The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 18, 1928, Page 20, Image 20

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jLeozz&rq, ran
Another cf the "Chips Off the Old Block" series
The herald of the flowers,
Sent with its small white flag of truce, to plead
For its beleaguered Brethren ; suppliantly
It prays stern winter to withdraw his troop
Of wind and blustering storms, and, having won
A smile of promise from its pitying foe,
Returns to tell the issue of its errand
To the expectant host.
: Selected.
Music Section of Arts Lea- Interesting Meeting of Salem
gue Enjoys Program Chapter, No. 1, of American
On March 13, the Music section;
of the Salem Arts League met at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steven
A. Stnne. 373 Leslie etreet.
In the absendfc of Dr. Seitz, the
leader of the section, Mrs. Stone
called the meeting to order. Mr.
Ferrey acted! as secretary for the
The following program was giT
en: 1. "The Builder" Cadman
Just a Uttle Lore a Little
Kiss" - Silesne
Mr1, Lyman McDonald (acc. by
( Mrs. McDonald.)
2. ?'Morning" ...Oley Speaks
Ton Dear, and I" Clark
Mri. Iran Stewart (acc by
3 piano solo "Liebestraum"
t . Kreisler
iPolonalse" McDowell
) Mrs. Steven Stone
4. Puet "The Land of Sky Blue
' Waters" Cadman
Mfs. : Ferrey and Mrs. England
feexteet "Drink to me On-
i ly.with Thine Eyes- L
SMrf.- Ferreyr.Mrm. Randall, Mrs.
. , i -f Eaf landMr. Btone
Aleompaaied by Mrs. Williams
t. fTorsaken" , Kosher
Mrs. Ferrey, Mrs. Randall, Mrs.
Stewart. Mrs. McDonald. Mr. Mc
Donald, Mr. Williams.
7. puet "Anvil Chorus" Verdi
Mrs. Williams and Mr. McDonald
-(acc. by Mrs. McDonald)
S. Paper on Liszt .given by
, Mrs. William
9. Personnel Remlnisences of
' Lixat ....given by Mrs. Ebsen
10. Solo "I'll Take Ton Home
Again Kathleen" Westendorff
Mr; McDonald (acc by Mrs. Mo.
11' Soprano solo "The Old
Refrain" Kreisler
Mrs. Ferrey (ace. by Mrs. Stone.)
12. "My Mother Bids Me Bind
My Hair" Haydn
j Mrs. England
13. J Piano solo "Nightengale"
. I : Llsst
: I . Evangeline Hall
14. Soprano solo "Harmony"
Eleanor Moore (acc, by E. O.
ter the program delicious re
freshment were served by the hos
tesses. Mrs. Stone, Mrs. England,
and' Mrs. E. L Donne.
Guests in Salem From
Southern Oregon
Mir, and ; Mrs. Harry Hart of
' Cottage Qrove mre guests at the
home of Mr, and Mrs." W. C Con
ner in Wee Salem. u
fj'a. Mothers
The following interesting article
appeared In a recent issue of the
Vraerlcan War Mother macaxine:
Salem Chapter, No. 1, met In
regular session in our new quar
ters in the Y. M. C . A. building.
After a short business session, in
stallation ' of officers was held.
Mrs. Mark S. Skiff, the retiring
president, acting as installing offi
cer. We look forward to a most
successful year with Mrs. Mable
Lock wood as president, and her
associate officers.
We were pleased to have two
past presidents, Mrs . Conn and
- 1" - "cKson oi AiDany cnapier;
also Mrs. Wire with us. Our state
president, Mrs. John Eugans of
Portland, was unable to be with
us being present at the breaking
ground for our new Veterans' hos
pital which will be the largest
hospital in the United States.
Mrs. W. Carlton Smith gave as
an informal talk, regarding her
trip to Paris. Dr. Smith served ov
erseas as Major in the Medical
corps, also a delegate to the Amer
ican Legion convention.
A large crowd of mothers was
held spellbound . for an hour, as
Mrs. Smith gave us such a snappy
talk full of pep all the way
through. She first showed us a
large bright colored map of Paris.
The streets were gold In color, the
rivers blnA and buildings red,
making a very Frenchy map.
which also pointed out where the
Arc De Triumphe was located.
