The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 18, 1928, Page 9, Image 9

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"If mm in i. .in rn hii.iih ir,WnilWi
Vii-e President Charles . Dawes U shown before the capitol at
Washington, D. C, aa he preoented Captain Malcolm Campbell, KHt
IkIi autu rarer, with 'the Daytona Beach silver trophy for breaking
the world's peed record for aotos. Campbell drove hi IJon-mo-torrd
Napier Bluebird 200.9 miles an hour at Daytona Beach, Fla.,
to break the record.
Dodge Brothers Dealer Tells
Importance of Auto In
dustry In Person
Straphangers in rash hours are
mere amateurs compared to the
packing and jolting that natives
or Persia, Irak and Syria experi
ence when they travel in motor
trucks across deserts and moan
tain trails, according to F. A. Ket
taneh, managing director of sales
or Dodge Brothers cars and Gra
ham Brothers trucks in those
Mr. Kettaneh recently visited
the plants or Dodge Brothers' in
Detroit to gain first hand informa
tion on the cars and trucks that
be has sold for seven years. It
was his first visit to America.
'Passengers in our motor lines
sever expect a cushioned seat,"
rxplalned Mr. Kettaneh. .''They
sit with their legs doubled under
thrm. and they usually ride on be
bt-d of the truck. They're piled in,
bag and baggage, and if they get
a strap to hold, it's a strap from
eonie of their luggage. In this
fashion, tbey are shaken and
bounced over their journey.
"Automobiles are forming the
only transportation linking many
parts of the country, bat they are
doing it as a reasonable price.
One bus line charges a $12 fare
for a COO mile trip, and the roads
are merely trails. In all my terri
tory, nearly a third the size of the
United States, we have only five
miles of paved roads."
Despite the discomfort to pas
sengers, owners of trucks do a
flourishing business, according to
Mr. Kettaneh. The automobile is
called the 'Friend of the People,'
and It is the ambition of every
driver to operate his own truck.
Drivers who receive a salary of
about $S0 a month all look for
ward to buylng'a truck, and jolt
ing passengers some day. Truck
driving Is one of the highest paid
occupations, the average workman
receiving a wage of 27 to 30 cents
a day.
American built cars form 80 per
cent of the registration in Mr.
Kettaneh's territory. There are
approximately 6.000 cars in Syria,
2.000 In Irak and 6.000 in Persia.
The registration figures In
these countries are considered all
the more remarkable because of
an import duty on passenger ve
hicles ranging from 15 to .25 per
cent,-' and gasoline prices vary
from 44 to 84 cents a gallon.
Gasoline for long trips is carried
in tanks' on the running board.
since sources of gasoline supply 1
are sometimes hundreds i miles from the second year of Its devel-
Franklin Engine Able To Cool
Independently of Auto's
- Motion '
A volume of air equal to that
contained in a room 20 feet long
by 19 feet wide by 10 feel high
opment, the Franklin engine has
been able to cool Independently of
the forward motion of the car and
In proof of that fact has been ran
In low gear testa through Death
valley; -a 1000-mile non-stop low
gear test In Texas which broke the
world's record; and In one in
stance a test of 0 miles in reverse
gear. Other runs in reverse have
been made over mountains and
through hot countries. -
Since development of the pres
sure air-cooling system with which
Franklin engineers experimented
for many years, a wind pressure
equal to eight timea that produced
by the speed of the car has been
generated. In other words a
Franklin engine moving at a rate
lof 60 miles the hour, receives a
air ,, .,,. i ,,.
( iuuilli uitiil ;uoi iu nidi g,
moves as an Integral part with It,
eliminating any extra frletlon or
moving parts. - It la ta the shape
of a tarblne with 64 fins and Is
used as an auxiliary flywheel be
ing so designed a to dampen the
torsional vibration er spring-back
of the crankshaft. Its great effi
ciency U explained by the fact
that it moves large' volumes . of
cool air which expands rapidly
when coming In contact with the
heated engine, thereby greatly in
creasing the speed of the air flow
paat the cylinders- " .
A person . who - leaves? hie owB
country r for another C country : Is
called an emigrant, not an immi
grant, aft answered question points
outjn Liberty Magazine.
sweeps through the narrow
housing surrounding the cylinders j ated by a car traveling 130 miles
of the Franklin air-cooled auto
mobile-engine every minute while
the car Ts traveling at a 60-mile
The forward motion of the car
has a minor Influence on the air
volume phasing the cylinder but
not to any. great extent. In fact
the hour
The most remarkable feature of
the high air-fpeeds produced is
that it is impelled by a fan 14
inches in diameter, barely any
larger than the ordinary office
electric"7 fan. th'a fan is keyed
lirectly to the crankshaft and
Protection Against All Road Hazards
Last Cut Not Least
We hare the best equipped Repair and Vulcanizing
Shop in Salem When you have a flat call our Service
Car. Snappy Service.
