The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 18, 1928, Page 28, Image 28

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The Slogan Pages are Yours; Aid in Making them Helpful to Your Wonderful City and Section
THE STATESMAN dedicates several pages each week in the interest of the fifty-two to a hundred
bask industries of the Salem District Letters and articles from people with vision
are solicited. This is your section. Help make Salem grow.
Five Out of the Ten Highest Jersey Butter Fat Records for
365 Days Are Held in Oregon, Which Means in the Salem
District Looks Like Nature Consulted the Daily Cow Be
fore She Shaped Our HiHs and Made Our Valleys
Editor Statesman :
The Willamette valley lias cen
tralized Lbe eyes of the world on
Jersey cattle, because nowhere,
not even on cue 11 &e of Jersey,
are there bo m&ar world record
cowi In such a small area. I hatre
a copy of the Jersey Bulletin om
my desk and on the editorial page
Is a list of 10 cows which com
prise the "highest Jersey Butter
fat record for 3 5 days." Fte oat
of these ten world record uiw
were raised In this valsey.
In considering the
Talley, from a dairy standpoint,
one is about led to believe that na
ture consulted the dairy cow be
fore she shaped the hills and made
the valleys. proTidiag them with
an abundance of beautiful streams
with ample shade, and then ar
ranged for a mild climate with
long grazing seasons.
The tact that forage crops yield
bountifully, ana that pasture j
crops such as English rye grass I
and white clover grow Tolantarlly
in so many sect io as, has indeed
made dairying the foundation and
the keynote of the type of diversi
fied fanning that Is pror'.table.
It is Indeed gratifying to know
that we hare present day breeders
who are upholding the fame of
Oregon Jerseys. Within the past
six months Mrs. Florence Gail
Neel of Oregon City and Harry II-
iff of Independence, Ore., hare
quaiined animals for world rec
ord honors, and there is every
thing to indicate that as time goes
on the Willamette Talley will con
tinue to hold the remarkable rec
ord of baring SO per cent of the
world record's Jersey cows.
(Mr. Stewart, as most readers
know, is the field man for the
Chas. R. Archerd Implement Com
pany, Salem; he is doing ttie work
of a super county agent for the
several central WiDamet:e valley
counties that make up the Salem
district. Ed.)
her progeny, in the last three con
secutive years.
Her second and third daughter
have not been 'beaten in produce
of dam in the last three Consecu
tive years.
The Mother ajed Fire Daughters and One Son Are All in This
Remarkable Herd, and They Are All Show Animals at the
Fairs, Always Winning, Mostly First Prizes First Three
Daughters Hare Had Six Daughters, All in the Meadow
lawn Herd, Though Lady Sergis Herself, Head of the
Family, Is Still a Young Cow
There is a remarkable prise
wuuig famty of Ho luteins in the
nerd of the Meadowlawn dairy,
supplying Salem with milk; lo
cated near the Four Corners on
the penitentiary highway, and
ssw in the edge of the city, the
eawirons of which bare been
been crawling close to the Mea
dowlawn farm land; platting be
ing made across the highway in
Che past several weeks.
The Meadowlawn dairy and the
flute herd of Holsters Is the pro
perty of T. W. Durbin and Frank
Dorbta. Jwaior. and they person
ally manage the business and take
a great pride la the herd.
Prize Wlanfaig Family
But this article is more particu
larly concern lag a remarkable
prise winning family in the Mea
dowlawn dairy herd, of which the
following are the high lights:
Lady Segis Ponfiac De Kpl
Bur Ice. winner grand chaimpdon
Oregon state fair 1926. The
holds a 28 pound batter fat re
cord for a sesrea day Period. She
is now on fourth month of yearly
test, averaging over 85 pounds of
milk per day. She has had five
daughters and one son. All five
wiugfcesri are la ha Meadowlawn
teiry hag.
The first three daughters hare
bad six daughters, which are all
in the Meadowlawn herd. Lady
Segis De Kol herself Is still a so
called young cow.
Are Unbeaten
She and her second and third
daughters have not been beaten
at the Oregon state fair, as ad-
vancea registry cow, and two of I
Her son aailaugbters are all
show animafs a'jnd are shown at
the fairs erery rear, always win
ning, mostly first prises, nd sever
falling below s4eondprlte. This
is a remarkable! record.
The first daughter. Lady Segis
De Kol HartogVwon second prise j
in the Oregon. JState fairs of .1924
and 1925. She also made ad
vanced registry butter fat require
ments. Lady Marion Segis Homested.
the second daughter, won first
prize at the fair in 1926 and 1927.
8 be produced 23.62 pounds of
butterfat in seven days, when a
Lady Iris Homestead De Kol.
the third daughter, won first
prise as a junior calf in 1924. She
also won first as a junior rearliaK
in 19z. She w ail amnrWii i now holds more
reserve champion in 1925. First
prise 2-year-old in 19 26. second
prise 3-year-old. 1927. She was
holder of the Oregon state butter
fat record of 22.62 pounds of but
ter fat in seven days, when
was only a 2-year-old.
I-ady Minnie De Kol Homested.
the 'fourth daughter, won second
prize in the senior calf entries in
Baby of Family
County Has Produced and Holds More World Record Cows
Than Any State Oatside of Oregon Three i Possi We
World Butterfat Production Records Now Held in Pout
County First Medal of Merit Bull Produced in Polk
Interest Is General in Polk .
