THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 23, 1928 3 1 o- 3- " A 'a I o 1 REAL ESTATE I DIRECTORY - ANDERSON UVTZZrt. ttealtors 19 8. High. TL 164 UARBK. A BO HI tOO Gray Bidg. Tel. TOO 189 N. Hi-. TeL 161 . O. BOURjiVri 147 N. CoBMrcwi. Tel. 67; 100 8. Cam'L 'i'i. 539 r 1C 5 $.75 8Utk Tt'. 1861 THE U USUI LOW BJUA.1t 47 Suva UU A. CiULi, Uw, aeiW $20 kUate . If. 17X 1S9 S. Cos !. 559 or 206 300 N. Chorea. 1L Mil. iv.R a. vO. la irirai Net. atittg '11. UAbaVLuL ALX 186 S. Li.Mi) tel. TeL 224. . VY. H. OAAiiUitiUjlAT ft OO. 134 8. la Mil Mt eL L MEL YIN JOHNSON 420 U. 8. feaiu, mug. TaLM. W. ti. JUlUSfrU 147 H. Co mi. Tal. SI. ' LAJTLAR LAFLAJs Ledd bua jui xtiu. Tel. 64c tt Oregon, aui. Tal. lie W. LiSIOX 404 6 Mieenli L.-. TeL 2, ARTHUR MADSUi 2074 North CayiU.1. Tat 1. MKLLLNUEav OOM1TT1 409 Oregoa JMaf. TeL 117 O. K. kUDDLJCTOa) (04 Ongua Uidf. TeL Save W. S3 IV State fit. O. MILLS TeL 176 W. 461 Coart St. TeL SS1S 4QHX W. OaVEt Kew Bligh U14. TeL MM ' u-T'.Ci . U. TAG It 4S4 Court. '1'eL i-JtS-tuNai a) MAMlXkiU 211 212 ur J.g. TeL SO, klCH L. RUaANli. Keltor 119 N. link St. leL 806 SALLM bLALTX 462 State at. IWom 1. CO. TeL 1004 10 Ororon Itida. Tat. 1964 SOCOLOrSKT A SON mi s rtrat Nat. Men. Bids. TeL 970 not: ARE DEAL REALTY TI s Nai l Brnk Hliu. TeL 47 TBI1NOLE KEALTT CO. itl Court tet. TaL 6A1 ULKJCH m KVBfcKTS 119 N. Commercial. TaL 1364 U. 8. &EALTX 441 StaU St. CO. TfL 286M F. L. WOOD S41 Stat St. Tel. 794 HELP WANTED Female 8 WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL homework- for family of 8. Phone 101-K. Independence. LADIES CAN EARN $1.00 HOUR SEW irur mock; material! cut, no selling, dilrMud enTelooe bring! initruction. lient 876. World Garment. 348 Siith Avenue. New Yurie. CHIROPRACTORS 10 Dn. II. B. 8COFIlELl P. S. First National bank Bldg. 0.. 806 DR. O. L. SCOTT. PijC. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. Tel. 823 1L, Kea. 2104 J FLORISTS 11 CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS Viinrl wr.tthi. decora tuns. C. r Breithapt. florist. 612 S-ate Street, TeL. nOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS OUen's. Court Higii St. Tel. 801. INSURANCE 12 WK INSURE YOU AND YOUR PROP .rtv Gertrude J. M. Page, 4S4 Court TOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort rarai. Trust Deeds. contract! on houkti Will net 6 to 50 per cent BECKE HENDRICKS Heilig Bidg.. 1 H9 N. High St. lasure Tour Home or Car now. BECKE HENDRICKS Phnne 161 O O. F. Bldf., 189 X. High St. FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY a w n on rood Linn security. CITY LOANS We ere Waning Pru dential Insurance conipaay money en ity residence and business property at oy per cent, piua a commission kits itoberu. Inc 206 Orefc-ea Building. WANTED Employment 2 LADY WISHES HOUSE WORK. PHONE J715M. Can Iurnii.h reference. POSITION AS ASSISTANT HOTEL OR Apartment House manager or leanoom waitress, experiencea. me bm Statesman. TRUCK HAULING WANTED. WILL GO iir where. Hare a new truck ana isi worker. John II. Scott, 806 Orego .Bldg. Tel 254 or 22. FOR RENT Apts. 15 DUPLEX APT. 951 S. WINTER. FURNISHED APARTMENT. MODERN rrotind floor, heat, licht. water. 280 N. 18th. 2 ROOMS AND ter. light and 555 Marion. riTpucvf rrr w s fuel, c!ose in, $22.50 P A T T O N APAKTM ENTS C O Z Y, clean, comfortable, nicely furnished Prirste bath. Stesm heat. Down town district. Reasonable in price. For inspection call Patton s Book Store. Electrical Refrigerationi ranges. Modern, brick, heated. Apt. High class residential district. Cheerful., attractire, light. S room apartment, 2 beds, $40.00. One furnished overstuffed, $50.00. A two room furnished, $37.50. Inspection invited, children welcome. Ambassador Apartments 550 X. omm.r. 1972 FOR RENT Houses 17 . 6 RM. FURNISHED APT. 754 N. HIGH. 8 ROOM HOUSE, t?OOD CONDITION a- paved street. Call 620J. 1616 State. .. ATTRACTIVE BIX ROOM STRICTLY modern bona just oat of city south. Phono 34F11. , - SENT THI3-$23 MONTH. 5 ROOM good clean home Garage, large lot, paved. See vacant st 714 North 16th -Street. Other homes, flats aad apart ment. Back ft Hendricks, 189 N. Bigk Strwst. BOARD AND ROOM 20 ROOM. BOARD. STNQLE MEALS, STTS day dinners. Alexandria, 1030 Che meketa. Phone 1539. LAUNDRIES--' 21 THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WeUES LAUNDRY Telephone 26. 