The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 23, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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Ln4 Daily lio.d.j by
til goat Comareil Street. Stlta. Or(o
R. J. Handricka
Irl 8. Mc Sherry - .
Ralph C Cnrti -
Eoeelle Bunch - -
Vaasgtag Editor
Oily Editor
Society Editor
lfc AeeoeUted Pre i escimisvely ea lined to the nee fot pDheatioa ( ail
dispttcbe rr edited to it ar act o.herwiee credited is thi ster end alaa toe
to eel hewe pobLthed hreia.
business orrzcBS:
SfraibaT Selected Otagoa Mewioapers P.e'fie Coeet EepreeerUMeaa Do'.
Sty pee. Iac. PorJaad. Secariiy, Bid.; 6 a fraaeiee. gteron Bloj.; Lea
Aejeiee, Chemeer at Comorrci Bldf.
Tfcsmae T. Olark Ct, New Yerk. US-138 W. ltt St. Merqurue Bids
Kewa IHtp.2 j er XOfl
Braiaeea Offica SI r SS
Society Editor lOS
Eatered at the Poet Off
ice ii tie
' March 23, 1928
And Jesus said unto him. Friend, whereupon art thou come?
Then came they, and laid hands on Jesus, and took him. And, be
hold, one of them which were with Jesus stretched out his hand, and
drew Is sword, snd struck a servant of the high priest's, and smote
off his ear. Matthew 26:60-61.
Marion county has a large
gon ,
JMrectly and indirectly.
n the first 'place, this county has more paved market
roads than all the rest of the
Marion county voted $850,000
five years after this year will have paid them all off
So this county is interested largely in having her share of
tlje automobile license fees, the largest in the state outside
And this county is interested in the maintenance of the
market road program. Marion county matches all highway
money, whether from the state or the federal government.
This program ought to be continued, for the good of this
county, and for the general good of the state
For the paved market roads of Marion make up many of
the loop trips for the general public, and Marion sets the
pace for other parts of the state.
; If the state program can be continued till after the peak
load is passed, in 1930, with no material changes excepting
adjustments which ought to be made for used cars, Marion
county will be in position to aid in getting a paved road over
the Cascades, joining the great central Willamette valley
with the great central Oregon country.
Marion county is in position to keep on keeping on, with
her splendid road program, if no one throws a monkey
wrench into the state highway program.
The Washington Post of March 6th, under the head of
"Intolerance," opposes the election of any man as president
of the United States who is especially committed to enforce
ment of the prohibition law.
"Why not a special pronouncement in favor of the en
forcement of the law against
says the Post, one of the outstanding wet newspapers of
the country
And a current writer suggests that any one who reads the
Post ought to know the answer.
Does the Post ridicule the law against mail frauds in such
a way as to incite weak minded and uninformed people to
violate them?
Does it' picture the friends of enforcement of the law as
long-nosed hypocrites?
Does it misrepresent the facts in regard to the effect of
this law or run a column almost entirely devoted to sneers
at the business men who desire its enforcement?
Does the Post know of any candidate for the presidency
who has been alleged to say : "Our party is a mail fraud
.party and everybody knows it. We ought to come out and
say so.
Does the Post know of any association against the pro
hibition of robberies ?
The American Constitution is under assault and the as
cjult is at the point of the prohibition amendment. That is
where the defense must be.
(Portland Telegram.)
Herbert Hoover has been called the greatest Samaritan of
""'his generation. It is no exaggeration to say that millions
of Europeans today owe their lives to the relief administered
under Hoover's direction. His genius for organization, liis
sure knowledge of men, and his ability to command their
loyal and untiring service, enabled him to construct almost
. over night the most stupendous machinery of philanthropy
the world has ever known.
