The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 18, 1928, Page 6, Image 6

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STATESMAN, SALEM. "T ""tv "M"MC. MARCH 18, 1923
The Oregon Sta tesman
lesaed aily lieept l.j7 ,
South CommntM Street, ZtM. wpi
R. J. Haa trick
Irl S. ItcSaerry
Ra!p C. Curtia -
Veialla Baach '
Managing Eiltac
- CUy I4iUr
Society Editor
iv n ruimr Advartiaiaa- Mttipi
Urd B. Btifflar - Superintendent
W. H. Hendereen. Circulation
r a - i Livestock xnte
W. - - P-T
TV Aaaoriated FrM is exciua.vely entitaad ta tha nee fo mlietU el a
aw ausottchaa credited ta it or set atfcerwiae credited in tnla niper
-aarai new pobLahad haareia.
bush-ess oitkui .
ftltmtar Seloetad Oregon Bevspeparn Pacfi Cenet ta,y,
Blypea. lar, ParUaad. Security BM.; Im rmcuM, Share Bldg.; 1
Aagelea, Cktabw af U"JfM BUg. v w
ttuui lCirk C, Hew Tor. H8-1JS W. 81st St.: CMssgo. Marquette Bid
Breiaeee Offiee2 v S8S
fc.ety Miter . 10
JTesr Peps.-!! 106
lefc Department
CireuietijB Office
their rightful numDer or. -represent urCa .Vbat wMta hurry? I want-
times their righfur number of senators. A Methodist ao-K uU jom-tiv.t 'Chur ib
.. . i rra n-r nniirea la that inera axe. a. a atnnln Danr
. w d'vm w aaniHinH-. - aaia" oi I luua v i ! . i rill fix lu aai -
uiviuj ai"' - i
many millions more Methodists in the country than are
recorded in the membership of the church. The Methodists
out upon their records only actual members of the church,
those who have taken the vows, while some otner enureses
rnnnt the entire constituency. Upon the latter basis, it is
nmhable that the Mehodist church would show a total 01
not less than seventeen millions, it was careiuiiy esunuiicu
during the war that there were about eight hundred tnou
sand Methodist young men in the service."
Entered at the Peal OTtieo I SaJaaa. Orf amaMar.
March 18. 1028
Then be salth
unto death: tarry ye
fn V. M f avail An
la posBible, let this cap pass from me: neTertheless not as I will, but! camp ground.
rj thou wilt.,1 Hattbew ze:as-
The current Salem Chamber of Commerce bulletin says
that during the tourist season of 1925, the municipal auto
nark records show that 27 families camped in the park
hpcsmc residents of Salem and viamty. inat tne numuer
of families in 1926 was 36, and in 1927 49 families that had
week from Friday nlfht, ad ahe
asked me to brlns jou.
"Is Claire going?" aed Lrnda,
I don't know whether June
..v.f tmr or not. YOU see, W"u
Claire's got herself In mlxnty bad
lately on account of Fred uuvqu"-
I'd "be sorry to -think you re mu
. miataka in asking her to share
home with you. but I want
you to come to the party anyway
whether she comes or nou
"I'd like to come Tery much.
answered Lynda, excitedly, M the
nf a thai Darty. bna
never had been to one in ner m
whlaoered EmUy
quickly. "Here comes old Gallop
Job Completed Yesterday
After Almost Exactly
Three Months Time
unto them. My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even camped there remained here, and many of these families
ictX: Property. That is quite a good deal to the credit
The record run on Broadway, it is interesting to remem
ber. is held not by any actor or any show, but by the great
. I - W . a - J A. V. T Jvvvan. 'PrtV.iaT!
The meeting of the representatives of 32 national organ- preacher, Dr. unaries jenerson, ox ie ,, T ,
izations in favor of law enforcement and improved moral and nacle, which stands on tne "ureat v nue
..ioi itinn in th countrv. in Washington, D. C, on City. Dr. Jefferson has just completed thirty years as
maHp statpment nf oolicies leading up to the pastor of his famous church. The New York Times said
a sV Cay A 1 tTt 11 J Sir ' a tUUUV - ---- I a "til a
H f oUowing demands : recently that Dr. Jefferson might well be named the Saint
' ' That the conventions met to nominate canoiaaies u ui. "
president and vice president each include in its platform
4 "sl positive, clear-cut declaration pledging the support of the
party and nominees to a program of vigorous and efficient
Enforcement of the eighteenth amendment and necessary
supporting legislation."
