THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 13, 1928 -10 Save Time and ft .al. W " "fcc" "eeV "' e "i V V 4W V V "W w -aa'ww Money s1 - - -0v The Oregon Statesman Published every morning except Mon day, at Salem, the capital ef Ortgo. Local Rates For Classified Advertising D.ilv or Sua Jay Ob time . Thr time. 3 cent per r 5 cents or wora Six thBM 4 cats per word 1 bo. daily and u..2w ceal per word la ardor to earn IT., mere tnaa one' lima rat, advextiaiag Biust rua ta eea- cutis issues. ! J9 A takca for less UJ 25c j Ad raa Sunday UMl euaraad at j B-tm rata. Advertisement (except PeraeaaJe and S.teatien Wanted wili ttm taaea tx the fsicpbwae il tue tuitruHfl .j a subscriber to paooc. I Th Statesmen wiu rciv adver t.tineut ai aa time ol i-. y er Aa should b ia bclor 7 p. ICLU'UUAa S UK da.; ADVERTISEMENTC HONEST i ivttMioi.i laaaa cot wjiuaa auil a apt fi.e irw njta.r- I a QOktiwbbi BatlUe. j:ivi' tatiea tui --oi voicrote-i. iiuozil (a anew, eg any tauixiua .men a the part ( the adteiiiscf ba reported ts Ua ixiaif or Salem A cub. LOUCiE PiOiTLH lUtMEtiii LODoE NO. 1. I. O. O. Jf. ' alaala e'er MMuu4ajr 10104 at. 02 1. u. v. Taapi. ecraar l w t.u bi. AUCTIONEER F. N. Woodry 12 Vr. Saiem'a leading Auct.aneer an 4 iurn tura Dlr. Ka. k btore, 1610 N. Ujbbm SL i'hoo 511 li. F. Woodry 6: Son kight dowa town. Oath paid for a4 furDitais. Store X 7 1 N. Cona'L Tel. 79. A genta for Lasga Hangea, 2 COL. A. L. STEVENSON AUCTION EES 29 jeara experience ia taa Wiliaioetl eallej, for aatea or arrax.geaiaata a t. A. Iorfir, farm adier. Eirat Na tional Bank, baicia. Phono or writ. A. L. bteTeaaoa. Corrallia. Or. DATTCDV.CI COTDIPI AH O OI I I tn I fc sW lllwinil w. , i BROWNELL ELECTRIC CO.. 9?3 ETA7a! ' TeL 95?. Contract wiring. Eleetn! uplias. Call os tor work. h. D. BARTON EI IDE BATTERIES,' burter aud gaaciator work; 309 Sooth High. 9 Tel. 149 HIGH AND JOE V.U.1.IAM8 FLEENER ELECT ilC CO. HOUSE wiring by boor or contract. Estimate furnished. Tel. 9i 471 Court 8k U. S. L. Service Station iutomotire Cleetr cisns Vick Bros. H ii St at Trade. Tel. 1S41 BICYCLES Repairing 4 I.LOYD E. KAMSDEN COLUMBIA Bi cycles an-i repairing. 997 Court, CLEANERS AND DYERS 5 HFKRY CITY CLEANERS. C. T. ! Doane, 20 X. Liberty. Tel. 934. 8AI EM CLEANERS Dma 1073 H. Coji'I. TeL 1869 ; t HELP WANTED Male 6 F.XPKKIKSIKD WOOD CHOPPERS wsnt'-d. r.i- timber. .lo'm H Scott. 8U'i Orr. B!Ji . ?!-:n Or. A 1 INIDK FINISH K I'M NT UK TO trail 1'itinr for rr r-.pHirrt-;. Se Dave st IloIhwuo.I liar jjt. Telephone 86i: A 1 At' TO MECHANIC T( WORK ON" per-'t-ntage bati'. Mtit ! a general rrpair ahori man. No tie-! t-.r lit uie clian r r.frd spply. Must l truft worthy anil know huw to meet the public. Dmve si Hollywood (isr age. Tei-henc 351. SALESMEN SA I.ESM A N WITH AUTO TO COVER Oregon !li?ig extent. ve line f ad vertising calendars anl noveltiei.. Stea dy busings all jear round. Commis sion ba.v Our lii.-stion- here it big sdvantagt; to you sod ruatomers. V. t. Wsiah, j5" Mission St., San Fran is-o. CHIROPRACTORS 10 DR. H. B. 'SCOFIIELr. X. S. C 404 First National bank Bid. DR. O. L. SOOTT. Pi XT. CHIROPHACTO 364 N. High. TaL 429-aV. Raa. 3104-J FLORISTS 11 TTjOWKRS FOR ALL OCv-lBiON'S Olsea s. Casrt m Higli St. TaL 401. CUT FLOWERS. BIDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreaths, dec ran .,. C. F. Braithavpt, floriaU 4U 8-at Stract. 11. e4ti. INSURANCE 12 TOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mart gag. Trust Deeds, Contract oa ho -Will net S to 30 per cent BECKE m HENDRICKS H.ilig BUlg.. 1H N. gh est. FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY so toa on g-ood tana secu n t T. CITY LOANS W are Pnt- deatia) Iasuraae eompsay money aa city raldene and buaiaaaa piaperty at hhm pr cant, plus a eomaissiaa riaw kin Roberta. In-, 305 Ore; Building. Insure Tour Home mr Car avow. BECKE A HENDRICKS Phoa 161 I. O. O. T. Bidg., 149 M. High St. WANTED Employment 1? : TRUCK HAULING WANTED. WILL GO V-"-' ay where. Hav a new truck aad fast ..r worker. John H. Scott, 905 Oregon , , BWg. Tel 254 or 623. . i lOSITlOX WANTED. BY THOROUGH ly trained and experienced book nd rust keeper. Ca tak eharg ot affic aad accauating work. Refereac. Sal -.. ; ary a cbjact. Single, ag 93. Bex 553. McHinavilto, Orgon. FOR RENT 14 ila TOR RENT APARTMENTS XORTH Hoose aad lata 120 to 850. Back iV-- Haaariek, 18 M. High Street, FOB BENT VEatT. DESIB 1SLS BAT tery ad ignitio 4prtmet pc !a - - -i .... anba Mtatlaa , 8alcm. available April 1st. . latiuir J Bx 107, Batam. FOR RENT Apts. 15 : fUPLEX APT. Bit X- WINTER. WELL i"URNISHED : TROUT APART meat wiU iraala. Ccatar. FOR RENT Apts. 15 2 ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE. WA trr. tight and foe!, data in, 922.50. 