The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 17, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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    Slate Basketball Tournament Which Closes Today Is Only First of Many Events of State Wide Interest Coming Here This Year
Hit Several Local Organizations Have Already Gone on Record for Continuing the Muncipal Camp Ground; Full Hearing Is Desirable
"Weather forecast: Cloudy with rain
near the coast;, moderate temperature; In
creasingly southerly winds on the coast.
Maximum temperature yesterday 82, mini
mum 45, river 6.7, rainfall traces, atmos
phere clear, wind southwest.
A lot of "liberal" speakers on Washing
ton's birthday declared that the first Pres
ident was a radical. But we don't believe
It. Who ever heardS of a radical voluntar
ily retiring from office?
. .
Passenger Line Growing In
Popularity; Expedites
Business Trayel
Trip to Portland From Salem By
Air Shorter in Time Than
From Portland's Suburb
When Service "Provided
By Rodney Alden
When six Salem men returned
to this city yesterday afternoon
after completing a round trip by
airplane between Portland and
Seattle, they brought with them
the conviction that an airport
for this city is a present neces
The first passenger air line to
be established on the Pacific coast
has been in operation for ten days,
and already has x more business
than it can handle with its two
giant monoplanes.
For liuslnewi lse
It's business is not that of tour
ists and sightseers, but of bus!
ness men traveling from one place
to another, and in a hurry to get
there. And man after man, wo
man after woman, will testify
that once he has flown from one
city to another he will never
again make the trip on the train
unless he has to.
To go from Portland to Seattle
by train is a long, tedious Jour
ney. To go by airplane is a jaunt
of an hour and 20 minutes.
It takes less time to get to
downtown Portland from Salem
by airplane than it takes to get
to downtown Portland from the
outskirts of that metropolis.
Airport Inevitable -
All this leads inevitably to but
conclusion: the airport must
j& its place alongside the ga
rage, figuratively speaking. Just
an the garage took its place
alongside the livery stable. It
not only must do it and Is doing
Nhit it has done it.
At Present most people wneri
Five thought to the matter say
that airports should be publicly
owned, since private" Interests
owning them would virtually own
the air so far as airTtransporta
uon was concerned In any
f-vent, however, the only way Sa
(Continued on pr 4.)
New Measure Makes Represents
tives Responsible to II Duce,
Not People
ROME, March 16. (AP) The
new fascist electoral law, which
virtually makes Italy a one con
stituency country, was adopted by
the chamber of deputies almost
unanimously this evening. There
were two votes against It those
of ViovannI Giolittl, former pre
mifr and Mafcello Soleri, former
minister of war and finance. The
Vf Y two other members of the Glollt
tl group, constituting , the only
survival of opposition to Premier
Mussolini, were absent
Ex-Premier GiolittI is 86 yean
old. He le the veteran of the
chamber, and has not missed a sit
ting during the 4C years since he
first was elected. He has occu
pied the same seat, which always
is reserved for him, and he made
his last stand .this evening as the
scle leader opposing the fascist
regime, like Horatio at the bridge
The doughty warrior of the old
liberal school was the only speak
er to counter the government met
sure, and he succeeded in having
his voice heard despite noisy-In
terruptions by the' majority mem
bers. Like Premier Mussolini, 'Giolit
tI is a knight of the supreme .or
der of Annuniiata, which entitles
im to the rank of cousin to the
his usual calm, lm
the veteran standing
feet four inches, be can
amidst a breathless sflenee.. 4.- -"With
this bill," he said, "the
government recognizes that a
great civilized country like Italy
Mn with
ir?rtght six
f I must have among the constltuUcn-
ai organs of state a national ran-
entation. but the method sug
? gested for the formation of the
7 new amoer it seems to me, can
vrnot constitute a true and proper
national representation."