"To nominate candidates who are positively and openly
committed to this policy of effective prohibition law enforce
ment by their utterances, acts and records."
The resolutions added: "The strongest prohibition law
11 (AP) Just 15 minutes short
of three months from the time she
was sunk In collision with the
coast guard destroyer Paulding off
this port, the submarine S-4 was
brought to the surface today by
narale salrage crew.
The sub-
. I 1 -l. . 9-97 o'clock
"Miss Fenton, Mr. itaipn i marine was suu. - -
taa-A.wi-ihes to see you In his of-jon the afternoon of December 17
flee" said Miss Gallop. and her conning tower i
r' ,v n auickly. but water at 3:22 this afternoon
Lynda Fenton, daughter of John
enforcement plank would be neutralized and would De prac- obtalned ner flrst job in the office
tically worthless if its adoption by any convention should oe 0f Armitage & Co.
w 1 a"l IT.a ftk am t nil
lired at home? If you had, I'd
hare tried to persuade you to take
me instead. You know I have to
board, too. You'd have liked that
better, now wouldn't you, David!
ii . i ai Kit Viof coma convention of I
IOllOwea Dy uie . ; . . that every woman has her price.
candidates whose utterances, acts or recoras nave pranueu and her own mother nad de
them as personally hostile to prohibition, or as unwilling to serted them for a wealthy man.
. a a.i.i rfuro anWommt. . . . Lynda's one friend and constant
Cooperate acuve.y iu Scvu.c rnmnanion since childhood Is
We record our fixed determination actively to oppose tne DaTld Kenmore a saiesman for
nomination or the election of any such candidates no matter Armitage.
; on what party platform they may stand . XZ?''.
Arrangements were made for presenting these demands fondnega for David. and deter-
fn thp national convenions. mines to make it as uncomforta-
Preliminary arrangements were made to set on foot upon David
persistent campaign for law eniorcement itnatf although he imagines he was
Calling on all organizations and citizens in favor of obed-intere8ted in Emily, he is really in
. - i- i v, l. rn inln -unth them - llove with Lynda.
lCnCe LU l IlC WS Ul Hie uuau i-w jwaa . . . rtn
' . Aj"Al" o wv AClUrillllft A i UU1 VUO va,. vv
And a sample of what may be expected m this great cam- eT?ning Lynda inds that her
paign which has been thus started, under the auspices of father has left, deeding the home
the committee of 1000. was witnessed the part . week in ,0 Bjjj. ' -Salem
in the meetings addressed by Raymond Kooms. the flMt of the year ne.u ask ner
tv,0 fnrr pa nf decenev and order are to stand up and to hi8 wlfe.
... Lynda finds an old school ac-
flght m s. nualntance, Claire SUnhope,
, They are going to demand a fair fight, with no side-step- worklng ln the ofIlce and urs her
Dinir or pussyfooting or straddling to come and live with her.
In the open and above board, without any excuses or pal- chapter 12
' Jiation "" Lynda MeeU the Young Boes
. .... , a rn a. ,;r-;fxr nf tht nAonlp of -I've never had a real home
And It IS niZn lime. XWC KIWI, aaja r a- I. . i4 J 'V aalrl
this country axe in favor of upholding their Constitution; Claire and tnere wag a Ult 0' hope
In favor of tew and order; in favor of the enforcement of ln her TOic. -i used to live with
... my aunt, who nearly worked me
ail laws to death bot Bhe taught me to
Thpv are acramst nullification. .v ..d kaan hanM. It would be
' If they were not, there would be sad times ahead. There neaTenljr not to have to live m
WOUld be anarchy. I J As they walked back from lunch
1 "And there can be no effective consoiiaauon 01 me offlce they met DaTld with
jof order in this country without fighting for it. The time Emlly Andrews. Lynda called his
for passive support of the tnings xnn j u. "MB. sta,nope
good repute in this country nas gone ny, .1 ui8 - DaTld Sh0 waa ln the grammar
' rountrv of Dower and leadership in the things that make grade8 with us. She's going to
..wu"";,; l.t . (V. hnnu with me while
Kofto-moTit v
171 WllMa aVja "
Her father is always telling her You'd have two excuses for mak-
Dad's away.