555 Marion. TOO CAN FLAT golf, nan AND MOTOIL TK TAKE CARE OF YOCB HOME. High eiass resident!! district. New. strictly, quiet apart ment. i'rii',i:, Electric Range. Radi. Steam Heat, Brick faced Be ldiag. Efficient Service. Tito unfurn.ehed rooms, bath. $30, $S5. Thre unfurnished imbi, bath, 940, 95 Two tooai rurntssed overstuffed. 937.50 to 40. Tbre room urutsael overstuffed. 945 to Children Welc New Masasmfat, R.drcorated Ambassador Apartments 55" Nortb Swmsuer St. Paoae 1973 FOR RENT Rooms 16 MODERN KLK KtHJMS MCEI.Y Et'R nihd. Jjrgin. Sre owner 75 High land. FOR RENT Houses 17 HOJ 8E FOB RENT. 25S D1V1 ION. MODKRX HOME. 67S N. COTTAGE. MODERN 5 ROOM HOt'SE. SUte 8t. CALL 150 5 KOOM Fl RMSHEI' HOJ'SE. 4 K)OM nd 2 room apirmrnt. 710 N. High. 3 ROOM FI RNISHED HOt'SE READT aoout i-?iu oi euu garage. o room furnxhed boute and garage, read to rent now. ffcoue 74 8 W. Three room furniahed houa elota In 922. Fiie room anfureitbed coat eloe ia 923. Three room Apartment, groaad floor, it in 9l'u. F. L. WOOD 941 Stat Kt. WANTED TO RENT 19 WANTED TO RENT A FARM OF about 100 arrea suitable for dairying, for term of rears, cash rent. Phone 870 or 1864 M. BOARD AND ROOM 20 ROOM. BOARD. al.NGi.K MEALS. SUN a,B..r,. Alesa.dria. 1090 Casv ineketa. Phone 161. LAUNDRIES 21 THE NEW SAI.PIM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRY Teiepheee 25. 293 8. High FRY THE HOME WET WASH LA UK ry. Tel. 171. 1354 B Street. CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laundry of Pure Materials" Telephone 165. 1Z44 Broadway TAILORS 22 D. H. MOSHEH TAILOR FOR MEN and woman. 474 Ccort St. WANTED Misc. 23 FURNITURE Pi CKKG FOB SHIP menta. Giese Powers Furnita Co. J. JOHNSON. CAUPENTER AND BUILD er. Keasonsble charges. Figure free. 1033 North Cooimercial. WiNTFD PRIVATE MONEY FOK farm loans. We hare several appiica tioaa oa hand. Haw kias sUooma. Inc.. 205 Oregon Bidg. WANTED GOOD WASFIED COTTON Rags Lot amsl!3r than 1 yard to use foi wiping maeliiticry. Hisrhest oriea paid for good clean :spa. apply alj liates3isn oltice. so tttuier. ! More Than a Tonic 1 More Than a aiealth-Food A Natural Remedy I i Pacific Hea!thOre t j Thia product supplies Nature with vital , forking and building materials provide elements to maintain the normal chemical i balance to insure the natural harmony ! and proper functioning of glands and or gans snd to maintain a rich and heslthf ulood stream. Used as a mineral water pleasant t take -one package ia for thrt mouths treatment. Sold under a positive matey-Lack guarantee. MATTRESSES 24 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY TBI CapiUl City Beddiag Oo, 1190 North CapitoL Called for and dlivrd. All work gas ta teed. TeL 19. FOR SALE 25 HAY FOR BALE 9O0, phon 39F13. 13 GOOD VALLEY RAISED WORK horses and mu'es. W. H. Street, 1970 Mission street. SEED POTATOES EARLY WHITE Roae 3 centa per pound, 92.50 per hun dred. 639 X. Liberty St., Salem. MONGER BLACK CAP TIPS AXJ RE sets, well developed, mouataia grown. 8. P. Matheny. Sublimity. Orege.'. GUARANTEED USED SEWING MA chines. 1 makes. Siager a White Electric cheap for cash. We give terms. 221 8. High. DURQC8 AND POLAND CHINA'S BOTH breads, pur brad, young breeding slock for sal. Pboo 49F23 or call at th farm, on half mil south from the foot of Aakeney Hill, 10 miles South of Sslem. GULBRANSEN. CLAREDON, CABLE. PaUmaa, Howard and Ludwlg piano that w hav reposseaaed. will be sold for th bale a; du oa thm. If ya want a nearly new pian. cheap, here your chase. Term to rspoasibl parti. Oregon Fiaaac Corporatioa. Phone 2331. ETTA KETT tTTA is Sbll -south and tdon't biarnc the over the vseVccnd- thcVtOUSC. e Firsb heavily insured trven IcTb in ETTA'S and BETTYS care, - , 25 THREE TEAR OLD PURE BRED lie dog. male. Phone 199F2. WANTED Live Stock 26 CATTLE I NEED CATTLE OF ALL kinds. Fhoo 2541. Waiter Corbet, 1995 X. 2 1st street. VETERINARIAN 28 RED W. LANOE. VETERINARIAN Office 58 S. Cwmawrcial. ToL 119. Kea. Tel. 1969. WOOD SAWING 29 WOOD SAWING. PHONB 1977. 1919 North CsBsaerciaL WOOD FOR SALE 30 GOOD OLD FIR 99.00. PHONE 209S-J. OOOD DRT WOOD. PHONE 72H. IL i.: Mayfield. 