263 His fRY THE HOME WET WASH LAC5 ry. Tet. 171. 1858 B Street. - CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laundry e( Pure Material!" Telephone 16. 164 Broadway TAILORS 22 D. H. MOSHEk TAILQH FOR MM and wemaa. 474 Court B. WANTED Misc. 23 WANTED OLD MIRRORS TO RE-8IL-Ter. Phone 1310-W. FURNITURE PJGKEs'Q FOB SHIP menu Giaae Pewen Furnitne Oe. J. JOHNSON. CARPENTER AND BUILD- er. Reasonable charge. Figure tree. 1993 North Commercial. More Than a A Natural Remedy! Pacific Health-Ore Health-Food More Than a Tonic tvu Miulaet annoliea Nature with vital mirbiB and buildina material provide elementa to maintain the normal chemical balance to iasare the natural hermeay and proper functioning ot g lan da and or gana and to vain lain a rich and healths ami iirua. r:.J a m mineral water oleasaart te taka one package la eaffieieot for tart montha treatment. Hold uaaer a peeiuve taonay-bnek guarantee. wjNTrr. pRi vats aosii ivb f.m lum. Wa have several appitca tioni en band. Haw lua AlUwrftt lne 206 Oragen BWg- WANTED GOOD WASHED OOTTOJI an not aatallar taaii 1 yard to nae foi wiping maehii. erj. Hlgkeat prla paid tar good cloaa tasa. apply Btateaman oftiea, aee Stiller. MATTRESSES 24 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY TH1 Capital City Betiding Co., liwi aorta CaoitoL Called far and dehrered. All work guaranteed. TeL 19. FOR SALE 25 MONGER BLACl CAP TIPS AND RE sets, well developed, mountain grown. S. P. Matheny. Bablnauy, uregw.-. GUARANTEED USED SEWING MA chines, all makes. Singer V uite Electrics cheap for cash. We give terms. 221 S. High. DUROCS AND POLAND CHINA' 8 BOTH breeds, pure bred, young .breeding stock for sale. Phone 49F23 or Call at the farm, one half mile south from the foot of Aokeney Hill. 10 miles Boats of Salem. Frank Jones, Jefferson Rt. 1. lULBRANSEN. CI.AREDON. CABLE. Pullman. Howard and Ludwig pianos that we hare reDOssessed. will be sold for the balance due ea them. If yoa want a nearly new tan. cheap, here ye-.r chance. Terms to responsible parties. Oregon finance Corporation. Phone 238L WANTED Live Stock 26 CATTLE I NEED CATTLE OF ALL kinds. Phoue 2541. Walter Corbet, 1385 N. 21st street. FOR SALE Live Stock 27 FOR SALE TEAM OF 5 YEAR OLU mares. Well broke, true end sound. Bcrgsin for quick sale. Charles Lsn han:, Ruute . Box 9 B. Phone 44F31. OWS FOR SALE. TWO HIGH GRADE Jerseys, one due to freshen soon with "Second calf, the other due about April 20th. Hoih good ones. See Clem Yesger, near Fimer Staiion, 5 miles Sou:h on the O. F-. R. K. t VETERINARIAN 28 FRED W. I.ANGE. VETERINARIAN Office 5- S. Commercial. TeL 1198. Kes. Tel. 1666. WOOD SAWING 29 WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1677. 18 iO North Commercial. WOOD FOR SALE 30 GOOD OLD FIR $8.00. PHONE 2098-J. ALL KINDS OK WOOD. Tel. 2024-J. C. A. TUCKER. JOOD DRY WOOD. i. Mayfield. PHONE 7212. GOOD DRY WOOD Larmer. Tel. 980. FOB YOU D. A 18 IN. OLD FIR 88.60 (Z rick) TeL 2183. PER CORD-v DRY OLD FIR AND 2ND GROWTH. Tucker. Phone 2024 M. A. WESTERN UNION TIME, for hauling. Wood to burn. TRUCKS Cal' 629. OLD FIR WOOD. PRICES INTEREST ing. J. M. Peebles, Fails City, Oregon. O. (SEE) A. ANIVLR90.N FOR WOOD TO BURN SALEM TRANS. FTJfc.. OO. GENERAL TRANSFER WORK TEL. $29 GUARANTEED DRY WOOD COAL. Tel. 13. Salem Fuel Co.. 7S2 Trad. 18 inch dry mill wood at $3.50 per load. 16 inch green mill wood at $2.75 per load. TRACY TEL. 2313 ALL KINDS OF DRY FIR WOOD. C. U. Harbaugh, 1038 Highland Ave. Phone 1990. 18 INCH OLD FIR, DRY 2ND GROWTH, and asb. C. U. Harbsngb, 1039 Higk iaad Ave. Pkoae 1990. FOR SALE 185 CORDS 16 IN. WOOD, old growth fir. Also 00 cords 4 ft wood, at reasonable pricee. Call or write J. G. Rand. Rt. 1. Box 52 Aumsville. Ore. Old Collier place. MINUTE MOVIES EP WHEELMH'sS CVCLOMlC CINEMA OP OUD ARGENTINA EL &AtiWD0" (lee BAHDVfJ THREE- ' 1 HAC MPOJ2TAHT NEWS ,WOST NOBLE AiC GRACIOUS ?&Nt. ANE WAV COMC POST-WAS- A lODA .PrCioA t Xc TT' WOOD FOR SALE 30 GOOD UOAL DRY WOOD PKOMPT DELIVERIES KJLLMAN FUEL OO. TELEPHONE 18rS. BEST' GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood 4 ft. and 10-lack. Large loads are cheaper to Lay. Mill wood in our specialty. Prompt celirecy aa rsasotabl price. F&ED . WELLS -280 8. Churcn TeL 1S42 POULTRY AND EGGS 32 CUSTOM HATCHING $30.00 10O0. ISO Union. PLYMOUTH BOCK HATCHING EGGS. 2315 South Cottage. Phone 2535 W. POULTRY WANTED ANT KIND. 81Z or aaeount, top market, highest ess price. Salem Poultry Co.. Corner High and Mill. Phone 2490. WANTED POULTRY. ANY AMOUNT. kind or time,, can use 1 lb. W. L. Cockerels. Salem Poultry Co., High Mill Strs.. Salem. Phone 2490. ALL POPULAR BREEDS OF B. W. D. t ated baby euicka at popular prices. A .way a on nana. our 1 Liv-an-Gro' hi voders are $3.45. flake's Petlaad. 