V J - 0- if wriioB's REMARKABLE LIFE He is "Greatest Adventurer In Human Welfare of Our Times" (Charles C. Greer ho? written a remarkable brief akeh of the life of Herbert Hoover, Salem boy who! haa become the "greatest adven turer In- human welfare of our time;" touching only the high apots;' the outstanding events and accotnpltohments of Mr. Hoover's .great career. It la worth reading. It is as follows: ) May I briefly outline the story of the "grteet adventurer in hu l -amid welfare of our times' whose jutme even now almost a house bold word the world over, to re fresh oar memories of his unique record ? The touchstone of his career probably-lies In his Quaker ances try of which oar latest contemp orary philosopher "Trader Horn" has this to say: "The Quaker. Ma'am, I've always held to be a bora par whether in trade or In religion. or la ordinary life." Born In the Quaker village of West Braaclt, Iowa, his father, a country blacksmith, died when he six; Ale mother, a woman of Mutual mentality, died when he waa eight. Devoted Quaker rela tives carefully brought him up. -among them a farmer-doctor who made possible his attendance at .a small Quaker academy near Port land, Oregon. At fourteen he was earning his own living, and. meeting a mining engineer while an office boy, learned from hhn something ot the outside world and the opportuni ties afforded for thjb study or sci--eace and engineering. Leland Stanford was just then being es tablished in California and David Starr Jordan became Its president; on its faculty was also Joseph Swain, a Quaker, later president of Swarthmore college. ' Entering as a member of Its ' first freshman class, majoring in geology, which department then included mining engineering, he .graduated in 1895. In the lecture room he not only became acquaint ed with toe study of geology and engineering, but also with a Cali fornia girl, who later became his wife and the mother of his two boys. Hi sheepskin not proving a practical tool, he laid it aside for a miner's pick. The, foreman ot the Mayflower mine in California dWighta to tell of tne days when young Hoover was "just a common laborer in his rang." Then fol , -, iowed aa engineering job In west ;f5'if -tltxallk na of the world's meant :vte' deserts which J 't ..xtgia&mo with water supplies a transportation (unconscious preparation for his future work, - let us hope, in solving the problem of rontrel of the Mississippi). Then China beckoned; thither he went with bis bride to develop its mining interests, just in time to be bottled up for four weeks in the clege ef Tien Tsln In the Boxer rebellion of 1900." This was bis baptism! In war bat also his Introduction to foreign af fairs and diplomacy.1 It may . be fairly assumed that the attitude of our government through its great secretary of state. John Hay. in insisting on the 'administrative entity of Chi na" and It I f1 icing the powers 'TP !W 1: . ? , - tor the "open bh the young ual irividlv reels- oo, hUi memory as an exam- -;Ww oi aipiomauo square aeaung. " Leaving China he went again to California, the agent of govern- ments in engineering matters in 1 Australia, In Russia, India and the . . .TI . . , tnited States. These undertak- ings Included not only mining but questions of transportation on land and water, of housing and feeding industrial communities, of economic and social plans for im provement in the living condi tions of workmen and their fam ilies. In Russia his work Included "Everything from the extraction of rare ores and lumbering to the manufacture and sale of the fin fohed product, the conduct of land ed estatee. various dealings with the Rnealan government with ' - for the community com -.There in between." ' and similar experiences a training for public serr 4 which flowered in his unparal leled performances for all the em battled peeples during the World war Were a slogan to be suggested, none more fitting could be found than "Hoover, the Humanitarian one who holds that man's duty -is limited to right doing toward others and an interest In publlo welfare. In the language of one of his Intimates "a new kind of en gineering and administration not paid for in money but in the tear ful gratitude of human millions was to occupy completely the time, energy, brain and heart of Herbert Hoover for the next five years." Happening to be in London when in 1914 -the war broke,-he found thousands of Americans held up. as frontier boundaries one after another closed; penniless abroad although with unlimited credit at home. Organising a committee of Am ericans, together they sent home over 165.000 stranded fellow citi zens in two months. Ambassador Page will ever shine In the annals of American diplomacy bat no wiser action was ever taken, by him than in making Herbert' Hoov er head of the commission for re lief in Belgium'. . - Could practical statesmanship and diplomacy be bettor exempli fied than' in the "treaties" made, :,X,-; .V- ' i with both the Allies and Qenaany whereby