19 IN. OLD TIB 99.80 FEB OORD tt rick) TaL 9189. CiLL TRACY'S FCEL YARD TOR GOOD wood. Phone S31f. DRY OLD FIK AND 2ND GROWTH. A. Tucker. Phot 20.14 M. OLD FIR WOOD PRICES INTEREST Ing. J. M. Peebles, Falls City. Oregos. GUARANTEED DRY WOOD COAL. Tel. 13. Salem Fuel Co.. 752 Trade. ALL KINDS OF DRY FIR WOOD. C. U. Harhaugh, 103 Highland Ae. Phono 1V90. 19 INCH OLD FIR, DRT 2ND GROWTH and ash. C. U. Hsrbaagb. 1099 High land Ave. Phone 1990. a (BEE) A. ANDERSON FOR WOOD TO BURN SALEM TRAMS. FUEL. CO. GENERAL TRANSFER WORK. TEL. 429 ALL KINDS OF WOOD. C A. TUCKER. TL 2029 J. OOOD DRY WOOD TOR TOC D. A. Lenner. Tel. 930. 14 INCH MILL WOOD. PARTLY SEA son ml. '99.50 per lead at Tracer's. Tal. 3919. GOOD COAL, DRY WOOD PKOMPT DELIVERIES HJLLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1955. BE SI GRADE OP WOOU Dry wooU 4 ft. an A IS Inch. Larg loads are eneaper to boy. Mill wood ia o ape-ialty. Prumpt delivery aad raasoiable pric. FRED E. WELLS 290 S. Church Tal. 1542 POULTRY AND EGGS 32 PURE TLYMOUTH ROCK HATCHING eggs. 2315 South Cottage. x'hone 2535 W. SMALL COCKERELS FOt'R AND FIVE weeks old. 12c each. Phone 133FJ. Lee a Hatchery. CUSTOM HATCHING. BRING YOUR EGUS ia Saturday to 2144 North Fifth atreet oppoe.te Highland school. Phone 2620. POULTRY WANTED ANY KIND. 8IZI or amount, top market, highaat cash price. Sslem Poultry Co., Corner Mlgh and Mill. Phone 2490. BABY CHICKS EVERY MONDAY AND TUESDAY. Oregon Capital Hatch err. 2144 North Fifth street, opposite Highland school. Phone 2820. ILL POPULAR BREEDS OF B. W. D. tested baby chicks st popular prices. Always on hand. Our "Liv an-Gro" brooders are 93.45. Flake s I'et'and, 273 State, BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCH ing Expert service means efficiency ard high quality. All baby chicks from parent stock Officially tested and Of ficially Approved. Salem's oldest Cus tom Hatching plant. Phone 13312. Lee's Hatchcy. BABY CHICKS EVElif MONDAY AND Tuetday. 6 leading var.eties. Beat local stock. Prices ressonabla. Salem Chickens, 264 North Cottage Street, baleni. ' MUSIC STORES 33 GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, aewing machines, aheet must aad piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and nuchinea. 433 State street. Salem. MUSIC TEACHERS 33a MODERN PIANO JAZZ FRANK 8UT ton. Waterman course. Studio lis El -iDriy. ici. izui er He. o3J. KODAK FINISHING 34 FREE ENLAUG'.MENT WITH EVERY 90 rdr Kodak work. Bawliags, Partlaad. Or. - Newspapers Magazines 35 TriK PORTLAND raLCORAH SALEM Agcaey. The Ac. TeL 999. THE OREGON STATESMAN. SO CENTS per month delivered to your horn any uca moraiag. ti. 3i r :F YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send fiv Scant stamp t ta raciiic uomeateaa, Bsiem, uregoa, fT three moatua' trial sabaeripiioa. Matin thl aa. OULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamp for special tbre moatha' trial foe th host a4 eldest Jeuraal la tb West. Th artiel.s aad adver timat r of spscial interest ta th ponltry breeders ef the Northwest Xrthwt Poultry Journal. 211 8. Com mercial SW, Sahsmj. Oraaasu NURSERY STOCK 36 FINE Mrs NURSERY STOCK. ALSO name f iowerir r Hawthorn es. Be these trees before Fiiying. Willamette Val ley Nursery. Horn pha 70F3. Sal yard 329 Co'irt St across atreet from Busiek's asor. . PAPERHANGING 37 PHONE GLENN ADAMS TOR HOUSB decora tmg, paparkangiag. tiatiag. ate. Kaliabl aark FOR SALE i . s i iiiii mill j ii h iii nmii ( vomit ettA J j v- vJf WHAT V. . y -U-.T: tC??a T TrffV f RC -TTiaT-? I PAINTING 38 COL-IUHAS. BEXNETU ACrtTw CON j traaaor, patallag. HfW haagiag. 22g-J. l7 w eat Ja iliac. MISCELLANEOUS 39 FOR SALEM SCAVENGER SERVICE all 197. FURNITURE UwHOL8TERIllt AND RE palring. OlMt-i'owin rnrmtar Store. rOR SAJLfc. OLD NEWSPAPERS. 1 casta a bnndie. Stafamaa office. 