-v rv " t is iy 5... i" V Li . y'j ; - f, ;r- '. " . :; x ' - tJ' m - - ' ;,ifis.mtis lists BY Seattle Sweeps Woman Mayor Out of Office By Decisive Majority SEATTLE, Mar. 14. (AP)- Mm. Bertha K. Landes, who two -years ago was chosen by the vot- - ers of Seattle to be the first worn ' an to manage the destinies of an American metroDolitan city has ' been Bwept out of office by a ma jority of more than 1H.000 votes Frank Edwards, a retired thea -ter operator, and virtually polit ieally unknown until a few weeks ago, was elected to succeed her. lie will take office next June 4. Edwards received 58,873 voiea compared with 39,819 for Mrs. Landes. A municipal election record was set for Seattle when more than 100,000 persons went to the polls to decide a dozen issues. Tnis iotai had never before been reached in a city election here. An investigation into Edwards primary campaign expenditures was instituted Monday by King County Prosecutor Ewing D. Col vin after one of the mayor-elect's managers had reputedly acknow ledged that more money had been spent than the $15,000 reported in the official expense statement. Fit teen thousand dolars is the sal ary of the mayor fgor a two year term of office. Edwards announced that he will leave Seattle soon on a tour of the east to study municipal adminis tration in other cities. He waged his campaign on a promise to pro vide a business administration. He attacked the present police administration, calling attention to frequent raids in the city by the King county sheriff, Claude U. Han nick, v,. V ,.ng Valley Taken Seriously III mo in h - SPRING VALLEY, March 14 ' (Special) A. J. Stratton who has been seriously ill at his home "here for the past two weeks, was taken by ambulance to the Dea coness hospital in Salem .Monday morning for medical cure. Mrs. Stratton suffered a breakdown and is confined to her home under ;ire of a nurse. The last reports are that Mr. and Mrs. Stratton are some better considering their t ondition and advanced age. .Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gillon i;.'Hi son Charles Gillon spent Tuesday at the II. N. and Carl Al- vJerman homes in the Spring Val il ley hills. Mr. Gillon is grafting - St -y trees for II.' N. Anderman j. j. stratton recently sold sev- u. cral tons of straw to the Archerd Implement company, at- 57 per tjV- Mr. aud T.Irs. T. G. Mclencl. jtranddaufriiier. Miss Carol Ilobbs " Spf Salem, had undergone an ope ,rn ion for appendicitis. -'j Mr. and Mrs. Frank K leper anC V Vi . i . .... i . i i . : i i ' - -Matthews of Talbot were Sunda , kiii rju!!Ml yiiiors ai me nonie oi :;CiUv and Mrs. "J7 P. Sohn. 'f Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Versteep S of Salem were Sunday guests oi Mr. Versteeg's parents, Mr. ant Mrs. L. B. Versteeg. ' v ' Read the Classified Ads RETURN TO ALMA j" xwj&HcV: .x?zrEmi, hx. life L mm mmm 0af&? Ufftei-t iL H-fl ; LJLy f:. ,. ihm. ' Dorothea Flexer, left, contralto, and Louise Letch, soprano, Ak fentown's (Pa.) representatives In Metropolitan Opera, 4idnt forget their home town when thej attained fame. Instead the two, who 'frew up within two blocks-of each other and attended the same 'hith aehooV'returned to,their nln inater to tint; in the. school's 'annual production of the open "Martha.M Below is the school, and, H"'"iJrVf"r Warren F. Acker, yihi directs the open. : TEACHES CO-EDS f k Dr. James Nai smith, a member