E, 90 0,0 00 ton of food staffs, worth ft-00.e00.900 were made available thromgk Rotterdam into Belgian and northern Franco to their 10.009.000 inhabitants foUewed by aa accounting showing the whole overhead cost of distri bution to be lean than one per cent of the money involved! This un precedented performance has rightly beeji termed the "first food administration in the world." Hoover has bnt one prototype Joseph, the food administrator of the Pharaohs, with the essential difference that Joseph was not a philanthropist. This great work, unique in the annals 'of the world, continued after oar entrance into the war. Hoover remaining Its guiding hand and brain, and eventuated In the remarkable fact that 2.500.000 children emerged in health above the normal. President Wilson drafted him for. services at home. None of us will forget our bran and middlings rations, but we do not hold that against its author, for it was vol untary self-denial in which we took perhaps too much pride. The United 'States grain corporation, Hoover's own creation, protected us from profiteering and at the same time protected our farmers from foreign donJ nation. The food problem -did not end with the war. The territories once held by the central powers were all in seed of sustenance. Chaos 'such as we have no faint concep tion of reigned in these war-torn states. Humanitarian measures were imperative if millions were to be saved from starvation. Our government 'f arm ed the American tteiiei Awninlstratlan congress appropriated ?f 100.909.000 loans were later made by our own and other governments in even greater amounts to set the needy nations upon their feet. Hoover Missions under the immediate direction of the great organiser made quick surveys fol lowed by administrative workers all over Europe. Nice questions in diplomacy, requiring constant and instant solution, were met and the needy of all nations relieved. Mr. Hoover, as the leading mem ber of the Supreme Economic Council, saw to all the details and was given by unanimous consent carte blanche as to methods and agreements affecting the whole problem of transportation, finance and distribution of foods. Again quoting from an associate, "Oer many ana Austria were in dire need and fighting against bitter war prejudice. Hoover broke down the blockade, found them food in nuge quantities, and lived for months under the stigma from the more bitter groups of being 'pro- uerman. who was in reality pro human, pro-women, pro-children and pro-helpless." Provincialism may be our beset ting sin in the eyes of Europeans, but the term may never be ap plied to Hoever; to them he is a cmxen ot the world who knows and sympathizes with Ihem our ambassador of peace to 23 Euro pean countries. In addition Hoov er led In the administration of the European children's fund, which saved millions of orphans of cen tral and eastern Europe. These children are becoming the men ana women of tomorrow the moral Influence of Herbert Hoover In these countries must be enormous and the best guarantee or iraternai relations in the fu ture. Called by President Harding to nis cabinet as secretary of com merce early In 1921 he gave to his new position all the experience samea in nis war and post-war activities. The department under his vigorous and farslghted admin istration has resulted in bringing about a complete reconstruction which Is now recognized both at home and abroad. Late in the same year conditions In Russia called again for imme diate outside assistance. Nearly 20.000.000 were in danger of star vation. Europe, busy in binding up its own wounds, was unable to give aid. America, under Hoover's direction, stepped into the breach. After getting the facts and obtain ing assurances from the unstable Soviet government that his work would not be Interfered with con- Lgress appropriated tzo ono nnn ior nussias immediate relief. which sum was supplemented by private subscription, In this coun iry oy Red Cross supplies and irom otner sources, including no. 000.000 pledged by the Russian government. Nearly 12,000,000 tons ot rood were distributed, an- aer conditions rendered most dif ficult because of Bolshevik rule. (Contiaaatd on pf 16) ED Klamath Falls Youth Bound Over To Grand Jury At Portland PORTLAND, March 17. (AP) Isaac Larkey, 13, was bound over today by Kenneth F. Fraser, United States commissioner to await calling of the federal grand Jury when charges of breaking and entering a government poet office will be placed against him. His father, Ronald Larkey. Is a Klamath county logger and the boy. had been living with his grandmother In Klamath Falls. About three weeks ago- he and a nine year old boy are alleged to have stolen an automobile and to have driven It . six miles . beyond Keno. There Larkey went! to sloop, leaving she switch turned on with the result that the battery ran down and he could not start POSTOFFICE ROBBED MING UD BUM THE OREGON COBB MUCY.niSUNDERSTOOD, tv. z if m -yCiV M 'y$&u- V VfWy 1 csr