There. Mr. David Kenmore,'
thought Lyn, "you can tfee how
much I care for that little cat
Claire's worth a dozen 01
tVio Npw York Times tells of the public protest of Smith lfJ-
" A" ff alt. UCi
cpnegelalurnoae against recent lurid descriptions 01 tnei Tne mtle cat unsheathed her
Hi'ralism. atheism I velvet-covered claws.
INortnampton campus Tf . ..How l0Teiy for you two girls
-'and immorality" and as living in a reign i ..w to be toeether. why didn't you
ii, Miriam Van Waters deals in her book,jteU mo wnat you wanted. Lynda.
a. " whirh-ahP blames the Older gen- when you asked whether Claire
v- jrarenws uu iiuuawuu, . . . 1
eration for too easily accepting "vague rumors of UyJSmi
about young people."
lng dates at the house- instead of
"David doesn't need any excuse
for coming to my house," said
Lynda, quickly. "Why, he has
helped me with the supper dishes
three nights out of five for the
last ten years.
David was not altogether com
fortable under the verbal snots
that were passing over him and
manlike, be blamed Lynda more
than he did Emily, for he had sag
gested that he did not think Claire
dairable chum for her. He
said, stiffly:
"I shall not be in the city much
from now on, and X told L.ynaa
she had better get someone to stay
with her."
My, that sounds just like
husband," giggled .Emily.
Com? on. Claire. I have to get
back to my work." said Lynda. I
have so much of It, I don't see how
11 get It done today."
Rh didn't delrn to smile at Em
ily, who was not at all aoasnea
and who, lingering behind wltn
David, called to her:
"Remember that rule ln the
union, old dear. He who leaves
some work today will have some
work another day. Don't kill
yourself. A good-looking gin me
you doesn't need to, you know. I
saw ArmI stealing a glance or two
at you today, and I know he won't
scold, no matter how hum you
"Lyn didn't tell me she had met
Ralph Armitage," said uavia.
turning tp EmUy when Lynda and
Claire were out of earshbt.
Does she always tell you nry-
thing?" Emily asked, slyly.
"Here's where I leare you," said
David, Instead of answering Em
ily's question. He wondered why
Lynda had not told him aooui
meeting young Armitage. not
knowing that she had not.
"WeU. cood-bye, Dart. 1 m
sorry Claire Is going to live with
your dear Lynda. I'm afraid she'll
teach her some new tricks
With that to rankle In Davw s
mind. Emily left him. When she
got back to her desk, she said ln-
the face of the office superlnten-)
dent told her nothing.
; Tremblingly she tapped at the
door of her employer.
"Come In."
As it happened; although Ralph
Armitage had been back in the of
fice for some days, she caught her
first glimpse of him as she opened
the door to his private office.
"So this Is the 'young boss,
she eaid to herself. He was called
this by all the employes am"8
themselves, to distinguish him
trnm Ma father, who in reality ran
the business. Ralph naa jusi
Iv come into the office to learn it.
She had a good chance to od-
serve him, aa she nenweu j
m.inA the door, but he aid not
look up from what he seemed to
be doing.
You wished to see me.
Sit down, Miss Jfemou
want ta. see you.
Lynda took a chair at the other
f the sDlendidly-carved desk.
and then, with what courage she
could command, raised her eyes to
painh Armitage s lace.
-v. , a man with rather
light-brown hair, a somber mouth
and gray eyes, ln wnicn "
ness or boredom lurked. Which
It was she could not tea.
The only thing she could read
was that he was not happy.
Under hta silent scrutiny sht
blushed scarlet.' and the sensitive
mnnih trembled.