From various benches where
the members of the majority sat
began noisy interruptions, but
I ' ' -
Groups From All Section of Ore
gon Coming; Program
The annual state conference of
Girl Reserve groups of Oregon
and western Washington will be
held in Salem March 30. 31 and
April 1. Meetings will be in the
Urst Methodist church.
The conference program has
been arranged by the conference
executive committee, of which
Miss Elizabeth Baker, secretary of
the Salem YWCA, and Miss Eloise
White, president of the local and
state Girl Reserves are members,
along with Norma Sims, Portland,
Helen Johnston, Vancouver, Olive
SpurgeoSAstoria, Gertrude Coo
per, Vancouver, and Mrs. More
head, CoquUle.
"Pioneers." or trail blazing, will
be" the theme of the conference,
purpose of which is to correlate
the year's work with the summer
meetings at" Sea beck.
. Approximately 175 Girl Re
serves will attend from the fol
lowing' cities: MeMinnvllle, Port
land. Astoria, The Dalles. Hepp-
ner, Eugene, Chemawa, Centralia,
Longview, Rocheder, Vancouver,
Camas, Washougal, Curby, Mosher
and Tenano.
The principal speaker for the
meetings will be Ethel Cutler,
national secretary of the YWCA
Another national secretary. Mil
dred Estgar, will also be here
during the convention and will
lead some of the discussion
groups. Both are with the na
tional headquarters in New York
Mrs. Eric Butler, president of
the board of directors of the Sa
lem YWCA will be conference
hostess. Mrs. E. T. Barnes and
Roselyn Van Winxle will have
charge of registration and Miss
Van Winkle will also be confer
ence musician. Mrs. Paul Wal
lace is chairman of the commit
tee to secure homes for the visit
Ing delegates and Mrs. L. H. Lau-
terman heads the committee ar
ranging transportation., The acn
ior high school Girl Reserves will
have charge of ttecbratfng Tor- the
banquet, and an exhibit arranged
in the book room of the YW will
be tended by Marlon Jenkins,
Gertrude Cosper and Marjorie
The conference registration will
open at 4:30 Friday afternoon.
when a special train run from
Portland by the Southern Pacific
is expected to bring a large share
of the visitors. At 7:30 that even
ing the opening session will be a
pageant presented by the groups
from Portland, Astoria, Centralia,
Longview, Vancouver and Salem
The pageant, directed by Mrs
Sandow of Seattle, will depict the
early history of Oregon, each city
presenting an episode.
Program for the rest of the
meeting: Saturday, 9:30, open
(Continued on Pt 1
Federal Prohl. Officer Acquitted
Upon Slaying Charge
PORTLAND. Mar. 16. (AP)-
Terry A. Talent. 22, federal prohi
bition officer on duty in southern
Oregon, was acquitted by a. jury
In federal court today where he
was on trial on a charge of In
voluntary manslaughter. . Talent
had been indicted by the Jackson
county grand jury following the
fatal shooting of Mansford Zlm
merlee. alleged moonshiner on
September 28 last. Zimmerlee was
shot by Talent when he fled after
his arrest.
Talent was not in conrt when
the jury reported this morning,
but he arrived a few minutes
later. He explained his tardiness
by saying he had overslept.
Will Be Held Here May 25 and
20, Announced at Luncheon
The state convention of Lions
clubs, which is to be held In Sa
lem, has definitely been scheduled
for May 25 and 26, ft was an
nounced at . Friday's luncheon . of
the Salem club.
A joint meeting of the Salem
and Corvallls dens Is to be held
soon, the exact date not being set
tled as yet. t r;
B. FV Irrlne, editor of thet Ore
gon Journal, will be a speaker at
the local Lions den March 10, it
was announced.
Local Man Selected ae Leader of
- State Organization '
PORTLAND. Mar. If. AP) ,
Daa J. Fry of Salem, president of
the First National bank, has ac
cepted membership on the gen
eral committee of the Oregon
Smith for resident association.