2'. i State. BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCH' ing Expert service means efficiency are high quality. All baby chicks from part at stock Officially tested and Of-lUiall,- Approved. Salem'e eldest Cus tom ilaUhiag plant. Phone 133F3. Lew's .(latency. BABY CHICKS EVERY. MONDAY AND Tuaeday. 8 leading varieties. Beat local stock. Prices reasonable. Bala! Chickenee, 284 North Cottage Street, tteiem. MUSIC STORES 33 FORT RENT NEW PIANOS. II. L. Stiff furniture Company. liEO. O. WILL PIAJIOS. PHONO- grapaa, sswiag ssachmes, sheet avsaie aad alane studies. . UeDetriaa- phoae- grapha and sewing nsachlaes. 432 State street, baleaa. MUSIC TEACHERS 33a MODERN PIANO JAZZ- -FRANK BUT toa. Waterman course. Cottage, phone 2 165-J. Studio 980 N KODAK FINISHING 34 FREE ENLARGKMBNT WITH EVERY 60c order Kodak work. RawLaaa, Portlaad, Ore. Newspapers Magazines 35 rnE PORTLAND HLKflKlM SALXM Agcacy. Tka Ace. TeL 8J9. rHK OREGON STATESMAN, 60 CENTS per month delivered to your home early euca atoning. Tel. 23 er 68. IF YOU W1NT TO GET THE BEST farm paper eead five 2-eect stamps to the Paeiflc Homestead, Seism, Oregon, -for a three meatus' trial subecripiioa. Mention this ad. POULTRY MEN SEND SIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months' trial for the beet sad oldest Journal in the West. The articles aad adver- tiaemenU are ef special interest to the poultry breeders ef the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 8. Com aiciai St., Salem. Oraetaa- NURSERY STOCK 36 ROYAL-ANN CHERRY TREES, WAL- nuta, shrubs and plants. Walker s Nurseries, Box 222, Garden Road. K1NE LINK NURSERY STOCK. ALSO some flowerirg Hawthorne. Bee these trees ' before Buying. Willamette Val ley Nursery. Home phone 70P3. Sale yard 239 Court St... across street fioui Dusiek's store. PAPERHANGING 37 PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR nOUSE deeoralmg, paperhanging. tinting, etc Reliable nerkman. . PAINTING 38 CHAS BENNETU vAnrriNO CON tractor, painting, paper hanging. 2283-J. 187 West Miller. MISCELLANEOUS 39 FOR SALEM call 167. SCAVENGER SERVICE FURNITURF Uf HOL8TEKINO AND RE patring. Giese 1'owers Furniture Store. FOR SALE OLD NEWST-APER. 10 cents a bundle. Statesman office. 213 . South Commercial RUBBER CUSHIONS INSTALLED ON your car giving better riding qualities than new cars. Guaranteed satisfsc tion or money refunded. Call at 720 So. 14th. CAPITOL BARGJ IN AND JUNK HOUSE, 305 145 Center. Tel. 898. All kinds of Junk bought aud fold : Hags. Sockl, Bottles. Barrels. Hides. Pelts. Wools. Furs. Tallow, Cascara Bsrk, Grapw Root, Pitch, Peppermint !:!. All klnda of Iron A Metal everything from a needle to a locomotive. Onion Skin Carbon Paper Typewriter Ribbons W. S. Du Fresne 738 E. roth St, N. Portland. Orego Are You All There? Chemical analysis ef the hnrvan body shows that it te eoaaioaed ot tea folKiw !aa eWmeata: Oxyce. Carbon. Hydra- re. Nrtrogaa. Calcium, Paeapkoras, rotasainm Sulphur. Sodium Chloride, aguesium. Iron, Iodine, Fluorine, Sili con. Zinc. Manganese. Yon supply your body with these chemical elements through the food yoa eat. the air you breathe aad the water rou drink. Good health depends- much upoa the chemistry of the body, aa toss snppl ea and maintained. Many refined foods ia common use today are lacking to aa alarmin; extent in these vital and heaKk promoting properties, aad thlj deficiency ia responsible for mar enroaie allmentv Pacific Health-Ore is rick in the majority of these elemeats aad its use baa accomplished marvelous results ia restoring health. Give Nature a chance you'll Le surprised et ker re sponse. SEE YOUR DRUGGIST TODAY (Two Days after THE BURNING- OF TVAE MENDOXA ESTAN-. oa eycrL eHDD0 AHD HIS ABS!N0S NASlTOR CALLED AT THE PALAClO CF TUE OiCTATOR AS ALUAy 5. 