Ralph Armitage leanea iunuer
forward over his aeaa.
ghost of a smile touched his thin
(To be Continued.)
I do
pits TfHTskkf ast J.
a. -
dramatic demonstration on
iha. v of the salvage ship Fal-
oi art, culmination of
con :..
three months of gruelling enori
in winter weather on the part of
the salvagers. As the conning
tower appeared above the surface,
niver Tom Eadie, who won the
congressional medal for saving a
feiinw diver the day after the S-4
went down, led the crew of tne
salvage ship in a burst of cheer
ing. '
The men on board eight other
vessels clustered about the scene
joined In the shouting and offi
cers on board the' Falcon hurried
to congratulate Captain Ernest J.
King and Commander, Harold b
Saunders, who were in charge of
the operations.
Although divers had braved
winter frost and rough water for
three months to get the hull ready
for raisin k. the final operation
lasted about four hours. At 11:05
a. m. the water was blown from
the control room of the submarine
and one by one the other compart
ments were rendered Jwoyanf.
Then came the six great pontoons
which had been lowered and ar
ranged In pairs along the hull
Commander Saunders, watching
the air valve had hoped to time
the raising so that the S-4 would
come up at the same minute of
the day that she had gone down
three months ago today.
All of the 24 aavy divers who
worked on the S-4 were on the
deck of the Falcon as the subma
rine came up. In the91 days since
the collision these men had had
44 tt days suitable for diving and
had .made 566 dives to the ocean
bed. 102 feet down. ,
The S-4 is being towed to Jos
ton and upon her arrival there
will be placed In drydock at the
navy yard and doctors will enter
the torpedo room and after com
Do yom want to Total
TTndar tha new law. you can't
rote K yon don't register
m -m
.-, vnndreda will be depii?ed
of their Totes at the present rate
of registering in Marlon county.
April 17 1 the last aaw
Salem 1 iree euiyivj iv.
. 1 in.
flee had the pasi wet.-.
- a a An w a
nMoattnna for lODS.
out to work. ETidently unem
ployed are flocking to Salem.
m S
rf von'Eachen of Willamette
university is goinff to tell the
chamber of commerce tomorrow
Kt the nossibilities of the
Willamette valley from a chemi
cal standpoint. The list could be
made a long one. The chemical
engineer is to be one of the big
MM nf the future, in the utili-
ing of by-produeU and in a thou
sand useful ways.
This Btorv ot real Hie
the atate hospital (asylum for tn
Insane), and who had asked f0
some one to assist him and wa
given a husky patient.
All went well untu lunch tinu
when, at the whistle blew, u,
builder's assistant clutched hi..,
around the neck and, giving ,
terrible laughraald:
"Come on, let's jump off.
The builder was almost fri?l
tened out of hl life, but suddeul
he had an inspiration.
"Oh rats.V he replied. Any
body could do that. . Come down
and let's jump up."
"b . -
A colored cook came home a f
ter midnight from a revival meet
lng shouting at the top of her
voice. Her employer, letting her
a a 11
"Aunt Mandy. this la all fool
ishness. Religion shouldn't he
bo noisy. Tell that preacher 0i
yours to give a sermon on the
building of Kins Solomon's ten
pie, which arose without even thr
sound of a hammer. And rp
member that real religion is qui-.
and peaceful."
"Lawd. honey," answered Aur.
IlVIandy. "Ua niggers am 1 mu.
..... i ,1 .....mSnr the! Mandy.
repair job on me iu' -
We i
had a
Doctor Found Women
and Children Sick
More Often than Men
Read the Classified Ads
f The States- oartment to remove the eight
,, Max bodies still remaining on the ves-
man of March If. 130. . bodie9 were rfi.
President Roosevelt wants U covered during the salvage ope
.rannd the city and vt- rations. A careful search will be
rlnltr when he visits here May 21, made for letters or messages
clnity wnen n v wfmt which may have been left by the
v. . retention. At the six men who were Imprisoned
meeting last night, it was gleaned alive in the torpedo room hours
that Mr. Roosevelt pncu
ject In asking the erne. wm. w
avoid the "tverylaatlng nand
shake." The matter -wasn't -
Tiuamnnk Tht editor of the
Headlight haa sued the editor of
tndenendent for $500 libel
damages, alleging that his bro
ther editor referred to nun oy
innuendo as a "skuna.