315 Boatb ComiaereiaL WHITE SCOTCH COLLIE AT STUD. Btiaa'i Whit K'ng. Register aassber 59599 L Sorric raaraateVl. Pappie ana growa avoea lor sale. aire. Baa Mtt. 1030 ChomakMa. Pb 1599. STOVES AND HTOVE REPAIRING STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT AND re sal red by expert. All kinds f wave wir fenc. Faacy and plaia. Hop baskets sad hooks, tocaa heka. Saleai Fae aad fetor Werk. 250 Court trawt. CAPITOL BARGJIN AND JUNK HOUSE, 105 145 Center. Tel. 999. All kinds of Junk bought and iold; Rags, Socks, Bottle Barrais, Hidaa, Pelts, Wools, Fnrs. Tsllow, Caaeara Bark. Grape noot, men, r-eppermin. OU, All kind f Iroa Metal everything from a aeedle to a tocoaotita. Onion Skin Carbon Paper Typewriter Ribbons W. S. Du Fresne 739 E. 60th St. N. PrtlanV OTegoa Are You All There? Chamlssl analysis f tb ham an body hews that it ia composed of th foi low ing elements: Oxygsa. Carhna. Hyaxo gan. Nitregea, Calcium. Phosphorus, Pouaaium Sulphur, Sodium Chloride, Magnesium. Iron. Iodin. Fluorine. Sili con, Ziae, Maaganssa. Yu (apply your body with these chemical elements through tb feed yoa at. th air yu breath nd U water yoa drlck. Good hsslth dspends mock apoa th cnmutry oi ta body, aa taa auppliad and malntalaed. Many refined tooda la eomma aa today are leckiag to aa alarmin; exunt ia these vital aad health promoting properties, aad tal deflcieaey is respoaaioia ror mar caroaia ailments. Pacific Health-Ore ia risk ia th majerity f these alemaata aad it as ha accomplished marvelous res a H ia rostoriag health. Give Nstur a chance ysa'il be sarprised at her re spoa.. SEE TOCR DRUGGIST TODAY PIANO TUNERS 42 EDW4 RD WELP EXPERIENCED P. tuner. Leave rdr Wlila Meal Stor. PRINTING 44 FOR STATIONERY. CARDS. FAMPH lets, program, boooka. or say biad of printing, oall at tha Stateamvsa Print ing rvpartmeat, 215 8. CeansBS.-cisi TeL 3. MONEY TO LOAN 45 FEDERAL FARM LOAN 5H. T. L. Wood. 941 Stte St. P. H. BELL. 819 O. 8. BANK BLDG. Residence aad baaiaaa toaaa. TaL 407 r 2141- W.. WE HAVE 32500 TO LOAN ON GOOD security. Uertrud i. M. Pge, 44 Court. Tel. 1SSJ or 1186. MONEY TO LOAN JOHN H. SCOTT 305 Oregna Building MONEY TO LOAN TOR BUIt-DING AND en city property. B. 8. Martin aad L. R. Martin, attorney. 413 Oregon Building. T.L 3094. CITY AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASS X 7U3-6 First National Bank Building Phone 457. Saiem. Oregon. CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Best terms obtainable. Our insurance department offers yoa ex pert sdvice and service in all lines. HAWKINS ROBERTS (Ine) Tel. 1427 205 Oregon Bidg. WANTED LOANS 46 WANTED rival money to loan a ' RE4X ESTATE. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. III S. Lllerty St. PLUMBING 47 PLUMBING AND GENERAL BEFAIB work. Grabsr Bros, 144 8. Liberty T.L 550. BUSINESS OPPR. 48 FOR SALE SMALL GROCERY. PHONE 265 7 -W. FOR LEASE: Several attractive groaad floor tor or office rooms, w.ll loctd. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. Realtor 194 8. Liberty St. TeL 415 RADIO 49 Radiolas For ovary larpesa, far every parse All standard aisac of Radio Tabea, EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP, 44S Ceart St. TL 44. FOR SALE Houses 50 For Sale Strictly modern houae with full cement basement, furnace, fireplace and breakfast nook; on paved street. A good bay at 43500. Feasessioa givea at once. W. G. Krueger 147 N. Com'l Phona 211 The Chance of a uniiri i.-.i-uiii-tt--s StXIDtTO F HOUSE KEEPER -i MAYBE THE POOR OLOWA1DSAWA SNrer POOhC II I II L REAL ESTATE 51 CHEAP LOTS 1250. S CITABLE mast hemes $10 down. 95 a month. Bocke Hendricks. 199 N. High Street. SNAP : Large aTa room home wall Iotrated oa Ooart St. Pric for quick sale 94700. term a. See a st ones. W. H. O&ABENHORST CO.. Realtors 194 8. Liberty St. Tal. 515 BEST BEST BEST LOT LOT LOT IN TOWN FOR 750 NOT OUT IN THE STICKS Bnt located oa a Uandy corner Both streets pared and paid To so this lot Be Mr. Bechtel or Mr. gears. 341 Stat St. Room 4. We bv cash buyer for a real fine 4 or 5 room home, must be first cists and worth tha moaey asked. Wood-working plant for sals or ex change at a real bargain. Might a sum some. Will accept eototoobiie as first psy meat oa six room home in Salem, bal ance good term. SALEM REALTY CO. 493 fctat St. GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST W hav vr 9000 properties listed fer exehaage. Every kind of property, every price, every location. W esa match your exchange EXACTLY. If yoa would like to trade year property TO DAY, eon ia TODAY. Be OAS KILL EARLS. Realtors 168 8. Liberty. TeL 1241 97500 for a close in Ideal one man farm, good equipment, excellent atock and aew furniture. Part rath. A , 'bargain. I14C0 for a good garage houae. plumbing, light and toilet, garage houae and woodshed, nice location, easy terms. 92000 Clear Sslem property acceptable as first payment on a good 50 acre farm. E. C. Holiaday Square Deal Realty Co. V. S. Bank B dg. Bargain. Ten acre tract, ten min utes drive from eity, fair buildings. 