- America has produced a number, of great executives, men
of large vision to conceive great enterprises, men of vigorous
personality to direct their accomplishment. Some Of these
captains of industry have incidentally done generous and
kindly things, but Hoover alone was given power and opor
tunity to make generosity and kindliness itself a giant indus
try, employing thousands of trained and untrained workers,
and piling up enormous profits in human hope and happiness,
in life and opportunity. .
It is this human element in the great tasks accomplished
by Herbert Hoover, that makes him peculiarly fitted to be
the nation's chief executive. For while the government of
. the United States is becoming a business, and a complicated
one, it is always something more than that. It requires in
its leadership not only a great mind, but a great heart. Its
problems are primarily human problems and it seeks as its
ultimate products such human goods as life, liberty and con
tentment. -Ever since Hoover proved his quality in his college days,
the biggest, hardest job in sight has gone to him automatic
ally, as the one qualified to do It. Throughout his seven
years' service in the cabinet,
new things to do, and accomplished them with prompt thor
oughness. The biggest, hardest job In sight just now. Is the presi
dency of the United States, and the men and women of the
. country who know Hoover as a leader, an executive, and fta ft
- good and great Samaritan, will not allow the busybody poli
ticians to deprive the nation of his serviced ; '-.V i
Some of our itrawberry growers who have net contracted
their crops are wonrying over the stagnation of the market.
They say there are np present offers for strawberries, If
there ii any way,t0 assure them that they will be able to
iSispose of their crop. It ought to be done,
uoyd e. Btifner - saperiatoadeail
Rhotea Lieeetoek editor
eh iapartneat
Cikfcvlatija Office
lea. Or-con. a. mj, rtaee atattor.
stake in the highways of Ore
counties in the state combined
bonds for this work, and in
mail frauds and robberies?"
he has constantly discovered
A whole new vocabulary is
dustry of aviation. Air men
Tale Spins is the name of an
i bird is a woman air nilot. You can think of many. There
; ar
are hundreds of new ones,
Five thousand new words a
language. Aviation is supplying its full quota. The English
language is cosmopolitan, it
and dead.
n. nri r.r m
AUWOQ f Vr SCf5 SWEEftpffiTs OFA
Lynda Fenton, a singularly in
nocent and lonely girl, has been
made private secretary to Ralph
Armitage, Junior partner of Armi-
tage & Son. It Is her first real
Job. Her father, a periodical
drunkard, has spoiled her life, be
cause he continually tells her that
her mother deserted them for a
wealthier man, and that all worn
en have their price.
Lynda meets Emiy Andrews at
the office, who cherishes a secret
fondness for David Kenmore, Lyn
da's companion from chidhood up.
David is a salesman for Armitage
Emily plots to make things un
comfortable for Lynda.
Lynda's father, too, deserts her,
and David tells her he loves her,
and that later he'll ask her to be
his wife.
Claire Stanhope comes to make
her home with Lynda. She tells
of innocent love for Fred Blaque,
whom she afterwards learns is a
married man.
David calls to bid Lynda good
bye before leaving on a trip. He
is already a bit Jealous of Armi
tage, and when Lynda refuses fi
nancial aid he imagines her senti
ments towards him have changed.
Chapter 16
Lynda Takes Her First Dictation
Lynda didn't answer David for
a minute. There was a great lump
in her throat. Finally she said:
'Yesterday, David, my world
was enveloped in a fog. I could
only move by taking hold of youi
band. Don't think I'm not grate
ful that it was there. Today I
find myself in still another world
entirely. That, too. is new to me.
and tomorrow promises still an
other new one, perhaps to con
luer, perhaps to go down in de
feat. I'm almost afraid, David,
to look ahead." '
"And you will not let me help
you any more?" he asked, sadly.
"Not this time. You have al
ways helped me so much that
somehow now I feel it is up to me
to make my own way in this new
"When I come back to you,
iear, I will not let you talk this
i Whatever world you are in
there wlU I come and take you out
of it to my world."
"The moon has gone behind the
iteeple and I must say good
night." said Lynda.