Yale is to have a new eerel mil
lion dollar library. We nope taw
utlay of money will not man "
necessary to cunwi ' I
the football coach.
As a family doctor at Monti-
cello. Illinois, the whole numan
body, not any small part of :. u,
was Dr. Caldwell's practice. More
than half his "calls" were ua
women, children and babies. They
are the ones most often aick. But
their illnesses were usually of a
minnr n9tnr colds, ferers, head-
aches, biliousness ana an 01
hem rennlred first a inoruus"
- - . .
evacuation They were consupai-
Tn the rnnrae of Dr. Caldwell s
47 years' practice (he was grad
uated from Rush Medical College
back in 1875), he found a gooo.
deal of success In such cases with
a nrfsrriotlon of his own Con
taining aimDle laxative herbs with
pepsin. In 1892 he aeciaea 10
use this formula In the manufac
ture of a medicine to be known as
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, and
In that year his prescription was
first placed on the marsei.
The nreparatlon Immediately
had as great a success ln the drug
torea aa it previously had in ur
Caldwell's private practice. Now,
the third feneration la using ;t.
Mothers are aivinc it to their
children who were given it by their
mothers. Every eecond or. tne
working day someone somewhere
ia e-olna- Into a drug store to puy
it Millions of bottles of Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin are being used
a year.
Its great success is based' on
merit, on repeated buying, on one
satisfied user telling another
There are thousands of homes In
this country that are never with
out a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's SyT-
up Pepsin, nd we have gotten
many hundreds ot letters from
grateful people telling us that it
helped them when everything else
' iN ''X Jf vv
- A
While women, children and eld
erly people are especially bene
fited by Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep
son, It is promptly effective on
the most robust constitution an.l
in the most obstinate cases. It
mild and gentle ln its action an
does not cause griping ana siram
Containing neither opiate no
narcotics, it is safe for the ttnies
baby. Children like it and tak
it willingly.
Every drug store sells Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin. Keep a bot
tie ln your home where many
live eomeone Is sure to need it
We would be glad to have you
prove at our. expense how much
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin can
mean to yo and your. Just
write "Syrup Pepaln," Montleello.
Illinois, and we will send you
Ui" jv.e, a- a . . V, ? V I "f Detroit, la tea staxa 01 'l"'a-".
The auhor might have meant Salem, m view of the high ,
the 8Ut f. Oron, araat ta law:
I r a - . 1 capital
But she dia not U"j 'piui MeBt
. t n,-f5. rh rftSA of on community where irresponsible r '
A lotron trtatlXet praaiama reciT4
'.naoin no rosnnnsin P TOr LI1K UVUUUUU otyvv,. - 1 Jnrln, tha Tear
. y . . , , . U 1 Jvnnlr anillTataraat dividends and
s70 per cent of the boys ana giris aijugn . nt- reertTed darinI
:--that ixnmoraUty was rampant. After three weeks; of thor- lB4.SB.r
. a..- : J ,n1 nmirf rioarincrs. the facts Were rve
outrn lnveaiiKiinuu iiu as' -
- . . i . 1 1 o ffl la, m n-rA
established. Out of a sctoooi popuiawon k t. i ot. ine.m. : , 20.503.005.70
paid during
, 11.. J-. V artA amnVM TTlfinV ' Tie L teu. I t)i Tear inetadiac ad-
ana girU OCCasiOuaiijr u. . , , fa,tia.t anauaa f
, onrl had run away from Home. Ail xne ugiy iD.Tidnd. paid .a eapiui
oaiw n.v -
$ 19.354.82S.S8
Synopaii of tha Annual St.tainent oftha
ot Bsitimora. in tha Stata of
.t.. tKirtv-flrat day of Deeembar,
tha Tnaaranea Comaaiaat'
.r of tha Stata of Oraon, pureuant ta
UW: Capital
"35 !Zrt .