of the faculty of Kansas university, Lawrence, Kas., and known as the "father of basketball" has devised system of defense for women against attack. He's conducting classes in the art among the co-eds at Kansas and is shown above demonstrating a few of the most effectivo tricks. The World And All BY CHARLES B. DHI5COLU Escape The newest war airplanes carry special oxygen tanks to enable flyers to trail the skies cix miles above the earth. That's about three miles higher than the pres ent "ceiling" observed by airmen. Here, at last, is complete escape from saxophones, jazz bores, and everything but taxes. And as for the fatalities of war, a six-mile drop is no worse than a three mile drop. Bootleg Divorces Judge Lindsey's idea is to make divorce by mutual consent legal. As a matter of fact most divorce is now by mutual consent. Ninety nine per cent of divorces where there are no children are now ob tained by agreement among the parties, but the litigants have to through the motions of conceal ing this agreement. Thus the di vorces are illegally procured. Be- fore we take up new ideas on mar-1 riage and divorce we must first find out what the facts are and what the present practice is. Pari of Lindsey's idea i6 no more than l suggestion that what is now al most universal illegally, be made legal. Are You One? Have you ever noticed that men who are the , most successful t in their own bnsl?-- 'vs '"if to work hard. . - jecte, are v have the mosi lo the most for their towns 1 Men n the brink of failure are gen erally not giving much time to ivic enterprises. They say they iaven't time. What they mean is MATER TO SING V&'&A.m&yWx-y.i- ' YHE OREGON DEFENSE TRICKS that they do not manage their time properly. Perhaps one rea son they are on the edge of fail ure is to be found in the fact that they take so little interest in community affairs. Confidence One of the richest corporations in the country Is the du Pont company, the great powder manu facturers of Deleware. It is in teresting to know that the du Pont company greatly increases its income by investments in other concerns. That company now holds about 23 per cent of the entire issue of General Motors stock. And it has put millions of dollars into other investments. This is all a hopeful sign to the small investor. These big con cerns know the market. Their officers know business conditions. They know industrial confidence In this country. They are prac- tical men. Don't worry about Vmerican industry. Monmouth Normal Beats Ashland In Dual Debate OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL, Monmouth, Mar. 14. (Special) Moo mouth normal school debating teams jlefe.ate the, AsWa" rBt " , X wi.te .itMaa4 - trav eled to Ashland where tt won a 2 to 1 decision over the Southern Oregon normal squad. Mrs. An tonia Crater and Winfield Atkin son made the Ashland trip. Monmouth's affirmatvie team, Mildred Leighton and James Adamson, debated with Lester Beck and Riley Pettlnger of the Ashland normal and won a 3 to 0 decision. Monday night's Judges were Dean Frank M. Erickson of the Willamette university. Pro fessor C. B. Mitchell and Earl W. Wells of tb.e public speaking de partment at O.A.C. A dual debate will be held on Thursday evening of this week be tween the Monmouth normal and the Albany college teams, Mon mouth affirmative team traveling. PRESIDENT RETURNS OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL Monmouth, Mar. 14. (Special) President J. S. Landers returned to Monmouth Monday morning to the Normal school after a three weeks trip in the east. President Landers attended the sessions of the National Education association held at Boston. He spoke in the regular Monday assembly upon some of the niteresting phases of his trip. The student body voiced their pleasure at the president's return by presenting him with one of the latest radio models. ETTA KETT trgtH rrrx-yEKra ah gf ot-c--! 