"Please don't change too much
while I am awya, for I want tc
know and claim you for my own
when I return. The whole world
already seems changed since the
noon has withdrawn her silvery
L'ght. What was that line we user
o read at school?
" 'That orbed maiden, with white
fire laden.
That mortals call the moon.
"I always thought it was rather
a silly line then, but tonight, when
I have it mixed up with you, some
way you seem that 'orbed maiden.'
Don t 'love anyoe but me, Lyn. I'll
write you from my first stop."
Wit;h this, David left, seeming
almost ashamed of his romantic
When Lynda went into the
house, Claire had gone to bed; at
least her door was shut, and when
she woke up in the morning she
round a note on the tray set with
a coffee cup on the kitchen table.
laying that Claire had gone out
on some business before the office
Dpened. but would see her at noon
When Lynda arrived at the of
fice, she could, not help feeling a
little conscious, but she managed
to walk rather unconcernedly into
Ralph Armitage's office.
Miss Calla was already there.
and said to me, "Mr. Ralph Is very
particular about his filing and the
way things are arranged upon his
desk. She seemed to think no
body could suit him but herself.'
said Lyn, with a laugh, when tell
ing it to Claire that evening.
"She told me that before he
came down I was to open all his
mail, except that marked 'Person
al.' and put It Into the baskets on
top of his desk."
Miss Calla really had been very
pointed In her Instructions.
"PerSonal bills, invitations and
other notes go into this basket."
she told Lynda. "You will . find
he has many of this kind daUy.
All letters pertaining to the af
fairs of the firm are to go Into
this basket, while personal mall
will be put before him on his desk,
bo that he may read It first. Some
times, when he has looked ovei
these, he forgets to do the rest.
Yen see, ho has no real responsi
bilities as jet. Bis father hopes
ho will taks up th business In
earnest serao day. Ho likes now
pen points every day, although he
seldom nses t hem j . and see that
his fountain pen Is cleaned and
J Bhe hd only gotten this far In
her Bomo what supercilious in
struetieaa whoa Ralph Armitage
earns In, With a eurt "good
morning,' ho seated himself and
hurriedly began to go through his
personal mall,
A short and profane expletive
brought Miss Calla fluttering tc
his desk with an offer of help.
Armitage did not look op, as he
ozolalmod, Impatiently; . : . .,
"Don't bother m. When I
being built up around the in
do not embark. They take off
air service newspaper. A lady
and more coming every day.
year are added to the English
steals irora an otners, living
want you, I will call you."
Shortly he came over to Lynda's
desk and, without preamble, be
gan to dictate directly to the ma
chine. For at least two hours he
devoted himself to his business
mall, only stopping when Miss
Calla ostentatiously bade him
good-bye. He thanked her courte
ously for her good work while she
had been with the firm, and told
her the bookkeeper had been In
structed to give her a check for
two hundred and fifty dollars,
with which she might buy herself
a parting gift. He added: "Also
my father wants to see you before
you leave."
Profusely. If tearfully, she
voiced her gratitude, but Lynda
had a feeling that all the time he
was wishing she would go, and go
As soon as the door closed be
hind her, he drew a letter from
his pocket and said:
"Miss Fenton, I want this letter
written on plain paper, with one
copy only."
Lynda put the paper inl the
machine. He began:
"Mr. John Waldron,
"Waldron Realties Co.,
"New York, N. Y.
"My dear Mr. Waldron:
"Received your letter this
morning, and was very sorry to
learn that the doctors have come
to the concensus of opinion that
poor Stella will never regain her
mind. Please see that in the fu
ture she has everything possible
that she needs.
"I am very glad that you hav
decided that she will be more com
fortable in one of the cottages, as
that will give her a privacy she
could not have in the sanitarium
proper. I would like this fitted
up with every luxury that her
physicians will allow. .