V -a aaaAmlnini taMsliTad
durtoc tha yaar
Interest, dividends and
rents received during
the year
Income from other aear
eea received dnrinf tne
Snoteis of Annnal Statement
. . i th. State of Iowa, on
the thirty first day of December 19J7
"a. v. in it, ranee Commissioner or
the State of Oregon, orauant to Uw:
Amoont ot cspiiai
paid mp -. -
Total premium income for
tha year
Interest, dividend and ,
rents Teceived during
tha vear
Income from other sour
ces received during aa
year. Health aad Aea.
110.644.16 I
1.S51. 362.96
stories of habitual drunkenness and wild living were "utter- c.n..i ansauri-
1 Ul.... fAimrfatinn " IT. waa SnOWll uuuij wjo I Ittta, Mcaasas ana ia
T, iy "" . . . . . . ' ,, a.u I paid duxiag tha yaar
au oioer aa-
A Knfp of and confessed to ''experiences" that
Amount at
B" " . . I penditurea
. 17.779.S16.4S
antvolTr imtinniiT
w"c 1'" . '- 1 .-: Total expenditure.
iants TtA nnt alwava -Wait lor oiiiciai iavcawttvx"xao Asaets
' a r im,irit to armraise the merits of the flaming v.ia t ! , ,25,M6..7
r youth" tradition. The elder generation has its. own know-K (S,S 11.705.8045
t' ..... . " I Loans aa aaactgagea aa .
' - . ... . . 1 I wm
. ledfire OI Hie lO uy. . I eollataral, eta.
Cash ia-aka aad ea
hand -
Premiuma la course ot
oUaetiaa written aiace
n.nlanbar SO. 1837
Interest aad ranta dua
a ecru a
- 1 v.1. a,a tw w TT OHnirer is known I Bd
, Among IUS liiuiutttca, ujiuj.u . - - . i AU otBM aatt
' AS."CaSey." UT. VUnger Wr.wau, ' Va" T.tal admlttW umU.$ 2S.m.4SJS
chairman of the Salem school boara ana 1- - -
: Salem library board. He devotes soua nour ui w rw
.9 8,622.787.91
There was a recent newspaper report that the Methodists
!feaVe three times as many members ot the house as their
numbers would entitle them to, and five times the number
the senate; and that, the Episcopalians have -twelve times
. , . . . , . . t I ajnount ar naearaea prw
. . . nnk1tn aarvira As ha BntlllS DUD-I all aatataad-
1 licity he avoids .the spectacular,' out can oe couuwcu u m. mmA
f 9 A ta' aV. ..aAaa l t! I BaMattiralaPtt .... mh 1
-paanstaking devotion to anr;pwuc task inrust upuu
v.-nifnor'a conservatism is balanced by his sympathetic
.humanity and his enthusiasm for education. In public serv
ice; he is one of the outstanding prof essional men of Oregon.
; -Oregon Voter, Portlamd. ' ' - ,
j . ir , , aaMaaaaaasaaaaaaaMaaaaaaavaaavaMaaaajaaaWaaaaa . -
All other UaVmtiaa
Total llahllitJaa, aiela-
a aanital Btaek
-a S2.S0e.0O0.00 t 1S.8S1.600.0S
Bualataa ta Ortfoa for the xaax
v.a Bia Mitaivaat
iarl-aT the year 1 79,876.18
r u UM Sarins' tha
aa 8S,87.47
tha Tear 4S.26T.2S
X. M Terry. Jr, President,
rharlaa C Bovrea.. peui atarr.
Statutory Tctideat atkamey lot servica:
- JL, D. Trejefcey, -oiaaaa wxagw
ToUl Income S 81.360.897.88
Xet losses paid daring
tha year Including -aa-initmeat
expeasee -f
Dividend paid oa eapttai
stock daring tha raar
Commiasiona aad salaries
paid during tha yoar
Taxes. Ueeaeea aad I eea
paid dartag the yaar
amount of all that ax-
penditures - -
Total e ip n dltajaa--4
Valaa at real aetata
Total iacamo 1.106.886.59
Paid for lessee, eadow.
menu. aaaaWea as
snrreader valnes --- f
Coupons paid to policy
holders during tha
year , ;
Dividends paid oa capital
stock duriaa" tha '
Commiaatoaa and aslariaa
paid daring tha Taa
Texee, iMeases and feea
naid daria tha yaav
Amount of all thar ax-
Baalth and Aecldaat
Total axpenditurea
aA (market value) 8
Value of etaeks and boada
owned (market value
Loans aa mortgagaa ana
collateral, ate.