Alex J; BoUnd andA. L. MeElroyf,
of Portland hare also been piaoea
on the same committee. The an- i
nojneement van made today -
Republican Chairman Dealt
In Sinclair Stock, Testi
mony Shows
Senate Investigating Committee
Hears of Relations Between'
2 Men As Told By Chi
cago Coal Baron
CHICAGO, Mar. 16. (AP)
Speculations in Sinclair Consoli
dated Oil company stock by Will
II. Hays after he had used Sinclair
Liberty bonds to wipe out the debt
of the republican' national commit -
tee in 1923 was testified to tonight
before the senate Teapot Dome
sub-committee by James P. Con
nery, Chicago coal dealer.
Connery who described himself
as a friend and partner of the
former chairman of the republican
national committee declared that
one time Hays "was about 1100.-
000 short" in his accounts which
Connery said were handled by him
in Chicago.
Return of Fund Asked
r Questioned by the senate In
vestigators at his home where he
Is ill, Connery testified that he had
"pusned" Sinclair to return to
Hays the 185,000 which the form
er postmaster general had given
to Sinclair to complete the return
payment of 5160,000 which the
lessee of Teapot Dome had given
(Continued on page 4.)
Large Movement of Snow Fatal to
Two In Colorado
pTELLURIDE, Colov Mareirt:
(AP). Two women were kill
ed today by a snowallde that
swept down a steep mountain at
Pandora, two miles from here.
The dead women are Mrs. C. C.
Hicks, 0. wife of the superin
tendent of the mill of the Smug
gler-Union Mining company, and
Mrs. Donald Glfford. 26. wife of
an employe at the mill. Mrs. Gif
ford's year old son had a miracul
ous escape from death and was
dug out of the snow alive.
The slide wrecked the Gilford
and. Hicks' homes and crushed a
concrete retaining wall that had
been erected to guard the houses
against such an occurrence. Mrs.
Hicks wa In the dining room of
her home when the slide struck
and she was killed instantly. Mrs.
Glfford was in the kitchen of her
uuiue niuumg me Daoy. i ne cry
ing of the baby led rescuers to
her dead body.
The slide narrowly miesed the
large Smuggler-Union mill. Hun
dreds of tons of snow hurtled
down the mountainside In the
j Marshfield 27-22
Washington 37-16
Medford 32-20
j The DaHes 28-18
The Dalles
J Salem
Salem -
University J
Astoria '
The Dalles 1
Wallowa 31-25
Tillamook 37-20
Only Opponent is Proprietor
Camp . Ground In North
End of City
That the municipal camp
ground in Salem be retained in its
present location was the general
opinion expressed by speakers at
the YMCA forum last night.
The only opponent of this policy
was C. A. Gies, proprietor of a
private camp ground in the north
part of the city. He declared that
the city should not enter into com
petition with its taxpayers In an
activity of this kind.
Henry Poisal, superintendent of
the municipal camp ground, pre
sented figures showing the regis
tration from year to year, and the
number of families that have lo
cated here after spending a few
days at the auto park because of
its pleasant surroundings and con-
! veniences.
The other speakers, Dr. Henry
Morris. George Vick. C. J. Lisle
and Mr. Patterson, all favored
keeping the camp ground. They
agreed that the municipal auto
park is going out of date as a
general principle, but pointed out
that the city's camp ground is the
only one centrally located, and for
this reason should be retained.
It was stated that a centrally
located camp ground is the only
one that will bring visitors in to
the business district to do their
trading, and the only one that will
Interest them in staying here to
make their homes. 1
This question is one which was
brought up by the ways and means
committee of the city council re
cently", with a recommendation to
abandon the camp ground as such
and to convert the site into a chil
dren's playground. The parks
committee of the council has the
question under consideration, and
is expected to call a mass meeting
for a general discussion of the is
sue soon.