93500. Easy terms. 140 acre farm 7 mile out. rolling land, good soil, good road, 9'0 per acre. Six room modern bouse, two lots, bearing frmt trees, bsrries and grapes. 14 block oat, main highway. 93500. Terms to suit. Have good, first mortgage to ex change tor modern f ivsr or all room homo. F. L. WOOD. GEO F. PEED 941 State St. FOR SALE OR TRADE 75 acre dairy farm near Toledo to trade for Salem property. 43 acre farm near Woodbnrn to trade for Sslem property. 4 room new Engl. ah, type houee to trade for seres' or small house. Clot in sprtmnt house to trsds tor farm. Aato camp with stor snd filling station to trad for farm. WHAT HAVE YOCt Insurance Money to J-osn RICH L. RETMANX REALTOR 219 North High Street Telephone 665 SPECIAL BUT IN MODERN HOME: Larg six room eolonia heme located on fine corner lot 75x100 feet with beautiful shrubs, both, streets paved, beautiful view to the east. Jarre double gsrage. this home is completely modern throughout, with extra large living room with fireplace, tb arrangement eoold not be better. IF YOU ARE IN TERESTED IN A BEAUTIFUL HOME AT THE RIGHT PRICE, PLEASE GIVE US AN OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW YOU THIS HOME. Price 90000 for quick aale, attractive terms csn he arranged. Te owner is leav ing tha city. ACT AT ONCE. W. H. GRABENHORST k CO.. Realtors 134 8. Liberty St. S WONDERFUL BUYS 5 room Cottage, basement, garage, nice E. front lot 60x129 ft., paving and ' walk in and paid, choice fruit and nut trees. A SNAP for lbOu. part term. New English type home on S. High St., 5 rooms and nook, hardwood floor, bollt-ina. fireplace, good plumbing, full bstement, furnsre. garage, E. front lot. Price only 33iiO -ith term. ON BEAUTIFUL FAIRMOUNT HILL WHERE ALL HOMES ARE NEW a tndern 5 room home and gar age, choice corner lot. Worth Se.iUD. for short time price hss been reduced to 350O. pxrt terms. For Goii Bnvt In Home SEE LEO N. CHILDS CO., Kcsltors i20 State Street. Phone 1727 For Saie 9 2000 TKirteen acres on a paved high- wsy not far out. I here is wood and water and it will mae someone a beautiful home. Only 91000 down. 9 1400 Four acres close ia esst of Sa lem. 1 here is a well and two acres in filberts. Pretty site for a suburbsn home. Hslf essh. 9 8350 Eleven arres 7 miles from Sa lem; 4 room house, good barn, fruit hoose, and ssvsrsl seres - cherries, prunes, walnuts, in fine condition. 9 2500 Twenty seven acrea five mile from Sslem. Fruit, running wa ter, good pastors, some timber. 91500 raah. 911,000 For i.a acre with good t of buildings, ail fenced, running water. 12 miles from Salem. Only 93000 cash. U. S. Realty Co. 442 Stat. St. Tel. 2660 Come tn ei calf 1854 aad let us show yen this acr with fruit, bar rios, snd 9 room bangaiow for 93100. 9100 down and balance , like raat. To aatisfy yourself look at thl 129 seres with aw bui Wings. 90 ere under plow, good land. Just at limits of good valley town. A grand buy at 96800. Salem houses are a good investment. A 9 room hoose or three 9 room apts. famished. Will trade fer a small farm. What have you I Price 99500. Marion Street Hoate. 7-rooma and 4 lata. 93700. Modern except furnace. Easy terms. C ea mere tal Street property is Looming. Store building, stock, fixtures and ' large warehouae. Good income property. Will trade for farm. Oregon haa a good farm for you. 209 acrea grain and fruit farm. 175 acrea nnder cultivation. Bal. timber and pasture. Running wa ter yeSr around. 11 miles from Salem. A good buy for 9100 per acre. IT YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO TRADE, TELL US ABOCT IT. ULRICH AND ROBERTS. REALTORS 129 N. Com ! St. Phon 1354 Lifetime! 7 UcrtDl Y tVM hin UlrTE tUE i ntw: j, ivvnu ' I GOT HrA If (CLOSET, v . y ;-t act si- REAL ESTATE 51 OWN TOCR OWX HOME. WILL TCR nlah tot. finane y and bai:d a crding yor plaea. Yoa pay lik rott. Po yd Ellia. 275 Stat Stx. NEW HOME: 4 rooms located -on paved street aad bus line. 9250 down balance easy term. Imtrediat possession. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. Real tore 134 8. Liberty St. Tel. 515 FOR SALE NEW MODERN 4 ROOMS breakfast nook. Fall basement, furnsce. hardwood floor, garage. Corner lot. street improvement ta and paid. 43500 with email dowa payment, balance esty monthly payments. I.ocated on Map AVe.. North Salem. Address Box 35, Statesman. Best bay la 5 :arge moms and a.eep:og poreh. furnsce. fireplace. boiU int. dandy tocstion. 