Hundred of Gold Star mothers
were welcomed to France, and It
was a privilege to extend a band
of fellowship and love to these
mothers, who bad journeyed so
far, to visit the hallowed spot
where their young crusaders
slept. Every assistance seemed to
be offered these pilgrims; their
every known wish was reserved for
them. Special Invitations to func
tions in homes were daily extend
ed to all war mothers.
The message that went forth
from all notables, who presided at
the different divisions of the con
vention, was one of love and trib-
nte to the mothers first
Am to the army that rests for
ever In Europe, there can be noth
ing but comfort come to those who
view the peaceful surroundings,
where tnr heroes' repose.' Upon
rolling plains of green with pare
white, marble crosses, aach giving
an .Important record of identity
- wi vi Kiauui
that will lire forever as, a tesU-the
Jf2C&, SOTL of
d.n3 M.J.gjc&eits.
is featured above.
Social Calenda
j ,
Rev. Fred Grey, head of Con
gregational Religious Education
Society of Seattle, speaker, First
Congregational church, 11 o'clock
Knight Memorial church, 7:30
American Legion Auxiliary. Mc-
Cornack ball. 8:00 o'clock.
State communication. Wlllam-
Hte Shrine, No. 2, Order of White
Shrine of Jerusalem. Msaonic tern
pie. 8:00 o'clock.
Etkota club. Mrs. Alfred JT
Vick, 14S5 North Liberty street
hostess. 2:30 o'clock.
Needlecraft club. Mrs. L. C
Brotherton, 670 South Winter
street hostess.
Salem Writers' League, Mre. W
F. Fargo this evening.
W. F. M. S., Leslie M. E. church
Observance of 69th anniversary.
Church parlors. 2:80 o'clock.
mony of a
life, taken away in
Merry-Go-Round Club Enter
tained at Max O. Buren
Members of the Merry-Go-Round
club were delightfully, entertained
Tuesday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Max O. Buren on
Court street.
The additional guests were Dr.
and Mrs. R. E. Lee Stelner. Mr
and Mrs, C. S. Hamilton, Judge
and Mrs. John L. Rand, and Mr.
and Mrs. Homer H. Smith.
The club membership Includes:
Judge and Mrs. John H. McNary.
Mr. and Mrs. U. O. Shipley, Mr.
and Mrs. W. Q. Allen, Mr. and
Mrs. Rollln K. Page, Mr. and Mrs.
Prank W. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. R.
B. Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben
P. Boise, Dr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Robertson. Dr. and Mrs. J.N.
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. William
Brown, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas B.
Kay, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Moores.
Mrs. Frank Snedecor, Mr, and
Mrs. Will Thielsen, Russell Catlin.
Mrs. Henry Thielsen, and the host
and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Buren.
The high score prises In cards
were won by Mrs. Robertson and
Dr. Smith. ,
Wtt. Fleming. Mrs. Allen and
Mrs. Smith assisted Mrs. Buren
in serving.
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Moores will
be hosts at the next meeting of
the club.
Regular Meeting of W, C.
The regular meeting of the W.
C T. P. " will v be held at 8:30
o'clock Tuesday afternoon in the
Union hall at Sooth Commercial
and Ferry streets. i
A Union Signal program will
be given. t'
a miuuwniup mtk wm iouow
business meeting and program.
Miss Winifred Byrd WxU
Play Concert of Unusual
Miss Winifred Byrd. often call
ed the "coming Carreno of the con
cert stage" will play a piano con
cert Thursday evening, beginning
at eight fifteen o'clock: at the Cap
itol theater, which promises to be
the most important event of the
musical season In Salem.
. Miss Byrd consented to play the
concert while she is In the west
in response to repeated requests
from practically every musical or
ganisation of Salem.
A feature of the program which
Miss Byrd has arranged will be a
group of numbers which she has
dedicated to the young musicians
cf Salem. The pieces will be play
ed with charming colored lighting
effects, a novelty in music that
has never -been offered in Salem.
Miss Byrd's program also in
cludes the "Turkish March," (Ru
binstein-Beethoven) and the "Op
us 10, No. 6" (Black Key study)
by Chopin, both of which have
greatly pleased Salem audiences
in previous concerts which she
has played.