One of Two Aviators Dead
Other Badly Crippled
(AP). Bert D. Haugh. passenger
In a Southern California Edison
company airplane which crashed
on a mountain ridge 30 miiee
north of here Tuesday, was found
alive but with a broken leg be
side the wrecked plane tonight.
His pilot. C. W. English, was
found dead.
The two men were sent out by
the company Tuesday morning to
survey the damage of the St.
Francis dam break and flood and
never were heard of until this af
ternoon. One of several search-
ing planes, piloted by Lieutenant
Trltt, of March field. Riverside,
spotted and identified the wreck
ed plane and rescue parties were
sent in.
Haugh was reported as con
scious and able to talk, but was in
a condition, of extreme exhaustion
due to lack of food and water.
SEnammipOimcEi SecSes
Medford 40 -
Astoria 28-27
Sat. 9:30 A. M.
Monoplane Endeavour Believed
Definitely Lost On Flight From
Great Britain
GREENVILLE. Maine. March
IS. (AP)- Hope that an uniden
tified plane heard and seen near
here yesterday morning was the
Hinchliffe monoplane. Endeavour,
slowly faded tonight as reports of
failure to find the craft trickled
back here through a 50 mile net
work of camp telephone lines,
around the Moosehead lake re
gion. '
Near the limit of its fuel sup
ply, if it were the missing plane, j
ii was ieau me emu uij naic
come down in the forest wilder
ness that stretches for nearly 100
miles northwest toward the city
of Quebec. Persons could be lost
for weeks In the territory, espec
ially In winter.
William H. Cole, postmaster at
Kokadjo, 20 miles northeast of
Greenville, reported seeing the
plane at six o'clock yesterday
morning. It was flying low, he
said, and apparently going well.
John Dyer and his wife, in the
same vicinity, heard the plane's
motor distinctly.
NEW YORK, March 1. (AP)
A faint hope revived today that
the Honorable Elsie Mackay and
Captain Walter Hinchliffe reach
ed these shores for which they
set out ni the plane Endeavour
set out in the plane Endeavour
The hope depended eolely on
reports from several persons In
the vicinity of Greenville, Me.,
that an unidentified plane had
been heard and sighted at six
o'clock yesterday morning flying
in a northwesterly direction.
If this were the British craft it
was near the limit of its fuel sup
ply and a forced landing , would
have plunged it into a wilderness
broken only by lumber camps and
a .few very small settlements. De
puty Sheriff Adalbert E. Rogers,
failed, to find anyone who could
TWenlffy the plane. The Canadian
government was reported to be
considering "ding a plane from
Montreal idTS? In the vicinity
and Washlngt, y fflclals were en
deavoring to " "locate any army
( Continued on par 4.)
Will be on View at U. S. National
Bank Today, Announced
The group of 116 bird houses
made by th estudents of the Mc
Klnley school and exhibited at the
school Thursday and Friday, will
be on display in the lobby of the
First National bank building, cor
ner of Commercial and State
Tha rmMlr la Invited n H rnn In
and enjoy looking over the collec-
tlon of bird homes, all of which
were constructed by the students
outside of school hours as part of
a short study of bird customs and
homes, through the suggestion pf
W. A. Davenport, principal, and
with the cooperation of the teach
ers of the school.
Sat. 8:30 P. M.
Medford 21-20
27 - 9
Bat 7:30 P. 1L
Rigid Rules Put Into Force
By Police As Marauders
Become Active
Change Made in Pass System to
Assist in Check Upon All
Workers And Officials in .
Stricken Valley
(AP) Because of a steady in
crease In looting among the ruin
ed home of the St. Francis dam
district, rigid rules today were ap
plied to keep the unauthorized out
of the stricken area.
All old passes have been taken
up and new ones issued. Even re
lief workers and policeman work
ing In the damaged section of San
ta Paula are required to carry
special passes admitting them to
these districts. Police officers be
lieve that most of the thievery is
the work of persons who came in
to the flooded region as the waters
began to recede.