198 S. Commercial
Tel. 471
Assured bylMs
Sport Equipment
mm . . . .
T'l frea Mot wWk
aeejjji ewe spMflal sfcw
san Isvk&asj sn
oBjsjal !.
You expect it in an expensive car that
restful riding ease ... that deep-cushioned
comfort ... that spaciousness which
spells true motoring luxury. But do you
know that you can enjoy It in a car of
modest price in this brilliant General
Motors product the AH-American Six?
Tou can for these Important reasons.
Because the All-American Six Is a reall
big car. Because its wheelbase length is
117 inches. ' Because its bodies by fisher
reveal all the generous leg-room and head
room . . all the masterly construction
. all the deep seated luxury for which
fisher design and craftsmanship axe In '
teaiiationaDy famed.
Because of lU long springs and blj, i
sixed tires. Because of lU
and alienee at every speed prodriced
by a whispering brute of an engine e
with 212 cubic inches displacement ...
79-lb. crankshaft ... the famous G-M-R
cylinder head. s
YouTl enjoy real big car comfort. Natur
ally. Everybody does. And now that you
can have It at such low cost, why not
come fax ... see and drive the one ear that
offers It so Inexpensively the All
American Six?
500 lbs. i
Speed Up Your Light Delivieries
at Only xh Present Costs
IT ARLEY-DAVIDSON Package Trucks are cuttine down
A. A. light delivery costs in 48 lines of business. They are the
quickest known means of delivery slip through traffic easily,
can be parked anywhere, make twice as many calls and stops per
day as with a car. And operating costs are but the cost of
automobile delivery! Only 3 cents per mile!
Now every business man can extend his trading area. With the
quick, dependable, low cost Hariey-Davidson Package Truck
he can reach out and get business from the outlying districts.
Open Typm PacJtagm Track
Consider, too, the advertising value of this trim outfit,
distinctive attracts favorable attention everywhere.
Let us demonstrate the Package Truck and show
you hov much it will cut your light delivery costs.
It a
Hiitged Cover Package Truck
"The Cycle Man"
147 So. Com'l. St.
Delirerei Salem
Six 4-Door Sedan
2-DOOR 0
5j 1075
V .lHS
; . .niss
m. $3 U a PBU
MwiiwIiiihliwtilwiiM km
VICK BROS., Salem, Oregon
Brcrty Motor Co Autaart Oregomt Beaton Motor On. tmt Oorvauia. Oragoa; Strrertoa Motor Oar Osl.
SUvertoa, Oregoa; Wed T. Bflrea. Sdo. Oregoat Bones Brothers, Taiaer, Oregon; O. 9. Sbreevo A Bon,
DnUas Oregons Henry O. HoDemon. Barrlabnra; Oregoai T. D. Pomeroy, Independence, Oregoni F. 1m
Mluer, Aarora, Oregon; If. J. Arnold, Monmonth, Oregon; Toledo Svper Service Station, Toledo, Oregon.
- . '
Nash long thm Umdsr in finm-cmr eeiwe now in
creases its margin of leadership by new reduced
How at a new low price yon can boy this big Special
Ox &-paasenger 4door Sedan a ear built to the
highest standards) of quality and style brilliant in
performancc-ona ofthmfinmst.
have this Sedan in an option of colors
the new Nash deep-lustre finish. .
Is mjholstered In first-raalltT mohair
falvet, with inlaid walnnt paneling and period ln-
teriorware to heighten iu charm and luxury. Caahw'
ions are deep tufted and form fitted. I '
This Sedan, like all Nash cars. Is poweied by the
great, Nash-type 7-bearing motor, has Nash 2-way
4-wheel brakes, the Nash straight-line drive, Naah
extra easy steering, and all the other luxuries of
pWocmance which belong exclusively to Nash.
Wire wheels and sid-Mrried spare wheels and tires
are optional at slight extra ooeU v t -
Save your money, and at the same time enjoy a finer
mode of motoring. Buy this 7-beetting Nash l'nt
i5pIcieplone 1260
365 NortE Commercial Street' ril V
, t.- v-,
- i
r t i