1 J - - ..-J ( vcg-THrf ass-i ) i 1 ' ' - 1 - i a. r" SS-" WiXK f I oppose m-(te old Qo nu-VMv oolokel. VI I i v STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY MORNING, AGAINST ATTACK BIG LEAGUES STAGE ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.. March 14. (AP) Three Cardinal hurl ers collaborated in pitching a one hit game here today to defeat the Boston Braves, 1 to 0. Alexander and Sherdel each hurled three in nings without a semblance of a hit while Frankbouse went the rest of the route. Rogers Hornsby chalked up five putouts and two assists in his field. FORT MYERS. Fla.. March 14. (AP). The Philadelphia Ath letics blanked the Buffalo Bisons, 1927 International league cham pions, today, 4 to 0. The game was played on a muddy field. BIB GIRLS TO TRY EUROPE'S AIRWAYS 1 . . rey ja . J ; V X - . " I TlT"7 taiW-tei in I . Misi Mildred Johnson, of Philadelphi, P., and Miss Esthei Wanner, Inset, of Portland, Ore., are setting out on a tour 01 Europe's airways early in March, making pictures and writing ol their experiences. Miss Johnson is an aviation writer and lecturer, and is said to bo the only person to hare covered completely th airmail routes in the United States. FARM F ILINI1 ROBERTS ME ROBERTS. March 14. (Spe cial). Mrs. Bud Statesman serv ed a luncheon to the members of the O. -T. club last Thursday at her home in Salem. The table waa beautifully decorated with tall tapers and a centerpiece of pink sweet peas. St, Patrick's novelties were used in the favors and the color scheme carried out j in the different courses In the group were Mrs. G. S. Higgins. Mrs. Forest Edwards. Mrs. B. D. Fidler, Mrs. S. C. Dav enport, Mrs. Joe Rlngwald, Mrs. H. B. Carpenter, Mrs. C. D. Query. Mrs. N. P. Kugel, Mrs. Alice Cool idge, Mrs. Wm. Meier, Mrs. L. F. Clymer and Mrs. John Krebs. Mrs. B. D. Fidler will entertain the club on March 22. The Roberts community club met last Saturday night and those present enjoyed a variety of enter tainment. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stewart of Salem were present and showed two groups of films; one on what is seen on eome farms, and another showing scenes of the Colorado canyon. These films were from.OAC exten sion division and tire machine was loaned by Ladd and Bu6h bank. Mrs. Ivan Stewart also sang two beautiful solos. Fololwing this was a one act comedy called "Please Pass the Cream." put on by Mrs. W. Pet tyjohn and George Veolt. Several instrumental trios played y Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Roberts of Salem, violin and piano,' and George Veolt, cello., were greatly enjoyed. At the close a cafeteria supper was served, and a generous col lection was taken up to defray the expenses of the club. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas of Portland spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Forest Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. A. Goodrich are living in the J. O. Walker house. Mildred Henningsen, who is at tending Normal at Monmouth, was at home for the week-end. J. B. Beessler, who has been sick for nearly a year, is reported to be much better the last few weeks. ' Stephen Huber and family moved to their farm on the river bottom last week. Henry and Floyd Query are building a motor boat. Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Bettin court spent Saturday and Sunday in PDrtland. Jack Edwards visited relatives in Portland last week-end. Read the Classified Ads Building a Nest on the MARCH 15, 1923 Classified The Oregon Statesman PUih4 wry ria P 0B" 47. at aim. U cpitl f Orafoa. Q Local Rates For Classified Advertising Dally or 6naJT enta par caatc par word Oaa tim l'hr timaa bix timaa. ""7 1 bo. da.ly aad un 2v " a uala oar worn la eraar to oara ui lima rata, adTortiaiBf mat rua la (cuttva isauea. h Ad takaa tor loaa ttaa 15a. -Ada rum Baaday OSLY eiird at isi ljm rata. AdrtiamenU (axapt PanoaaJa xuii 8:iaat!Ba Wantad) will ba lekea er taa taiapUoaa if Ua adTaruaar , a auaaenbar to pbooa. Tbo filataaMLaa will rocaivo aUrar .kemoata at aay tua of taa or 4dl. 'la inaur pxopar claaa-ttcatioa a. abould ba is baforo 7 p. ox. ADVfcilTlSEAiEIiTS HONEST PVa.il'iBl0 laaaa eol uuiaa mult ba kapt Iraa fro aaythuig wl a iucUoaaba utura. Mixiapraxea tatioaa will &ot b Miarataix. "lalarma tioa aAg any quaatto-aula lnteut a tba part of tba ditir ibouid ba reported to tot uewapapar or tba balaia Ad eiub. LODGE ROSTER (.lii.MEK-.TA lAilOJ SO. 1, L O. O. Y. Meata arary Modataday OTeniai at 7:SO o'cioca; tbird floor of 1. O. O. it'. Taaple, corner of oCurt and xfifh Sta. AUCTIONEER F. N. Woodry 12 Trt. Salam't leading Auctioneer and i uro ture Dealer. Kaa. Btore, 1910 N. hummar St. Phono 611 H. F. Woodry & Son Eight down town. Cain paid for utei furniture. Store 271 K. Conn'l. TeL 75. Ageata for Lange Kangea, 2 COi.. A. Li. STEVENSON ACCTlOXEEa 28 yaara axperieeca ia the Willamette valley, for datea or arracgementa tee r. A. ioerlier, farm aaTiaer, Jirtt na tional Bank, Salem. Phone or write. A- i.. btoTeaaon, Corvallii. Ore. BATTERY-ELECTRICIAN 3 BROWN ELL ELECTRIC CO.. S83 ETATlt Tel. 9H. Contract wiring. Slectna aupliee. Call ui lor eleslneal work. R. D. BARTC.V IIIDI BATTEBIES Starter add generator work; 203 .South High. ToL 16S HIGH ANi JUS V. 1L.L1AV V. TLLlAMS fLEEXER KLkCT slIC CO. HOUSE wiring by Lour or contract. Eetimatea luroikoeu. Tel. 0 471 Court SU cJ. S. L. Service Station iutomotive Klectrieiani Vick Bros. Highv St. at Trade. Tel. 1841 BICYCLES Repairing 4 LLOTD E. RAMSDETr OOLDMBIA Bl cyclea and repairing. 887 Court. CLEANERS AND DYERS 5 CHERRr CITT CLEANERS. C, liuane, 210 N. Liberty. Tel. 934. F. SALEM CLEANERS DTERA 1073 . Com'L Tel. 1868 HELP WANTED Male J6 V I 1NSIKK FINISH CARPENTER TO trade labor for enr repairing. are at Hollywood Garage. Telephone Sol. A 1 AUTO MECHANIC TO V(lKK ON ( printage tasis. Mutt be a g-eDeral repair rbop man. .No used car lot me chanic need apply. Mutt be fruit worthy and know how to meet the public. 