The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 18, 1928, Page 12, Image 12

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Airplane Carrier Lexington Uses
. Graham Brothers Truck As Tender
II Mil
Essential' Feature of Comfortable-Home
May Be
Easily Attained
New Business For First Part
of 1928 Heavier By
Wide Margin
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J WliHW t ,
v itcoHD Flooi? Plaji'
I Diking ?k. !? v- SrSfi-
YKbT Tloor PuawK
W. J. Howard
Until a comparatively few
years ago, frame construction was
of considerable lees cost than
brick; that .is, it was cheaper to
build a house with a wood frame
covered with sheathing boards
and finished in siding or shingles
1 than to make the walls of solid
brick or even brick veneer. This,
however, is no longer the case,
rvith the catting off of the for
, ests, wood is no longer the cheap
. material that it was in former
years, hence the difference in cost
' has been so reduced that in many
- parts of the country the cost of
wood, construction approximates
that of brick. As a consequence,
brick" is rapidly coming into gen
eral and popular use for all types
, of residences from the largest
' mansion to the smallest bungalow.
There Is a false idea in the
minds of many prospective home
builders which is but a left-over
idea of former days that such a
latce difference in costs still ex
ists. Under this condition it is a
matter of interest to stop a mo
ment and roughly analyze where
the possible differences could be
involved. Brick is used tor the
outside walls above ground only,
barring its possible and frequent
use in basements. Basements
however, are common in all types
of houses and are of one form of
masonry or another in all cases
so that the walls above the ground
are the only places that it can
make' a difference in ' the cost.
With this in mind and having
some slight idea of the cost of
roofing, plumbing, heating, In-
terior finish, mlllwork, hardware
House Paints, Barn Paints
and Stains
Manufactured in Salem
Guaranteed white lead and linseed oil base, mannfao
turea by experts with more than fifteen years' experi
ence with the largest paint manufacturers. - Cut your
paint cost, . Buy a home product direct from the ftsr?
tory. ( Save $1.50 per gallon. Phone us for free estim
ate on painting: &&d suggestions.
'". - i - - V - ...
.White Lead Oil and Turpentine -'
- " VarnishTor Less -
Factory 2649 Portland Road
1 -i
-111 I 1
lllllMIMf I -
and other fixtures, even the most
inexperienced in building will im
mediately recognise the fact that
the outside walls of a well built
eouse cannot possibly exceed fif
teen or twenty per cent of the to
tal cost. It is a fact that walls of
the average small house of from
five to seven rooms use but from
eighteen to twenty-five thousand
brick and that the masonry con
tract for the walls completed on
such homes seldom exceeds 900
to 11200 and often less, including
all labor and materials. In the
brick house this figure will in
clude the chimneys and fireplaces
which are usually a part of the
walla. It is readily seen through
this analysis that a large cost dif
ference is impossible.
That the brick house is an ex
cellent type of house has long
been conceded and so it is not
strange, therefore, that since they
have now come within the reach
of all, that there has been an
enormous increase in the use of
brick for this purpose. Many per
sons have always desired brick
homes, now they can have them,
if they can afford a home at all.
and they are getting .them. Sub
stantial homes are always the best
investment because they are
money severs over periods of time.
Brick homes have few competitors
in economy of upkeep. It is well
said of them that they depreciate
little because good brick are . not
effected when exposed to the ele-
mnts. In fact, ageing only mel
lows a brick wall. Brick walls on
substantial foundations are safe
from disagreeable cracking be-
Phone 2788
cause the material does not . warp
or shrink.
. ' The beauty of brickwork has its
appeal to most all home lovers. It
is safe to say that no other struc
tural material has such an Innum
erable variety of exterior appear
ances as brick. No two brick walls
need ever look alike. Brick Is
made in several different colors
and each in many shades. The unit
is small and the hand of the clev
er designer may lay them in many
ways. Brick alone has truly dls
tincttve beauty and it Is a beauty
of a permanent nature because
its colors are natural and cannot
fade or ran.
