2-6-3 f J ; ; 899 No. Coml. St. UNITED GROCERS OF OREGON - STORE NO. 100 - ' . ARGO CORN OR GLOSS STARCH 3 Pkgs. 25c REAL SPECIAL Hill's Blue Can CoSSee 45c lb. GOOD TENDER BEETS 15c Can , 2 15c-Hot ties ERMAN'S BEST MUSTARD 25c ERMAN'S BEST HOMINY None Better 15c EFFECTIVE POWER WHERE YOU WANT IT WHEN YOU WANT TT The "Caterpillar99 Tractor offers power . . . and more, It has the track-type traction to make that power effective. THE 2 Ton Caterpillar $1800 A V 4-' ' -v-'.rrv tj POWER withot where the farin.'" when he wantsjt; POWER, and sure-footedness for rough ground, mud, sand, side hills, steep grades. POWER, effective for pulling without packing. A EVERY FARMER WANTS ... AND NEEDS "EFFECTIVE POWER' Loggers & Contractor Machinery Company PORTLAND SALEM . Va Ton Capacity SSOlbu Always First Through Traffic" " FmHmd TypL Pku&agj Trmek : C svj Sfesed Up Your Light Deliveries Only Vz Present Coc HARLEY-DAVLDSON Package Trucks are cuttJss iwti light delivery costs in 48 lines of busine. Ther are that' They m the quickest known means can be parked anywhere, make twice as many calls anAmtanan ' s day as with a car. And operating costs are but V the cost of 3 sxzcomooiie aeureryi wtuy 3 cam per. muei Now every basxness man can extend Ins trading area, rWith tha qnfck. dependable, low cost Hariey-Daridson Pack Truck ' he can teach out and get businesj from the outlying cSstricts. J-..' Comider. too. the advertising valne of this trim outfit. It is . distinctive attracts tvocabU attenrion erciy where. w . JM m danonstrctt tht Padux Truck and shew yomhowtnsuhviUcsayomrU4idhcrcostu v v w i. "The Cycle Man 147 &. Coml, Si J '.- . V. if 1 t i i J v '!':; H il No Rent Low Prices by your own mechanic.