"I note and approve your idea
of having two nurses on duty all
the time, and think you had bet
ter have Dr. Sinclair look out for
four nurses, so that she will al
ways have the care of capable
"Send all bills to me, in care of
my attorney, John Sills. No. 718
Duncan place, this city.
"I would like to state, however,
that I resent most heartily the
latter part of your letter. I do
not feel that you have the right to
dictate to me any line of conduct
at any time. Although you must
have known there was insanity in
your family when I married your
daughter, it was never mentioned
to me; but I shall always do my
duty In the way of making her
As for me, I can hurt no one
but myself by anything I do. Poor
Stella is beyond knowing or1 car
ing. In this she is happier than I.
Consequently, I shall probably do
many things that you would not
approve, but with or without your
approval, I shall always, in the
future, direct my own life, if pos
sible, without any interference
from anyone.
"Respectfully yours,
"Ralph Armitage."
(To be Continued.)
The Clough-Huston Com
pany Now Own the Home
Which They Occupy
The Clough-Huston company
has purchased the building they
occupy, corner of Church and Fer
ry streets.
In the future, the Wobb funeral
parlors will be known as the
Clough-Huston company funeral
parlors. T. F. Huston is the pres
ident of the now company, and A.
M. Clough rice president, and
Earl A. Paulson secretary.
Mr. Clough has had 49 years
experience as funeral director In
Salem being the oldest mortician
in point of service in the state.
Mr. Paulsen has been associated
with the business for sight -years.
Mr. Huston, who sueeeeded C.
B. Webb, cams to Salem last No
vember from Yakima, Wash.,
where he was established for 11
years in the funeral directing bus
ISO N. Ilish -
Jack Routh and Milo Ross,
Debaters, Favored for
Farewell Address
The senior class of Salem high
at a .special meeting yesterday
afternoon nominated two candi
dates, one of which will represent
the class at the commencement
program June 1. The nominees
are Jack Routh and MUo Ross,
both of whom have been particu
larly active In high school debat
ing circles and who were members
of the two first teams this year
Election to determine which of
these boys will give the class val
edictory or farewell address will
bo held Monday, announces J. C
Nelson, principal. Voting will be
open all day and will be by ballot
The third senior to participate
in the graduation exercises, to be
selected by the faculty, will be
named next Monday, at the teach
ers' meeting, Mr. Nelson' said.
The scholarship honors, which
entitle the. holder to appear on
the commencement program, were
announced Wednesday afternoon
as being divided equally among
three girls: Annabel Tooze. Lu
cille Harland and Minnie Hese-
At the meeting yesterday, the
class made another decision re
garding graduation. Previous to
the meeting, there had been con
siderable sentiment in favor of the
wearing of the burdensome cap
and gowns, a practice not pre
viously used here. An aye and
nay vote definitely squelched such
a plan, the vote of the boys con
tributing heavily to the loss xt
caps and gowns for another year
at least.
Formal and semi formal dresses
of pastel shades will be worn by
the girls this year, according to a
vote of the group following the
class meeting yesterday.
While no decision was made as
to adapting a scale of colors, as
was used and proved effective last
year, there has already been some
hope expressed that the girls will
establish a definite chart, within
which colors should be confined.
The list of names of the 259
seniors who will receive diplomat
ir all goes well up to the final ex
amination period is nine more
than last year, when 250 diploma?
were granted. Of the 259 stu
dents, 158 entered Salem higb
from the Parrlsh Junior higi
school here, 35 stepped up from
McKinley, and 66 came from out
side schools. The list, released
yesterday, includes :
College Preparatory Course
Harriet Leona Adams, Floyd
Albin, Jean Elizabeth Andrews.