Builders and architects, feel
ing the -pulse of Ihe popular de
mand, are creating new things in
brick design and adapting old
ones to modern usage' and they
are getting very attractive results
The demand for brick homes in
tne nortnwest is growing in a re
markable fashion. A rough check
shows that more brick homes were
built In the northwest last year
than in the previous five years
Many well known northwest home
builders are placing substantial
and well designed brick' homes on
the market daily.
When one desires to use brick
for building a home, no misgiv
ings are necessary concerning the
use of local products because these
brick will be made locally with lo
cal labor and capital.
One Community Gains In
Population Over 1 500
In Ten Years
New homes built in the vicinity
ot the Leslie Methodist church
and Salem Heights In the last ten
years have numbered 345 accord
ing to a survey made by the men
of the church and announced at
a program last Sunday in which
lantern slides were used.
Tis construction made possible
a population gain of 1500. There
is additional possibility for grow
th in the district as far south
as Hovt street, of 100 mnr hnmoi
New additions planned sooth of
Iloyt street but within a mile and
one-half of Leclie church, have an
area of 200 acres, which would
add 800 more homes when fully
built up.
The school enrollment in thi
territory has Increased in ten
years by S00. or 75 per cent. Ii
the Salem heichta terrltorv It h
increased by 87. or 181 per cent.
The entire area tributary to Leslie
church has thus Increase in
school enrollment 387, or 88 per
Daring this period the member
ship In Leslie church has increased
231, or 108 per cent, but th
Sunday school has galntd only 17
per cent, the figures showed.
Awho doss tx(ry
There's no sllrer lining to
your plumbing trouble it
the- out-of-aight . work waa
alighted. Good Plumbing Ja
rnrfh what It COSta. ABT
other kind lan't " worth
house-room 1 .
"Whca yo steed a plumber,
jom seed a good on)! '
. , i
1613 Ceater Street '
rboe 852 mad 1S10-TY
Fine' Fixtures
, Standard Equipment -'
a ft A
The market during the past
two week has continued lo
uengtheu under an exceptynali
eV)r demand.
Alt barometers of current lum
ber business reileci a volume ti
orders far in excess of that a yea
-iso. As a matter of fact, .tn
iciest West Coast Association re
vort shows tnat business is fieav
.tr than it has been at any timt.
mce tne miadie of July last year.
New business for the first seven
weeks of 1J2S is heavier by a
wiae margin than tor either ot
ut! three preceding; years, bhip-
ueuu ana production1 are like-
U heavier.
Practically the same condition
is reelected in the southern pint,
orders so far this year are 3.2 per
-eiit above the tnree-year aver
age production. 'Lie productiou
4.11 per cent below the tbrce
jear average. Tnis is signlikant
jlihI seema to bear out statement;.
made by Chas. P. Keith and other
that southern pine production wii
4how a very large decrease, which
should help, the pouglas fir situa
The National Lumber Manufae
turerrs' barometer indicates or
ders far in excess of those of last
year. Reports from Kansas City
indicate that heavy buying is mak
ing severe Inroads in yellow pine
stocks and that - recent price ad
vances have been well maintained
and that surplus stocks that were
freely offered several weeks ago
have now practically disappeared.
Here in the Northwest Douglas
fir prices are In many cases high
er. ' It Is true that there is a con
siderable range in values and
ome of the more, important ship
pers feel that some mills are not
obtaining what they should and
could obtain for their lumber in
view of the present active demand.
In calling attention to the very
active demand for lumber at this
time the West Coast Lumberman
fully appreciates the fact that
some wholesalers are very well
supplied with orders, while others
seem not to be sharing in this
burst of business which is now
coming this way. Just whiy this
shou'd be we can ont say except
it may be due to gradually chang
ing conditions and to the fact that
these firms are not keeping
abreast with the times developing
business for their organizations.