93000, terms. A litt'e Jem. 4 rooms, osk floors. full let. furnsce. garage. Owner l-av ng. Price 92750. worth 43.'50; 91000 cash will handle. DeLANO 290 N. Church Tel. 2e30 17.5 a. of fin., walnut land at 9100 an acre, just off Pacific highway. 82 a. close to Saiem. pears, cherries, strawberries. nuts. equipped with houses, brooders and incubators for at leaat 1000 chickens. fin build. rigs, bottom soil, 915,500. This is money msker. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Res'tor 175 S. High St. , 5 acres on pavement, close to Sslem. 41600. 2 acres: 5 rm. houae; electricity: close to Salem. 92500. Seattle Tsroma income property trade for farm in Marion Co. Choice of Salem income property property trade for farm or emsller PC' GERTRUDE J. M. PAC-E 484 Court Str. TnntVB KPEClA LOOK LOO K LOOK MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE A cosy new 5 room bungalow, not a shack, but wall built, plastered, elec tric lights, sewer connection, on a solid concrete foundation, fine lot. new gar age, woodahed. cement walk, good atreet. Price 91500. only a small pay ment down, balance only 915 per month including interest. Why psy rent? I To see this Bungsiow Phone 756 for appointment, or See Mr. Bechtel or Mr., 941 Stat St. Room 4. WEEK END SPECIALS Best bargain in Iota in North End: two lota for 9229 50 each and assume street and sidswslk improvements. Xearly new 4 room hoose on paved street for 91900. and assume street im provements. New 4 room, basement, gsrsge, for tha low price of 92600 renla for 920.00. i Lovely modern to the m'nuta Eng lish type 4 room with floored attic. 99750. If taken soon, strictly modern 5 room fer 93500 snd ssaurae atreet paving. BARBER 4t BOND O0 Gray Bidg. 125 N. Liberty 4 room coltag.. garage, fruit, paved St., large lot. 916o0. oaty terms. One fialf A. tract. Bldgs., well, nesr school. 9750, esay terms. 380 A. irrgsted farm S. Ore. Bldfi., fruit, stock aad machinery. f 10,000, take acreage or residence. 80 A. near town, 8000 Cd. wood, timber. 96000, terms. Fine 15 A. suburbsn home, modem bongslow, 10 A. bearing fraits and berries, nesr Sslem. 9500, take resi dence. Nice 5 A. suburban home close in for residence. PERRINE MARSTERS 212 Gry B!dg. HOMES OF REAL VALUE $6850 New modern up to data home ready to occupy, 6 rooms complete in every wsy with hardwood floors throughout, tile bsth room floor, fireplace, basement, furnace, dou b!a garage, fine location on Fair mount Hill. 41000 down will han dle. $2975 New four room home located on paved stret nesr the Ecglewood school, gsrsge. firepisce. modern except basement. 91150 down bal ance eaty terras. 11275 New modern four room home with attic, full basement, furnace, fire place, garage, paved street, w:;l soon b. ready to occupy. $500 down balance eay terms. 38jO New u.odern 4 room home with basement, furnsce. fireplace. pivl ftreet. good iocstion. $300 down balance eaay terma. 4273 Modern 4 room home with large attic, batement. furnace, f. replace, well located on N. 19th St. Ea.y terms Immediate potetion. FOR REAL BARGAINS IN REAL ESTVTE SEE US W. H. CRABENHORST & CO.. Kes'tors 184 S. Liberty St. Phone 515 ixits lots lots 9 495 Good lot 5dxlOO feet psved street. 910 down 810 per month. 9 210 Lot 50x187 feet locsted N. 1Mb St., 910 down 910 per month. 8 750 Fine east front Vot 56x105 feet lo csted nesr the new Leslie school. Paved. . Terns. 91000 60x149 feet located on Saginaw St., psvemeitt in. terms. 93950 50x100 feet locsted on corner ef Division and N. Liberty its . terms. 92750 Larg creek lot located close in on N. Capitol St. Terms. 91250 Fsirmount Hilt, a wonderful place to build, terms. SMALL ACREAGE ON EA6Y PAYMENTS 9 TOO One half acre tract with eity wa ter close to eity limits. good street near pav.d road, f 25 dowa 910 per month. 9 700 One half acr located oa N. 21st St.. near Market St. 9400 dowa balance mortgage. 8 650 One acre located aouth. near city limit, all ia bearing applea. 950 dowa 910 per month. 91100 Fine one acre loealed couth on Fairview Ave., near the boa line en good street. 950 down 910 per moath. A beautiful place to build. 91000 Five acrea ef good land located east near paved read. 950 dowa 910 per moath. 91575 Four and four tenths acres locat ed two milea from city limit oa feted rosd aear school. 