Juhhr. W V:;, Ty Cobb, fiery tempered and briiant ball star, is not the martinet fans Ions have thought him to be. but a good handler of men. according to Lou Blue, former Detroit infielder. Here -are three views of Cobb -as an Athletic, a huntsman the machine. He was soon arrest ed. Reprimanded by officers the two boys were sent home but were afraid to appear before their fam ilies .and epent several days) around Klamath Falls living by selling Junk. They were again ar rested and ordered committed to St Marv'a home at Hillsboro af ter they are said to nave broken into the office of a Klamath coun ty planing mill and stolen $4.50 from the cash register. The confinement at St. Mary's was not to young Larkey's liking, so a week ago he left. Last Sun day afternoon he Is said to have entered the postoffice at Hillsdale by way of a window and to have taken $51.06. Young Larkey's case presents somewhat of a problem to Forrest E. LIttlefieid. deputy federal at torney to whom the prosecution has been assigned. The prosecu tor saye the prisoner admits everything he is charged with. It is expected he will be sent to one of the approved reformatories if he is found guilty. L LAUDS FBEE STATE BALTIMORE. Md.. Mar. 17 (AP) The birth of the Irish Free State out of years of tragic conflict presents to Ireland a long sought independent government and an avenue to constant peace between that country and Eng land, said Sir Esme Howard. British ambassador, in an address tonight before the Hibernian so ciety of Baltimore. "I realise," said Sir Esme. "all the tragedy that lay in the long struggle of kings and parliament it was as much the fault of the one as the other to turn Ireland into a country on the English model, an effort which Ireland al ways opposed and rejected. I was only 21 years old when I became an ardent home ruler before Gladstone pronounced in favor of home rule and formed the belief that neither Great Britain nc Ireland would be peaceful and happy until Ireland was free to govern herself In her own way and according to her own ideals. I may say I neyer swerved. Sports DoneBiwm SOMEWHERE SOUTH One of the most familiar figures of minor league baseball is ready to start his 24th year In the game at the same old stand. That of umpiring. That man is Ollie Anderson, signed for another year on the um piring staff of the South Atlantic league. Anderson broke Into the game as an umpire in 1905 in the northern league. Since that time he has um pired ball games from Winnipeg, Canada to Galveston, Texas, and from New York to San Francisco. He has called balls and strikes in the Pacific Coast league, the American association, the Western league, Texas, New York state, and then of recent years the Booth Atlantic. He also served a arbiter in the Federal leauge during Its short but Actio existence. The first 10 years of his career he umpired "single" the only of ficial in the game. Then came the doable umpire system, which lightened his work. The first six years he labored he was the only man to complete the season In Ills league. But hero Is the most marvelous part of his career. He has not missed a single ball game or oven one-half of a doa ble header as he pats 1C Getting tired of the game? Anderson says not. As a matter of fact he hfts Just added new re sponsibilities to his dally duties. BRITISH OFFICII STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, and in Tiger uniform. Inert is Blue. He has broken into the develop ment end of the game by design ing new baseball plants for vari ous minor league clubs. His latest effort was that of laying out the new park in the city of Augusta. Ga. Anderson has kept up with the game. He is now laboring to make the club owners and officials ot baseball see the logic of his solu tion of the much discussed foul ball problem. Two or three changes have been made in the rules governing long hits over outfield fences or into grandstands, which start fair and may end in their fight outside an umpire's vision. The rule which left It to the um pire to determine the nature of the hit at the point at which it passed over the fence was found to leave too much room for discussion. Then it was altered to permit the umpire to determine the fairness or foulness at the point at which the ball disappeared from sight. This solution has not proved sat isfactory. Anderson urges the erection of a 60 foot flag pole at each corner of the field left field and right field, at the junction of the foul line and the outfield boundary. These poles would carry a white band on the side facing the home plate. All balls passing Inside this pole would be classed as fair hits, and all passing on the foul side. foul hits. Balls striking the poles would be called fair balls. Anderson urges as the principle merit of this plan the fact that it would at least eliminate all caus 1 -jSSwlMf.v:aWe3i Ji , I ' aA Lt ': i?f V? - M'AXfiJty . s ' , To break a cold harmlessly and in a hurry try a Bayer Aspirin tablet. And for