Methods which were successful
five or ten years ago frequently
no longer produce results. This is
not peculiar with the lumber busi
ness, but is a fact well known In
all industries.
One of the unfortunate features
of the present market la the fact
that the general run of uppers do
not display the strength shown by
common. Some flooring and ceil
ing items move slowly. The big
drop in price during the past two
years was largely in the upper
grades. This, of course, has hit
the mills hard because It la In
such items that losses In common
must be made up.
Production seems to be normal
for this time of the year. Not
withstanding that logging is now
in full swing, the log supply is not
The shingle market continues,
to be strong with an upward ten
dency. The fir door market If
stronger and higher,
There has been practically nolcmpositiTCyreay(ntftaienta,virties
change in the Atlantic coast or
foreign markets. Business cen be
said to be normal in practically
every division.
There is still a good deal of
railroad buying and firms cater
ing to this class of business de-
If every other good thing be put into ,
a building except Common Sense, then
an irreparable mistake has been
says Practy Cal.
mm u' i 3 i 5- -J
. - ! :
(HHIS Detroit built truck is part oj the r tutor equipment of the huge Unite J States
JL Navy's ship and is used for carrying officers, or marines to and from fields of action.
Tne wing of a plane strapped on the truck roof is ready to be rushed to an emergency job.
ciare there will be more within
the next sixtw days.
(Reprint from West Coast Lum
berman, March 1, 1928)
Field Men Make Survey of
Market For Douglas Fir
and Plywood
LONG VIEW, Wn., March 12.
Various projects designed to in
crease the demand for West Coast
woods are now being developed in
different parts of the country by
representatives of the West Coast
Lumber bureau, according to C. J.
Hogue, manager of the field de
partment of the Bureau.
Four field men are attending
conventions of regional associa
tions of retail lumber dealers, ac
quainting them with the properties
and best fuses of Douglas fir. West
Coast hemlock. Western red cedar
and Sitka spruce, and telling them
of what the bureau is doing to in
crease the sale of these woods
through retail dealers.
Two bureau fleldbaen are mak
ing survey of the market for
Western red cedar and Douglas
Louise Rice, world famous graphologist,'
and faults in the drawings, words and
what nots that you scribble when "lost
In thought".
Send your 44 scribbling " or signature
for analyWm. Kncloae the picture ot th Mikado
bead, cot from a bos of Mikado pmHto. aad
ten cents. Addrcaa LouhW Rice, care of
1 '
Equipped for Water, Land and Air.
fir plywood in the eastern indus
trial field. Other projects being
developed by bureau fieldmen In
clude work on the eastern build
ing codes in connection with gain
ing acceptance of the proper rat
ing of various grades of Douglas
fir, contact with mlllwork firms
on the Pacific coast and in the
middle west, promotion of the co
operative construction of homes
from the first prise design in the
West Coast Woods Architectural
competition, and work with east
coast engineers in the Interest of
the structural grades of Douglas
fir. !
Two fieldmen working In the
northwest will go east soon to join
the bureau representatives now
attending retail dealer conventions!
in conducting a series of spring
meet fn ?a for tnmhpr flsloRmftn r- f
tall lumber dealers, contractors,? ,. JUJU
...(. j , (spending spare hours around the
carpenters and painters.
ideas Will Blossom Forth in
New Plantings and
Now that spring has indicated
an intention of staying with us.
the some-owner gardner will be
out with spade and hoe turning up
brick mm m
"I Just Love a Brick Home"
H?S?thr!5f TC1 -f the .oft rplexing question, "What kind of home shall we
t-ZttilJ? he brick construction, you will have a home that wU endure for
generations one of which you and your children's children can alike be proud.
- - Long-Run- Economy
And unless you Thave already made a
. study of . costs, : you probably will be
amazed at tne real economy of building
with brick. - Evea the first cost of brick
construction Unreasonable as compared
with; other building costs, 'while its sav
ing to long-run cost is remarkable.