1 AH HONORED AHD ELATED W YOU rl PRESENCE . DEAR I - I MV " . I MISCELLANEOUS 39 WANTED:' USED PIANOS. IX XX- ehaage Radios, Phonographa. or Furniture, H. L. Stilt Furniture Com pany. WHITE SCOTCH OUU IX AT STUD. Salem's White Register aumber 68581 Service guaranteed. Puppies and grown stock for . sale. Mrs. Ben nett. 10SO ChemekeU. Phone 1539. RTOwTS AKD MTOVE KXPATR1NQ 8TOVF.S FOR SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. All kinds et wovea wire fsnoe. Fancy aad plain. Hap baskets aad hooka, logaa Bucks. Salem Peaoe aad Stove Works, 260 Court street. ' . . I LOST AND FOUND 41 LOST: BLACK LEATHER WALLET containing currency, various lodge cards and auto driver's license. Finder please return to Marion Hotel where aame will be identified. PRINTING 44 FOB STATIONERY. CARDS. PAMPH lets, programs, booone. or say kind at printing, eall at the Sta teem a Print ing Department, 216 ft. ComsMrcial TeL 6e9. 0 NEY TO'LO AN 45 FEDERAL FARM LOAN 5. F. L Wood. 341 State St. WE HAVE $2500 TO LOAN ON GOOD security. Gertrude J. at. rage, AS 4 Court. Tel. 1882 or 1186. MONKT TO LOAN JOHN H. SCOTT 905 Oregon Building P. H. BELL, 219 U. & BANX BLDG. Raaldenca aad koalaaaa teeaa. Tel. OUT er 2141- W, I 92600 TO LOAN ON GOOD SALEM property. Rick L. Reims nn, 219 N. High St., Phone 863. 'r MONXT TO LOAN lOS BUIUDING AND oo cltr orooerty. B. 8. Martin aad U R. Marti a. attorneys. 412 Oregon Building. TeL 9084. 2000 SIX PER CENT MONTY TO loan oa good security. Get busy if you want it. John H. Scott, 805 Ore gon Bldg. Phone 254 or 822. SALARY AND COLLATERAL LOANS Repayable in Weekly or Monthly In stallmeats. GENERAL FINANCE COR PORATION, First Nat'l Bank. Tel. 1200. I CITY AND TRACT LOANS i Reasonable Ratee No Delay I STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASS'N. 703 6 First National Baak Bailding Pkoae 437. Salem. Oregon. CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST . n . .L..; m.a ratee. xesc serine uiiiHvt w insursace department offers yoa ex pert advice and aervice ia all lines. HAWKINS A MOBKRT8 (Ine) Tel. 1427 205 Oregon Bldg. WANTED LOANS 46 WJ NTZO 1 Private mousy te loaa oa RE AL ESTATE. . W. H GRABENHOR8T CO. 184 S. Liberty St. PLUMBING 47, PLUMBING AND C'ENEKi L REPaIB work. Graber Bros.. 141 8. Liberty Tel. 650. I BUSINESS OPPR. 48 rOR LEASE: Several attractive ground floor store or office rooms, well located. W. H. CRABENHORST CO., Realtors 184 S. Liberty St. Tel. 515 CASH GROCERY DOING $100.00 DAY. Owner retiring. Rent $50.00; Jong lease. Living rooms. $5,000.00 will handle. Address XYZ, Statesman. FOR SALF. CHEAP CONFECTIONERY and Light Luuch $2000 cash, or 'J.wu on time.. will give terms. Value $40)0. Down town location in Salem. Call mornings at 396 So. 19th St. FOt SALE APARTMENT HOUSE 4 apartmor.ts just fitted up with inside painting and decorating done. Complete bath room with each apart ment supplied with hot and cold wa ter, j Basement wall of concrete blocks Mts well up nice, aeomy and dry. Laundry trays. , I r'urna-e with heat piped to each apartment. In fine condition. Should bring $12,000.00 to $15,000.00. j Will sell at a real bargain atjthis time. Call at office or phone. i O. K. MIDDLETON I 304 Oregon Bldg. Phone 2808 RADIO 49 Radiolas For very rnrpose, for every purse All standard axet of Radio Tubea. EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 885 Court St. Tel. 488. REAL ESTATE 51 7 ROOM MODERN HOME. BASEMENT, furnace, garage., shrubbery. Priced for quick sale. See owner, 1160 N. 16th St. i LOTS LOTS LOTS j $10.00 down and balance $10.00 per month buys a fine -lot in RoSedale addition. Let us shew you these lots. Prices $.250.00 to $500.00. Int. 6. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO., Resltors 134 8. Liberty Street. SNAP Owner leaving city must aell quick at sacrifice price. Cosy 6 Rooca bun gslow. Lie. lights, good plumbing, bssement, gsrsge. Price wss $3000 now $2500. Don't Phone, but See IiOuis Bechtel or J. D. Sears, 841 State St. Room 4. Will take a lot as part Py. Stocked and equipped farm for sale st a bargain, all ia crop. $1000 worth of equipment, all ia cultivation, family orchard, one mile to school. 50 , acres. 7 room house, other bldg. Price $5500.00, some terms. Land lays fine. 3 acres close in, 45 cherry trees, other fruit, 7 room house, at end of bus line. 7 room house, loganberries. Price $3800, good terms. j $2400. bays a all new modern 4 room house with garage and woodshed, fine terms. North Salem. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 202 U. 8. Nat. Bank Bldg.j ExCELLENTiSlMO SBNOR , 1 TO INFORM MDU THAT tX?NA i NELASCO IS WAITING To 71 - Sht SAVS L IS MOT UT?C5EMT !! 2oN& AHfTA vJELaSCO. A VflDOU) OF' SOCIAL POSITION AND MEAN S. HAVtlSCV FALLEN MADLV IN LOVE WTTVI GOMEZ. WAS ENG USED BVTHE craf-Tv DICTATOR AS A Spy TO UNCOVER HIS SECRET POLITICAL EN" REAL ESTATE 51 TOU WON'T HAVE LONG TO WAIT for this property to double ia price. It . bow pays better than 10 per cent in terest. Three blocks front State and High Sta. $8500. For sale-by owner, Eugene T. Preseott, 1064 Oak St. LOTS FOR SALE 3 lots at 1513 South High street, each 47 feet frontage. Paved, concrete walk, and old house. Alee 06 feet on Liberty. Will sell one or all. $1500 each. JOHN H. 8COTT FOR SALE. 6 Room boose. Lot 75x125 on paved street in East Salem $20OO. 320 Acre stork or dairy ranch, mod era h (roue, good barn and tut-build-ings. 12 miles out: good road. $25,000. Take small farm or city property. F. L. WOOD GEO. F. PEED 841 State St. FOR SALE $300.00 down and balance $40.00 per month buys a good 5 room cot tage located at 555 N. Cottage street, basement, furnace, fire place, three garaffes on alley. Price $4500. Int. 6. W. H. GRABENHOKST CO., Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street. $3000.000 buys one of the best five room houses ia Salem. Located corner Church St. and Rural Ave. Two blocks from Leslie Junior High School. Hss to be seen to be appreciated. Res sonsble terms. See J. P. Smart? with MeOILCHRIST PENNINGTON 209 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. GREATE8T TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We have over 8000 properties listed (er exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every location. We eaa match your exchange EXACTLY. If yoa would like te trade your vroperty TO DAY, eosne la TODAY. Bee OA SKILL EARLE. Realtors 189 8. Liberty. TeL 1943 Two splendid located oil stationa, camp grounds and stores oa Newport and Roosevelt Highways, reasonable. Apartment House well located in Sa lem to exchange for property at Ash land or Medford. Can make a good deal ea this. See as at onca. SALEM REALTY CO. 482 StaU St. JUST FINE A $4500 HOME, $3500 A home with aa income. Good house 9 rooms, located near Psrrish high school. Ideal for some old couple. Part of the house is now rented to good tenants. This is not aa old shack, but a good home -and well bailt aad in good shape, leaving the city must sell quick at a sacrifice. See my sgents Louis Bechtel or J. D. Sears, 841 State St., Rsont 4. AN OFFER YOU CAN'T ArFORD TO MI88I 8 room plastered Cottage, in best of condition, semi-modern, bssement and furuaee, choice corner lot 62x159 ft., street psved and walka in and paid. Worth $3500, priced for a' short time $2650. SEE LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 8tate Street. Phone 1727 HOMES PRICED TO SELL $2750. 4 rms, new, garage, best dis trict. $3000. 8 rms., furnaee. fireplace, garage, paved street, south, excellent condition. $3600, new and well built-in. fur nace, fireplace, garage. Hollywood dis trict, east front, near Parochial school, priced for quick ssle, very easy terms. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 173 S. High St. $4500 for a new modern bungalow, base ment, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, wired for electric range, garage and paving, close to bus and school. $1000 down. $2800 for a modern bungalow, living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bed rooms, basement, furnace, fire place, paving and. good location. $500 down. . $2600 Almost new bungslow, 4 rooms and nook, garage, wood house, paving and fine location. $250 down. $1800 New bungalow, 3 rooms and nook. plastered, bath, garage. $100 down. $1000 Small bungalow, 2 fine lots, lights, water, close to bus. Easy terms. MELVIN JOHNSON 820 U. S. Bank B'.dg. Phone 637 UP WHERE THE VIEWERS VIEW From this 7 acres you see Mt. Hood and all of the Cascsde range and you j see the city too ( berries ana fir trees a delightful buiMing site $4000 and you ran use a Salem home. We have 2 a-rea high kissed by the morning sun while the fog hangs over the city 5 room modern house $4500 takes it. Or 10 high and mighty acres waitin' for your house for $2500. Or 6 big lots lying lighty, leaning skyward, looking for one who knows his landscaping and $1000 buys 'em. Or a 7 room house on Fairmount Hill where sights delight ami song birds mske the sounds The owner will trsde for something smaller. MeGILCHRIST PENNINGTON :09 10 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 140 Your future home 50x100, terraced lot, corner Belmot t and N. Winter, surrounded by high class homes. Street improvements cost $650.00. all paid. Price few days $1450, terms. LOOK AT THIS ONE West Nob Hill kit 50x114. high and sightly, bearing Walnuts, Cherries, and other fruits. Snap at $850. DeLano 290 N. Church. Tet. 2839 Capitol Home Bargains $2808. Furnished four room and sleeping porch. Psving paid. $3200. Furnished 5 Room Home. East front. Lots of-fruit. $8500. Very modern house. closs in eight room $4350 buys the best bsrgain on North Summer street. Corner lot. Mod dern four room home. See ns for the only hows in Salem that Is really worth $5250, but ran be had for $4500 on easv terms. STRICT LY MODERN . EAST FRONT. Ex cellent location. f If nothing here suits you, w have Wiany more to select from. Capitol Realty Company 216 N. High St. Phone 1143 eE3r ANITA GOOD - SHOD HER IN THRU' THE SECRET SEE: VDU ENTRANCE AT IT cnce ;r a SITION ! ISEDTHE PORT OF cassera Art? CWlS REAL ESTATE 51 tOR SALE $10.00 down and balance $10.00 per month buys a fine east front lot lo cated in Kays second addition. Price $225.00. Int. 6. W. H. GRABENHOR8T CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street. We have the most attractive sales and trades right now. Use your op portunity. We have a 3 rm. bouse all furnished at a reasonable price. Insure with us. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Court St. TRADE Equity' in home on Sum mer Street, close in for car. Lot in West Salem or anything we can use. FOR SALE Six acre tract cloie to city limits. Small house. 2 lots $1250. Good California property to trade (or Oregon. F. L. WOOD. GEORGE F. PEED 341 State Street This is the last day on modern 5 room house bargain, if you want to take advantage of it act today. 6- room I plastered house, basement, fireplace, i garage, paved street, $2500, and assume paving. 7 - room placterrd house $2000. Lot with basement partly dug out, plumbing in a shack built on lot, $750 for all. 20 acres and 5 arret to rent. BARBER k BOND 200 Gray Bldg. 125 X. Liberty 5 room plastered bouse with ffarsge, on psved street. Price $2250.00. $150.00 cash and balance easy terms. One of the best restaurants in Sa lem. Will trade for farm or acreage. 0 room house, full basement, large lot 50x165, near creek, on N. Cottage Street. Close in. Price $3650.00 fur nished. 6 acres all in fruit, just South of Sa lem oa Pacific Highway. Will trade for Salem residence. Garage on Highway. Doing a good business. Will take some trade on Salem residence. GA8KILL EARLE REALTORS 166 8. Liberty St. Phone 2242 SPECIAL BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE 20 aera farm, improved with good 5 room plastered bowse, water in house, all other necessary buildings. Spring in pasture, plenty of timber for tuei. about 12 acres in cultivation. Price $3,000. 70 acres, good valley farm, 7 miles from Salem, practically all ia cultiva tion. Nice small spring creak runs through the pasture. Would make an ideal dairy and stock farm. Land lays well. 4 acres in strswberries. shout 80 acrea in oats. The owner will accept a good Salem bowse as part pay. Ex cellent terms on balance. You will like this farm. There ia a 7 room house, good sised barn and other buildings, farm machinery. Price $9000. , When you want to buy. sell or ex change Real Estate, see me. I make a specialty of handling farm exchange business. See WELLS TALLMAN 411 Oregon Bldg. Phone 737 REAL ESTATE Trades 52 FOR SALE 5 OR 10 ACRES. 8MALL payment down. Fjisy terms. Will con sider bouse or lots in Salem. Phone 97F12. I HAVE CORVALLI8 PROPERTY TO offer as part or full payment on a good home in or near Salem. Call owner 1902 -W. FOR TRADE 20 ACRES. 9 A. APPLES. 6 a. prunes, on Jefferson highway, for bouae and lot in town. L. Rei inann, 219 N. Higa St., Phone 865. Will accept unencumbered city lot as part payment of 20 acres, all till able. Waldo Hills lsnd, within 7 miles of Salem. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Loans Insurance 147 N. Com'l St.. Salem, Oregon SPECIAL Do you want a good 65 acre Dairy farm, all good black soil, 5 room house, 2 barns, water system, 15 acres pas ture, about 1 acre Umber, balance cul tivated. Part in crop, some ciover. 2 good cows, team, 30 sheep and all ma chinery goes for $8000. Will take a home in Salem as part, or a good camp ground. Prefer one on the Coast. SEE Thomason with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street. . Phone 1727 11 ACRES ALL UNDER CULTI VATION and in bearing fruit, on good road. Price $3500. Will trade for citv house. 33 acres PRACTICALLY ALL UN DER CULTIVATION, on good road, fair buildings. About 7 miles from Sa lem. Pi ice $4500. Trade for Salem house. 5 acres and A REAL MODERN HOME, close in on pavement. Price $6500. Will consider house for part or all trade. ANDERSON RUPERT, Realtors 169 3. High REAL ESTATE Farms 53 INSTALLMENT ACREAGE $ 25.00 down and balsnce $10.00 per month buys 10 acres of first class land ated south. Price $1250.00, Int. 6. $ 50.00 down and balance $10.00 per month buys a fine view acre lo cated south, cloie in, beautiful view, all in fruit. Price $1000.- 00, Int. 6. $ 50.00 down and balance per month buvs a fine acre tract lo rated south, close to city limits. all in bearing apples in fn class condition. Price $650.00. Int. 6. $ 50.00 down and balane $10.00 per month, a fine S acre tract North, city water. Price $700.00 Int. C. $ 30.00 down and balance $10.00 per month buys a fine acre tract lo 1 cated eait of Salem in Ever Vgreen acres. Price $1000.00. $ 28.w down and balance $10.00 per month buys 5 acres of rich dark prairie soil located east of Salem. Price $1000.00. $ 25.00 down and balance $10.00 per month buys a fine 5 acre tract juit serosa the road from the Swegle school on the Garden road. Price $1500.00. Int 6 $100.00 down and balance $10.00 per month buys 2 acres, south, close in. Buildings. Price $2100. Int 6. $200.00 down and balance terms will handle 12 acres south, 5 acres prunes. Price $3750. Int. 8. $300.00 down and balance $15.00 per month handles 15 seres with old buildings. 3 acres timber, some fruit. Price $2100.00. Int 6. $200.00 down and balance terras buys acres, some fine fir timber. Price $1235.00. Int. 8. If you sre looking for a smsll install ment acre, eee W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO.. Realtors 184 8. Liberty Street. OMEZ,A SCHEMING, UNSCRUPULOUS MAN HAD SET HIMSELF UP AS DICTATOR CNE.R. MORTVIERAJ ARQENTlNA AND ESTABLISHED HIS HEAD?UARTfcRS N SAN SALVO I W INFORMED ON GOOD AUlWOf? ITV "WAT DOM GACPAU RODRlCrUEX t apsouT To tSIART ACTIVE OPPO To x&ss&ssgp&i&iin r SUE wj USED CARS For Sale 61 1 Hollywood 435 No. Commercial Save On A!2 Makes and Models- 1927 Star Six Sedan 1927 Hudson Coach 1927 Typa Dodge Sedsa 1927 Chrysler 50 Phaeton j 1927 Ford Coupe 1925 Chevrolet Touring j 1927 Chrj-!ter 70 Coach ! 1927 Ford Sedan Ruckatell ; 1927 Chevrolet Roadster We invite mechanical inspection by your own mechanic. MUST CLEAN OUT ALL USED CARS Starting this week we are making drastic reductions on all used cars to make room for new Marmon cars. R. N. MacDONALD, 688 Ferry St., Tel. CASH PAID FOR ANY LIGHT CAR, Late models. Used Car Corner hi block west Ladd ft Bush. REAL ESTATE Farms 53 8NAP: 43 sere farm with raawiag water lo cated six miles east oa Silverton road, with buildings. Price for quick sale $6800, terms. SEE U8 AT ONCE, THIS WILL NOT LAST. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 184 S. Liberty St. CHOICE 50 ACRE FARHTNOT FAR OUT on paved highway, most all cleared, little timber, 2 wells. 6 room house, new barn, outbldgs., electric lights, phone. 4 acres strawberries, prunes, and family orchard. Fall grain crop in. 1 mile to grade and high schools. Price $6000, part terms. Write Box 210, Statesman. SOME REAL FARM 14 A. Ideal for Poultry... 4 A. Ideal for Poultry .... 20 A. Ideal for Poultry... 26 A. Ideal for Poultry.. 70 A. Dairy or Poultry. SNAPS $ 1,600 $ 1,100 .$ 2,000 $ 2,500 $ 7.000 140 A. Ideal for Dairy. $14,000 223 A. Stock, Crop, ImpIementa..325,oo The above farms are some of the best buys in the vallejr to eee them See Louis Bechtel or J. D. Sears. 841 State St., Room 4. Fine 115 A. farm, good bldgs., paved road, crops, stock, machinery, $17,509, take city property for part. ' Pine well improved 10 A. home, close in, take city property for part. 5 A. tract close in, ft fruits, fine soil $1800, .terms. Fine 65 A. river bottom dairy ranch, good bldgs. 