925 dowa 10 per month. FOR REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. 8EB US W. H. CRABENHORST A CO.. Realtors 184 8. Liberty Et. Phoae 51ft REAL ESTATE Trades 52 FARM BARGAIN: 160 acre farm all la cultivation with buildings lorated 6 miles out on main road, eight acres of bearing cherries, all equipment and one half of atock go with place. Thi place border an the Willamette river and ia well located. Pric for quick sale 970.000. Owner will consider som trad ia Salem prop rtv. W.-H. CRABENHORST k CO.. Realtors 13 . Liberty St. Phone 515 - rv s s . . f nNl 94 ( "PVAOMrT FOR fr-- CP) Tml ' . vc. I I BEAUTY PARLOR DIRECTORY TTIE BEAUTY BOX Complete Beaaty Service 52C Stat St. Tel. 1995 rum r.PITOL Hit ACT Y SHOPFE 229 N. JilA-h. 'er Appt- TeL 999 rttTK HCAUTY SHOPPF I... ,a. iJr.v Bella. TeL 914 LA ROSE TEACTY SHOP Marcelling tie. Phona 754 THE MODEi. ItaUkUTY A1a 112 N. Commerc-eL Ti. 54 1!;l UOOtKN MAaUJtELLO For Men. M nait J. Ca .dren 206 laaaoinc dlUg. TeL 379 I NIFTY BOi SHOP jEukeae reimaaaat vt.vmg. Hair citting ' ua Mtr.rUiaX. 811 SiaU St. TaL 276 HOTEL DIRECTORY Salem's New Hotel Senator Tee finest chain if Terminal lieie't ia Oregon S Open Official rvoet For Al! Oregon Pickwick rlammaad aad Parker Stage Strictly First Class L p t tn Mm in in .ervic ead Aceoiaatodartona Mexsaciae Floor Vtith Baby Grand Plane, Large Kocm, La Ilea' Dretsmc Koom- 111 Rooms 99 witii tiaih and Shower Stage Terminal Hotel Company W. W. Chadaick. Pre. W. A.tuiamiags. Locsl Mgr. Chan. . Cooley. Ass. Lc:al Mgr. INSURANCE j D1KEC 1 OKY 1 Aaderson A iUiwtl Ueaerel Iasuraae 169 S. High. TL 1644 E. U. BAIaVEY, Lif. Accident. Sicks 828 Oregoa Big. TeL 177 BECKE A XLENDRCKS 199 N. TeL 161 G. H. BERG, Life, Accideat, Sickness 924 Oregva Bidg. Tel. 1747 C. B. WILLIAMS, Central Li.'e Agency 906 7 Oregon Bidg. Tel. 499 R. D. GRAY General laaarance 147 X. Cem'L TeL 2415 LAFLAIt A LAFLAR Ladd A Bush Bank Bidg. Tel. 946 W. A. LI 5 TON. General Iasursac 404 5 Ussoni.- Bidg. T.L l3l RICH. L. KE1M ANN G.n. la., l-osns 219 N. High St. TaL 864 Waah. Fidelity National Forg Philippi 405 Bank of Com. Bidg. Tl. 3160 nn.uisti is,1. iut.ui 515 Mssonie Bidg. TaL 342 REAL ESTATE Trades 52 FOR SALE OR TRADE HIBRARD property, on acre equipped for chick ens and fruit: 7 room house, psved street: For Salem propertv. Inquire 710 N. High. 19 COW DAIRY RANCH TILLAMOOK county, price 313.000, will tnke a mu nt of 84.00O in trade for city property. Place is a!n for rent. 2UJ seres, psrtly c!r. Mr. JoLn Kuinm. Rt. 6, Box 63. Salem. 15 seres psrt in hesrlng fruit with modern home Icrsted 4 miles out Price 973O0. Owner w:il consider good home m Saiem st isrt payment. 12 scret with (even room houae lo csted 4 miles south st I. lerty. nearly all in beanrg fruit. Price 8'D0. Owner will exchange for good home in Saiem up to tiOOn. W. li. I it A BE Nil' iRST k CO. Realtor 134 S. Liberty St. TelT 514 LOOK Do you warit a good 0 acre I'airv farm. mot :til bottom land, about l.i in rop. muiiing wat.-r. good fi room houe. large dairy barn, row, horses, ho, ciiicket.s to go. 11 njiles from Sa lem on market road. ' mile from school. Will take a good home in S lem. balance terms. 11 acres with fair buildings, some fruit and berries, near paved rosd snd school. Will trade for Silverton er Woodburn property. 10 acres close in Esst of Sslem, has new 5 room bans and barn, lights and water system. Price 95000. Will trade for a good home in Salem. SEE Thorns eon with LEO N. CH1LDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street. Phoae 1727 REAL ESTATE Farms 53 4000 CORDS OF 8TUMPAGE 15 MILES from Salens for 91 50 per cord aad give a deed U the land free. Land ia worth 940.00 par acre after timber ia removed. John H. Scott. 305 Ore. Bidg. 34000 WILL PURCHASE 110 ACRES OF land, 9500 eaah, balance ia wood cut from timber oa place. 15 milea from Salem. Iots of feed for goata, cattle, aheep, chickens or turkeys. Retideace and severs I poultry houses, will take same trade. John H. Scott, 906 Ore. Bidg. 10-2G er SO aer. fruit tract Nerth finest of soil. Owner baa more than he waata to tend to and wilt give sobs, one good deal either tor cash or exchange. 59 arrea prune for sale cheap or exchange for city. Orchard well cared for. Baildiaga en place. 