Leora Olive Andrews, Esther
Elizabeth Arnold, Bertha Rosalie
Babcock, Nellie Ann Barnes
Helen lone Barrett, William Hayes
ueall. Genevieve Lucille Beckett
Harriet Evangeline Beckley
Howard Joseph Bergman, Irene
Elise Blackerby, Robert Tilden
Boals, Jr., Myrna; Bonney. Olven
McCammon Bowe. Helen Roberta
Breithaupt, Lucy Brown, Lila
Louise Cation,4 Isabel Estelle
Childs, Grace Louise Clark, Robert
Arthur Clark, Doris Clarke. Alice
Mae Claxton, Charles William
Claggett, Edna Bell Comstock
Lowell Orlle Cree, Margery Mary
Crittenden, Dakota Milner Crow-
der, Viola Mildred Crozer.
Eva Lucile Cummings, Mabel
Louisa Cupper, Winifred Curtis
Frances Elyne Custer, Helen Har
riett Darby, Sarah Jane Dark
Thomas Peter Downs, Marion lone
Driggs, Margaret Elizabeth Duna
gan. Dorothy Lucille Eastridge,
Beneitta Merline Edwards, Law
rence Ivan Engstrpm. Carl BSplin
iiowara Theodore Evans, Edith
Flndley, Melvln .Leslie Flake. Rose
KiizaDeth Folfer, Alfred Jesse
French, Helena Irene Gabbert
Morgan Henry Gallaher. Franci:
uurton Gamble. Norval Russell
Gamble, Marjorie Freda Gieee.
Kstno Anna Oirod. Lloyd Dan
iel Glrod, Lyle Glover. Dorii
Etheleen Godsey, Melvln Benjamin
Gpode, Frances Pearl Graham,
Dorothy Caroline Gutekunst. Es
ther Margaret Hahn, Edna Lucille
Harland. William Alden Helneck
Faye .Marie Henderson, Joseph
John Herberger. Minnie La Vina
Heseman, Mamie Melvina Hill
mon, Herbert Henry Hobaon, Han-
ley Oswald Holmes. Era Mable
Hughes, Rosalind Margaret HuU,
Louise Eugenia Iungen, Kenneth
Alexander Johnston, Beverly Vir
ginia Jones, David Iran Kafoury,
Mary Kafoury, Margaret Elizabeth
Harriot Ruth Kenton. Floyd
Lowell King, Kenneth William
King, -Grace Louise Kleen. Jack
Komp Kuhn, Thelma Leora La
Duko, Ray Herbert Lafky, Esther
Leora Lambert. Eugene Brandt
Leaven, Hal Whittler. Lehman,
Oeorge Branham Lloyd, Nina Em-
JW fa Mm
Telephone 101
MARCH 23. 1928
ogeno Logan. Nellie Lotus LttTiin
boaL Emma Mao McClanghry.
Fred Ora McClanghry, Roj Arthur
Maden. MUdred Kathryn Magee,
Marjorie Marcus, Dorothy Dee
Martin. Genevieve Elva Martin
Ravmond Frederick Marxh, Rob
ert Bartley Marsh, Chrystalee Mar
tha Maxwell, Georga Eloise Mins
Helen Frances Miltonberger, Jfii
rt Mavbells Mlnton, Barbara
Sigrid Moberg, Ellen Jean Moody
James Kelly Moore.
Maxine Agnes Morford. Kennetn
Whittemoro Morris, Catherine Es
ther Mulvey, Myrtle Patricia Mur
nhv. Edward Claire Nash, wnnei
mlna Ruth Neiger. Phyllis Edns
Oaks. Alida Beryl uisen. awaa
AdeUa Ott, Bethine May Poage,
H.ian Anatin Race. Aulden St.
riar Reeder. Howara Konaic
Roberts. Elsie Lorraine Robins
ftr&ce Loaise Rose. Milo Clifton
Ross. Jack Charles Routh, Ruth
Geraldean Sammons, Willa John-
ette Sampson. Ralph Glen Savage
Irma Pearle Sawyer, Mary Schei
Frank Elbert Shafer, Richard Nor
man Sherwln.