10 A. timber, stock, tools, crop, $11,500, take acreage or city property for part. , 80 A. fine soil close in, good bldgs., stock, tools, crop, easy terms. PERRINE MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. TRANSFER & HAULING 57 Frank M. Newton Local and long distance hauling Light Country hauling a specialty Tel. 663 CAPITAL CITY TRANtTER CO. 926 State St. Tel. 033. Lxetrinuting. for warding and storage our specialty. Get cur rates. We Move Store and Ship Household gooils. Our specislty is piano aad 'urniture moving. W also make country trips. We handle the best Coal and Wood Call on us for price. We give good measure, good quality and good service. Transfer Co. TeL 930. WATER 58 OREGON WASH. Wi TER 6ERVICE CO. Office 304 South Commercial at. is per cent discount oa domestic flat ret paid in advance. No deduetioa for ab sence or any cause unless water is abut off your premises. TRAVEL 59 A FINE NSW WAITINO ROOM IN THE NEW HOTEL SENATOB Frequent Schedules Thirty Ride Books fct Reduced Rates A Swift ind Reliable Package Service Courteous Attention Froui Ail Employees Theee Are a Few ot the Offerings Msde the Publie By PARKER 8TAGES, IN a Stars Leaving Times: Dallas: 7 a. m 9 :10 . nv, 11.25 a. as. 2 :io d. m.. 5:15 p. nr. Independence ft Monmouth: T a. xa 9:15 a. m . 11:16 a. m., 8 p. m, 5:1$ p. m- 8:80 p. m. (Sunday only.) Pilvarton: 7 a. m.. 11 a. m., 5 p. m. Falls Citv. McMianville. Newberg. Hills- bora. Forest Grove, Sheridan, Tilla mook: 9:19 a. as.. 2:10 p. .n- 5:16 p. as. For Information Call 22$ ox 698. AUTOS WANTED 60 CASH PAID FOR FORDS CiKER AUTO By Ed Wheelan MUCH AS GRACtASs 5jcw MtSS EPISODE SCNORA.i I SWALL UStD CARS For Sale 61 Phone 1027 Two of the Best Packard - Oldsmobile Special Special Special New Oldaeawbile Landau Sedan $1875 New OkismobJe Coupe $6 1926 Packard Six Club Sedan $190w L926 Pscksrd Six Sedan 1509 1928 Buick Master Six Sedan 1030 1927 Oldsmobile DeLuxe Coupe IZi Try to match these pricee. We are just listing a few of our good buya. It will pay you to look our stock over De fore you buy. We hsve all kinds, all makes, ranging from 50 to $2000. Capitol Motors, Inc. BIDDY BISHOP 350 No. High St. Phone 2125 GAS OIL GREASE WE NEVER CLOSE WASHINO STORAGE McKay's for Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts Ford Touring, license...., $ 35.00 1924 Ford Touring 100.00 1925 Chevrolet louring 250.00 1926 Chevrolet Touring J 800.00 1924 Ford Coupe i , 185.00 1927 Ford Coupe 850.00. 1926 Oakland Coach 800.00 1927 Chevrolet Coup 525.00 1923 Dodge Coupe 275.00 430 N. Commercial. Tel. 1802 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company Valley Motor Company has these guaranteed Cars 1923 Dodge Business Coup ,79 1925 Chevrolet Ceach . ... 4 .....$295 1926 Ford Coupe, light pistons.- $295 1922 Ford Coupe $100 1924 Gardner Touring $200 1926 Ford Pick Up Roadster $290 Many other Fords also 1 Overland Tour. and 1 Star Touring. FOR SALE WILLYS-KNIGHT SEDAN; Thoroly overnauled ; Looks Ilk new. Phone 96F4. High Grade Used Automobiles Exceptional Prices Ford Tudor Sedan Overland Touring - Hup Sedan Oakland Coach Buick Sedan. Standard Nash Special Enclosure Gardner Coup Ford Coop Jewett Coach Nask Coup Essex Touring Dodge Sport Roadster F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 865 North Commercial St.- TeL ,1160 "AFTER WE 8ELL WE 8ERVE" ' Good Used Cars 1926- Chevrolet Coach, overheated $400.01 1925 Star Touring, 4 who! brakes $200.0 1928 Essex Coaek, new tire. overhauled ..$400.0 1924 Stadebaker Touriag $900.0' 1924 Studebaker Special Sis Se dan $?ro.o 1922 Ford Coupe, new rubber $100.0 LICENSE INCLUDED Newton MotorjCo. Phone 1000 Oppoait City Ha" NOTICE OP CHANGE OF NAM Notice U herebr glren tb. Webb ft Clough Co., a corporatlo has by unanimous rote - ot t: stockholders ot said corporatlo.. authorized the Board ot Dlrecto; to chance the name ot said corp ration to Clonsh-Huston Co., at. that Supplemental Article of I. corporation hare been file changlni the name of webb Clough Co.. to Clongh-Huston C Dated at Salem, .Oregon, th. 19th day ot March. 192S. T. F. HUSTON. President ot Clongh-IInston. C : A. M. CLOUGH, . Vice-President ot Clough-Husto .Co. . .. . ... - -:V; , . SJ. -A., PAULSEN. . ' Secretary-Treasurer. : of Cloug! -Huston Co. M20-21-2-2-24-2,