8ee Dave at Hollywood Uar ege Telephone 861. SALESMEN SALESMAN'S OPPORTUNITY. WE need a hustler. Salem territory, attrac tiTe propoeition to right party. Write Box 778, Statesman. SALESMAN WITH AUTO TO COVER Oregon telling extensive line of adver tiling ralendara and novelties. Steady business all year round. Commission basis. Our location here is big ad vantage to you and customers. V. 8. Walsh, 595 Mission St., San Francisco. CHIROPRACTORS 10 DR. H. B. SCOFHELr. P. B. 809 First National Bank Bldg. DR. O. L. SCOrT. P;C. CHIROPRACTOR 250 N. High. TeL 828 B.. Ret. 3104 J Fruitland Club Has Last Meeting of Season Friday FRUITLAND, March 14 (Spe cial) The Fruitland community club will hold what ia expected to be its last meeting this winter, at the school house Friday evening-. The feature of the business meeting will be the report of the electric light committee and a speech by a representative of the Portland Electric Power company. Following the business meet in; will be a good program which wil . be given by the Sherman Cla Music company. Family Tree Ads--Here is the . . ,mt r r- A t- I "r DIRECTORY thi BEAtrrr box . Complat. Ba-ty Sarvie. 520 SUta St. THE CAKITOI BEAUTY 8HOPP 223 N. Ktb. 'or Appt. ToL LA ROS& UEAUTX SHOP Uarcailinc 75e. fh011 "S4 THE HVDTA BfcAbll aJUX?B 112 N. Comaarcial. Tot. THE MODEftS JlAJUJlELLO For 41 aa. Woom and Child rem 206 Uaaooic O'.df- loi. 7 KliTY BOH SUOf Futena Permanent Ving, Uair cntbaf and AIarcUin SI I State St. ToL 270 7 HOTEL DIRECTORY i i Salem's New Hotel Senator rue fineit chain of Terminal iJete'a in Oregoa Now Ope a run rDot For All Cregoa PieVwick rlamniaad and Parker Stages Strictly Firet Claaa Lp to tne Minute in aervica and Accommodation! Meizanina Moor With Baby Grand Piano. Large Writing Room, La liea' Lreiwg Kooiai 111 Rooma 99 with Bath and Shower Stage Terminal Hotel Company W. W. Chadwiek, Praa. W. A .Camming, Local Mgr. Caaa. V. Cooley, Aaa. Local Mgr. -o INSURANCE I DIRECTORY i i Anderaon A Kupert 169 t. Uigh. lauerai lmuranre TeU 1644 E. H. BAIRXT, Life, Accident. Sickn.it ad Oregon. xiUg. Tel. 1747 . BECK. HEKD&CM 189 N. Uigh. Tel. 11 Q. H. BERG. Life. Accident. Biekneia 328 Oregoa Bldg. Tel. 1747 C. B. WILLIAMS. Central Life Agency 806-7 Oregon ttldg. Tel. 490 R. O. ORAT General laiarance i; M. Coi L Tel. 34:8 LAFLAR LATLAR Ladd A Buah Bank bldg. Tel. 646 W. A. LIPTON. Oeaeral Iniuranca 404 3 Uaioui.- Bldg. ToL. 131 RICH. L. REIMANN Gen. Inl.. i.oani 219 N. High St. Tel. S6S Waih. Fidelity National forge Pailippi 406 Bank of Cont-Bldg. TeL 2160 WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AOENCT 416 Maaonie Bldg. Tat tai FLORISTS 11 CUT FLOWERS, WEDDINO BOUQUETS Funeral wreetns. decora tini. t. . Braitbai.pt. flortaU 81a 8-ale NtieeL rivOWERS FOR ALL OOOASIONS Clien t, Coort High St. Tel. 901. INSURANCE 12 FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONET to loan on good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaaiac Pn. dentfal Insurance company money oa city reeideuce and business property at y per cent, plus a commnsion Ha klct A Roberts, Inc. 205 Oregon FOR 8AI.E FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages. . Trust Deeds, ConMacti on souses ui oel o to 20 per cent BECKE HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., 119 X. High St. Insure Tour Honie or Car now. liECKE HENDRICKS Phnne 161 I. O. O. F. Bldg., 109 K. High St. WANTED Employment 1? TRUCK HAULING WANTED. WILL GO any where. Have a new truck and fast worker. John II. Scott, 803 Oregon B!dg. Tel 254 or 622. POSITION WANTED. BY THOROI OH ly trained and experienced book and cost keeper. Can take charge of office and accounting work. Reference. Sal ary no object. Single, age 32. Box 