Editor Statesman: f county shows off with a state chaU
"Polk county Jerseys against ! lenge show tote held to Salem the
the world" is the slogan of the day following the last county show
Jersey men and business interests. ' at which time all first prise win
For years the Jersey records made ! ners in the county shows competed
in Polk county have attracted the ; for champion honors. This Jersey
interest and attention not only of breeder was G. G. Hewitt of In de
Jersey men but also of all interest- i pendence.
ed in the dairy industry. Many Polk county breeders, along with
of those animals that attracted not; those from other counties took
only county-wide but also world-1 first prize animals to the "chai
wide attention were located in j lenge show" at Salem oa the 2tth
Polk county, hence the slogan. j of last May. In addition to carry.
Polk county has produced and ing off several first prises at this
world's record : show the grand champion bull -was
cows than any state outside of Ore-' awarded to La Creole Select's Rod-
gon. ney zw, a uve year uiu ww
Three Out of Eight
Three of tbe eight possible
world's record yearly records for
she j butterfat production are now in
Polk county.
St. Mawes Lad's Lady 451568.
owned by H. D.'Htff of Indepen
dence, with a record of 629.09
pounds of butterfat, holds the
record as a senior yearling. St,
The fifth and last daughter of Mawes Lad's Pride 515044. also
this unusual record holding mo-j owned by Mr. Iliff. holds the sen
tber is only a baby of three j ior four record at 1002-35 pounds
months, but Mr. Durbin says that i of fat m 365 days.
Poppy's Dorthea 478520, owned
by F. E. Lynn of Perry dais, has
the world's record for junior
threes with a production of 994.25
pounds of fat. Mr. Lynn Is also
t of the American
she will be at the fairs nezt year
and that he expects she will do
her share toward accumulating
the prises tor her remarkable
This one family earned $273 at j
the state fair in 1926 and $248 in ' cattle club
1927. This in a record for any j n 39
uuo iiiniij. i nm ramiiy is maae
up of young cows, even the mo
ther, and they are only Just start
ing on their accomplishments in
the dairy world.
Before using a new casserole,
set it on several folds of cloth or
Paper, into a large sauce pan and
add cold water. Heat water grad
ually to boiMng point and keep
boning six or eight hours, then
wipe utensil and set aside for fu
ture use. When ready to use
neat casserole gradually. Never)
pour cold water in a hot dish.
DID YOl' hLXOYV that the SaWm district ha produced
add made an ideal borne for more great eowj, ru pro
portion to her cow population than any other section of
the world; thai tfceSaiem district now hokLs the hignes,;
place of all sections and state and nations in Jenwy
worki records; that we are making more certain our lead
as producers of the highest dairy row on earth;
that this is partly because we have here in western
Oregon the beat dairy ' country known; that there is
more certain greater profits in dairying here than else
where under the shimnr sun; that there is vast room
here for great expansion in this line, and broad scope
for the best efforts of the leaders of the dairying in
dustry, and a welcome awaiting, them?
5 day class, M. X. Tib
bies of Independence owns Gray
mere AUee 585854. who as a sen
ior yearling produced 581.87
pounds of fat and 11.445 pounds
of milk. Then la addition. Carry
On Phoebe, owned by S. H. Robin
son of Rickreall. with 12.154
pounds of milk, holds the world's
' year ota recora ior mug pro- snow at saiem. places Jersey com
duction. j petition in Oregon oa much the
Beats All Qowaties I same basis as it is oa the Iale of
Polk county has produced or de-! Jersey and has resulted in ia
v el oped more medal of merit bulls, creased interest and enthusiasm
and more geld medal and more for the Jersey cow.
silver medal bulls than any other J. R. BECK,
county in the country. The first j Dallas. Ore.. Mar. 10. 1928.
by S. H. Rohtaon. This animal
gives promise of adding further
laurels to the many earned by
Polk county Jerseys. He was first
in his class at the state fair la
1925. He has aired three blue rib
bon winners of the Polk county
Jersey show, one first and two sec
onds at the state show and one
first at tbe Pacific International
livestock show. Mr. Roblson
plans on putting some of these
heifers on register of merit teat
during the coming year.
Interest Is GesMwal
From some of this you can
gather the reason and reason ibU
ity of such a slogan as "Polk coun
ty against the world."
Then to show that the interest
is general, there are four boys'
and girls' Jersey calf clubs in Polk
county with a membership - of
about 20. Sixteen of these exhibit
ed at the Polk county show last
spring and later at the county
fair and state fair.
Such a series of shows as was
held in western Oregon last year,
and culminating in the challeaga
medal of merit bull was created in
this county. Six of 51 gold medal
bulls are credited to Polk county.
(Eight of 48 medal of merit cows
made the record to Polk county.
But you won't be interested in
! ny more figures. Suffice it to sav
that comparable records in adjoin
ing counties resulted in so much
enthusiasm in the Willamette val
ley of Oregon that the first Jersey
Jubilee -was celebrated h&rk- in
1919. After a period of years the
Jubilee has changed into the
counties taking part. The past
year there 'were Jersey shows dur
ing the latter part of May in Una.
j Polk. Yamhill. Marion and Clack
amas counties, with total entries
of some 500 head.
Ahead to Orecoa
A PelJt county Jersey breeder
ooaceired the idea, of eajpiag
(Mr. Beck is the very effieieat
county agent of Polk county.
Idaho potato growers are de
mandisg that the Interstate com'
merce commission reconsider an
order recently issued which gives
to Wisconsin and Mianeosta ship
pers a preferential rate to Texas
and Oklahoma which gives them
an advantage of 22 cents a hun
dred pounds over the Idaho ship
per. The Oregon growers of pota
toes are directly interested also
and should join Idaho to the de
mand for fair play.
To obtain best results when
cooking a roast, hare the oven
hot to harden the outside and
keep the Juice' in. After that low
er the tempexataxe.