V " . ': Z i
'?'CrL SSfm
i ii in r
the soil and enjoying the frag
rance thereof.
Ideas for improving the land
scaping by a touch here and there
that have been formulating in
the home-owner's mind during
the winter will materialise and
blossom forth In new planting and
garden walls and walks.
"Brick is an exceptionally ver
satile and economical material to
use in the 'retouching' process,"
points out the Pacific Northwest
Brick A Tile association. "The
rich warm colors of brick ma
sonry in garden walls produce
very pleasing and harmonious ef
fects when used in combination
with the foliage of growing
sand base makes a beautiful gar-
si a v vr allr tKai onvsvto wrh A AH invfi
pending spare
home grounds can build and can
afford. A winding walk in the
back yard leading to such a brick
terrace under a neatly constructed
family clothes line makes this
necessary feature of the back
yard a feature of less ugliness. It
likewise serves a utilitarian pur
pose on-dryvy or muddy mornings
when the family wash or clothes
are to be aired.
Elba and St. Helena are the
names of the two Islands on which
Napoleon was imprisoned, an ans
wered question points out in this
week's issue of Liberty Magazine.
Cristobal and Colon are he two
cities at the Atlantic end of the
Panama Canal, an answered ques
tion points out in Liberty Magazine.
' ...,-t- '
I j n is v 1 s
I VI if W I V-
"A. warm,-, dry basement is on.
of the. most essential features o
a home. Too toten do we nenin
this part of our home building 4111
lend our efforts to the less import
ant features. A damp basenie'in
produces, unhealthful living con
ditions and causes mtteh slcknes
that might' well have been prt
vented had more precautions bt-s
taken when the basement walls o
1he: home w
mate such a;
were built. -In a li
as we have In the Pa
clfic Northwest, -some provisioi
should be made to. keep nioibtui,
from thebasement walls, builder
declare. , --
. "An economical and effectiv.
means of carrying off this watc
is to lay a row ot drain tile aroun
the outside of the basement wall
between, the. basement floor lev
and bottom ot the wall footing
Care should be exercised to plar.
the tile at its highest point,
least two or three inches below th
level of the basement floor but
face. The tiles are 1 not close,
pipes mut berely serve to hold ;
water course open, and if It is no
below the basement floor watt
will run out of the joints and soal
through into the basement.
"These tiles, made of burne.
clay, are not affeeted by soil acid
or alkalis and will last indefir.
itely without deterioration.
, "The tile should be laid with ai
even slop of at least one-fourt)
inch to the foot and connect e.
with the cellar floor or surfa..
water drainage system. The
should be covered Over with gravt
or broken stones, placed carefull?
on the tile and finer graded to
ward the top. When the founda
tion walls are built in a saturate,
soil, it is also advisable to cove'
the exterior face with a coat o
some standard grade of water
"By ca-pillary action, wate
sometimes rises vertically throuf?i
basement wall roofing as oil rife
in a wick and consequently th
lower part of basement walls ma.
be damp. To avoid this a strip o
heavy composition roofing, or evei
better., two courses of slate lai
to break joints, should be laid it
the wall Just below the basemen
floor level and at the outsid.
ground level of the house. Thi
is a, precaution taken by so mi
builders, it is pointed out.
' "If the suggestions are observe,
the result should be a warm an.
absolutely dry basement, according
to a book published by the bri. )
and tile manufacturers."
Between the . years 1690 an
1720 there were more than 2.0"
pirates afloat off our coast r
tween Maine and Florida, accord
!ng to Robert W. Chambers in ai
article in Liberty Magazine.
-."-.r 4-
Mellowed by Time
Walls of brick need no paint, cannot de
cay, are fire safe and . practically inde
structible. They are warm in winter,
cool in summer. Twenty, forty-or one
hundred year hence they will still be
the same their beauty only mellowed
by time and with no expense for upkeep.
at:? nuj
:oc? -men