Miss Byrd is recognized already
as one of the leading pianists in
In speaking of Miss Byrd's play
ing, the New York Tribune says In
part: "The size of her audience
which overflowed onto the stage,
was an Indication of the general
Interest in the playing of Winifred
Byrd, who gave a piano recital at
Aeolian hall last evening. Miss
Byrd is that rare avis among Am
erican pianists of her generation
a personality. The alertness of her
step as she comes on the stage.
the enthusiasm with which she
approaches every composition and
the Intensity that pervades her in
terpretations afford welcome re
lief from the commonplace, the
placid and the conventional. Her
highly trained fingers are guided
by unusual intelligence. She has a
feeling for line as well as for de
tail. Her interpretations are invar
iably, original, authoritative."
Her program last evening in
cluded music by Schumann, Chop-
n, McDowell and Liszt. Generally
speaking her playing was of super
lative quality and deserves ever
wider recognition.
Her program for Thursday eve
ning will be as follows:
I. . I
Chopin Ballade in G minor
Waltz in E minor
Study Opus 10, No. 10
Study Opus 10. No. 6 (Black
key study)
- Turkish March
Group of children's pieces dedi
cated to young musicians of Salem
Czerny ...."Two studies from opus
Bartok "Children's Pieces"
MacDowell "Brer Rabbit"
MacDowell "Witches Dance'
Alkan "The Wind'
Liszt "A Dream of Love
"Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2"
Joy Turner Moses Presents
Violin and Piano Students
Joy Turner Moses presented 25
of her Salem clolin and piano stu
dents in recital Thursday even
ing at her residence-studio, 335
North Capitol street.
Miss Hulda La Vera Hammond
vocalist, was the assisting artist
Tor the evening.
The following n ambers were
;iven :
Duet "On Parade March"
Maxlne Hill and Genevieve Hinz
"Rosy Cheeks" Emerson
Laura Brown
"March" Emersor
Bobby Ollne
"May Song" Vogt
Cleve Bartlett
"Walts" Carey
Esther Aline
"Let Us Try" Spaulding
Sophie Hughes
"Dreams of Home". . Greenwald
Fred Blevins
Duet "In Merry Wood" . . Carey
Eileen and Maxlne Goodenougb
"The Paxies Good Night Song"
Philip Martin
"Dance of the Wild Flowers"
Helen Miller
"Right of Way March"
Maxlne Hill
"Intermezzo" Anthony
Genevieve Hinz
"Boy Scout March" Herman
Maxlne Case
"Slave Song"....... Del Riego
Hulda LaVern Hammond
"The Fountain" Miles
Rachel Howard
"In Gay Colors" Anthony
Mrs. Lowell Davenport,
. Maxlne Case
Minuet la O" Beethoven
Ernie Marrs
Valse In E Flat" .... Durand
Betty Martin
"On Lake Chautauqua" ...
Grace Clakr
"Intermezzo" from "Caval
leria Rustkana" . . . Mascagni
Joan Evans
"Caprice" - Wachs
Margaret Barns
Daet "Grande Galop de Con
cert" Goerdeller
Margaret Barns, Grace Clark
"Stradella" SIngelee
. Dalbert Jepsen
Instrumental trio violin,
cello, piano "Boat
Song" ........ . . . Dancla
Roy Damon, William E. Moses,
Mrs. Moses.
Mrs. W. M. Smith Hostess
at Bridge Tea
Mrs. W. M. Smith was hostess
Friday -afternoon In her home on
Center street at an attractive four-
table bridge tea.
- Baskets of daffodils and fern
war arranged about the living
Tl :: -
j- . 4 .
.. . .
Who will play a piano concert at the Capitol theater
Thursday evening, March 29.
rooms of the Smith home.
The guest group included Mrs.
W. P. Babcock. Mrs. H. E. Craw
ford. Mrs. M. C. Petteys, Mrs. H.
P. Adams, Mrs. J. A. Bernard!.
Mrs. E.,D. Lloyd, Mrs. R. C Krle-
sel. Mrs. H. A. Cupper. Mrs.i
Percy Cupper, Mrs. A. L. Bllam-
Bied, Mrs. Amos Vass, Mrs.4Lou
Grote. Mrs. F. N. Derby. Mrs.