Thefts are increasing rapidly
because the task of the policing
the "flooded sections is almost im
possible even with an augmented
force of officers.
Builders May Be Tried
Geologists, engineers and tech
nical experts headed by deputy
district attorney E. J. Dennlson
of Los Angeles county, today ar
rived at the ruins of St. Francis
dam to start a thorough investi
gation under, instructions from
District Attorney Asa Keyes.
Orders from Keyes are to make
as completa- a probe as possible-and
to return a secret report to him
covering all phases of the findings.
Keyes ' has declared he will insti
tute criminal proceedings if any
person or persons are found re
sponsible for the catastrophe. '
Dennlson will question surviv
ing ranchers who lived below the
dam in San Francisquito canyon
and others in the Santa Clara riv
er valley to determine the truth
of falsity of reports that the dam
(Continued on par .)
Tour Planned From Southwest
Washington Through. Here
Chambers of commerce and ho
tel men of southwest Washington
are planning a "friendship tour"
the week of March 26 and will be
in Salem the second day of the
a '
journey, accoraing to word re
ceived here.
Representatives of local service
clubs will attend a dinner given
in honor of the visitors here that
evening, according to plans an
nounced yesterday.
Police at Oregon City Grill 10 Year
Old Earl Jones After Fauil
OREGON CITY, March 16.
(AP). Held in jail here in con
nection with a dynamite blast that
yesterday took the lives of his
step mother and his 15 year old
half brother Earl Jones, 19, to
night volunteered to officers that
be is subject to "lapses of mem
ory" and that his mother who
died at his birth, and four of her
sisters had been confined at var
ious times in asylums for the in
This statement was offered af
ter Sheriff Mass of Clackamas
county had questioned him at
length Be to his reason for plac
ing a charge of dynamite under
the family house at Boring, Ore.
The youth admitted he had
planted the explosive, but denied
he had applied the spark that
brought a frightful death to two
of the family and caused possibly
fatal Injuries to a third.
Robert B. Jones, Earl's father,
is in a hospital in Portland where
hie condition is declared to be crit
ical. Mrs. Inez Jones and Harold
Jones, 15, received fatal injuries
in the explosion which tore the
house to splinters.
An attorney will be obtained
for young Jones tomorrow, offi
cials said. If the attorney insists
upon the release of the prisoner
or the placing of a charge against
him, the charge of first degree
murder will be placed. This an
nouncement was made tonight by
Livy Stipp, district attorney of
Clackamas county.
It was not he who applied the
detonating spark Jones cried out
to police. Then he added as an
afterthought: "I don't remember
about that if I do remember
I'll tell you all about it."
The blast occurred at dawn yes
terday, totally demolishing the
Jones' home at Boring, and trans
forming it into a splintered sham
blesA From the wreckage neigh
bors dug the terribly broken body
of the mother of the family. Near
by was Earl Jones' 15 year old
brother Harold, hie head crushed
and his body torn. Robert B
Jones, the father washadly hurt
as was Ethel Jones, 13, and
Gladys Rowe, 18, Mrs. Jones sis
Investigators found a large hole
under the newly constructed
house where the dynamite had
been placed. Earl Jones and Rich
ard, his brother, were the only
ones of the family who were not
In the house when it was torn tim
ber from timber by the blast.
He purchased the dynamite on
March 7, young Jones admitted to
dav to Sheriff- Maas. With his
(Continued -on par )
Marshfield to Petition State High
way Engineer, Word
(AP) one hundred representa'
tive cltixens of Marshfield tonight
decided that the Coos county court
should petition the state .highway
engineer to draw and approve
plans for a bridge over Coos bay.
The Park avenue site which was
vntAd two vears aco would be
It was asked that the plans be
submitted ot the port of Coos Bay,
subject to the approval of the war
denartment. The county court
creed that the plans should be
rushed thr0ugh with all possible
Reports of Raids Come In From
Widely Separated points
A well-organized gang of poul
try thieves is operating in Marion
county, according to reports re-,
celved at the sheriff's office dur
ing the past few weeks. ,
The poultry pens of Joe Vasek.
near Silverton,, were raided by the
prowlers' Thursday night and more
than ISO hens .were taken. Mr.