553, McMionville, Oregon. FOR RENT 14 FOR RENT VERY DESIR ELE BAT tery and ignition department space in new downtown Super Service Station Salem, available April 1st. Inquire Box 107. Salem. For Rent A modern 6 room house, on rorner, garage, near high and grade nil owl . good locatioat, paved Mrrt. lient $33.00 per month or will lease for a year. A farm of 25 acres near small town 10 miles from Salem; 5 room bouse, barn, grapes, berries and other fruit. Will lease for a year at reasonable price. A 7 room house and garden spot two milet from Salem; house in fine con dition and on paved road. Will 'rent by the month or leuke for a year at 825.00 per month. A 4-room house and 4 acres three miles out. Will rent or lease for fl.VOO per month. Soma strawberries here. House, barn and 5 acres two miles out. Will rent for 8J0.00 per month. U. S. Realty Co. 12 State St. Tel. 2660 taaai irk m m w ww m m mi m a "w-m New First National Bank Building Directory BASEMENT Pa Lnx Shining. Parlor Esparto for La dial and Oent.emcn SECOND FLOOR 1 Coftoy'a Photo Service Tel. 708. Over the Spa THIRD FLOOR fcerrie Optical Co. 801-3 i . 4r. HtuTj K. Morria, Opiomei:iM Telephone '439 O lletto Suite 31u . Lawjrer Telephone lojtf Sr. Pa id B. Hill. Orihodooiit atraighteniag of irrcgaiar leetA; Suite iOa. Hour W to i Ever dy except Tbjitdaj roURTU TLOOS Dra. 0 Naill 4 Burdette, Optoict:. h Pheao 6J5 401-402 4.' J 4 , 1 SIXTH fLOOH Ueo. R. Yehrs M. D., fbyticua i s 4r, Suite 603. Tel. 278 2J7V He, S Rabin D. Day and Donald W. i;. .i Attorney at Law Telephone 103. flOei;'. EIGHTH aLOOR Jr. C Ward Davis, Oanert'. Der.t..:ri 'tel. Sle. Evening by eipolniairui noon U3 ! ,W iua ( a'ometer S"i t IL LOOB j,f Or. H. B. Scofleld.. Chiropractor, Neuroi TENTH FLOOR Dr. W. A. Johnson, D.n;."l Telephoaa 1385 FOR RENT Apts. 15 DUPLEX APT. 51 N. W 1 M K H . WELL IX'RMSHED ment with fireplace. FROM 2 ROOMS AND K1TCHFSKITF ter, light and fuel, r'oe in. I. 555 Marion. YOU CAN n.AT GOLK, FI8H AND MOTOR. WE TAKE CAKK OF YOL'R !!" ! K High rJata residential divtr.-t New, strictly modern, u,uiei a; trt menta. Frigi,ai:e, Electric Rnget. TfsJ r Steam Heal, Brick faced rJ-U r.j Kfficieut Service. Two unfurnished rooms, bsth. . Three uafurnithed rooms, bub. ; it Two rooma rurnttnea uie.r. .'.'i, $37.50 to 40. Three rooma ruruHfisJ ox -. .'V! f4j to f0. Children Welcome New Management, R. dt-c i Ambassador Apartmerts 550 North Sfoimer St. la. - : FOR RENTHouses ? 3 ROOM HOI SE AT 13 j 11 i s; at 1307 H.nev WANTED TO RENT 19:jf i. WANTED TO RENT A F" 1 1 about 100 acres miitat.' f-.r for term of yearx, cah r.-n; 870 or 1964 M. BOARD AND ROOM 2. ROOM, BOARD, SINGLE MEAL day dinners. Alexandria, 1 - - raeketa. Phone 153B. LAUNDRIES THE SEW SALEM LAUN PrlV THE W EIDER LAUNDRY Telephone 25. 269 4- H ' t TIT THE HOME WET WASH : Al ory. Tel. 171. 1356 B Street. CAPITAL CITY LAPNDftY "The Laundry of Pure Mater! s" Telephone 165. 164 Bros !""' 1 Z j TAILORS D. H. MOSIIEH TAILOR FOR Ji 1 and woman. 474 Court St. WANTED Misc. More Than a A Natural Remedy? Pacific HealtCre Hea!thFood More Than a Tcr.i: This prodnet supplies Ntir ' ' working and building mater V. ; ' elements to maintain the norm balanca to insure the bv.jm and proper functioning of g: J ": gana and to aiainlaia a rica a .i blood t treaa. Used at mineral wa'er '' lake on package la aumcei.; months treatment. Soli uai: moaey-b'.ck guarantee. By PAUL ROBINSON 1 If u $1