Elizabeth Potter Shipley, Sha
ron La Verne Shoemake, Freder
lck Eugene Smith. Ceclle Steele
Garnette Ruth Sternberg. Neva
Lorena Stolzheise. Ruth Elizabeth
Swafford. Elva Chloe Talbott, Lee
Stewart Tate. Gladys Grace Tay
lor, Elvera Isabella Teske. Anna
bel Parkmand Tooze. Maxine Nye
Ulrich, Hoshle Margaret Watana
be. Marion Ernest West. Edith
Eloise White. Muriel Joy White
Sibyl Edna White. Helen Widick,
Lena Widick. Winona B. Williams,
Richard Henry Wilson, Gladys
Ferrier Wright. Opal Irene Har
land. Commercial Course
Louise Caroline Allen, Law
rence Roche Alley, Yvonne Leon
Aufranc, Arna Louise Jiabb, Edith
Fern Bales, Mildred Florice Bar
ber, Eula Grace Beckner, Chrystal
Kathleen Berry, La Vada Ree Car
ter. Richard Dean Churchill, Rae
Lyle Crook, Mary Ethel De Lapp,
Frank William Dolby, Floy Faye
Eckstein, Norval Elmer Edwards,
Velma Mae Emmett, Maudee Mad-
elene Evans. Marguerite Elizabeth
Farmer. Frances Barbara Feller,
Viola Mary Fisher, Marie Ellen
Frame, Eva Rachel Goff.
Duane William Griffith, Johi
Wallace Harbison. Jr., Howard Ed
win Hill, Theresa Irons, Harlan
Arthur Judd, lorence Jean Karst
Rosena Cecelia Kerber, Hornet
Lyons, .William Ellsworth Mc-
Clary, Lulu May McClay, Samuel
Joseph Maizels, Maxine Kather
ine Marsh, Hazel Loralne Martin,
Stanley Scliultz Maves, Dorothy
Lanore Meier. Joanne Louise
Meyer, Melvin John Millett, Mar
garet Ethel Moore. Pauline Pearl
Morley, Frank Nekuda, Bernice
Rae Nelson. Harry Ludwig Nelson
Hazel Caroline Newton, Gertrude
31sie Oehler, Pauline Genevieve
Ruby June Orey, Doris Hazel
Pearson. Marie Annette Pillette
Ionta Alberta RIffey. Margaret
Lucille St. Clair, Helen Barbara
Scheibner, Gladys Margaret Scott,
Dorothy Mildred Shafer, Burl El
mer Shedeck, Ermyl Bernice Smal-
ley, William Karl Stolk, Verla
Hester Tillitt, Elda Mae Tonev
John Verdieck, Earl Ravmond VI-
ssko, Bernard Frank White, Ada
Kuth illiams, Leona Agnes Tor-
General Course
Alice Vernita Arehart. Landr
George Chapman, Joel Carl Dolby,
George Frederick Douglas, Jaraer
Orval Eastridge. John nomarri
Evans, Wilma Condit Giese. Mar
tha Deldora Hanson, Edwin Lau
rence Johnson, Meguire Meoak
Kim, Robert Boyd Meredith. Helen
Marie Mielke. Russell Frank Mil
lett, Thomas Edwin Morgan. How
ard Miller Patrick. Clarence John
Peters, Paul William Rockenfel-
ler, Harold Armentrout Rose
braugh, John Jcese Rudin, Robert
Wayne Smith, Carl D. Trick, Don
ild William Watson Helen Edna
Webster, Margaret Constance
Wells, Albert Henry Widick
Charles Widick, Alfred Widmer.
Industrial Arts Course
William Ralph Berndt. Victor
Compare the two lunda of crackers illustrated.
The square shape Blue Ribbon Cracker is ob
solete discarded - showers crumbs i is
The slenderized Tru-Bake Cracker fits the bite..
Nips off dean vS?ir neater, is daintier.