George Dunsford. Mrs. Emma
Murphy, Mrs. Ida Niles, Mrs. Lo
rena Baraett, Mrs. O. A. Olson
Mrs. E. E. Gibbard, and the hos
tess, Mrs. Smith.
The first prize for high score
was won by Mrs. Bampied. Mrs.
II. A. Cupper received the second
MrB. Petteys and Mro. Brown
assisted Mrs. Smith in serving at
the tea hour.
Bono Tempo Briarje Club
The Bono Tempo Bridge club
was entertained last Tuesday aft-
?rnoon at the home Mrs. Harry
Krapps' on North 14th street.
Luncheon was served at one
Several hours of bridge were en
joyed following the luncheon. The
Mgh score prize was won by Mrs.
ndicott, and the second by Mrs.
C. Moffitt.
The following new officers were
elected: president, Mrs. Paul
Schmidt; vice-president, M r s.
Chester Moffitt; and secretary
reasurer, Mrs. Endicott.
The rooms of the Krapps' home
vere decorated with daffodils and
Japanese Quince.
The next meeting of the club
will be held at the home of Mrs.
Chester Moffitt.
Willing Workers' Cfass of
First Christian Church Has
St. Patrick's Party
The Willing Workers' class of
the First Christian church held a
very enjoyable St. Patrick's day
party in the church parlors on
Friday evening.
Baskets of wild flowers and
greenery In combination with St.
of frocks are
; mcnts, which
of oneself, yet fill every
double, of the very finest French Voile, lightly
boned with satin overstripping, they will actually
wear as well as the average corset of a ?ar heavier
. brocade.
The Wraparound illustrated typifies the free
dam and grace of youth. There is a Warner"
Shadow Garment for every figure. Transparent,
perfectly beautiful, and oh, so easy to launder.
$2.48 - $3.48 - $4.98
MARCH. 18, 1928
1 iA.'rJ!i -"-Tl
or .- ... y . -
- -A ' ' 9
Patrick's novelties were arranged
abdut the rooms.
Mrs. Kathryn Brooks of Eugene
If you can't decide whether you
like blondes or brunettes best.
here's a bit of evidence that'll help
fou make up your mind. Artists
love to paint her blonde beauty
and theatre-goers rave over it
She's Elsa Cover, of 650 West
173rd St., New York City.
"When people tell me how much
they admire my hair," she says,
"I'm always happy to tell them
what I do to keep It soft and
gleamy. It's really no trouble.
All I do is put a few dashes of
Danderine on my brush each time
I use it. That's the way nearly
every really smart girl I know Is
doing hers. My hair doesn't need
shampooing more than once a
month, now. My scalp feels bet
ter than it ever has felt. It has
gotten rid of all my dandruff, and
It makes my hair easy to dress
and holds it in position."
Danderine is not oily. It re
moves the oily film from each
strand and restores the natural
color and lustre. It dissolves
dandruff, cleanses and invigorates
the scalp. It Is delightfully fra
granced. The big bottees are just
35c at all drug stores. Smooth,
gleaming healthy hair for a few
AU three are combined
in this
appropriate for the filmiest
these goesamer-like gar
seem to feel actually Dart
practical need. Made,
! " J
fv j ' V i.
"m worker for the Eugene Bi
ble school and its missionary en
terprises, was a special gnest She
led the entertainment for the aTe-
They're Just In
A New Shipment of
Lovely quality heavy flat crepe, in a score of clever
new styles. One and two piece models in pretty shades
of Beige, Rose, Blue, Red. They are so such splendid
styles and values you will want two or three.
Come and See Them
A Pleasure 16 Show You
Opposite Oregon Electric Depot
Tweed for Spring
Tweed suits and ensembles are
occasions and not exnenaivA.
are adaptable to all purposes , and
occasions and are not expensive.
A complete'array of the newest in Tweed suits will be
SSliSfc' S3? dUble bWed etioats
that are silk lined with vmtp around skirts.
04.75 OH9.7502GeCOOS9.00
" Ml of groomed, and a feelin
Street ,
v.t.M.tlas? lantern slides were
a feature of the evening.
Refreshments were -
late hoar, ti '.'
When Glasses Are
New Location
Dr. C. B. O Neill
Fourth Floor
First National Bank Building
Phone eZS
Imaginable for
Incomparable Values