headache, -The action of Aspinn is very efficient; too, in cases of neuralgia, neuritis, even rheumatism and lumbago ! And there's no after effect ; doctors give Aspirin to. children often infants. Whenever there's pain, think of Aspirin. The genuine Bayer Aspirin has Bayer on the box and on every tablet. All druggists, with proven directions. Physicians prescribe Bayer Aspirin; 7 it does NOT affect the heart . Attrte is tt tne '-i. n rjssr ybtJZ forte. At0 tbifAt(tyr ftiftf&1tfC J- BECKE & 189 N. IUgA SAYS LOU BLU es for argument and relieve the umpires a hard task. The heighth of the poles, at that distance from the plate, would pre clude the possibility of balls being hit over the "top" of the foul pole. FORT MYERS, Fla., I'm go ing to meet the Yankees at their own game hitting!" Such is the startling statement of Connie Mark, leader of the Athletics. "The Yankees wound up last season with' a team batting ave- raee of .307." says Mack. "Wo had a team average just 4 points? below this .303. Well! "The Yankees slammed out l.-i 644 hits, and we collected 1.606. "The champs outclassed us in home runs, of course, but we hit 281 doubles, within 10 as many as they did. Outside, of straight hitting we topped them. They laid down 203 sacrifice hits and we had 217. i Once 'on the sacks we stole more bases than they did, 98 to their 90. Ami What's More "Since last season we have add ed batting strength in the acqui sitlon of Speaker, Hauser, Blng Miller. Ossie Orwoll, and possibly Bevo LeBourveau. There is every reason to believe that AI Simmons and French will bit as hard as they did last year. "Then there is Joe Hauser. If he plays through the season as I expect him to. he will improve the batting strength of the team, as well as strengthen the infield. "With Ed Collins, Jim Dykes, ind Young Fox on the bench. In iOLDS Bajr Xuafactws ot Moaoowiticscliiffar t 8UctUeeia JAW fei&t HENDRICKS Telephone 101 MARCTjgJg ' tflA mt Into thO unonn a - X wnnl to CMaff a. - -jm A a-feei onr nlteher :JT1 aama Mad ot hitting mm a,.J. IhMSttAM that th. Tnnlt glT we Tnen n w . wno lMOvnln tor nnf mfnnj - 1.1. M im nnrinii staff to face Ui Tnnnee ram last roar.- t- vr. m Mhers - Connie treats his pitching staftL Connie treats ne pm.iM, . wrsas. into a i - -kindly In his discussion of W-fgirtji. He Is either ripe this year hopes. He has had what appeared to be a great delivery crew on . W . ..Mrti vears. nm wuwi V w. more, Inst season, tne squau ed to dick nt all. Mack has hopes, but only nopes for the comin gseason. s iar Mthinr is concerned. He had add ed Osslo Orwoll. all-around star of the Milwaukee-team, orwon, vm signed as a pitcher, was acquirea partly because of Ms fine nailing and general utility ability. He is a left-hander, 'however, and should be come through in the box III aid Mack's tea mmateriauy. Then there is "Jing" Johnson. ho. at 33 .is seeking to do a comeback after years .away from the majors. What Is It? It's for you Watch for "13" Main Spring Arch AWalkiQver Creation Like walking on air ALL of the three points of r. contact of the Main Spring Arch are on a resilient pad. Every step gives you a joyous feeling of buoyancy 415 State St. Member of Rottle Bnh a Old Jo BuUnd Claud Joa- r are the only other important nnxi nro the onl otlw importnnt f Via nitcninc aaaiuoaa - u. chot. Ho seomed .. v ...re aco. bat hrUHnnt synrtn hnro given him now hope. Should he" staii ui -w ----- -.mh rw eood came, or iui W - " - rap for n period aurmg m ser. wUl aeiD ww - ardihas been trying for years to lit Into n regular bj" odeTfnitely not n big leaguer. -VJ-n fi i 'm LEftlGH TEAM CAPTURES MktL l PRINCETON. N. J.. Mr. 17 (AP) Lehigh grapylers captured tho Intercollegiate asaociaiion championships today with a total point score of 0. Cornell toon second place with 15 points; r-enn O) At Salem Armory Arena Wednesday, March 21 10 3-MINUTE ROUNDS NO RAISE IN PRICES ' I-10BBS vs. CLEGIIORf! The Only Alaskan Indian in the Ring 4 OTHER BOUTS Tickets on Sale at Adolph's Cigar Store This Bank Believes - There is no service that any bank can offer that will take the place of absolute safety plus an honest, whole-hearted interest in the financial progress of its depositors. And on this basis this bank invites your account be it large or small. v . United States National Bank 'The Bank That Service Built" . " "w mhmm drying thm John J. Rottle EXPERT 8HOB Pll'l'KR Broe. Btorotfonteo Elm, State third with IS and Y foarth with 11. 9nu;.y, ,- . uU i ; TRACK MEET WON m m urn . . . XXS ANGELES. Coliseum, M,r 17.-(AP) The San Franc!.. , Olynplo team won the track in-t held hero today in the collseun arnrm- OlvTBDlC club. 69 Diim-c Unirersity of Southern California 62 points. MELROSE HIKER WINS MARATHON BOSTON, Mar. 17 (AP) Clarence Demar of Melrose, ve: eran marathon runner today ily won a 44 mile road race from Providence to Boston. Nonn of the other runners was in sight when he finished. mrmn Mta mmry If thm tnU thm tram n I 1 BIem, Ore. gholton, Tonlno, wi. i