49 acre berry and poultry ranch North t exchange for income prop erty, wheat or alfalfa ranch. BARBER A BOND 2C0 Gray Bidg. 125 X. Liberty A REAL BARGAIN: 43 acrea with buildings located six miles east oa Silv.rton rosd. About 21 acree ia cultivation, plenty ef bearing fruit and berries, fine ranning stream. PRICK FOR qUICK SALE 96800. 42000 down balance terma at 6 int THIS PLACE WOULD MAKE A SPLENDID DAIRY RANCH OR AN IDEAL PLACE TO RAISE BEAVER AND MUSKRATS. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 515 By PAUL ROBINSON s-r' New First National Bank Building Directory BASEMENT D Lua Shining Prlor Expert for Ladaa and Gentlemen. SECOND FLOOR Coftoy'a Photo Service Tel. 744. Over the Spa THIRD FLOOR Morna Optical Ca. 801-303 ill Air. H.-ry E. Morrle. Optometrist Teiepaone 239 C. ". O Hette Suit. 110-1 Ml Lawyer Telephone 1054 Dr. 1'avid B. HilL OrlhadaaUa tBiraightening of irregalar teeth! Suite 106. Hour 9 ta Every day except Thursday FOURTH FLOOR Dra. O Nelll Burdett. OptemetrUt Fh.n. 4J5 401-402 4Q 404 4C1 SIXTH FLOOtt Uc. R. Vehrs M. D , Physieisa k Surgsoa Suit 603. TeL 2378 2379 Ret 775 Bahia D. Day and Donald W. Miles Ataemey at Law f.ieptone 183. fl0 41161S EIGHTH FLOOR Jr. O- Ward Da via, Genarai Deotstry 4. 1. 414. Av.aing by pciu-sot. 803 Dr. H. B- Scofiaid jua Chiropractor, Nearoca'emeter Strv... TENTH F LOO hi ' Dr. W. A. Johaaon, D.ntitt T!phon 1345 1CCJ REAL ESTATEFarms 53 TRACTS TN BERRIES AND FKI i. On Pacific Highway 5 to 20 a r. 3 V mil from Salem -1 500 an a Terms. Beck A Hendricks. l-'J High Street. FORCED TO SELL ONE OF MY FARV 12 acrea well improved, near Hubhr4 129 acrea dairy Alaea River bt o n. Sell either at sacrifice, terms. ri-.;-i. Kt. 2. Hubl.srd. Ore. FI LL EQI M'PFD DAIRY 1 hsre one of th beat fully u..J Dsiry fsrmt in I'o.k Colmty. He,. tered herd of Jerseje. Eveiythin .- i and paying well. Keasonab.s '.trim 3 J0.ouu.uu. HOP RANCH One of liariou County's bet Jm cd era in every way. Paying 14 V en th. asking cf 950.0uu.OO. hs tonable tenon A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Real tot Loans Iuturauce 117 No. C'ommenial St . r-alem. Or.j. YOU CAN TKALiE FOR THESK 15 sens of In-. Isud with fs i proveuaents and h.iif in toiail '.: ' miles north, worth 8500U. w... . ;o for tmail trsct aouihern Oregou. 2u acres of splendid land ii'- north, fair improiements, pear 1 berriet, worth 45u0u and wit. la.. -leci itsii irant. 2 good acres 2 miles out .- ' sud wiil trade for automouile 40 acres modern home, 3 ' -j slfslfa. d r barn and will ta - " honte for part pay. M. .GILCHRIST A PFN.MN -'09 10 U. S. Bank Bidg. ; - .SO REAL ESTATE Sub. 54 VIEW ACRKS: South bus line, wonder' . i PnVe 9100C. "9.r0 dowa per mouth. LET US SH'J.V THEE BARGAINS W. li. C'RABEN lilORST CO !: 134 8. Liberty i. Te.. TRANSFER & HAULING 57 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 22 State St, Tel. 949. listributin. r- wardlng and storage our specialty Uet eur rata. Frank Al. Newton Local and tong distaac hs'iliag Light Cauairy haaliag a pc.s y TL 663 We Move Store and Ship Household goods. Oar specialty piaso aad furniture meviag We a make e-eaetry trip. W handl tk. i-t Coal and Wood Call aa a far prices. We gi . n- 4 meatsr. good duality aad gvi ,rr -. Larmer Transfer Co. TaL 930. WATER 53 OREGON WASH. WATER -SERVICE u. OfftC 304 Booth Commsrcia! Si Tea per nt diacoual an domsttis fist itis paid ta advance. X dedjctioa 'ur : aeaca ar aay caaa ualess wster it off yotir pre bb It.. TRAVEL 59 A FINE XEW WAIT IN ? ROll IN THE NEW HOTEL SEN A 'I U it Frequent Sckedule Thirty Rid Book st Reduced Vj:" A Swift and K.iiabi Packag Courteoua Attention Freut Al. Km v.rrs Tbcs Ar a Taw of th Offer rgt MtJ the Tub lie Bv PARIfrCR STAGES. INC. Stage Leaving Timee: Dallas: 7 a. as.. 9:10 a. m 11 25 s n . 2:10 p. m, 3:15 p. sr. Iadep.nd.Bc. A Monmouth: 7 a r. . 9:15 a. m. 11:15 s. m., 3 p. aa, " p. m-8:Su p. p. (Sunday only.) Filvertoa: 7 a. Sn.. 11 a. m.. S p --n Falls CUy, MeMmnvUle. Newberg, H ... bora. Forest Grove, Sner.dan. i' i' maok: 8:14 . m 2:10 p. .m -3 P- SB. - - Far Informstioa Call 223 or AUTOSfWANTED 6v- CASH PAID TOR FORDS dKER At'TJ MILK FOR WILD AXIM.I IIERRE, S. D. The South Da kota park, board has approved v chaw of a herd of Galloway catt . tho milk to be used for feeding !n fant der, elk. buffalo and poi bly wolTea, with a view to T domestication af the aalmaK . . 4 FIRST CUlXESE STILL or more ChlneseHn Boston Cl:ar!et lac liquor sinceXsrohlbition s Horn la the first irr-ated for ruak- BOSTOJs". Am.TT., tha thnu.:.' -AxglCat the enacted. ; V. H it .f f N.