Order from your cer. Let Tru-Bake Crack
ers tickle your tastflC'
A Baked ami
Calaba, Fred noyo v,aiu.
Howard George Dart, Esther Irene
Gardner, Georgo Gould, yrra
Harold Gould lng, Joo John Kollo
hor, Charles Nyo Llvesley. Floyd Miller. Bernard Beeler
Temple, Howard Franklin Waters,
Carl Francis Woods.
Play Will Be Presented At
High School Auditorium
The play "Bab," taken from the
story by Mary Roberts Rinehart,
will be presented by the Chadwick
Assembly No. 3, Order of Rain
bow for Girls at the high school
auditorium on Saturday evening,
March 24 at 8 o'clock.
The play is a thrilling one, tell
ing the story in a most charming
manner of a Sub-Deb, who is very
mature and returns home from
boarding school Just in time for
her sister's coming out party. She
immediately upsets the dope by
announcing that she is going to
get married.
In order to make good the threat
she Invents a lover and then the
trick becomes known and one real
ly arrives. Some excitement pre
vails as she plots to get out of
the scrape of her Invented lover
and many other escapades she en
ters into.
The proceeds of this play will
be used to help defray the expen
ses for the Grand Assembly to bo
held in Salem sometimo .during
June. Miss Lelia Johnson has serv
ed as coach in a moat efficient
Tho members of the cast are:
Bab, Mary Kafoury; Carter Brooks
Maurice Wood; Lelia Archibald.
Carolyn Braden; James Archibald.
Olvin Bowe; Mrs. Archibald. Vir
ginia Page; Jane Ralelgfa. Aliens
Tweed; Eddie Perkins. George
Lloyd; Clinton Beresford, Frank
Shafer; Guy Grosvnor. Harold
Rhoten; William, the butler
George Beechler; Hannah, maid,
Katherine Laughrige.
Those managing the play and
It Quickens
I V ft II
I U ST - 1
of modern business-
does telephone service!
And it makes possible up-to-the-minute sales methods
and the closest customer contacts.
The foreshortening effects of this fast, far-reaching
and economical means of personal communication have
brought widespread markets within easy reach of enter
prising and resourceful sales executives throughout the
Whether buving or selling, many of the new and
practical uses of the telephone are no doubt applicable
to your bustness.These will be cheerfully discussed with
you uporvapplication to the business office of th
telephone company.
Speed, efficiency and economy by telephone!
CsarmntM9 Vtr rtn.iu. L
attending to tho oqulpmont arei
Lacy Brown, manager, Kelley
Moore, stage manager; Virginia
Berger, advertising manager; Bil
lle Cupper, wardrobe; George
Beechler. wardrobe master; Elea
nor Wright, electrician; Kathryn
Cook, head usher; Mary B. Sayles,
faculty manager; Rev. H. d.
Chambers, business manager.
Forest Week Observance
Urged By Oregon Governor
Citizens of Oregon ere urged to
observe "American Forest Week,"
April 22 to 28, in a proclamation
Issued by Governor Patterson
here Thursday.
"Wo look to the forests," read
the proclamation, "to furnish us
with tho wood products that mean
so much to our prosperity and
happiness. They Insure a large
industrial payroll, tax revenue.
water for irrigation and other do
mestic purposes, hydro-electric
development and a place for rec
reation and rest.
"Hence, forest removal without
thought or action toward renewal
can result only in involving the
state and future generations in
unnecessary ardships. It is our
duty as patriotic citizens to fortv
see and prevent this in so far as
lies in our power."
Apply Cream in Nostrils To
Open Up Air Passages.
Ahl What relief I Your eloped
nostrils open right up, the air pas
sages of your head are clear and you
can breathe freely. No more hawking,
snuffling, mucous discharge, headache,
dryness no struggling for breath at
night, your cold or catarrh is gone.
Don't stay stuffed upl Get a small
bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from our
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