Cash la banks and
Premiums la camrae of
coUectien written sinea
September SO. 1927.
Interest and ranta dua
aad aearned aad athar
ta .- .
Total aftmlttad aseaU 44,894,4850
TJaaiittaaa .
far loaaoa
f i,i,iii.ii
Amount af unearned pre
miums aa au ouutanav
taa risks -
Daa for eommimloa aaa
AU athar UabiliUaa
Total liabilities, exelu-
-r ataMk
af ea.OOO.OOO.00 $
- Baslassa ta Oragaat far tha Taac
V- .nalani raaaivad
dnrfaa tha yaar 1 146.869.87
r iuIJ Anrina tha
TZZi ' - , . . 78.145.19
Lea tea Incurred daring
tha year
F. rlgt"Ma aina. iTHiuai.
. laVa A. Havrtmaav Saeratanr.
Statutory resident attorney for Mrviea:
Radgara Bart Bank Cu. 615 Railway
Exehanga Bldg, BKosdwsy S9S5, Port-
Una. Oragaa.
Value at real aetata awn-
-d (market valaa) 9
Value at stocks and bonds
owned (market or
amortised valaa)
Loans on mortgages M
collateral, ata. . . .
praaaium aotaa aad pou-
ey toana . '
Cash la banks aa aa,
band 1 r-r-
Stt uncollected ana a-
ferred praauamf -Interest
and renU daa
aad aacraed -
Other aeeets (net)
Agoata' Credit
Total aaatUUd assaU-l
Xet isasrvss ;
Qraaa alaima far
AU athar Uabillties
Baalta and Aoeldant Da
ToUl llablUtias. axstn-
alve of capita
f f350.000.OO
. 80.650.16
. a,ooo.oo
aaa ta Oregon fw tha Tear
Qraaa premiuma receive
amrug taa year, .
Orosf pramiams teeelvad
daring the yaar, Ufa-
Pramiams and dividends
rotnrned daring tha
year, H. A-
, 199.80
H Am . .. - - -
TN. U. isnman, nwmw. .
B, H. Oreas, Soeratary. -Statutory
-aidaat attonaar f7 aarvUe:
lasnraaca Comaussioaer and Us awe
aeasor la atfiaa.
i paid :1
. H. A
The Choice of
Good Cook
- vwviaa
rn nm
K 1''
Vltrifased RtistKRcsUting
fine linings are used exclu
sively on MONARCH Rang-
Beautiful it is, to be sure.
Full enamel finish white or
ivory tan the pride of the
kitchen. But the real reason
good cooks prefer the MON
ARCH is that they can de
pend on it for perfect baking
-not only when it is new,
but for many, many years. .
When TOU bay a new range, remem
ber that the need for strength, dura-v
bility ' and permanently tight Joints
is just as important today as it was
long years ago, before enamel ranges
were thought of. . These qualities are ,
built into the MONARCH just as they
always have been. Unbreakable mal
leable Iron, hand riveted joints and
Vitrif used flue linings, to resist rust
all are , there, un4emeath that beau
tiful enamel body." h i ;.
. ' ' .';! - . '.' "" "'
Some folia think it Is economy to
. forego the pleasure of a new MON
ARCH Range and do t realize that
it is rank extravagance to keep on
using a leaky, fuel-wasting, oltfstove.
TOnk this over. Then let us tell you
. more abont this modern cooking de
vice. As your MONARCH dealer w
will be glad to explain aU about it.
. 4JSU'rv,:-,5aV
rmwmwdfc (cm
!. 't
340 .Court SU
I ...... .,.y ,;-. -v..-m
i. . r' . ; . : . , . ....... ..- -: . . ..'.-....