Vasek did not discover bis loss
until Friday morning. - .
Two weeks- ago 75 chickens
were reported to have been stolen
from a' farm near Stayton.
Senators MeNarr-- mad Stetwer
Back Telephone Probe Request
" Senators ':. Cj I McNary ; and
Frederick etelwer hare agreed to
support the nUoa wide congres
sional . Investigation ot telephone
companies and their intercorpo
rate relations,' according to tele
grams' received, at the offices of
the public service commission Frt-
A resolution urging the Investi
gation was introduced in congress
Beats Salem By Single Point
In Fiercest Battle of
Meet To Date
Salem Has Chance to Qualify for
Consolation Cup; Deadly Aim
at Basket Gives Southern y'
Team Victory
9:30 a. m., Salem vs. Astoria,
consolation semi-finals.
7:30 p. m., Tillamook vs. Sa
lem or Astoria, consolation
8:30 p. m., Washington of
Portland vs. Medford, state
championship finals.
Medford high school's fast and
clever basketball team won the
right to oppose Washington high
of Portland, by defeating Salem
high 21 to 20 In a nip and tnck
game that was the fastest and.
most thrilling of the state tourna
ment to date. last night in the
Willamette university gymnasium.
Deadly, aim at the basket and
superior "basketball sense" won
for Medford against Salem's hard
er fighting and speedier team. The
Salem forwards worked their way
in for many more shots, but were
unable to convert them.
Ball Won't Go la
One throw by Beechler of Salm
that sank six Inches into the bas
ket and then whirled out amid the
groans of two thousand odd Salem"'
fans, would have decided the game
the other way.
As it was, the two teams each
sank eight field goals, and one
free throw decided the issue.
Beechler of Salem was high point
man with five field goals and one
converted free throw.-
Thriller Throughout '
The play was fast and furious,
from the start, with Salem taking
the lead. Salem was ahead 7 to I
at the end of the first quarter.
Both teams used a fast breaking
style, so that the ball was in or ing
at lightning speed toward one
(Continued oa pas 4.)
James E. Hall, 54, Second To Re
Abducted In Michigan City
I During Week
DETROIT, Mar. 1. (AP)
Jamea E. Hall, wealthy hotel and
safe proprietor, was kidnaped
from his home, In the exclusive
Grosse Pointe village district here
tonight, it was reported to police.
The kidnapers demsnded f lO.ftQ
The kidnaping which police be
lieve to be a continuation of tbe
activities of a gang of extortion
ists who have mulcted local per
sons of thousands; of dollars dur
ing the last few months was the
second to occur here this week."""
Harvey E. Watson, local labor
leader kidnaped last -Monday, is
being held for I2M00 ransom,
According to Hali'e-wife.V
men came to the - Hall horn
night and forced her husbar
accompany them at the point c
pistol. . -: ; 'rM
A short , time later two other
men arrived at the Hall homr
bearing a note signed by Mr.; Hal)
relating that:, he had been kid
naped I and requesting that she
turn, $10,000 over to the extortion-
lstS. '.'j V. - 7-. : t.
Despite advice to th contrary
by police. Mrs. Hall waa ma kiss
preparations tonight to . pay - the
ransom. ' ; ..
Two Great
Features ?
' The green ticket holders will
hare ; great treats ' this- after
noon and Monday afternoon; at
the: Elslndre. :'SS 1 !
The" Latest from' . Paris,"
this aft rnoonvis worth, while,
as all who have seen it will tell
The .l'Jungle Idea'of Fan
chon it Marco,- Monday after
noon, is headllner la '.that
realm.' : -"--:,-'V-. i- - ?
i ;
Pr .)